Use getPidIfSharable() in autogen C++/Java.

C++: calls into android::hardware::details::
getPidIfSharable() and let libhidl decide whether
PID should be shared in getDebugInfo().

Java: calls into android.os.HidlSupport.getPidIfSharable()
that calls into C++ equivalent.

Bug: 68430495
Fixes: 68992575
Test: lshal

Change-Id: Iad6099368a5feaae1eed63bcee52a437444ab63e
diff --git a/Interface.cpp b/Interface.cpp
index 3d9786f..ac13f9f 100644
--- a/Interface.cpp
+++ b/Interface.cpp
@@ -389,8 +389,7 @@
                 [](auto &out) {
                     out << "_hidl_cb(";
                     out.block([&] {
-                        out << "::android::hardware::details::debuggable()"
-                            << "? getpid() : -1 /* pid */,\n"
+                        out << "::android::hardware::details::getPidIfSharable(),\n"
                             << "::android::hardware::details::debuggable()"
                             << "? reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(this) : 0 /* ptr */,\n"
                             << sArch << "\n";
@@ -404,10 +403,9 @@
             const Type &refInfo = method->results().front()->type();
             out << refInfo.getJavaType(false /* forInitializer */) << " info = new "
                 << refInfo.getJavaType(true /* forInitializer */) << "();\n"
-                // TODO(b/34777099): PID for java.
-                << " = -1;\n"
+                << " = android.os.HidlSupport.getPidIfSharable();\n"
                 << "info.ptr = 0;\n"
-                << "info.arch = android.hidl.base.V1_0.DebugInfo.Architecture.UNKNOWN;"
+                << "info.arch = android.hidl.base.V1_0.DebugInfo.Architecture.UNKNOWN;\n"
                 << "return info;";
         } } } /* javaImpl */