initial commit

Change-Id: I5faa546164b7c8e9f4cac46998282458ece1c963
Signed-off-by: Iliyan Malchev <>
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f2cf5e..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
-hidl_cflags := -Wall -Wextra -Werror
-hidl_static_libraries := libbase libcutils
-hidl_module_host_os := darwin linux windows
-ifdef BRILLO
-  hidl_module_host_os := darwin linux
-# This tool is prebuilt if we're doing an app-only build.
-ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD_APPS)$(filter true,$(TARGET_BUILD_PDK)),)
-# Logic shared between hidl and its unittests
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := libhidl-common
-LOCAL_MODULE_HOST_OS := $(hidl_module_host_os)
-LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := external/gtest/include
-LOCAL_CLANG_CFLAGS := $(hidl_cflags)
-# Tragically, the code is riddled with unused parameters.
-LOCAL_CLANG_CFLAGS += -Wno-unused-parameter
-# yacc dumps a lot of code *just in case*.
-LOCAL_CLANG_CFLAGS += -Wno-unused-function
-LOCAL_CLANG_CFLAGS += -Wno-unneeded-internal-declaration
-# yacc is a tool from a more civilized age.
-LOCAL_CLANG_CFLAGS += -Wno-deprecated-register
-# yacc also has a habit of using char* over const char*.
-LOCAL_CLANG_CFLAGS += -Wno-writable-strings
-LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := $(hidl_static_libraries)
-    code_writer.cpp \
-    generate.cpp \
-    parser.cpp \
-    ast.cpp \
-    hidl_language_l.ll \
-    hidl_language_y.yy \
-    io_delegate.cpp \
-    line_reader.cpp \
-    options.cpp \
-    generator_utility.cpp \
-# hidl-gen executable
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := hidl-gen
-intermediates:= $(local-generated-sources-dir)
-private_input_files := \
-	$(LOCAL_PATH)/templates/BnTemplate.h \
-	$(LOCAL_PATH)/templates/BpTemplate.h \
-	$(LOCAL_PATH)/templates/ITemplate.h \
-	$(LOCAL_PATH)/templates/Template.vts \
-	$(LOCAL_PATH)/templates/Template.json \
-	$(LOCAL_PATH)/templates/TemplateAll.cpp \
-	$(LOCAL_PATH)/templates/TemplateBinder.h \
-	$(LOCAL_PATH)/templates/TemplateProxy.cpp \
-	$(LOCAL_PATH)/templates/TemplateStubs.cpp \
-the_py_script := $(LOCAL_PATH)/
-GEN := $(intermediates)/snippets.cpp
-$(GEN): PRIVATE_INPUT_FILES := $(private_input_files)
-$(GEN): PRIVATE_PY_SCRIPT := $(the_py_script)
-$(GEN): $(private_input_files) $(the_py_script)
-	$(transform-generated-source)
-LOCAL_MODULE_HOST_OS := $(hidl_module_host_os)
-LOCAL_CFLAGS := $(hidl_cflags)
-LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := external/gtest/include 
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES := main_hidl.cpp
-LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libhidl-common $(hidl_static_libraries)
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := hidl_test
-include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/
-the_py_script := $(LOCAL_PATH)/tests/
-$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): PRIVATE_OUT_DIR := $(intermediates)/test_out
-$(LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE): $(the_py_script) $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/hidl-gen
-	@echo "host Test: $(PRIVATE_MODULE)"
-	@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
-	@mkdir -p $(PRIVATE_OUT_DIR)
-	$(hide) touch $@
-# Unit tests
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := hidl_unittests
-LOCAL_MODULE_HOST_OS := darwin linux
-LOCAL_CFLAGS := $(hidl_cflags) -g -DUNIT_TEST
-# Tragically, the code is riddled with unused parameters.
-LOCAL_CLANG_CFLAGS := -Wno-unused-parameter
-    hidl_unittest.cpp \
-    ast_cpp_unittest.cpp \
-    ast_java_unittest.cpp \
-    generate_cpp_unittest.cpp \
-    options_unittest.cpp \
-    tests/end_to_end_tests.cpp \
-    tests/fake_io_delegate.cpp \
-    tests/main.cpp \
-    tests/test_data_example_interface.cpp \
-    tests/test_data_ping_responder.cpp \
-    tests/test_util.cpp \
-    type_cpp_unittest.cpp \
-    type_java_unittest.cpp \
-    libhidl-common \
-    libhidl-parse \
-    $(hidl_static_libraries) \
-    libgmock_host \
-    libgtest_host \
-LOCAL_LDLIBS_linux := -lrt
-# Everything below here is used for integration testing of generated HIDL code.
-hidl_integration_test_cflags := $(hidl_cflags) -Wunused-parameter
-hidl_integration_test_shared_libs := \
-    libbase \
-    libbinder \
-    liblog \
-    libutils
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := libhidl-integration-test
-LOCAL_CFLAGS := $(hidl_integration_test_cflags)
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := $(hidl_integration_test_shared_libs)
-    system/tools/hidl/tests/ \
-    frameworks/native/hidl/binder
-    tests/android/hidl/tests/ITestService.hal \
-    tests/android/hidl/tests/INamedCallback.hal \
-    tests/simple_parcelable.cpp
-# TODO re-enable tests
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := hidl_test_service
-LOCAL_CFLAGS := $(hidl_integration_test_cflags)
-    libhidl-integration-test \
-    $(hidl_integration_test_shared_libs)
-    tests/hidl_test_service.cpp
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := hidl_test_client
-LOCAL_CFLAGS := $(hidl_integration_test_cflags)
-    libhidl-integration-test \
-    $(hidl_integration_test_shared_libs)
-    tests/hidl_test_client.cpp \
-    tests/hidl_test_client_file_descriptors.cpp \
-    tests/hidl_test_client_parcelables.cpp \
-    tests/hidl_test_client_nullables.cpp \
-    tests/hidl_test_client_primitives.cpp \
-    tests/hidl_test_client_utf8_strings.cpp \
-    tests/hidl_test_client_service_exceptions.cpp
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := hidl_test_sentinel_searcher
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES := tests/hidl_test_sentinel_searcher.cpp
-LOCAL_CFLAGS := $(hidl_integration_test_cflags)
-# hidl on its own doesn't need the framework, but testing native/java
-# compatibility introduces java dependencies.
-ifndef BRILLO
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := hidl_test_services
-# Turn off Java optimization tools to speed up our test iterations.
-LOCAL_MANIFEST_FILE := tests/java_app/AndroidManifest.xml
-LOCAL_RESOURCE_DIR := $(LOCAL_PATH)/tests/java_app/resources
-    tests/android/hidl/tests/ITestService.hal \
-    tests/android/hidl/tests/INamedCallback.hal \
-    tests/java_app/src/android/hidl/tests/ \
-    tests/java_app/src/android/hidl/tests/
-    system/tools/hidl/tests/ \
-    frameworks/native/hidl/binder
-#include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)
-endif  # not defined BRILLO
-include $(call all-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH))
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c0a268..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-$(call add-clean-step, find $(PRODUCT_OUT) -name "hidl-generated" | xargs rm)
diff --git a/FooProxy.cpp b/FooProxy.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 900acc7..0000000
--- a/FooProxy.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-// SECTION proxy_cpp
-// START file
-#include <android/hardware/tests/Ipackage_name.h>
-#include <android/hardware/tests/Bppackage_name.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(package_name, "android.hardware.tests.Ipackage_name");
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#include <android/hardware/tests/Bppackage_name.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-Bppackage_name::Bppackage_name(const ::android::sp<::android::IBinder>& _aidl_impl)
-    : BpInterface<Ipackage_name>(_aidl_impl){
-// START code_snips
-// START code_for_function
-::android::binder::Status Bppackage_name::function_name(function_params_proxy) {
-::android::Parcel _aidl_data;
-::android::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-::android::binder::Status _aidl_status;
-_aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-goto _aidl_error;
-// START param_write_snips
-// START param_write_scalar
-_aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.aidl_writer_fun(param_name);
-if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-goto _aidl_error;
-// END param_write_scalar
-// END param_write_snips
-_aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(Ipackage_name::ECHOINTEGER, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-goto _aidl_error;
-_aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-goto _aidl_error;
-if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-return _aidl_status;
-// START param_read_ret_snips
-// START param_read_scalar
-_aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.aidl_reader_fun(param_name);
-if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-goto _aidl_error;
-// END param_read_scalar
-// END param_read_ret_snips
-return _aidl_status;
-// END code_for_function
-// END code_snips
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-// END file
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/NOTICE b/NOTICE
deleted file mode 100644
index c5b1efa..0000000
--- a/NOTICE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-   Copyright (c) 2005-2008, The Android Open Source Project
-   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-   limitations under the License.
-                                 Apache License
-                           Version 2.0, January 2004
-   1. Definitions.
-      "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
-      and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
-      "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
-      the copyright owner that is granting the License.
-      "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
-      other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
-      control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
-      "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
-      direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
-      otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
-      outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
-      "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
-      exercising permissions granted by this License.
-      "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
-      including but not limited to software source code, documentation
-      source, and configuration files.
-      "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
-      transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
-      not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
-      and conversions to other media types.
-      "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
-      Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
-      copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
-      (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
-      "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
-      form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
-      editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
-      represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
-      of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
-      separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
-      the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
-      "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
-      the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
-      to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
-      submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
-      or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
-      the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
-      means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
-      to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
-      communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
-      and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
-      Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
-      excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
-      designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
-      "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
-      on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
-      subsequently incorporated within the Work.
-   2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
-      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
-      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
-      copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
-      publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
-      Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
-   3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
-      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
-      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
-      (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
-      use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
-      where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
-      by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
-      Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
-      with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
-      institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
-      cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
-      or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
-      or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
-      granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
-      as of the date such litigation is filed.
-   4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
-      Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
-      modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
-      meet the following conditions:
-      (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
-          Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
-      (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
-          stating that You changed the files; and
-      (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
-          that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
-          attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
-          excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
-          the Derivative Works; and
-      (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
-          distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
-          include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
-          within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
-          pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
-          of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
-          as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
-          documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
-          within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
-          wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
-          of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
-          do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
-          notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
-          or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
-          that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
-          as modifying the License.
-      You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
-      may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
-      for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
-      for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
-      reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
-      the conditions stated in this License.
-   5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
-      any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
-      by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
-      this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
-      Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
-      the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
-      with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
-   6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
-      names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
-      except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
-      origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
-   7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
-      agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
-      Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-      implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
-      PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
-      appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
-      risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
-   8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
-      whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
-      unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
-      negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
-      liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
-      incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
-      result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
-      Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
-      work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
-      other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
-      has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
-   9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
-      the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
-      and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
-      or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
-      License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
-      on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
-      of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
-      defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
-      incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
-      of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
diff --git a/ast.cpp b/ast.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e94ae8e..0000000
--- a/ast.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,617 +0,0 @@
-#include "ast.h"
-#include <android-base/strings.h>
-#include <cstdarg>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <string>
-#include "hidl_language_y.h"
-#include "logging.h"
-#include "parser.h"
-#ifdef _WIN32
-int isatty(int  fd)
-    return (fd == 0);
-using android::hidl::IoDelegate;
-using android::base::Join;
-using android::base::Split;
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-using std::string;
-using std::unique_ptr;
-void yylex_init(void **);
-void yylex_destroy(void *);
-void yyset_in(FILE *f, void *);
-int yyparse(Parser*);
-YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_buffer(char *, size_t, void *);
-void yy_delete_buffer(YY_BUFFER_STATE, void *);
-Parser *Thing::ps_;
-Fields *Type::empty_fields_ = new Fields();
-Thing::Thing() {}
-Thing::Thing(string text) : text_(text) {}
-void Thing::Dump()
-  std::cout << "Implement Dump for "
-            << TypeName() << endl;
-Const::Const(Element *name, Element *value)
-    : name_(name),
-      value_(value)
-  (void)name_;
-  (void)value_;
-void Const::Dump()
-  cout << "Const: " << name_->GetText() << " = "
-       << value_->GetText() << endl;
-Element::Element(const string& text, const string& comments, int Line)
-    : Thing(text),
-      comments_(comments),
-      line_(Line)
-Element::Element(const string& text, int Line)
-    : Thing(text),
-      comments_(""),
-      line_(Line)
-CharElement::CharElement(const string& text, const string& comments, int line)
-    : Element(text, comments, line)
-IntElement::IntElement(const string& text, const string& comments, int line)
-    : Element(text, comments, line)
-NameElement::NameElement(const string& text, const string& comments, int line)
-    : Element(text, comments, line)
-StringElement::StringElement(const string& text, int line)
-    : Element(text, "", line)
-StringElement::StringElement(const string& text, const string& comments, int line)
-    : Element(text, comments, line)
-CommentElement::CommentElement(const string& text, const string& comments, int line)
-    : Element(text, comments, line)
-ErrorElement::ErrorElement(const string& text, const string& comments, int line)
-    : Element(text, comments, line)
-void Element::Dump()
-  cout << "Element(" << ElementTypename() << "): " << GetText() << endl;
-bool NameElement::HasScalarValue() const {
-  return false; // TODO - look up name
-bool NameElement::HasIntegerValue() const {
-  return false; // TODO
-bool NameElement::IsDefinedType() const
-  return false; // TODO
-long NameElement::GetIntegerValue() const
-  CHECK(false) << "TODO - find const";
-  return 0;
-long NameElement::GetScalarValue() const
-  CHECK(false) << "TODO - find const";
-  return 0;
-long Element::GetIntegerValue() const
-  CHECK(false) << "Bad type for GetIntegerValue: "
-               << ElementTypename();
-  return 0;
-void Element::AddDottedElement(Element *element) {
-  CHECK(false); // TODO
-BinaryExpression::BinaryExpression(Element *lhs, Element *rhs, const string& text, const string& comments, int Line)
-    : Element(text, comments, Line),
-      lhs_(lhs),
-      rhs_(rhs)
-BinaryExpression::BinaryExpression(Element *lhs, Element *rhs, const string& text, int Line)
-    : Element(text, Line),
-      lhs_(lhs),
-      rhs_(rhs)
-UnaryExpression::UnaryExpression(Element *rhs, const string& text, const string& comments, int Line)
-    : Element(text, comments, Line),
-      rhs_(rhs)
-UnaryExpression::UnaryExpression(Element *rhs, const string& text, int Line)
-    : Element(text, Line),
-      rhs_(rhs)
-ParenthesizedExpression::ParenthesizedExpression(Element *parenthesized, const string& text, const string& comments, int Line)
-    : Element(text, comments, Line),
-      parenthesized_(parenthesized)
-ParenthesizedExpression::ParenthesizedExpression(Element *parenthesized, const string& text, int Line)
-    : Element(text, Line),
-      parenthesized_(parenthesized)
-CompoundType::CompoundType(Fields *fields)
-    : fields_(fields)
-StructType::StructType(Fields *fields)
-    : CompoundType(fields)
-EnumType::EnumType(Type *type, Fields *fields)
-    : CompoundType(fields),
-      type_(type)
-UnionType::UnionType(Fields *fields) // Undiscriminated
-    : CompoundType(fields),
-      discriminator_(nullptr)
-  if (HasFixup()) {
-    ps_->Error("Undiscriminated union type cannot have fixups (TODO: Line number)");
-  }
-UnionType::UnionType(Type* type, Fields *fields) // Discriminated
-    : CompoundType(fields),
-      discriminator_(type)
-DerivedType::DerivedType(Type *base)
-    : base_(base)
-VecType::VecType(Type *base)
-    : DerivedType(base)
-RefType::RefType(Type *base)
-    : DerivedType(base)
-  if (base->HasFixup()) {
-    ps_->Error("Ref types aren't allowed to have fixups (TODO: find Line number - sorry!)");
-  }
-ArrayType::ArrayType(Type *base, Element *dimension)
-    : DerivedType(base),
-      dimension_(dimension)
-  if (!dimension_->HasIntegerValue()) {
-    ps_->Error(dimension_->Line(), "Array needs integer dimension, not '%s'",
-               dimension_->c_str());
-  }
-NamedType::NamedType(Element *name)
-    : name_(name)
-  base_ = ps_->GetDeclaredType(name);
-  if (!base_) {
-    ps_->Error(name_->Line(), "'%s' isn't declared as a type",
-               name_->c_str());
-    base_ = new OpaqueType();
-  }
-ScalarType::ScalarType(Element *name)
-    : name_(name)
-HandleType::HandleType() {}
-OpaqueType::OpaqueType() {}
-StringType::StringType() {}
-TypeDecl::TypeDecl(Element *name, Type *base)
-    : DerivedType(base),
-      name_(name)
-TypedefDecl::TypedefDecl(Element *name, Type *base)
-    : TypeDecl(name, base)
-EnumDecl::EnumDecl(Element *name, Type *base)
-    : TypeDecl(name, base)
-StructDecl::StructDecl(Element *name, Type *base)
-    : TypeDecl(name, base)
-UnionDecl::UnionDecl(Element *name, Type *base)
-    : TypeDecl(name, base)
-ImportDecl::ImportDecl(Element *name)
-    : TypeDecl(name, new ImportType())
-bool Type::HasFixup()
-  return HasFdFixup() || HasPtrFixup();
-bool Fields::HasPtrFixup()
-  for (auto & field : fields_) {
-    if (field->GetType() && field->GetType()->HasPtrFixup()) {
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
-bool Fields::HasFdFixup()
-  for (auto & field : fields_) {
-    if (field->GetType() && field->GetType()->HasFdFixup()) {
-      return true;
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
-void StructType::Dump()
-  cout << "Struct fields:" << endl;
-  fields_->Dump();
-void ImportType::Dump()
-  cout << "Import type:" << endl;
-void EnumType::Dump()
-  cout << "(Enum_type " << type_->GetText() << "): ";
-  fields_->Dump();
-  cout << endl;
-void UnionType::Dump()
-  cout << "Union ";
-  if (discriminator_) {
-    cout << " (discriminator ";
-    discriminator_->Dump();
-    cout << ") ";
-  }
-  cout << " with fields:" << endl;
-  fields_->Dump();
-void VecType::Dump()
-  cout << "Vec<";
-  base_->Dump();
-  cout << "> ";
-void RefType::Dump()
-  cout << "Ref<";
-  base_->Dump();
-  cout << "> ";
-void ArrayType::Dump()
-  base_->Dump();
-  cout << "[";
-  dimension_->Dump();
-  cout << "] ";
-void NamedType::Dump()
-  cout << "(Type:";
-  base_->Dump();
-  cout << ") ";
-void ScalarType::Dump()
-  cout << "Scalar:";
-  name_->Dump();
-void HandleType::Dump()
-  cout << "Handle ";
-void OpaqueType::Dump()
-  cout << "Opaque ";
-void StringType::Dump()
-  cout << "String ";
-void TypedefDecl::Dump()
-  cout << "Typedef: ";
-  base_->Dump();
-  cout << " AS ";
-  name_->Dump();
-void EnumDecl::Dump()
-  cout << "Enum ";
-  name_->Dump();
-  cout << " { ";
-  base_->Dump();
-  cout << " } ";
-void StructDecl::Dump()
-  cout << "Struct ";
-  name_->Dump();
-  cout << " { ";
-  base_->Dump();
-  cout << " } ";
-void UnionDecl::Dump()
-  cout << "Union ";
-  name_->Dump();
-  cout << " { ";
-  base_->Dump();
-  cout << " } ";
-void ImportDecl::Dump()
-  cout << "Import ";
-  name_->Dump();
-void Thing::SetParser(Parser *ps) {ps_=ps;}
-void Header::Dump()
-  cout << endl << endl << "HIDL DUMP" << endl << endl;
-void Fields::Dump()
-    for (auto & field : fields_) {
-      field->Dump();
-    }
-// Used for discriminated union entry (tells what vals select it)
-Field::Field(Element* name,
-             vector<Element*>* selectors)
-    : name_(name),
-      selectors_(selectors)
-TypedField::TypedField(Type *type, Element* name,
-             vector<Element*>* selectors)
-    : Field(name, selectors),
-      type_(type)
-  BuildText();
-TypedField::TypedField(Type *type, Element *name)
-    : Field(name),
-      type_(type)
-  BuildText();
-// Used for scalar that selects a discriminated union
-Field::Field(Element *name, Element *selected)
-    : name_(name),
-      selected_(selected)
-TypedField::TypedField(Type *type, Element *name, Element *selected)
-    : Field(name, selected),
-      type_(type)
-  (void)comments_;
-  BuildText();
-Field::Field(Element *name)
-    : name_(name)
-EnumField::EnumField(Element *name)
-    : Field(name)
-  BuildText();
-EnumValueField::EnumValueField(Element *name, Element *value)
-    : EnumField(name),
-      value_(value)
-  BuildText();
-void Field::Dump()
-  cout << "<F>" << text_;
-void TypedField::BuildText()
-  text_ = type_->GetText();
-  text_.append(" ");
-  text_.append(name_->GetText());
-void EnumField::BuildText()
-  text_ = name_->GetText();
-void EnumValueField::BuildText()
-  text_ = name_->GetText();
-  text_.append("=");
-  text_.append(value_->GetText());
-string NamedType::SubtypeSuffix() const
-  if (base_->TypeName() == "named_type") {
-    return base_->SubtypeSuffix();
-  } else {
-    return "_" + base_->TypeName();
-  }
-Annotation::Annotation(Element *name)
-    : name_(name)
-Annotation::Annotation(Element *name, AnnotationValues *values)
-    : name_(name),
-      values_(values)
-Annotation::Annotation(Element *name,
-                       AnnotationEntries *entries)
-    : entries_(entries),
-      name_(name)
-AnnotationValue::AnnotationValue(Element *value)
-    : value_(value)
-AnnotationValue::AnnotationValue(Annotation *annotation)
-    : annotation_(annotation)
-void Annotations::Add(Annotation *annotation)
-  annotations_.push_back(annotation);
-Function::Function(Annotations* annotations,
-                   bool oneway,
-                   Element* name,
-                   Fields *fields,
-                   Fields *generates)
-    : annotations_(annotations),
-      fields_(fields),
-      generates_(generates),
-      name_(name),
-      oneway_(oneway)
-  std::map<string, Field*>params;
-  for (auto & f : fields->GetVec()) {
-    if (params.find(f->NameText()) != params.end()) {
-      ps_->Error(f->Line(),
-                 "Duplicate param name %s",
-                 f->NameText().c_str());
-    }
-    params[f->NameText()] = f;
-  }
-  for (auto & a : annotations->GetAs()) {
-    if (a->NameText() == "param") {
-      if (!a->Entries()) {
-        ps_->Error(a->Line(), "'param' annotation needs entries including 'name'");
-      }
-      AnnotationEntries::iterator name_entry =
-          a->Entries()->find("name");
-      if (name_entry == a->Entries()->end()) {
-        ps_->Error(a->Line(), "'param' annotation needs 'name' entry");
-      }
-      string name = name_entry->second->front()->GetValue()->NoQuoteText();
-      std::map<string, Field*>::iterator field_entry =
-          params.find(name);
-      if (field_entry != params.end()) {
-        field_entry->second->SetAnnotation(a);
-      } else {
-        ps_->Error(a->Line(), "Param name '%s' not in function", name.c_str());
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void Function::Dump()
-  cout << "Function: " << name_->GetText() << " with fields: ";
-  fields_->Dump();
-  cout << " oneway " << oneway_;
-  annotations_->Dump();
-  if (generates_) {
-    cout << endl << "  generating ";
-    generates_->Dump();
-  }
-  cout << endl;
-void Annotations::Dump()
-  cout << "TODO: Annotation Dump" << endl;
-  /* if (annotations_->size() > 0) {
-    cout << endl << "  annotations: ";
-    for (auto & annotation : *annotations_) {
-      cout << *annotation << ", ";
-    }
-  } else {
-    cout << " no annotations; ";
-    }*/
diff --git a/ast.h b/ast.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 821fe8a..0000000
--- a/ast.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,751 +0,0 @@
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-#include "io_delegate.h"
-#include "logging.h"
-#include "options.h"
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-using std::pair;
-struct yy_buffer_state;
-typedef yy_buffer_state* YY_BUFFER_STATE;
-class Parser;
-using Subs = vector<pair<string, string>>;
-struct FieldContext {
-  string var_prefix;
-  string designator;
-  string base_pointer;
-  int next_var;
-  FieldContext vp(string s) {var_prefix = s; return *this;}
-class Thing {
- public:
-  Thing();
-  Thing(string text);
-  virtual const string GetText() const { return text_; }
-  const string& GetTokenText() const { return text_; }
-  void SetTokenText(string text) { text_ = text; }
-  const char *c_str() const { return text_.c_str(); }
-  const string& GetComments() const { return comments_; }
-  virtual const string TypeName() const = 0;
-  virtual int Line() const { return -1; }
-  virtual void Dump();
-  virtual const string Generate(string /*section*/) const { return ""; }
-  static void SetParser(Parser *ps);
-  static Parser *GetParser() { return ps_; }
-  virtual const Subs GetSubs(string /*section*/) const { Subs subs; return subs; }
-  virtual const Subs GetSubsC(string /*section*/, const FieldContext& /*context*/) const { Subs subs; return subs; }
- protected:
-  static Parser *ps_; // At least it's not global :-)
-  string text_;
-  string comments_;
-class Header : public Thing {
- public:
-  void Dump() override;
-  const string Generate(string section) const override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "header"; };
-class Element : public Thing {
- public:
-  const string& GetComments() const { return comments_; }
-  virtual long GetScalarValue() const {CHECK(false); return false;}
-  virtual bool HasIntegerValue() const { return false; }
-  virtual bool HasScalarValue() const { return false; }
-  virtual bool IsDefinedType() const { return false; }
-  virtual long GetIntegerValue() const;
-  virtual string NoQuoteText() const { return GetText();}
-  virtual bool HasStringValue() const { return false; }
-  void AddDottedElement(Element *element);
-  int Line() const override { return line_; }
-  void Dump() override;
-  const string Generate(string section) const override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "element"; }
-  virtual const string ElementTypename() const = 0;
- protected:
-  Element(const string& text, const string& comments, int Line);
-  Element(const string& text, int Line);
- private:
-  string comments_;
-  int line_;
-class CharElement : public Element {
- public:
-  CharElement(const string& text, const string& comments, int Line);
-  CharElement(const string& text, int Line);
-  virtual const string ElementTypename() const override { return "char"; }
-  virtual bool HasScalarValue() const { return true; }
-class IntElement : public Element {
- public:
-  IntElement(const string& text, const string& comments, int Line);
-  //  IntElement(const string& text, int Line);
-  virtual const string ElementTypename() const override { return "int"; }
-  virtual bool HasScalarValue() const { return true; }
-  virtual bool HasIntegerValue() const { return true; }
-  virtual long GetIntegerValue() const override { return stoi(text_); }
-class NameElement : public Element {
- public:
-  NameElement(const string& text, const string& comments, int Line);
-  //  NameElement(const string& text, int Line);
-  virtual const string ElementTypename() const override { return "name"; }
-  virtual bool HasScalarValue() const override;  // need to look up name
-  virtual bool HasIntegerValue() const override;
-  virtual long GetScalarValue() const override;  // need to look up name
-  virtual long GetIntegerValue() const override;
-  virtual bool IsDefinedType() const override;
-class StringElement : public Element {
- public:
-  StringElement(const string& text, const string& comments, int Line);
-  StringElement(const string& text, int Line);
-  virtual const string ElementTypename() const override { return "string"; }
-  virtual string NoQuoteText() const override { return GetText().substr(1,GetText().length()-2); }
-  virtual bool HasStringValue() const { return true; }
-class CommentElement : public Element {
- public:
-  CommentElement(const string& text, const string& comments, int Line);
-  //  CommentElement(const string& text, int Line);
-  virtual const string ElementTypename() const override { return "comment"; }
-class ErrorElement : public Element {
- public:
-  ErrorElement(const string& text, const string& comments, int Line);
-  //  ErrorElement(const string& text, int Line);
-  virtual const string ElementTypename() const override { return "error"; }
-class BinaryExpression : public Element {
- public:
-  BinaryExpression(Element *lhs, Element *rhs, const string& text, const string& comments, int Line);
-  BinaryExpression(Element *lhs, Element *rhs, const string& text, int Line);
-  const Element *GetLeftHandSide() const { return lhs_; }
-  const Element *GetRightHandSide() const { return rhs_; }
-  const string& GetOperation() const { return GetTokenText(); }
-  virtual const string GetText() const override {
-    return lhs_->GetText() + " " + GetOperation() + " " + rhs_->GetText();
-  }
-  virtual const string ElementTypename() const override { return "binary_expression"; }
-  virtual bool HasIntegerValue() const { return lhs_->HasIntegerValue() && rhs_->HasIntegerValue(); }
-  virtual bool HasScalarValue() const { return lhs_->HasScalarValue() && rhs_->HasScalarValue(); }
- private:
-  Element *lhs_;
-  Element *rhs_;
-  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BinaryExpression);
-class UnaryExpression : public Element {
- public:
-  UnaryExpression(Element *rhs, const string& text, const string& comments, int Line);
-  UnaryExpression(Element *rhs, const string& text, int Line);
-  const string& GetOperation() const { return GetTokenText(); }
-  virtual const string GetText() const override {
-    return GetOperation() + rhs_->GetText();
-  }
-  virtual const string ElementTypename() const override { return "unary_expression"; }
-  virtual bool HasIntegerValue() const { return rhs_->HasIntegerValue(); }
-  virtual bool HasScalarValue() const { return rhs_->HasScalarValue(); }
- private:
-  Element *rhs_;
-class ParenthesizedExpression : public Element {
- public:
-  ParenthesizedExpression(Element *parenthesized, const string& text, const string& comments, int Line);
-  ParenthesizedExpression(Element *parenthesized, const string& text, int Line);
-  const Element *GetParenthesized() const { return parenthesized_; }
-  virtual const string GetText() const override {
-    return "(" + GetParenthesized()->GetText() + ")";
-  }
-  virtual const string ElementTypename() const override { return "parenthesized_expression"; }
-  virtual bool HasIntegerValue() const { return parenthesized_->HasIntegerValue(); }
-  virtual bool HasScalarValue() const { return parenthesized_->HasScalarValue(); }
- private:
-  Element *parenthesized_;
-  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ParenthesizedExpression);
-class Const : public Thing {
- public:
-  Const(Element *name, Element *value);
-  const string GetName() const { return name_->GetText(); }
-  const Element *GetNameElement() const { return name_; }
-  const Element *GetValue() const { return value_; }
-  void Dump() override;
-  const string Generate(string ) const override;
-  const Subs GetSubs(string section) const override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "const"; }
- private:
-  Element *name_;
-  Element *value_;
-class Field;
-class Type;
-class Fields {
- public:
-  void Add(Field *field) { fields_.push_back(field); }
-  string GenCommaList(string section, string prev, bool out_params);
-  string GenCommaList(string section, string prev) {return GenCommaList(section, prev, false);}
-  string GenCommaList(string section) {return GenCommaList(section, "", false);}
-  string GenCommaNameList(string section, string prev_list, string snippet = "", string name_prefix = "");
-  string GenSemiList(string section, const FieldContext &context = FieldContext{"","","",0});
-  string GenByType(string section, string prefix);
-  string TextByPrefix(string section, string prefix, string name_prefix = "");
-  // TODO(zhuoyao): move to TypedFields once split.
-  // Generate the list of typed field description required by vts.
-  // label: indicate whether the field is an input parameter or a return value.
-  //        Used by function type.
-  // snippet_name: the snippet that should be replaced.
-  string GenVtsTypedFieldList(string section, string label,
-                              string snippet_name);
-  // TODO(zhuoyao): move to EnumFields once split.
-  // Generate the list of enum field description required by vts.
-  string GenVtsEnumFieldList(string section);
-  int Size() { return fields_.size(); }
-  void Dump();
-  bool HasPtrFixup();
-  bool HasFdFixup();
-  vector<Field *> GetVec() { return fields_; }
- private:
-  vector<Field *> fields_;
-class Type : public Thing {
- public:
-  Type() = default;
-  virtual bool IsVec() { return false; }
-  virtual bool IsRef() { return false; }
-  virtual bool IsArray() { return false; }
-  virtual bool IsHandle() { return false; }
-  virtual bool IsString() { return false; }
-  virtual bool IsCompound() { return false; }
-  virtual bool IsPrimitive() { return false; }
-  virtual Fields *GetFields() const { return(empty_fields_); }
-  virtual bool HasFdFixup() { return false; }
-  virtual bool HasPtrFixup() { return false; }
-  virtual const Subs GetSubsC(string section, const FieldContext &/*context*/) const
-  { return GetSubs(section); }
-  virtual const string FixupText(string /*section*/, const FieldContext &/*context*/, string /*prefix*/) const
-  { return "  // No fixup needed for " + TypeName(); }
-  virtual string VtsType() const { return "VtsTypeUnknown"; }
-  virtual string SubtypeSuffix() const { return ""; }
-  virtual const string GetName() const { return ""; }
-  virtual const string Description(string section) const { return Generate(section); }
-  virtual const string TypeSuffix(bool subtype) const { return subtype ? "UNUSED" : TypeName(); }
-  virtual string TypeOfEnum(string /*section*/) { return "Error, not enum type"; }
-  // Return the type name required by vts.
-  virtual string VtsTypeName() const { return "TYPE_UNKNOW"; };
-  // Return the type description required by vts.
-  virtual string VtsTypeDesc(string section);
-  bool HasFixup();
- private:
-  static Fields *empty_fields_;
-class CompoundType : public Type {
- public:
-  CompoundType(Fields *fields);
-  bool IsCompound() override { return true; }
-  Fields *GetFields() const override { return fields_; }
-  virtual bool HasPtrFixup() override { return fields_->HasPtrFixup(); }
-  virtual bool HasFdFixup() override { return fields_->HasFdFixup(); }
- protected:
-  Fields *fields_;
- private:
-class StructType : public CompoundType {
- public:
-  StructType(Fields *fields);
-  void Dump() override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "struct_type"; }
-  virtual const string FixupText(string section, const FieldContext &context, string prefix) const override;
-  const string Generate(string prefix) const override;
- private:
-class EnumType : public CompoundType {
- public:
-  EnumType(Type* type, Fields* fields);
-  void Dump() override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "enum_type"; }
-  virtual const string TypeSuffix(bool subtype) const override;
-  const string Generate(string prefix) const override;
-  string TypeOfEnum(string section) override { return type_->Generate(section); }
- private:
-  Type *type_;
-class UnionType : public CompoundType {
- public:
-  UnionType(Fields *fields); // Undiscriminated
-  UnionType(Type* type, Fields* fields); // Disc
-  void Dump() override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "union_type"; }
-  virtual const string FixupText(string section, const FieldContext &context, string prefix) const override;
-  const string Generate(string prefix) const override;
- private:
-  Type *discriminator_;
-class DerivedType : public Type {
- public:
-  DerivedType(Type *base);
-  DerivedType() = default;
-  virtual bool HasFdFixup() override { return base_->HasFdFixup(); }
-  virtual bool HasPtrFixup() override { return base_->HasPtrFixup(); }
-  virtual Type *GetBase() const { return base_; }
-  virtual const string TypeSuffix(bool subtype) const override;
- protected:
-  Type *base_;
- private:
-class VecType : public DerivedType {
- public:
-  VecType(Type *type);
-  void Dump() override;
-  const Subs GetSubs(string section) const override;
-  const Subs GetSubsC(string section, const FieldContext& context) const override;
-  bool IsVec() override { return true; }
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "vec"; }
-  virtual const string FixupText(string section, const FieldContext &context, string prefix) const override;
-  const string Description(string section) const;
-  const string Generate(string prefix) const override;
-  virtual bool HasPtrFixup() override { return true; }
-  string VtsTypeName() const override { return "TYPE_VECTOR"; }
- private:
-class RefType : public DerivedType {
- public:
-  RefType(Type *type);
-  void Dump() override;
-  bool IsRef() override { return true; }
-  const Subs GetSubs(string section) const override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "ref"; }
-  const string Generate(string section) const override;
-  virtual bool HasFdFixup() override { return true; }
- private:
-class ArrayType : public DerivedType {
- public:
-  ArrayType(Type *type, Element *dimension);
-  void Dump() override;
-  bool IsArray() override { return true; }
-  const Subs GetSubs(string section) const override;
-  const Subs GetSubsC(string section, const FieldContext& context) const override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "array"; }
-  virtual const string FixupText(string section, const FieldContext &context, string prefix) const override;
-  const string Generate(string section) const override;
-  const string GenerateDimension() const { return dimension_->GetText(); }
- private:
-  Element *dimension_;
-class NamedType : public DerivedType {
- public:
-  NamedType(Element *name);
-  const string GetName() const override { return name_->GetText(); }
-  void Dump() override;
-  const Subs GetSubs(string section) const override;
-  const Subs GetSubsC(string section, const FieldContext& context) const override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "named_type"; }
-  virtual const string TypeSuffix(bool subtype) const override { return base_->TypeSuffix(subtype); }
-  const string Generate(string section) const override;
-  const string Description(string section) const;
-  virtual const string FixupText(string section, const FieldContext &context, string prefix) const override
-  { return GetBase()->FixupText(section, context, prefix); }
-  virtual string SubtypeSuffix() const override;
-  string VtsTypeName() const override { return base_->VtsTypeName(); }
- private:
-  Element *name_;
-class ScalarType : public Type {
- public:
-  ScalarType(Element *name);
-  virtual bool IsPrimitive() override { return true; }
-  void Dump() override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "scalar"; }
-  const string Generate(string section) const override;
-  const Subs GetSubs(string section) const override;
-  virtual bool HasPtrFixup() override { return false; }
-  virtual bool HasFdFixup() override { return false; }
-  virtual string VtsType() const override { return name_->GetText(); }
-  virtual string SubtypeSuffix() const override { return "_" + name_->GetText(); }
-  virtual const string TypeSuffix(bool subtype) const override;
-  string VtsTypeName() const override { return "TYPE_SCALAR"; };
- private:
-  Element *name_;
-class HandleType : public Type {
- public:
-  HandleType();
-  void Dump() override;
-  bool IsHandle() override { return true; }
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "handle"; }
-  const string Generate(string section) const override;
-  virtual const string FixupText(string section, const FieldContext &context, string prefix) const override;
-  virtual bool HasPtrFixup() override { return true; }
-  virtual bool HasFdFixup() override { return true; }
-  string VtsTypeName() const override { return "TYPE_HANDLE"; }
- private:
-class OpaqueType : public Type {
- public:
-  OpaqueType();
-  void Dump() override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "opaque"; }
-  const string Generate(string section) const override;
-  virtual bool HasPtrFixup() override { return false; }
-  virtual bool HasFdFixup() override { return false; }
- private:
-class ImportType : public Type {
- public:
-  ImportType();
-  void Dump() override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "import"; }
-  const string Generate(string /*section*/) const override { return "ImportTypeGen"; }
-  virtual bool HasPtrFixup() override { return false; }
-  virtual bool HasFdFixup() override { return false; }
- private:
-class StringType : public Type {
- public:
-  StringType();
-  void Dump() override;
-  bool IsString() override { return true; }
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "string"; }
-  virtual const string FixupText(string section, const FieldContext &context, string prefix) const override;
-  const string Generate(string section) const override;
-  virtual bool HasPtrFixup() override { return true; }
-  virtual bool HasFdFixup() override { return false; }
-  string VtsTypeName() const override { return "TYPE_STRING"; }
- private:
-class TypeDecl : public DerivedType {
- public:
-  TypeDecl(Element *name, Type *base);
-  const string GetName() const override { return name_->GetText(); };
-  virtual const string TypeSuffix(bool subtype) const override { return base_->TypeSuffix(subtype); }
-  int Line() const override { return name_->Line(); }
-  const string Description(string section) const;
- protected:
-  Element *name_;
- private:
-class TypedefDecl : public TypeDecl {
- public:
-  TypedefDecl(Element *name, Type *type);
-  void Dump() override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "typedef_decl"; }
-  const Subs GetSubs(string section) const override;
-  const string Generate(string section) const override;
- private:
-class EnumDecl : public TypeDecl {
- public:
-  EnumDecl(Element *name, Type *type);
-  void Dump() override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "enum_decl"; }
-  const Subs GetSubs(string section) const override;
-  string VtsTypeName() const override { return "TYPE_ENUM"; };
- private:
-class StructDecl : public TypeDecl {
- public:
-  StructDecl(Element *name, Type *type);
-  void Dump() override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "struct_decl"; }
-  const Subs GetSubs(string section) const override {return GetSubsC(section, FieldContext{"","","",0}); }
-  const Subs GetSubsC(string section, const FieldContext &context) const override;
-  virtual const string FixupText(string section, const FieldContext &context, string prefix) const override
-  { return GetBase()->FixupText(section, context, prefix); }
-  string VtsTypeName() const override { return "TYPE_STRUCT"; };
- private:
-class UnionDecl : public TypeDecl {
- public:
-  UnionDecl(Element *name, Type *type);
-  void Dump() override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "union_decl"; }
-  const Subs GetSubs(string section) const override;
-  virtual const string FixupText(string section, const FieldContext &context, string prefix) const override
-  { return GetBase()->FixupText(section, context, prefix); }
- private:
-class ImportDecl : public TypeDecl {
- public:
-  ImportDecl(Element *name);
-  void Dump() override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "import_decl"; }
-  const Subs GetSubs(string section) const override;
-  const string Generate(string section) const override;
-  string VtsTypeName() const override { return "TYPE_HIDL_CALLBACK"; };
- private:
-class Annotation;
-class Field : public Thing {
- public:
-  void Dump() override;
-  int Line() const { return name_->Line(); }
-  const string Generate(string section) const override;
-  virtual Type *GetType() const { return nullptr; }
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "field"; }
-  string GetName() { return name_->GetText(); }
-  virtual Element *GetValue() { return nullptr; }
-  const string& GetComments() const { return comments_; }
-  const Subs GetSubs(string section) const override;
-  virtual const Subs GetSubsC(string section, const FieldContext &context) const override;
-  const string NameText() { return name_->GetText(); }
-  void SetAnnotation(Annotation *a) { annotation_ = a; }
-  string GenVtsValues(string section);
-  virtual string GetInitText();
-  virtual bool HasFixup() const { return false; }
- protected:
-  virtual void BuildText() = 0;
-  Field(Element *name, vector<Element*>* selectors);
-  Field(Element *name, Element *selected);
-  Field(Element *name);
-  Annotation *annotation_ = nullptr;
-  string comments_;
-  Element *initializer_ = nullptr;
-  Element *name_ = nullptr;
-  Element *selected_ = nullptr;
-  std::vector<Element*> *selectors_;
-class TypedField : public Field {
- public:
-  TypedField(Type *type, Element* name,
-        std::vector<Element*>* selectors);
-  TypedField(Type *type, Element *name); // Basic
-  TypedField(Type *type, Element *name, Element *selected);
-  virtual bool HasFixup() const override { return type_->HasFixup(); }
-  virtual Type *GetType() const override { return type_; }
- private:
-  virtual void BuildText() override;
-  Type *type_;
-class EnumField : public Field {
- public:
-  EnumField(Element *name);
- private:
-  virtual void BuildText() override;
-class EnumValueField : public EnumField {
- public:
-  EnumValueField(Element *name, Element *value);
-  virtual Element *GetValue() override { return value_; }
- private:
-  virtual void BuildText() override;
-  Element *value_ = nullptr;
-  //class Annotation;
-class AnnotationValue : public Thing {
- public:
-  AnnotationValue(Element *value);
-  AnnotationValue(Annotation *annotation);
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "AnnotationValue"; };
-  Element *GetValue() { return value_; }
-  Annotation *GetAnnotation() { return annotation_; }
-  string NoQuoteText();
- private:
-  Element *value_ = nullptr;
-  Annotation *annotation_ = nullptr;
-using AnnotationValues = std::vector<AnnotationValue*>;
-using AnnotationEntry = std::pair<const string, AnnotationValues*>;
-using AnnotationEntries = std::map<string, AnnotationValues*>;
-class Annotation : public Thing {
- public:
-  Annotation(Element *name);
-  Annotation(Element *name, AnnotationValues *values);
-  Annotation(Element *name,
-             AnnotationEntries *entries);
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "Annotation"; };
-  const string NameText() { return name_->GetText(); }
-  int Line() const { return name_->Line(); }
-  AnnotationEntries *Entries() { return entries_; }
-  bool HasKey(string key);
-  AnnotationValues *GetValues(string key);
-  AnnotationValues *GetUnnamedValues() { return values_; }
- private:
-  AnnotationEntries *entries_ = nullptr;
-  Element *name_;
-  AnnotationValues *values_ = nullptr;
-class Annotations : public Thing {
- public:
-  Annotations() = default;
-  void Add(Annotation *a);
-  void Dump();
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "Annotations"; };
-  const vector<Annotation*>GetAs() { return annotations_; }
-  Annotation *GetAnnotation(string key);
-  bool HasKey(string key);
-  string GenVtsCalls(string section, string anno_name, string out_label);
- private:
-  std::vector<Annotation*>annotations_;
-class Function : public Thing {
- public:
-  Function(Annotations* annotations,
-           bool oneway,
-           Element* name,
-           Fields *fields,
-           Fields *generates);
-  void Dump() override;
-  virtual const Subs GetSubs(string section) const override;
-  const string TypeName() const override { return "function"; }
-  const string GetName() { return name_->GetText(); }
-  string GenCallflow(string section) const;
- private:
-  Annotations* annotations_;
-  Fields *fields_;
-  Fields *generates_;
-  Element* name_;
-  bool oneway_;
diff --git a/binder/ b/binder/
deleted file mode 100644
index 90cd7c2..0000000
--- a/binder/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := hidl_test_service
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES := TestService.cpp TestServiceStubs.cpp
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libhwbinder libbase libcutils libutils
-LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := system/libhwbinder/include
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := hidl_test_client
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES := TestClient.cpp TestServiceProxy.cpp
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libhwbinder libbase libcutils libutils
-LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := system/libhwbinder/include
diff --git a/binder/ITestService.hal b/binder/ITestService.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index c99b2a8..0000000
--- a/binder/ITestService.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.tests;
-interface ITestService {
-  struct simple_t {
-    uint32_t int1;
-    uint32_t int2;
-    vec<uint8_t> data;
-  };
-  struct lots_of_data {
-    uint8_t[4096] buffer;
-  };
-  echoInteger(int32_t echo_me, simple_t my_struct) generates (int32_t ret);
-  // Use of ref<T> is deprecated.
