Fix array size orders.

Note that the following code in HIDL:
    typedef int32_t[3] ThreeInts;
    struct T {
        ThreeInts[5]  matrix5x3;
        int32_t[3][5] matrix3x5;

will generate this C++ code:
    struct T {
        hidl_array<int32_t, 5, 3> matrix5x3; // notice 3 is after 5
        hidl_array<int32_t, 3, 5> matrix3x5;
and this Java code:
    public final static class T {
        public final int[][] matrix5x3 = new int[5][3];
        public final int[][] matrix3x5 = new int[3][5];

Bug: 31438033
Test: hidl_test
Test: hidl_test_java
Change-Id: I3ac91c461293848e6efb3ae8c11a6a8d932ed79a
diff --git a/hidl-gen_y.yy b/hidl-gen_y.yy
index 8937da4..f5c9406 100644
--- a/hidl-gen_y.yy
+++ b/hidl-gen_y.yy
@@ -112,6 +112,8 @@
 %type<type> fqtype
 %type<type> type opt_storage_type
+%type<type> array_type_base
+%type<arrayType> array_type
 %type<type> opt_extends
 %type<type> type_declaration_body interface_declaration typedef_declaration
 %type<type> named_struct_or_union_declaration named_enum_declaration
@@ -138,6 +140,7 @@
 %union {
     const char *str;
     android::Type *type;
+    android::ArrayType *arrayType;
     android::TemplatedType *templatedType;
     android::FQName *fqName;
     android::CompoundType *compoundType;
@@ -668,23 +671,8 @@
     : fqtype { $$ = $1; }
-    | type '[' const_expr ']'
-      {
-          if ($1->isBinder()) {
-              std::cerr << "ERROR: Arrays of interface types are not supported."
-                        << " at " << @1 << "\n";
-              YYERROR;
-          }
-          if ($1->isArray()) {
-              $$ = new ArrayType(static_cast<ArrayType *>($1), $3);
-          } else {
-              $$ = new ArrayType($1, $3);
-          }
-      }
     | TEMPLATED '<' type '>'
           if (!$1->isVector() && $3->isBinder()) {
@@ -708,6 +696,33 @@
           $$ = $1;
+    ;
+    : array_type_base '[' const_expr ']'
+      {
+          if ($1->isBinder()) {
+              std::cerr << "ERROR: Arrays of interface types are not supported."
+                        << " at " << @1 << "\n";
+              YYERROR;
+          }
+          if ($1->isArray()) {
+              $$ = new ArrayType(static_cast<ArrayType *>($1), $3);
+          } else {
+              $$ = new ArrayType($1, $3);
+          }
+      }
+    | array_type '[' const_expr ']'
+      {
+          $$ = $1;
+          $$->appendDimension($3);
+      }
+    ;
+    : array_type_base { $$ = $1; }
+    | array_type { $$ = $1; }
     | annotated_compound_declaration { $$ = $1; }
     | INTERFACE { $$ = new GenericBinder; }