Don't send machine and user ID to Omaha anymore. Send a/r pings instead.

This avoids sending a unique ID in order to track active user counts.
Note that this CL doesn't remove the machine/user/Omaha ID/file from
the params object -- it just makes them unused/obsolete. Removal will
be done in a subsequent CL in an effort to make this CL smaller.

TEST=unit tests, x86-generic, arm-generic, gmerged and inspected logs

Review URL:
diff --git a/SConstruct b/SConstruct
index cf51f47..a24586b 100644
--- a/SConstruct
+++ b/SConstruct
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@
 http_server_cmd = env.Program('test_http_server', '')
 unittest_env = env.Clone()
+unittest_env.Append(LIBS=['gmock', 'gtest'])
 unittest_cmd = unittest_env.Program('update_engine_unittests',
                            unittest_sources + unittest_main)
 Clean(unittest_cmd, Glob('*.gcda') + Glob('*.gcno') + Glob('*.gcov') +