Classify errors and advance URL index according to the error code.

In CL, we always incremented
the URL index irrespective of the error code. That would cause the first
URL to be given up too quickly in favor of the second one even for
transient errors such as when user closes a lid and reopens after some

The right behavior in this case is to just count those failures towards
the URL and only after repeated failures with no progress should we
advance the URL index.

This CL implements this logic and completes the multiple URL-related
work items outlined in the design doc.

TEST=Tested all uses cases on my ZGB. Added and updated unit tests.

Change-Id: Ida0cfbfeb9bfab732144049d1b27e3b8958bc252
Commit-Queue: Jay Srinivasan <>
Reviewed-by: Jay Srinivasan <>
Tested-by: Jay Srinivasan <>
diff --git a/ b/
index b153fa7..a44fc92 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include "update_engine/omaha_request_action.h"
 #include "update_engine/prefs.h"
+#include "update_engine/utils.h"
 using std::string;
@@ -41,34 +42,68 @@
   prefs_ = prefs;
+  LoadPayloadAttemptNumber();
+  LoadUrlFailureCount();
   return true;
-void PayloadState::LogPayloadState() {
-  LOG(INFO) << "Current Payload State:\n"
-            << "Current Response = \n" << response_
-            << "Current URL Index = " << url_index_;
 void PayloadState::SetResponse(const OmahaResponse& omaha_response) {
   num_urls_ = omaha_response.payload_urls.size();
+  max_failure_count_per_url_ = omaha_response.max_failure_count_per_url;
   string new_response = GetFilteredResponse(omaha_response);
   bool has_response_changed = (response_ != new_response);
   response_ = new_response;
   LOG(INFO) << "Stored Response = \n" << response_;
   prefs_->SetString(kPrefsCurrentResponse, response_);
+  bool should_reset = false;
   if (has_response_changed) {
     LOG(INFO) << "Resetting all payload state as this is a new response";
+    should_reset = true;
+  } else if (url_index_ >= num_urls_) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "Resetting all payload state as the persisted state "
+              << "seems to have been tampered with";
+    should_reset = true;
+  }
+  if (should_reset) {
+    SetPayloadAttemptNumber(0);
+void PayloadState::DownloadComplete() {
+  LOG(INFO) << "Payload downloaded successfully";
+  IncrementPayloadAttemptNumber();
+void PayloadState::DownloadProgress(size_t count) {
+  if (count == 0)
+    return;
+  // We've received non-zero bytes from a recent download operation.  Since our
+  // URL failure count is meant to penalize a URL only for consecutive
+  // failures, downloading bytes successfully means we should reset the failure
+  // count (as we know at least that the URL is working). In future, we can
+  // design this to be more sophisticated to check for more intelligent failure
+  // patterns, but right now, even 1 byte downloaded will mark the URL to be
+  // good unless it hits 10 (or configured number of) consecutive failures
+  // again.
+  if (GetUrlFailureCount() == 0)
+    return;
+  LOG(INFO) << "Resetting failure count of Url" << GetUrlIndex()
+            << " to 0 as we received " << count << " bytes successfully";
+  SetUrlFailureCount(0);
 void PayloadState::UpdateFailed(ActionExitCode error) {
-  LOG(INFO) << "Updating payload state for error code: " << error;
+  ActionExitCode base_error = utils::GetBaseErrorCode(error);
+  LOG(INFO) << "Updating payload state for error code: " << base_error;
   if (!num_urls_) {
     // Since we don't persist num_urls_, it's possible that we get an error in
@@ -79,51 +114,210 @@
-  // chromium-os:37206: Classify the errors and advance the URL index at
-  // different rates for different errors in the next CL. Until then, advance
-  // URL index on every single error.
+  switch (base_error) {
+    // Errors which are good indicators of a problem with a particular URL or
+    // the protocol used in the URL or entities in the communication channel
+    // (e.g. proxies). We should try the next available URL in the next update
+    // check to quickly recover from these errors.
+    case kActionCodePayloadHashMismatchError:
+    case kActionCodePayloadSizeMismatchError:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadPayloadVerificationError:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadPayloadPubKeyVerificationError:
