Split payload application code into a subdirectory.

This patch splits from the main libupdate_engine code the part that
is strictly used to download and apply a payload into a new static
library, moving the code to subdirectories. The new library is divided
in two subdirectories: common/ and payload_consumer/, and should not
depend on other update_engine files outside those two subdirectories.
The main difference between those two is that the common/ tools are more
generic and not tied to the payload consumer process, but otherwise they
are both compiled together.

There are still dependencies from the new libpayload_consumer library
into the main directory files and DBus generated files. Those will be
addressed in follow up CLs.

Bug: 25197634
Test: FEATURES=test emerge-link update_engine; `mm` on Brillo.

Change-Id: Id8d0204ea573627e6e26ca9ea17b9592ca95bc23
diff --git a/common/certificate_checker_unittest.cc b/common/certificate_checker_unittest.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dfdadb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/certificate_checker_unittest.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "update_engine/common/certificate_checker.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
+#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
+#include <gmock/gmock.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <metrics/metrics_library_mock.h>
+#include "update_engine/common/constants.h"
+#include "update_engine/common/mock_certificate_checker.h"
+#include "update_engine/common/mock_prefs.h"
+#include "update_engine/fake_system_state.h"
+using ::testing::DoAll;
+using ::testing::Return;
+using ::testing::SetArgumentPointee;
+using ::testing::SetArrayArgument;
+using ::testing::_;
+using std::string;
+namespace chromeos_update_engine {
+class CertificateCheckerTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+  CertificateCheckerTest() {}
+ protected:
+  void SetUp() override {
+    depth_ = 0;
+    length_ = 4;
+    digest_[0] = 0x17;
+    digest_[1] = 0x7D;
+    digest_[2] = 0x07;
+    digest_[3] = 0x5F;
+    digest_hex_ = "177D075F";
+    diff_digest_hex_ = "1234ABCD";
+    cert_key_prefix_ = kPrefsUpdateServerCertificate;
+    server_to_check_ = CertificateChecker::kUpdate;
+    cert_key_ = base::StringPrintf("%s-%d-%d",
+                                   cert_key_prefix_.c_str(),
+                                   server_to_check_,
+                                   depth_);
+    kCertChanged = "Updater.ServerCertificateChanged";
+    kCertFailed = "Updater.ServerCertificateFailed";
+    CertificateChecker::set_system_state(&fake_system_state_);
+    CertificateChecker::set_openssl_wrapper(&openssl_wrapper_);
+    prefs_ = fake_system_state_.mock_prefs();
+  }
+  void TearDown() override {}
+  FakeSystemState fake_system_state_;
+  MockPrefs* prefs_;  // shortcut to fake_system_state_.mock_prefs()
+  MockOpenSSLWrapper openssl_wrapper_;
+  // Parameters of our mock certificate digest.
+  int depth_;
+  unsigned int length_;
+  uint8_t digest_[4];
+  string digest_hex_;
+  string diff_digest_hex_;
+  string cert_key_prefix_;
+  CertificateChecker::ServerToCheck server_to_check_;
+  string cert_key_;
+  string kCertChanged;
+  string kCertFailed;
+// check certificate change, new
+TEST_F(CertificateCheckerTest, NewCertificate) {
+  EXPECT_CALL(openssl_wrapper_, GetCertificateDigest(nullptr, _, _, _))
+      .WillOnce(DoAll(
+          SetArgumentPointee<1>(depth_),
+          SetArgumentPointee<2>(length_),
+          SetArrayArgument<3>(digest_, digest_ + 4),
+          Return(true)));
