Use static_libs for java.

- only two of our libs are in boot_jars
- other libs have to be included manually

This allows:
STATIC_LIBS := base-V1.0, foo-V1.0, foo-V1.1, foo-V1.2
to become:
STATIC_LIBS := foo-V1.2

Bug: 72480743
Bug: 73504849

Test: fixes expected class of things on
Merged-In: I3c99ae5dd68e4d27187e83dbc4923580fa3fb66f
Change-Id: I3c99ae5dd68e4d27187e83dbc4923580fa3fb66f
diff --git a/build/hidl_interface.go b/build/hidl_interface.go
index 967bce5..16ac03b 100644
--- a/build/hidl_interface.go
+++ b/build/hidl_interface.go
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
 			Defaults:          []string{"hidl-java-module-defaults"},
 			No_framework_libs: proptools.BoolPtr(true),
 			Srcs:              []string{":" + name.javaSourcesName()},
-			Libs:              append(javaDependencies, "hwbinder"),
+			Static_libs:       append(javaDependencies, "hwbinder"),
diff --git a/build/properties.go b/build/properties.go
index 71e6318..50477be 100644
--- a/build/properties.go
+++ b/build/properties.go
@@ -56,4 +56,5 @@
 	No_framework_libs *bool
 	Srcs              []string
 	Libs              []string
+	Static_libs       []string