-  shareBufferWithRef(ref<lots_of_data> buffer) generates (int32_t ret);
diff --git a/binder/TestClient.cpp b/binder/TestClient.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 822fd10..0000000
--- a/binder/TestClient.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <iostream>
-#include <android-base/logging.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IServiceManager.h>
-#include <utils/String16.h>
-#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
-#include "android/hardware/tests/ITestService.h"
-// libutils:
-using android::OK;
-using android::sp;
-using android::status_t;
-using android::String16;
-// libbinder:
-using android::hardware::getService;
-using android::hardware::hidl_version;
-using android::hardware::make_hidl_version;
-using android::hardware::gen_ref;
-using android::hardware::from_ref;
-// generated
-using android::hardware::tests::ITestService;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-namespace client {
-const char kServiceName[] = "android.hardware.tests.ITestService";
-bool GetService(sp<ITestService>* service, hidl_version version) {
-  cout << "Retrieving test service binder" << endl;
-  status_t status = getService(String16(kServiceName), version, service);
-  if (status != OK) {
-    cerr << "Failed to get service binder: '" << kServiceName
-         << "' status=" << status << endl;
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-}  // namespace client
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace aidl
-}  // namespace android
-#define DATA_BUFFER_SIZE 32
-int main(int /* argc */, char * argv []) {
-  uint8_t data_buffer[DATA_BUFFER_SIZE];
-  for (int i = 0; i < DATA_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
-      data_buffer[i] = i;
-  }
-  android::base::InitLogging(argv, android::base::StderrLogger);
-  sp<ITestService> service;
-  namespace client_tests = android::hardware::tests::client;
-  hidl_version version = make_hidl_version(4,0);
-  if (!client_tests::GetService(&service, version)) return 1;
-  ITestService::simple_t my_struct;
-  my_struct.int1 = 1481;
-  my_struct.int2 = 2592;
- = data_buffer;
-  service->echoInteger(32, &my_struct, [](auto ret) {
-    cout << "Got response from binder service: " << ret << endl;
-    }
-  );
-  // Generate a ref<lots_of_data>
-  ITestService::lots_of_data *data_ptr;
-  int fd = -1;
-  gen_ref(&fd, &data_ptr);
-  cout << "gen_ref generated file descriptor " << fd << endl;
-  // Now fill up the buffer with fun data
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(ITestService::lots_of_data); i++) {
-     data_ptr->buffer[i] = i & 0xFF;
-  }
-  if (fd >= 0) {
-    service->shareBufferWithRef(fd, [](auto ret) {
-      cout << "Got response from binder service: " << ret << endl;
-    }
-    );
-  } else {
-    cerr << "Failed to generate a reference" << endl;
-  }
-  return 0;
diff --git a/binder/TestService.cpp b/binder/TestService.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 847b06f..0000000
--- a/binder/TestService.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <map>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IPCThreadState.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IServiceManager.h>
-#include <hwbinder/ProcessState.h>
-#include <hwbinder/Status.h>
-#include <utils/Errors.h>
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <utils/Looper.h>
-#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
-#include <android/hardware/tests/BnTestService.h>
-// libutils:
-using android::Looper;
-using android::LooperCallback;
-using android::OK;
-using android::sp;
-using android::String16;
-// libhwbinder:
-using android::hardware::BnInterface;
-using android::hardware::defaultServiceManager;
-using android::hardware::IInterface;
-using android::hardware::IPCThreadState;
-using android::hardware::Parcel;
-using android::hardware::ProcessState;
-using android::hardware::Status;
-using android::hardware::hidl_version;
-using android::hardware::make_hidl_version;
-using android::hardware::from_ref;
-// Standard library
-using std::cerr;
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-using std::map;
-using std::string;
-using std::unique_ptr;
-using std::vector;
-// Generated HIDL files
-using android::hardware::tests::BnTestService;
-namespace {
-class BinderCallback : public LooperCallback {
- public:
-  BinderCallback() {}
-  ~BinderCallback() override {}
-  int handleEvent(int /* fd */, int /* events */, void* /* data */) override {
-    IPCThreadState::self()->handlePolledCommands();
-    return 1;  // Continue receiving callbacks.
-  }
-class TestService : public BnTestService {
- public:
-  TestService() {}
-  virtual ~TestService() = default;
-  virtual Status echoInteger(int32_t echo_me, const ITestService::simple_t* my_struct, ITestService::echoInteger_cb callback) {
-            std::cout << "struct at addr " << (void *)my_struct << std::endl;
-            std::cout << "int1 " << my_struct->int1 << " int2 " << my_struct->int2 << std::endl;
-            std::cout << "uint8 at position 18 is " << static_cast<int>(my_struct->data.buffer[18]) << std::endl;
-        callback(echo_me);
-        printf("Value is %d\n", my_struct->data.buffer[18]);
-        return Status::ok();
-    }
-    virtual Status shareBufferWithRef(int buffer, ITestService::shareBufferWithRef_cb callback) {
-        // Map back to struct lots_of_data
-        ITestService::lots_of_data* dataPtr;
-        if (from_ref(buffer, &dataPtr)) {
-            // Failed
-            callback(1);
-        } else {
-            cout << "Data element at position 1481 is " << unsigned(dataPtr->buffer[1481]) << endl;
-            callback(0);
-        }
-        return Status::ok();
-    }
-  private:
-int Run() {
-  android::sp<TestService> service = new TestService;
-  sp<Looper> looper(Looper::prepare(0 /* opts */));
-  int binder_fd = -1;
-  ProcessState::self()->setThreadPoolMaxThreadCount(0);
-  IPCThreadState::self()->disableBackgroundScheduling(true);
-  IPCThreadState::self()->setupPolling(&binder_fd);
-  ALOGI("Got binder FD %d", binder_fd);
-  if (binder_fd < 0) return -1;
-  sp<BinderCallback> cb(new BinderCallback);
-  if (looper->addFd(binder_fd, Looper::POLL_CALLBACK, Looper::EVENT_INPUT, cb,
-                    nullptr) != 1) {
-    ALOGE("Failed to add binder FD to Looper");
-    return -1;
-  }
-  hidl_version version = android::hardware::make_hidl_version(4,1);
-  defaultServiceManager()->addService(service->getInterfaceDescriptor(),
-                                      service, version);
-  ALOGI("Entering loop");
-  while (true) {
-    const int result = looper->pollAll(-1 /* timeoutMillis */);
-    ALOGI("Looper returned %d", result);
-  }
-  return 0;
-} // namespace
-int main(int /* argc */, char* /* argv */ []) {
-    return Run();
diff --git a/binder/TestServiceProxy.cpp b/binder/TestServiceProxy.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a0bb58..0000000
--- a/binder/TestServiceProxy.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/TemplateProxy.cpp
-#include <android/hardware/tests/ITestService.h>
-#include <android/hardware/tests/BpTestService.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-IMPLEMENT_HWBINDER_META_INTERFACE(TestService, "android.hardware.tests.ITestService");
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#include <android/hardware/tests/BpTestService.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-BpTestService::BpTestService(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder>& _aidl_impl)
-    : BpInterface<ITestService>(_aidl_impl){
-::android::hardware::Status BpTestService::echoInteger(int32_t echo_me, const ITestService::simple_t* my_struct  , ITestService::echoInteger_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  uint64_t buffer_handle;
-  int32_t ret;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInt32(echo_me);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeBuffer((void *)my_struct, sizeof(*my_struct), &buffer_handle);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeEmbeddedBuffer((void *)my_struct->data.buffer, my_struct->data.count * sizeof(*my_struct->data.buffer), nullptr, buffer_handle, 8);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(ITestService::ECHOINTEGER, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&ret);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  _cb(ret);
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-::android::hardware::Status BpTestService::shareBufferWithRef(hidl_ref<lots_of_data> buffer , ITestService::shareBufferWithRef_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  int32_t ret;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeFileDescriptor(buffer);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(ITestService::SHAREBUFFERWITHREF, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&ret);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  _cb(ret);
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/binder/TestServiceStubs.cpp b/binder/TestServiceStubs.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9283600..0000000
--- a/binder/TestServiceStubs.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/TemplateStubs.cpp
-#include <android/hardware/tests/ITestService.h>
-#include <android/hardware/tests/BpTestService.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-IMPLEMENT_HWBINDER_META_INTERFACE(TestService, "android.hardware.tests.ITestService");
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#include <iostream>
-#include <android/hardware/tests/BnTestService.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-::android::status_t BnTestService::onTransact(uint32_t _aidl_code, const ::android::hardware::Parcel& _aidl_data, ::android::hardware::Parcel* _aidl_reply, uint32_t _aidl_flags, TransactCallback _cb) {
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  switch (_aidl_code) {
-    case Call::ECHOINTEGER:
-      {
-        /*
-         */
-int32_t echo_me;
-  ITestService::simple_t *my_struct ;
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readInt32(&echo_me);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        my_struct = (simple_t *)_aidl_data.readBuffer(nullptr);
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             echoInteger(echo_me, my_struct,
-                           [&](auto ret ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(ret);
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-                           ));
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-      {
-        /*
-         */
-hidl_ref<lots_of_data> buffer;
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-        buffer = _aidl_data.readFileDescriptor();
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             shareBufferWithRef(buffer,
-                           [&](auto ret ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(ret);
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-                           ));
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    default:
-      {
-        _aidl_ret_status = ::android::hardware::BBinder::onTransact(_aidl_code, _aidl_data, _aidl_reply, _aidl_flags);
-      }
-      break;
-  }
-  if (_aidl_ret_status == ::android::UNEXPECTED_NULL) {
-    _aidl_ret_status = ::android::hardware::Status::fromExceptionCode(::android::hardware::Status::EX_NULL_POINTER).writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  }
-  return _aidl_ret_status;
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/binder/android/hardware/tests/BnTestService.h b/binder/android/hardware/tests/BnTestService.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d9d6e0..0000000
--- a/binder/android/hardware/tests/BnTestService.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/BpTemplate.h
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <android/hardware/tests/ITestService.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-class BnTestService : public ::android::hardware::BnInterface<ITestService> {
-  ::android::status_t onTransact(uint32_t _aidl_code, const ::android::hardware::Parcel& _aidl_data, ::android::hardware::Parcel* _aidl_reply, uint32_t _aidl_flags = 0, TransactCallback _callback = nullptr) override;
-};  // class BnTestService
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/binder/android/hardware/tests/BpTestService.h b/binder/android/hardware/tests/BpTestService.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 354946c..0000000
--- a/binder/android/hardware/tests/BpTestService.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/BpTemplate.h
-#include <hwbinder/IBinder.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <utils/Errors.h>
-#include <android/hardware/tests/ITestService.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-class BpTestService : public ::android::hardware::BpInterface<ITestService> {
-explicit BpTestService(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder>& _aidl_impl);
-virtual ~BpTestService() = default;
-::android::hardware::Status echoInteger(int32_t echo_me, const ITestService::simple_t *my_struct  , ITestService::echoInteger_cb _cb ) override;
-::android::hardware::Status shareBufferWithRef(hidl_ref<lots_of_data> buffer , ITestService::shareBufferWithRef_cb _cb ) override;
-};  // class BpTestService
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/binder/android/hardware/tests/ITestService.h b/binder/android/hardware/tests/ITestService.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c3a140..0000000
--- a/binder/android/hardware/tests/ITestService.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/ITemplate.h
-#ifndef HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_I_TestService_H_
-#define HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_I_TestService_H_
-#include <hwbinder/IBinder.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <hwbinder/Status.h>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-template<typename T>
-using hidl_ref = int;
-class ITestService : public ::android::hardware::IInterface {
-template<typename T>
-struct hidl_vec {
-  T *buffer;
-  size_t count;
-typedef struct {
-uint32_t int1;
-uint32_t int2;
-hidl_vec<uint8_t> data;
-} simple_t;
-typedef struct {
-uint8_t buffer[4096] ;
-} lots_of_data;
-  using echoInteger_cb = std::function<void(int32_t ret)>;
-  using shareBufferWithRef_cb = std::function<void(int32_t ret)>;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status echoInteger(int32_t echo_me, const ITestService::simple_t *my_struct , echoInteger_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status shareBufferWithRef(hidl_ref<lots_of_data> buffer, shareBufferWithRef_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-enum Call {
-  ECHOINTEGER = ::android::hardware::IBinder::FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 0,
-};  // class ITestService
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#endif  // HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_I_TestService_H_
diff --git a/bptest/Android.bp b/bptest/Android.bp
deleted file mode 100644
index ff7c4ae..0000000
--- a/bptest/Android.bp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-hidl_output {
-     name: "ifoo",
-     output_name: "ITestService.h",
-     output_type: "i_h",
-     srcs: ["ITestService.hal"],
-hidl_output {
-     name: "fooproxy",
-     output_name: "TestServiceProxy.cpp",
-     output_type: "proxy_cpp",
-     srcs: ["ITestService.hal"],
-cc_binary {
-    name: "test_hidl_build",
-    srcs: ["foo.cpp"],
-    generated_headers: ["ifoo"],
-    generated_sources: ["fooproxy"],
-    include_dirs: ["system/libhwbinder/include", "system/core/base/include"],
diff --git a/bptest/ITestService.hal b/bptest/ITestService.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b9dc64..0000000
--- a/bptest/ITestService.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.tests;
-interface ITestService {
-  struct lots_of_data {
-    uint8_t[4096] buffer;
-  };
-  echoInteger(int32_t echo_me) generates (int32_t ret);
-  shareBufferWithRef(ref<lots_of_data> buffer) generates (int32_t ret);
diff --git a/bptest/foo.cpp b/bptest/foo.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e43ce5b..0000000
--- a/bptest/foo.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#include <ITestService.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main(int, char**)
-  printf("Hi world\n");
-  return 0;
diff --git a/code_writer.cpp b/code_writer.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ad576ea..0000000
--- a/code_writer.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "code_writer.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-namespace android {
-namespace hidl {
-namespace {
-class StringCodeWriter : public CodeWriter {
- public:
-  StringCodeWriter(std::string* output_buffer) : output_(output_buffer) {}
-  virtual ~StringCodeWriter() = default;
-  bool Write(const char* format, ...) override {
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap, format);
-    android::base::StringAppendV(output_, format, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    return true;
-  }
-  bool Close() override { return true; }
- private:
-  std::string* output_;
-};  // class StringCodeWriter
-class FileCodeWriter : public CodeWriter {
- public:
-  FileCodeWriter(FILE* output_file, bool close_on_destruction)
-      : output_(output_file),
-        close_on_destruction_(close_on_destruction) {}
-  virtual ~FileCodeWriter() {
-    if (close_on_destruction_ && output_ != nullptr) {
-      fclose(output_);
-    }
-  }
-  bool Write(const char* format, ...) override {
-    bool success;
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap, format);
-    success = vfprintf(output_, format, ap) >= 0;
-    va_end(ap);
-    no_error_ = no_error_ && success;
-    return success;
-  }
-  bool Close() override {
-    if (output_ != nullptr) {
-      no_error_ = fclose(output_) == 0 && no_error_;
-      output_ = nullptr;
-    }
-    return no_error_;
-  }
- private:
-  bool no_error_ = true;
-  FILE* output_;
-  bool close_on_destruction_;
-};  // class StringCodeWriter
-}  // namespace
-CodeWriterPtr GetFileWriter(const std::string& output_file) {
-  CodeWriterPtr result;
-  FILE* to = nullptr;
-  bool close_on_destruction = true;
-  if (output_file == "-") {
-    to = stdout;
-    close_on_destruction = false;
-  } else {
-    // open file in binary mode to ensure that the tool produces the
-    // same output on all platforms !!
-    to = fopen(output_file.c_str(), "wb");
-  }
-  if (to != nullptr) {
-    result.reset(new FileCodeWriter(to, close_on_destruction));
-  } else {
-    cerr << "unable to open " << output_file << " for Write" << endl;
-  }
-  return result;
-CodeWriterPtr GetStringWriter(std::string* output_buffer) {
-  return CodeWriterPtr(new StringCodeWriter(output_buffer));
-}  // namespace hidl
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/code_writer.h b/code_writer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c55a68..0000000
--- a/code_writer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <android-base/macros.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hidl {
-class CodeWriter {
- public:
-  // Write a formatted string to this writer in the usual printf sense.
-  // Returns false on Error.
-  virtual bool Write(const char* format, ...) = 0;
-  virtual bool Close() = 0;
-  virtual ~CodeWriter() = default;
-};  // class CodeWriter
-using CodeWriterPtr = std::unique_ptr<CodeWriter>;
-// Get a CodeWriter that writes to |output_file|.
-CodeWriterPtr GetFileWriter(const std::string& output_file);
-// Get a CodeWriter that writes to a string buffer.
-// Caller retains ownership of the buffer.
-// The buffer must outlive the CodeWriter.
-CodeWriterPtr GetStringWriter(std::string* output_buffer);
-}  // namespace hidl
-}  // namespace android
-#endif // HIDL_CODE_WRITER_H_
diff --git a/fast_msgq/ b/fast_msgq/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ed96e2..0000000
--- a/fast_msgq/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := mq_test_service
-    common/MessageQueueDesc.cpp \
-    TestMsgQService.cpp \
-    ITestMsgQ.hal
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libhwbinder libbase libcutils libutils
-LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := system/libhwbinder/include
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES := common/MessageQueueDesc.cpp \
-                   TestMsgQClient.cpp \
-                   test_main.cpp \
-                   ITestMsgQ.hal
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libhwbinder libbase libcutils libutils
-LOCAL_MODULE := mq_test_client
-LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := system/libhwbinder/include
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES := common/MessageQueueDesc.cpp \
-                   MQTest.cpp \
-                   test_main.cpp
-LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := libutils libcutils liblog libgtest
-LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := system/libhwbinder/include
-LOCAL_MODULE := mq_tests
diff --git a/fast_msgq/ITestMsgQ.hal b/fast_msgq/ITestMsgQ.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index 69d8d68..0000000
--- a/fast_msgq/ITestMsgQ.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.tests;
-interface ITestMsgQ {
-  struct shm_t {
-    uint32_t fdIndex;
-    uint32_t offset;
-    uint32_t extent;
-  };
-  struct WireGrantorDescriptor {
-    uint32_t flags;
-    shm_t shm;
-  };
-  struct WireMQDescriptor {
-    vec<WireGrantorDescriptor> grantors;
-    handle mq_handle;
-    uint32_t quantum;
-    uint32_t nQuanta;
-    uint32_t flags;
-  };
-  configure() generates ( WireMQDescriptor mq_desc );
-  requestWrite (int32_t count) generates (int32_t ret);
-  requestRead(int32_t count) generates (int32_t ret);
diff --git a/fast_msgq/MQTest.cpp b/fast_msgq/MQTest.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b005af1..0000000
--- a/fast_msgq/MQTest.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <asm-generic/mman.h>
-#include <cutils/ashmem.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "common/MessageQueue.h"
-static const int queue_size = 1024;
-typedef uint64_t mq_position_t;
-class MQTests : public ::testing::Test {
- protected:
-  virtual void TearDown() {
-    if (fmsgq) {
-      delete fmsgq;
-    }
-  }
-  virtual void SetUp() {
-    size_t eventQueueTotal = 4096;
-    int ashmemFd = ashmem_create_region("MessageQueue", eventQueueTotal);
-    ashmem_set_prot_region(ashmemFd, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(ashmemFd >= 0);
-    native_handle_t* mq_handle = native_handle_create(1, 0);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(mq_handle != nullptr);
-    std::vector<android::hardware::GrantorDescriptor> Grantors(
-    /*
-     * The native handle will contain the fds to be
-     * mapped.
-     */
-    mq_handle->data[0] = ashmemFd;
-    /*
-     * Create Grantor Descriptors for read, write pointers and the data
-     * buffer.
-     */
-    Grantors[android::hardware::READPTRPOS] = {0, 0, 0, sizeof(mq_position_t)};
-    Grantors[android::hardware::WRITEPTRPOS] = {0, 0, sizeof(mq_position_t),
-                                            sizeof(mq_position_t)};
-    Grantors[android::hardware::DATAPTRPOS] = {0, 0, 2 * sizeof(mq_position_t),
-                                           queue_size};
-    android::hardware::MQDescriptor mydesc(Grantors, mq_handle, 0, sizeof(uint8_t));
-    fmsgq = new android::hardware::MessageQueue<uint8_t>(mydesc);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq != nullptr);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->isValid());
-  }
-  android::hardware::MessageQueue<uint8_t>* fmsgq;
- * Verify that a few bytes of data can be successfully written and read.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTests, SmallInputTest1) {
-  const int data_len = 16;
-  int write_count = -1;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(data_len <= queue_size);
-  uint8_t data[data_len];
-  for (int i = 0; i < data_len; i++) {
-    data[i] = i & 0xFF;
-  }
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->write(data, data_len));
-  uint8_t read_data[data_len] = {};
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->read(read_data, data_len));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(data, read_data, data_len) == 0);
- * Verify that read() returns false when trying to read from an empty queue.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTests, ReadWhenEmpty) {
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->availableToRead() == 0);
-  const int data_len = 2;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(data_len < queue_size);
-  uint8_t read_data[data_len];
-  ASSERT_FALSE(fmsgq->read(read_data, data_len));
- * Write the queue when full. Verify that subsequent writes fail.
- * Verify that availableToWrite() returns 0 as expected.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTests, WriteWhenFull) {
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->availableToRead() == 0);
-  uint8_t* data = new uint8_t[queue_size];
-  for (int i = 0; i < queue_size; i++) {
-    data[i] = i & 0xFF;
-  }
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->write(data, queue_size));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->availableToWrite() == 0);
-  ASSERT_FALSE(fmsgq->write(data, 1));
-  uint8_t* read_data = new uint8_t[queue_size]();
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->read(read_data, queue_size));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(data, read_data, queue_size) == 0);
-  delete[] data;
-  delete[] read_data;
- * Write a chunk of data equal to the queue size.
- * Verify that the write is successful and the subsequent read
- * returns the expected data.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTests, LargeInputTest1) {
-  uint8_t* data = new uint8_t[queue_size];
-  for (int i = 0; i < queue_size; i++) {
-    data[i] = i & 0xFF;
-  }
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->write(data, queue_size));
-  uint8_t* read_data = new uint8_t[queue_size]();
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->read(read_data, queue_size));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(data, read_data, queue_size) == 0);
-  delete[] data;
-  delete[] read_data;
- * Attempt to write a chunk of data larger than the queue size.
- * Verify that it fails. Verify that a subsequent read fails and
- * the queue is still empty.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTests, LargeInputTest2) {
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->availableToRead() == 0);
-  const int data_len = 4096;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(data_len > queue_size);
-  uint8_t* data = new uint8_t[data_len];
-  for (int i = 0; i < data_len; i++) {
-    data[i] = i & 0xFF;
-  }
-  ASSERT_FALSE(fmsgq->write(data, data_len));
-  uint8_t* read_data = new uint8_t[queue_size]();
-  ASSERT_FALSE(fmsgq->read(read_data, queue_size));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(memcmp(data, read_data, queue_size) == 0);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->availableToRead() == 0);
-  delete[] data;
-  delete[] read_data;
- * After the queue is full, try to write more data. Verify that
- * the attempt returns false. Verify that the attempt did not
- * affect the pre-existing data in the queue.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTests, LargeInputTest3) {
-  uint8_t* data = new uint8_t[queue_size];
-  for (int i = 0; i < queue_size; i++) {
-    data[i] = i & 0xFF;
-  }
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->write(data, queue_size));
-  ASSERT_FALSE(fmsgq->write(data, 1));
-  uint8_t* read_data = new uint8_t[queue_size];
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->read(read_data, queue_size));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(read_data, data, queue_size) == 0);
-  delete[] data;
-  delete[] read_data;
- * Verify that multiple reads one after the other return expected data.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTests, MultipleRead) {
-  const int chunkSize = 100;
-  const int chunkNum = 5;
-  const size_t data_len = chunkSize * chunkNum;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(data_len <= queue_size);
-  uint8_t data[data_len];
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data_len; i++) {
-    data[i] = i & 0xFF;
-  }
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->write(data, data_len));
-  uint8_t read_data[data_len] = {};
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chunkNum; i++) {
-    ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->read(read_data + i * chunkSize, chunkSize));
-  }
-  ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(read_data, data, data_len) == 0);
- * Verify that multiple writes one after the other happens correctly.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTests, MultipleWrite) {
-  const int chunkSize = 100;
-  const int chunkNum = 5;
-  const size_t data_len = chunkSize * chunkNum;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(data_len <= queue_size);
-  uint8_t data[data_len];
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data_len; i++) {
-    data[i] = i & 0xFF;
-  }
-  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chunkNum; i++) {
-    ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->write(data + i * chunkSize, chunkSize));
-  }
-  uint8_t read_data[data_len] = {};
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->read(read_data, data_len));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(read_data, data, data_len) == 0);
- * Write enough messages into the FMQ to fill half of it
- * and read back the same.
- * Write queue_size messages into the queue. This will cause a
- * wrap around. Read and verify the data.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTests, ReadWriteWrapAround) {
-  size_t numMessages = queue_size / 2;
-  uint8_t* data = new uint8_t[queue_size];
-  uint8_t* read_data = new uint8_t[queue_size]();
-  for (int i = 0; i < queue_size; i++) {
-    data[i] = i & 0xFF;
-  }
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->write(data, numMessages));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->read(read_data, numMessages));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->write(data, queue_size));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsgq->read(read_data, queue_size));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(read_data, data, queue_size) == 0);
-  delete[] data;
-  delete[] read_data;
diff --git a/fast_msgq/TestMsgQClient.cpp b/fast_msgq/TestMsgQClient.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 85ee64f..0000000
--- a/fast_msgq/TestMsgQClient.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-#include <ITestMsgQ.h>
-#include <android-base/logging.h>
-#include <asm-generic/mman.h>
-#include <cutils/ashmem.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IServiceManager.h>
-#include <utils/String16.h>
-#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "common/MessageQueue.h"
-// libutils:
-using android::OK;
-using android::sp;
-using android::status_t;
-using android::String16;
-// libbinder:
-using android::hardware::getService;
-using android::hardware::hidl_version;
-using android::hardware::make_hidl_version;
-using android::hardware::gen_ref;
-using android::hardware::from_ref;
-// generated
-using android::hardware::tests::ITestMsgQ;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-static int numMessagesMax;
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-namespace client {
-const char kServiceName[] = "android.hardware.tests.ITestMsgQ";
-bool GetService(sp<ITestMsgQ>* service, hidl_version version) {
-  status_t status = getService(String16(kServiceName), version, service);
-  if (status != OK) {
-    cerr << "Failed to get service binder: '" << kServiceName
-         << "' status=" << status << endl;
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-}  // namespace client
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-class MQTestClient : public ::testing::Test {
- protected:
-  virtual void TearDown() {
-    if (fmsg_queue) {
-      delete fmsg_queue;
-    }
-  }
-  virtual void SetUp() {
-    namespace client_tests = android::hardware::tests::client;
-    hidl_version version = make_hidl_version(4, 0);
-    if (!client_tests::GetService(&service, version)) return;
-    service->configure([this](const ITestMsgQ::WireMQDescriptor& in) {
-      create_mq_from_wiremqdesc(&this->fmsg_queue, &in);
-    });
-    ASSERT_TRUE(fmsg_queue != nullptr);
-    ASSERT_TRUE(fmsg_queue->isValid());
-    numMessagesMax = fmsg_queue->getQuantumCount();
-  }
-  sp<ITestMsgQ> service;
-  android::hardware::MessageQueue<uint16_t>* fmsg_queue;
- private:
-  void create_mq_from_wiremqdesc(android::hardware::MessageQueue<uint16_t>** rbIn,
-                                 const ITestMsgQ::WireMQDescriptor* wmq_desc) {
-    /*
-     * Create a copy of the native handle from the WireMQDescriptor.
-     */
-    native_handle_t* mq_handle = native_handle_create(
-        wmq_desc->mq_handle->numFds, wmq_desc->mq_handle->numInts);
-    if (mq_handle == nullptr) return;
-    for (int i = 0; i < wmq_desc->mq_handle->numFds; i++)
-      mq_handle->data[i] = wmq_desc->mq_handle->data[i];
-    memcpy(&mq_handle->data[mq_handle->numFds],
-           &wmq_desc->mq_handle->data[mq_handle->numFds],
-           mq_handle->numInts * sizeof(int));
-    /*
-     * Create the vector of GrantorDescriptors.
-     */
-    std::vector<android::hardware::GrantorDescriptor> Grantors(
-    Grantors[android::hardware::READPTRPOS] = {
-        0, wmq_desc->grantors.buffer[android::hardware::READPTRPOS].shm.fdIndex,
-        wmq_desc->grantors.buffer[android::hardware::READPTRPOS].shm.offset,
-        wmq_desc->grantors.buffer[android::hardware::READPTRPOS].shm.extent};
-    Grantors[android::hardware::WRITEPTRPOS] = {
-        0, wmq_desc->grantors.buffer[android::hardware::WRITEPTRPOS].shm.fdIndex,
-        wmq_desc->grantors.buffer[android::hardware::WRITEPTRPOS].shm.offset,
-        wmq_desc->grantors.buffer[android::hardware::WRITEPTRPOS].shm.extent};
-    Grantors[android::hardware::DATAPTRPOS] = {
-        0, wmq_desc->grantors.buffer[android::hardware::DATAPTRPOS].shm.fdIndex,
-        wmq_desc->grantors.buffer[android::hardware::DATAPTRPOS].shm.offset,
-        wmq_desc->grantors.buffer[android::hardware::DATAPTRPOS].shm.extent};
-    android::hardware::MQDescriptor mq_desc(Grantors, mq_handle, 0,
-                                        sizeof(uint16_t));
-    *rbIn = new android::hardware::MessageQueue<uint16_t>(mq_desc);
-  }
- * Utility function to verify data read from the fast message queue.
- */
-bool verifyData(uint16_t* data, int count) {
-  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-    if (data[i] != i) return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-/* Request service to write a small number of messages
- * to the FMQ. Read and verify data.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTestClient, SmallInputReaderTest1) {
-  const int data_len = 16;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(data_len <= numMessagesMax);
-  int write_count = -1;
-  service->requestWrite(data_len,
-                        [&write_count](auto ret) { write_count = ret; });
-  ASSERT_EQ(write_count, data_len);
-  uint16_t read_data[data_len] = {};
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsg_queue->read(read_data, data_len));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(verifyData(read_data, data_len));
- * Write a small number of messages to FMQ. Request
- * service to read and verify that the write was succesful.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTestClient, SmallInputWriterTest1) {
-  const int data_len = 16;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(data_len <= numMessagesMax);
-  size_t original_count = fmsg_queue->availableToWrite();
-  uint16_t data[data_len];
-  for (int i = 0; i < data_len; i++) {
-    data[i] = i;
-  }
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsg_queue->write(data, data_len));
-  int read_count = -1;
-  service->requestRead(data_len, [&read_count](auto ret) { read_count = ret; });
-  ASSERT_EQ(read_count, data_len);
-  size_t available_count = fmsg_queue->availableToWrite();
-  ASSERT_EQ(original_count, available_count);
- * Verify that the FMQ is empty and read fails when it is empty.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTestClient, ReadWhenEmpty) {
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsg_queue->availableToRead() == 0);
-  const int numMessages = 2;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(numMessages <= numMessagesMax);
-  uint16_t read_data[numMessages];
-  ASSERT_FALSE(fmsg_queue->read(read_data, numMessages));
- * Verify FMQ is empty.
- * Write enough messages to fill it.
- * Verify availableToWrite() method returns is zero.
- * Try writing another message and verify that
- * the attempted write was unsuccesful. Request service
- * to read and verify the messages in the FMQ.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTestClient, WriteWhenFull) {
-  uint16_t* data = new uint16_t[numMessagesMax];
-  for (int i = 0; i < numMessagesMax; i++) {
-    data[i] = i;
-  }
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsg_queue->write(data, numMessagesMax));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsg_queue->availableToWrite() == 0);
-  ASSERT_FALSE(fmsg_queue->write(data, 1));
-  int read_count = -1;
-  service->requestRead(numMessagesMax,
-                       [&read_count](auto ret) { read_count = ret; });
-  ASSERT_EQ(read_count, numMessagesMax);
-  delete[] data;
- * Verify FMQ is empty.
- * Request service to write data equal to queue size.
- * Read and verify data in fmsg_queue.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTestClient, LargeInputTest1) {
-  int write_count = -1;
-  service->requestWrite(numMessagesMax,
-                        [&write_count](auto ret) { write_count = ret; });
-  ASSERT_EQ(write_count, numMessagesMax);
-  uint16_t* read_data = new uint16_t[numMessagesMax]();
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsg_queue->read(read_data, numMessagesMax));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(verifyData(read_data, numMessagesMax));
-  delete[] read_data;
- * Request service to write more than maximum number of messages to the FMQ.
- * Verify that the write fails. Verify that availableToRead() method
- * still returns 0 and verify that attempt to read fails.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTestClient, LargeInputTest2) {
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsg_queue->availableToRead() == 0);
-  const int numMessages = 2048;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(numMessages > numMessagesMax);
-  int write_count = -1, expected_count = 0;
-  service->requestWrite(numMessages,
-                        [&write_count](auto ret) { write_count = ret; });
-  ASSERT_EQ(write_count, expected_count);
-  uint16_t read_data;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsg_queue->availableToRead() == 0);
-  ASSERT_FALSE(fmsg_queue->read(&read_data, 1));
- * Write until FMQ is full.
- * Verify that the number of messages available to write
- * is equal to numMessagesMax.
- * Verify that another write attempt fails.
- * Request service to read. Verify read count.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTestClient, LargeInputTest3) {
-  uint16_t* data = new uint16_t[numMessagesMax];
-  for (int i = 0; i < numMessagesMax; i++) {
-    data[i] = i;
-  }
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsg_queue->write(data, numMessagesMax));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsg_queue->availableToWrite() == 0);
-  ASSERT_FALSE(fmsg_queue->write(data, 1));
-  int read_count = -1;
-  service->requestRead(numMessagesMax,
-                       [&read_count](auto ret) { read_count = ret; });
-  ASSERT_EQ(read_count, numMessagesMax);
-  delete[] data;
- * Confirm that the FMQ is empty. Request service to write to FMQ.
- * Do multiple reads to empty FMQ and verify data.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTestClient, MultipleRead) {
-  const int chunkSize = 100;
-  const int chunkNum = 5;
-  const int numMessages = chunkSize * chunkNum;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(numMessages <= numMessagesMax);
-  int availableToRead = fmsg_queue->availableToRead();
-  int expected_count = 0;
-  ASSERT_EQ(availableToRead, expected_count);
-  int write_count = 0;
-  service->requestWrite(numMessages,
-                        [&write_count](auto ret) { write_count = ret; });
-  ASSERT_EQ(write_count, numMessages);
-  uint16_t read_data[numMessages] = {};
-  for (int i = 0; i < chunkNum; i++) {
-    ASSERT_TRUE(fmsg_queue->read(read_data + i * chunkSize, chunkSize));
-  }
-  ASSERT_TRUE(verifyData(read_data, numMessages));
- * Write to FMQ in bursts.
- * Request service to read data. Verify read_count.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTestClient, MultipleWrite) {
-  const int chunkSize = 100;
-  const int chunkNum = 5;
-  const int numMessages = chunkSize * chunkNum;
-  ASSERT_TRUE(numMessages <= numMessagesMax);
-  uint16_t data[numMessages];
-  for (int i = 0; i < numMessages; i++) {
-    data[i] = i;
-  }
-  for (int i = 0; i < chunkNum; i++) {
-    ASSERT_TRUE(fmsg_queue->write(data + i * chunkSize, chunkSize));
-  }
-  int read_count = -1;
-  service->requestRead(numMessages,
-                       [&read_count](auto ret) { read_count = ret; });
-  ASSERT_TRUE(read_count == numMessages);
- * Write enough messages into the FMQ to fill half of it.
- * Request service to read back the same.
- * Write numMessagesMax messages into the queue. This should cause a
- * wrap around. Request service to read and verify the data.
- */
-TEST_F(MQTestClient, ReadWriteWrapAround) {
-  int numMessages = numMessagesMax / 2;
-  uint16_t* data = new uint16_t[numMessagesMax];
-  for (int i = 0; i < numMessagesMax; i++) {
-    data[i] = i;
-  }
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsg_queue->write(data, numMessages));
-  int read_count = -1;
-  service->requestRead(numMessages,
-                       [&read_count](auto ret) { read_count = ret; });
-  ASSERT_TRUE(read_count == numMessages);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(fmsg_queue->write(data, numMessagesMax));
-  read_count = -1;
-  service->requestRead(numMessagesMax,
-                       [&read_count](auto ret) { read_count = ret; });
-  ASSERT_TRUE(read_count == numMessagesMax);
-  delete[] data;
diff --git a/fast_msgq/TestMsgQService.cpp b/fast_msgq/TestMsgQService.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f3b255..0000000
--- a/fast_msgq/TestMsgQService.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-#include <iostream>
-#include <map>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <BnTestMsgQ.h>
-#include <common/MessageQueue.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IPCThreadState.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IServiceManager.h>
-#include <hwbinder/ProcessState.h>
-#include <hwbinder/Status.h>
-#include <utils/Errors.h>
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <utils/Looper.h>
-#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
-// libutils:
-using android::Looper;
-using android::LooperCallback;
-using android::OK;
-using android::sp;
-using android::String16;
-// libhwbinder:
-using android::hardware::BnInterface;
-using android::hardware::defaultServiceManager;
-using android::hardware::IInterface;
-using android::hardware::IPCThreadState;
-using android::hardware::Parcel;
-using android::hardware::ProcessState;
-using android::hardware::Status;
-using android::hardware::hidl_version;
-using android::hardware::make_hidl_version;
-using android::hardware::from_ref;
-// Standard library
-using std::cerr;
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-using std::map;
-using std::string;
-using std::unique_ptr;
-using std::vector;
-// Generated HIDL files
-using android::hardware::tests::BnTestMsgQ;
-typedef uint64_t ringbuffer_position_t;
-namespace {
-class BinderCallback : public LooperCallback {
- public:
-  BinderCallback() {}
-  ~BinderCallback() override {}
-  int handleEvent(int /* fd */, int /* events */, void* /* data */) override {
-    IPCThreadState::self()->handlePolledCommands();
-    return 1;  // Continue receiving callbacks.
-  }
-class TestMsgQ : public BnTestMsgQ {
- public:
-  TestMsgQ() : fmsg_queue(nullptr) {}
-  virtual ~TestMsgQ() {
-    if (fmsg_queue) {
-      delete fmsg_queue;
-    }
-  }
-  // TODO:: Change callback argument to bool.
-  virtual Status requestWrite(int count, ITestMsgQ::requestWrite_cb callback) {
-    uint16_t* data = new uint16_t[count];
-    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-      data[i] = i;
-    }
-    if (fmsg_queue->write(data, count)) {
-      callback(count);
-    } else {
-      callback(0);
-    }
-    delete[] data;
-    return Status::ok();
-  }
-  // TODO:: Change callback argument to bool.
-  virtual Status requestRead(int count, ITestMsgQ::requestRead_cb callback) {
-    uint16_t* data = new uint16_t[count];
-    if (fmsg_queue->read(data, count) && verifyData(data, count)) {
-      callback(count);
-    } else {
-      callback(0);
-    }
-    delete[] data;
-    return Status::ok();
-  }
-  virtual Status configure(ITestMsgQ::configure_cb callback) {
-    size_t eventQueueTotal = 4096;
-    const size_t eventQueueDataSize = 2048;
-    int ashmemFd = ashmem_create_region("MessageQueue", eventQueueTotal);
-    ashmem_set_prot_region(ashmemFd, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
-    /*
-     * The native handle will contain the fds to be mapped.
-     */
-    native_handle_t* mq_handle = native_handle_create(1, 0);
-    if (!mq_handle) {
-      ALOGE("Unable to create native_handle_t");
-      return Status::fromExceptionCode(Status::EX_ILLEGAL_STATE);
-    }
-    std::vector<android::hardware::GrantorDescriptor> Grantors(
-    mq_handle->data[0] = ashmemFd;
-    /*
-     * Create Grantor Descriptors for read, write pointers and the data buffer.
-     */
-    Grantors[android::hardware::READPTRPOS] = {0, 0, 0,
-                                           sizeof(ringbuffer_position_t)};
-    Grantors[android::hardware::WRITEPTRPOS] = {0, 0, sizeof(ringbuffer_position_t),
-                                            sizeof(ringbuffer_position_t)};
-    Grantors[android::hardware::DATAPTRPOS] = {
-        0, 0, 2 * sizeof(ringbuffer_position_t), eventQueueDataSize};
-    android::hardware::MQDescriptor mydesc(Grantors, mq_handle, 0,
-                                       sizeof(uint16_t));
-    if (fmsg_queue) {
-      delete fmsg_queue;
-    }
-    fmsg_queue = new android::hardware::MessageQueue<uint16_t>(mydesc);
-    ITestMsgQ::WireMQDescriptor* wmsgq_desc = CreateWireMQDescriptor(mydesc);
-    callback(*wmsgq_desc);
-    delete[] wmsgq_desc->grantors.buffer;
-    delete wmsgq_desc;
-    return Status::ok();
-  }
-  android::hardware::MessageQueue<uint16_t>* fmsg_queue;
- private:
-  /*
-   * Utility function to verify data read from the fast message queue.
-   */
-  bool verifyData(uint16_t* data, int count) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
-      if (data[i] != i) return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  /*
-   * Create WireMQDescriptor from MQDescriptor.