+    case kActionCodeSignedDeltaPayloadExpectedError:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadInvalidMetadataMagicString:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadSignatureMissingInManifest:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadManifestParseError:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadMetadataSignatureError:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadMetadataSignatureVerificationError:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadMetadataSignatureMismatch:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadOperationHashVerificationError:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadOperationExecutionError:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadOperationHashMismatch:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadInvalidMetadataSize:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadInvalidMetadataSignature:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadOperationHashMissingError:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadMetadataSignatureMissingError:
+      IncrementUrlIndex();
+      break;
+    // Errors which seem to be just transient network/communication related
+    // failures and do not indicate any inherent problem with the URL itself.
+    // So, we should keep the current URL but just increment the
+    // failure count to give it more chances. This way, while we maximize our
+    // chances of downloading from the URLs that appear earlier in the response
+    // (because download from a local server URL that appears earlier in a
+    // response is preferable than downloading from the next URL which could be
+    // a internet URL and thus could be more expensive).
+    case kActionCodeError:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadTransferError:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadWriteError:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadStateInitializationError:
+    case kActionCodeOmahaErrorInHTTPResponse: // Aggregate code for HTTP errors.
+      IncrementFailureCount();
+      break;
+    // Errors which are not specific to a URL and hence shouldn't result in
+    // the URL being penalized. This can happen in two cases:
+    // 1. We haven't started downloading anything: These errors don't cost us
+    // anything in terms of actual payload bytes, so we should just do the
+    // regular retries at the next update check.
+    // 2. We have successfully downloaded the payload: In this case, the
+    // payload attempt number would have been incremented and would take care
+    // of the back-off at the next update check.
+    // In either case, there's no need to update URL index or failure count.
+    case kActionCodeOmahaRequestError:
+    case kActionCodeOmahaResponseHandlerError:
+    case kActionCodePostinstallRunnerError:
+    case kActionCodeFilesystemCopierError:
+    case kActionCodeInstallDeviceOpenError:
+    case kActionCodeKernelDeviceOpenError:
+    case kActionCodeDownloadNewPartitionInfoError:
+    case kActionCodeNewRootfsVerificationError:
+    case kActionCodeNewKernelVerificationError:
+    case kActionCodePostinstallBootedFromFirmwareB:
+    case kActionCodeOmahaRequestEmptyResponseError:
+    case kActionCodeOmahaRequestXMLParseError:
+    case kActionCodeOmahaResponseInvalid:
+    case kActionCodeOmahaUpdateIgnoredPerPolicy:
+    case kActionCodeOmahaUpdateDeferredPerPolicy:
+      LOG(INFO) << "Not incrementing URL index or failure count for this error";
+      break;
+    case kActionCodeSuccess:                            // success code
+    case kActionCodeSetBootableFlagError:               // unused
+    case kActionCodeUmaReportedMax:                     // not an error code
+    case kActionCodeOmahaRequestHTTPResponseBase:       // aggregated already
+    case kActionCodeResumedFlag:                        // not an error code
+    case kActionCodeBootModeFlag:                       // not an error code
+    case kActualCodeMask:                               // not an error code
+      // These shouldn't happen. Enumerating these  explicitly here so that we
+      // can let the compiler warn about new error codes that are added to
+      // action_processor.h but not added here.
+      LOG(WARNING) << "Unexpected error code for UpdateFailed";
+      break;
+    // Note: Not adding a default here so as to let the compiler warn us of
+    // any new enums that were added in the .h but not listed in this switch.
+  }
+void PayloadState::LogPayloadState() {
+  LOG(INFO) << "Current Payload State:\n"
+            << "Current Response = \n" << response_
+            << "\nPayload Attempt Number = " << payload_attempt_number_
