Split payload application code into a subdirectory.

This patch splits from the main libupdate_engine code the part that
is strictly used to download and apply a payload into a new static
library, moving the code to subdirectories. The new library is divided
in two subdirectories: common/ and payload_consumer/, and should not
depend on other update_engine files outside those two subdirectories.
The main difference between those two is that the common/ tools are more
generic and not tied to the payload consumer process, but otherwise they
are both compiled together.

There are still dependencies from the new libpayload_consumer library
into the main directory files and DBus generated files. Those will be
addressed in follow up CLs.

Bug: 25197634
Test: FEATURES=test emerge-link update_engine; `mm` on Brillo.

Change-Id: Id8d0204ea573627e6e26ca9ea17b9592ca95bc23
diff --git a/common/http_fetcher_unittest.cc b/common/http_fetcher_unittest.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6ba9c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/http_fetcher_unittest.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1127 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <netinet/ip.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <base/location.h>
+#include <base/logging.h>
+#include <base/message_loop/message_loop.h>
+#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
+#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
+#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
+#include <base/time/time.h>
+#include <brillo/message_loops/base_message_loop.h>
+#include <brillo/message_loops/message_loop.h>
+#include <brillo/message_loops/message_loop_utils.h>
+#include <brillo/process.h>
+#include <brillo/streams/file_stream.h>
+#include <brillo/streams/stream.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include "update_engine/common/http_common.h"
+#include "update_engine/common/libcurl_http_fetcher.h"
+#include "update_engine/common/mock_http_fetcher.h"
+#include "update_engine/common/multi_range_http_fetcher.h"
+#include "update_engine/common/test_utils.h"
+#include "update_engine/common/utils.h"
+#include "update_engine/fake_system_state.h"
+#include "update_engine/proxy_resolver.h"
+using brillo::MessageLoop;
+using std::make_pair;
+using std::pair;
+using std::string;
+using std::unique_ptr;
+using std::vector;
+namespace {
+const int kBigLength           = 100000;
+const int kMediumLength        = 1000;
+const int kFlakyTruncateLength = 29000;
+const int kFlakySleepEvery     = 3;
+const int kFlakySleepSecs      = 10;
+}  // namespace
+namespace chromeos_update_engine {
+static const char *kUnusedUrl = "unused://unused";
+static inline string LocalServerUrlForPath(in_port_t port,
+                                           const string& path) {
+  string port_str = (port ? base::StringPrintf(":%hu", port) : "");
+  return base::StringPrintf("", port_str.c_str(),
+                            path.c_str());
+// Class hierarchy for HTTP server implementations.
+class HttpServer {
+ public:
+  // This makes it an abstract class (dirty but works).
+  virtual ~HttpServer() = 0;
+  virtual in_port_t GetPort() const {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  bool started_;
+HttpServer::~HttpServer() {}
+class NullHttpServer : public HttpServer {
+ public:
+  NullHttpServer() {
+    started_ = true;
+  }
+class PythonHttpServer : public HttpServer {
+ public:
+  PythonHttpServer() : port_(0) {
+    started_ = false;
+    // Spawn the server process.
+    unique_ptr<brillo::Process> http_server(new brillo::ProcessImpl());
+    base::FilePath test_server_path =
+        test_utils::GetBuildArtifactsPath().Append("test_http_server");
+    http_server->AddArg(test_server_path.value());
+    http_server->RedirectUsingPipe(STDOUT_FILENO, false);
+    if (!http_server->Start()) {
+      ADD_FAILURE() << "failed to spawn http server process";
+      return;
+    }
+    LOG(INFO) << "started http server with pid " << http_server->pid();
+    // Wait for server to begin accepting connections, obtain its port.
+    brillo::StreamPtr stdout = brillo::FileStream::FromFileDescriptor(
+        http_server->GetPipe(STDOUT_FILENO), false /* own */, nullptr);
+    if (!stdout)
+      return;
+    vector<char> buf(128);
+    string line;
+    while (line.find('\n') == string::npos) {
+      size_t read;
+      if (!stdout->ReadBlocking(buf.data(), buf.size(), &read, nullptr)) {
+        ADD_FAILURE() << "error reading http server stdout";
+        return;
+      }
+      line.append(buf.data(), read);
+      if (read == 0)
+        break;
+    }
+    // Parse the port from the output line.