-   */
-  ITestMsgQ::WireMQDescriptor* CreateWireMQDescriptor(
-      android::hardware::MQDescriptor& rb_desc) {
-    ITestMsgQ::WireMQDescriptor* wmq_desc = new ITestMsgQ::WireMQDescriptor;
-    const vector<android::hardware::GrantorDescriptor>& vec_gd =
-        rb_desc.getGrantors();
-    wmq_desc->grantors.count = vec_gd.size();
-    wmq_desc->grantors.buffer =
-        new ITestMsgQ::WireGrantorDescriptor[wmq_desc->grantors.count];
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < wmq_desc->grantors.count; i++) {
-      wmq_desc->grantors.buffer[i] = {
-          0, {vec_gd[i].fdIndex, vec_gd[i].offset, vec_gd[i].extent}};
-    }
-    wmq_desc->mq_handle = (rb_desc.getHandle())->handle();
-    wmq_desc->quantum = rb_desc.getQuantum();
-    wmq_desc->flags = rb_desc.getFlags();
-    return wmq_desc;
-  }
-int Run() {
-  android::sp<TestMsgQ> service = new TestMsgQ;
-  sp<Looper> looper(Looper::prepare(0 /* opts */));
-  int binder_fd = -1;
-  ProcessState::self()->setThreadPoolMaxThreadCount(0);
-  IPCThreadState::self()->disableBackgroundScheduling(true);
-  IPCThreadState::self()->setupPolling(&binder_fd);
-  if (binder_fd < 0) return -1;
-  sp<BinderCallback> cb(new BinderCallback);
-  if (looper->addFd(binder_fd, Looper::POLL_CALLBACK, Looper::EVENT_INPUT, cb,
-                    nullptr) != 1) {
-    ALOGE("Failed to add binder FD to Looper");
-    return -1;
-  }
-  hidl_version version = android::hardware::make_hidl_version(4, 0);
-  defaultServiceManager()->addService(service->getInterfaceDescriptor(),
-                                      service, version);
-  ALOGI("Entering loop");
-  while (true) {
-    const int result = looper->pollAll(-1 /* timeoutMillis */);
-    ALOGI("Looper returned %d", result);
-  }
-  return 0;
-}  // namespace
-int main(int /* argc */, char* /* argv */ []) { return Run(); }
diff --git a/fast_msgq/common/MessageQueue.h b/fast_msgq/common/MessageQueue.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cf042ae..0000000
--- a/fast_msgq/common/MessageQueue.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef HIDL_MQ_H
-#define HIDL_MQ_H
-#include <atomic>
-#include "MessageQueueDesc.h"
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-template <typename T>
-struct MessageQueue {
-  MessageQueue(const MQDescriptor& Desc);
-  ~MessageQueue();
-  size_t availableToWrite() const;
-  size_t availableToRead() const;
-  size_t getQuantumSize() const;
-  size_t getQuantumCount() const;
-  bool isValid() const;
-  bool write(const T* data);
-  bool read(T* data);
-  bool write(const T* data, size_t count);
-  bool read(T* data, size_t count);
-  const MQDescriptor* getDesc() const { return &mDesc; }
- private:
-  struct region {
-    uint8_t* address;
-    size_t length;
-  };
-  struct transaction {
-    region first;
-    region second;
-  };
-  size_t writeBytes(const uint8_t* data, size_t size);
-  transaction beginWrite(size_t nBytesDesired) const;
-  void commitWrite(size_t nBytesWritten);
-  size_t readBytes(uint8_t* data, size_t size);
-  transaction beginRead(size_t nBytesDesired) const;
-  void commitRead(size_t nBytesRead);
-  MessageQueue(const MessageQueue& other) = delete;
-  MessageQueue& operator=(const MessageQueue& other) = delete;
-  MessageQueue();
-  MQDescriptor mDesc;
-  uint8_t* mRing;
-  std::atomic<uint64_t>* mReadPtr;
-  std::atomic<uint64_t>* mWritePtr;
-template <typename T>
-MessageQueue<T>::MessageQueue(const MQDescriptor& Desc) : mDesc(Desc) {
-  /*
-   * Verify that the the Descriptor contains the minimum number of grantors
-   * the native_handle is valid and T matches quantum size.
-   */
-  if ((Desc.getHandle() == nullptr) ||
-      (Desc.getGrantors().size() < MINIMUM_GRANTOR_COUNT) ||
-      (Desc.getQuantum() != sizeof(T)))
-    return;
-  mReadPtr = (std::atomic<uint64_t>*)mDesc.mapGrantorDescr(READPTRPOS);
-  mWritePtr = (std::atomic<uint64_t>*)mDesc.mapGrantorDescr(WRITEPTRPOS);
-  mReadPtr->store(0, std::memory_order_acquire);
-  mWritePtr->store(0, std::memory_order_acquire);
-  mRing = (uint8_t*)mDesc.mapGrantorDescr(DATAPTRPOS);
-template <typename T>
-MessageQueue<T>::~MessageQueue() {
-  if (mReadPtr) mDesc.unmapGrantorDescr(mReadPtr, READPTRPOS);
-  if (mWritePtr) mDesc.unmapGrantorDescr(mWritePtr, WRITEPTRPOS);
-  if (mRing) mDesc.unmapGrantorDescr(mRing, DATAPTRPOS);
-template <typename T>
-bool MessageQueue<T>::write(const T* data) {
-  return write(data, 1);
-template <typename T>
-bool MessageQueue<T>::read(T* data) {
-  return read(data, 1);
-template <typename T>
-bool MessageQueue<T>::write(const T* data, size_t count) {
-  if (availableToWrite() < sizeof(T) * count) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return (writeBytes(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data),
-                     sizeof(T) * count) == sizeof(T) * count);
-template <typename T>
-bool MessageQueue<T>::read(T* data, size_t count) {
-  if (availableToRead() < sizeof(T) * count) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return readBytes(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(data), sizeof(T) * count) ==
-         sizeof(T) * count;
-template <typename T>
-size_t MessageQueue<T>::availableToWrite() const {
-  return mDesc.getSize() - availableToRead();
-template <typename T>
-size_t MessageQueue<T>::writeBytes(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
-  transaction tx = beginWrite(size);
-  memcpy(tx.first.address, data, tx.first.length);
-  memcpy(tx.second.address, data + tx.first.length, tx.second.length);
-  size_t result = tx.first.length + tx.second.length;
-  commitWrite(result);
-  return result;
- * The below method does not check for available space since it was already
- * checked by write() API which invokes writeBytes() which in turn calls
- * beginWrite().
- */
-template <typename T>
-typename MessageQueue<T>::transaction MessageQueue<T>::beginWrite(
-    size_t nBytesDesired) const {
-  transaction result;
-  auto readPtr = mReadPtr->load(std::memory_order_acquire);
-  auto writePtr = mWritePtr->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
-  size_t writeOffset = writePtr % mDesc.getSize();
-  size_t contiguous = mDesc.getSize() - writeOffset;
-  if (contiguous < nBytesDesired) {
-    result = {{mRing + writeOffset, contiguous},
-              {mRing, nBytesDesired - contiguous}};
-  } else {
-    result = {
-        {mRing + writeOffset, nBytesDesired}, {0, 0},
-    };
-  }
-  return result;
-template <typename T>
-void MessageQueue<T>::commitWrite(size_t nBytesWritten) {
-  auto writePtr = mWritePtr->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
-  writePtr += nBytesWritten;
-  mWritePtr->store(writePtr, std::memory_order_release);
-template <typename T>
-size_t MessageQueue<T>::availableToRead() const {
-  /*
-   * Doing relaxed loads here because these accesses don't carry dependencies.
-   * Dependent accesses won't happen until after a call to beginWrite or
-   * beginRead
-   * which do proper acquire/release.
-   */
-  return mWritePtr->load(std::memory_order_relaxed) -
-         mReadPtr->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
-template <typename T>
-size_t MessageQueue<T>::readBytes(uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
-  transaction tx = beginRead(size);
-  memcpy(data, tx.first.address, tx.first.length);
-  memcpy(data + tx.first.length, tx.second.address, tx.second.length);
-  size_t result = tx.first.length + tx.second.length;
-  commitRead(result);
-  return result;
- * The below method does not check whether nBytesDesired bytes are available
- * to read because the check is performed in the read() method before
- * readBytes() is invoked.
- */
-template <typename T>
-typename MessageQueue<T>::transaction MessageQueue<T>::beginRead(
-    size_t nBytesDesired) const {
-  transaction result;
-  auto writePtr = mWritePtr->load(std::memory_order_acquire);
-  auto readPtr = mReadPtr->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
-  size_t readOffset = readPtr % mDesc.getSize();
-  size_t contiguous = mDesc.getSize() - readOffset;
-  if (contiguous < nBytesDesired) {
-    result = {{mRing + readOffset, contiguous},
-              {mRing, nBytesDesired - contiguous}};
-  } else {
-    result = {
-        {mRing + readOffset, nBytesDesired}, {0, 0},
-    };
-  }
-  return result;
-template <typename T>
-void MessageQueue<T>::commitRead(size_t nBytesRead) {
-  auto readPtr = mReadPtr->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
-  readPtr += nBytesRead;
-  mReadPtr->store(readPtr, std::memory_order_release);
-template <typename T>
-size_t MessageQueue<T>::getQuantumSize() const {
-  return mDesc.getQuantum();
-template <typename T>
-size_t MessageQueue<T>::getQuantumCount() const {
-  return mDesc.getSize() / mDesc.getQuantum();
-template <typename T>
-bool MessageQueue<T>::isValid() const {
-  return mRing != nullptr && mReadPtr != nullptr && mWritePtr != nullptr;
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#endif  // HIDL_MQ_H
diff --git a/fast_msgq/common/MessageQueueDesc.cpp b/fast_msgq/common/MessageQueueDesc.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d714c42..0000000
--- a/fast_msgq/common/MessageQueueDesc.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "MessageQueueDesc.h"
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-MQDescriptor::MQDescriptor(const std::vector<GrantorDescriptor>& grantors,
-                           native_handle_t* nhandle, int32_t flags, size_t size)
-    : mGrantors(grantors), mQuantum(size), mFlags(flags) {
-  mHandle = NativeHandle::create(nhandle, true);
- * TODO: Modify design to send access flags over WireMQDescriptor
- * as well and use the same for the mmap call.
- */
-void* MQDescriptor::mapGrantorDescr(uint32_t grantor_idx) {
-  const native_handle_t* handle = mHandle->handle();
-  int fdIndex = mGrantors[grantor_idx].fdIndex;
-  /*
-   * Offset for mmap must be a multiple of PAGE_SIZE.
-   */
-  int mapOffset = (mGrantors[grantor_idx].offset / PAGE_SIZE) * PAGE_SIZE;
-  int mapLength =
-      mGrantors[grantor_idx].offset - mapOffset + mGrantors[grantor_idx].extent;
-  void* address = mmap(0, mapLength, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
-                       handle->data[fdIndex], mapOffset);
-  return (address == MAP_FAILED)
-             ? nullptr
-             : (uint8_t*)address + (mGrantors[grantor_idx].offset - mapOffset);
-void MQDescriptor::unmapGrantorDescr(void* address, uint32_t grantor_idx) {
-  const native_handle_t* handle = mHandle->handle();
-  int mapOffset = (mGrantors[grantor_idx].offset / PAGE_SIZE) * PAGE_SIZE;
-  int mapLength =
-      mGrantors[grantor_idx].offset - mapOffset + mGrantors[grantor_idx].extent;
-  void* baseAddress =
-      (uint8_t*)address - (mGrantors[grantor_idx].offset - mapOffset);
-  if (baseAddress) munmap(baseAddress, mapLength);
-}  // namespace hardware 
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/fast_msgq/common/MessageQueueDesc.h b/fast_msgq/common/MessageQueueDesc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e6a7af..0000000
--- a/fast_msgq/common/MessageQueueDesc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <cutils/native_handle.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <utils/NativeHandle.h>
-#include <vector>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-struct GrantorDescriptor {
-  uint32_t flags;
-  uint32_t fdIndex;
-  uint32_t offset;
-  uint32_t extent;
-enum GrantorType : int { READPTRPOS = 0, WRITEPTRPOS, DATAPTRPOS };
-struct MQDescriptor {
-  MQDescriptor(const std::vector<GrantorDescriptor>& grantors,
-               native_handle_t* nhandle, int32_t flags, size_t size);
-  size_t getSize() const;
-  size_t getQuantum() const;
-  int32_t getFlags() const;
-  const sp<NativeHandle> getHandle() const;
-  const std::vector<GrantorDescriptor> getGrantors() const;
-  void* mapGrantorDescr(uint32_t grantor_idx);
-  void unmapGrantorDescr(void* address, uint32_t grantor_idx);
- private:
-  MQDescriptor();
-  sp<NativeHandle> mHandle = nullptr;
-  std::vector<GrantorDescriptor> mGrantors;
-  size_t mQuantum = 0;
-  int32_t mFlags = 0;
-inline size_t MQDescriptor::getSize() const {
-  return mGrantors[DATAPTRPOS].extent;
-inline size_t MQDescriptor::getQuantum() const { return mQuantum; }
-inline int32_t MQDescriptor::getFlags() const { return mFlags; }
-inline const sp<NativeHandle> MQDescriptor::getHandle() const {
-  return mHandle;
-inline const std::vector<GrantorDescriptor> MQDescriptor::getGrantors() const {
-  return mGrantors;
-} // namespace hardware
-} // namespace android
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/fast_msgq/test_main.cpp b/fast_msgq/test_main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d6a031..0000000
--- a/fast_msgq/test_main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
-    int ret = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
-    return ret;
diff --git a/generate.cpp b/generate.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e2b9ec..0000000
--- a/generate.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,751 +0,0 @@
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <android-base/strings.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <regex>
-#include "generator_utility.h"
-#include "parser.h"
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-#define CB_VAR_PREFIX "_cb_"
-string Type::VtsTypeDesc(string section)
-  string output = GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "vts_type_" + TypeName(),
-                                         GetSubs(section));
-  return GeneratorUtility::trim(output);
-const string Header::Generate(string section) const
-  Subs subs {};
-  return GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "header", subs);
-const string Const::Generate(string section) const
-  Subs subs {{"NAME", name_->GetText()}, {"VAL", value_->GetText()}};
-  return GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "const", subs);
-const string OpaqueType::Generate(string /*section*/) const
-  return "opaque";
-const string StringType::Generate(string /*section*/) const
-  return "hidl_string";
-const string HandleType::Generate(string /*section*/) const
-  return "native_handle";
-const string TypedefDecl::Generate(string section) const
-  string out {"typedef "};
-  out += base_->Generate(section) + " " + name_->Generate(section) + ";\n";
-  return out;
-const string ImportDecl::Generate(string section) const
-  return "Import code goes here for name " + name_->Generate(section) + "\n";
-const string NamedType::Generate(string section) const
-  return name_->GetText();
-const string RefType::Generate(string section) const
-  return "hidl_ref<" + base_->Generate(section) + ">";
-  //  return "int";
-const string UnionType::Generate(string section) const
-  string out {"union {\n"};
-  out += fields_->GenSemiList(section);
-  out += '}';
-  return out;
-const string VecType::Generate(string section) const
-  return "generate.cpp VecType: Don't use this anymore";
-const string EnumType::Generate(string section) const
-  return "enum {" + fields_->GenCommaList(section) + "}";
-const string Element::Generate(string section) const
-  return GetText();
-const string Field::Generate(string section) const
-  // TODO
-  return "Field (TODO)";
-const Subs Field::GetSubs(string section) const
-  return GetSubsC(section, FieldContext{"","","",0});
-const Subs Field::GetSubsC(string section, const FieldContext &context) const
-  //  string type_name { type_->TypeName() };
-  Subs subs{{"param_name", context.var_prefix + name_->GetText()},
-    {"package_name", GetParser()->GetPackageName()},
-    {"init_value", initializer_ ? initializer_->GetText() : ""}};
-  Type *type = GetType();
-  if (type) {
-    Subs type_subs {type->GetSubsC(section, context)};
-    //PrintSubs("FieldTypeSubs", type_subs);
-    subs.insert(subs.end(), type_subs.begin(), type_subs.end());
-  } else {
-    cout << "Null type!" << endl;
-  }
-  //PrintSubs("Field subs", subs);
-  return subs;
-const Subs VecType::GetSubs(string section) const
-  Subs subs{{"vec_name", "myVecName"},
-    {"decl_base_type", GetBase()->Generate(section)},
-    {"vts_base_type_description", GetBase()->VtsTypeDesc(section) }};
-  return subs;
-const Subs TypedefDecl::GetSubs(string section) const
-  return base_->GetSubs(section);
-const Subs NamedType::GetSubs(string section) const
-  Subs base_subs{ base_->GetSubs(section) };
-  Subs subs{{"named_type_name", name_->GetText()}};
-  subs.insert(subs.end(), base_subs.begin(), base_subs.end());
-  return subs;
-const Subs NamedType::GetSubsC(string section, const FieldContext& context) const
-  Subs base_subs{ base_->GetSubsC(section, context) };
-  Subs subs{{"named_type_name", name_->GetText()}};
-  subs.insert(subs.end(), base_subs.begin(), base_subs.end());
-  return subs;
-const Subs RefType::GetSubs(string section) const
-  Subs subs{{"base_type_name", base_->Generate(section)}};
-  return subs;
-const Subs ArrayType::GetSubs(string section) const
-  Subs subs{{"array_name", "myArrayName"},
-    {"array_size", dimension_->GetText()},
-    {"base_type_name", base_->Description(section)}};
-  return subs;
-const Subs ScalarType::GetSubs(string section) const
-  Subs subs{{"field_type_vts", VtsType()},
-            {"base_type_name", name_->GetText()}};
-  return subs;
-const Subs Function::GetSubs(string section) const
-  string callback_param;
-  if (generates_->Size()) {
-    Subs subs{{"function_name", name_->GetText()},
-              {"package_name", GetParser()->GetPackageName()}};
-    callback_param = GeneratorUtility::make_inline(
-        GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "callback_param", subs));
-  }
-  string call_param_list = fields_->GenCommaList(section, "");
-  string params_and_callback;
-  if (call_param_list == "" || callback_param == "") {
-    params_and_callback = call_param_list + callback_param;
-  } else {
-    params_and_callback = call_param_list + ", " + callback_param;
-  }
-  string callback_invocation;
-  if (generates_->Size() > 0) {
-    string return_param_names = generates_->GenCommaNameList(
-        section, "", "callback_var_", CB_VAR_PREFIX);
-    Subs subs{{"return_param_names", return_param_names}};
-    callback_invocation =
-        GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "callback_invocation", subs);
-  }
-  string function_params_stubs{fields_->GenCommaNameList(section, "", "stub_param_decl_")};
-  string function_callback_text;
-  string callback_check;
-  if (generates_->Size()) {
-    Subs subs{
-        {"param_ret_write_snips",
-         generates_->TextByPrefix(section, "param_ret_write_")},
-        {"return_params_stubs",
-         generates_->GenCommaNameList(section, "", "return_param_decl_")},
-    };
-    function_callback_text =
-        GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "callback_code", subs);
-    callback_check = GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "callback_check", Subs{});
-  }
-  string stub_arguments;
-  if (function_callback_text == "" || function_params_stubs == "") {
-    stub_arguments = function_params_stubs + function_callback_text;
-  } else {
-    stub_arguments = function_params_stubs + ",  " + function_callback_text;
-  }
-  Subs subs{
-      {"function_name", name_->GetText()},
-      {"package_name", GetParser()->GetInterface()->GetText()},
-      {"params_and_callback", params_and_callback},
-      {"call_param_list", call_param_list},
-      {"return_param_list", generates_->GenCommaList(section, "")},
-      {"stub_arguments", stub_arguments},
-      {"callback_check", callback_check},
-      {"param_ret_read_snips",
-       generates_->TextByPrefix(section, "param_ret_read_", CB_VAR_PREFIX)},
-      {"param_write_snips", fields_->TextByPrefix(section, "param_write_")},
-      {"param_read_snips", fields_->TextByPrefix(section, "param_read_")},
-      {"func_name_as_enum", GeneratorUtility::upcase(name_->GetText())},
-      {"param_decls", fields_->GenSemiList(section)},
-      {"callback_invocation", callback_invocation},
-      {"generates_variables",
-       generates_->GenSemiList(section,
-                               FieldContext{"", "", "", 0}.vp(CB_VAR_PREFIX))},
-      {"vts_args",
-       generates_->GenVtsTypedFieldList(section, "return_type_hidl",
-                                        "vts_args") +
-           fields_->GenVtsTypedFieldList(section, "arg", "vts_args")},
-      {"vts_callflow", GenCallflow(section)},
-  };
-  return subs;
-string AnnotationValue::NoQuoteText()
-  return value_->NoQuoteText();
-string Annotations::GenVtsCalls(string section, string anno_name, string out_label)
-  string out;
-  Annotation *calls = GetAnnotation(anno_name);
-  if (calls) {
-    if (calls->GetUnnamedValues() && calls->GetUnnamedValues()->size() > 0) {
-      for (auto &value : *calls->GetUnnamedValues()) {
-        Subs subs{{"callflow_label", out_label},
-                  {"callflow_func_name", value->GetValue()->GetText()}};
-        out += GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "anno_calls", subs);
-      }
-    } else {
-      GetParser()->Error(
-          calls->Line(),
-          "Call-graph annotation '%s' needs 1 or more unnamed string values",
-          anno_name.c_str());
-    }
-  }
-  // cout << "VtsCalls " << out << endl;
-  return out;
-string Function::GenCallflow(string section) const
-  string next_text = annotations_->GenVtsCalls(section, "next_calls", "next");
-  string prev_text = annotations_->GenVtsCalls(section, "prev_calls", "prev");
-  string entry_text = annotations_->HasKey("entry")
-                          ? GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "anno_entry")
-                          : "";
-  string exit_text = annotations_->HasKey("exit")
-                         ? GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "anno_exit")
-                         : "";
-  Subs subs{{"anno_entry", entry_text},
-            {"anno_exit", exit_text},
-            {"anno_calls", next_text + prev_text}};
-  if (entry_text + exit_text + next_text + prev_text == "") {
-    return "";
-  }
-  return GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "vts_callflow", subs);
-bool Annotation::HasKey(string key)
-  if (!entries_) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  AnnotationEntries::iterator it = entries_->find(key);
-  return it != entries_->end();
-bool Annotations::HasKey(string key)
-  return !!GetAnnotation(key);
-Annotation *Annotations::GetAnnotation(string key)
-  for (auto & a : annotations_) {
-    if (a->NameText() == key) {
-      return a;
-    }
-  }
-  return nullptr;
-AnnotationValues *Annotation::GetValues(string key)
-  return (*entries_)[key];
-string Fields::GenVtsTypedFieldList(string section, string label,
-                                    string snippet_name)
-  string output;
-  for (auto &field : fields_) {
-    Subs subs{{"arg_or_ret_type", label},
-              {"vts_field_name", field->NameText()},
-              {"vts_type_name", field->GetType()->VtsTypeName()},
-              {"vts_type_description", field->GetType()->VtsTypeDesc(section)}};
-    output += GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, snippet_name, subs);
-  }
-  return output;
-string Fields::GenVtsEnumFieldList(string section)
-  string output;
-  for (auto &field : fields_) {
-    Subs subs{{"vts_enum_name", field->NameText()},
-              {"vts_enum_value",
-               field->GetValue() ? field->GetValue()->GetText() : ""}};
-    output += GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "vts_enum_field", subs);
-  }
-  return output;
-string Field::GenVtsValues(string section)
-  if (!annotation_ || !annotation_->HasKey("normal")) {
-    return "";
-  }
-  string output;
-  for (auto &value : *annotation_->GetValues("normal")) {
-    if (!value->GetValue()) {
-      GetParser()->Error(annotation_->Line(),
-                         "'normal' annotation needs values!");
-      continue;
-    }
-    Subs subs{{"type_name", GetType()->VtsType()},
-              {"the_value", value->GetValue()->GetText()}};
-    output += GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "vts_values", subs);
-  }
-  return output;
-string Fields::GenCommaNameList(string section, string prev_list, string snippet_prefix, string name_prefix)
-  string output{prev_list};
-  for (auto &field : fields_) {
-    if (output != "") {
-      output += ", ";
-    }
-    string name = name_prefix + field->GetName();
-    if (snippet_prefix == "") {
-      output += name;
-    } else {
-      Subs subs{
-          {"param_name", name},
-          {"package_name", field->GetParser()->GetPackageName()},
-          {"type_desc", field->GetType() ? field->GetType()->GetName() : ""}};
-      string s;
-      if (field->GetType()) {
-        s = GeneratorUtility::make_inline(GeneratorUtility::Snip(
-            section, snippet_prefix + field->GetType()->TypeSuffix(false),
-            subs));
-      }
-      if (s == "") {
-        s = GeneratorUtility::make_inline(
-            GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, snippet_prefix + "default", subs));
-        //        if (field->GetType()) s += " Not found: " + snippet_prefix +
-        //        field->GetType()->TypeSuffix(false);
-      }
-      output += s;
-    }
-  }
-  return output;
-string Fields::GenCommaList(string section, string prev, bool out_params)
-  string output {prev};
-  for (auto & field : fields_) {
-    if (output != "") {
-      output += ", ";
-    }
-    string special_string;
-    if (field->GetType()) {
-      special_string =
-          GeneratorUtility::Snip(
-              section, "param_decl_" + field->GetType()->TypeSuffix(true),
-              field->GetSubs(section)) +
-          GeneratorUtility::Snip(
-              section, "param_decl_" + field->GetType()->TypeSuffix(false),
-              field->GetSubs(section)) +
-          GeneratorUtility::Snip(section,
-                                 "param_decl_" + field->GetType()->TypeName(),
-                                 field->GetSubs(section));
-    }
-    if (special_string != "") {
-      output += (section == "json")
-                    ? special_string
-                    : GeneratorUtility::make_inline(special_string);
-    } else {
-      if (field->GetType()) {  // Enum fields don't have a type
-        output += field->GetType()->Generate(section);
-      }
-      if (!out_params) {
-        output += " " + field->GetName();
-      }
-      if (field->GetValue()) {  // some Enum fields have this
-        output += " = " + field->GetValue()->GetText();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return output;
-const string VecType::Description(string section) const
-  Subs subs{{"base_type_name", GetBase()->Description(section)}};
-  return GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "describe_type_vec", subs);
-const string NamedType::Description(string section) const
-  Subs subs{{"package_name", GetParser()->GetPackageName()},
-    {"the_type_name", GetName()}};
-  return GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "describe_named_type", subs);
-const string TypeDecl::Description(string section) const
-  Subs subs{{"package_name", GetParser()->GetPackageName()},
-    {"the_type_name", GetName()}};
-  return GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "describe_named_type", subs);
-string Fields::GenSemiList(string section, const FieldContext &context)
-  string output {""};
-  for (auto & field : fields_) {
-    string special_string;
-    if (field->GetType()) {
-      special_string =
-          GeneratorUtility::Snip(
-              section, "field_decl_" + field->GetType()->TypeSuffix(true),
-              field->GetSubsC(section, context)) +
-          GeneratorUtility::Snip(
-              section, "field_decl_" + field->GetType()->TypeSuffix(false),
-              field->GetSubsC(section, context));
-    }
-    if (special_string != "") {
-      output += GeneratorUtility::make_inline(special_string);
-    } else {
-      output += field->GetType()->Description(section) + " " +
-          context.var_prefix + field->GetName() + field->GetInitText();
-    }
-    output += ";\n";
-  }
-  return output;
-string Fields::GenByType(string section, string prefix)
-  string output{""};
-  for (auto &field : fields_) {
-    Subs subs = field->GetSubs(section);
-    output += GeneratorUtility::Snip(
-        section, prefix + field->GetType()->TypeName(), subs);
-  }
-  return output;
-const string ArrayType::FixupText(string section, const FieldContext &context,
-                                  string prefix) const
-  Type *base = GetBase();
-  string base_fixup, base_ret_fixup;
-  if (!base->HasFixup()) {
-    base_fixup =
-        "// Fixup not needed for this array " + base->Generate(section);
-  } else {
-    // TODO clean up this cut-and-paste hack job
-    FieldContext new_context{"", context.designator, context.base_pointer,
-                             context.next_var + 1};
-    new_context.designator += "[i" + std::to_string(new_context.next_var) + "]";
-    string inner_array_fixup = base->FixupText(section, new_context, prefix);
-    Subs subs{
-        {"inner_array_fixup", inner_array_fixup},
-        {"loop_var", "i" + std::to_string(new_context.next_var)},
-        {"array_length", GenerateDimension()},
-    };
-    base_fixup = GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "array_fixup_loop", subs);
-  }
-  Subs subs{
-      {"array_fixup_loop", base_fixup},
-  };
-  return GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, prefix + "fixup_array", subs);
-const string UnionType::FixupText(string section, const FieldContext &context,
-                                  string prefix) const
-  Subs subs{{"param_name", context.designator}};
-  return "Union Fixup Needed\n";
-const string HandleType::FixupText(string section, const FieldContext &context,
-                                   string prefix) const
-  Subs subs{{"param_name", context.designator},
-            {"base_pointer", context.base_pointer}};
-  return GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, prefix + "fixup_handle", subs);
-const string StringType::FixupText(string section, const FieldContext &context,
-                                   string prefix) const
-  Subs subs{{"param_name", context.designator},
-            {"base_pointer", context.base_pointer}};
-  return GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, prefix + "fixup_string", subs);
-const string StructType::FixupText(string section, const FieldContext &context,
-                                   string prefix) const
-  string struct_fixup_writer{"  // struct fixup " + prefix + "\n"};
-  for (auto &field : GetFields()->GetVec()) {
-    Type *type{field->GetType()};
-    if (!type->HasFixup()) {
-      struct_fixup_writer +=
-          "\n//field " + field->GetName() + " doesn't need fixup\n";
-      continue;
-    }
-    FieldContext new_context{"", context.designator + "." + field->GetName(),
-                             context.base_pointer, context.next_var};
-    struct_fixup_writer += type->FixupText(section, new_context, prefix);
-  }
-  return struct_fixup_writer;
-const string VecType::FixupText(string section, const FieldContext &context,
-                                string prefix) const
-  Type *base = GetBase();
-  string base_fixup, base_ret_fixup;
-  if (!base->HasFixup()) {
-    base_fixup = "// Fixup not needed for this vec " + base->Generate(section);
-    base_ret_fixup = base_fixup;
-  } else {
-    // TODO clean up this cut-and-paste hack job
-    FieldContext new_context{"", context.designator,
-          context.designator, context.next_var+1};
-    string outer_base_pointer = new_context.base_pointer;
-    new_context.base_pointer = new_context.designator+".buffer";
-    new_context.designator += ".buffer[i"+std::to_string(new_context.next_var)+"]";
-    string inner_vec_fixup = base->FixupText(section, new_context, prefix);
-    Subs subs{
-      {"inner_vec_fixup", inner_vec_fixup},
-      {"inner_ret_vec_fixup", inner_vec_fixup},
-      {"loop_var", "i"+std::to_string(new_context.next_var)},
-      {"base_pointer", outer_base_pointer},
-      {"param_name", context.designator},
-          };
-    base_fixup = GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "vec_fixup_loop", subs);
-    base_ret_fixup =
-        GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "vec_ret_fixup_loop", subs);
-  }
-  Subs subs{{"param_name", context.designator},
-    {"package_name", base->GetParser()->GetPackageName()},
-    {"vec_base_type", base->Description(section)},
-    {"base_pointer", context.base_pointer},
-    {"vec_fixup_loop", base_fixup},
-    {"vec_ret_fixup_loop", base_ret_fixup}};
-  return GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, prefix + "fixup_vec", subs);
-const Subs StructDecl::GetSubsC(string section,
-                                const FieldContext &context) const
-  Subs subs{
-      {"struct_fields", base_->GetFields()->GenSemiList(section)},
-      {"struct_name", name_->GetText()},
-      {"struct_gen_fields",
-       base_->GetFields()->GenByType(section, "struct_field_")},
-      {"fixup_write_struct", GetBase()->FixupText(section, context, "write_")},
-      {"fixup_ret_write_struct",
-       GetBase()->FixupText(section, context, "write_ret_")},
-      {"fixup_read_struct", GetBase()->FixupText(section, context, "read_")},
-      {"fixup_ret_read_struct",
-       GetBase()->FixupText(section, context, "read_ret_")},
-      {"struct_type_description",
-       GeneratorUtility::make_inline(Description(section))},
-      {"offset_calculator", "0 /* offset_calculator */"},
-      {"vts_type_name", VtsTypeName()},
-      {"vts_struct_field", base_->GetFields()->GenVtsTypedFieldList(
-                               section, "", "vts_struct_field")},
-  };
-  return subs;
-const Subs VecType::GetSubsC(string section, const FieldContext &context) const
-  Subs subs {
-    {"fixup_write_vec", FixupText(section, context, "write_")},
-    {"fixup_ret_write_vec", FixupText(section, context, "write_ret_")},
-    {"fixup_read_vec", FixupText(section, context, "read_")},
-    {"fixup_ret_read_vec", FixupText(section, context, "read_ret_")},
-    {"decl_base_type", GetBase()->Description(section)},
-  };
-  return subs;
-const Subs ArrayType::GetSubsC(string section,
-                               const FieldContext &context) const
-  Subs subs{
-      {"fixup_write_array", FixupText(section, context, "write_")},
-      {"fixup_ret_write_array", FixupText(section, context, "write_ret_")},
-      {"array_size", dimension_->GetText()},
-      {"base_type_name", base_->Description(section)},
-      {"decl_base_type", GetBase()->Description(section)},
-  };
-  return subs;
-const Subs UnionDecl::GetSubs(string section) const
-  Subs subs {
-    {"union_fields", base_->GetFields()->GenSemiList(section)},
-    {"union_name", name_->GetText()},
-    {"union_gen_fields", base_->GetFields()->GenByType(section, "union_field_")},
-  };
-  return subs;
-const Subs ImportDecl::GetSubs(string section) const
-  Subs subs {
-    {"import_name", name_->GetText()},
-  };
-  return subs;
-const Subs Const::GetSubs(string section) const
-  Subs subs {
-    {"const_name", GetName()},
-    {"const_value", GetValue()->GetText()},
-    {"const_vts_type", GetValue()->HasStringValue() ? "bytes" : "int32_t"},
-  };
-  return subs;
-const Subs EnumDecl::GetSubs(string section) const
-  Subs subs{
-      {"enum_fields", base_->GetFields()->GenCommaList(section)},
-      {"enum_name", name_->GetText()},
-      {"enum_base_type", base_->TypeOfEnum(section)},
-      {"quoted_fields_of_enum",
-       base_->GetFields()->GenCommaNameList(section, "", "enum_quoted_name_")},
-      {"vts_type_name", VtsTypeName()},
-      {"vts_enum_field", base_->GetFields()->GenVtsEnumFieldList(section)},
-  };
-  return subs;
-const string ArrayType::Generate(string section) const
-  string out = base_->Generate(section);
-  out += '[' + dimension_->Generate(section) + ']';
-  return out;
-const string ScalarType::Generate(string section) const
-  return name_->GetText();
-const string StructType::Generate(string section) const
-  string out {"struct {\n"};
-  out += fields_->GenSemiList(section);
-  out += '}';
-  return out;
-const string EnumType::TypeSuffix(bool subtype) const
-  if (subtype) {
-    return TypeName() + "_" + type_->TypeSuffix(subtype);
-  } else {
-    return TypeName() + "_all";
-  }
-const string DerivedType::TypeSuffix(bool subtype) const
-  if (subtype) {
-    return TypeName() + "_" + base_->TypeSuffix(subtype);
-  } else {
-    return TypeName() + "_all";
-  }
-const string ScalarType::TypeSuffix(bool subtype) const
-  if (subtype) {
-    return TypeName() + SubtypeSuffix();
-  } else {
-    return TypeName() + "_all";
-  }
-string Fields::TextByPrefix(string section, string prefix, string name_prefix)
-  string out;
-  // cout << " <<< TBP " << prefix << endl;
-  for (auto &thing : fields_) {
-    string thing_name = name_prefix + thing->GetName();
-    if (prefix == "param_read_" || prefix == "param_ret_read_") {
-      thing_name = "(*" + thing_name + ")";
-    }
-    FieldContext fc{name_prefix, thing_name, "&" + thing_name, 0};
-    out += GeneratorUtility::Snip(section,
-                                  prefix + thing->GetType()->TypeSuffix(true),
-                                  thing->GetSubsC(section, fc));
-    out += GeneratorUtility::Snip(section,
-                                  prefix + thing->GetType()->TypeSuffix(false),
-                                  thing->GetSubsC(section, fc));
-    //  cout << "    type '" << (prefix+thing->TypeName()) << "' size " <<
-    //  out.size() << endl;
-  }
-  return out;
diff --git a/generator_utility.cpp b/generator_utility.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f410cf..0000000
--- a/generator_utility.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "generator_utility.h"
-#include "parser.h"
-extern bool generator_verbose_mode;
-// TODO use std::stringstream foo; foo << "string"; foo.str() instead of +...+
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-string GeneratorUtility::Snip(const string &section, const string &name,
-                              const Subs &subs, bool print) {
-  SnipMapMap::iterator smm_it = snippets_cpp.find(section);
-  if (smm_it == snippets_cpp.end()) {
-    std::cerr << "Warning: Section " << section << " not found in snippets"
-              << endl;
-    return "";
-  }
-  SnipMap snip_map(smm_it->second);
-  SnipMap::iterator it = snip_map.find(name);
-  if (it == snip_map.end()) {
-    if (print)
-      std::cout << "  Snip '" << name << "' not found in section '" << section
-                << "'" << endl;
-    return "";  // This is legal, e.g. many types don't need code
-  }
-  string snippet(it->second);
-  // First, replace all the keys with uglified versions, in case the
-  // key also appears in replacement text
-  // TODO: Regex-escape the keys, or use a non-regex search/replace
-  for (auto &sub : subs) {
-    std::regex re(sub.first);
-    snippet = std::regex_replace(snippet, re, sub.first + "####");
-  }
-  // Then, replace the uglified keys with the replacement text
-  for (auto &sub : subs) {
-    std::regex re(sub.first + "####");
-    snippet = std::regex_replace(snippet, re, sub.second);
-  }
-  if (print)
-    cout << "* * Final snippet for '" << name << "': '" << snippet << "' * *"
-         << endl;
-  if (generator_verbose_mode && snippet != "") {
-    snippet = "// START " + name + "\n" + snippet + "\n// END " + name + "\n";
-  }
-  return snippet;
-string GeneratorUtility::Snip(const string &section, const string &name) {
-  Subs subs{};
-  return Snip(section, name, subs);
-string GeneratorUtility::upcase(const string in) {
-  string out{in};
-  for (auto &ch : out) ch = toupper(ch);
-  return out;
-string GeneratorUtility::make_inline(const string in) {
-  string out{in};
-  std::replace(out.begin(), out.end(), '\n', ' ');
-  return out;
-string GeneratorUtility::trim(const string in) {
-  string out{in};
-  out.erase(out.find_last_not_of("\n") + 1);
-  return out;
-void GeneratorUtility::PrintSubs(const string &msg, const Subs subs)
-  cout << msg << ": \n";
-  for (auto & sub : subs) {
-    cout << "  '" << sub.first << "' -> '" << sub.second << "'" << endl;
-  }
diff --git a/generator_utility.h b/generator_utility.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 96bc72b..0000000
--- a/generator_utility.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "snippets.h"
-#include <android-base/macros.h>
-#include <android-base/strings.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <regex>
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-using std::pair;
-using Subs = vector<pair<string, string>>;
-// Contains utility methods that used to generate the output files by hidl-gen.
-class GeneratorUtility {
- public:
-  GeneratorUtility() {};
-  virtual ~GeneratorUtility() {};
-  static string Snip(const string &section, const string &name,
-                     const Subs &subs, bool print = false);
-  static string Snip(const string &section, const string &name);
-  static void PrintSubs(const string &msg, const Subs subs);
-  static string upcase(const string in);
-  static string make_inline(const string in);
-  static string trim(const string in);
- private:
-  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(GeneratorUtility);
diff --git a/hidl.h b/hidl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f3caa5b..0000000
--- a/hidl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef HIDL_HIDL_H_
-#define HIDL_HIDL_H_
-#include <limits>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "ast.h"
-#include "io_delegate.h"
-#include "options.h"
-//#include "type_namespace.h"
-namespace android {
-namespace hidl {
-enum class HidlError {
-  UNKOWN = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min(),
-  OK = 0,
-int Compile_hidl_to_cpp(const CppOptions& options,
-                        const IoDelegate& io_delegate);
-int Compile_hidl_to_cpp(const CppOptions& options,
-                        const IoDelegate& io_delegate);
-namespace internals {
-bool Parse_preprocessed_file(const IoDelegate& io_delegate,
-                             const std::string& filename);
-} // namespace internals
-}  // namespace android
-}  // namespace hidl
-#endif  // HIDL_HIDL_H_
diff --git a/hidl_language_l.ll b/hidl_language_l.ll
deleted file mode 100644
index e797abb..0000000
--- a/hidl_language_l.ll
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "ast.h"
-#include "hidl_language_y.h"
-#define YY_USER_ACTION yylloc->columns(yyleng);
-%option yylineno
-%option noyywrap
-%option reentrant
-%option bison-bridge
-%option bison-locations
-identifier  [_a-zA-Z]([_a-zA-Z0-9]|\:\:)*
-whitespace  ([ \t\r]+)
-intvalue    [-+]?(0[0-7']*|[1-9][0-9']*|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F']+|0[bB][01']+)((l|L|ll|LL)?(u|U)?|(u|U)?(l|L|ll|LL)?)
