Import brillo_update_payload from Chrome OS dev-utils.

brillo_update_payload was developed in Chrome OS' dev-utils repo. This
CL merges it here to make it available from an AOSP checkout.

Bug: 25631934
TEST=File is present on the checkout.

Change-Id: Idc6eac200b4f725b103847c3f77260a25ea55a7b
diff --git a/scripts/brillo_update_payload b/scripts/brillo_update_payload
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..22f07dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/brillo_update_payload
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# Script to generate a Brillo update for use by the update engine.
+# usage: brillo_update_payload COMMAND [ARGS]
+# The following commands are supported:
+#  generate    generate an unsigned payload
+#  hash        generate a payload or metadata hash
+#  sign        generate a signed payload
+#  Generate command arguments:
+#  --payload             generated unsigned payload output file
+#  --source_image        if defined, generate a delta payload from the specified
+#                        image to the target_image
+#  --target_image        the target image that should be sent to clients
+#  --metadata_size_file  if defined, generate a file containing the size of the payload
+#                        metadata in bytes to the specified file
+#  Hash command arguments:
+#  --unsigned_payload    the input unsigned payload to generate the hash from
+#  --signature_size      signature sizes in bytes in the following format:
+#                        "size1:size2[:...]"
+#  --payload_hash_file   if defined, generate a payload hash and output to the
+#                        specified file
+#  --metadata_hash_file  if defined, generate a metadata hash and output to the
+#                        specified file
+#  Sign command arguments:
+#  --unsigned_payload        the input unsigned payload to insert the signatures
+#  --payload                 the output signed payload
+#  --signature_size          signature sizes in bytes in the following format:
+#                            "size1:size2[:...]"
+#  --payload_signature_file  the payload signature files in the following
+#                            format:
+#                            "payload_signature1:payload_signature2[:...]"
+#  --metadata_signature_file the metadata signature files in the following
+#                            format:
+#                            "metadata_signature1:metadata_signature2[:...]"
+#  --metadata_size_file      if defined, generate a file containing the size of
+#                            the signed payload metadata in bytes to the
+#                            specified file
+#  Note that the number of signature sizes and payload signatures have to match.
+warn() {
+  echo "brillo_update_payload: warning: $*" >&2
+die() {
+  echo "brillo_update_payload: error: $*" >&2
+  exit 1
+# Loads shflags. We first look at the default install location; then look for
+# crosutils (chroot); finally check our own directory (au-generator zipfile).
+load_shflags() {
+  local my_dir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"
+  local path
+  for path in /usr/share/misc {/usr/lib/crosutils,"${my_dir}"}/lib/shflags; do
+    if [[ -r "${path}/shflags" ]]; then
+      . "${path}/shflags" || die "Could not load ${path}/shflags."
+      return
+    fi
+  done
+  die "Could not find shflags."
+HELP_GENERATE="generate: Generate an unsigned update payload."
+HELP_HASH="hash: Generate the hashes of the unsigned payload and metadata used \
+for signing."
+HELP_SIGN="sign: Insert the signatures into the unsigned payload."
+usage() {
+  echo "Supported commands:"
+  echo
+  echo "${HELP_GENERATE}"
+  echo "${HELP_HASH}"
+  echo "${HELP_SIGN}"
+  echo
+  echo "Use: \"$0 <command> --help\" for more options."
+# Check that a command is specified.
+if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then
+  echo "Please specify a command [generate|hash|sign]"
+  exit 1
+# Parse command.
+case "${COMMAND}" in
+  generate)
+    ;;
+  hash)
+    ;;
+  sign)
+    ;;
+  *)
+    echo "Unrecognized command: \"${COMMAND}\"" >&2
+    usage >&2
+    exit 1
+    ;;
+# Flags
+FLAGS_HELP="Usage: $0 ${COMMAND} [flags]
+if [[ "${COMMAND}" == "generate" ]]; then
+  DEFINE_string payload "" \
+    "Path to output the generated unsigned payload file."
+  DEFINE_string target_image "" \
+    "Path to the target image that should be sent to clients."
+  DEFINE_string source_image "" \
+    "Optional: Path to a source image. If specified, this makes a delta update."
+  DEFINE_string metadata_size_file "" \
+    "Optional: Path to output metadata size."
+if [[ "${COMMAND}" == "hash" || "${COMMAND}" == "sign" ]]; then
+  DEFINE_string unsigned_payload "" "Path to the input unsigned payload."
+  DEFINE_string signature_size "" \
+    "Signature sizes in bytes in the following format: size1:size2[:...]"
+if [[ "${COMMAND}" == "hash" ]]; then
+  DEFINE_string metadata_hash_file "" \
+    "Optional: Path to output metadata hash file."