+            << "\nCurrent URL Index = " << url_index_
+            << "\nCurrent URL Failure Count = " << url_failure_count_;
+void PayloadState::IncrementPayloadAttemptNumber() {
+  LOG(INFO) << "Incrementing the payload attempt number";
+  SetPayloadAttemptNumber(GetPayloadAttemptNumber() + 1);
+  // TODO(jaysri): chromium-os:36806: Implement the payload back-off logic
+  // that uses the payload attempt number.
+void PayloadState::IncrementUrlIndex() {
   uint32_t next_url_index = GetUrlIndex() + 1;
   if (next_url_index < num_urls_) {
-    LOG(INFO) << "Advancing the URL index for next attempt";
+    LOG(INFO) << "Incrementing the URL index for next attempt";
+    SetUrlIndex(next_url_index);
   } else {
     LOG(INFO) << "Resetting the current URL index (" << GetUrlIndex() << ") to "
               << "0 as we only have " << num_urls_ << " URL(s)";
-    next_url_index = 0;
-    // TODO(jaysri): This is the place where we should increment the
-    // payload_attempt_number so that we can back-off appropriately.
+    SetUrlIndex(0);
+    IncrementPayloadAttemptNumber();
-  SetUrlIndex(next_url_index);
-string PayloadState::LoadResponse() {
+void PayloadState::IncrementFailureCount() {
+  uint32_t next_url_failure_count = GetUrlFailureCount() + 1;
+  if (next_url_failure_count < max_failure_count_per_url_) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "Incrementing the URL failure count";
+    SetUrlFailureCount(next_url_failure_count);
+  } else {
+    LOG(INFO) << "Reached max number of failures for Url" << GetUrlIndex()
+              << ". Trying next available URL";
+    IncrementUrlIndex();
+  }
+void PayloadState::LoadResponse() {
   string stored_value;
   if (prefs_->Exists(kPrefsCurrentResponse) &&
       prefs_->GetString(kPrefsCurrentResponse, &stored_value)) {
     response_ = stored_value;
-  return response_;
-uint32_t PayloadState::LoadUrlIndex() {
+void PayloadState::LoadPayloadAttemptNumber() {
+  CHECK(prefs_);
+  int64_t stored_value;
+  if (prefs_->Exists(kPrefsPayloadAttemptNumber) &&
+      prefs_->GetInt64(kPrefsPayloadAttemptNumber, &stored_value)) {
+    if (stored_value < 0) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid payload attempt number (" << stored_value
+                 << ") in persisted state. Defaulting to 0";
+      stored_value = 0;
+    }
+    payload_attempt_number_ = stored_value;
+  }
+void PayloadState::SetPayloadAttemptNumber(uint32_t payload_attempt_number) {
+  CHECK(prefs_);
+  payload_attempt_number_ = payload_attempt_number;
+  LOG(INFO) << "Payload Attempt Number = " << payload_attempt_number_;
+  prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsPayloadAttemptNumber, payload_attempt_number_);
+void PayloadState::LoadUrlIndex() {
   int64_t stored_value;
   if (prefs_->Exists(kPrefsCurrentUrlIndex) &&
       prefs_->GetInt64(kPrefsCurrentUrlIndex, &stored_value)) {
+    if (stored_value < 0) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid URL Index (" << stored_value
+                 << ") in persisted state. Defaulting to 0";
+      stored_value = 0;
+    }
     url_index_ = stored_value;
-  return url_index_;
 void PayloadState::SetUrlIndex(uint32_t url_index) {
-  // TODO(jaysri): When we implement failure count, make sure to reset
-  // the failure count when url index changes.
   url_index_ = url_index;
   LOG(INFO) << "Current URL Index = " << url_index_;
   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsCurrentUrlIndex, url_index_);
+  // Everytime we set the URL index, we should also reset its failure count.
+  // Otherwise, the URL will be tried only once, instead of
+  // max_failure_count_per_url times in the next round.
+  SetUrlFailureCount(0);
+void PayloadState::LoadUrlFailureCount() {
+  CHECK(prefs_);
+  int64_t stored_value;
+  if (prefs_->Exists(kPrefsCurrentUrlFailureCount) &&
+      prefs_->GetInt64(kPrefsCurrentUrlFailureCount, &stored_value)) {
+    if (stored_value < 0) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid URL Failure count (" << stored_value
+                 << ") in persisted state. Defaulting to 0";
+      stored_value = 0;
+    }
+    url_failure_count_ = stored_value;
+  }
+void PayloadState::SetUrlFailureCount(uint32_t url_failure_count) {
+  CHECK(prefs_);
+  url_failure_count_ = url_failure_count;
+  LOG(INFO) << "Current URL (Url" << GetUrlIndex()
+            << ")'s Failure Count = " << url_failure_count_;
+  prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsCurrentUrlFailureCount, url_failure_count_);
 }  // namespace chromeos_update_engine