-  /* This happens at every call to yylex (every time we receive one token) */
-  std::string extra_text;
-  yylloc->step();
-\/\*                  { extra_text = yytext; BEGIN(LONG_COMMENT); }
-<LONG_COMMENT>\*+\/   { extra_text += yytext;
-		        yylval->element = new CommentElement(extra_text, "",
-		          yylloc->begin.line);
-		      	yylloc->step(); BEGIN(INITIAL); /*return yy::parser::token::COMMENT;*/ }
-<LONG_COMMENT>\*+     { extra_text += yytext; }
-<LONG_COMMENT>\n+     { extra_text += yytext; yylloc->lines(yyleng); }
-<LONG_COMMENT>[^*\n]+ { extra_text += yytext; }
-\"([^\"]|\\\")*\"     { yylval->element = new StringElement(yytext,
-		          yylloc->begin.line);
-                        return yy::parser::token::C_STR; }
-\'([^\\']|\\.)\'      { yylval->element = new IntElement(yytext, extra_text,
-		          		yylloc->begin.line);
-                        return yy::parser::token::C_CHAR; }
-\/\/.*\n              { yylval->element = new CommentElement(yytext, "",
-		            yylloc->begin.line);
-			yylloc->lines(1);
-		        yylloc->step();
-			/*return yy::parser::token::COMMENT;*/ }
-\n+                   { yylloc->lines(yyleng); yylloc->step(); }
-{whitespace}          {}
-<<EOF>>               { yyterminate(); }
-    /* symbols */
-;                     { return ';'; }
-:                     { return ':'; }
-\{                    { return '{'; }
-\}                    { return '}'; }
-=                     { return '='; }
-,                     { return ','; }
-@                     { return '@'; }
-\.                    { return '.'; }
-\(                    { return '('; }
-\)                    { return ')'; }
-\[                    { return '['; }
-\]                    { return ']'; }
-\<                    { return '<'; }
-\>                    { return '>'; }
-\|\|                  { return yy::parser::token::OR; }
-&&                    { return yy::parser::token::AND; }
-\|                    { return '|'; }
-\^                    { return '^'; }
-&                     { return '&'; }
-==                    { return yy::parser::token::EQ; }
-!=                    { return yy::parser::token::NE; }
-\<=                   { return yy::parser::token::LE; }
-\>=                   { return yy::parser::token::GE; }
-\>\>                  { return yy::parser::token::RSHIFT; }
-\<\<                  { return yy::parser::token::LSHIFT; }
-\+                    { return '+'; }
--                     { return '-'; }
-\*                    { return '*'; }
-\/                    { return '/'; }
-%                     { return '%'; }
-~                     { return '~'; }
-!                     { return '!'; }
-    /* keywords */
-const                 { return yy::parser::token::CONST; }
-oneway                { return yy::parser::token::ONEWAY; }
-struct                { return yy::parser::token::STRUCT; }
-union                 { return yy::parser::token::UNION; }
-enum                  { return yy::parser::token::ENUM; }
-typedef               { return yy::parser::token::TYPEDEF; }
-version               { return yy::parser::token::VERSION; }
-package               { return yy::parser::token::PACKAGE; }
-interface             { return yy::parser::token::INTERFACE; }
-generates             { return yy::parser::token::GENERATES; }
-selects               { return yy::parser::token::SELECTS; }
-import                { return yy::parser::token::IMPORT; }
-ref                   { return yy::parser::token::REF; }
-vec                   { return yy::parser::token::VEC; }
-on                    { return yy::parser::token::ON; }
-int8_t                { yylval->type = new ScalarType(new NameElement(yytext, extra_text,
-		          yylloc->begin.line)); return yy::parser::token::INT8; }
-int16_t               { yylval->type = new ScalarType(new NameElement(yytext, extra_text,
-		          yylloc->begin.line)); return yy::parser::token::INT16; }
-int32_t               { yylval->type = new ScalarType(new NameElement(yytext, extra_text,
-		          yylloc->begin.line)); return yy::parser::token::INT32; }
-int64_t               { yylval->type = new ScalarType(new NameElement(yytext, extra_text,
-		          yylloc->begin.line)); return yy::parser::token::INT64; }
-uint8_t               { yylval->type = new ScalarType(new NameElement(yytext, extra_text,
-		          yylloc->begin.line)); return yy::parser::token::UINT8; }
-uint16_t              { yylval->type = new ScalarType(new NameElement(yytext, extra_text,
-		          yylloc->begin.line)); return yy::parser::token::UINT16; }
-uint32_t              { yylval->type = new ScalarType(new NameElement(yytext, extra_text,
-		          yylloc->begin.line)); return yy::parser::token::UINT32; }
-uint64_t              { yylval->type = new ScalarType(new NameElement(yytext, extra_text,
-		          yylloc->begin.line)); return yy::parser::token::UINT64; }
-char                  { yylval->type = new ScalarType(new NameElement(yytext, extra_text,
-		          yylloc->begin.line)); return yy::parser::token::CHAR; }
-opaque                { yylval->type = new ScalarType(new NameElement(yytext, extra_text,
-		          yylloc->begin.line)); return yy::parser::token::OPAQUE; }
-handle                { yylval->type = new HandleType(); return yy::parser::token::HANDLE; }
-string                { yylval->type = new StringType(); return yy::parser::token::STRINGTOK; }
-    /* scalars */
-{identifier}          { yylval->element = new NameElement(yytext, extra_text,
-		          yylloc->begin.line);
-                        return yy::parser::token::IDENTIFIER;
-                      }
-{intvalue}            { yylval->element = new IntElement(yytext, extra_text,
-		          yylloc->begin.line);
-                        return yy::parser::token::INTVALUE; }
-    /* syntax Error! */
-.                     { printf("UNKNOWN(%s)", yytext);
-                        yylval->element = new ErrorElement(yytext, extra_text, yylloc->begin.line);
-                        return yy::parser::token::IDENTIFIER;
-                      }
-// comment and whitespace handling
-// ================================================
diff --git a/hidl_language_y.yy b/hidl_language_y.yy
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cf6320..0000000
--- a/hidl_language_y.yy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-#include "ast.h"
-#include "hidl_language_y.h"
-#include "parser.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-int yylex(yy::parser::semantic_type *, yy::parser::location_type *, void *);
-#define lex_scanner ps->Scanner()
-%parse-param { Parser* ps }
-%lex-param { void *lex_scanner }
-%skeleton ""
-%union {
-    Element *element;
-    std::vector<Element *> *elements;
-    Field *field;
-    Fields *fields;
-    Type *type;
-    AnnotationEntry *annotation_entry;
-    AnnotationEntries *annotation_entries;
-    AnnotationValues *annotation_values;
-    Annotation *annotation;
-    AnnotationValue *annotation_value;
-    Annotations *annotations;
-    int integer;
-    bool boolean;
-    std::string *str;
-    std::vector<std::string *> *strings;
-%token '(' ')' ',' '@' '=' '[' ']' '.' '{' '}' ';'
-%left OR
-%left AND
-%left '|'
-%left '^'
-%left '&'
-%left EQ NE
-%left '<' LE '>' GE
-%left '+' '-'
-%left '*' '/' '%'
-%right '~' '!' UMINUS UPLUS
-%token INT8 INT16 INT32 INT64 UINT8 UINT16 UINT32 UINT64
-%token<str> C_CHAR;
-%token<element> IDENTIFIER
-%token<element> COMMENT
-%token<element> INTVALUE C_STR
-%type<strings> namespace
-%type<annotations> annotations
-%type<element> dotted_ids
-%type<str> imports
-%type<annotation_entry> annotation_entry
-%type<annotation> annotation
-%type<annotation_entries> annotation_entries
-%type<str> typedef_decl
-%type<annotation_value> annotation_value
-%type<annotation_values> annotation_values
-%type<boolean> oneway
-%type<element> scalar_value scalar_expr const_expr
-%type<elements> id_list namespace_list
-%type<field> disc_union_field enum_field var_decl
-%type<fields> enum_fields disc_union_fields var_decls_semi func_args
-%type<type> union_type disc_union_type struct_type any_type one_word_type scalar_type
-%type<token> error
- : comments intro '{' decls '}' ';' comments {}
- :
- | comments COMMENT { ps->AddComment($2); }
- : version namespace imports annotations INTERFACE IDENTIFIER
-  { ps->SetInterface($4, $6); }
-  { ps->SetVersion($2->GetIntegerValue(), $4->GetIntegerValue()); }
- : PACKAGE namespace_list ';'
-  { ps->SetNamespace($2); }
- : {}
- | imports import {}
- : IMPORT namespace_list ';'
-  { ps->AddImport($2); }
-  { $$ = new std::vector<Element *>; $$->push_back($1); }
- | namespace_list '.' IDENTIFIER
-  { $1->push_back($3); }
- : comments
- | decls decl comments
- : struct_decl    {}
- | enum_decl      {}
- | const_decl     {}
- | function_decl  {}
- | union_decl     {}
- | typedef_decl   {}
- : STRUCT IDENTIFIER '{' var_decls_semi '}' ';'
-  { ps->AddStruct(new StructDecl($2, new StructType($4))); }
- : CONST IDENTIFIER '=' const_expr ';'
-  { ps->AddConst(new Const($2, $4)); }
- : scalar_expr {}
- | C_STR        {}
- : scalar_value {}
- | scalar_expr OR scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, "||", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr AND scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, "&&", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr '|' scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, "|", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr '^' scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, "^", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr '&' scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, "&", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr EQ scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, "==", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr NE scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, "!=", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr '<' scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, "<", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr LE scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, "<=", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr '>' scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, ">", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr GE scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, ">=", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr RSHIFT scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, ">>", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr LSHIFT scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, "<<", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr '+' scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, "+", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr '-' scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, "-", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr '*' scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, "*", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr '/' scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, "/", $1->Line()); }
- | scalar_expr '%' scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new BinaryExpression($1, $3, "%", $1->Line()); }
- | '(' scalar_expr ')'
-  { $$ = new ParenthesizedExpression($2, "()", $2->Line()); }
- | '~' scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new UnaryExpression($2, "~", $2->Line()); }
- | '!' scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new UnaryExpression($2, "!", $2->Line()); }
- | '+' scalar_expr %prec UMINUS
-  { $$ = new UnaryExpression($2, "+", $2->Line()); }
- | '-' scalar_expr %prec UPLUS
-  { $$ = new UnaryExpression($2, "-", $2->Line()); }
- : C_CHAR   {}
- : ENUM IDENTIFIER ':' scalar_type '{' enum_fields '}' ';'
-  { ps->AddEnum(new EnumDecl($2, new EnumType($4, $6))); }
- : annotations oneway IDENTIFIER '(' func_args ')' ';'
-  { ps->AddFunction(new Function($1, $2, $3, $5, new Fields)); }
- | annotations oneway IDENTIFIER '(' func_args ')' GENERATES '(' func_args ')' ';'
-  { ps->AddFunction(new Function($1, $2, $3, $5, $9)); }
- :
-  { $$ = new Fields; }
- | var_decl
-  { $$ = new Fields; $$->Add($1); }
- | func_args ',' var_decl
-  { $$->Add($3); }
- : var_decl ';'
-  { $$ = new Fields; $$->Add($1); }
- | var_decls_semi var_decl ';'
-  { $$->Add($2); }
- : any_type IDENTIFIER
-  { $$ = new TypedField($1, $2); }
- | any_type IDENTIFIER SELECTS '(' dotted_ids ')'
-  { $$ = new TypedField($1, $2, $5); }
- | dotted_ids '.' IDENTIFIER
-  { $1->AddDottedElement($3); }
- : UNION IDENTIFIER '{' var_decls_semi '}' ';'
-  { ps->AddUnion(new UnionDecl($2, new UnionType($4))); }
- | UNION IDENTIFIER ':' IDENTIFIER '{' disc_union_fields '}' ';'
-  { ps->AddUnion(new UnionDecl($2, new UnionType(new NamedType($4), $6))); }
- : TYPEDEF any_type IDENTIFIER ';'
-  { ps->AddTypedef(new TypedefDecl($3, $2)); }
- : disc_union_field
-  { $$ = new Fields; $$->Add($1); }
- | disc_union_fields disc_union_field
-  { $1->Add($2); }
- : any_type IDENTIFIER ON '(' id_list ')' ';'
-  { $$ = new TypedField($1, $2, $5); }
-  { $$ = new std::vector<Element *>; $$->push_back($1); }
- | id_list ',' IDENTIFIER
-  { $1->push_back($3); }
- : enum_field
-  { $$ = new Fields; $$->Add($1); }
- | enum_fields ',' enum_field
-  { $1->Add($3); }
-  { $$ = new EnumField($1); }
- | IDENTIFIER '=' scalar_expr
-  { $$ = new EnumValueField($1, $3); }
- : {$$ = new Annotations();}
- | annotations annotation { $$->Add($2); }
-  { $$ = new Annotation($2); }
- | '@' IDENTIFIER '(' annotation_value ')'
-  { $$ = new Annotation($2, new AnnotationValues{$4}); }
- | '@' IDENTIFIER '(' '{' annotation_values '}' ')'
-  { $$ = new Annotation($2, $5); }
- | '@' IDENTIFIER '(' annotation_entries ')'
-  { $$ = new Annotation($2, $4); }
- : annotation_entry
-  { $$ = new AnnotationEntries();
-    $$->emplace(*$1); } // TODO: delete $1 ?
- | annotation_entries ',' annotation_entry
-  { $$->emplace(*$3); }
- : IDENTIFIER '=' annotation_value
-  { $$ = new AnnotationEntry{$1->GetText(), new AnnotationValues{$3}}; } // TODO: delete $1?
- | IDENTIFIER '=' '{' annotation_values '}'
-  { $$ = new AnnotationEntry{$1->GetText(), $4}; }
- : annotation_value 
-  { $$ = new AnnotationValues{$1}; }
- | annotation_values ',' annotation_value
-  { $$->push_back($3); }
- : const_expr
-  { $$ = new AnnotationValue($1); }
- | annotation
-  { $$ = new AnnotationValue($1); }
- : UINT8     { }
- | UINT16    { }
- | UINT32    { }
- | UINT64    { }
- | INT8      { }
- | INT16     { }
- | INT32     { }
- | INT64     { }
- | CHAR      { }
- | IDENTIFIER  { $$ = new NamedType($1); } // Check at runtime if this is really scalar
- : scalar_type
- | HANDLE    { }
- | STRINGTOK    { }
- | OPAQUE    { }
- : one_word_type {}
- | any_type '[' scalar_expr ']'
-  { $$=new ArrayType($1, $3); }
- | struct_type {}
- | union_type {}
- | disc_union_type {}
- | VEC '<' any_type '>'
-  { $$=new VecType($3); }
- | REF '<' any_type '>'
-  { $$=new RefType($3); }
- : STRUCT '{' var_decls_semi '}'
-  { $$=new StructType($3); }
- : UNION '{' var_decls_semi '}'
-  { $$=new UnionType($3); }
- : UNION ':' scalar_type '{' disc_union_fields '}'
-  { $$=new UnionType($3, $5); }
- : { $$ = false;}
- | ONEWAY  { $$ = true;}
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-void yy::parser::error(const yy::parser::location_type& l,
-                       const std::string& errstr) {
-  ps->Error(l.begin.line, "%s", errstr.c_str());
diff --git a/io_delegate.cpp b/io_delegate.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 93934ac..0000000
--- a/io_delegate.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "io_delegate.h"
-#include <cstring>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <vector>
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include <direct.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <android-base/strings.h>
-#include "logging.h"
-#include "os.h"
-using std::string;
-using std::unique_ptr;
-using std::vector;
-using android::base::Split;
-namespace android {
-namespace hidl {
-unique_ptr<string> IoDelegate::GetFileContents(
-    const string& filename,
-    const string& content_suffix) const {
-  unique_ptr<string> contents;
-  std::ifstream in(filename, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
-  if (!in) {
-    return contents;
-  }
-  contents.reset(new string);
-  in.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
-  ssize_t file_size = in.tellg();
-  contents->resize(file_size + content_suffix.length());
-  in.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
-  // Read the file contents into the beginning of the string
-*contents)[0], file_size);
-  // Drop the suffix in at the end.
-  contents->replace(file_size, content_suffix.length(), content_suffix);
-  in.close();
-  return contents;
-unique_ptr<LineReader> IoDelegate::GetLineReader(
-    const string& file_path) const {
-  return LineReader::ReadFromFile(file_path);
-bool IoDelegate::FileIsReadable(const string& path) const {
-#ifdef _WIN32
-  // check that the file exists and is not Write-only
-  return (0 == _access(path.c_str(), 0)) &&  // mode 0=exist
-         (0 == _access(path.c_str(), 4));    // mode 4=readable
-  return (0 == access(path.c_str(), R_OK));
-bool IoDelegate::CreatedNestedDirs(
-    const string& caller_base_dir,
-    const vector<string>& nested_subdirs) const {
-  string base_dir = caller_base_dir;
-  if (base_dir.empty()) {
-    base_dir = ".";
-  }
-  for (const string& subdir : nested_subdirs) {
-    if (base_dir[base_dir.size() - 1] != OS_PATH_SEPARATOR) {
-      base_dir += OS_PATH_SEPARATOR;
-    }
-    base_dir += subdir;
-    bool success;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-    success = _mkdir(base_dir.c_str()) == 0;
-    success = mkdir(base_dir.c_str(),
-                    S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) == 0;
-    // On darwin when you try to mkdir("/", ...) we get EISDIR.
-    if (!success && (errno != EEXIST && errno != EISDIR)) {
-       LOG(ERROR) << "Error while creating directories: " << strerror(errno);
-       return false;
-    }
-  }
-  return true;
-bool IoDelegate::CreatePathForFile(const string& path) const {
-  if (path.empty()) {
-    return true;
-  }
-  string base = ".";
-  if (path[0] == OS_PATH_SEPARATOR) {
-    base = "/";
-  }
-  auto split = Split(path, string{1u, OS_PATH_SEPARATOR});
-  split.pop_back();
-  return CreatedNestedDirs(base, split);
-unique_ptr<CodeWriter> IoDelegate::GetCodeWriter(
-    const string& file_path) const {
-  return GetFileWriter(file_path);
-void IoDelegate::RemovePath(const std::string& file_path) const {
-#ifdef _WIN32
-  _unlink(file_path.c_str());
-  unlink(file_path.c_str());
-}  // namespace android
-}  // namespace hidl
diff --git a/io_delegate.h b/io_delegate.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f5f377..0000000
--- a/io_delegate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-// #include <android-base/macros.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "code_writer.h"
-#include "line_reader.h"
-namespace android {
-namespace hidl {
-class IoDelegate {
- public:
-  IoDelegate() = default;
-  virtual ~IoDelegate() = default;
-  // Returns a unique_ptr to the contents of |filename|.
-  // Will append the optional |content_suffix| to the returned contents.
-  virtual std::unique_ptr<std::string> GetFileContents(
-      const std::string& filename,
-      const std::string& content_suffix = "") const;
-  virtual std::unique_ptr<LineReader> GetLineReader(
-      const std::string& file_path) const;
-  virtual bool FileIsReadable(const std::string& path) const;
-  virtual bool CreatedNestedDirs(
-      const std::string& base_dir,
-      const std::vector<std::string>& nested_subdirs) const;
-  bool CreatePathForFile(const std::string& path) const;
-  virtual std::unique_ptr<CodeWriter> GetCodeWriter(
-      const std::string& file_path) const;
-  virtual void RemovePath(const std::string& file_path) const;
- private:
-};  // class IoDelegate
-}  // namespace android
-}  // namespace hidl
-#endif // HIDL_IO_DELEGATE_H_
diff --git a/line_reader.cpp b/line_reader.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 189bbc7..0000000
--- a/line_reader.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "line_reader.h"
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-using std::istringstream;
-using std::ifstream;
-using std::string;
-using std::unique_ptr;
-namespace android {
-namespace hidl {
-class FileLineReader : public LineReader {
- public:
-  FileLineReader() = default;
-  virtual ~FileLineReader() {
-    input_stream_.close();
-  }
-  bool Init(const std::string& file_path) {
-, ifstream::in | ifstream::binary);
-    return input_stream_.is_open() && input_stream_.good();
-  }
-  bool ReadLine(string* Line) override {
-    if (!input_stream_.good()) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    Line->clear();
-    std::getline(input_stream_, *Line);
-    return true;
-  }
- private:
-  ifstream input_stream_;
-};  // class FileLineReader
-class MemoryLineReader : public LineReader {
- public:
-  MemoryLineReader(const string& contents) : input_stream_(contents) {}
-  virtual ~MemoryLineReader() = default;
-  bool ReadLine(string* Line) override {
-    if (!input_stream_.good()) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    Line->clear();
-    std::getline(input_stream_, *Line);
-    return true;
-  }
- private:
-  istringstream input_stream_;
-};  // class MemoryLineReader
-unique_ptr<LineReader> LineReader::ReadFromFile(const string& file_path) {
-  unique_ptr<FileLineReader> file_reader(new FileLineReader());
-  unique_ptr<LineReader> ret;
-  if (file_reader->Init(file_path)) {
-    ret.reset(file_reader.release());
-  }
-  return ret;
-unique_ptr<LineReader> LineReader::ReadFromMemory(const string& contents) {
-  return unique_ptr<LineReader>(new MemoryLineReader(contents));
-}  // namespace android
-}  // namespace hidl
diff --git a/line_reader.h b/line_reader.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 46197a6..0000000
--- a/line_reader.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <android-base/macros.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hidl {
-class LineReader {
- public:
-  LineReader() = default;
-  virtual ~LineReader() = default;
-  virtual bool ReadLine(std::string* Line) = 0;
-  static std::unique_ptr<LineReader> ReadFromFile(
-      const std::string& file_path);
-  static std::unique_ptr<LineReader> ReadFromMemory(
-      const std::string& contents);
- private:
-};  // class LineReader
-}  // namespace android
-}  // namespace hidl
-#endif // HIDL_LINE_READER_H_
diff --git a/logging.h b/logging.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a48f3d8..0000000
--- a/logging.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef AIDL_LOGGING_H_
-#define AIDL_LOGGING_H_
-// We must include windows.h before android-base/logging.h on Windows.
-#ifdef _WIN32
-//#include <windows.h>// TODO This suddenly caused a weird Error (enum started failing in auto-gen lex file) and I commented it out. Why? (It may be related that Va_start() suddenly became undeclared though I hadn't touched that code in days.) -- CJP
-#include <android-base/logging.h>
-#endif // AIDL_LOGGING_H_
diff --git a/main_hidl.cpp b/main_hidl.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d111f66..0000000
--- a/main_hidl.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include <memory>
-#include "hidl.h"
-#include "io_delegate.h"
-#include "logging.h"
-#include "options.h"
-#include "parser.h"
-using android::hidl::CppOptions;
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
-  android::base::InitLogging(argv);
-  LOG(DEBUG) << "hidl starting";
-  CppOptions *options = CppOptions::Parse(argc, argv);
-  if (!options) {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  android::hidl::IoDelegate io_delegate;
-  Parser p{io_delegate, options->Verbose()};
-  Thing::SetParser(&p);
-  p.ParseFile(options->InputFileName());
-  if (options->PrintStuff()) {
-    p.Dump();
-  }
-  p.WriteDepFileIfNeeded(*options, io_delegate);
-  for (auto & job : options->OutputJobs()) {
-    android::hidl::CodeWriterPtr writer = android::hidl::GetFileWriter(job.output_file_name);
-    p.Write(job.type, std::move(writer));
-    if (p.GetErrorCount()) {
-      printf("Exit error count: %d writing %s to %s\n",
-             p.GetErrorCount(),
-             job.type.c_str(),
-             job.output_file_name.c_str());
-      return p.GetErrorCount();
-    }
-  }
-  delete options;
-  return 0;
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d673cd..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import re
-import sys
-snips = {}
-labels = []
-def read_file(fname):
-  global snips, labels
-  f = open(fname)
-  text =
-  lines = text.split("\n")
-  f.close()
-  section = ""
-  snips[section] = {}
-  for line in lines:
-    start ="//\s*START\s+(\S+)", line)
-    alls ="//\s*ALL\s+(\S+)", line)
-    if start or alls:
-      name = (start and or
-      if len(labels) > 0:
-        snips[labels[-1][0]][labels[-1][1]] += name + "\\n"
-      labels.append( (section, name) )
-      #print "after append sec %s name %s, labels is %s"%(section, name, labels)
-    skip ="//\s*SKIP", line)
-    if len(labels) > 0 and not skip:
-      if labels[-1][1] not in snips[labels[-1][0]]:
-        snips[labels[-1][0]][labels[-1][1]] = ""
-      match_magic = re.compile(r"\s*//\s*(START|END|SECTION|ALL|SKIP).*?$")
-      line_text = match_magic.sub("", line)
-      if re.match(r"\s*$", line_text) and not re.match(r"\s*$", line):
-        line_text = ""
-      else:
-        line_text = line_text.replace("\\", "\\\\") + "\\n"
-        line_text = line_text.replace("\"", "\\\"")
-      snips[labels[-1][0]][labels[-1][1]] += line_text
-    sec_match ="//\s*SECTION\s+(\S+)", line)
-    if sec_match:
-      section =
-      snips[section] = {}
-    end ="//\s*END\s+(\S+)", line)
-    alls ="//\s*ALL\s+(\S+)", line)
-    if end or alls:
-      name = (end and or
-      if labels[-1] != (section, name):
-        print "Error, found END '[%s, %s]' but expected '%s'"%(section, name, labels[-1])
-        sys.exit(1)
-      labels.pop()
-  if len(labels) > 0:
-    print "Error, labels %s left over"%labels
-    sys.exit(1)
-def write(fname):
-  global snips
-  f = open(fname, "w")
-  f.write("// AUTO GENERATED - python outfile infile infile...\n")
-  f.write("#include \"snippets.h\"\n")
-  f.write("SnipMapMap snippets_cpp {\n")
-  for section, snip_dict in snips.iteritems():
-    f.write("  {\"%s\",{\n"%section)
-    for name, snip in snip_dict.iteritems():
-      f.write("    {std::string(\"%s\"),\"%s\"},\n"%
-        (name, snip.replace('"','\"')))
-    f.write("  }},")
-  f.write("};\n")
-for file in sys.argv[2:]:
-  read_file(file)
diff --git a/options.cpp b/options.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f1820c..0000000
--- a/options.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "options.h"
-#include <cstring>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "logging.h"
-#include "os.h"
-#include "snippets.h"
-using std::cerr;
-using std::endl;
-using std::string;
-using std::unique_ptr;
-using std::vector;
-namespace android {
-namespace hidl
-namespace {
-CppOptions *cpp_usage() {
-  cerr << "usage: hidl-gen OPTIONS TYPE INPUT_FILE OUTPUT_FILE" << endl
-       << "usage: hidl-gen OPTIONS all_cpps INPUT_FILE HEADER_DIR SRC_DIR" << endl
-       << endl
-       << "OPTIONS:" << endl
-      //       << "   -I<DIR>   search path for import statements" << endl
-       << "   -d<FILE>  Generate dependency file" << endl
-       << "   -p        print info from input file (for debugging)" << endl
-       << "   -v        verbose: output files include all snippet names" << endl
-       << endl
-       << "TYPE:" << endl
-       << "   all_cpp     Generate FooAll.cpp (combined proxy/stub)" << endl
-       << "   all_cpps    Generate FooAll.cpp, *.h" << endl
-       << "   binder      Generate Binder .h file" << endl
-       << "   bn_h        Generate BnFoo.h" << endl
-       << "   bp_h        Generate BpFoo.h" << endl
-       << "   i_h         Generate IFoo.h" << endl
-       << "   json        Generate Foo.json" << endl
-       << "   proxy_cpp   Generate FooProxy.cpp" << endl
-       << "   stubs_cpp   Generate FooStubs.cpp" << endl
-       << "   vts         Generate Foo.vts" << endl
-       << endl
-       << "INPUT_FILE:" << endl
-       << "   a hidl interface file" << endl
-       << "OUTPUT_FILE:" << endl
-       << "   path to Write generated file" << endl;
-  return nullptr;
-}  // namespace
-CppOptions *CppOptions::Parse(int argc, const char* const* argv) {
-  CppOptions *options(new CppOptions());
-  int i = 1;
-  // Parse flags, all of which start with '-'
-  for ( ; i < argc; ++i) {
-    const size_t len = strlen(argv[i]);
-    const char *s = argv[i];
-    if (s[0] != '-') {
-      break;  // On to the positional arguments.
-    }
-    if (len < 2) {
-      cerr << "Invalid argument '" << s << "'." << endl;
-      return cpp_usage();
-    }
-    const string the_rest = s + 2;
-    /*    if (s[1] == 'I') {
-      options->import_paths_.push_back(the_rest);
-      } else*/
-    if (s[1] == 'd') {
-      options->dep_file_name_ = the_rest;
-    } else if (s[1] == 'p') {
-      options->print_stuff_ = true;
-    } else if (s[1] == 'v') {
-      options->verbose_ = true;
-    } else {
-      cerr << "Invalid argument '" << s << "'." << endl;
-      return cpp_usage();
-    }
-  }
-  // There are exactly three positional arguments.
-  const int remaining_args = argc - i;
-  if (remaining_args == 4 && !strcmp(argv[i], "all_cpps")) {
-    string type = argv[i++];
-    options->input_file_name_ = argv[i++];
-    string header_directory = argv[i++];
-    string source_file = argv[i++];
-    int slash_pos = options->input_file_name_.find_last_of('/');
-    string package_name = options->input_file_name_.substr(
-        slash_pos + 2,
-        options->input_file_name_.length() - slash_pos - 6);
-    options->outputs_.push_back(Job{"bn_h", header_directory+"/Bn"+package_name+".h"});
-    options->outputs_.push_back(Job{"bp_h", header_directory+"/Bp"+package_name+".h"});
-    options->outputs_.push_back(Job{"i_h", header_directory+"/I"+package_name+".h"});
-    options->outputs_.push_back(Job{"vts", header_directory+"/"+package_name+".vts"});
-    options->outputs_.push_back(Job{"all_cpp", source_file});
-    options->output_file_name_ = source_file;
-  } else if (remaining_args == 3) {
-    Job job;
-    job.type = argv[i++];
-    options->input_file_name_ = argv[i++];
-    job.output_file_name = argv[i++];
-    options->output_file_name_ = job.output_file_name;
-    options->outputs_.push_back(job);
-    SnipMapMap::iterator smm_it = snippets_cpp.find(job.type);
-    if (smm_it == snippets_cpp.end()) {
-      std::cout << "File type " << job.type << " not found." << endl;
-      return cpp_usage();
-    }
-  } else {
-    cerr << "Expected 3 positional arguments but got " << remaining_args << "." << endl;
-    return cpp_usage();
-  }
-  if (!EndsWith(options->input_file_name_, ".hal")) {
-    cerr << "Expected .hal file for input but got " << options->input_file_name_ << endl;
-    return cpp_usage();
-  }
-  return options;
-bool EndsWith(const string& str, const string& suffix) {
-  if (str.length() < suffix.length()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return std::equal(str.crbegin(), str.crbegin() + suffix.length(),
-                    suffix.crbegin());
-bool ReplaceSuffix(const string& old_suffix,
-                   const string& new_suffix,
-                   string* str) {
-  if (!EndsWith(*str, old_suffix)) return false;
-  str->replace(str->length() - old_suffix.length(),
-               old_suffix.length(),
-               new_suffix);
-  return true;
-}  // namespace android
-}  // namespace hidl
diff --git a/options.h b/options.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fd9c35e..0000000
--- a/options.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef HIDL_OPTIONS_H_
-#define HIDL_OPTIONS_H_
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <android-base/macros.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hidl {
-struct Job {
-  std::string type;
-  std::string output_file_name;
-class CppOptions final {
- public:
-                   BINDER};
-  ~CppOptions() = default;
-  // Parses the command Line and returns a non-null pointer to an CppOptions
-  // object on success.
-  // Prints the usage statement on failure.
-  static CppOptions *Parse(int argc, const char* const* argv);
-  std::string InputFileName() const { return input_file_name_; }
-  std::vector<std::string> ImportPaths() const { return import_paths_; }
-  std::vector<Job> OutputJobs() { return outputs_; }
-  std::string OutputFileName() { return output_file_name_; }
-  std::string DependencyFilePath() const { return dep_file_name_; }
-  bool PrintStuff() const { return print_stuff_; }
-  bool Verbose() const { return verbose_; }
- private:
-  CppOptions() = default;
-  bool print_stuff_ = false;
-  bool verbose_ = false;
-  std::string input_file_name_;
-  std::string output_file_name_;
-  std::vector<Job> outputs_;
-  std::vector<std::string> import_paths_;
-  std::string dep_file_name_;
-  FRIEND_TEST(CppOptionsTests, ParsesCompileCpp);
-bool EndsWith(const std::string& str, const std::string& suffix);
-bool ReplaceSuffix(const std::string& old_suffix,
-                   const std::string& new_suffix,
-                   std::string* str);
-}  // namespace android
-}  // namespace hidl
-#endif // HIDL_OPTIONS_H_
diff --git a/os.h b/os.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 752ed47..0000000
--- a/os.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef AIDL_OS_H_
-#define AIDL_OS_H_
-#if defined(_WIN32)
-#define OS_PATH_SEPARATOR '\\'
-#define OS_PATH_SEPARATOR '/'
-#endif  // AIDL_OS_H_
diff --git a/parser.cpp b/parser.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e5c0c94..0000000
--- a/parser.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "parser.h"
-#include "generator_utility.h"
-#include "hidl_language_y.h"
-using android::hidl::IoDelegate;
-using android::base::Join;
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-using std::string;
-using std::unique_ptr;
-void yylex_init(void **);
-void yylex_destroy(void *);
-void yyset_in(FILE *f, void *);
-int yyparse(Parser *);
-YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_buffer(char *, size_t, void *);
-void yy_delete_buffer(YY_BUFFER_STATE, void *);
-bool generator_verbose_mode;
-Parser::Parser(const IoDelegate &io_delegate, bool verbose_mode)
-    : io_delegate_(io_delegate), verbose_mode_(verbose_mode) {
-  yylex_init(&scanner_);
-Parser::~Parser() {
-  if (raw_buffer_) {
-    yy_delete_buffer(buffer_, scanner_);
-    raw_buffer_.reset();
-  }
-  yylex_destroy(scanner_);
-  // TODO: Free/destroy the namespaces / data structures from the HIDL file
-bool Parser::ParseFile(const string &filename) {
-  // Make sure we can read the file first, before trashing previous state.
-  unique_ptr<string> new_buffer = io_delegate_.GetFileContents(filename);
-  if (!new_buffer) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Error while opening file for parsing: '" << filename << "'";
-    Error("Error while opening file for parsing: '%s'", filename.c_str());
-    return false;
-  }
-  // Throw away old parsing state if we have any.
-  if (raw_buffer_) {
-    yy_delete_buffer(buffer_, scanner_);
-    raw_buffer_.reset();
-  }
-  raw_buffer_ = std::move(new_buffer);
-  // We're going to scan this buffer in place, and yacc demands we put two
-  // nulls at the end.
-  raw_buffer_->append(2u, '\0');
-  filename_ = filename;
-  error_ = 0;
-  buffer_ = yy_scan_buffer(&(*raw_buffer_)[0], raw_buffer_->length(), scanner_);
-  things_.push_back(new Header());
-  if (yy::parser(this).parse() != 0) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  Validate();
-  if (error_ != 0) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-void Parser::AddComment(Element *comment) { AddThing(comment); }
-void Parser::SetInterface(Annotations *annotations, Element *name) {
-  if (interface_) {
-    Error(name->Line(), "Only one interface per file please!");
-  }
-  name->SetTokenText(name->GetText().substr(1, string::npos));
-  interface_ = name;
-  interface_annotations_ = annotations;
-void Parser::SetVersion(int major, int minor) {
-  if (version_set_) {
-    Error("Cannot set two versions");
-  }
-  version_set_ = true;
-  version_major_ = major;
-  version_minor_ = minor;
-void Parser::SetNamespace(vector<Element *> *names) {
-  if (namespace_) {
-    Error("Only one namespace per file please!");
-  }
-  namespace_ = names;
-void Parser::AddImport(const vector<Element *> *names) {
-  imports_.push_back(names);
-  RegisterType(new ImportDecl(names->back()));
-void Parser::AddStruct(StructDecl *structure) {
-  RegisterType(structure);
-  AddThing(structure);
-void Parser::RegisterType(TypeDecl *decl) {
-  string name_text = decl->GetName();
-  if (types_.count(name_text)) {
-    Error(decl->Line(), "Type name %s already exists", name_text.c_str());
-  }
-  types_.emplace(name_text, decl);
-void Parser::RegisterConstant(const Element *name, const Element *value) {
-  string name_text = name->GetText();
-  if (consts_.count(name_text)) {
-    Error(name->Line(), "Type name %s already exists", name_text.c_str());
-  }
-  consts_.emplace(name_text, value);
-void Parser::AddConst(Const *constant) {
-  AddThing(constant);
-  const Element *name = constant->GetNameElement();
-  const Element *value = constant->GetValue();
-  RegisterConstant(name, value);
-string Parser::CallEnumList(string section) {
-  bool first = true;
-  string out;
-  for (auto &thing : things_) {
-    if (thing->TypeName() != "function") {
-      continue;
-    }
-    string fname{GeneratorUtility::upcase(((Function *)thing)->GetName())};
-    if (first) {
-      first = false;
-      Subs subs{{"call_enum_name", fname}};
-      out += GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "first_call_enum", subs);
-      out += "\n";
-    } else {
-      out += "  " + fname + ", ";
-    }
-  }
-  return out;
-string Parser::CallbackDeclList(string section) {
-  string out;
-  for (auto &thing : things_) {
-    if (thing->TypeName() != "function") {
-      continue;
-    }
-    out += GeneratorUtility::Snip(
-        section, "callback_decl_line",
-        static_cast<Function *>(thing)->GetSubs(section));
-  }
-  return out;
-void Parser::BuildNamespaceText(string section,
-                                std::vector<Element *> *namespace_,
-                                string &namespace_open, string &namespace_close,
-                                string &namespace_slashes,
-                                string &namespace_dots,
-                                string &namespace_underscores) {
-  namespace_open = "";
-  namespace_close = "";
-  namespace_slashes = "";
-  namespace_dots = "";
-  namespace_underscores = "";
-  for (auto &name : *namespace_) {
-    Subs subs{{"namespace_name", name->GetText()}};
-    namespace_open +=
-        GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "namespace_open_line", subs);
-    namespace_close =
-        GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, "namespace_close_line", subs) +
-        namespace_close;
-    if (namespace_slashes != "") namespace_slashes += "/";
-    namespace_slashes += name->GetText();
-    if (namespace_dots != "") namespace_dots += ".";
-    namespace_dots += name->GetText();
-    if (namespace_underscores != "") namespace_underscores += "_";
-    namespace_underscores += name->GetText();
-  }
-void Parser::AddFunction(Function *function) { AddThing(function); }
-void Parser::AddUnion(UnionDecl *type) {
-  AddThing(type);
-  RegisterType(type);
-void Parser::AddEnum(EnumDecl *en) {
-  AddThing(en);
-  RegisterType(en);
-  // TODO: Register constants from en's fields
-string Field::GetInitText() {
-  if (initializer_) {
-    return " = " + initializer_->GetText();
-  } else {
-    return "";
-  }
-void Parser::AddTypedef(TypedefDecl *type) {
-  Error(type->Line(), "Typedef isn't supported yet");
-  RegisterType(type);
-  AddThing(type);
-void Parser::AddThing(Thing *thing) { things_.push_back(thing); }
-bool Parser::IsTypeDeclared(Element *name) {
-  return (types_.count(name->GetText()));
-TypeDecl *Parser::GetDeclaredType(Element *name) {
-  TypeMap::iterator it = types_.find(name->GetText());
-  if (it == types_.end()) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  return it->second;
-void Parser::Dump() {
-  cout << "Interface: " << interface_->GetText() << endl;
-  cout << "Version: " << version_major_ << ':' << version_minor_ << endl;
-  cout << "Namespace: ";
-  for (auto &name : *namespace_) {
-    cout << name->GetText() << ' ';
-  }
-  cout << endl;
-  for (auto &import : imports_) {
-    cout << "Import: ";
-    for (auto &name : *import) {
-      cout << name->GetText() << ' ';
-    }
-    cout << endl;
-  }
-  cout << endl;
-  for (auto &thing : things_) {
-    thing->Dump();
-  }
-void Parser::Validate() {
-  if (!version_set_) {
-    Error("Need a version");
-  }
-  if (!namespace_) {
-    Error("Need a namespace");
-  }
-void Parser::VaError(const char *format, va_list args) {
-  vprintf(format, args);
-  printf("\n");
-void Parser::Error(int Line, const char *format, ...) {
-  error_++;
-  va_list args;
-  printf("Error: Line %d: ", Line);
-  va_start(args, format);
-  VaError(format, args);
-  va_end(args);
-void Parser::Error(const char *format, ...) {
-  error_++;
-  va_list args;
-  printf("Error: ");
-  va_start(args, format);
-  VaError(format, args);
-  va_end(args);
-void Parser::Error(string &s) {
-  cout << s;
-  error_++;
-void Parser::WriteDepFileIfNeeded(android::hidl::CppOptions &options,
-                                  android::hidl::IoDelegate &io_delegate) {
-  string dep_file_name = options.DependencyFilePath();
-  if (dep_file_name.empty()) {
-    return;  // nothing to do
-  }
-  android::hidl::CodeWriterPtr writerP =
-      io_delegate.GetCodeWriter(dep_file_name);
-  if (!writerP) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "Could not open dependency file: " << dep_file_name;
-    // Parser::Error tells the build system there was a problem
-    Error("Build system error: Could not open dependency file: %s",
-          dep_file_name.c_str());
-    return;
-  }
-  vector<string> hidl_sources = {options.InputFileName()};
-  android::hidl::CodeWriter *writer = writerP.get();
-  string output_file = options.OutputFileName();
-  // Encode that the output file depends on hidl input files.
-  writer->Write("%s : \\\n", output_file.c_str());
-  writer->Write("  %s", Join(hidl_sources, " \\\n  ").c_str());
-  writer->Write("\n\n");
-  // Output "<input_hidl_file>: " so make won't fail if the input .hal file
-  // has been deleted, moved or renamed in incremental build.
-  for (const auto &src : hidl_sources) {
-    writer->Write("%s :\n", src.c_str());
-  }
-string Parser::TextByPrefix(string section, string prefix)
-  string out;
-  for (auto &thing : things_) {
-    out += GeneratorUtility::Snip(section, prefix + thing->TypeName(),
-                                  thing->GetSubs(section));
-  }
-  return out;
-void Parser::Write(string out_type, android::hidl::CodeWriterPtr writer) {
-  section_ = out_type;
-  writer_ = std::move(writer);
-  generator_verbose_mode = verbose_mode_;
-  if (!interface_) {
-    Error("Cannot Write output; don't have interface.");
-    return;
-  }
-  string version{std::to_string(version_major_) + '.' +
-                 std::to_string(version_minor_)};
-  string component_type;
-  Annotation *c_type_a;
-  if (interface_annotations_ &&
-      (c_type_a = interface_annotations_->GetAnnotation("hal_type"))) {
-    if (c_type_a->GetUnnamedValues() &&
-        c_type_a->GetUnnamedValues()->front()->GetValue()->HasStringValue()) {
-      Subs subs{{"vts_ct_enum",
-                 c_type_a->GetUnnamedValues()->front()->NoQuoteText()}};
-      component_type =
-          GeneratorUtility::Snip(section_, "component_type_enum", subs);
-    } else {
-      Error("hal_type annotation needs one string value");
-    }
-  }
-  string namespace_open, namespace_close, namespace_slashes, namespace_dots,
-      namespace_underscores;
-  BuildNamespaceText(section_, namespace_, namespace_open, namespace_close,
-                     namespace_slashes, namespace_dots, namespace_underscores);
-  string imports_section;
-  for (auto &import : imports_) {
-    Subs subs{{"import_name", import->back()->GetText()},
-              {"namespace_slashes", namespace_slashes},
-              {"namespace_dots", namespace_dots}};
-    imports_section += GeneratorUtility::Snip(section_, "import_line", subs);
-  }
-  Subs subs{
-      {"header_guard", GetPackageName()},
-      {"version_string", version},
-      {"version_major_string", std::to_string(version_major_)},
-      {"version_minor_string", std::to_string(version_minor_)},
-      {"imports_section", imports_section},
-      {"component_type_enum", component_type},
-      {"package_name", GetPackageName()},
-      {"declarations", TextByPrefix(section_, "declare_")},
-      {"code_snips", TextByPrefix(section_, "code_for_")},
-      {"code2_snips", TextByPrefix(section_, "code2_for_")},
-      {"call_enum_list", CallEnumList(section_)},
-      {"callback_decls", CallbackDeclList(section_)},
-      {"namespace_open_section", namespace_open},
-      {"namespace_close_section", namespace_close},
-      {"namespace_slashes", namespace_slashes},
-      {"namespace_dots", namespace_dots},
-      {"namespace_underscores", namespace_underscores},
-      {"vars_writer", vars_.TextByPrefix(section_, "param_write_")},
-      {"vars_reader", vars_.TextByPrefix(section_, "param_read_")},
-      {"vars_decl", vars_.GenSemiList(section_)},
-  };
-  writer_->Write("%s", GeneratorUtility::Snip(section_, "file", subs).c_str());
diff --git a/parser.h b/parser.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 16fb7d7..0000000
--- a/parser.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015, The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef PARSER_H_
-#define PARSER_H_
-#include <cstdarg>
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "ast.h"
-#include "io_delegate.h"
-using TypeMap = std::map<string, TypeDecl*>;
-struct yy_buffer_state;
-typedef yy_buffer_state* YY_BUFFER_STATE;
-// Parser is the core part of hidl-gen. It reads from an input .hal file
-// and generates the internal ast (Abstract syntax tree) defined in ast.h.
-// It is also responsible for generating the required output of hidl-gen (e.g.
-// .h, .cpp, .vts etc.).
-// TODO(zhuoyao): Move Parser to namespace android::hidl.
-class Parser {
- public:
-  explicit Parser(const android::hidl::IoDelegate &io_delegate,
-                  bool verbose_mode);
-  ~Parser();
-  // Parse contents of file |filename|.