+  DEFINE_string payload_hash_file "" \
+    "Optional: Path to output payload hash file."
+if [[ "${COMMAND}" == "sign" ]]; then
+  DEFINE_string payload "" \
+    "Path to output the generated unsigned payload file."
+  DEFINE_string metadata_signature_file "" \
+    "The metatada signatures in the following format: \
+  DEFINE_string payload_signature_file "" \
+    "The payload signatures in the following format: \
+  DEFINE_string metadata_size_file "" \
+    "Optional: Path to output metadata size."
+DEFINE_string work_dir "/tmp" "Where to dump temporary files."
+# Parse command line flag arguments
+FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
+eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
+set -e
+# Associative arrays from partition name to file in the source and target
+# images. The size of the updated area must be the size of the file.
+# A list of temporary files to remove during cleanup.
+# Global options to force the version of the payload.
+# Path to the postinstall config file in target image if exists.
+# read_option_int <file.txt> <option_key> [default_value]
+# Reads the unsigned integer value associated with |option_key| in a key=value
+# file |file.txt|. Prints the read value if found and valid, otherwise prints
+# the |default_value|.
+read_option_uint() {
+  local file_txt="$1"
+  local option_key="$2"
+  local default_value="${3:-}"
+  local value
+  if value=$(look "${option_key}=" "${file_txt}" | tail -n 1); then
+    if value=$(echo "${value}" | cut -f 2- -d "=" | grep -E "^[0-9]+$"); then
+      echo "${value}"
+      return
+    fi
+  fi
+  echo "${default_value}"
+# Create a temporary file in the work_dir with an optional pattern name.
+# Prints the name of the newly created file.
+create_tempfile() {
+  local pattern="${1:-tempfile.XXXXXX}"
+  mktemp --tmpdir="${FLAGS_work_dir}" "${pattern}"
+cleanup() {
+  local err=""
+  rm -f "${CLEANUP_FILES[@]}" || err=1
+  # If we are cleaning up after an error, or if we got an error during
+  # cleanup (even if we eventually succeeded) return a non-zero exit
+  # code. This triggers additional logging in most environments that call
+  # this script.
+  if [[ -n "${err}" ]]; then
+    die "Cleanup encountered an error."
+  fi
+cleanup_on_error() {
+  cleanup
+  die "Cleanup success after an error."
+cleanup_on_exit() {
+  cleanup
+trap cleanup_on_error INT TERM ERR
+trap cleanup_on_exit EXIT
+# extract_image <image> <partitions_array>
+# Detect the format of the |image| file and extract its updatable partitions
+# into new temporary files. Add the list of partition names and its files to the
+# associative array passed in |partitions_array|.
+extract_image() {
+  local image="$1"
+  # Brillo images are zip files. We detect the 4-byte magic header of the zip
+  # file.
+  local magic=$(head --bytes=4 "${image}" | hexdump -e '1/1 "%.2x"')
+  if [[ "${magic}" == "504b0304" ]]; then
+    echo "Detected .zip file, extracting Brillo image."
+    extract_image_brillo "$@"
+    return
+  fi
+  # Chrome OS images are GPT partitioned disks. We should have the cgpt binary
+  # bundled here and we will use it to extract the partitions, so the GPT
+  # headers must be valid.
+  if cgpt show -q -n "${image}" >/dev/null; then
+    echo "Detected GPT image, extracting Chrome OS image."
+    extract_image_cros "$@"
+    return
+  fi
+  die "Couldn't detect the image format of ${image}"
+# extract_image_cros <image.bin> <partitions_array>
+# Extract Chromium OS recovery images into new temporary files.
+extract_image_cros() {
+  local image="$1"
+  local partitions_array="$2"
+  local kernel root
+  kernel=$(create_tempfile "kernel.bin.XXXXXX")
+  CLEANUP_FILES+=("${kernel}")
+  root=$(create_tempfile "root.bin.XXXXXX")
+  CLEANUP_FILES+=("${root}")
+  cros_generate_update_payload --extract \
+    --image "${image}" \
+    --kern_path "${kernel}" --root_path "${root}" \
+    --work_dir "${FLAGS_work_dir}" --outside_chroot
+  # Chrome OS uses major_version 1 payloads for all versions, even if the
+  # updater supports a newer major version.
+  # When generating legacy Chrome OS images, we need to use "boot" and "system"
+  # for the partition names to be compatible with updating Brillo devices with
+  # Chrome OS images.