+    const size_t listening_msg_prefix_len = strlen(kServerListeningMsgPrefix);
+    if (line.size() < listening_msg_prefix_len) {
+      ADD_FAILURE() << "server output too short";
+      return;
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(kServerListeningMsgPrefix,
+              line.substr(0, listening_msg_prefix_len));
+    string port_str = line.substr(listening_msg_prefix_len);
+    port_str.resize(port_str.find('\n'));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(base::StringToUint(port_str, &port_));
+    started_ = true;
+    LOG(INFO) << "server running, listening on port " << port_;
+    // Any failure before this point will SIGKILL the test server if started
+    // when the |http_server| goes out of scope.
+    http_server_ = std::move(http_server);
+  }
+  ~PythonHttpServer() {
+    // If there's no process, do nothing.
+    if (!http_server_)
+      return;
+    // Wait up to 10 seconds for the process to finish. Destroying the process
+    // will kill it with a SIGKILL otherwise.
+    http_server_->Kill(SIGTERM, 10);
+  }
+  in_port_t GetPort() const override {
+    return port_;
+  }
+ private:
+  static const char* kServerListeningMsgPrefix;
+  unique_ptr<brillo::Process> http_server_;
+  unsigned int port_;
+const char* PythonHttpServer::kServerListeningMsgPrefix = "listening on port ";
+// Class hierarchy for HTTP fetcher test wrappers.
+class AnyHttpFetcherTest {
+ public:
+  AnyHttpFetcherTest() {}
+  virtual ~AnyHttpFetcherTest() {}
+  virtual HttpFetcher* NewLargeFetcher(size_t num_proxies) = 0;
+  HttpFetcher* NewLargeFetcher() {
+    return NewLargeFetcher(1);
+  }
+  virtual HttpFetcher* NewSmallFetcher(size_t num_proxies) = 0;
+  HttpFetcher* NewSmallFetcher() {
+    return NewSmallFetcher(1);
+  }
+  virtual string BigUrl(in_port_t port) const { return kUnusedUrl; }
+  virtual string SmallUrl(in_port_t port) const { return kUnusedUrl; }
+  virtual string ErrorUrl(in_port_t port) const { return kUnusedUrl; }
+  virtual bool IsMock() const = 0;
+  virtual bool IsMulti() const = 0;
+  virtual void IgnoreServerAborting(HttpServer* server) const {}
+  virtual HttpServer* CreateServer() = 0;
+ protected:
+  DirectProxyResolver proxy_resolver_;
+  FakeSystemState fake_system_state_;
+class MockHttpFetcherTest : public AnyHttpFetcherTest {
+ public:
+  // Necessary to unhide the definition in the base class.
+  using AnyHttpFetcherTest::NewLargeFetcher;
+  HttpFetcher* NewLargeFetcher(size_t num_proxies) override {
+    brillo::Blob big_data(1000000);
+    CHECK_GT(num_proxies, 0u);
+    proxy_resolver_.set_num_proxies(num_proxies);
+    return new MockHttpFetcher(
+        big_data.data(),
+        big_data.size(),
+        reinterpret_cast<ProxyResolver*>(&proxy_resolver_));
+  }
+  // Necessary to unhide the definition in the base class.
+  using AnyHttpFetcherTest::NewSmallFetcher;
+  HttpFetcher* NewSmallFetcher(size_t num_proxies) override {
+    CHECK_GT(num_proxies, 0u);
+    proxy_resolver_.set_num_proxies(num_proxies);
+    return new MockHttpFetcher(
+        "x",
+        1,
+        reinterpret_cast<ProxyResolver*>(&proxy_resolver_));
+  }
+  bool IsMock() const override { return true; }
+  bool IsMulti() const override { return false; }
+  HttpServer* CreateServer() override {
+    return new NullHttpServer;
+  }
+class LibcurlHttpFetcherTest : public AnyHttpFetcherTest {
+ public:
+  // Necessary to unhide the definition in the base class.
+  using AnyHttpFetcherTest::NewLargeFetcher;
+  HttpFetcher* NewLargeFetcher(size_t num_proxies) override {
+    CHECK_GT(num_proxies, 0u);
+    proxy_resolver_.set_num_proxies(num_proxies);
+    LibcurlHttpFetcher *ret = new
+        LibcurlHttpFetcher(reinterpret_cast<ProxyResolver*>(&proxy_resolver_),
+                           &fake_system_state_);
+    // Speed up test execution.
+    ret->set_idle_seconds(1);
+    ret->set_retry_seconds(1);
+    fake_system_state_.fake_hardware()->SetIsOfficialBuild(false);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  // Necessary to unhide the definition in the base class.