-  bool ParseFile(const string &filename);
-  bool FoundNoErrors() const { return error_ == 0; }
-  const string &FileName() const { return filename_; }
-  void *Scanner() const { return scanner_; }
-  std::vector<string> Package() const;
-  void SetInterface(Annotations *annotations, Element *name);
-  Element *GetInterface() { return interface_; }
-  string GetPackageName() const { return interface_->GetText(); }
-  void SetVersion(int major, int minor);
-  void SetNamespace(std::vector<Element *> *names);
-  void AddComment(const string &comment);
-  void AddImport(const std::vector<Element *> *names);
-  void AddFunction(Function *function);
-  void AddStruct(StructDecl *structure);
-  void AddConst(Const *constant);
-  void AddComment(Element *comment);
-  void AddUnion(UnionDecl *type);
-  void AddEnum(EnumDecl *en);
-  void AddTypedef(TypedefDecl *type);
-  bool IsTypeDeclared(Element *name);
-  TypeDecl *GetDeclaredType(Element *name);  // nullptr if not found
-  void Error(const char *format, ...);
-  void Error(int Line, const char *format, ...);
-  void Error(string &s);
-  int GetErrorCount() { return error_; }
-  void Dump();
-  void Write(std::string out_type, android::hidl::CodeWriterPtr writer);
-  string TextByPrefix(string section, string prefix);
-  string CallEnumList(string section);
-  string CallbackDeclList(string section);
-  void BuildNamespaceText(string section, std::vector<Element *> *namespace_,
-                          string &namespace_open, string &namespace_close,
-                          string &namespace_slashes, string &namespace_dots,
-                          string &namespace_underscores);
-  void WriteDepFileIfNeeded(android::hidl::CppOptions &options,
-                            android::hidl::IoDelegate &io_delegate);
- private:
-  void AddThing(Thing *thing);
-  void RegisterType(TypeDecl *decl);
-  void RegisterConstant(const Element *name, const Element *value);
-  void Validate();  // Will call Error() if any are found
-  void VaError(const char *format, va_list args);
-  const android::hidl::IoDelegate &io_delegate_;
-  std::string section_;
-  bool verbose_mode_;
-  int error_ = 0;
-  string filename_;
-  void *scanner_ = nullptr;
-  android::hidl::CodeWriterPtr writer_;
-  std::unique_ptr<string> raw_buffer_;
-  YY_BUFFER_STATE buffer_;
-  bool version_set_ = false;
-  int version_major_, version_minor_;
-  std::vector<Element *> *namespace_ = nullptr;
-  Element *interface_ = nullptr;
-  Annotations *interface_annotations_ = nullptr;
-  TypeMap types_;
-  std::map<string, const Element *> consts_;
-  Fields vars_;
-  std::vector<const std::vector<Element *> *> imports_;
-  std::vector<Thing *> things_;
-#endif  // PARSER_H_
diff --git a/passthrough/ b/passthrough/
deleted file mode 100644
index 81d8940..0000000
--- a/passthrough/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := passthrough-hal
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES:= MathStub.cpp MathImplementation.cpp MathPassthroughEntry.cpp
-#LOCAL_CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -Wunused -Werror
-#LOCAL_CXX_STL := none
-LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := system/libhwbinder/include
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libhwbinder libbase libcutils libutils
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := passthrough-client
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES:= MathClient.cpp MathProxy.cpp
-#LOCAL_CFLAGS := -Wall -Wextra -Wunused -Werror
-LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := system/libhwbinder/include
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libhwbinder libbase libcutils libutils
-#LOCAL_CXX_STL := none
diff --git a/passthrough/BnMath.h b/passthrough/BnMath.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d0a8851..0000000
--- a/passthrough/BnMath.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/BpTemplate.h
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <IMath.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-class BnMath : public hidl::BnInterface<IMath> {
-  ::android::status_t onTransact(uint32_t _aidl_code, const hidl::Parcel& _aidl_data,
-                                 hidl::Parcel* _aidl_reply, uint32_t _aidl_flags = 0) override;
-};  // class BnMath
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/passthrough/BpMath.h b/passthrough/BpMath.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b42b571..0000000
--- a/passthrough/BpMath.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/BpTemplate.h
-#include <hwbinder/IBinder.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <utils/Errors.h>
-#include <IMath.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-class BpMath : public hidl::BpInterface<IMath> {
-  explicit BpMath(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder>& _aidl_impl) : BpInterface(_aidl_impl) {}
-  virtual ~BpMath() = default;
-  virtual status_t sayHi( );
-  virtual status_t doCalc(int32_t i , std::function<void(int32_t sum, int32_t product)> callback = nullptr);
-};  // class BpMath
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/passthrough/IMath.h b/passthrough/IMath.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ccb5ed..0000000
--- a/passthrough/IMath.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/ITemplate.h
-#include <hwbinder/IBinder.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <hwbinder/Status.h>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-class IMath : public hidl::IInterface {
-  virtual status_t sayHi( ) = 0;
-  virtual status_t doCalc(int32_t i , std::function<void(int32_t sum, int32_t product)> callback = nullptr) = 0;
-enum Call {
-};  // class IMath
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/passthrough/IMath.hal b/passthrough/IMath.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index 841d263..0000000
--- a/passthrough/IMath.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.passthrough;
-interface IPassthrough {
-  sayHi();
-  doCalc(int32_t i) generates(int32_t sum, int32_t product);
diff --git a/passthrough/MathClient.cpp b/passthrough/MathClient.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fed7a2b..0000000
--- a/passthrough/MathClient.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#include "MathClient.h"
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <utils/RefBase.h>
-#include <hwbinder/BinderService.h>
-#include <functional>
-#include "time.h"
-/** Base path of the hal modules */
-#define HAL_LIBRARY_PATH "./"
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-void use2(int sum, int prod)
-  printf("sum %d, prod %d\n", sum, prod);
-status_t localCalc(
-    int i, std::function<void(int j, int k)> callback)
-  printf("localCalc: passed i %d\n", i);
-  callback(i+i, i*i);
-  return 0;
-int go()
-  IMath *service;
-  //  hardware::version version = hardware::make_version(4,1);
-  if (GetPassthroughService(HAL_LIBRARY_PATH /*, version*/, service) == 0) {
-    service->sayHi();
-    std::function<void(int,int)> cbk=[](int i, int j){ use2(i, j);};
-    localCalc(11, cbk);
-    fflush(stdout);
-    service->doCalc(23,cbk);
-  }
-  return 0;
-} // hardware
-} // android
-int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/)
-{printf("Starting main\n");
-  ::android::hardware::go();
diff --git a/passthrough/MathClient.h b/passthrough/MathClient.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bcb1e43..0000000
--- a/passthrough/MathClient.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#include "IMath.h"
-#include <string>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-status_t GetPassthroughService(std::string name, IMath* &iObject);
diff --git a/passthrough/MathImplementation.cpp b/passthrough/MathImplementation.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 96cac26..0000000
--- a/passthrough/MathImplementation.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-//#include <dlfcn.h>
-//#include <errno.h>
-//#include <stdio.h>
-//#include <iostream>
-//#include <functional>
-//#include "hidl_client.h"
-#include "MathImplementations.h"
-#include "BnMath.h"
-#include "BpMath.h"
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-status_t MathImplementation::sayHi()
-  printf("HiWorld\n");
-  return 0;
-status_t MathImplementation::doCalc(
-    int i, std::function<void(int j, int k)> callback)
-  printf("doCalc: passed i %d\n", i);
-  callback(i+i, i*i);
-  return 0;
-} // namespace hardware
-} // namespace android
diff --git a/passthrough/MathImplementations.h b/passthrough/MathImplementations.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 945a1e3..0000000
--- a/passthrough/MathImplementations.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-// Human-written file, declaring class(es) that implement BnPassthrough
-#include "BnMath.h"
-#include <string>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-class MathImplementation : public BnMath {
-  virtual status_t sayHi( );
-  virtual status_t doCalc(int32_t i , std::function<void(int32_t sum, int32_t product)> callback = nullptr);
-};  // class MathImplementation
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-  // This, suitably templatized, will move to the HIDL-provided header files when
-  // the interface stabilizes.
-void registerService(std::string name, ::android::hardware::IMath& service);
diff --git a/passthrough/MathPassthroughEntry.cpp b/passthrough/MathPassthroughEntry.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index eabd0cc..0000000
--- a/passthrough/MathPassthroughEntry.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// Boilerplate code for the passthrough client to get a service
-// proxy object. Not auto-generated, but probably cut-and-pasted.
-#include "MathImplementations.h"
-#include <string>
-using android::hardware::MathImplementation;
-ptrdiff_t findServiceSingleton(std::string name)
-  (void)name;
-  static MathImplementation serviceSingleton;
-  // We don't need this anymore, since the handle we're returning is the object we're calling into
-  //  registerService(name, serviceSingleton);
-  return (ptrdiff_t) &serviceSingleton;
-extern "C" {
-struct {
-  ptrdiff_t (*findService)(std::string name) = findServiceSingleton;
-} hidlServiceFinderFunctionHolder; // This name is magic
diff --git a/passthrough/MathProxy.cpp b/passthrough/MathProxy.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2718c68..0000000
--- a/passthrough/MathProxy.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-#include "PpMath.h"
-#include "MathClient.h"
-#include <cstring>
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-//IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(Math, "android.hardware.IMath");
-struct hidl_functions {
-  status_t (*sayHi)(ptrdiff_t g_connection);
-  status_t (*doCalc)(ptrdiff_t g_connection, int32_t i,
-                     std::function<void(int32_t, int32_t)> cb);
-hidl_functions *g_funs;
-ptrdiff_t g_connection;
-status_t IMath::doCalc(int32_t i, std::function<void(int32_t, int32_t)> cb)
-  g_funs->doCalc(g_connection, i, cb);
-  return 0;
-status_t IMath::sayHi(void)
-  g_funs->sayHi(g_connection);
-  return 0;
-struct serverInitFunctionHolder {
-  ptrdiff_t (*findService)(std::string name);
-template<typename T>
-status_t GetSymbol(void *handle, std::string name, T* &pAddress)
-  pAddress = (T *)dlsym(handle, name.c_str());
-  if (pAddress == NULL) {
-    printf("load: couldn't find symbol %s", name.c_str());
-    return -EINVAL;
-  }
-  return 0;
- * Load the file defined by the variant and if successful
- * return the dlopen handle and the hmi.
- * @return 0 = success, !0 = failure.
- */
-status_t GetPassthroughService(std::string name, IMath *&bpObject)
-  static PpMath theBpObject; // singleton, thread-safe
-  bpObject = &theBpObject;
-  int status = -EINVAL;
-  void *handle = NULL;
-  /*
-   * load the symbols resolving undefined symbols before
-   * dlopen returns. Since RTLD_GLOBAL is not or'd in with
-   * RTLD_NOW the external symbols will not be global
-   */
-  handle = dlopen(name.c_str(), RTLD_NOW);
-  const char *serviceFinderHolderName = "hidlServiceFinderFunctionHolder";
-  const char *hidlFunctionHolderName = "hidlFunctionTable";
-  if (handle == NULL) {
-    char const *err_str = dlerror();
-    printf("load: module=%s\n%s\n", name.c_str(), err_str?err_str:"unknown");
-    status = -EINVAL;
-    goto done;
-  }
-  serverInitFunctionHolder *initHolder;
-  if ((status = GetSymbol(handle, serviceFinderHolderName, initHolder)) ||
-      (status = GetSymbol(handle, hidlFunctionHolderName, g_funs))) {
-    goto done;
-  }
-  g_connection = (initHolder->findService)("GiveMeService!");
-  if (!g_connection) {
-    printf("Couldn't get a connection\n");
-    status = -EINVAL;
-  }
-  /* success */
-  status = 0;
-  if (status != 0) {
-    if (handle != NULL) {
-      dlclose(handle);
-      handle = NULL;
-    }
-  } else {
-    printf("loaded HAL path=%s handle=%p\n", name.c_str(), handle);
-  }
-  return status;
-} //namespace hardware
-} // namespace android
diff --git a/passthrough/MathStub.cpp b/passthrough/MathStub.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d89da2c..0000000
--- a/passthrough/MathStub.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-// This file will be auto-generated.
-#include "IMath.h"
-#include "BpMath.h"
-#include "BnMath.h"
-using android::hardware::BnMath;
-using android::status_t;
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(Math, "android.hardware.tests.IMath");
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-::android::status_t BnMath::onTransact(uint32_t _aidl_code, const hidl::Parcel& _aidl_data, hidl::Parcel* _aidl_reply, uint32_t _aidl_flags) {
-::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-return _aidl_ret_status;
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-extern "C" {
-struct funs_t {
-  status_t (*sayHi)(BnMath *obj);
-  status_t (*doCalc)(BnMath *obj, int, std::function<void(int32_t, int32_t)> cb);
-status_t sayHi(BnMath *obj)
-  return obj->sayHi();
-status_t doCalc(BnMath *obj, int i, std::function<void(int32_t, int32_t)> cb)
-  return obj->doCalc(i, cb);
-// The name "hidlFunctionTable" is magic
-funs_t hidlFunctionTable {sayHi, doCalc};
-} // extern "C"
diff --git a/passthrough/PpMath.h b/passthrough/PpMath.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 08d0169..0000000
--- a/passthrough/PpMath.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/BpTemplate.h
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <utils/Errors.h>
-#include <IMath.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-class PpMath : public IMath {
-  PpMath() = default;
-  virtual ~PpMath() = default;
-  virtual hidl::IBinder* onAsBinder() {return nullptr;}
-  virtual status_t sayHi( );
-  virtual status_t doCalc(int32_t i , std::function<void(int32_t sum, int32_t product)> callback = nullptr);
-};  // class PpMath
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/passthrough/ b/passthrough/
deleted file mode 100755
index 0b23326..0000000
--- a/passthrough/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-top=$(cd ../../../..;pwd)
-cd $top
-. build/
-lunch angler-userdebug
-mmm -j44 $my
-$OUT/../../../host/linux-x86/bin/adb push $OUT/system/lib64/ /data/local/tmp
-$OUT/../../../host/linux-x86/bin/adb push $OUT/system/bin/passthrough-client /data/local/tmp
-adb shell "(cd /data/local/tmp && ./passthrough-client)"
diff --git a/sample.hal b/sample.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index 2306a04..0000000
--- a/sample.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-/* License comment 
-version 10.3;
-import android.hardware.baz;
-import android.hardware.cow;
-interface asdf { 
-typedef int32_t int;
-typedef uint32_t u32;
-struct C {
-  ref<int> r;
-struct B {
-  string s;
-  handle bar;
-union udfoo : int {
-  ref<int> r on (A);
-  ref<int> s on (B);
-struct foo {
-  vec<udfoo> baz;
-  int[17] arr;
-  const C1 = 5;
-  const CH2 = 'a';
-  const CH3 = '\n';
-  enum en : char {a,b = 2, c = 'a',d = C1};
-  fun(char c, int i);
-  fun_gen(char c, int i) generates(u32 foo);
-  @foo @bar(2) @baz(a=5, b=7) 
-  oneway fun2(uint8_t u);
-  union undisc_t {
-	uint8_t a;
-	char b;
-  };
-  enum u_disc_t : uint8_t {
-	A,
-	A_AGAIN = A,
-	B = 17,
-  };
-  union u_t : u_disc_t {
-	int a on(A, A_AGAIN, ALSO_A);
-	char c on(C); 
-	uint8_t b on(B);
-  };
-  struct s_t {
-	u_t u;
-	u_disc_t disc selects (u);
-  };
-// comment
- fun1(s_t info);
-  fun2(u_t info, u_disc_t which selects(info));
-  fun3(u_t info);
-  fun4(s_t info, u_disc_t which selects(info.u));
-  fun5(s_t info, u_disc_t which selects(info));
-  struct whatever {
-    union : u_disc_t {
-      char a on(A);
-      int a on(A);
-      char a on(A);
-      uint32_t b on(B);
-    } the_union;
-    char other_field;
-  };
-// Done
-/* Really done */
diff --git a/snippets.h b/snippets.h
deleted file mode 100644
index cfe90e7..0000000
--- a/snippets.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// AUTO GENERATED - ruby snippets.rb
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-auto cmp = [](const std::string& a, const std::string&b) {
-   return < 0; };
-typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> SnipMap;
-typedef std::map<std::string, SnipMap> SnipMapMap;
-extern SnipMapMap snippets_cpp;
diff --git a/templates/BnTemplate.h b/templates/BnTemplate.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b96264..0000000
--- a/templates/BnTemplate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// SECTION bn_h
-// START file
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/BpTemplate.h
-#ifndef HIDL_GENERATED_namespace_underscores_BN_header_guard_H_
-#define HIDL_GENERATED_namespace_underscores_BN_header_guard_H_
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-//#include <namespace_slashes/Ipackage_name.h>
-#include <Ipackage_name.h>
-// START namespace_open_section
-namespace namespace_name {//ALL namespace_open_line
-//END namespace_open_section
-class Bnpackage_name : public ::android::hardware::BnInterface<Ipackage_name> {
-  ::android::status_t onTransact(uint32_t _aidl_code, const ::android::hardware::Parcel& _aidl_data, ::android::hardware::Parcel* _aidl_reply, uint32_t _aidl_flags = 0, TransactCallback _callback = nullptr) override;
-};  // class Bnpackage_name
-// START namespace_close_section
-}  // namespace namespace_name  //ALL namespace_close_line
-//END namespace_close_section
-#endif  // HIDL_GENERATED_namespace_underscores_BN_header_guard_H_
-// END file
diff --git a/templates/BpTemplate.h b/templates/BpTemplate.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 33dfbe4..0000000
--- a/templates/BpTemplate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#define param_list ::android::String16* _aidl_return
-// SECTION bp_h
-// START file
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/BpTemplate.h
-#ifndef HIDL_GENERATED_namespace_underscores_BP_header_guard_H_
-#define HIDL_GENERATED_namespace_underscores_BP_header_guard_H_
-#include <hwbinder/IBinder.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <utils/Errors.h>
-//#include <namespace_slashes/Ipackage_name.h>
-#include <Ipackage_name.h>
-// START namespace_open_section
-namespace namespace_name {//ALL namespace_open_line
-//END namespace_open_section
-class Bppackage_name : public ::android::hardware::BpInterface<Ipackage_name> {
-explicit Bppackage_name(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder>& _aidl_impl);
-virtual ~Bppackage_name() = default;
-  // START declarations
-Ipackage_name::function_name_cb _cb // ALL callback_param // Used in callback_description
-sp<import_name> param_name // ALL param_decl_import
-const hidl_vec<decl_base_type> &param_name // ALL param_decl_vec
-const Ipackage_name::struct_name &param_name // ALL param_decl_struct_type
-::android::hardware::Status function_name(params_and_callback) override; // ALL declare_function
-  // END declarations
-};  // class Bppackage_name
-// START namespace_close_section
-}  // namespace namespace_name  //ALL namespace_close_line
-//END namespace_close_section
-#endif  // HIDL_GENERATED_namespace_underscores_BP_header_guard_H_
-// END file
diff --git a/templates/ITemplate.h b/templates/ITemplate.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a4daf9..0000000
--- a/templates/ITemplate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-#define param_list ::android::String16* _aidl_return
-// SECTION i_h
-// START file
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/ITemplate.h
-#ifndef HIDL_GENERATED_namespace_underscores_I_header_guard_H_
-#define HIDL_GENERATED_namespace_underscores_I_header_guard_H_
-#include <hwbinder/IBinder.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <hwbinder/Status.h>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
-// START imports_section
-//#include <namespace_slashes/import_name.h> // ALL import_line_old
-#include <import_name.h> // ALL import_line
-// END imports_section
-// START namespace_open_section
-namespace namespace_name {//ALL namespace_open_line
-//END namespace_open_section
-template<typename T>
-using hidl_ref = int;
-#ifndef HIDL_TYPES
-#define HIDL_TYPES
-template<typename T>
-struct hidl_vec {
-  T *buffer;
-  size_t count;
-struct hidl_string {
-  char *buffer;
-  ptrdiff_t length;
-#endif // HIDL_TYPES
-class Ipackage_name : public ::android::hardware::IInterface {
-  // START code_snips
-  //START code_for_const
-// constexpr const_name = const_value;
-  //END code_for_const
-typedef struct { // START code_for_struct_decl
-    int field_filler; // ALL struct_fields
-} struct_name;
-  // END code_for_struct_decl
-typedef union { // START code_for_union_decl
-    int field_filler; // ALL union_fields
-} union_name;
-  // END code_for_union_decl
-  // START code_for_enum_decl
-  enum class enum_name : enum_base_type { enum_fields };
-  const char* GetNameOf(enum_name f) {
-    static const char* names[] = {quoted_fields_of_enum };
-    //do errror checking
-    return names[int(f)];
-  //  size_t enum_limits<foo>::max() { return 1; }
-// END code_for_enum_decl
-  // END code_snips
-  // START callback_decls
-function_name_cb _cb = nullptr // ALL callback_param // Used in callback_description
-const Ipackage_name::struct_name &param_name // ALL param_decl_struct_type
-const hidl_vec<decl_base_type> &param_name // ALL param_decl_vec
-base_type_name param_name[array_size] // ALL param_decl_array_all
-base_type_name param_name[array_size] // ALL field_decl_array_all
-hidl_vec<decl_base_type> param_name// ALL field_decl_vec_all
-const native_handle_t *param_name// ALL field_decl_handle
-sp<import_name> param_name // ALL param_decl_import
-Ipackage_name::the_type_name//ALL describe_named_type
-hidl_vec<base_type_name>//ALL describe_type_vec
-  using function_name_cb = std::function<void(return_param_list)>; // ALL callback_decl_line
-  // END callback_decls
-  // START declarations
-  // START declare_function
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status function_name(params_and_callback) = 0;
-  // END declare_function
-  "param_name" // ALL enum_quoted_name_default
-  // END declarations
-enum Call {
-  // START call_enum_list
-  call_enum_name = ::android::hardware::IBinder::FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 0, // ALL first_call_enum
-  // END call_enum_list
-};  // class Ipackage_name
-// START namespace_close_section
-}  // namespace namespace_name  //ALL namespace_close_line
-//END namespace_close_section
-#endif  // HIDL_GENERATED_namespace_underscores_I_header_guard_H_
-// END file
diff --git a/templates/Template.json b/templates/Template.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 28425d1..0000000
--- a/templates/Template.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// SECTION json
-// START file
-hidl {
-  version_major: version_major_string,
-  version_minor: version_minor_string,
-  name: "package_name",
-  things: [
-    // START declarations
-    // START declare_struct_decl
-    {
-      type: "struct",
-      name: "struct_name",
-      fields: [
-        // START struct_gen_fields
-        { // START struct_field_array
-          name: "param_name",
-          type: "array",
-          base_type: {
-            type: "base_type_name",
-          },
-          dimension: array_size,
-        }, // END struct_field_array
-        { // START struct_field_scalar
-          name: "param_name",
-          type: "base_type_name",
-        }, // END struct_field_scalar
-        // END struct_gen_fields
-      ],
-    },    // END declare_struct_decl
-    { // START declare_function
-      type: "function",
-      name: "function_name",
-      params: [
-        // START call_param_list
-        { // START param_decl_scalar_all
-          name: "param_name",
-          type: "base_type_name"
-        }// END param_decl_scalar_all
-        { // START param_decl_named_type
-          name: "param_name",
-          type: "named_type_name"
-        } // END param_decl_named_type
-        { // START param_decl_ref_all
-          name: "param_name",
-          type: "ref",
-          base_type: {
-            type: "base_type_name"
-          }
-        } // END param_decl_ref_all
-        // END call_param_list
-      ],
-      generates: [
-        // ALL return_param_list
-      ]
-    }, // END declare_function
-    // END declarations
-    {} // comma fodder
-  ]
-// END file
diff --git a/templates/Template.vts b/templates/Template.vts
deleted file mode 100644
index 89a5a17..0000000
--- a/templates/Template.vts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// SECTION vts
-// START file
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/Template.vts
-component_class: HAL_HIDL
-component_type: vts_ct_enum // ALL component_type_enum
-component_type_version: version_string
-component_name: "Ipackage_name"
-// START imports_section
-import: "namespace_dots.import_name" // ALL import_line
-// END imports_section
-// START code_snips
-// START code_for_function
-api: {
-  name: "function_name"
-  // START vts_args
-  arg_or_ret_type: {
-    type: vts_type_name
-    vts_type_description
-  }
-  // END vts_args
-  // START vts_callflow
-  callflow: {
-    entry: true // ALL anno_entry
-    exit: true // ALL anno_exit
-    callflow_label: callflow_func_name // ALL anno_calls
-  }
-  // END vts_callflow
-// END code_for_function
-// START code_for_struct_decl
-attribute: {
-  name: "struct_name"
-  type: vts_type_name
-  struct_value: {
-    // START vts_struct_field
-    name: "vts_field_name"
-    type: vts_type_name
-    vts_type_description
-    // END vts_struct_field
-  }
-// END code_for_struct_decl
-// START code_for_enum_decl
-attribute: {
-  name: "enum_name"
-  type: vts_type_name
-  enum_value: {
-    // START vts_enum_field
-    enumerator: "vts_enum_name"
-    value: vts_enum_value
-    // END vts_enum_field
-  }
-// END code_for_enum_decl
-// END code_snips
-// START declarations
-// START declare_const
-aggregate_type_name: "const"
-aggregate_type_definition: {
-  primitive_type: "const_vts_type"
-  primitive_name: "const_name"
-  primitive_value: {
-    const_vts_type: const_value
-  }
-// END declare_const
-// END declarations
-// END file
-scalar_type: "base_type_name" // ALL vts_type_scalar
-predefined_type: "named_type_name"  // ALL vts_type_named_type
-vector_value: {  vts_base_type_description  }  // ALL vts_type_vec
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/TemplateAll.cpp b/templates/TemplateAll.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 67315e7..0000000
--- a/templates/TemplateAll.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,994 +0,0 @@
-// SECTION all_cpp
-// START file
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/TemplateAll.cpp
-//#include <namespace_slashes/Ipackage_name.h>
-//#include <namespace_slashes/Bppackage_name.h>
-#include <Ipackage_name.h>
-#include <Bppackage_name.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdio.h>
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-// START namespace_open_section
-namespace namespace_name {//ALL namespace_open_line
-//END namespace_open_section
-IMPLEMENT_HWBINDER_META_INTERFACE(package_name, "namespace_dots.Ipackage_name");
-// START namespace_close_section
-}  // namespace namespace_name  //ALL namespace_close_line
-//END namespace_close_section
-//#include <namespace_slashes/Bppackage_name.h>
-#include <Bppackage_name.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-Bppackage_name::Bppackage_name(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder>& _aidl_impl)
-    : BpInterface<Ipackage_name>(_aidl_impl){
-// START code_snips
-Ipackage_name::function_name_cb _cb // ALL callback_param // Used in callback_description
-const Ipackage_name::struct_name& param_name // ALL param_decl_struct_type
-const hidl_vec<decl_base_type> &param_name// ALL param_decl_vec
-sp<import_name> param_name // ALL param_decl_import
-Ipackage_name::the_type_name//ALL describe_named_type
-hidl_vec<base_type_name>//ALL describe_type_vec
-// START code_for_function
-::android::hardware::Status Bppackage_name::function_name(params_and_callback) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  generates_variables
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// START param_write_snips
-// START param_write_import
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeStrongBinder(IInterface::asBinder(param_name));
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_import
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_uint8_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_uint8_t
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_int8_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_int8_t
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_uint16_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeChar((char16_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_uint16_t
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_int16_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeChar((char16_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_int16_t
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_uint32_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeUint32((uint32_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_uint32_t
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_int32_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInt32((int32_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_int32_t
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_uint64_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeUint64((uint64_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_uint64_t
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_int64_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInt64((int64_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_int64_t
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_char
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_char
-// START param_write_scalar_int8_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_int8_t
-// START param_write_scalar_uint8_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_uint8_t
-// START param_write_scalar_int16_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeChar((char16_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_int16_t
-// START param_write_scalar_uint16_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeChar((char16_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_uint16_t
-// START param_write_scalar_int32_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInt32((int32_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_int32_t
-// START param_write_scalar_uint32_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeUint32((uint32_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_uint32_t
-// START param_write_scalar_int64_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInt64((int64_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_int64_t
-// START param_write_scalar_uint64_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeUint64((uint64_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_uint64_t
-// START param_write_scalar_char
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_char
-  // START param_write_struct_type
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeBuffer((void *)&param_name, sizeof(param_name), &parent_handle);
-    if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-    fixup_write_struct
-  }
-  // END param_write_struct_type
-  // START param_write_vec_all
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeBuffer((void *)&param_name, sizeof(param_name), &parent_handle);
-    if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-    fixup_write_vec
-  }
-  // END param_write_vec_all
-  // START param_write_array_all
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeBuffer((void *)&param_name, sizeof(param_name), &parent_handle);
-    if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-    fixup_write_array
-  }
-  // END param_write_array_all
-  // START vec_fixup_loop
-    for (size_t loop_var = 0; loop_var < param_name.count; loop_var++) {
-      /* fixup_write_vec */
-      inner_vec_fixup
-    }
-  // END vec_fixup_loop
-  // START array_fixup_loop
-    for (size_t loop_var = 0; loop_var < array_length; loop_var++) {
-      /* fixup_write_array */
-      inner_array_fixup
-    }
-  // END array_fixup_loop
-  // START param_write_string
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeBuffer((void *)&param_name, sizeof(hidl_string), &parent_handle);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeEmbeddedBuffer((void *)param_name.buffer,
-                       (param_name.length < 0 ? strlen(param_name.buffer)+1 : param_name.length),
-                                            nullptr, parent_handle, 0);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  }
-  // END param_write_string
-  // START param_write_handle
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeNativeHandleNoDup(param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // END param_write_handle
-  // START write_fixup_string
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeEmbeddedBuffer((void *)param_name.buffer,
-                       (param_name.length < 0 ? strlen(param_name.buffer)+1 : param_name.length),
-                       nullptr, parent_handle,
-                       (size_t)((char *)&(param_name.buffer)-(char *)(base_pointer)));
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // END write_fixup_string
-  // START write_fixup_handle
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeEmbeddedNativeHandle(param_name, parent_handle,
-                       (size_t)((char *)&(param_name)-(char *)(base_pointer)));
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // END write_fixup_handle
-  // START write_fixup_vec
-  {
-    size_t child_handle;
-    void *bufp = (void *)param_name.buffer;
-    size_t size = sizeof(vec_base_type[param_name.count]);
-    size_t off = (size_t)((char *)&(param_name.buffer)-(char *)(base_pointer));
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeEmbeddedBuffer(bufp,
-                                              size,
-                                              &child_handle,
-                                              parent_handle,
-                                              off /* offset_calculator */);
-     // Redefining a variable inside braces works like a static stack.
-    size_t parent_handle = child_handle;
-    if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-    vec_fixup_loop
-  }
-  // END write_fixup_vec
-  // START write_fixup_array
-  array_fixup_loop
-  // END write_fixup_array
-  // START param_write_vec
-  size_t parent_handle;
-  _aidl_data.writeBuffer((void *)param_name.buffer, vec_size_expr, &parent_handle);
-  write_vec_fixups
-  // END param_write_vec
-  // START param_write_ref_all
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeFileDescriptor(param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // END param_write_ref_all
-  // END param_write_snips
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(Ipackage_name::func_name_as_enum, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-// START param_ret_read_snips
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_int8_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte(&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_int8_t
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_uint8_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte((int8_t*)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_uint8_t
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_int16_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readChar((char16_t*)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_int16_t
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_uint16_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readChar((char16_t*)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_uint16_t
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_int32_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_int32_t
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_uint32_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readUint32(&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_uint32_t
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_int64_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt64(&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_int64_t
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_uint64_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readUint64(&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_uint64_t
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_char
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte((int8_t*)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_char
-  // START param_ret_read_import
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readStrongBinder(&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // END param_ret_read_import
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_uint8_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte((int8_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_uint8_t
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_int8_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte((int8_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_int8_t
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_uint16_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readChar((char16_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_uint16_t
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_int16_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readChar((char16_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_int16_t
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_uint32_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readUint32((uint32_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_uint32_t
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_int32_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32((int32_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_int32_t
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_uint64_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readUint64((uint64_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_uint64_t
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_int64_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt64((int64_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_int64_t
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_char
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte((int8_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_char
-  // START param_ret_read_struct_type
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    param_name = (struct_type_description*)_aidl_reply.readBuffer(&parent_handle);
-    if ((param_name) == nullptr) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-    fixup_ret_read_struct
-  }
-  // END param_ret_read_struct_type
-  // START param_ret_read_vec_all
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    param_name = (hidl_vec<decl_base_type> *)_aidl_reply.readBuffer(&parent_handle);
-    if ((param_name) == nullptr) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-    fixup_ret_read_vec
-  }
-  // END param_ret_read_vec_all
-  // START param_ret_read_array_all
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    param_name = _aidl_reply.readBuffer(&parent_handle);
-    if (param_name == nullptr) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-    fixup_ret_read_array
-  }
-  // END param_ret_read_array_all
-  // START param_ret_read_string
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    param_name = _aidl_reply.readBuffer(&parent_handle);
-    if (param_name == nullptr) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-    _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_reply.readEmbeddedBuffer(nullptr, parent_handle, 0);
-    if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-  }
-  // END param_ret_read_string
-  // START param_ret_read_handle
-  param_name = _aidl_reply.readNativeHandleNoDup();
-  if (param_name == nullptr) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // END param_ret_read_handle
-  // START read_ret_fixup_string
-  _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_reply.readEmbeddedBuffer(nullptr, parent_handle,
-                       (size_t)((char *)&(param_name.buffer)-(char *)(base_pointer)));
-  if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // END read_ret_fixup_string
-  // START read_ret_fixup_handle
-  _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_reply.readEmbeddedNativeHandle(parent_handle,
-                       (size_t)((char *)&(param_name)-(char *)(base_pointer)));
-  if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // END read_ret_fixup_handle
-  // START read_ret_fixup_vec
-  {
-    size_t child_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_reply.readEmbeddedBuffer(&child_handle, parent_handle,
-                             (size_t)((char *)&(param_name.buffer)-(char *)(base_pointer)));
-     // Redefining a variable inside braces works like a static stack.
-    size_t parent_handle = child_handle;
-    if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-    vec_fixup_loop
-  }
-  // END read_ret_fixup_vec
-  // START read_ret_fixup_array
-  array_fixup_loop
-  // END read_ret_fixup_array
-// END param_ret_read_snips
-  // Invoke callback to client  // START callback_invocation
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(return_param_names);      // END callback_invocation
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-// END code_for_function
-param_name // ALL callback_var_default
-*param_name // ALL callback_var_struct_type
-// END code_snips
-// START // hide
-auto param_name // ALL return_param_decl_default
-const Ipackage_name::type_desc & param_name // ALL return_param_decl_struct_type
-// END // hide
-//#include <namespace_slashes/Ipackage_name.h>
-//#include <namespace_slashes/Bppackage_name.h>
-#include <Ipackage_name.h>
-#include <Bppackage_name.h>
-#include <iostream>
-//#include <namespace_slashes/Bnpackage_name.h>
-#include <Bnpackage_name.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-::android::status_t Bnpackage_name::onTransact(uint32_t _aidl_code, const ::android::hardware::Parcel& _aidl_data, ::android::hardware::Parcel* _aidl_reply, uint32_t _aidl_flags, TransactCallback _cb) {
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  switch (_aidl_code) {
-// START code2_snips
-// START code2_for_function
-    case Call::func_name_as_enum:
-      {
-// START param_decls
-  Ipackage_name::struct_name *param_name // ALL field_decl_struct_type
-  hidl_vec<decl_base_type> *param_name // ALL field_decl_vec_all
-  sp<import_name> param_name // ALL field_decl_import
-// END param_decls
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-// START param_read_snips
-// START param_read_scalar_int8_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte(&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_int8_t
-// START param_read_scalar_uint8_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte((int8_t*)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_uint8_t
-// START param_read_scalar_int16_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readChar((char16_t*)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_int16_t
-// START param_read_scalar_uint16_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readChar((char16_t*)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_uint16_t
-// START param_read_scalar_int32_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readInt32(&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_int32_t
-// START param_read_scalar_uint32_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readUint32(&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_uint32_t
-// START param_read_scalar_int64_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readInt64(&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_int64_t
-// START param_read_scalar_uint64_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readUint64(&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_uint64_t
-// START param_read_scalar_char
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte((int8_t*)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_char
-  // START param_read_import
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readStrongBinder(&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-  // END param_read_import
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_int8_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte((int8_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_int8_t
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_uint8_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte((int8_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_uint8_t
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_int16_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readChar((char16_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_int16_t
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_uint16_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readChar((char16_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_uint16_t
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_int32_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readInt32((int32_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_int32_t
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_uint32_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readUint32((uint32_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_uint32_t
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_int64_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readInt64((int64_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_int64_t
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_uint64_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readUint64((uint64_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_uint64_t
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_char
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte((int8_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_char
-  // START param_read_struct_type
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    param_name = (struct_type_description*)_aidl_data.readBuffer(&parent_handle);
-    if ((param_name) == nullptr) {
-      break;
-    }
-    fixup_read_struct
-  }
-  // END param_read_struct_type
-  // START param_read_vec_all
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    param_name = (hidl_vec<decl_base_type> *)_aidl_data.readBuffer(&parent_handle);
-    if ((param_name) == nullptr) {
-      break;
-    }
-    fixup_read_vec
-  }
-  // END param_read_vec_all
-  // START param_read_array_all
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    param_name = _aidl_data.readBuffer(&parent_handle);
-    if (param_name == nullptr) {
-      break;
-    }
-    fixup_read_array
-  }
-  // END param_read_array_all
-  // START param_read_string
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    param_name = _aidl_data.readBuffer(&parent_handle);
-    if (param_name == nullptr) {
-      break;
-    }
-    _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_data.readEmbeddedBuffer(nullptr, parent_handle, 0);
-    if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  // END param_read_string
-  // START param_read_handle
-  param_name = _aidl_data.readNativeHandleNoDup();
-  if (param_name == nullptr) {
-    break;
-  }
-  // END param_read_handle
-  // START read_fixup_string
-  _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_data.readEmbeddedBuffer(nullptr, parent_handle,
-                       (size_t)((char *)&(param_name.buffer)-(char *)(base_pointer)));
-  if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      break;
-  }
-  // END read_fixup_string
-  // START read_fixup_handle
-  _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_data.readEmbeddedNativeHandle(parent_handle,
-                       (size_t)((char *)&(param_name)-(char *)(base_pointer)));
-  if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      break;
-  }
-  // END read_fixup_handle
-  // START read_fixup_vec
-  {
-    size_t child_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_data.readEmbeddedBuffer(&child_handle, parent_handle,
-                             (size_t)((char *)&(param_name.buffer)-(char *)(base_pointer)));
-     // Redefining a variable inside braces works like a static stack.
-    size_t parent_handle = child_handle;
-    if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      break;
-    }
-    vec_fixup_loop
-  }
-  // END read_fixup_vec
-  // START read_fixup_array
-  array_fixup_loop
-  // END read_fixup_array
-// START param_read_ref_all
-        param_name = _aidl_data.readFileDescriptor();
-// END param_read_ref_all
-// END param_read_snips
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             function_name(stub_arguments));
-        // START // Hide callback_code
-param_name// ALL stub_param_decl_default
-*param_name// ALL stub_param_decl_struct_type
-*param_name// ALL stub_param_decl_struct_decl
-*param_name// ALL stub_param_decl_vec_all
-    // TODO add union and string and native_handle
-        [&](return_params_stubs) {  // START callback_code
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-// START param_ret_write_snips
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_uint8_t
-                             _aidl_reply->writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_uint8_t
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_int8_t
-                             _aidl_reply->writeByte(param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_int8_t
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_uint16_t
-                             _aidl_reply->writeChar((char16_t)param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_uint16_t
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_int16_t
-                             _aidl_reply->writeChar((char16_t)param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_int16_t
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_uint32_t
-                             _aidl_reply->writeUint32(param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_uint32_t
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_int32_t
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_int32_t
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_uint64_t
-                             _aidl_reply->writeUint64(param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_uint64_t
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_int64_t
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt64(param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_int64_t
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_char
-                             _aidl_reply->writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_char
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_int8_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_int8_t
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_uint8_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_uint8_t
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_int16_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeChar((char16_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_int16_t
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_uint16_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeChar((char16_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_uint16_t
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_int32_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeInt32((int32_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_int32_t
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_uint32_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeUint32((uint32_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_uint32_t
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_int64_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeInt64((int64_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_int64_t
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_uint64_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeUint64((uint64_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_uint64_t
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_char
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_char
-// START param_ret_write_import
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeStrongBinder(IInterface::asBinder(param_name));
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    // TODO(maco): Log/report all errors. See b/30476330
-    return;
-  }
-// END param_ret_write_import
-  // START param_ret_write_struct_type
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeBuffer((void *)&param_name, sizeof(param_name), &parent_handle);
-    fixup_ret_write_struct
-  }
-  // END param_ret_write_struct_type
-  // START param_ret_write_array_all
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeBuffer((void *)&param_name, sizeof(param_name), &parent_handle);
-    fixup_write_array
-  }
-  // END param_ret_write_array_all
-  // START param_ret_write_vec_all
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeBuffer((void *)&param_name, sizeof(param_name), &parent_handle);
-    fixup_ret_write_vec
-  }
-  // END param_ret_write_vec_all
-  // START vec_ret_fixup_loop
-    for (size_t loop_var = 0; loop_var < param_name.count; loop_var++) {
-      /* fixup_write_vec */
-      inner_ret_vec_fixup
-    }
-  // END vec_ret_fixup_loop
-  // START param_ret_write_string
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeBuffer((void *)&param_name, sizeof(hidl_string), &parent_handle);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    // TODO(maco): Log/report all errors. See b/30476330
-    return;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeEmbeddedBuffer((void *)param_name.buffer,
-                       (param_name.length < 0 ? strlen(param_name.buffer)+1 : param_name.length),
-                                            nullptr, parent_handle, 0);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    // TODO(maco): Log/report all errors. See b/30476330
-    return;
-  }
-  }
-  // END param_ret_write_string
-  // START param_ret_write_handle
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeNativeHandleNoDup(param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    // TODO(maco): Log/report all errors. See b/30476330
-    return;
-  }
-  // END param_ret_write_handle
-  // START write_ret_fixup_string
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeEmbeddedBuffer((void *)param_name.buffer,
-                       (param_name.length < 0 ? strlen(param_name.buffer)+1 : param_name.length),
-                       nullptr, parent_handle,
-                       (size_t)((char *)&(param_name.buffer)-(char *)(base_pointer)));
-  // END write_ret_fixup_string
-  // START write_ret_fixup_handle
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeEmbeddedNativeHandle(param_name, parent_handle,
-                       (size_t)((char *)&(param_name)-(char *)(base_pointer)));
-  // END write_ret_fixup_handle
-  // START write_ret_fixup_vec
-  {
-    size_t child_handle;
-    void *bufp = (void *)param_name.buffer;
-    size_t size = sizeof(vec_base_type[param_name.count]);
-    size_t off = (size_t)((char *)&(param_name.buffer)-(char *)(base_pointer));
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeEmbeddedBuffer(bufp,
-                                              size,
-                                              &child_handle,
-                                              parent_handle,
-                                              off /* offset_calculator */);
-     // Redefining a variable inside braces works like a static stack.