+  eval ${partitions_array}[boot]=\""${kernel}"\"
+  eval ${partitions_array}[system]=\""${root}"\"
+  local part varname
+  for part in boot system; do
+    varname="${partitions_array}[${part}]"
+    printf "md5sum of %s: " "${varname}"
+    md5sum "${!varname}"
+  done
+# extract_image_brillo <> <partitions_array>
+# Extract the A/B updated partitions from a Brillo target_files zip file into
+# new temporary files.
+extract_image_brillo() {
+  local image="$1"
+  local partitions_array="$2"
+  local partitions=( "boot" "system" )
+  local ab_partitions_list
+  ab_partitions_list=$(create_tempfile "ab_partitions_list.XXXXXX")
+  CLEANUP_FILES+=("${ab_partitions_list}")
+  if unzip -p "${image}" "META/ab_partitions.txt" >"${ab_partitions_list}"; then
+    if grep -v -E '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$' "${ab_partitions_list}" >&2; then
+      die "Invalid partition names found in the partition list."
+    fi
+    partitions=($(cat "${ab_partitions_list}"))
+    if [[ ${#partitions[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
+      die "The list of partitions is empty. Can't generate a payload."
+    fi
+  else
+    warn "No ab_partitions.txt found. Using default."
+  fi
+  echo "List of A/B partitions: ${partitions[@]}"
+  # All Brillo updaters support major version 2.
+  if [[ "${partitions_array}" == "SRC_PARTITIONS" ]]; then
+    # Source image
+    local ue_config=$(create_tempfile "ue_config.XXXXXX")
+    CLEANUP_FILES+=("${ue_config}")
+    if ! unzip -p "${image}" "META/update_engine_config.txt" \
+        >"${ue_config}"; then
+      warn "No update_engine_config.txt found. Assuming pre-release image, \
+using payload minor version 2"
+    fi
+    # For delta payloads, we use the major and minor version supported by the
+    # old updater.
+    FORCE_MINOR_VERSION=$(read_option_uint "${ue_config}" \
+    FORCE_MAJOR_VERSION=$(read_option_uint "${ue_config}" \
+  else
+    # Target image
+    local postinstall_config=$(create_tempfile "postinstall_config.XXXXXX")
+    CLEANUP_FILES+=("${postinstall_config}")
+    if unzip -p "${image}" "META/postinstall_config.txt" \
+        >"${postinstall_config}"; then
+      POSTINSTALL_CONFIG_FILE="${postinstall_config}"
+    fi
+  fi
+  local part part_file temp_raw filesize
+  for part in "${partitions[@]}"; do
+    part_file=$(create_tempfile "${part}.img.XXXXXX")
+    CLEANUP_FILES+=("${part_file}")
+    unzip -p "${image}" "IMAGES/${part}.img" >"${part_file}"
+    # If the partition is stored as an Android sparse image file, we need to
+    # convert them to a raw image for the update.
+    local magic=$(head --bytes=4 "${part_file}" | hexdump -e '1/1 "%.2x"')
+    if [[ "${magic}" == "3aff26ed" ]]; then
+      temp_raw=$(create_tempfile "${part}.raw.XXXXXX")
+      CLEANUP_FILES+=("${temp_raw}")
+      echo "Converting Android sparse image ${part}.img to RAW."
+      simg2img "${part_file}" "${temp_raw}"
+      # At this point, we can drop the contents of the old part_file file, but
+      # we can't delete the file because it will be deleted in cleanup.
+      true >"${part_file}"
+      part_file="${temp_raw}"
+    fi
+    # delta_generator only supports images multiple of 4 KiB, so we pad with
+    # zeros if needed.
+    filesize=$(stat -c%s "${part_file}")
+    if [[ $(( filesize % 4096 )) -ne 0 ]]; then
+      echo "Rounding up partition ${part}.img to multiple of 4 KiB."
+      : $(( filesize = (filesize + 4095) & -4096 ))
+      truncate --size="${filesize}" "${part_file}"
+    fi
+    eval "${partitions_array}[\"${part}\"]=\"${part_file}\""
+    echo "Extracted ${partitions_array}[${part}]: ${filesize} bytes"
+  done
+validate_generate() {
+  [[ -n "${FLAGS_payload}" ]] ||
+    die "Error: you must specify an output filename with --payload FILENAME"
+  [[ -n "${FLAGS_target_image}" ]] ||
+    die "Error: you must specify a target image with --target_image FILENAME"
+cmd_generate() {
+  local payload_type="delta"
+  if [[ -z "${FLAGS_source_image}" ]]; then
+    payload_type="full"
+  fi
+  echo "Extracting images for ${payload_type} update."
+  extract_image "${FLAGS_target_image}" DST_PARTITIONS
+  if [[ "${payload_type}" == "delta" ]]; then
+    extract_image "${FLAGS_source_image}" SRC_PARTITIONS
+  fi
+  echo "Generating ${payload_type} update."