+  using AnyHttpFetcherTest::NewSmallFetcher;
+  HttpFetcher* NewSmallFetcher(size_t num_proxies) override {
+    return NewLargeFetcher(num_proxies);
+  }
+  string BigUrl(in_port_t port) const override {
+    return LocalServerUrlForPath(port,
+                                 base::StringPrintf("/download/%d",
+                                                    kBigLength));
+  }
+  string SmallUrl(in_port_t port) const override {
+    return LocalServerUrlForPath(port, "/foo");
+  }
+  string ErrorUrl(in_port_t port) const override {
+    return LocalServerUrlForPath(port, "/error");
+  }
+  bool IsMock() const override { return false; }
+  bool IsMulti() const override { return false; }
+  void IgnoreServerAborting(HttpServer* server) const override {
+    // Nothing to do.
+  }
+  HttpServer* CreateServer() override {
+    return new PythonHttpServer;
+  }
+class MultiRangeHttpFetcherTest : public LibcurlHttpFetcherTest {
+ public:
+  // Necessary to unhide the definition in the base class.
+  using AnyHttpFetcherTest::NewLargeFetcher;
+  HttpFetcher* NewLargeFetcher(size_t num_proxies) override {
+    CHECK_GT(num_proxies, 0u);
+    proxy_resolver_.set_num_proxies(num_proxies);
+    ProxyResolver* resolver =
+        reinterpret_cast<ProxyResolver*>(&proxy_resolver_);
+    MultiRangeHttpFetcher *ret =
+        new MultiRangeHttpFetcher(
+            new LibcurlHttpFetcher(resolver, &fake_system_state_));
+    ret->ClearRanges();
+    ret->AddRange(0);
+    // Speed up test execution.
+    ret->set_idle_seconds(1);
+    ret->set_retry_seconds(1);
+    fake_system_state_.fake_hardware()->SetIsOfficialBuild(false);
+    return ret;
+  }
+  // Necessary to unhide the definition in the base class.
+  using AnyHttpFetcherTest::NewSmallFetcher;
+  HttpFetcher* NewSmallFetcher(size_t num_proxies) override {
+    return NewLargeFetcher(num_proxies);
+  }
+  bool IsMulti() const override { return true; }
+// Infrastructure for type tests of HTTP fetcher.
+// See: http://code.google.com/p/googletest/wiki/AdvancedGuide#Typed_Tests
+// Fixture class template. We use an explicit constraint to guarantee that it
+// can only be instantiated with an AnyHttpFetcherTest type, see:
+// http://www2.research.att.com/~bs/bs_faq2.html#constraints
+template <typename T>
+class HttpFetcherTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ public:
+  base::MessageLoopForIO base_loop_;
+  brillo::BaseMessageLoop loop_{&base_loop_};
+  T test_;
+ protected:
+  HttpFetcherTest() {
+    loop_.SetAsCurrent();
+  }
+  void TearDown() override {
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, brillo::MessageLoopRunMaxIterations(&loop_, 1));
+  }
+ private:
+  static void TypeConstraint(T* a) {
+    AnyHttpFetcherTest *b = a;
+    if (b == 0)  // Silence compiler warning of unused variable.
+      *b = a;
+  }
+// Test case types list.
+typedef ::testing::Types<LibcurlHttpFetcherTest,
+                         MockHttpFetcherTest,
+                         MultiRangeHttpFetcherTest> HttpFetcherTestTypes;
+TYPED_TEST_CASE(HttpFetcherTest, HttpFetcherTestTypes);
+namespace {
+class HttpFetcherTestDelegate : public HttpFetcherDelegate {
+ public:
+  HttpFetcherTestDelegate() :
+      is_expect_error_(false), times_transfer_complete_called_(0),
+      times_transfer_terminated_called_(0), times_received_bytes_called_(0) {}
+  void ReceivedBytes(HttpFetcher* /* fetcher */,
+                     const void* /* bytes */, size_t /* length */) override {
+    // Update counters
+    times_received_bytes_called_++;
+  }
+  void TransferComplete(HttpFetcher* fetcher, bool successful) override {
+    if (is_expect_error_)
+      EXPECT_EQ(kHttpResponseNotFound, fetcher->http_response_code());
+    else
+      EXPECT_EQ(kHttpResponseOk, fetcher->http_response_code());
+    MessageLoop::current()->BreakLoop();
+    // Update counter
+    times_transfer_complete_called_++;
+  }
+  void TransferTerminated(HttpFetcher* fetcher) override {
+    times_transfer_terminated_called_++;
+  }
+  // Are we expecting an error response? (default: no)
+  bool is_expect_error_;
+  // Counters for callback invocations.
