blob: eabd0cc09795f19f935f2eeb7ae058d31f7ccc47 [file] [log] [blame]
// Boilerplate code for the passthrough client to get a service
// proxy object. Not auto-generated, but probably cut-and-pasted.
#include "MathImplementations.h"
#include <string>
using android::hardware::MathImplementation;
ptrdiff_t findServiceSingleton(std::string name)
static MathImplementation serviceSingleton;
// We don't need this anymore, since the handle we're returning is the object we're calling into
// registerService(name, serviceSingleton);
return (ptrdiff_t) &serviceSingleton;
extern "C" {
struct {
ptrdiff_t (*findService)(std::string name) = findServiceSingleton;
} hidlServiceFinderFunctionHolder; // This name is magic