+  # Common payload args:
+  GENERATOR_ARGS=( -out_file="${FLAGS_payload}" )
+  local part old_partitions="" new_partitions="" partition_names=""
+  for part in "${!DST_PARTITIONS[@]}"; do
+    if [[ -n "${partition_names}" ]]; then
+      partition_names+=":"
+      new_partitions+=":"
+      old_partitions+=":"
+    fi
+    partition_names+="${part}"
+    new_partitions+="${DST_PARTITIONS[${part}]}"
+    old_partitions+="${SRC_PARTITIONS[${part}]:-}"
+  done
+  # Target image args:
+    -partition_names="${partition_names}"
+    -new_partitions="${new_partitions}"
+  )
+  if [[ "${payload_type}" == "delta" ]]; then
+    # Source image args:
+      -old_partitions="${old_partitions}"
+    )
+    if [[ -n "${FORCE_MINOR_VERSION}" ]]; then
+      GENERATOR_ARGS+=( --minor_version="${FORCE_MINOR_VERSION}" )
+    fi
+  fi
+  if [[ -n "${FORCE_MAJOR_VERSION}" ]]; then
+    GENERATOR_ARGS+=( --major_version="${FORCE_MAJOR_VERSION}" )
+  fi
+  if [[ -n "${FLAGS_metadata_size_file}" ]]; then
+    GENERATOR_ARGS+=( --out_metadata_size_file="${FLAGS_metadata_size_file}" )
+  fi
+  if [[ -n "${POSTINSTALL_CONFIG_FILE}" ]]; then
+      --new_postinstall_config_file="${POSTINSTALL_CONFIG_FILE}"
+    )
+  fi
+  echo "Running delta_generator with args: ${GENERATOR_ARGS[@]}"
+  echo "Done generating ${payload_type} update."
+validate_hash() {
+  [[ -n "${FLAGS_signature_size}" ]] ||
+    die "Error: you must specify signature size with --signature_size SIZES"
+  [[ -n "${FLAGS_unsigned_payload}" ]] ||
+    die "Error: you must specify the input unsigned payload with \
+--unsigned_payload FILENAME"
+  [[ -n "${FLAGS_payload_hash_file}" ]] ||
+    die "Error: you must specify --payload_hash_file FILENAME"
+  [[ -n "${FLAGS_metadata_hash_file}" ]] ||
+    die "Error: you must specify --metadata_hash_file FILENAME"
+cmd_hash() {
+  "${GENERATOR}" \
+      -in_file="${FLAGS_unsigned_payload}" \
+      -signature_size="${FLAGS_signature_size}" \
+      -out_hash_file="${FLAGS_payload_hash_file}" \
+      -out_metadata_hash_file="${FLAGS_metadata_hash_file}"
+  echo "Done generating hash."
+validate_sign() {
+  [[ -n "${FLAGS_signature_size}" ]] ||
+    die "Error: you must specify signature size with --signature_size SIZES"
+  [[ -n "${FLAGS_unsigned_payload}" ]] ||
+    die "Error: you must specify the input unsigned payload with \
+--unsigned_payload FILENAME"
+  [[ -n "${FLAGS_payload}" ]] ||
+    die "Error: you must specify the output signed payload with \
+--payload FILENAME"
+  [[ -n "${FLAGS_payload_signature_file}" ]] ||
+    die "Error: you must specify the payload signature file with \
+--payload_signature_file SIGNATURES"
+  [[ -n "${FLAGS_metadata_signature_file}" ]] ||
+    die "Error: you must specify the metadata signature file with \
+--metadata_signature_file SIGNATURES"
+cmd_sign() {
+    -in_file="${FLAGS_unsigned_payload}"
+    -signature_size="${FLAGS_signature_size}"
+    -signature_file="${FLAGS_payload_signature_file}"
+    -metadata_signature_file="${FLAGS_metadata_signature_file}"
+    -out_file="${FLAGS_payload}"
+  )
+  if [[ -n "${FLAGS_metadata_size_file}" ]]; then
+    GENERATOR_ARGS+=( --out_metadata_size_file="${FLAGS_metadata_size_file}" )
+  fi
+  echo "Done signing payload."
+# Sanity check that the real generator exists:
+GENERATOR="$(which delta_generator)"
+[[ -x "${GENERATOR}" ]] || die "can't find delta_generator"
+case "$COMMAND" in
+  generate) validate_generate
+            cmd_generate
+            ;;
+  hash) validate_hash
+        cmd_hash
+        ;;
+  sign) validate_sign
+        cmd_sign
+        ;;