Add new metrics.

The current metrics (Installer.* namespace) have several shortcomings,
for example it's not immediately clear when and how frequent each
metric is reported. This CL introduces new metrics that addresses this
and other problems. The new metrics are all in the UpdateEngine.*
namespace and fall into five categories

 UpdateEngine.Daily.*               Reported daily.
 UpdateEngine.Check.*               On every check.
 UpdateEngine.Attempt.*             On every attempt.
 UpdateEngine.SuccessfulUpdate.*    With every successful update.
 UpdateEngine.*                     Miscellaneous

Most of the new metrics mimic existing metrics and also leverage the
existing code, book-keeping and unit tests. The plan is to remove the
Installer.* metrics once we're happy with the new ones.

I've also tested this manually by performing updates and verifying
that chrome://histograms looks correct.

TEST=New unit tests + unit tests pass + manual testing.

Change-Id: I7a3f68d75910384b116c7e4664776e25d3997584
Reviewed-by: David Zeuthen <>
Tested-by: David Zeuthen <>
Commit-Queue: David Zeuthen <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 642264d..779f708 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -154,28 +154,34 @@
+void PayloadState::AttemptStarted() {
+  ClockInterface *clock = system_state_->clock();
+  attempt_start_time_boot_ = clock->GetBootTime();
+  attempt_start_time_monotonic_ = clock->GetMonotonicTime();
+  attempt_num_bytes_downloaded_ = 0;
 void PayloadState::UpdateResumed() {
   LOG(INFO) << "Resuming an update that was previously started.";
+  AttemptStarted();
 void PayloadState::UpdateRestarted() {
   LOG(INFO) << "Starting a new update";
+  AttemptStarted();
 void PayloadState::UpdateSucceeded() {
   // Send the relevant metrics that are tracked in this class to UMA.
-  ReportBytesDownloadedMetrics();
-  ReportUpdateUrlSwitchesMetric();
-  ReportRebootMetrics();
-  ReportDurationMetrics();
-  ReportUpdatesAbandonedCountMetric();
-  ReportPayloadTypeMetric();
-  ReportAttemptsCountMetrics();
+  CollectAndReportAttemptMetrics(kErrorCodeSuccess);
+  CollectAndReportSuccessfulUpdateMetrics();
   // Reset the number of responses seen since it counts from the last
   // successful update, e.g. now.
@@ -197,6 +203,8 @@
+  CollectAndReportAttemptMetrics(base_error);
   switch (base_error) {
     // Errors which are good indicators of a problem with a particular URL or
     // the protocol used in the URL or entities in the communication channel
@@ -486,20 +494,112 @@
       GetTotalBytesDownloaded(current_download_source_) + count,
+  attempt_num_bytes_downloaded_ += count;
-void PayloadState::ReportBytesDownloadedMetrics() {
-  // Report metrics collected from all known download sources to UMA.
-  // The reported data is in Megabytes in order to represent a larger
-  // sample range.
-  int download_sources_used = 0;
+PayloadType PayloadState::CalculatePayloadType() {
+  PayloadType payload_type;
+  OmahaRequestParams* params = system_state_->request_params();
+  if (response_.is_delta_payload) {
+    payload_type = kPayloadTypeDelta;
+  } else if (params->delta_okay()) {
+    payload_type = kPayloadTypeFull;
+  } else {  // Full payload, delta was not allowed by request.
