Move file accesses for hash files to Coordinator. am: 04dea8d14f am: 55f6d0ff06
am: 645c9beaec

Change-Id: I32f57365af5158d39450d1f307942f830473ca84
diff --git a/Interface.cpp b/Interface.cpp
index 7d2c83c..ee63b0f 100644
--- a/Interface.cpp
+++ b/Interface.cpp
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
                 out << "return ::android::hardware::Void();";
             } } }, /*cppImpl */
             { { IMPL_INTERFACE, [](auto &out) { /* javaImpl */
-                out << "android.os.HwBinder.reportSyspropChanged();";
+                out << "android.os.HwBinder.enableInstrumentation();";
             } } } /*javaImpl */
     return true;
diff --git a/generateCpp.cpp b/generateCpp.cpp
index cf89598..2a185af 100644
--- a/generateCpp.cpp
+++ b/generateCpp.cpp
@@ -1474,7 +1474,8 @@
-        out << "bool _hidl_is_oneway = _hidl_flags & ::android::hardware::IBinder::FLAG_ONEWAY;\n";
+        out << "bool _hidl_is_oneway = _hidl_flags & " << Interface::FLAG_ONEWAY
+            << " /* oneway */;\n";
         out << "if (_hidl_is_oneway != " << (method->isOneway() ? "true" : "false") << ") ";
         out.block([&] { out << "return ::android::UNKNOWN_ERROR;\n"; }).endl().endl();
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bb6f7d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# See
+function run() {
+    if [ "${PRINT_COMMANDS}" = true ] ; then
+        >&2 echo "*** $@"
+    fi
+    $@
+function make_modules() {
+    if [ "${THREADS}" != "0" ] ; then
+        run make -j${THREADS} -C ${ANDROID_BUILD_TOP} -f build/core/ $@
+    fi
+function push_checker() {
+    run adb push ${OUT}/system/bin/${CHECKER} ${CHECKER_DEVICE_PATH}
+function push_test() {
+    local module=$1
+    for test_dir in nativetest nativetest64 ; do
+        local test_file=/data/${test_dir}/${module}/${module}
+        run adb push ${OUT}${test_file} ${test_file}
+    done
+function read_checker_output() {
+    python -c 'import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);sys.stdout.write("%s\n"%obj["Testable"]);map(lambda i:sys.stdout.write("%s\n"%i),obj["instances"])'
+function run_test() {
+    local module=$1
+    local status=0
+    for test_dir in nativetest nativetest64 ; do
+        local test_file=/data/${test_dir}/${module}/${module}
+        local interfaces=$(run adb shell ${test_file} --list_registered_services \
+            | sed -n 's/^hal_service: \(.*\)$/\1/p')
+        if [ -z "$interfaces" ]; then
+            run adb shell ${test_file} || status=$?
+        else
+            for interface in ${interfaces} ; do
+                local output=$(run adb shell ${CHECKER_DEVICE_PATH} -c ${interface} | read_checker_output)
+                local testable=$(echo "${output}" | head -n1)
+                local instances=$(echo "${output}" | tail -n+2)
+                if [ "${testable}" == "True" ] ; then
+                    for instance in ${instances} ; do
+                        run adb shell ${test_file} --hal_service_instance="${interface}/${instance}" || status=$?
+                    done
+                fi
+            done
+        fi
+    done
+    return ${status}
+function usage() {
+    echo "usage: $0 -m <module_name> [-m <module_name>[...]] [-j <jobs>] [-p]"
+    echo "          -m <module_name>: name of test (e.g. VtsHalHealthV2_0TargetTest)"
+    echo "          -p: print commands"
+    echo "          -j <jobs>: # jobs in make. "
+    echo "                     -j0 skips making any modules."
+    echo "                     If not present, use infinite number of jobs."
+    exit 1
+function main() {
+    local modules=
+    while getopts "m:j:p" option ; do
+        case "${option}" in
+            m)
+                [ ! -z ${OPTARG} ] || usage
+                modules="${modules} ${OPTARG}"
+                ;;
+            j)
+                THREADS=${OPTARG}
+                ;;
+            p)
+                PRINT_COMMANDS=true
+                ;;
+            *)
+                usage
+                ;;
+        esac
+    done
+    set -e
+    make_modules ${CHECKER} ${modules}
+    run adb root
+    push_checker
+    for module in ${modules} ; do
+        push_test ${module}
+    done
+    set +e
+    local status=0
+    for module in ${modules} ; do
+        run_test ${module} || status=$?
+    done
+    return ${status}
+main $@