+  EXPECT_CALL(*prefs_, GetString(cert_key_, _))
+      .WillOnce(Return(false));
+  EXPECT_CALL(*prefs_, SetString(cert_key_, digest_hex_))
+      .WillOnce(Return(true));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(CertificateChecker::CheckCertificateChange(
+      server_to_check_, 1, nullptr));
+// check certificate change, unchanged
+TEST_F(CertificateCheckerTest, SameCertificate) {
+  EXPECT_CALL(openssl_wrapper_, GetCertificateDigest(nullptr, _, _, _))
+      .WillOnce(DoAll(
+          SetArgumentPointee<1>(depth_),
+          SetArgumentPointee<2>(length_),
+          SetArrayArgument<3>(digest_, digest_ + 4),
+          Return(true)));
+  EXPECT_CALL(*prefs_, GetString(cert_key_, _))
+      .WillOnce(DoAll(
+          SetArgumentPointee<1>(digest_hex_),
+          Return(true)));
+  EXPECT_CALL(*prefs_, SetString(_, _)).Times(0);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(CertificateChecker::CheckCertificateChange(
+      server_to_check_, 1, nullptr));
+// check certificate change, changed
+TEST_F(CertificateCheckerTest, ChangedCertificate) {
+  EXPECT_CALL(openssl_wrapper_, GetCertificateDigest(nullptr, _, _, _))
+      .WillOnce(DoAll(
+          SetArgumentPointee<1>(depth_),
+          SetArgumentPointee<2>(length_),
+          SetArrayArgument<3>(digest_, digest_ + 4),
+          Return(true)));
+  EXPECT_CALL(*prefs_, GetString(cert_key_, _))
+      .WillOnce(DoAll(
+          SetArgumentPointee<1>(diff_digest_hex_),
+          Return(true)));
+  EXPECT_CALL(*prefs_, SetString(kPrefsCertificateReportToSendUpdate,
+                                kCertChanged))
+      .WillOnce(Return(true));
+  EXPECT_CALL(*prefs_, SetString(cert_key_, digest_hex_))
+      .WillOnce(Return(true));
+  ASSERT_TRUE(CertificateChecker::CheckCertificateChange(
+      server_to_check_, 1, nullptr));
+// check certificate change, failed
+TEST_F(CertificateCheckerTest, FailedCertificate) {
+  EXPECT_CALL(*prefs_, SetString(kPrefsCertificateReportToSendUpdate,
+                                kCertFailed))
+      .WillOnce(Return(true));
+  EXPECT_CALL(*prefs_, GetString(_, _)).Times(0);
+  EXPECT_CALL(openssl_wrapper_, GetCertificateDigest(_, _, _, _)).Times(0);
+  ASSERT_FALSE(CertificateChecker::CheckCertificateChange(
+      server_to_check_, 0, nullptr));
+// flush send report
+TEST_F(CertificateCheckerTest, FlushReport) {
+  EXPECT_CALL(*prefs_, GetString(kPrefsCertificateReportToSendUpdate, _))
+      .WillOnce(DoAll(
+          SetArgumentPointee<1>(kCertChanged),
+          Return(true)));
+  EXPECT_CALL(*prefs_, GetString(kPrefsCertificateReportToSendDownload, _))
+      .WillOnce(Return(false));
+  EXPECT_CALL(*fake_system_state_.mock_metrics_lib(),
+              SendUserActionToUMA(kCertChanged))
+      .WillOnce(Return(true));
+  EXPECT_CALL(*prefs_, Delete(kPrefsCertificateReportToSendUpdate))
+      .WillOnce(Return(true));
+  EXPECT_CALL(*prefs_, SetString(kPrefsCertificateReportToSendDownload, _))
+      .Times(0);
+  CertificateChecker::FlushReport();
+// flush nothing to report
+TEST_F(CertificateCheckerTest, FlushNothingToReport) {
+  string empty = "";
+  EXPECT_CALL(*prefs_, GetString(kPrefsCertificateReportToSendUpdate, _))
+      .WillOnce(DoAll(
+          SetArgumentPointee<1>(empty),
+          Return(true)));
+  EXPECT_CALL(*prefs_, GetString(kPrefsCertificateReportToSendDownload, _))
+      .WillOnce(Return(false));
+  EXPECT_CALL(*fake_system_state_.mock_metrics_lib(),
+              SendUserActionToUMA(_)).Times(0);
+  EXPECT_CALL(*prefs_, SetString(_, _)).Times(0);
+  CertificateChecker::FlushReport();
+}  // namespace chromeos_update_engine