-    size_t parent_handle = child_handle;
-    vec_ret_fixup_loop
-  }
-  // END write_ret_fixup_vec
-  // START write_ret_fixup_array
-  array_fixup_loop
-  // END write_ret_fixup_array
-  // START param_ret_write_vec
-  size_t parent_handle;
-  _aidl_reply->writeBuffer((void *)param_name.buffer, vec_size_expr, &parent_handle);
-  write_ret_vec_fixups
-  // END param_ret_write_vec
-// END param_ret_write_snips
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }  // END callback_code
-        // END //
-        if (!callback_called) {  // START callback_check
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }  // END callback_check
-        break;
-      }
-// END code2_for_function
-// END code2_snips
-    default:
-      {
-        _aidl_ret_status = ::android::hardware::BBinder::onTransact(_aidl_code, _aidl_data, _aidl_reply, _aidl_flags);
-      }
-      break;
-  }
-  if (_aidl_ret_status == ::android::UNEXPECTED_NULL) {
-    _aidl_ret_status = ::android::hardware::Status::fromExceptionCode(::android::hardware::Status::EX_NULL_POINTER).writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  }
-  return _aidl_ret_status;
-// END file
diff --git a/templates/TemplateBinder.h b/templates/TemplateBinder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 85af41f..0000000
--- a/templates/TemplateBinder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// SECTION binder
-// START file
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/TemplateBinder.h
-#ifndef I_HIDL_BINDER_header_guard_H
-#define I_HIDL_BINDER_header_guard_H
-#include "binder/Parcel.h"
-#include "binder/Parcelable.h"
-// START namespace_open_section
-namespace namespace_name {//ALL namespace_open_line
-//END namespace_open_section
-                class package_name : public Parcelable {
-                public:
-                  // START declarations
-                  // START declare_enum_decl
-                    enum class enum_name : enum_base_type {
-                      enum_fields
-                    };
-                  // END declare_enum_decl
-                  function_name(param_list) function_code // ALL declare_function
-                  // END declarations
-                    virtual status_t writeToParcel(Parcel* parcel) const override {
-                    //START vars_writer
-                        parcel->writeFileDescriptor(mFd, false); // ALL param_write_ref
-                        parcel->writeInt32((int32_t) mRegionType); // ALL param_write_named_type_enum
-                        parcel->writeInt64(mOffset); // ALL param_write_scalar_int64_t
-                        parcel->writeUint64(mSize); // ALL param_write_scalar_uint64_t
-                    // END vars_writer
-                        return parcel->errorCheck();
-                    }
-                    virtual status_t readFromParcel(const Parcel* parcel) override {
-                      // START vars_reader
-                        param_name = parcel->readFileDescriptor(); // ALL param_read_ref
-                        param_name = (enum_name) parcel->readInt32(); // ALL param_read_named_type_enum
-                        param_name = parcel->readInt64(); // ALL param_read_scalar_int64_t
-                        param_name = parcel->readUint64(); // ALL param_read_scalar_uint64_t
-                        // END vars_reader
-                        return parcel->errorCheck();
-                    }
-                private:
-                  // START vars_decl
-                  int mFd = -1;
-                    MappingType mRegionType = MappingType::UNDEFINED_MAPPING;
-                    off64_t mOffset;
-                    size_t mSize = 0;
-                  // END vars_decl
-                };
-// START namespace_close_section
-}  // namespace namespace_name  //ALL namespace_close_line
-//END namespace_close_section
-#endif // I_HIDL_BINDER_header_guard_H
-// END file
diff --git a/templates/TemplateProxy.cpp b/templates/TemplateProxy.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b0ac023..0000000
--- a/templates/TemplateProxy.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-// SECTION proxy_cpp
-// START file
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/TemplateProxy.cpp
-#include <namespace_slashes/Ipackage_name.h>
-#include <namespace_slashes/Bppackage_name.h>
-// START namespace_open_section
-namespace namespace_name {//ALL namespace_open_line
-//END namespace_open_section
-IMPLEMENT_HWBINDER_META_INTERFACE(package_name, "namespace_dots.Ipackage_name");
-// START namespace_close_section
-}  // namespace namespace_name  //ALL namespace_close_line
-//END namespace_close_section
-#include <namespace_slashes/Bppackage_name.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-Bppackage_name::Bppackage_name(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder>& _aidl_impl)
-    : BpInterface<Ipackage_name>(_aidl_impl){
-// START code_snips
-Ipackage_name::function_name_cb _cb // ALL callback_param // Used in callback_description
-const Ipackage_name::struct_name* param_name // ALL param_decl_struct_type
-sp<import_name> param_name // ALL param_decl_import
-struct_name *param_name; // ALL field_decl_struct_type
-// START code_for_function
-::android::hardware::Status Bppackage_name::function_name(params_and_callback) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  generates_variables
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// START param_write_snips
-// START param_write_import
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeStrongBinder(IInterface::asBinder(param_name));
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_import
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_uint8_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_uint8_t
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_int8_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_int8_t
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_uint16_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeChar((char16_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_uint16_t
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_int16_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeChar((char16_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_int16_t
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_uint32_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeUint32((uint32_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_uint32_t
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_int32_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInt32((int32_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_int32_t
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_uint64_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeUint64((uint64_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_uint64_t
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_int64_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInt64((int64_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_int64_t
-// START param_write_enum_type_scalar_char
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_enum_type_scalar_char
-// START param_write_scalar_int8_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_int8_t
-// START param_write_scalar_uint8_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_uint8_t
-// START param_write_scalar_int16_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeChar((char16_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_int16_t
-// START param_write_scalar_uint16_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeChar((char16_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_uint16_t
-// START param_write_scalar_int32_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInt32((int32_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_int32_t
-// START param_write_scalar_uint32_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeUint32((uint32_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_uint32_t
-// START param_write_scalar_int64_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInt64((int64_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_int64_t
-// START param_write_scalar_uint64_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeUint64((uint64_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_uint64_t
-// START param_write_scalar_char
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_write_scalar_char
-  // START param_write_struct_type
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeBuffer((void *)param_name, sizeof(param_name), nullptr);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // END param_write_struct_type
-    // START param_write_ref_all
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeFileDescriptor(param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-    // END param_write_ref_all
-// END param_write_snips
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(Ipackage_name::func_name_as_enum, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-// START param_ret_read_snips
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_int8_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte(&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_int8_t
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_uint8_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte((int8_t*)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_uint8_t
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_int16_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readChar((char16_t*)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_int16_t
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_uint16_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readChar((char16_t*)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_uint16_t
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_int32_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_int32_t
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_uint32_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readUint32(&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_uint32_t
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_int64_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt64(&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_int64_t
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_uint64_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readUint64(&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_uint64_t
-// START param_ret_read_scalar_char
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte((int8_t*)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_scalar_char
-  // START param_ret_read_import
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readStrongBinder(&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // END param_ret_read_import
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_uint8_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte((int8_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_uint8_t
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_int8_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte((int8_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_int8_t
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_uint16_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readChar((char16_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_uint16_t
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_int16_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readChar((char16_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_int16_t
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_uint32_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readUint32((uint32_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_uint32_t
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_int32_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32((int32_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_int32_t
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_uint64_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readUint64((uint64_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_uint64_t
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_int64_t
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt64((int64_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_int64_t
-// START param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_char
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte((int8_t *)&param_name);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_read_enum_type_scalar_char
-// START param_ret_read_struct_type
-  param_name = (Ipackage_name::struct_name *)_aidl_data.readBuffer();
-// END param_ret_read_struct_type
-// END param_ret_read_snips
-  // Invoke callback to client  // START callback_invocation
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(return_param_names);      // END callback_invocation
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-// END code_for_function
-param_name // ALL callback_var_default
-*param_name // ALL callback_var_struct_type
-// END code_snips
-// END file
diff --git a/templates/TemplateStubs.cpp b/templates/TemplateStubs.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bee173..0000000
--- a/templates/TemplateStubs.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-// SECTION stubs_cpp
-auto param_name // ALL return_param_decl_default
-// START file
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/TemplateStubs.cpp
-#include <namespace_slashes/Ipackage_name.h>
-#include <namespace_slashes/Bppackage_name.h>
-// START namespace_open_section
-namespace namespace_name {//ALL namespace_open_line
-//END namespace_open_section
-IMPLEMENT_HWBINDER_META_INTERFACE(package_name, "namespace_dots.Ipackage_name");
-// START namespace_close_section
-}  // namespace namespace_name  //ALL namespace_close_line
-//END namespace_close_section
-#include <iostream>
-#include <namespace_slashes/Bnpackage_name.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-::android::status_t Bnpackage_name::onTransact(uint32_t _aidl_code, const ::android::hardware::Parcel& _aidl_data, ::android::hardware::Parcel* _aidl_reply, uint32_t _aidl_flags, TransactCallback _cb) {
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  switch (_aidl_code) {
-// START code_snips
-// START code_for_function
-    case Call::func_name_as_enum:
-      {
-// START param_decls
-        /*
-  Ipackage_name::struct_name *param_name // ALL field_decl_struct_type
-  sp<import_name> param_name // ALL field_decl_import
-         */
-        int32_t should_be_replaced; // These will be replaced
-        int32_t ret_FOO;   // with auto-generated declarations
-// END param_decls
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-// START param_read_snips
-// START param_read_scalar_int8_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte(&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_int8_t
-// START param_read_scalar_uint8_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte((int8_t*)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_uint8_t
-// START param_read_scalar_int16_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readChar((char16_t*)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_int16_t
-// START param_read_scalar_uint16_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readChar((char16_t*)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_uint16_t
-// START param_read_scalar_int32_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readInt32(&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_int32_t
-// START param_read_scalar_uint32_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readUint32(&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_uint32_t
-// START param_read_scalar_int64_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readInt64(&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_int64_t
-// START param_read_scalar_uint64_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readUint64(&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_uint64_t
-// START param_read_scalar_char
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte((int8_t*)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_scalar_char
-  // START param_read_import
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readStrongBinder(&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          goto _aidl_error;
-        }
-  // END param_read_import
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_int8_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte((int8_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_int8_t
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_uint8_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte((int8_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_uint8_t
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_int16_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readChar((char16_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_int16_t
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_uint16_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readChar((char16_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_uint16_t
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_int32_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readInt32((int32_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_int32_t
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_uint32_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readUint32((uint32_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_uint32_t
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_int64_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readInt64((int64_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_int64_t
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_uint64_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readUint64((uint64_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_uint64_t
-// START param_read_enum_type_scalar_char
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte((int8_t *)&param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-// END param_read_enum_type_scalar_char
-// START param_read_ref_all
-        param_name = _aidl_data.readFileDescriptor();
-// END param_read_ref_all
-  // START param_read_struct_type
-        param_name = (Ipackage_name::struct_name *)_aidl_data.readBuffer();
-  // END param_read_struct_type
-// END param_read_snips
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             function_name(stub_arguments));
-        // START // Hide callback_code
-param_name// ALL stub_param_decl_default
-*param_name// ALL stub_param_decl_struct_type
-        [&](return_params_stubs) {  // START callback_code
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-// START param_ret_write_snips
-// START param_ret_write_struct_type
-                             std::cout << "Struct type passed to cb" << std::endl;
-// END param_ret_write_struct_type
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_uint8_t
-                             _aidl_reply->writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_uint8_t
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_int8_t
-                             _aidl_reply->writeByte(param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_int8_t
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_uint16_t
-                             _aidl_reply->writeChar((char16_t)param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_uint16_t
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_int16_t
-                             _aidl_reply->writeChar((char16_t)param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_int16_t
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_uint32_t
-                             _aidl_reply->writeUint32(param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_uint32_t
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_int32_t
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_int32_t
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_uint64_t
-                             _aidl_reply->writeUint64(param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_uint64_t
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_int64_t
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt64(param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_int64_t
-// START param_ret_write_scalar_char
-                             _aidl_reply->writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-// END param_ret_write_scalar_char
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_int8_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_int8_t
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_uint8_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_uint8_t
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_int16_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeChar((char16_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_int16_t
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_uint16_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeChar((char16_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_uint16_t
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_int32_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeInt32((int32_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_int32_t
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_uint32_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeUint32((uint32_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_uint32_t
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_int64_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeInt64((int64_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_int64_t
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_uint64_t
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeUint64((uint64_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_uint64_t
-// START param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_char
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeByte((int8_t)param_name);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-// END param_ret_write_enum_type_scalar_char
-// START param_ret_write_import
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeStrongBinder(IInterface::asBinder(param_name));
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-// END param_ret_write_import
-// END param_ret_write_snips
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }  // END callback_code
-        // END //
-        if (!callback_called) {  // START callback_check
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }  // END callback_check
-        break;
-      }
-// END code_for_function
-// END code_snips
-    default:
-      {
-        _aidl_ret_status = ::android::hardware::BBinder::onTransact(_aidl_code, _aidl_data, _aidl_reply, _aidl_flags);
-      }
-      break;
-  }
-  if (_aidl_ret_status == ::android::UNEXPECTED_NULL) {
-    _aidl_ret_status = ::android::hardware::Status::fromExceptionCode(::android::hardware::Status::EX_NULL_POINTER).writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  }
-  return _aidl_ret_status;
-// END file
diff --git a/templates/template.cpp b/templates/template.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a96cce..0000000
--- a/templates/template.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-// START const
-#define NAME (VAL)
-// END const
-#include <string.h> // START header
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-using FdType = int;
-typedef uint64_t opaque;
-struct native_handle
-    int version;        /* sizeof(native_handle_t) */
-    int numFds;         /* number of file-descriptors at &data[0] */
-    int numInts;        /* number of ints at &data[numFds] */
-    int data[0];        /* numFds + numInts ints */
-typedef int32_t ref;
-typedef int32_t fd;
-template<typename T>
-struct vec {
-  size_t count;
-  T *ptr;
-struct HidlString {
-  ptrdiff_t n_bytes;
-  char *buffer;
-struct FunStruct {
-  alignas(8) FunStruct *self_ptr;
-  alignas(8) size_t n_fds;
-#define ALIGNMENT (8)
-#define ALIGNED(size) (((size_t)(size) + ALIGNMENT - 1) & ~(ALIGNMENT - 1))
-#define PALIGNED(ptr) ((char *)ALIGNED((size_t)(ptr)))
-template<typename T>
-size_t bytes_needed(T var)
-  (void)var; return sizeof(T);
-size_t bytes_needed(HidlString& var)
-  ptrdiff_t buf_len = (var.n_bytes == -1) ? strlen(var.buffer) : var.n_bytes;
-  return sizeof(HidlString) + ALIGNED(buf_len);
-size_t bytes_needed(native_handle &var)
-  (void)var;
-  return 5;
-template<typename T>
-size_t fds_needed(T &var)
-  (void)var;
-  return 0;
-size_t fds_needed(native_handle &var)
-  return var.numFds;
-size_t fds_needed(ref &var)
-  (void)var;
-  return 1;
-void extract_fds(FdType **ppFds, ref var)
-  *(*ppFds++) = (FdType)var;
-void extract_fds(FdType **ppFds, native_handle& var)
-  for (int i = 0; i < var.numFds; i++) {
-    *(*ppFds++) = (FdType)[i];
-  }
-void replace_fds(FdType **ppFds, native_handle* var)
-  for (int i = 0; i < var->numFds; i++) {
-    *(*ppFds++) = (FdType)var->data[i];
-  }
-size_t fix_pointers(native_handle *var, ptrdiff_t fix)
-  (void)var;
-  (void)fix;
-  return 5; // TODO
-void fill_data(char **ppData, native_handle& var)
-  (void)ppData;
-  (void)var; // TODO
-// END header
-struct C {
-  ref r;
-size_t bytes_needed(C &var)
-  (void)var;
-  return sizeof(C);
-size_t fds_needed(C &var)
-  (void)var;
-  return 1;
-void extract_fds(FdType **ppFds, C& var)
-  *(*ppFds++) = var.r;
-void replace_fds(FdType **ppFds, C& var)
-  var.r = *(*ppFds++);
-struct B {
-  HidlString s;
-size_t bytes_needed(B &var)
-  (void)var;
-  return 5;
-size_t fds_needed(B &var)
-  (void)var;
-  return 5;
-void extract_fds(FdType **ppFds, B& var)
-  (void)ppFds; (void)var;
-void replace_fds(FdType **ppFds, B& var)
-  (void)ppFds;(void)var;
-#define array_size 3
-#define array_base C
-#define vec_name b
-#define array_name c
-// START struct_code
-struct struct_type {
-  // ALL field_declarations
-  vec<B> vec_name; // SKIP
-  array_base array_name[array_size]; // SKIP
-typedef struct_type A; // SKIP
-size_t bytes_needed(struct_type &var)
-  size_t sum = 0, temp_size, i;
-  sum += sizeof(struct_type);
-  // START b_n_fields
-  temp_size = 0;    // START b_n_vec
-  for (i = 0; i < var.vec_name.count; i++) {
-    temp_size += bytes_needed(var.vec_name.ptr[i]);
-  }
-  sum += ALIGNED(temp_size); // END b_n_vec
-  temp_size = 0; // START b_n_array
-  for (i = 0; i < array_size; i++) {
-    temp_size += ALIGNED(bytes_needed(var.array_name[i]) - sizeof(array_base));
-  }
-  sum += temp_size; // END b_n_array
-  // END b_n_fields
-  return sum;
-size_t fds_needed(struct_type& var)
-  size_t sum = 0;
-  size_t i;
-  // START fd_n_fields
-  for (i = 0; i < var.vec_name.count; i++) { // START fd_n_vec
-    sum += fds_needed(var.vec_name.ptr[i]);
-  } // END fd_n_vec
-  for (i = 0; i < array_size; i++) { // START fd_n_array
-    sum += fds_needed(var.array_name[i]);
-  } // END fd_n_array
-  // END fd_n_fields
-  return sum;
-void extract_fds(FdType **ppFds, struct_type& var)
-  size_t i;
-  // START xfd_fields
-  for (i = 0; i < var.vec_name.count; i++) { // START xfd_vec
-    extract_fds(ppFds, var.vec_name.ptr[i]);
-  } // END xfd_vec
-  for (i = 0; i < array_size; i++) { // START xfd_array
-    extract_fds(ppFds, var.array_name[i]);
-  } // END xfd_array
-  // END xfd_fields
-void replace_fds(FdType **ppFds, struct_type* var)
-  size_t i;
-  // START rfd_fields
-  for (i = 0; i < var->vec_name.count; i++) { // START rfd_vec
-    replace_fds(ppFds, var->vec_name.ptr[i]);
-  } // END rfd_vec
-  for (i = 0; i < array_size; i++) { // START rfd_array
-    replace_fds(ppFds, var->array_name[i]);
-  } // END rfd_array
-  // END rfd_fields
-void fill_data(char **ppData, struct_type& var)
-  (void)ppData;
-  (void)var; // TODO
-size_t fix_pointers(struct_type *var, ptrdiff_t fix)
-  (void)var;
-  (void)fix;
-  return 5; // TODO
-//END struct_code
-void dispatch_to_fun(char *wirebuf);
-void kernel_trap_for_funcall(char* buf, size_t len)
-  char *raw_buf = (char *)malloc(len + ALIGNMENT);
-  char *new_buf = PALIGNED(raw_buf);
-  memcpy(new_buf, buf, len);
-  printf("Pointers should be between %p and %p\n", new_buf, new_buf+len);
-  FunStruct *pFS = (FunStruct *)new_buf;
-  pFS->self_ptr = pFS;
-  int *pFds = (FdType *)(new_buf + ALIGNED(sizeof(FunStruct)));
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < pFS->n_fds; i++) {
-    pFds[i] *= 3;
-  }
-  dispatch_to_fun(new_buf);
-  (void)len;
-#define type A
-void fun( // START proxy
-    type& arg // ALL param
-    , native_handle &h // SKIP
-  size_t bytes_sum = sizeof(FunStruct);
-  bytes_sum += ALIGNED(bytes_needed(arg)); // ALL sum_bytes
-  bytes_sum += ALIGNED(bytes_needed(h)); // SKIP
-  size_t fds_sum = 0;
-  fds_sum += fds_needed(arg); // ALL sum_fds
-  fds_sum += fds_needed(h); // SKIP
-  size_t buf_size = ALIGNED(bytes_sum) +
-      ALIGNED(fds_sum * sizeof(FdType));
-  char *raw_buf = (char *)malloc(buf_size + ALIGNMENT);
-  char *wire_buf = PALIGNED(raw_buf);
-  FunStruct *pFS = (FunStruct *)wire_buf;
-  pFS->self_ptr = pFS;
-  int *pFds = (FdType *)(wire_buf + ALIGNED(sizeof(FunStruct)));
-  char *pData = wire_buf + ALIGNED(sizeof(FunStruct)) +
-      ALIGNED(fds_sum * sizeof(FdType));
-  extract_fds(&pFds, arg); // ALL get_fds
-  extract_fds(&pFds, h); // SKIP
-  fill_data(&pData, arg);  // START move_data
-  pData = PALIGNED(pData);  // END move_data
-  fill_data(&pData, h);  // SKIP
-  pData = PALIGNED(pData); // SKIP
-  kernel_trap_for_funcall(wire_buf, buf_size);
-  free(raw_buf);
-} // END proxy
-void targetFun(A& a, native_handle& h);
-void dispatch_to_fun(char *wire_buf) {
-  // Assumes wire_buf is aligned to ALIGNMENT!
-  FunStruct *pFS = (FunStruct *)wire_buf;
-  char *pData;
-  ptrdiff_t ptr_fixup = (char *)pFS - (char *)pFS->self_ptr;
-  fd *pFds = (fd *)(wire_buf + ALIGNED(sizeof(FunStruct)));
-  pData = PALIGNED(wire_buf + (pFS->n_fds * sizeof(FdType)));
-  A *a_ptr = (A *)pData;
-  pData += fix_pointers(a_ptr, ptr_fixup);
-  pData = PALIGNED(pData);
-  native_handle *h_ptr = (native_handle *)pData;
-  pData += fix_pointers(h_ptr, ptr_fixup);
-  pData = PALIGNED(pData);
-  replace_fds(&pFds, a_ptr);
-  replace_fds(&pFds, h_ptr);
-  targetFun(*a_ptr, *h_ptr);
-void targetFun(A& a, native_handle& h)
-  printf("Target acquired... h[0] is %d\n",[0]);
-  printf("a.c values are %d, %d, %d\n", a.c[0].r, a.c[1].r, a.c[2].r);
-  printf("a.b strings are %s and %s\n", a.b.ptr[0].s.buffer,
-         a.b.ptr[1].s.buffer);
-  printf("Addresses are %p, %p, %p, %p\n", &a, &h, a.b.ptr,
-         a.b.ptr[0].s.buffer);
-int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-  (void)argc;
-  (void)argv;
-  printf("Hello world\n");
-  int h_space[6];
-  native_handle *h = (native_handle *)&h_space;
-  h->numFds = 1;
-  int *pData = h->data;
-  pData[0] = 2;
-  A a;
-  B b[2];
-  a.b.ptr = b;
-  a.b.count = 2;
-  a.c[0].r = 5;
-  a.c[1].r = 42;
-  a.c[2].r = 13;
-  b[0].s.n_bytes = -1;
-  b[0].s.buffer = (char *)"Kilroy was here"; // this is bad form
-  b[1].s.n_bytes = -1;
-  b[1].s.buffer = (char *)"Where's Waldo?";
-  fun(a, *h);
diff --git a/tests/IBadType.hal b/tests/IBadType.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index 10c1d2d..0000000
--- a/tests/IBadType.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.tests;
-interface ITestService {
-  echoInteger(int48_t echo_me) generates (int32_t _aidl_return);
diff --git a/tests/IEverything.hal b/tests/IEverything.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index faa139c..0000000
--- a/tests/IEverything.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.tests;
-interface IEverything {
-  struct simple_t {
-    uint32_t int1;
-    uint32_t int2;
-  };
-  struct lots_of_data {
-    uint8_t[4096] buffer;
-  };
-  echoInteger(int32_t echo_me, simple_t my_struct) generates (int32_t ret);
-  shareBufferWithRef(ref<lots_of_data> buffer) generates (int32_t ret);
diff --git a/tests/IExpression.hal b/tests/IExpression.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e49b0f..0000000
--- a/tests/IExpression.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.tests;
-interface IExpression {
-  const BOOLEAN_EXPRESSION = 1 == 7 && !((3 != 4 || (2 < 3 <= 3 > 4)) >= 0);
-  const BITWISE_EXPRESSION = ~42 & (1 << 3 | 16 >> 2) ^ 7;
-  const ARITHMETIC_EXPRESSION = 2 + 3 - 4 * -7 / (6 % 3);
-  const MESSY_EXPRESSION = 2   + (-3&4   / 7);
-  struct expressionist_t {
-    uint8_t[1 << 10] buffer;
-    vec<vec<uint8_t> > expmap;
-  };
-  @param(name = "mask", normal = 1 << 5)
-  setExpression(expressionist_t state, int32_t mask) generates (int32_t ret);
diff --git a/tests/INfc.hal b/tests/INfc.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index f5451dc..0000000
--- a/tests/INfc.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.nfc;
-import android.hardware.nfc.INfcClientCallback;
-interface INfc {
-    enum nfc_event_t : uint32_t {
-        HAL_NFC_OPEN_CPLT_EVT           = 0,
-        HAL_NFC_CLOSE_CPLT_EVT          = 1,
-        HAL_NFC_POST_INIT_CPLT_EVT      = 2,
-        HAL_NFC_ERROR_EVT               = 6
-    };
-    enum nfc_status_t : uint32_t {
-        HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK               = 0,
-        HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED           = 1,
-        HAL_NFC_STATUS_REFUSED          = 4
-    };
-    struct nfc_data_t {
-        vec<uint8_t> data;
-    };
-    /*
-     * Opens the NFC controller device and performs initialization.
-     * This may include patch download and other vendor-specific initialization.
-     *
-     * If open completes successfully, the controller should be ready to perform
-     * NCI initialization - ie accept CORE_RESET and subsequent commands through
-     * the write() call.
-     *
-     * If open() returns 0, the NCI stack will wait for a HAL_NFC_OPEN_CPLT_EVT
-     * before continuing.
-     *
-     * If open() returns any other value, the NCI stack will stop.
-     *
-     */
-    open(INfcClientCallback clientCallback) generates (int32_t retval);
-    /*
-     * Performs an NCI write.
-     *
-     * This method may queue writes and return immediately. The only
-     * requirement is that the writes are executed in order.
-     */
-    write(nfc_data_t data) generates (int32_t retval);
-    /*
-     * core_initialized() is called after the CORE_INIT_RSP is received from the NFCC.
-     * At this time, the HAL can do any chip-specific configuration.
-     *
-     * If core_initialized() returns 0, the NCI stack will wait for a HAL_NFC_POST_INIT_CPLT_EVT
-     * before continuing.
-     *
-     * If core_initialized() returns any other value, the NCI stack will continue
-     * immediately.
-     */
-    core_initialized(vec<uint8_t> data) generates (int32_t retval);
-    /*
-     * pre_discover is called every time before starting RF discovery.
-     * It is a good place to do vendor-specific configuration that must be
-     * performed every time RF discovery is about to be started.
-     *
-     * If pre_discover() returns 0, the NCI stack will wait for a HAL_NFC_PRE_DISCOVER_CPLT_EVT
-     * before continuing.
-     *
-     * If pre_discover() returns any other value, the NCI stack will start
-     * RF discovery immediately.
-     */
-    pre_discover() generates (int32_t retval);
-    /*
-     * Close the NFC controller. Should free all resources.
-     */
-    close() generates (int32_t retval);
-    /*
-     * Grant HAL the exclusive control to send NCI commands.
-     * Called in response to HAL_REQUEST_CONTROL_EVT.
-     * Must only be called when there are no NCI commands pending.
-     * HAL_RELEASE_CONTROL_EVT will notify when HAL no longer needs exclusive control.
-     */
-    control_granted() generates (int32_t retval);
-     /*
-     * Restart controller by power cyle;
-     * HAL_OPEN_CPLT_EVT will notify when operation is complete.
-     */
-    power_cycle() generates (int32_t retval);
diff --git a/tests/INfcClientCallback.hal b/tests/INfcClientCallback.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index 616b15f..0000000
--- a/tests/INfcClientCallback.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.nfc;
-interface INfcClientCallback {
-    struct nfc_data_t {
-        vec<uint8_t> data;
-    };
-    enum nfc_event_t : uint32_t {
-        HAL_NFC_OPEN_CPLT_EVT           = 0,
-        HAL_NFC_CLOSE_CPLT_EVT          = 1,
-        HAL_NFC_POST_INIT_CPLT_EVT      = 2,
-        HAL_NFC_ERROR_EVT               = 6
-    };
-    enum nfc_status_t : uint32_t {
-        HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK               = 0,
-        HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED           = 1,
-        HAL_NFC_STATUS_REFUSED          = 4
-    };
-    /*
-     * The callback passed in from the NFC stack that the HAL
-     * can use to pass events back to the stack.
-     */
-    sendEvent(nfc_event_t event, nfc_status_t event_status);
-    /*
-     * The callback passed in from the NFC stack that the HAL
-     * can use to pass incomming data to the stack.
-     */
-    sendData(nfc_data_t data);
diff --git a/tests/ITest.hal b/tests/ITest.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index 3657bd8..0000000
--- a/tests/ITest.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.tests;
-interface ITestService {
-  echoInteger(int32_t echo_me) generates (int32_t _aidl_return);
-  AddMul(int32_t op1, int32_t op2) generates (int32_t sum, int32_t product);
diff --git a/tests/ITestService.hal b/tests/ITestService.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index c428710..0000000
--- a/tests/ITestService.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.tests;
-interface ITestService {
-  struct simple_t {
-    uint32_t int1;
-    uint32_t int2;
-  };
-  struct lots_of_data {
-    uint8_t[4096] buffer;
-  };
-  echoInteger(int32_t echo_me, simple_t my_struct) generates (int32_t ret);
-  shareBufferWithRef(ref<lots_of_data> buffer) generates (int32_t ret);
diff --git a/tests/ITypes.hal b/tests/ITypes.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index 5de30a1..0000000
--- a/tests/ITypes.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.tests;
-import ISmallTest;
-interface ITypes {
-  struct simple_t {
-    uint32_t int1;
-    uint32_t int2;
-  };
-  enum eu8 : uint8_t { U8F = 34, max = 255, min = 0};
-  enum es8 : int8_t { S8F = 104, max = 127, min = -128 };
-  enum eu16 : uint16_t { U16F = 234, max = 65535, min = 0 };
-  enum es16 : int16_t { S16F = 334, max = 32767, min = -32768 };
-  enum eu32 : uint32_t { U32F = 434, max = 0xffff'f'fff, min = 0};
-  enum es32 : int32_t { S32F = 534, max = 0x7fff'f'fff, min = -2147483648 };
-  enum eu64 : uint64_t { U64F = 634, max = 0xffff'ffff'ffff'f'fffuLL, min = 0 };
-  enum es64 : int64_t { S64F = 734, max=9223372036854775807LL, min=-9223372036854775807LL };
-  enum ec : char { CF = 43, min=0, max=255 };
-  struct lots_of_data {
-    uint8_t[4096] buffer;
-  };
-  enum disc : uint32_t { US, UF, UI, UC };
-  struct s2 {
-    int32_t i;
-  };
-  union u1 : disc {
-    string s on(US);
-    ref<uint8_t> fd on(UF);
-    int64_t i on(UI);
-    s2 s2m on(UC);
-  };
-  struct s1s {
-    string str1;
-  };
-  struct s1u {
-    disc dm1;
-    u1 u1m1;
-  };
-  struct s0 {
-    s1s s1m1;
-    vec<s1s> s1v2;
-  };
-  struct shm_t {
-    uint32_t fdIndex;
-    uint32_t offset;
-    uint32_t extent;
-  };
-  struct GrantorDescriptor {
-    uint32_t flags;
-    shm_t shm;
-  };
-  struct MQDescriptor {
-    vec<GrantorDescriptor> grantors;
-    handle mq_handles;
-    uint32_t quantum;
-    uint32_t nQuanta;
-    uint32_t flags;
-  };
-  echoInteger(int32_t echo_me, simple_t my_struct) generates (int32_t ret);
-  echoEnum(eu8 a, es8 b, eu16 c, es16 d, eu32 e, es32 f, eu64 g, es64 h, ec i)
-    generates(eu8 a, es8 b, eu16 c, es16 d, eu32 e, es32 f, eu64 g, es64 h, ec i);
-  echoScalar(uint8_t a, int8_t b, uint16_t c, int16_t d, uint32_t e, int32_t f, uint64_t g, int64_t h, char i)
-    generates(uint8_t a, int8_t b, uint16_t c, int16_t d, uint32_t e, int32_t f, uint64_t g, int64_t h, char i);
-  echoStruct(s0 s) generates (s0 s);
-  // EchoInterface passes an ISmalltest around and verifies that
-  // its functions can be called on the server side.
-  echoInterface(ISmallTest cb_t) generates (ISmallTest cb_t);
-  // Use of ref<T> is deprecated.
-  shareBufferWithRef(ref<lots_of_data> buffer) generates (int32_t ret);
-  getHash() generates (uint64_t hash);
-  quit();
diff --git a/tests/IanBinder.hal b/tests/IanBinder.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index 112c88c..0000000
--- a/tests/IanBinder.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.tests;
-interface IMappableRegion {
-  enum  MappingType : int32_t {
-                        UNDEFINED_MAPPING,
-                        ASHMEM_MAPPING,
-                        FILE_MAPPING
-                    };
-		    var   ref<char> mFd = -1;
-                    var MappingType mRegionType = MappingType::UNDEFINED_MAPPING;
-                    var int64_t mOffset;
-                    var uint64_t mSize = 0;
diff --git a/tests/canonical/BnNfc.h b/tests/canonical/BnNfc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bbf070f..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/BnNfc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/BpTemplate.h
-#ifndef HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_nfc_BN_Nfc_H_
-#define HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_nfc_BN_Nfc_H_
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-//#include <android/hardware/nfc/INfc.h>
-#include <INfc.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace nfc {
-class BnNfc : public ::android::hardware::BnInterface<INfc> {
-  ::android::status_t onTransact(uint32_t _aidl_code, const ::android::hardware::Parcel& _aidl_data, ::android::hardware::Parcel* _aidl_reply, uint32_t _aidl_flags = 0, TransactCallback _callback = nullptr) override;
-};  // class BnNfc
-}  // namespace nfc
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#endif  // HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_nfc_BN_Nfc_H_
diff --git a/tests/canonical/BnTestService.h b/tests/canonical/BnTestService.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f51d39..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/BnTestService.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/BpTemplate.h
-#ifndef HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_BN_TestService_H_
-#define HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_BN_TestService_H_
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-//#include <android/hardware/tests/ITestService.h>
-#include <ITestService.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-class BnTestService : public ::android::hardware::BnInterface<ITestService> {
-  ::android::status_t onTransact(uint32_t _aidl_code, const ::android::hardware::Parcel& _aidl_data, ::android::hardware::Parcel* _aidl_reply, uint32_t _aidl_flags = 0, TransactCallback _callback = nullptr) override;
-};  // class BnTestService
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#endif  // HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_BN_TestService_H_
diff --git a/tests/canonical/BnTypes.h b/tests/canonical/BnTypes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index bdea7d3..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/BnTypes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/BpTemplate.h
-#ifndef HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_BN_Types_H_
-#define HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_BN_Types_H_
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-//#include <android/hardware/tests/ITypes.h>
-#include <ITypes.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-class BnTypes : public ::android::hardware::BnInterface<ITypes> {
-  ::android::status_t onTransact(uint32_t _aidl_code, const ::android::hardware::Parcel& _aidl_data, ::android::hardware::Parcel* _aidl_reply, uint32_t _aidl_flags = 0, TransactCallback _callback = nullptr) override;
-};  // class BnTypes
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#endif  // HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_BN_Types_H_
diff --git a/tests/canonical/BpNfc.h b/tests/canonical/BpNfc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a74d5c..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/BpNfc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/BpTemplate.h
-#ifndef HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_nfc_BP_Nfc_H_
-#define HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_nfc_BP_Nfc_H_
-#include <hwbinder/IBinder.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <utils/Errors.h>
-//#include <android/hardware/nfc/INfc.h>
-#include <INfc.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace nfc {
-class BpNfc : public ::android::hardware::BpInterface<INfc> {
-explicit BpNfc(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder>& _aidl_impl);
-virtual ~BpNfc() = default;
-::android::hardware::Status open(sp<INfcClientCallback> clientCallback , INfc::open_cb _cb ) override;
-::android::hardware::Status write(const INfc::nfc_data_t &data , INfc::write_cb _cb ) override;
-::android::hardware::Status core_initialized(const hidl_vec<uint8_t> &data , INfc::core_initialized_cb _cb ) override;
-::android::hardware::Status pre_discover(INfc::pre_discover_cb _cb ) override;
-::android::hardware::Status close(INfc::close_cb _cb ) override;
-::android::hardware::Status control_granted(INfc::control_granted_cb _cb ) override;
-::android::hardware::Status power_cycle(INfc::power_cycle_cb _cb ) override;
-};  // class BpNfc
-}  // namespace nfc
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#endif  // HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_nfc_BP_Nfc_H_
diff --git a/tests/canonical/BpTestService.h b/tests/canonical/BpTestService.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ebeea5..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/BpTestService.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/BpTemplate.h
-#ifndef HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_BP_TestService_H_
-#define HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_BP_TestService_H_
-#include <hwbinder/IBinder.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <utils/Errors.h>
-//#include <android/hardware/tests/ITestService.h>
-#include <ITestService.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-class BpTestService : public ::android::hardware::BpInterface<ITestService> {
-explicit BpTestService(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder>& _aidl_impl);
-virtual ~BpTestService() = default;
-::android::hardware::Status echoInteger(int32_t echo_me, const ITestService::simple_t &my_struct , ITestService::echoInteger_cb _cb ) override;
-::android::hardware::Status shareBufferWithRef(hidl_ref<lots_of_data> buffer, ITestService::shareBufferWithRef_cb _cb ) override;
-};  // class BpTestService
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#endif  // HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_BP_TestService_H_
diff --git a/tests/canonical/BpTypes.h b/tests/canonical/BpTypes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 97e4f7e..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/BpTypes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/BpTemplate.h
-#ifndef HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_BP_Types_H_
-#define HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_BP_Types_H_
-#include <hwbinder/IBinder.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <utils/Errors.h>
-//#include <android/hardware/tests/ITypes.h>
-#include <ITypes.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-class BpTypes : public ::android::hardware::BpInterface<ITypes> {
-explicit BpTypes(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder>& _aidl_impl);
-virtual ~BpTypes() = default;
-::android::hardware::Status echoInteger(int32_t echo_me, const ITypes::simple_t &my_struct , ITypes::echoInteger_cb _cb ) override;
-::android::hardware::Status echoEnum(eu8 a, es8 b, eu16 c, es16 d, eu32 e, es32 f, eu64 g, es64 h, ec i, ITypes::echoEnum_cb _cb ) override;
-::android::hardware::Status echoScalar(uint8_t a, int8_t b, uint16_t c, int16_t d, uint32_t e, int32_t f, uint64_t g, int64_t h, char i, ITypes::echoScalar_cb _cb ) override;
-::android::hardware::Status echoStruct(const ITypes::s0 &s , ITypes::echoStruct_cb _cb ) override;
-::android::hardware::Status echoInterface(sp<ISmallTest> cb_t , ITypes::echoInterface_cb _cb ) override;
-::android::hardware::Status shareBufferWithRef(hidl_ref<lots_of_data> buffer, ITypes::shareBufferWithRef_cb _cb ) override;
-::android::hardware::Status getHash(ITypes::getHash_cb _cb ) override;
-::android::hardware::Status quit() override;
-};  // class BpTypes
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#endif  // HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_BP_Types_H_
diff --git a/tests/canonical/Everything.json b/tests/canonical/Everything.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 00c94ee..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/Everything.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-hidl {
-  version_major: 1,
-  version_minor: 0,
-  name: "Everything",
-  things: [
-    {
-      type: "struct",
-      name: "simple_t",
-      fields: [
-        {
-          name: "int1",
-          type: "uint32_t",
-        },
-        {
-          name: "int2",
-          type: "uint32_t",
-        },
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      type: "struct",
-      name: "lots_of_data",
-      fields: [
-        {
-          name: "buffer",
-          type: "array",
-          base_type: {
-            type: "uint8_t",
-          },
-          dimension: 4096,
-        },
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      type: "function",
-      name: "echoInteger",
-      params: [
-        {
-          name: "echo_me",
-          type: "int32_t"
-        }
-,         {
-          name: "my_struct",
-          type: "simple_t"
-        }
-      ],
-      generates: [
-        {
-          name: "ret",
-          type: "int32_t"
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      type: "function",
-      name: "shareBufferWithRef",
-      params: [
-        {
-          name: "buffer",
-          type: "ref",
-          base_type: {
-            type: "lots_of_data"
-          }
-        }
-      ],
-      generates: [
-        {
-          name: "ret",
-          type: "int32_t"
-        }
-      ]
-    },
-    {} // comma fodder
-  ]
diff --git a/tests/canonical/Expression_all.cpp b/tests/canonical/Expression_all.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ef68a64..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/Expression_all.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/TemplateAll.cpp
-//#include <android/hardware/tests/IExpression.h>
-//#include <android/hardware/tests/BpExpression.h>
-#include <IExpression.h>
-#include <BpExpression.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdio.h>
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-IMPLEMENT_HWBINDER_META_INTERFACE(Expression, "android.hardware.tests.IExpression");
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-//#include <android/hardware/tests/BpExpression.h>
-#include <BpExpression.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-BpExpression::BpExpression(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder>& _aidl_impl)
-    : BpInterface<IExpression>(_aidl_impl){
-::android::hardware::Status BpExpression::setExpression(const IExpression::expressionist_t& state , int32_t mask, IExpression::setExpression_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  int32_t _cb_ret;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeBuffer((void *)&state, sizeof(state), &parent_handle);
-    if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-      // struct fixup write_
-//field buffer doesn't need fixup
-  {
-    size_t child_handle;
-    void *bufp = (void *)state.expmap.buffer;
-    size_t size = sizeof(hidl_vec<uint8_t>
-    size_t off = (size_t)((char *)&(state.expmap.buffer)-(char *)(&state));
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeEmbeddedBuffer(bufp,
-                                              size,
-                                              &child_handle,
-                                              parent_handle,
-                                              off /* offset_calculator */);
-     // Redefining a variable inside braces works like a static stack.
-    size_t parent_handle = child_handle;
-    if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-        for (size_t i1 = 0; i1 < state.expmap.count; i1++) {
-      /* fixup_write_vec */
-        {
-    size_t child_handle;
-    void *bufp = (void *)state.expmap.buffer[i1].buffer;
-    size_t size = sizeof(uint8_t[state.expmap.buffer[i1].count]);
-    size_t off = (size_t)((char *)&(state.expmap.buffer[i1].buffer)-(char *)(state.expmap.buffer));
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeEmbeddedBuffer(bufp,
-                                              size,
-                                              &child_handle,
-                                              parent_handle,
-                                              off /* offset_calculator */);
-     // Redefining a variable inside braces works like a static stack.
-    size_t parent_handle = child_handle;
-    if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-    // Fixup not needed for this vec uint8_t
-  }
-    }
-  }
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInt32((int32_t)mask);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(IExpression::SETEXPRESSION, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&_cb_ret);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(_cb_ret );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-//#include <android/hardware/tests/IExpression.h>
-//#include <android/hardware/tests/BpExpression.h>
-#include <IExpression.h>
-#include <BpExpression.h>
-#include <iostream>
-//#include <android/hardware/tests/BnExpression.h>
-#include <BnExpression.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-::android::status_t BnExpression::onTransact(uint32_t _aidl_code, const ::android::hardware::Parcel& _aidl_data, ::android::hardware::Parcel* _aidl_reply, uint32_t _aidl_flags, TransactCallback _cb) {
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  switch (_aidl_code) {
-    case Call::SETEXPRESSION:
-      {
-  IExpression::expressionist_t *state ;
-int32_t mask;
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    state = (IExpression::expressionist_t *)_aidl_data.readBuffer(&parent_handle);
-    if ((state) == nullptr) {
-      break;
-    }
-      // struct fixup read_
-//field buffer doesn't need fixup
-  {
-    size_t child_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_data.readEmbeddedBuffer(&child_handle, parent_handle,
-                             (size_t)((char *)&((*state).expmap.buffer)-(char *)(&(*state))));
-     // Redefining a variable inside braces works like a static stack.
-    size_t parent_handle = child_handle;
-    if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      break;
-    }
-        for (size_t i1 = 0; i1 < (*state).expmap.count; i1++) {
-      /* fixup_write_vec */
-        {
-    size_t child_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_data.readEmbeddedBuffer(&child_handle, parent_handle,
-                             (size_t)((char *)&((*state).expmap.buffer[i1].buffer)-(char *)((*state).expmap.buffer)));
-     // Redefining a variable inside braces works like a static stack.