+    payload_type = kPayloadTypeForcedFull;
+  }
+  return payload_type;
+// TODO(zeuthen): Currently we don't report the UpdateEngine.Attempt.*
+// metrics if the attempt ends abnormally, e.g. if the update_engine
+// process crashes or the device is rebooted. See
+void PayloadState::CollectAndReportAttemptMetrics(ErrorCode code) {
+  int attempt_number = GetPayloadAttemptNumber();
+  PayloadType payload_type = CalculatePayloadType();
+  int64_t payload_size = response_.size;
+  int64_t payload_bytes_downloaded = attempt_num_bytes_downloaded_;
+  ClockInterface *clock = system_state_->clock();
+  base::TimeDelta duration = clock->GetBootTime() - attempt_start_time_boot_;
+  base::TimeDelta duration_uptime = clock->GetMonotonicTime() -
+      attempt_start_time_monotonic_;
+  int64_t payload_download_speed_bps = 0;
+  int64_t usec = duration_uptime.InMicroseconds();
+  if (usec > 0) {
+    double sec = static_cast<double>(usec) / Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
+    double bps = static_cast<double>(payload_bytes_downloaded) / sec;
+    payload_download_speed_bps = static_cast<int64_t>(bps);
+  }
+  DownloadSource download_source = current_download_source_;
+  metrics::DownloadErrorCode payload_download_error_code =
+    metrics::DownloadErrorCode::kUnset;
+  ErrorCode internal_error_code = kErrorCodeSuccess;
+  metrics::AttemptResult attempt_result = utils::GetAttemptResult(code);
+  // Add additional detail to AttemptResult
+  switch (attempt_result) {
+    case metrics::AttemptResult::kPayloadDownloadError:
+      payload_download_error_code = utils::GetDownloadErrorCode(code);
+      break;
+    case metrics::AttemptResult::kInternalError:
+      internal_error_code = code;
+      break;
+    // Explicit fall-through for cases where we do not have additional
+    // detail. We avoid the default keyword to force people adding new
+    // AttemptResult values to visit this code and examine whether
+    // additional detail is needed.
+    case metrics::AttemptResult::kUpdateSucceeded:
+    case metrics::AttemptResult::kMetadataMalformed:
+    case metrics::AttemptResult::kOperationMalformed:
+    case metrics::AttemptResult::kOperationExecutionError:
+    case metrics::AttemptResult::kMetadataVerificationFailed:
+    case metrics::AttemptResult::kPayloadVerificationFailed:
+    case metrics::AttemptResult::kVerificationFailed:
+    case metrics::AttemptResult::kPostInstallFailed:
+    case metrics::AttemptResult::kAbnormalTermination:
+    case metrics::AttemptResult::kNumConstants:
+    case metrics::AttemptResult::kUnset:
+      break;
+  }
+  metrics::ReportUpdateAttemptMetrics(system_state_,
+                                      attempt_number,
+                                      payload_type,
+                                      duration,
+                                      duration_uptime,
+                                      payload_size,
+                                      payload_bytes_downloaded,
+                                      payload_download_speed_bps,
+                                      download_source,
+                                      attempt_result,
+                                      internal_error_code,
+                                      payload_download_error_code);
+void PayloadState::CollectAndReportSuccessfulUpdateMetrics() {
   string metric;
-  uint64_t successful_mbs = 0;
-  uint64_t total_mbs = 0;
+  // Report metrics collected from all known download sources to UMA.
+  int64_t successful_bytes_by_source[kNumDownloadSources];
+  int64_t total_bytes_by_source[kNumDownloadSources];
+  int64_t successful_bytes = 0;
+  int64_t total_bytes = 0;
+  int64_t successful_mbs = 0;
+  int64_t total_mbs = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < kNumDownloadSources; i++) {
     DownloadSource source = static_cast<DownloadSource>(i);
-    const int kMaxMiBs = 10240; // Anything above 10GB goes in the last bucket.
-    uint64_t mbs;
+    int64_t bytes;
     // Only consider this download source (and send byte counts) as
     // having been used if we downloaded a non-trivial amount of bytes
@@ -507,26 +607,84 @@
     // the update. Otherwise we're going to end up with a lot of
     // zero-byte events in the histogram.
