blob: 8c7d9331ff3458c8c59a47fbc740173c0d879259 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Integration test runner for hidl-cpp.
Runs hidl-cpp on a bunch of files and tests the result.
Exit code is 0 iff all tests pass.
Usage (intended to be called from path_to_hidl_cpp output_dir test_dir
The output files will all go in output_dir
The input files come from test_dir
Some output files are compared with files of the same
name in test_dir/canonical
All tests are called from Tester::RunTests(). Available
checks include the value of the return code,
any text printed, and whether an output and canonical file
are equal.
import subprocess
import sys
class Tester(object):
"""The entirety of the program."""
def __init__(self, hidl_cpp_path, test_dir, output_dir):
"""Stashes the paths the program will need."""
self.hidl_cpp_path = hidl_cpp_path
self.output_dir = output_dir + "/"
self.test_dir = test_dir + "/"
self.errors = 0 # Number of failed tests
# Many of these are for convenience in writing small
# function calls in the RunTests() function.
self.last_stdout = "" # Return string from last command
self.last_stderr = "" # Return string from last command
self.last_return = 0 # Exit code from last command
self.last_out_path = "" # Last output file generated
self.last_out_text = "" # Last output file's text
self.last_hidl_name = "" # Last .hal file processed
self.last_out_type = "" # last file-type parameter
def RunTests(self):
"""Runs all the tests."""
self.ProcessFile("IBadType.hal", "foo", "bn_h")
self.Test(self.last_return != 0)
self.Test(Has(self.last_stdout, "int48_t"))
self.ProcessFile("ITest.hal", "foo", "bn_h")
self.Test(self.last_return == 0)
self.TestOutput("vts_gps.hal", "vts_gps.vts", "vts")
# , True) # echoes stdout from hidl-gen, for debugging
self.TestOutput("vts_lights.hal", "vts_lights.vts", "vts")
self.TestOutput("vts_lights_hal.hal", "vts_lights_hal.vts", "vts")
self.TestOutput("ITestService.hal", "ITestService.h", "i_h")
self.TestOutput("ITestService.hal", "BnTestService.h", "bn_h")
self.TestOutput("ITestService.hal", "BpTestService.h", "bp_h")
self.TestOutput("ITestService.hal", "TestServiceProxy.cpp", "proxy_cpp")
self.TestOutput("ITestService.hal", "TestServiceStubs.cpp", "stubs_cpp")
self.TestOutput("IEverything.hal", "Everything.json", "json")
self.TestOutput("IExpression.hal", "Expression_all.cpp", "all_cpp")
self.TestOutput("IExpression.hal", "Expression_i.h", "i_h")
self.TestOutput("INfc.hal", "NfcAll.cpp", "all_cpp")
self.TestOutput("INfc.hal", "INfc.h", "i_h")
self.TestOutput("INfc.hal", "BnNfc.h", "bn_h")
self.TestOutput("INfc.hal", "BpNfc.h", "bp_h")
self.TestOutput("INfc.hal", "vts_nfc.vts", "vts")
self.TestOutput("INfcClientCallback.hal", "vts_nfc_client_callback.vts", "vts")
self.TestOutput("ITypes.hal", "TypesAll.cpp", "all_cpp")
self.TestOutput("ITypes.hal", "ITypes.h", "i_h")
self.TestOutput("ITypes.hal", "BnTypes.h", "bn_h")
self.TestOutput("ITypes.hal", "BpTypes.h", "bp_h")
def RunCommand(self, command):
"""Runs a unix command and stashes the result."""
# print command
proc = subprocess.Popen(command,
self.last_stdout, self.last_stderr = proc.communicate()
self.last_return = proc.returncode
# print "Ret from RunC is %d" % self.last_return
def TestOutput(self, hidl_name, out_name, out_type, print_out = None):
self.ProcessFile(hidl_name, out_name, out_type, print_out)
if self.last_return != 0:
self.Error("hidl-gen error on file %s (type %s): %s" % (
hidl_name, out_type, self.last_stdout + self.last_stderr))
canonical_path = self.test_dir + "canonical/" + out_name
with open(canonical_path) as canonical:
good_text =
if good_text != self.last_out_text:
self.Error(("Output file %s (%s) is wrong for hidl file %s\n"
"meld %s %s") % (out_name, out_type, hidl_name,
def Error(self, string):
"""Prints an error message and increments error count."""
print string
self.errors += 1
def ProcessFile(self, hidl_name, out_name, out_type, print_out=None):
self.last_hidl_name = hidl_name
self.last_out_type = out_type
hidl_path = self.test_dir + hidl_name
self.last_out_path = self.output_dir + out_name
self.RunCommand([self.hidl_cpp_path, out_type,
hidl_path, self.last_out_path])
if print_out:
print self.last_stdout
if self.last_return == 0:
with open(self.last_out_path) as out_file:
self.last_out_text =
self.last_out_text = " * * INVALID * * "
def Test(self, bool_value, text=""):
if not bool_value:
self.Error(("File %s (type %s) error: %s\n" % (
self.last_hidl_name, self.last_out_type, text)) +
(" (stdout: %s\n stderr: %s\n)" % (
self.last_stdout, self.last_stderr)))
def Has(string, substr):
"""Syntactic sugar: true iff str contains substr."""
return string.find(substr) != -1
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print "Usage: python hidl-cpp-path test-dir out-dir"
tester = Tester(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
if tester.errors:
print "hidl_cpp test: %d errors" % tester.errors