-    size_t parent_handle = child_handle;
-    if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      break;
-    }
-    // Fixup not needed for this vec uint8_t
-  }
-    }
-  }
-  }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readInt32(&mask);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             setExpression(*state , mask ,          [&](auto ret ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(ret);
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    default:
-      {
-        _aidl_ret_status = ::android::hardware::BBinder::onTransact(_aidl_code, _aidl_data, _aidl_reply, _aidl_flags);
-      }
-      break;
-  }
-  if (_aidl_ret_status == ::android::UNEXPECTED_NULL) {
-    _aidl_ret_status = ::android::hardware::Status::fromExceptionCode(::android::hardware::Status::EX_NULL_POINTER).writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  }
-  return _aidl_ret_status;
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/tests/canonical/Expression_i.h b/tests/canonical/Expression_i.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b03ff48..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/Expression_i.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/ITemplate.h
-#ifndef HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_I_Expression_H_
-#define HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_I_Expression_H_
-#include <hwbinder/IBinder.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <hwbinder/Status.h>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-template<typename T>
-using hidl_ref = int;
-#ifndef HIDL_TYPES
-#define HIDL_TYPES
-template<typename T>
-struct hidl_vec {
-  T *buffer;
-  size_t count;
-struct hidl_string {
-  char *buffer;
-  ptrdiff_t length;
-#endif // HIDL_TYPES
-class IExpression : public ::android::hardware::IInterface {
-// constexpr SIMPLE_EXPRESSION = 4;
-// constexpr BOOLEAN_EXPRESSION = 1 == 7 && !((3 != 4 || (2 < 3 <= 3 > 4)) >= 0);
-// constexpr BITWISE_EXPRESSION = ~42 & (1 << 3 | 16 >> 2) ^ 7;
-// constexpr ARITHMETIC_EXPRESSION = 2 + 3 - 4 * -7 / (6 % 3);
-// constexpr MESSY_EXPRESSION = 2 + (-3 & 4 / 7);
-typedef struct {
-uint8_t buffer[1 << 10] ;
-hidl_vec<hidl_vec<uint8_t> > expmap ;
-} expressionist_t;
-  using setExpression_cb = std::function<void(int32_t ret)>;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status setExpression(const IExpression::expressionist_t &state , int32_t mask, setExpression_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-enum Call {
-  SETEXPRESSION = ::android::hardware::IBinder::FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 0,
-};  // class IExpression
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#endif  // HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_I_Expression_H_
diff --git a/tests/canonical/INfc.h b/tests/canonical/INfc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index eefdab3..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/INfc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/ITemplate.h
-#ifndef HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_nfc_I_Nfc_H_
-#define HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_nfc_I_Nfc_H_
-#include <hwbinder/IBinder.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <hwbinder/Status.h>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
-#include <INfcClientCallback.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace nfc {
-template<typename T>
-using hidl_ref = int;
-#ifndef HIDL_TYPES
-#define HIDL_TYPES
-template<typename T>
-struct hidl_vec {
-  T *buffer;
-  size_t count;
-struct hidl_string {
-  char *buffer;
-  ptrdiff_t length;
-#endif // HIDL_TYPES
-class INfc : public ::android::hardware::IInterface {
-  const char* GetNameOf(nfc_event_t f) {
-    //do errror checking
-    return names[int(f)];
-  //  size_t enum_limits<foo>::max() { return 1; }
-  const char* GetNameOf(nfc_status_t f) {
-    //do errror checking
-    return names[int(f)];
-  //  size_t enum_limits<foo>::max() { return 1; }
-typedef struct {
-hidl_vec<uint8_t> data ;
-} nfc_data_t;
-  using open_cb = std::function<void(int32_t retval)>;
-  using write_cb = std::function<void(int32_t retval)>;
-  using core_initialized_cb = std::function<void(int32_t retval)>;
-  using pre_discover_cb = std::function<void(int32_t retval)>;
-  using close_cb = std::function<void(int32_t retval)>;
-  using control_granted_cb = std::function<void(int32_t retval)>;
-  using power_cycle_cb = std::function<void(int32_t retval)>;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status open(sp<INfcClientCallback> clientCallback , open_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status write(const INfc::nfc_data_t &data , write_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status core_initialized(const hidl_vec<uint8_t> &data , core_initialized_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status pre_discover(pre_discover_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status close(close_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status control_granted(control_granted_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status power_cycle(power_cycle_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-enum Call {
-  OPEN = ::android::hardware::IBinder::FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 0,
-};  // class INfc
-}  // namespace nfc
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#endif  // HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_nfc_I_Nfc_H_
diff --git a/tests/canonical/ITestService.h b/tests/canonical/ITestService.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b82baa..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/ITestService.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/ITemplate.h
-#ifndef HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_I_TestService_H_
-#define HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_I_TestService_H_
-#include <hwbinder/IBinder.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <hwbinder/Status.h>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-template<typename T>
-using hidl_ref = int;
-#ifndef HIDL_TYPES
-#define HIDL_TYPES
-template<typename T>
-struct hidl_vec {
-  T *buffer;
-  size_t count;
-struct hidl_string {
-  char *buffer;
-  ptrdiff_t length;
-#endif // HIDL_TYPES
-class ITestService : public ::android::hardware::IInterface {
-typedef struct {
-uint32_t int1;
-uint32_t int2;
-} simple_t;
-typedef struct {
-uint8_t buffer[4096] ;
-} lots_of_data;
-  using echoInteger_cb = std::function<void(int32_t ret)>;
-  using shareBufferWithRef_cb = std::function<void(int32_t ret)>;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status echoInteger(int32_t echo_me, const ITestService::simple_t &my_struct , echoInteger_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status shareBufferWithRef(hidl_ref<lots_of_data> buffer, shareBufferWithRef_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-enum Call {
-  ECHOINTEGER = ::android::hardware::IBinder::FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 0,
-};  // class ITestService
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#endif  // HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_I_TestService_H_
diff --git a/tests/canonical/ITypes.h b/tests/canonical/ITypes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 08a8017..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/ITypes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/ITemplate.h
-#ifndef HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_I_Types_H_
-#define HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_I_Types_H_
-#include <hwbinder/IBinder.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <hwbinder/Status.h>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
-#include <ISmallTest.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-template<typename T>
-using hidl_ref = int;
-#ifndef HIDL_TYPES
-#define HIDL_TYPES
-template<typename T>
-struct hidl_vec {
-  T *buffer;
-  size_t count;
-struct hidl_string {
-  char *buffer;
-  ptrdiff_t length;
-#endif // HIDL_TYPES
-class ITypes : public ::android::hardware::IInterface {
-typedef struct {
-uint32_t int1;
-uint32_t int2;
-} simple_t;
-  enum class eu8 : uint8_t {  U8F = 34,  max = 255,  min = 0 };
-  const char* GetNameOf(eu8 f) {
-    static const char* names[] = {  "U8F" ,   "max" ,   "min"  };
-    //do errror checking
-    return names[int(f)];
-  //  size_t enum_limits<foo>::max() { return 1; }
-  enum class es8 : int8_t {  S8F = 104,  max = 127,  min = -128 };
-  const char* GetNameOf(es8 f) {
-    static const char* names[] = {  "S8F" ,   "max" ,   "min"  };
-    //do errror checking
-    return names[int(f)];
-  //  size_t enum_limits<foo>::max() { return 1; }
-  enum class eu16 : uint16_t {  U16F = 234,  max = 65535,  min = 0 };
-  const char* GetNameOf(eu16 f) {
-    static const char* names[] = {  "U16F" ,   "max" ,   "min"  };
-    //do errror checking
-    return names[int(f)];
-  //  size_t enum_limits<foo>::max() { return 1; }
-  enum class es16 : int16_t {  S16F = 334,  max = 32767,  min = -32768 };
-  const char* GetNameOf(es16 f) {
-    static const char* names[] = {  "S16F" ,   "max" ,   "min"  };
-    //do errror checking
-    return names[int(f)];
-  //  size_t enum_limits<foo>::max() { return 1; }
-  enum class eu32 : uint32_t {  U32F = 434,  max = 0xffff'f'fff,  min = 0 };
-  const char* GetNameOf(eu32 f) {
-    static const char* names[] = {  "U32F" ,   "max" ,   "min"  };
-    //do errror checking
-    return names[int(f)];
-  //  size_t enum_limits<foo>::max() { return 1; }
-  enum class es32 : int32_t {  S32F = 534,  max = 0x7fff'f'fff,  min = -2147483648 };
-  const char* GetNameOf(es32 f) {
-    static const char* names[] = {  "S32F" ,   "max" ,   "min"  };
-    //do errror checking
-    return names[int(f)];
-  //  size_t enum_limits<foo>::max() { return 1; }
-  enum class eu64 : uint64_t {  U64F = 634,  max = 0xffff'ffff'ffff'f'fffuLL,  min = 0 };
-  const char* GetNameOf(eu64 f) {
-    static const char* names[] = {  "U64F" ,   "max" ,   "min"  };
-    //do errror checking
-    return names[int(f)];
-  //  size_t enum_limits<foo>::max() { return 1; }
-  enum class es64 : int64_t {  S64F = 734,  max = 9223372036854775807LL,  min = -9223372036854775807LL };
-  const char* GetNameOf(es64 f) {
-    static const char* names[] = {  "S64F" ,   "max" ,   "min"  };
-    //do errror checking
-    return names[int(f)];
-  //  size_t enum_limits<foo>::max() { return 1; }
-  enum class ec : char {  CF = 43,  min = 0,  max = 255 };
-  const char* GetNameOf(ec f) {
-    static const char* names[] = {  "CF" ,   "min" ,   "max"  };
-    //do errror checking
-    return names[int(f)];
-  //  size_t enum_limits<foo>::max() { return 1; }
-typedef struct {
-uint8_t buffer[4096] ;
-} lots_of_data;
-  enum class disc : uint32_t {  US,  UF,  UI,  UC };
-  const char* GetNameOf(disc f) {
-    static const char* names[] = {  "US" ,   "UF" ,   "UI" ,   "UC"  };
-    //do errror checking
-    return names[int(f)];
-  //  size_t enum_limits<foo>::max() { return 1; }
-typedef struct {
-int32_t i;
-} s2;
-typedef union {
-hidl_string s;
-hidl_ref<uint8_t> fd;
-int64_t i;
- s2m;
-} u1;
-typedef struct {
-hidl_string str1;
-} s1s;
-typedef struct {
- dm1;
- u1m1;
-} s1u;
-typedef struct {
- s1m1;
-hidl_vec<ITypes::s1s > s1v2 ;
-} s0;
-typedef struct {
-uint32_t fdIndex;
-uint32_t offset;
-uint32_t extent;
-} shm_t;
-typedef struct {
-uint32_t flags;
- shm;
-} GrantorDescriptor;
-typedef struct {
-hidl_vec<ITypes::GrantorDescriptor > grantors ;
-const native_handle_t *mq_handles ;
-uint32_t quantum;
-uint32_t nQuanta;
-uint32_t flags;
-} MQDescriptor;
-  using echoInteger_cb = std::function<void(int32_t ret)>;
-  using echoEnum_cb = std::function<void(eu8 a, es8 b, eu16 c, es16 d, eu32 e, es32 f, eu64 g, es64 h, ec i)>;
-  using echoScalar_cb = std::function<void(uint8_t a, int8_t b, uint16_t c, int16_t d, uint32_t e, int32_t f, uint64_t g, int64_t h, char i)>;
-  using echoStruct_cb = std::function<void(const ITypes::s0 &s )>;
-  using echoInterface_cb = std::function<void(sp<ISmallTest> cb_t )>;
-  using shareBufferWithRef_cb = std::function<void(int32_t ret)>;
-  using getHash_cb = std::function<void(uint64_t hash)>;
-  using quit_cb = std::function<void()>;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status echoInteger(int32_t echo_me, const ITypes::simple_t &my_struct , echoInteger_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status echoEnum(eu8 a, es8 b, eu16 c, es16 d, eu32 e, es32 f, eu64 g, es64 h, ec i, echoEnum_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status echoScalar(uint8_t a, int8_t b, uint16_t c, int16_t d, uint32_t e, int32_t f, uint64_t g, int64_t h, char i, echoScalar_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status echoStruct(const ITypes::s0 &s , echoStruct_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status echoInterface(sp<ISmallTest> cb_t , echoInterface_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status shareBufferWithRef(hidl_ref<lots_of_data> buffer, shareBufferWithRef_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status getHash(getHash_cb _cb = nullptr ) = 0;
-  virtual ::android::hardware::Status quit() = 0;
-enum Call {
-  ECHOINTEGER = ::android::hardware::IBinder::FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 0,
-};  // class ITypes
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#endif  // HIDL_GENERATED_android_hardware_tests_I_Types_H_
diff --git a/tests/canonical/IanBinder.h b/tests/canonical/IanBinder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cee42d..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/IanBinder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef I_HIDL_BINDER_MappableRegion_H
-#define I_HIDL_BINDER_MappableRegion_H
-#include "binder/Parcel.h"
-#include "binder/Parcelable.h"
-namespace android {
-    namespace service {
-        namespace media {
-            namespace rtstreams {
-                class MappableRegion : public Parcelable {
-                public:
-                    enum class MappingType : int32_t {
-                    };
-                    MappableRegion() {}
-                    MappableRegion(int fd, MappingType regionType, off64_t offset, size_t size) : mFd(
-                            fd), mRegionType(regionType), mOffset(offset), mSize(size) { }
-                    int getFd() const {
-                        return mFd;
-                    }
-                    MappingType getRegionType() const {
-                        return mRegionType;
-                    }
-                    off64_t getOffset() const {
-                        return mOffset;
-                    }
-                    size_t getSize() const {
-                        return mSize;
-                    }
-                    bool operator == (const MappableRegion& other) const {
-                        return (mFd == other.mFd
-                                && mRegionType == other.mRegionType
-                                && mOffset == other.mOffset
-                                && mSize == other.mSize);
-                    }
-                    bool isValid() {
-                        return mRegionType != MappingType::UNDEFINED_MAPPING;
-                    }
-                    virtual status_t writeToParcel(Parcel* parcel) const override {
-                        parcel->writeFileDescriptor(mFd, false);
-                        parcel->writeInt32((int32_t) mRegionType);
-                        parcel->writeInt64(mOffset);
-                        parcel->writeUint64(mSize);
-                        return parcel->errorCheck();
-                    }
-                    virtual status_t readFromParcel(const Parcel* parcel) override {
-                        mFd = parcel->readFileDescriptor();
-                        mRegionType = (MappingType) parcel->readInt32();
-                        mOffset = parcel->readInt64();
-                        mSize = parcel->readUint64();
-                        return parcel->errorCheck();
-                    }
-                private:
-                    int mFd = -1;
-                    MappingType mRegionType = MappingType::UNDEFINED_MAPPING;
-                    off64_t mOffset;
-                    size_t mSize = 0;
-                };
-            }
-        }
-    }
-#endif // I_HIDL_BINDER_MappableRegion_H
diff --git a/tests/canonical/NfcAll.cpp b/tests/canonical/NfcAll.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index be913ce..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/NfcAll.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,687 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/TemplateAll.cpp
-//#include <android/hardware/nfc/INfc.h>
-//#include <android/hardware/nfc/BpNfc.h>
-#include <INfc.h>
-#include <BpNfc.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdio.h>
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace nfc {
-IMPLEMENT_HWBINDER_META_INTERFACE(Nfc, "android.hardware.nfc.INfc");
-}  // namespace nfc
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-//#include <android/hardware/nfc/BpNfc.h>
-#include <BpNfc.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace nfc {
-BpNfc::BpNfc(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder>& _aidl_impl)
-    : BpInterface<INfc>(_aidl_impl){
-::android::hardware::Status BpNfc::open(sp<INfcClientCallback> clientCallback , INfc::open_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  int32_t _cb_retval;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeStrongBinder(IInterface::asBinder(clientCallback));
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(INfc::OPEN, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&_cb_retval);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(_cb_retval );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-::android::hardware::Status BpNfc::write(const INfc::nfc_data_t& data , INfc::write_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  int32_t _cb_retval;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeBuffer((void *)&data, sizeof(data), &parent_handle);
-    if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-      // struct fixup write_
-  {
-    size_t child_handle;
-    void *bufp = (void *);
-    size_t size = sizeof(uint8_t[]);
-    size_t off = (size_t)((char *)&( *)(&data));
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeEmbeddedBuffer(bufp,
-                                              size,
-                                              &child_handle,
-                                              parent_handle,
-                                              off /* offset_calculator */);
-     // Redefining a variable inside braces works like a static stack.
-    size_t parent_handle = child_handle;
-    if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-    // Fixup not needed for this vec uint8_t
-  }
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(INfc::WRITE, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&_cb_retval);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(_cb_retval );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-::android::hardware::Status BpNfc::core_initialized(const hidl_vec<uint8_t> &data , INfc::core_initialized_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  int32_t _cb_retval;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeBuffer((void *)&data, sizeof(data), &parent_handle);
-    if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-      {
-    size_t child_handle;
-    void *bufp = (void *)data.buffer;
-    size_t size = sizeof(uint8_t[data.count]);
-    size_t off = (size_t)((char *)&(data.buffer)-(char *)(&data));
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeEmbeddedBuffer(bufp,
-                                              size,
-                                              &child_handle,
-                                              parent_handle,
-                                              off /* offset_calculator */);
-     // Redefining a variable inside braces works like a static stack.
-    size_t parent_handle = child_handle;
-    if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-    // Fixup not needed for this vec uint8_t
-  }
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(INfc::CORE_INITIALIZED, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&_cb_retval);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(_cb_retval );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-::android::hardware::Status BpNfc::pre_discover(INfc::pre_discover_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  int32_t _cb_retval;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(INfc::PRE_DISCOVER, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&_cb_retval);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(_cb_retval );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-::android::hardware::Status BpNfc::close(INfc::close_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  int32_t _cb_retval;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(INfc::CLOSE, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&_cb_retval);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(_cb_retval );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-::android::hardware::Status BpNfc::control_granted(INfc::control_granted_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  int32_t _cb_retval;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(INfc::CONTROL_GRANTED, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&_cb_retval);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(_cb_retval );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-::android::hardware::Status BpNfc::power_cycle(INfc::power_cycle_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  int32_t _cb_retval;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(INfc::POWER_CYCLE, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&_cb_retval);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(_cb_retval );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-}  // namespace nfc
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-//#include <android/hardware/nfc/INfc.h>
-//#include <android/hardware/nfc/BpNfc.h>
-#include <INfc.h>
-#include <BpNfc.h>
-#include <iostream>
-//#include <android/hardware/nfc/BnNfc.h>
-#include <BnNfc.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace nfc {
-::android::status_t BnNfc::onTransact(uint32_t _aidl_code, const ::android::hardware::Parcel& _aidl_data, ::android::hardware::Parcel* _aidl_reply, uint32_t _aidl_flags, TransactCallback _cb) {
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  switch (_aidl_code) {
-    case Call::OPEN:
-      {
-  sp<INfcClientCallback> clientCallback ;
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readStrongBinder(&clientCallback);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             open(clientCallback ,          [&](auto retval ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(retval);
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    case Call::WRITE:
-      {
-  INfc::nfc_data_t *data ;
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    data = (INfc::nfc_data_t *)_aidl_data.readBuffer(&parent_handle);
-    if ((data) == nullptr) {
-      break;
-    }
-      // struct fixup read_
-  {
-    size_t child_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_data.readEmbeddedBuffer(&child_handle, parent_handle,
-                             (size_t)((char *)&((*data).data.buffer)-(char *)(&(*data))));
-     // Redefining a variable inside braces works like a static stack.
-    size_t parent_handle = child_handle;
-    if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      break;
-    }
-    // Fixup not needed for this vec uint8_t
-  }
-  }
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             write(*data ,          [&](auto retval ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(retval);
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    case Call::CORE_INITIALIZED:
-      {
-  hidl_vec<uint8_t> *data ;
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    data = (hidl_vec<uint8_t> *)_aidl_data.readBuffer(&parent_handle);
-    if ((data) == nullptr) {
-      break;
-    }
-      {
-    size_t child_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_data.readEmbeddedBuffer(&child_handle, parent_handle,
-                             (size_t)((char *)&((*data).buffer)-(char *)(&(*data))));
-     // Redefining a variable inside braces works like a static stack.
-    size_t parent_handle = child_handle;
-    if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      break;
-    }
-    // Fixup not needed for this vec uint8_t
-  }
-  }
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             core_initialized(*data ,          [&](auto retval ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(retval);
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    case Call::PRE_DISCOVER:
-      {
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             pre_discover(        [&](auto retval ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(retval);
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    case Call::CLOSE:
-      {
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             close(        [&](auto retval ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(retval);
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    case Call::CONTROL_GRANTED:
-      {
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             control_granted(        [&](auto retval ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(retval);
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    case Call::POWER_CYCLE:
-      {
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             power_cycle(        [&](auto retval ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(retval);
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    default:
-      {
-        _aidl_ret_status = ::android::hardware::BBinder::onTransact(_aidl_code, _aidl_data, _aidl_reply, _aidl_flags);
-      }
-      break;
-  }
-  if (_aidl_ret_status == ::android::UNEXPECTED_NULL) {
-    _aidl_ret_status = ::android::hardware::Status::fromExceptionCode(::android::hardware::Status::EX_NULL_POINTER).writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  }
-  return _aidl_ret_status;
-}  // namespace nfc
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/tests/canonical/TestServiceProxy.cpp b/tests/canonical/TestServiceProxy.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 303abe4..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/TestServiceProxy.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/TemplateProxy.cpp
-#include <android/hardware/tests/ITestService.h>
-#include <android/hardware/tests/BpTestService.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-IMPLEMENT_HWBINDER_META_INTERFACE(TestService, "android.hardware.tests.ITestService");
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#include <android/hardware/tests/BpTestService.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-BpTestService::BpTestService(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder>& _aidl_impl)
-    : BpInterface<ITestService>(_aidl_impl){
-::android::hardware::Status BpTestService::echoInteger(int32_t echo_me, const ITestService::simple_t* my_struct , ITestService::echoInteger_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  int32_t _cb_ret;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInt32((int32_t)echo_me);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeBuffer((void *)my_struct, sizeof(my_struct), nullptr);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(ITestService::ECHOINTEGER, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&_cb_ret);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(_cb_ret );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-::android::hardware::Status BpTestService::shareBufferWithRef(hidl_ref<lots_of_data> buffer, ITestService::shareBufferWithRef_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  int32_t _cb_ret;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeFileDescriptor(buffer);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(ITestService::SHAREBUFFERWITHREF, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&_cb_ret);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(_cb_ret );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/tests/canonical/TestServiceStubs.cpp b/tests/canonical/TestServiceStubs.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 86c11c2..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/TestServiceStubs.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/TemplateStubs.cpp
-#include <android/hardware/tests/ITestService.h>
-#include <android/hardware/tests/BpTestService.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-IMPLEMENT_HWBINDER_META_INTERFACE(TestService, "android.hardware.tests.ITestService");
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-#include <iostream>
-#include <android/hardware/tests/BnTestService.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-::android::status_t BnTestService::onTransact(uint32_t _aidl_code, const ::android::hardware::Parcel& _aidl_data, ::android::hardware::Parcel* _aidl_reply, uint32_t _aidl_flags, TransactCallback _cb) {
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  switch (_aidl_code) {
-    case Call::ECHOINTEGER:
-      {
-int32_t echo_me;
-  ITestService::simple_t *my_struct ;
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readInt32(&echo_me);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        my_struct = (ITestService::simple_t *)_aidl_data.readBuffer();
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             echoInteger(echo_me , *my_struct ,          [&](auto ret ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(ret);
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-      {
-hidl_ref<lots_of_data> buffer;
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-        buffer = _aidl_data.readFileDescriptor();
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             shareBufferWithRef(buffer ,          [&](auto ret ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(ret);
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    default:
-      {
-        _aidl_ret_status = ::android::hardware::BBinder::onTransact(_aidl_code, _aidl_data, _aidl_reply, _aidl_flags);
-      }
-      break;
-  }
-  if (_aidl_ret_status == ::android::UNEXPECTED_NULL) {
-    _aidl_ret_status = ::android::hardware::Status::fromExceptionCode(::android::hardware::Status::EX_NULL_POINTER).writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  }
-  return _aidl_ret_status;
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/tests/canonical/TypesAll.cpp b/tests/canonical/TypesAll.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c77c98b..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/TypesAll.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1141 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/TemplateAll.cpp
-//#include <android/hardware/tests/ITypes.h>
-//#include <android/hardware/tests/BpTypes.h>
-#include <ITypes.h>
-#include <BpTypes.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <stdio.h>
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-IMPLEMENT_HWBINDER_META_INTERFACE(Types, "android.hardware.tests.ITypes");
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-//#include <android/hardware/tests/BpTypes.h>
-#include <BpTypes.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-BpTypes::BpTypes(const ::android::sp<::android::hardware::IBinder>& _aidl_impl)
-    : BpInterface<ITypes>(_aidl_impl){
-::android::hardware::Status BpTypes::echoInteger(int32_t echo_me, const ITypes::simple_t& my_struct , ITypes::echoInteger_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  int32_t _cb_ret;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInt32((int32_t)echo_me);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeBuffer((void *)&my_struct, sizeof(my_struct), &parent_handle);
-    if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-      // struct fixup write_
-//field int1 doesn't need fixup
-//field int2 doesn't need fixup
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(ITypes::ECHOINTEGER, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&_cb_ret);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(_cb_ret );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-::android::hardware::Status BpTypes::echoEnum(eu8 a, es8 b, eu16 c, es16 d, eu32 e, es32 f, eu64 g, es64 h, ec i, ITypes::echoEnum_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  ITypes::eu8
- _cb_a;
- _cb_b;
- _cb_c;
- _cb_d;
- _cb_e;
- _cb_f;
- _cb_g;
- _cb_h;
- _cb_i;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)a);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)b);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeChar((char16_t)c);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeChar((char16_t)d);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeUint32((uint32_t)e);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInt32((int32_t)f);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeUint64((uint64_t)g);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInt64((int64_t)h);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)i);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(ITypes::ECHOENUM, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte((int8_t *)&_cb_a);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte((int8_t *)&_cb_b);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readChar((char16_t *)&_cb_c);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readChar((char16_t *)&_cb_d);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readUint32((uint32_t *)&_cb_e);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32((int32_t *)&_cb_f);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readUint64((uint64_t *)&_cb_g);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt64((int64_t *)&_cb_h);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte((int8_t *)&_cb_i);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(_cb_a , _cb_b , _cb_c , _cb_d , _cb_e , _cb_f , _cb_g , _cb_h , _cb_i );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-::android::hardware::Status BpTypes::echoScalar(uint8_t a, int8_t b, uint16_t c, int16_t d, uint32_t e, int32_t f, uint64_t g, int64_t h, char i, ITypes::echoScalar_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  uint8_t _cb_a;
-int8_t _cb_b;
-uint16_t _cb_c;
-int16_t _cb_d;
-uint32_t _cb_e;
-int32_t _cb_f;
-uint64_t _cb_g;
-int64_t _cb_h;
-char _cb_i;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)a);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)b);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeChar((char16_t)c);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeChar((char16_t)d);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeUint32((uint32_t)e);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInt32((int32_t)f);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeUint64((uint64_t)g);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInt64((int64_t)h);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeByte((int8_t)i);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(ITypes::ECHOSCALAR, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte((int8_t*)&_cb_a);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte(&_cb_b);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readChar((char16_t*)&_cb_c);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readChar((char16_t*)&_cb_d);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readUint32(&_cb_e);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&_cb_f);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readUint64(&_cb_g);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt64(&_cb_h);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readByte((int8_t*)&_cb_i);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(_cb_a , _cb_b , _cb_c , _cb_d , _cb_e , _cb_f , _cb_g , _cb_h , _cb_i );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-::android::hardware::Status BpTypes::echoStruct(const ITypes::s0& s , ITypes::echoStruct_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-    ITypes::s0 *_cb_s ;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeBuffer((void *)&s, sizeof(s), &parent_handle);
-    if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-      // struct fixup write_
-  // struct fixup write_
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeEmbeddedBuffer((void *)s.s1m1.str1.buffer,
-                       (s.s1m1.str1.length < 0 ? strlen(s.s1m1.str1.buffer)+1 : s.s1m1.str1.length),
-                       nullptr, parent_handle,
-                       (size_t)((char *)&(s.s1m1.str1.buffer)-(char *)(&s)));
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  {
-    size_t child_handle;
-    void *bufp = (void *)s.s1v2.buffer;
-    size_t size = sizeof(ITypes::s1s
-    size_t off = (size_t)((char *)&(s.s1v2.buffer)-(char *)(&s));
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeEmbeddedBuffer(bufp,
-                                              size,
-                                              &child_handle,
-                                              parent_handle,
-                                              off /* offset_calculator */);
-     // Redefining a variable inside braces works like a static stack.
-    size_t parent_handle = child_handle;
-    if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-        for (size_t i1 = 0; i1 < s.s1v2.count; i1++) {
-      /* fixup_write_vec */
-        // struct fixup write_
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeEmbeddedBuffer((void *)s.s1v2.buffer[i1].str1.buffer,
-                       (s.s1v2.buffer[i1].str1.length < 0 ? strlen(s.s1v2.buffer[i1].str1.buffer)+1 : s.s1v2.buffer[i1].str1.length),
-                       nullptr, parent_handle,
-                       (size_t)((char *)&(s.s1v2.buffer[i1].str1.buffer)-(char *)(s.s1v2.buffer)));
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-    }
-  }
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(ITypes::ECHOSTRUCT, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    _cb_s = (ITypes::s0 *)_aidl_reply.readBuffer(&parent_handle);
-    if ((_cb_s) == nullptr) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-      // struct fixup read_ret_
-  // struct fixup read_ret_
-  _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_reply.readEmbeddedBuffer(nullptr, parent_handle,
-                       (size_t)((char *)&((*_cb_s).s1m1.str1.buffer)-(char *)(&(*_cb_s))));
-  if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  {
-    size_t child_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_reply.readEmbeddedBuffer(&child_handle, parent_handle,
-                             (size_t)((char *)&((*_cb_s).s1v2.buffer)-(char *)(&(*_cb_s))));
-     // Redefining a variable inside braces works like a static stack.
-    size_t parent_handle = child_handle;
-    if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-    }
-        for (size_t i1 = 0; i1 < (*_cb_s).s1v2.count; i1++) {
-      /* fixup_write_vec */
-        // struct fixup read_ret_
-  _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_reply.readEmbeddedBuffer(nullptr, parent_handle,
-                       (size_t)((char *)&((*_cb_s).s1v2.buffer[i1].str1.buffer)-(char *)((*_cb_s).s1v2.buffer)));
-  if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-    }
-  }
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(*_cb_s );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-::android::hardware::Status BpTypes::echoInterface(sp<ISmallTest> cb_t , ITypes::echoInterface_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-    sp<ISmallTest> _cb_cb_t ;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeStrongBinder(IInterface::asBinder(cb_t));
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(ITypes::ECHOINTERFACE, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readStrongBinder(&_cb_cb_t);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(_cb_cb_t );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-::android::hardware::Status BpTypes::shareBufferWithRef(hidl_ref<lots_of_data> buffer, ITypes::shareBufferWithRef_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  int32_t _cb_ret;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeFileDescriptor(buffer);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(ITypes::SHAREBUFFERWITHREF, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readInt32(&_cb_ret);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(_cb_ret );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-::android::hardware::Status BpTypes::getHash(ITypes::getHash_cb _cb ) {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  uint64_t _cb_hash;
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(ITypes::GETHASH, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply.readUint64(&_cb_hash);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  // Invoke callback to client
-  if (_cb != nullptr)
-  _cb(_cb_hash );
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-::android::hardware::Status BpTypes::quit() {
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_data;
-  ::android::hardware::Parcel _aidl_reply;
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.writeInterfaceToken(getInterfaceDescriptor());
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = remote()->transact(ITypes::QUIT, _aidl_data, &_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.readFromParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    goto _aidl_error;
-  }
-  if (!_aidl_status.isOk()) {
-    return _aidl_status;
-  }
-  _aidl_status.setFromStatusT(_aidl_ret_status);
-  return _aidl_status;
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
-//#include <android/hardware/tests/ITypes.h>
-//#include <android/hardware/tests/BpTypes.h>
-#include <ITypes.h>
-#include <BpTypes.h>
-#include <iostream>
-//#include <android/hardware/tests/BnTypes.h>
-#include <BnTypes.h>
-#include <binder/Parcel.h>
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-::android::status_t BnTypes::onTransact(uint32_t _aidl_code, const ::android::hardware::Parcel& _aidl_data, ::android::hardware::Parcel* _aidl_reply, uint32_t _aidl_flags, TransactCallback _cb) {
-  ::android::status_t _aidl_ret_status = ::android::OK;
-  const void *_aidl_ret_pointer; // For checking if all the nested buffers are OK
-  switch (_aidl_code) {
-    case Call::ECHOINTEGER:
-      {
-int32_t echo_me;
-  ITypes::simple_t *my_struct ;
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readInt32(&echo_me);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    my_struct = (ITypes::simple_t *)_aidl_data.readBuffer(&parent_handle);
-    if ((my_struct) == nullptr) {
-      break;
-    }
-      // struct fixup read_
-//field int1 doesn't need fixup
-//field int2 doesn't need fixup
-  }
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             echoInteger(echo_me , *my_struct ,          [&](auto ret ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(ret);
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    case Call::ECHOENUM:
-      {
- a;
- b;
- c;
- d;
- e;
- f;
- g;
- h;
- i;
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte((int8_t *)&a);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte((int8_t *)&b);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readChar((char16_t *)&c);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readChar((char16_t *)&d);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readUint32((uint32_t *)&e);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readInt32((int32_t *)&f);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readUint64((uint64_t *)&g);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readInt64((int64_t *)&h);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte((int8_t *)&i);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             echoEnum(a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h , i ,          [&](auto a , auto b , auto c , auto d , auto e , auto f , auto g , auto h , auto i ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeByte((int8_t)a);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeByte((int8_t)b);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeChar((char16_t)c);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeChar((char16_t)d);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeUint32((uint32_t)e);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeInt32((int32_t)f);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeUint64((uint64_t)g);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeInt64((int64_t)h);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeByte((int8_t)i);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          return;
-        }
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    case Call::ECHOSCALAR:
-      {
-uint8_t a;
-int8_t b;
-uint16_t c;
-int16_t d;
-uint32_t e;
-int32_t f;
-uint64_t g;
-int64_t h;
-char i;
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte((int8_t*)&a);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte(&b);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readChar((char16_t*)&c);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readChar((char16_t*)&d);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readUint32(&e);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readInt32(&f);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readUint64(&g);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readInt64(&h);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readByte((int8_t*)&i);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             echoScalar(a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h , i ,          [&](auto a , auto b , auto c , auto d , auto e , auto f , auto g , auto h , auto i ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-                             _aidl_reply->writeByte((int8_t)a);
-                             _aidl_reply->writeByte(b);
-                             _aidl_reply->writeChar((char16_t)c);
-                             _aidl_reply->writeChar((char16_t)d);
-                             _aidl_reply->writeUint32(e);
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(f);
-                             _aidl_reply->writeUint64(g);
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt64(h);
-                             _aidl_reply->writeByte((int8_t)i);
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    case Call::ECHOSTRUCT:
-      {
-  ITypes::s0 *s ;
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    s = (ITypes::s0 *)_aidl_data.readBuffer(&parent_handle);
-    if ((s) == nullptr) {
-      break;
-    }
-      // struct fixup read_
-  // struct fixup read_
-  _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_data.readEmbeddedBuffer(nullptr, parent_handle,
-                       (size_t)((char *)&((*s).s1m1.str1.buffer)-(char *)(&(*s))));
-  if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      break;
-  }
-  {
-    size_t child_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_data.readEmbeddedBuffer(&child_handle, parent_handle,
-                             (size_t)((char *)&((*s).s1v2.buffer)-(char *)(&(*s))));
-     // Redefining a variable inside braces works like a static stack.
-    size_t parent_handle = child_handle;
-    if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      break;
-    }
-        for (size_t i1 = 0; i1 < (*s).s1v2.count; i1++) {
-      /* fixup_write_vec */
-        // struct fixup read_
-  _aidl_ret_pointer = _aidl_data.readEmbeddedBuffer(nullptr, parent_handle,
-                       (size_t)((char *)&((*s).s1v2.buffer[i1].str1.buffer)-(char *)((*s).s1v2.buffer)));
-  if (_aidl_ret_pointer == nullptr) {
-      break;
-  }
-    }
-  }
-  }
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             echoStruct(*s ,          [&](const ITypes::s0 & s ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-  {
-    size_t parent_handle;
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeBuffer((void *)&s, sizeof(s), &parent_handle);
-      // struct fixup write_ret_
-  // struct fixup write_ret_
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeEmbeddedBuffer((void *)s.s1m1.str1.buffer,
-                       (s.s1m1.str1.length < 0 ? strlen(s.s1m1.str1.buffer)+1 : s.s1m1.str1.length),
-                       nullptr, parent_handle,
-                       (size_t)((char *)&(s.s1m1.str1.buffer)-(char *)(&s)));
-  {
-    size_t child_handle;
-    void *bufp = (void *)s.s1v2.buffer;
-    size_t size = sizeof(ITypes::s1s
-    size_t off = (size_t)((char *)&(s.s1v2.buffer)-(char *)(&s));
-    _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeEmbeddedBuffer(bufp,
-                                              size,
-                                              &child_handle,
-                                              parent_handle,
-                                              off /* offset_calculator */);
-     // Redefining a variable inside braces works like a static stack.
-    size_t parent_handle = child_handle;
-        for (size_t i1 = 0; i1 < s.s1v2.count; i1++) {
-      /* fixup_write_vec */
-        // struct fixup write_ret_
-  _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeEmbeddedBuffer((void *)s.s1v2.buffer[i1].str1.buffer,
-                       (s.s1v2.buffer[i1].str1.length < 0 ? strlen(s.s1v2.buffer[i1].str1.buffer)+1 : s.s1v2.buffer[i1].str1.length),
-                       nullptr, parent_handle,
-                       (size_t)((char *)&(s.s1v2.buffer[i1].str1.buffer)-(char *)(s.s1v2.buffer)));
-    }
-  }
-  }
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    case Call::ECHOINTERFACE:
-      {
-  sp<ISmallTest> cb_t ;
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_data.readStrongBinder(&cb_t);
-        if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-          break;
-        }
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             echoInterface(cb_t ,          [&](auto cb_t ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-        _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_reply->writeStrongBinder(IInterface::asBinder(cb_t));
-  if (((_aidl_ret_status) != (::android::OK))) {
-    // TODO(maco): Log/report all errors. See b/30476330
-    return;
-  }
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-      {
-hidl_ref<lots_of_data> buffer;
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-        buffer = _aidl_data.readFileDescriptor();
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             shareBufferWithRef(buffer ,          [&](auto ret ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-                             _aidl_reply->writeInt32(ret);
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    case Call::GETHASH:
-      {
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             getHash(        [&](auto hash ) {
-                             callback_called = true;
-                             // Write "OK" to parcel
-                             ::android::hardware::Status::ok().writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-                             // Serialize
-                             _aidl_reply->writeUint64(hash);
-                            // Callback
-                             _cb(*_aidl_reply);
-                           }
-        if (!callback_called) {
-          // Callback not called, the call must have returned an error
-          // TODO set something like ERR_NO_CALLBACK if the call retuned OK
-          _aidl_ret_status = _aidl_status.writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    case Call::QUIT:
-      {
-        bool callback_called;
-        if (!(_aidl_data.checkInterface(this))) {
-          _aidl_ret_status = ::android::BAD_TYPE;
-          break;
-        }
-        // Make the call into the server
-        ::android::hardware::Status _aidl_status(
-             quit());
-        break;
-      }
-    default:
-      {
-        _aidl_ret_status = ::android::hardware::BBinder::onTransact(_aidl_code, _aidl_data, _aidl_reply, _aidl_flags);
-      }
-      break;
-  }
-  if (_aidl_ret_status == ::android::UNEXPECTED_NULL) {
-    _aidl_ret_status = ::android::hardware::Status::fromExceptionCode(::android::hardware::Status::EX_NULL_POINTER).writeToParcel(_aidl_reply);
-  }
-  return _aidl_ret_status;
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace hardware
-}  // namespace android
diff --git a/tests/canonical/vts_gps.vts b/tests/canonical/vts_gps.vts
deleted file mode 100644
index bdae2c0..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/vts_gps.vts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/Template.vts
-component_class: HAL_HIDL
-component_type: GPS
-component_type_version: 1.0
-component_name: "ISampleGpsHalServiceWithVtsCallFlowAnnotation"
-api: {
-  name: "start"
-  return_type_hidl: {
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "int32_t"
-  }
-  arg: {
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "int32_t"
-  }
-  callflow: {
-    entry: true
-    next: "stop"
-  }
-api: {
-  name: "stop"
-  return_type_hidl: {
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "int32_t"
-  }
-  callflow: {
-    next: "cleanup"
-  }
-api: {
-  name: "cleanup"
-  callflow: {
-    exit: true
-    next: "cleanup"
-  }
diff --git a/tests/canonical/vts_lights.vts b/tests/canonical/vts_lights.vts
deleted file mode 100644
index ac7af02..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/vts_lights.vts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/Template.vts
-component_class: HAL_HIDL
-component_type: LIGHT
-component_type_version: 1.0
-component_name: "ISampleLightsHalServiceWithVtsAnnotation"
-attribute: {
-  name: "light_state_t"
-  type: TYPE_STRUCT
-  struct_value: {
-    name: "s"
-    type: TYPE_STRING
-    name: "bar"
-    type: TYPE_HANDLE
-  }
-api: {
-  name: "setLight"
-  return_type_hidl: {
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "int32_t"
-  }
-  arg: {
-    type: TYPE_STRUCT
-    predefined_type: "light_state_t"
-  }
diff --git a/tests/canonical/vts_lights_hal.vts b/tests/canonical/vts_lights_hal.vts
deleted file mode 100644
index 223a505..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/vts_lights_hal.vts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/Template.vts
-component_class: HAL_HIDL
-component_type: LIGHT
-component_type_version: 1.0
-component_name: "ISampleLightsHalServiceWithVtsAnnotation"
-attribute: {
-  name: "light_state_t"
-  type: TYPE_STRUCT
-  struct_value: {
-    name: "color"
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "uint32_t"
-    name: "flashMode"
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "int32_t"
-    name: "flashOnMs"
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "int32_t"
-    name: "flashOffMs"
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "int32_t"
-    name: "brightnessMode"
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "int32_t"
-  }
-api: {
-  name: "setLight"
-  return_type_hidl: {
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "int32_t"
-  }
-  arg: {
-    type: TYPE_STRUCT
-    predefined_type: "light_state_t"
-  }
-aggregate_type_name: "const"
-aggregate_type_definition: {
-  primitive_type: "int32_t"
-  primitive_name: "LIGHT_FLASH_NONE"
-  primitive_value: {
-    int32_t: 0
-  }
-aggregate_type_name: "const"
-aggregate_type_definition: {
-  primitive_type: "int32_t"
-  primitive_name: "LIGHT_FLASH_TIMED"
-  primitive_value: {
-    int32_t: 1
-  }
-aggregate_type_name: "const"
-aggregate_type_definition: {
-  primitive_type: "int32_t"
-  primitive_name: "LIGHT_FLASH_HARDWARE"
-  primitive_value: {
-    int32_t: 2
-  }
-aggregate_type_name: "const"
-aggregate_type_definition: {
-  primitive_type: "int32_t"
-  primitive_name: "BRIGHTNESS_MODE_USER"
-  primitive_value: {
-    int32_t: 0
-  }
-aggregate_type_name: "const"
-aggregate_type_definition: {
-  primitive_type: "int32_t"
-  primitive_name: "BRIGHTNESS_MODE_SENSOR"
-  primitive_value: {
-    int32_t: 1
-  }
-aggregate_type_name: "const"
-aggregate_type_definition: {
-  primitive_type: "bytes"
-  primitive_name: "LIGHT_ID_BACKLIGHT"
-  primitive_value: {
-    bytes: "backlight"
-  }
-aggregate_type_name: "const"
-aggregate_type_definition: {
-  primitive_type: "bytes"
-  primitive_name: "LIGHT_ID_KEYBOARD"
-  primitive_value: {
-    bytes: "keyboard"
-  }
-aggregate_type_name: "const"
-aggregate_type_definition: {
-  primitive_type: "bytes"
-  primitive_name: "LIGHT_ID_BUTTONS"
-  primitive_value: {
-    bytes: "buttons"
-  }
-aggregate_type_name: "const"
-aggregate_type_definition: {
-  primitive_type: "bytes"
-  primitive_name: "LIGHT_ID_BATTERY"
-  primitive_value: {
-    bytes: "battery"
-  }
-aggregate_type_name: "const"
-aggregate_type_definition: {
-  primitive_type: "bytes"
-  primitive_name: "LIGHT_ID_NOTIFICATIONS"
-  primitive_value: {
-    bytes: "notifications"
-  }
-aggregate_type_name: "const"
-aggregate_type_definition: {
-  primitive_type: "bytes"
-  primitive_name: "LIGHT_ID_ATTENTION"
-  primitive_value: {
-    bytes: "attention"
-  }
-aggregate_type_name: "const"
-aggregate_type_definition: {
-  primitive_type: "bytes"
-  primitive_name: "LIGHT_ID_BLUETOOTH"
-  primitive_value: {
-    bytes: "bluetooth"
-  }
-aggregate_type_name: "const"
-aggregate_type_definition: {
-  primitive_type: "bytes"
-  primitive_name: "LIGHT_ID_WIFI"
-  primitive_value: {
-    bytes: "wifi"
-  }
diff --git a/tests/canonical/vts_nfc.vts b/tests/canonical/vts_nfc.vts
deleted file mode 100644
index 19de4d6..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/vts_nfc.vts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/Template.vts
-component_class: HAL_HIDL
-component_type_version: 1.0
-component_name: "INfc"
-import: "android.hardware.nfc.INfcClientCallback"
-attribute: {
-  name: "nfc_event_t"
-  type: TYPE_ENUM
-  enum_value: {
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_OPEN_CPLT_EVT"
-    value: 0
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_CLOSE_CPLT_EVT"
-    value: 1
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_POST_INIT_CPLT_EVT"
-    value: 2
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_PRE_DISCOVER_CPLT_EVT"
-    value: 3
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_REQUEST_CONTROL_EVT"
-    value: 4
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_RELEASE_CONTROL_EVT"
-    value: 5
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_ERROR_EVT"
-    value: 6
-  }
-attribute: {
-  name: "nfc_status_t"
-  type: TYPE_ENUM
-  enum_value: {
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK"
-    value: 0
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED"
-    value: 1
-    value: 2
-    value: 3
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_STATUS_REFUSED"
-    value: 4
-  }
-attribute: {
-  name: "nfc_data_t"
-  type: TYPE_STRUCT
-  struct_value: {
-    name: "data"
-    type: TYPE_VECTOR
-    vector_value: {  scalar_type: "uint8_t"  }
-  }
-api: {
-  name: "open"
-  return_type_hidl: {
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "int32_t"
-  }
-  arg: {
-    predefined_type: "INfcClientCallback"
-  }
-api: {
-  name: "write"
-  return_type_hidl: {
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "int32_t"
-  }
-  arg: {
-    type: TYPE_STRUCT
-    predefined_type: "nfc_data_t"
-  }
-api: {
-  name: "core_initialized"
-  return_type_hidl: {
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "int32_t"
-  }
-  arg: {
-    type: TYPE_VECTOR
-    vector_value: {  scalar_type: "uint8_t"  }
-  }
-api: {
-  name: "pre_discover"
-  return_type_hidl: {
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "int32_t"
-  }
-api: {
-  name: "close"
-  return_type_hidl: {
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "int32_t"
-  }
-api: {
-  name: "control_granted"
-  return_type_hidl: {
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "int32_t"
-  }
-api: {
-  name: "power_cycle"
-  return_type_hidl: {
-    type: TYPE_SCALAR
-    scalar_type: "int32_t"
-  }
diff --git a/tests/canonical/vts_nfc_client_callback.vts b/tests/canonical/vts_nfc_client_callback.vts
deleted file mode 100644
index c9f7d87..0000000
--- a/tests/canonical/vts_nfc_client_callback.vts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// see system/tools/hidl/templates/Template.vts
-component_class: HAL_HIDL
-component_type_version: 1.0
-component_name: "INfcClientCallback"
-attribute: {
-  name: "nfc_data_t"
-  type: TYPE_STRUCT
-  struct_value: {
-    name: "data"
-    type: TYPE_VECTOR
-    vector_value: {  scalar_type: "uint8_t"  }
-  }
-attribute: {
-  name: "nfc_event_t"
-  type: TYPE_ENUM
-  enum_value: {
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_OPEN_CPLT_EVT"
-    value: 0
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_CLOSE_CPLT_EVT"
-    value: 1
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_POST_INIT_CPLT_EVT"
-    value: 2
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_PRE_DISCOVER_CPLT_EVT"
-    value: 3
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_REQUEST_CONTROL_EVT"
-    value: 4
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_RELEASE_CONTROL_EVT"
-    value: 5
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_ERROR_EVT"
-    value: 6
-  }
-attribute: {
-  name: "nfc_status_t"
-  type: TYPE_ENUM
-  enum_value: {
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_STATUS_OK"
-    value: 0
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_STATUS_FAILED"
-    value: 1
-    value: 2
-    value: 3
-    enumerator: "HAL_NFC_STATUS_REFUSED"
-    value: 4
-  }
-api: {
-  name: "sendEvent"
-  arg: {
-    type: TYPE_ENUM
-    predefined_type: "nfc_event_t"
-  }
-  arg: {
-    type: TYPE_ENUM
-    predefined_type: "nfc_status_t"
-  }
-api: {
-  name: "sendData"
-  arg: {
-    type: TYPE_STRUCT
-    predefined_type: "nfc_data_t"
-  }
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c7d933..0000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-"""Integration test runner for hidl-cpp.