-    mbs = GetCurrentBytesDownloaded(source) / kNumBytesInOneMiB;
-    if (mbs > 0) {
-      download_sources_used |= (1 << source);
-      metric = "Installer.SuccessfulMBsDownloadedFrom" +
-          utils::ToString(source);
-      successful_mbs += mbs;
-      LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << mbs << " (MBs) for metric " << metric;
-      system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
-                                              mbs,
-                                              0,  // min
-                                              kMaxMiBs,
-                                              kNumDefaultUmaBuckets);
-    }
+    bytes = GetCurrentBytesDownloaded(source);
+    successful_bytes_by_source[i] = bytes;
+    successful_bytes += bytes;
+    successful_mbs += bytes / kNumBytesInOneMiB;
     SetCurrentBytesDownloaded(source, 0, true);
-    mbs = GetTotalBytesDownloaded(source) / kNumBytesInOneMiB;
+    bytes = GetTotalBytesDownloaded(source);
+    total_bytes_by_source[i] = bytes;
+    total_bytes += bytes;
+    total_mbs += bytes / kNumBytesInOneMiB;
+    SetTotalBytesDownloaded(source, 0, true);
+  }
+  int download_overhead_percentage = 0;
+  if (successful_bytes > 0) {
+    download_overhead_percentage = (total_bytes - successful_bytes) * 100ULL /
+                                   successful_bytes;
+  }
+  int url_switch_count = static_cast<int>(url_switch_count_);
+  int reboot_count = GetNumReboots();
+  SetNumReboots(0);
+  TimeDelta duration = GetUpdateDuration();
+  TimeDelta duration_uptime = GetUpdateDurationUptime();
+  prefs_->Delete(kPrefsUpdateTimestampStart);
+  prefs_->Delete(kPrefsUpdateDurationUptime);
+  PayloadType payload_type = CalculatePayloadType();
+  int64_t payload_size = response_.size;
+  int attempt_count = GetPayloadAttemptNumber();
+  int updates_abandoned_count = num_responses_seen_ - 1;
+  metrics::ReportSuccessfulUpdateMetrics(system_state_,
+                                         attempt_count,
+                                         updates_abandoned_count,
+                                         payload_type,
+                                         payload_size,
+                                         total_bytes_by_source,
+                                         download_overhead_percentage,
+                                         duration,
+                                         reboot_count,
+                                         url_switch_count);
+  // TODO(zeuthen): This is the old metric reporting code which is
+  // slated for removal soon. See for details.
+  // The old metrics code is using MiB's instead of bytes to calculate
+  // the overhead which due to rounding makes the numbers slightly
+  // different.
+  download_overhead_percentage = 0;
+  if (successful_mbs > 0) {
+    download_overhead_percentage = (total_mbs - successful_mbs) * 100ULL /
+                                   successful_mbs;
+  }
+  int download_sources_used = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < kNumDownloadSources; i++) {
+    DownloadSource source = static_cast<DownloadSource>(i);
+    const int kMaxMiBs = 10240;  // Anything above 10GB goes in the last bucket.
+    int64_t mbs;
+    // Only consider this download source (and send byte counts) as
+    // having been used if we downloaded a non-trivial amount of bytes
+    // (e.g. at least 1 MiB) that contributed to the final success of
+    // the update. Otherwise we're going to end up with a lot of
+    // zero-byte events in the histogram.
