Mark as vendor_available

By setting vendor_available, the following may become true:

* a prebuilt library from this release may be used at runtime by
  in a later releasse (by vendor code compiled against this release).
  so this library shouldn't depend on runtime state that may change
  in the future.
* this library may be loaded twice into a single process (potentially
  an old version and a newer version). The symbols will be isolated
  using linker namespaces, but this may break assumptions about 1
  library in 1 process (your singletons will run twice).


This means that these modules may be built and installed twice --
once for the system partition and once for the vendor partition. The
system version will build just like today, and will be used by the
framework components on /system. The vendor version will build
against a reduced set of exports and libraries -- similar to, but
separate from, the NDK. This means that all your dependencies must
also mark vendor_available.

At runtime, /system binaries will load libraries from /system/lib*,
while /vendor binaries will load libraries from /vendor/lib*. There
are some exceptions in both directions -- bionic(libc,etc) and liblog
are always loaded from /system. And SP-HALs (OpenGL, etc) may load
/vendor code into /system processes, but the dependencies of those
libraries will load from /vendor until it reaches a library that's
always on /system. In the SP-HAL case, if both framework and vendor
libraries depend on a library of the same name, both versions will be
loaded, but they will be isolated from each other.

It's possible to compile differently -- reducing your source files,
exporting different include directories, etc. For details see:

None of this is enabled unless the device opts into the system/vendor
split with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION := current.

Bug: 36426473
Bug: 36079834
Test: is the same before/after
Test: is the same before/after
Test: is the same before/after
Test: attempt to compile with BOARD_VNDK_VERSION := current
Change-Id: I98dc8f5d3cb147336ae0aea46f5941a9eb57ab90
2 files changed
tree: 151d8023a5b871be8394b862c46e9d4700e85ce2
  1. c2hal/
  2. test/
  3. utils/
  4. Android.bp
  5. Annotation.cpp
  6. Annotation.h
  7. ArrayType.cpp
  8. ArrayType.h
  9. AST.cpp
  10. AST.h
  11. CompoundType.cpp
  12. CompoundType.h
  13. ConstantExpression.cpp
  14. ConstantExpression.h
  15. Coordinator.cpp
  16. Coordinator.h
  17. DeathRecipientType.cpp
  18. DeathRecipientType.h
  19. EnumType.cpp
  20. EnumType.h
  21. FmqType.cpp
  22. FmqType.h
  23. generateCpp.cpp
  24. generateCppImpl.cpp
  25. generateJava.cpp
  26. generateVts.cpp
  27. HandleType.cpp
  28. HandleType.h
  29. hidl-gen_l.ll
  30. hidl-gen_y.yy
  31. HidlTypeAssertion.cpp
  32. HidlTypeAssertion.h
  33. Interface.cpp
  34. Interface.h
  35. Location.h
  36. main.cpp
  37. MemoryType.cpp
  38. MemoryType.h
  39. Method.cpp
  40. Method.h
  42. NamedType.cpp
  43. NamedType.h
  44. NOTICE
  45. PointerType.cpp
  46. PointerType.h
  48. RefType.cpp
  49. RefType.h
  50. ScalarType.cpp
  51. ScalarType.h
  52. Scope.cpp
  53. Scope.h
  54. StringType.cpp
  55. StringType.h
  56. Type.cpp
  57. Type.h
  58. TypeDef.cpp
  59. TypeDef.h
  61. VectorType.cpp
  62. VectorType.h

hidl-gen user guide

1. Build

make hidl-gen

2. Run

hidl-gen -o output-path -L language (-r interface-root) fqname

output-path: directory to store the output files.
language: output file for given language. e.g.c++, vts..

fqname: fully qualified name of the input files.
For singe file input, follow the format: package@version::fileName
For directory input, follow the format: package@version

interface-root(optional): prefix and root path for fqname.
If not set, use the default prefix: android.hardware and default root path
defined in $TOP.


hidl-gen -o output -L c++ -r android.hardware:hardware/interfaces -r android.hidl:system/libhidl/transport android.hardware.nfc@1.0::INfc.hal
hidl-gen -o output -L vts -r android.hardware:hardware/interfaces -r android.hidl:system/libhidl/transport android.hardware.nfc@1.0
hidl-gen -o test -L c++ -r android.hardware:hardware/interfaces -r android.hidl:system/libhidl/transport android.hardware.nfc@1.0