-Runs hidl-cpp on a bunch of files and tests the result.
-Exit code is 0 iff all tests pass.
-Usage (intended to be called from
- path_to_hidl_cpp output_dir test_dir
-The output files will all go in output_dir
-The input files come from test_dir
-Some output files are compared with files of the same
- name in test_dir/canonical
-All tests are called from Tester::RunTests(). Available
- checks include the value of the return code,
- any text printed, and whether an output and canonical file
- are equal.
-import subprocess
-import sys
-class Tester(object):
-  """The entirety of the program."""
-  def __init__(self, hidl_cpp_path, test_dir, output_dir):
-    """Stashes the paths the program will need."""
-    self.hidl_cpp_path = hidl_cpp_path
-    self.output_dir = output_dir + "/"
-    self.test_dir = test_dir + "/"
-    self.errors = 0  # Number of failed tests
-    # Many of these are for convenience in writing small
-    # function calls in the RunTests() function.
-    self.last_stdout = ""  # Return string from last command
-    self.last_stderr = ""  # Return string from last command
-    self.last_return = 0  # Exit code from last command
-    self.last_out_path = ""  # Last output file generated
-    self.last_out_text = ""  # Last output file's text
-    self.last_hidl_name = ""  # Last .hal file processed
-    self.last_out_type = ""  # last file-type parameter
-  def RunTests(self):
-    """Runs all the tests."""
-    self.ProcessFile("IBadType.hal", "foo", "bn_h")
-    self.Test(self.last_return != 0)
-    self.Test(Has(self.last_stdout, "int48_t"))
-    self.ProcessFile("ITest.hal", "foo", "bn_h")
-    self.Test(self.last_return == 0)
-    self.TestOutput("vts_gps.hal", "vts_gps.vts", "vts")
-     # , True)  # echoes stdout from hidl-gen, for debugging
-    self.TestOutput("vts_lights.hal", "vts_lights.vts", "vts")
-    self.TestOutput("vts_lights_hal.hal", "vts_lights_hal.vts", "vts")
-    self.TestOutput("ITestService.hal", "ITestService.h", "i_h")
-    self.TestOutput("ITestService.hal", "BnTestService.h", "bn_h")
-    self.TestOutput("ITestService.hal", "BpTestService.h", "bp_h")
-    self.TestOutput("ITestService.hal", "TestServiceProxy.cpp", "proxy_cpp")
-    self.TestOutput("ITestService.hal", "TestServiceStubs.cpp", "stubs_cpp")
-    self.TestOutput("IEverything.hal", "Everything.json", "json")
-    self.TestOutput("IExpression.hal", "Expression_all.cpp", "all_cpp")
-    self.TestOutput("IExpression.hal", "Expression_i.h", "i_h")
-    self.TestOutput("INfc.hal", "NfcAll.cpp", "all_cpp")
-    self.TestOutput("INfc.hal", "INfc.h", "i_h")
-    self.TestOutput("INfc.hal", "BnNfc.h", "bn_h")
-    self.TestOutput("INfc.hal", "BpNfc.h", "bp_h")
-    self.TestOutput("INfc.hal", "vts_nfc.vts", "vts")
-    self.TestOutput("INfcClientCallback.hal", "vts_nfc_client_callback.vts", "vts")
-    self.TestOutput("ITypes.hal", "TypesAll.cpp", "all_cpp")
-    self.TestOutput("ITypes.hal", "ITypes.h", "i_h")
-    self.TestOutput("ITypes.hal", "BnTypes.h", "bn_h")
-    self.TestOutput("ITypes.hal", "BpTypes.h", "bp_h")
-  def RunCommand(self, command):
-    """Runs a unix command and stashes the result."""
-#    print command
-    proc = subprocess.Popen(command,
-                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-    self.last_stdout, self.last_stderr = proc.communicate()
-    self.last_return = proc.returncode
-#    print "Ret from RunC is %d" % self.last_return
-  def TestOutput(self, hidl_name, out_name, out_type, print_out = None):
-    self.ProcessFile(hidl_name, out_name, out_type, print_out)
-    if self.last_return != 0:
-      self.Error("hidl-gen error on file %s (type %s): %s" % (
-          hidl_name, out_type, self.last_stdout + self.last_stderr))
-      return
-    canonical_path = self.test_dir + "canonical/" + out_name
-    with open(canonical_path) as canonical:
-      good_text =
-    if good_text != self.last_out_text:
-      self.Error(("Output file %s (%s) is wrong for hidl file %s\n"
-                  "meld %s %s") % (out_name, out_type, hidl_name,
-                                     canonical_path,
-                                     self.last_out_path))
-  def Error(self, string):
-    """Prints an error message and increments error count."""
-    print string
-    self.errors += 1
-  def ProcessFile(self, hidl_name, out_name, out_type, print_out=None):
-    self.last_hidl_name = hidl_name
-    self.last_out_type = out_type
-    hidl_path = self.test_dir + hidl_name
-    self.last_out_path = self.output_dir + out_name
-    self.RunCommand([self.hidl_cpp_path, out_type,
-                     hidl_path, self.last_out_path])
-    if print_out:
-      print self.last_stdout
-    if self.last_return == 0:
-      with open(self.last_out_path) as out_file:
-        self.last_out_text =
-    else:
-      self.last_out_text = " * * INVALID * * "
-  def Test(self, bool_value, text=""):
-    if not bool_value:
-      self.Error(("File %s (type %s) error: %s\n" % (
-          self.last_hidl_name, self.last_out_type, text)) +
-                 ("  (stdout: %s\n  stderr: %s\n)" % (
-                     self.last_stdout, self.last_stderr)))
-def Has(string, substr):
-  """Syntactic sugar: true iff str contains substr."""
-  return string.find(substr) != -1
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  if len(sys.argv) != 4:
-    print "Usage: python hidl-cpp-path test-dir out-dir"
-    sys.exit(1)
-  tester = Tester(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
-  tester.RunTests()
-  if tester.errors:
-    print "hidl_cpp test: %d errors" % tester.errors
-  sys.exit(tester.errors)
diff --git a/tests/vts_gps.hal b/tests/vts_gps.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e9ce8b..0000000
--- a/tests/vts_gps.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.tests;
-interface ISampleGpsHalServiceWithVtsCallFlowAnnotation {
-  @param(name="mode", normal={1, 2, 3})
-  @next_calls({"stop"})
-  @entry
-  start(int32_t mode) generates (int32_t _retcode);
-  @next_calls({"cleanup"})
-  stop() generates (int32_t _retcode);
-  @next_calls({"cleanup"})
-  @exit
-  cleanup();
diff --git a/tests/vts_lights.hal b/tests/vts_lights.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e49905..0000000
--- a/tests/vts_lights.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.tests;
-interface ISampleLightsHalServiceWithVtsAnnotation {
-  struct light_state_t {
-    string s;
-    handle bar;
-  };
-  setLight(light_state_t state) generates (int32_t _hidl_return);
diff --git a/tests/vts_lights_hal.hal b/tests/vts_lights_hal.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index 29cd784..0000000
--- a/tests/vts_lights_hal.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.tests;
-interface ISampleLightsHalServiceWithVtsAnnotation {
-  const LIGHT_FLASH_NONE = 0;
-  const LIGHT_FLASH_TIMED = 1;
-  const LIGHT_ID_BACKLIGHT = "backlight";
-  const LIGHT_ID_KEYBOARD = "keyboard";
-  const LIGHT_ID_BUTTONS = "buttons";
-  const LIGHT_ID_BATTERY = "battery";
-  const LIGHT_ID_NOTIFICATIONS = "notifications";
-  const LIGHT_ID_ATTENTION = "attention";
-  const LIGHT_ID_BLUETOOTH = "bluetooth";
-  const LIGHT_ID_WIFI = "wifi";
-  struct light_state_t {
-    uint32_t color;
-    int32_t flashMode;
-    int32_t flashOnMs;
-    int32_t flashOffMs;
-    int32_t brightnessMode;
-  };
-  setLight(light_state_t state) generates (int32_t _hidl_return);
diff --git a/types/ b/types/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5923116..0000000
--- a/types/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := hidl-types-service
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES := Server.cpp ITypes.hal ISmallTest.hal hasher.cpp
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libhwbinder libbase libcutils libutils
-LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := system/libhwbinder/include
-include $(CLEAR_VARS)
-LOCAL_MODULE := hidl-types-client
-LOCAL_SRC_FILES := Client.cpp ITypes.hal ISmallTest.hal hasher.cpp
-LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libhwbinder libbase libcutils libutils
-LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := system/libhwbinder/include
diff --git a/types/Client.cpp b/types/Client.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 36c9a26..0000000
--- a/types/Client.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "hasher.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <android-base/logging.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IServiceManager.h>
-#include <utils/String16.h>
-#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
-#include "ITypes.h"
-#include "ISmallTest.h"
-#include "BnSmallTest.h"
-using std::string;
-// libutils:
-using android::OK;
-using android::sp;
-using android::status_t;
-using android::String16;
-// libbinder:
-using android::hardware::getService;
-using android::hardware::hidl_version;
-using android::hardware::make_hidl_version;
-using android::hardware::gen_ref;
-using android::hardware::from_ref;
-// generated
-using android::hardware::tests::ITypes;
-using std::cerr;
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-namespace android {
-namespace hardware {
-namespace tests {
-namespace client {
-const char kServiceName[] = "android.hardware.tests.ITypes";
-bool GetService(sp<ITypes>* service, hidl_version version) {
-  //cout << "Retrieving test service binder" << endl;
-  status_t status = getService(String16(kServiceName), version, service);
-  if (status != OK) {
-    cerr << "Failed to get service binder: '" << kServiceName
-         << "' status=" << status << endl;
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-}  // namespace client
-}  // namespace tests
-}  // namespace aidl
-}  // namespace android
-void testHash(sp<ITypes> service, string message = "")
-  static int calls = 0;
-  calls++;
-  uint64_t hash;
-  service->getHash([&hash](auto ret){hash = ret;});
-  if (hash != getHash()) {
-    cout << "Hash mismatch: " << hash << " vs. " << getHash();
-    cout << " on call # " << calls << " - " << message << endl;
-  }
-using eu8 = ::android::hardware::tests::ITypes::eu8;
-using es8 = ::android::hardware::tests::ITypes::es8;
-using eu16 = ::android::hardware::tests::ITypes::eu16;
-using es16 = ::android::hardware::tests::ITypes::es16;
-using eu32 = ::android::hardware::tests::ITypes::eu32;
-using es32 = ::android::hardware::tests::ITypes::es32;
-using eu64 = ::android::hardware::tests::ITypes::eu64;
-using es64 = ::android::hardware::tests::ITypes::es64;
-using ec = ::android::hardware::tests::ITypes::ec;
-void enumTestSmall(sp<ITypes> service)
-  service->echoEnum(eu8::U8F, es8::S8F, eu16::U16F, es16::S16F, eu32::U32F, es32::S32F, eu64::U64F, es64::S64F, ec::CF,
-                    [](eu8 a, es8 b, eu16 c, es16 d, eu32 e, es32 f, eu64 g, es64 h, ec i) {
-                      // enum elements have gone through hidl-gen, so I don't fully trust them in a
-                      // test program - it's ugly but I'd rather retype all the numbers.
-                      if (sizeof(a) != 1 || sizeof(b) != 1 || sizeof(c) != 2 || sizeof(d) != 2 ||
-                          sizeof(e) != 4 || sizeof(f) != 4 || sizeof(g) != 8 || sizeof(h) != 8 ||
-                          sizeof(i) != 1) {
-                        cout << "Wrong size of enum" << endl;
-                      }
-                      if ((uint8_t)a != 34) cout << "a wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((int8_t)b != 104) cout << "b wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((uint16_t)c != 234) cout << "c wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((int16_t)d != 334) cout << "d wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((uint32_t)e != 434) cout << "e wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((int32_t)f != 534) cout << "f wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((uint64_t)g != 634) cout << "g wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((int64_t)h != 734) cout << "h wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((uint8_t)i != 43) cout << "i wrong" << endl;
-                      addHash((uint8_t)a);
-                      addHash((int8_t)b);
-                      addHash((uint16_t)c);
-                      addHash((int16_t)d);
-                      addHash((uint32_t)e);
-                      addHash((int32_t)f);
-                      addHash((uint64_t)g);
-                      addHash((int64_t)h);
-                      addHash((uint8_t)i);
-                    });
-  testHash(service, "after enumTestSmall");
-void enumTestMin(sp<ITypes> service)
-  service->echoEnum(eu8::min, es8::min, eu16::min, es16::min, eu32::min, es32::min, eu64::min, es64::min, ec::min,
-                    [](eu8 a, es8 b, eu16 c, es16 d, eu32 e, es32 f, eu64 g, es64 h, ec i) {
-                      if ((uint8_t)a != 0) cout << "a wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((int8_t)b != -128) cout << "b wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((uint16_t)c != 0) cout << "c wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((int16_t)d != -32768) cout << "d wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((uint32_t)e != 0) cout << "e wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((int32_t)f != -2147483648) cout << "f wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((uint64_t)g != 0) cout << "g wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((int64_t)h != -9223372036854775807LL) cout << "h wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((uint8_t)i != 0) cout << "i wrong" << endl;
-                      addHash((uint8_t)a);
-                      addHash((int8_t)b);
-                      addHash((uint16_t)c);
-                      addHash((int16_t)d);
-                      addHash((uint32_t)e);
-                      addHash((int32_t)f);
-                      addHash((uint64_t)g);
-                      addHash((int64_t)h);
-                      addHash((uint8_t)i);
-                    });
-  testHash(service, "after enumTestMin");
-void enumTestMax(sp<ITypes> service)
-  service->echoEnum(eu8::max, es8::max, eu16::max, es16::max, eu32::max, es32::max, eu64::max, es64::max, ec::max,
-                    [](eu8 a, es8 b, eu16 c, es16 d, eu32 e, es32 f, eu64 g, es64 h, ec i) {
-                      if ((uint8_t)a != 255) cout << "a wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((int8_t)b != 127) cout << "b wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((uint16_t)c != 65535) cout << "c wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((int16_t)d != 32767) cout << "d wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((uint32_t)e != 0xffffffff) cout << "e wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((int32_t)f != 2147483647) cout << "f wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((uint64_t)g != 0xffff'ffff'ffffffffLL) cout << "g wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((int64_t)h != 0x7fff'ffff'ffffffffLL) cout << "h wrong" << endl;
-                      if ((uint8_t)i != 255) cout << "i wrong" << endl;
-                      addHash((uint8_t)a);
-                      addHash((int8_t)b);
-                      addHash((uint16_t)c);
-                      addHash((int16_t)d);
-                      addHash((uint32_t)e);
-                      addHash((int32_t)f);
-                      addHash((uint64_t)g);
-                      addHash((int64_t)h);
-                      addHash((uint8_t)i);
-                    });
-  testHash(service, "after enumTestMax");
-void scalarTestSmall(sp<ITypes> service)
-  service->echoScalar(34, 104, 234, 334, 434, 534, 634, 734, 43,
-                    [](uint8_t a, int8_t b, uint16_t c, int16_t d, uint32_t e, int32_t f, uint64_t g, int64_t h, char i) {
-                      if (a != 34) cout << "a wrong" << endl;
-                      if (b != 104) cout << "b wrong" << endl;
-                      if (c != 234) cout << "c wrong" << endl;
-                      if (d != 334) cout << "d wrong" << endl;
-                      if (e != 434) cout << "e wrong" << endl;
-                      if (f != 534) cout << "f wrong" << endl;
-                      if (g != 634) cout << "g wrong" << endl;
-                      if (h != 734) cout << "h wrong" << endl;
-                      if (i != 43) cout << "i wrong" << endl;
-                      addHash(a);
-                      addHash(b);
-                      addHash(c);
-                      addHash(d);
-                      addHash(e);
-                      addHash(f);
-                      addHash(g);
-                      addHash(h);
-                      addHash(i);
-                    });
-  testHash(service, "after scalarTestSmall");
-void scalarTestMin(sp<ITypes> service)
-  service->echoScalar(0, -128, 0, -32768, 0, -2147483648,
-                      0, -9223372036854775807LL, 0,
-                    [](uint8_t a, int8_t b, uint16_t c, int16_t d, uint32_t e, int32_t f, uint64_t g, int64_t h, char i) {
-                      if (a != 0) cout << "a wrong" << endl;
-                      if (b != -128) cout << "b wrong" << endl;
-                      if (c != 0) cout << "c wrong" << endl;
-                      if (d != -32768) cout << "d wrong" << endl;
-                      if (e != 0) cout << "e wrong" << endl;
-                      if (f != -2147483648) cout << "f wrong" << endl;
-                      if (g != 0) cout << "g wrong" << endl;
-                      if (h != -9223372036854775807LL) cout << "h wrong" << endl;
-                      if (i != 0) cout << "i wrong" << endl;
-                      addHash(a);
-                      addHash(b);
-                      addHash(c);
-                      addHash(d);
-                      addHash(e);
-                      addHash(f);
-                      addHash(g);
-                      addHash(h);
-                      addHash(i);
-                    });
-  testHash(service, "after scalarTestMin");
-void scalarTestMax(sp<ITypes> service)
-  service->echoScalar(255, 127, 65535, 32767, 0xffffffff, 0x7fffffff,
-                      0xffff'ffff'ffffffffLL, 0x7fff'ffff'ffffffffLL, 255,
-                    [](uint8_t a, int8_t b, uint16_t c, int16_t d, uint32_t e, int32_t f, uint64_t g, int64_t h, char i) {
-                      if (a != 255) cout << "a wrong" << endl;
-                      if (b != 127) cout << "b wrong" << endl;
-                      if (c != 65535) cout << "c wrong" << endl;
-                      if (d != 32767) cout << "d wrong" << endl;
-                      if (e != 0xffffffff) cout << "e wrong" << endl;
-                      if (f != 2147483647) cout << "f wrong" << endl;
-                      if (g != 0xffff'ffff'ffffffffLL) cout << "g wrong" << endl;
-                      if (h != 0x7fff'ffff'ffffffffLL) cout << "h wrong" << endl;
-                      if (i != 255) cout << "i wrong" << endl;
-                      addHash(a);
-                      addHash(b);
-                      addHash(c);
-                      addHash(d);
-                      addHash(e);
-                      addHash(f);
-                      addHash(g);
-                      addHash(h);
-                      addHash(i);
-                    });
-  testHash(service, "after scalarTestMax");
-using disc = ::android::hardware::tests::ITypes::disc;
-void nestedTest(sp<ITypes> service)
-  char cs1[]{"HiWorld"};
-  char cs2[]{"JiWorldFoo"};
-  char cs3[]{"QiWorld"};
-  char cs4[]{"FiWorld"};
-  char cs5[]{"WiWorld"};
-  ITypes::s0 v0;
-  ITypes::s1s v1[2];
-  v0.s1v2.count = 2;
-  v0.s1v2.buffer = v1;
-  v0.s1m1.str1.buffer = cs1;
-  v0.s1m1.str1.length = -1;
-  v1[0].str1.buffer = cs3;
-  v1[0].str1.length = -1;
-  v1[1].str1.buffer = cs4;
-  v1[1].str1.length = 5;
-  //  v0.s1m1.dm1 = disc::US;
-  //  v0.s1m1.u1m1.s.buffer = cs1;
-  //  v0.s1m1.u1m1.s.length = -1;
-  //  v1[0].dm1 = disc::UF;
-  /*  int32_t *data_ptr;
-  int fd = -1;
-  gen_ref(&fd, &data_ptr);
-  *data_ptr = 0xbeefcafe;
-  if (fd >= 0) {
-    v1[0].u1m1.fd = fd;
-  } else {
-    cout << "Couldn't get fd in nestedTest" << endl;
-    }*/
-  //  v1[1].dm1 = disc::UI;
-  //  v1[1].u1m1.i = 0xada;
-  //  v0.s1m3.dm1 = disc::UC;
-  //  v0.s1m3.u1m1.s2m.i = 0xabcdef;
-  cout << "Client: About to call echoStruct" << endl;
-  printf("C: &v0 %p v0.s1m1.str1.buf %p v0.s1v2.buf %p v0.s1v2.buf[0].str1.buf %p [1] %p\n",
-         &v0, v0.s1m1.str1.buffer, v0.s1v2.buffer, v0.s1v2.buffer[0].str1.buffer, v0.s1v2.buffer[1].str1.buffer);
-  service->echoStruct(v0, [](const /*android::hardware::tests::ITypes::s0 */ auto & s){
-      cout << "Client: in callback, s is " << &s << endl;
-      printf("C: s %p s.s1m1.str1.buf %p s.s1v2.buf %p s.s1v2.buf[0].str1.buf %p [1] %p\n",
-         &s, s.s1m1.str1.buffer, s.s1v2.buffer, s.s1v2.buffer[0].str1.buffer, s.s1v2.buffer[1].str1.buffer);
-      int i = s.s1v2.count;
-      cout << "Client: vec count(2?): " << i << endl;
-      printf("s1m1 len is %ld\n", s.s1m1.str1.length);
-      printf("s1m1 str is %s\n", s.s1m1.str1.buffer);
-      printf("s1v2[0] len is %ld\n", s.s1v2.buffer[0].str1.length);
-      printf("s1v2[0] str is %s\n", s.s1v2.buffer[0].str1.buffer);
-      printf("s1v2[1] len is %ld\n", s.s1v2.buffer[0].str1.length);
-      printf("s1v2[1] bytes is %c%c%c%c%c\n", s.s1v2.buffer[0].str1.buffer[0],
-             s.s1v2.buffer[0].str1.buffer[1],s.s1v2.buffer[0].str1.buffer[2],
-             s.s1v2.buffer[0].str1.buffer[3],s.s1v2.buffer[0].str1.buffer[4]);
-    });
-// This implementation of BnSmallTest is used to verify that interfaces
-// can be passed around as parameters.
-class CallbackTester : public android::hardware::tests::BnSmallTest {
- public:
-  CallbackTester() {}
-  virtual ~CallbackTester() = default;
-  virtual android::hardware::Status echoNumber(
-      uint32_t some_number,
-      ISmallTest::echoNumber_cb the_callback) {
-    // Simply echo the given number back to the caller.
-    the_callback(some_number);
-    return android::hardware::Status::ok();
-  }
-// Passes a CallbackTester object to the server, gets it back,
-// and verifies that it works.
-void RunCallbackTest(sp<ITypes> service)
-  android::sp<CallbackTester> call_server = new CallbackTester;
-  bool all_is_happy = false;
-  service->echoInterface(
-      call_server,
-      [&](android::sp<android::hardware::tests::ISmallTest> cb) {
-        // cb should be a working CallbackTester object. Here we
-        // verify that it works, echoing the given integer.
-        cb->echoNumber(42, [&](const uint32_t should_be_42) {
-          if (should_be_42 == 42) {
-            all_is_happy = true;
-          } else {
-            // TODO(cphoenix): Printf's aren't the right way to deal with errors
-            printf("Bad value %d received in client callback test\n",
-                   should_be_42);
-          }
-        });
-    });
-  if (!all_is_happy) {
-    printf("Error in callbackTest (check if callback was called)\n");
-  }
-int main(int /* argc */, char * argv []) {
-  cout << "    Running tests" << endl;
-  android::base::InitLogging(argv, android::base::StderrLogger);
-  sp<ITypes> service;
-  namespace client_tests = android::hardware::tests::client;
-  hidl_version version = make_hidl_version(4,0);
-  if (!client_tests::GetService(&service, version)) {
-    cout << " * * Client couldn't find server * * " << endl;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  ITypes::simple_t sts;
-  sts.int1 = sts.int2 = 17;
-  service->echoInteger(42, sts, [](int ret){
-      if (ret != 42) cout << "Client: echoInteger returned " << ret << " instead of 42" << endl;});
-    addHash(42);
-    addHash(sts.int1);
-    addHash(sts.int2);
-  enumTestSmall(service);
-  enumTestMin(service);
-  enumTestMax(service);
-  scalarTestSmall(service);
-  scalarTestMin(service);
-  scalarTestMax(service);
-  nestedTest(service);
-  RunCallbackTest(service);
-  service->quit();
-  cout << "    Tests completed" << endl;
-  return 0;
diff --git a/types/IMsg.hal b/types/IMsg.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index 136b4c1..0000000
--- a/types/IMsg.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.tests;
-interface IMsg {
-  struct simple_t {
-    uint32_t int1;
-    uint32_t int2;
-  };
-  struct lots_of_data {
-    uint8_t[4096] buffer;
-  };
-  struct shm_t {
-    uint32_t fdIndex;
-    uint32_t offset;
-    uint32_t extent;
-  };
-  struct GrantorDescriptor {
-    uint32_t flags;
-    shm_t shm;
-  };
-  struct MQDescriptor {
-    vec<GrantorDescriptor> grantors;
-    handle mq_handles;
-    uint32_t quantum;
-    uint32_t nQuanta;
-    uint32_t flags;
-  };
-  configure() generates ( MQDescriptor mqdescIn, MQDescriptor mqdescOut );
-  requestWrite (int32_t count) generates (int32_t ret);
-  requestRead(int32_t count) generates (int32_t ret);
diff --git a/types/ISmallTest.hal b/types/ISmallTest.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index 0794fae..0000000
--- a/types/ISmallTest.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.tests;
-// Interface contains one function that echoes an integer.
-// Useful only for testing.
-interface ISmallTest {
-  echoNumber(uint32_t i) generates (uint32_t i);
diff --git a/types/ITypes.hal b/types/ITypes.hal
deleted file mode 100644
index cf2125d..0000000
--- a/types/ITypes.hal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-version 1.0;
-package android.hardware.tests;
-import ISmallTest;
-interface ITypes {
-  struct simple_t {
-    uint32_t int1;
-    uint32_t int2;
-  };
-  enum eu8 : uint8_t { U8F = 34, max = 255, min = 0};
-  enum es8 : int8_t { S8F = 104, max = 127, min = -128 };
-  enum eu16 : uint16_t { U16F = 234, max = 65535, min = 0 };
-  enum es16 : int16_t { S16F = 334, max = 32767, min = -32768 };
-  enum eu32 : uint32_t { U32F = 434, max = 0xffff'f'fff, min = 0};
-  enum es32 : int32_t { S32F = 534, max = 0x7fff'f'fff, min = -2147483648 };
-  enum eu64 : uint64_t { U64F = 634, max = 0xffff'ffff'ffff'f'fffuLL, min = 0 };
-  enum es64 : int64_t { S64F = 734, max=9223372036854775807LL, min=-9223372036854775807LL };
-  enum ec : char { CF = 43, min=0, max=255 };
-  struct lots_of_data {
-    uint8_t[4096] buffer;
-  };
-  enum disc : uint32_t { US, UF, UI, UC };
-  struct s2 {
-    int32_t i;
-  };
-  union u1 : disc {
-    string s on(US);
-    ref<uint8_t> fd on(UF);
-    int64_t i on(UI);
-    s2 s2m on(UC);
-  };
-  struct s1s {
-    string str1;
-  };
-  struct s1u {
-    disc dm1;
-    u1 u1m1;
-  };
-  struct s0 {
-    s1s s1m1;
-    vec<s1s> s1v2;
-  };
-  struct shm_t {
-    uint32_t fdIndex;
-    uint32_t offset;
-    uint32_t extent;
-  };
-  struct GrantorDescriptor {
-    uint32_t flags;
-    shm_t shm;
-  };
-  struct MQDescriptor {
-    vec<GrantorDescriptor> grantors;
-    handle mq_handles;
-    uint32_t quantum;
-    uint32_t nQuanta;
-    uint32_t flags;
-  };
-  echoInteger(int32_t echo_me, simple_t my_struct) generates (int32_t ret);
-  echoEnum(eu8 a, es8 b, eu16 c, es16 d, eu32 e, es32 f, eu64 g, es64 h, ec i)
-    generates(eu8 a, es8 b, eu16 c, es16 d, eu32 e, es32 f, eu64 g, es64 h, ec i);
-  echoScalar(uint8_t a, int8_t b, uint16_t c, int16_t d, uint32_t e, int32_t f, uint64_t g, int64_t h, char i)
-    generates(uint8_t a, int8_t b, uint16_t c, int16_t d, uint32_t e, int32_t f, uint64_t g, int64_t h, char i);
-  echoStruct(s0 s) generates (s0 s);
-  // EchoInterface passes an ISmalltest to the server and back,
-  // and verifies that its functions can be called on the server side.
-  echoInterface(ISmallTest cb_t) generates (ISmallTest cb_t);
-  // Use of ref<T> is deprecated.
-  shareBufferWithRef(ref<lots_of_data> buffer) generates (int32_t ret);
-  getHash() generates (uint64_t hash);
-  quit();
diff --git a/types/Server.cpp b/types/Server.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5692635..0000000
--- a/types/Server.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-#include "hasher.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <map>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IInterface.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IPCThreadState.h>
-#include <hwbinder/IServiceManager.h>
-#include <hwbinder/ProcessState.h>
-#include <hwbinder/Status.h>
-#include <utils/Errors.h>
-#include <utils/Log.h>
-#include <utils/Looper.h>
-#include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
-#include <BnTypes.h>
-#include <ISmallTest.h>
-// libutils:
-using android::Looper;
-using android::LooperCallback;
-using android::OK;
-using android::sp;
-using android::String16;
-// libhwbinder:
-using android::hardware::BnInterface;
-using android::hardware::defaultServiceManager;
-using android::hardware::IInterface;
-using android::hardware::IPCThreadState;
-using android::hardware::Parcel;
-using android::hardware::ProcessState;
-using android::hardware::Status;
-using android::hardware::hidl_version;
-using android::hardware::make_hidl_version;
-using android::hardware::from_ref;
-// Standard library
-using std::cerr;
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-using std::map;
-using std::string;
-using std::unique_ptr;
-using std::vector;
-// Generated HIDL files
-using android::hardware::tests::BnTypes;
-namespace {
-class BinderCallback : public LooperCallback {
- public:
-  BinderCallback() {}
-  ~BinderCallback() override {}
-  int handleEvent(int /* fd */, int /* events */, void* /* data */) override {
-    IPCThreadState::self()->handlePolledCommands();
-    return 1;  // Continue receiving callbacks.
-  }
-class Types : public BnTypes {
- public:
-  Types() {}
-  virtual ~Types() = default;
-  virtual Status echoInteger(int32_t echo_me, const ITypes::simple_t& my_struct, ITypes::echoInteger_cb callback) {
-    //std::cout << "struct at addr " << (void *)&my_struct << std::endl;
-    //std::cout << "int1 " << my_struct.int1 << " int 2 " << my_struct.int2 << std::endl;
-    addHash(echo_me);
-    addHash(my_struct.int1);
-    addHash(my_struct.int2);
-    callback(echo_me);
-    return Status::ok();
-  }
-  // Proves we can receive an interface through HwBinder from the client,
-  // call one of its functions successfully, and echo the interface back
-  // to the client.
-  virtual Status echoInterface(sp<android::hardware::tests::ISmallTest> cb_t,
-                               ITypes::echoInterface_cb callback) {
-    // cb_t should be a viable HwBinder object implementing IC
-    bool all_is_happy = false;
-    cb_t->echoNumber(42,  [&](const uint32_t should_be_42) {
-          if (should_be_42 == 42) {
-            all_is_happy = true;
-          } else {
-            // TODO(cphoenix): Printf's aren't the right way to deal with errors
-            printf("Bad value %d received in server-side callback test\n",
-                   should_be_42);
-          }
-        });
-    if (!all_is_happy) {
-      printf("Error in server-side callbackTest (check if callback was called)\n");
-    }
-    callback(cb_t);
-    return Status::ok();
-  }
-  virtual Status shareBufferWithRef(int buffer, ITypes::shareBufferWithRef_cb callback) {
-    // Map back to struct lots_of_data
-    ITypes::lots_of_data* dataPtr;
-    if (from_ref(buffer, &dataPtr)) {
-      // Failed
-      callback(-1);
-    } else {
-      // cout << "Data element at position 1481 is " << unsigned(dataPtr->buffer[1481]) << endl;
-      addHash(dataPtr->buffer[1481]);
-      callback(int32_t(dataPtr->buffer[1481]));
-    }
-    return Status::ok();
-  }
-  virtual Status echoEnum(eu8 a, es8 b, eu16 c, es16 d, eu32 e, es32 f, eu64 g, es64 h, ec i, ITypes::echoEnum_cb cb) {
-    addHash((uint8_t)a);
-    addHash((int8_t)b);
-    addHash((uint16_t)c);
-    addHash((int16_t)d);
-    addHash((uint32_t)e);
-    addHash((int32_t)f);
-    addHash((uint64_t)g);
-    addHash((int64_t)h);
-    addHash((uint8_t)i);
-    cb(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i);
-    return Status::ok();
-  }
-  virtual Status echoScalar(uint8_t a, int8_t b, uint16_t c, int16_t d, uint32_t e, int32_t f, uint64_t g, int64_t h, char i, ITypes::echoScalar_cb cb) {
-    addHash(a);
-    addHash(b);
-    addHash(c);
-    addHash(d);
-    addHash(e);
-    addHash(f);
-    addHash(g);
-    addHash(h);
-    addHash(i);
-    cb(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i);
-    return Status::ok();
-  }
-  virtual Status echoStruct(const ITypes::s0 &s, ITypes::echoStruct_cb cb) {
-    cout << "Server: echoStruct called" << endl;
-      cout << "Server: in echoStruct, s is " << &s << endl;
-      int i = s.s1v2.count;
-      cout << "S: vec count(2?): " << i << endl;
-      printf("S: s1m1 len is %ld\n", s.s1m1.str1.length);
-      printf("S: s %p s.s1m1.str1.buf %p s.s1v2.buf %p\n",
-             &s, s.s1m1.str1.buffer, s.s1v2.buffer);
-      printf("S: *  s.s1v2.buf[0].str1.buf %p [1] %p\n", s.s1v2.buffer[0].str1.buffer, s.s1v2.buffer[1].str1.buffer);
-      printf("S: s1m1 str is %s\n", s.s1m1.str1.buffer);
-      printf("S: s1v2[0] len is %ld\n", s.s1v2.buffer[0].str1.length);
-      printf("S: s1v2[0] str is %s\n", s.s1v2.buffer[0].str1.buffer);
-      printf("S: s1v2[1] len is %ld\n", s.s1v2.buffer[1].str1.length);
-      printf("S: s1v2[1] bytes is %c%c%c%c%c\n", s.s1v2.buffer[1].str1.buffer[0],
-             s.s1v2.buffer[1].str1.buffer[1],s.s1v2.buffer[1].str1.buffer[2],
-             s.s1v2.buffer[1].str1.buffer[3],s.s1v2.buffer[1].str1.buffer[4]);
-    cb(s);
-    cout << "Server: echoStruct survived cb(s)" << endl;
-    return Status::ok();
-  }
-  virtual Status getHash(ITypes::getHash_cb cb) {
-    cb(::getHash());
-    return Status::ok();
-  }
-  virtual Status quit() {
-    //cout << "Service: quitting" << endl;
-    fflush(stdout);
-    exit(0);
-  }
-  private:
-int Run() {
-  android::sp<Types::Types> service = new Types::Types;
-  //cout << "Service started." << endl;
-  //fflush(stdout);
-  sp<Looper> looper(Looper::prepare(0 /* opts */));
-  int binder_fd = -1;
-  ProcessState::self()->setThreadPoolMaxThreadCount(0);
-  IPCThreadState::self()->disableBackgroundScheduling(true);
-  IPCThreadState::self()->setupPolling(&binder_fd);
-  ALOGI("Got binder FD %d", binder_fd);
-  if (binder_fd < 0) return -1;
-  sp<BinderCallback> cb(new BinderCallback);
-  if (looper->addFd(binder_fd, Looper::POLL_CALLBACK, Looper::EVENT_INPUT, cb,
-                    nullptr) != 1) {
-    ALOGE("Failed to add binder FD to Looper");
-    return -1;
-  }
-  hidl_version version = android::hardware::make_hidl_version(4,1);
-  defaultServiceManager()->addService(service->getInterfaceDescriptor(),
-                                      service, version);
-  ALOGI("Entering loop");
-  while (true) {
-    const int result = looper->pollAll(-1 /* timeoutMillis */);
-    ALOGI("Looper returned %d", result);
-  }
-  return 0;
-} // namespace
-int main(int /* argc */, char* /* argv */ []) {
-    return Run();
diff --git a/types/ b/types/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2a745ed..0000000
--- a/types/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-top=$(cd ../../../..;pwd)
-cd $top
-. build/
-lunch angler-userdebug
-make -j44 hidl-types-service hidl-types-client
-if [ $? -ne 0 ];
-then exit 1
-adb sync system
-adb shell hidl-types-service &
-sleep 0.2
-adb shell hidl-types-client
-sleep 0.2
-exit 0
diff --git a/types/hasher.cpp b/types/hasher.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 79b0d34..0000000
--- a/types/hasher.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#include "hasher.h"
-#include <iostream>
-using std::cout;
-using std::endl;
-static uint64_t the_hash = 0xdeadbeef;
-uint64_t getHash()
-  return the_hash;
-static int calls = 0;
-void addHash(uint64_t n)
-  the_hash *= 65;
-  the_hash += n;
-  //  cout << calls++ << ":U64 " << n << " h " << the_hash << endl;
-void addHash(int64_t n)
-  the_hash *= 65;
-  the_hash += uint64_t(n);
-  //  cout << calls++ << ":S64 " << n << " h " << the_hash << endl;
-void addHash(uint32_t n)
-  the_hash *= 65;
-  the_hash += n;
-  //  cout << calls++ << ":U32 " << n << " h " << the_hash << endl;
-void addHash(int32_t n)
-  the_hash *= 65;
-  the_hash += uint32_t(n);
-  //  cout << calls++ << ":S32 " << n << " h " << the_hash << endl;
-void addHash(uint16_t n)
-  the_hash *= 65;
-  the_hash += n;
-  //  cout << calls++ << ":U64 " << n << " h " << the_hash << endl;
-void addHash(int16_t n)
-  the_hash *= 65;
-  the_hash += uint16_t(n);
-  //  cout << calls++ << ":S64 " << n << " h " << the_hash << endl;
-void addHash(uint8_t n)
-  the_hash *= 65;
-  the_hash += n;
-  //  cout << calls++ << ":U32 " << n << " h " << the_hash << endl;
-void addHash(int8_t n)
-  the_hash *= 65;
-  the_hash += uint8_t(n);
-  //  cout << calls++ << ":S32 " << n << " h " << the_hash << endl;
diff --git a/types/hasher.h b/types/hasher.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 77f9fbe..0000000
--- a/types/hasher.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#include <cstdint>
-uint64_t getHash();
-void addHash(uint64_t n);
-void addHash(int64_t n);
-void addHash(uint32_t n);
-void addHash(int32_t n);
-void addHash(uint16_t n);
-void addHash(int16_t n);
-void addHash(uint8_t n);
-void addHash(int8_t n);