+    mbs = successful_bytes_by_source[i] / kNumBytesInOneMiB;
     if (mbs > 0) {
-      metric = "Installer.TotalMBsDownloadedFrom" + utils::ToString(source);
-      total_mbs += mbs;
+      metric = "Installer.SuccessfulMBsDownloadedFrom" +
+          utils::ToString(source);
       LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << mbs << " (MBs) for metric " << metric;
@@ -534,7 +692,18 @@
-    SetTotalBytesDownloaded(source, 0, true);
+    mbs = total_bytes_by_source[i] / kNumBytesInOneMiB;
+    if (mbs > 0) {
+      metric = "Installer.TotalMBsDownloadedFrom" + utils::ToString(source);
+      LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << mbs << " (MBs) for metric " << metric;
+      system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
+                                              mbs,
+                                              0,  // min
+                                              kMaxMiBs,
+                                              kNumDefaultUmaBuckets);
+      download_sources_used |= (1 << i);
+    }
   metric = "Installer.DownloadSourcesUsed";
@@ -547,44 +716,82 @@
                                           1 << kNumDownloadSources,
-  if (successful_mbs) {
-    metric = "Installer.DownloadOverheadPercentage";
-    int percent_overhead = (total_mbs - successful_mbs) * 100 / successful_mbs;
-    LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << percent_overhead << "% for metric " << metric;
-    system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
-                                            percent_overhead,
-                                            0,    // min: 0% overhead
-                                            1000, // max: 1000% overhead
-                                            kNumDefaultUmaBuckets);
-  }
+  metric = "Installer.DownloadOverheadPercentage";
+  LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << download_overhead_percentage
+            << "% for metric " << metric;
+  system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
+                                          download_overhead_percentage,
+                                          0,     // min: 0% overhead
+                                          1000,  // max: 1000% overhead
+                                          kNumDefaultUmaBuckets);
-void PayloadState::ReportUpdateUrlSwitchesMetric() {
-  string metric = "Installer.UpdateURLSwitches";
-  int value = static_cast<int>(url_switch_count_);
-  LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << value << " (count) for metric " <<  metric;
+  metric = "Installer.UpdateURLSwitches";
+  LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << url_switch_count
+            << " (count) for metric " << metric;
-       value,
+       url_switch_count,
        0,    // min value
        100,  // max value
-void PayloadState::ReportRebootMetrics() {
-  // Report the number of num_reboots.
-  string metric = "Installer.UpdateNumReboots";
-  uint32_t num_reboots = GetNumReboots();
-  LOG(INFO) << "Uploading reboot count of " << num_reboots << " for metric "
+  metric = "Installer.UpdateNumReboots";
+  LOG(INFO) << "Uploading reboot count of " << reboot_count << " for metric "
             <<  metric;
-      static_cast<int>(num_reboots),  // sample
-      0,  // min = 0.
-      50,  // max
+      reboot_count,  // sample
+      0,    // min = 0.
+      50,   // max
       25);  // buckets
-  SetNumReboots(0);
+  metric = "Installer.UpdateDurationMinutes";
+  system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
+       metric,
+       static_cast<int>(duration.InMinutes()),
+       1,             // min: 1 minute
+       365*24*60,     // max: 1 year (approx)
+       kNumDefaultUmaBuckets);
+  LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(duration)
+            << " for metric " <<  metric;
+  metric = "Installer.UpdateDurationUptimeMinutes";
+  system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
+       metric,
+       static_cast<int>(duration_uptime.InMinutes()),
+       1,             // min: 1 minute
+       30*24*60,      // max: 1 month (approx)
+       kNumDefaultUmaBuckets);
+  LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(duration_uptime)
+            << " for metric " <<  metric;
+  metric = "Installer.PayloadFormat";
+  system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(
+      metric,
+      payload_type,
+      kNumPayloadTypes);
+  LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::ToString(payload_type)
+            << " for metric " <<  metric;
+  metric = "Installer.AttemptsCount.Total";
+  system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
+       metric,
+       attempt_count,
+       1,      // min
+       50,     // max
+       kNumDefaultUmaBuckets);
+  LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << attempt_count
+            << " for metric " <<  metric;
+  metric = "Installer.UpdatesAbandonedCount";
+  LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << updates_abandoned_count
+            << " (count) for metric " <<  metric;
+  system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
+       metric,
+       updates_abandoned_count,
+       0,    // min value
+       100,  // max value
+       kNumDefaultUmaBuckets);
 void PayloadState::UpdateNumReboots() {
@@ -930,72 +1137,6 @@
   SetUpdateDurationUptimeExtended(new_uptime, now, false);
-void PayloadState::ReportDurationMetrics() {
-  TimeDelta duration = GetUpdateDuration();
-  TimeDelta duration_uptime = GetUpdateDurationUptime();
-  string metric;
-  metric = "Installer.UpdateDurationMinutes";
-  system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
-       metric,
-       static_cast<int>(duration.InMinutes()),
-       1,             // min: 1 minute
-       365*24*60,     // max: 1 year (approx)
-       kNumDefaultUmaBuckets);
-  LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(duration)
-            << " for metric " <<  metric;
-  metric = "Installer.UpdateDurationUptimeMinutes";
-  system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
-       metric,
-       static_cast<int>(duration_uptime.InMinutes()),
-       1,             // min: 1 minute
-       30*24*60,      // max: 1 month (approx)
-       kNumDefaultUmaBuckets);
-  LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(duration_uptime)
-            << " for metric " <<  metric;
-  prefs_->Delete(kPrefsUpdateTimestampStart);
-  prefs_->Delete(kPrefsUpdateDurationUptime);
-void PayloadState::ReportPayloadTypeMetric() {
-  string metric;
-  PayloadType uma_payload_type;
-  OmahaRequestParams* params = system_state_->request_params();
-  if (response_.is_delta_payload) {
-    uma_payload_type = kPayloadTypeDelta;
-  } else if (params->delta_okay()) {
-    uma_payload_type = kPayloadTypeFull;
-  } else { // Full payload, delta was not allowed by request.
-    uma_payload_type = kPayloadTypeForcedFull;
-  }
-  metric = "Installer.PayloadFormat";
-  system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(
-      metric,
-      uma_payload_type,
-      kNumPayloadTypes);
-  LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::ToString(uma_payload_type)
-            << " for metric " <<  metric;
-void PayloadState::ReportAttemptsCountMetrics() {
-  string metric;
-  int total_attempts = GetPayloadAttemptNumber();
-  metric = "Installer.AttemptsCount.Total";
-  system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
-       metric,
-       total_attempts,
-       1,      // min
-       50,     // max
-       kNumDefaultUmaBuckets);
-  LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << total_attempts
-            << " for metric " <<  metric;
 string PayloadState::GetPrefsKey(const string& prefix, DownloadSource source) {
   return prefix + "-from-" + utils::ToString(source);
@@ -1060,19 +1201,6 @@
   prefs_->SetInt64(kPrefsNumResponsesSeen, num_responses_seen_);
-void PayloadState::ReportUpdatesAbandonedCountMetric() {
-  string metric = "Installer.UpdatesAbandonedCount";
-  int value = num_responses_seen_ - 1;
-  LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << value << " (count) for metric " <<  metric;
-  system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
-       metric,
-       value,
-       0,    // min value
-       100,  // max value
-       kNumDefaultUmaBuckets);
 void PayloadState::ReportUpdatesAbandonedEventCountMetric() {
   string metric = "Installer.UpdatesAbandonedEventCount";
   int value = num_responses_seen_ - 1;
@@ -1133,6 +1261,15 @@
   LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(time_to_reboot)
             << " for metric " <<  metric;
+  metric = metrics::kMetricTimeToRebootMinutes;
+  system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(metric,
+                                          time_to_reboot.InMinutes(),
+                                          0,        // min: 0 minute
+                                          30*24*60, // max: 1 month (approx)
+                                          kNumDefaultUmaBuckets);
+  LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << utils::FormatTimeDelta(time_to_reboot)
+            << " for metric " <<  metric;
 void PayloadState::UpdateEngineStarted() {
@@ -1196,6 +1333,16 @@
            1,    // min value
            50,   // max value
+      metric = metrics::kMetricFailedUpdateCount;
+      LOG(INFO) << "Uploading " << target_attempt
+                << " (count) for metric " <<  metric;
+      system_state_->metrics_lib()->SendToUMA(
+           metric,
+           target_attempt,
+           1,    // min value
+           50,   // max value
+           kNumDefaultUmaBuckets);
     } else {