+  int times_transfer_complete_called_;
+  int times_transfer_terminated_called_;
+  int times_received_bytes_called_;
+void StartTransfer(HttpFetcher* http_fetcher, const string& url) {
+  http_fetcher->BeginTransfer(url);
+}  // namespace
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, SimpleTest) {
+  HttpFetcherTestDelegate delegate;
+  unique_ptr<HttpFetcher> fetcher(this->test_.NewSmallFetcher());
+  fetcher->set_delegate(&delegate);
+  unique_ptr<HttpServer> server(this->test_.CreateServer());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+  this->loop_.PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
+      StartTransfer,
+      fetcher.get(),
+      this->test_.SmallUrl(server->GetPort())));
+  this->loop_.Run();
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, SimpleBigTest) {
+  HttpFetcherTestDelegate delegate;
+  unique_ptr<HttpFetcher> fetcher(this->test_.NewLargeFetcher());
+  fetcher->set_delegate(&delegate);
+  unique_ptr<HttpServer> server(this->test_.CreateServer());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+  this->loop_.PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
+      StartTransfer,
+      fetcher.get(),
+      this->test_.BigUrl(server->GetPort())));
+  this->loop_.Run();
+// Issue #9648: when server returns an error HTTP response, the fetcher needs to
+// terminate transfer prematurely, rather than try to process the error payload.
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, ErrorTest) {
+  if (this->test_.IsMock() || this->test_.IsMulti())
+    return;
+  HttpFetcherTestDelegate delegate;
+  // Delegate should expect an error response.
+  delegate.is_expect_error_ = true;
+  unique_ptr<HttpFetcher> fetcher(this->test_.NewSmallFetcher());
+  fetcher->set_delegate(&delegate);
+  unique_ptr<HttpServer> server(this->test_.CreateServer());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+  this->loop_.PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
+      StartTransfer,
+      fetcher.get(),
+      this->test_.ErrorUrl(server->GetPort())));
+  this->loop_.Run();
+  // Make sure that no bytes were received.
+  CHECK_EQ(delegate.times_received_bytes_called_, 0);
+  CHECK_EQ(fetcher->GetBytesDownloaded(), static_cast<size_t>(0));
+  // Make sure that transfer completion was signaled once, and no termination
+  // was signaled.
+  CHECK_EQ(delegate.times_transfer_complete_called_, 1);
+  CHECK_EQ(delegate.times_transfer_terminated_called_, 0);
+namespace {
+class PausingHttpFetcherTestDelegate : public HttpFetcherDelegate {
+ public:
+  void ReceivedBytes(HttpFetcher* fetcher,
+                     const void* /* bytes */, size_t /* length */) override {
+    CHECK(!paused_);
+    paused_ = true;
+    fetcher->Pause();
+  }
+  void TransferComplete(HttpFetcher* fetcher, bool successful) override {
+    MessageLoop::current()->BreakLoop();
+  }
+  void TransferTerminated(HttpFetcher* fetcher) override {
+  }
+  void Unpause() {
+    CHECK(paused_);
+    paused_ = false;
+    fetcher_->Unpause();
+  }
+  bool paused_;
+  HttpFetcher* fetcher_;
+void UnpausingTimeoutCallback(PausingHttpFetcherTestDelegate* delegate,
+                              MessageLoop::TaskId* my_id) {
+  if (delegate->paused_)
+    delegate->Unpause();
+  // Update the task id with the new scheduled callback.
+  *my_id = MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask(
+      FROM_HERE,
+      base::Bind(&UnpausingTimeoutCallback, delegate, my_id),
+      base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(200));
+}  // namespace
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, PauseTest) {
+  {
+    PausingHttpFetcherTestDelegate delegate;
+    unique_ptr<HttpFetcher> fetcher(this->test_.NewLargeFetcher());
+    delegate.paused_ = false;
+    delegate.fetcher_ = fetcher.get();
+    fetcher->set_delegate(&delegate);
+    unique_ptr<HttpServer> server(this->test_.CreateServer());
+    ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+    MessageLoop::TaskId callback_id;
+    callback_id = this->loop_.PostDelayedTask(
+        FROM_HERE,
+        base::Bind(&UnpausingTimeoutCallback, &delegate, &callback_id),
+        base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(200));
+    fetcher->BeginTransfer(this->test_.BigUrl(server->GetPort()));
+    this->loop_.Run();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(this->loop_.CancelTask(callback_id));
+  }
+namespace {
+class AbortingHttpFetcherTestDelegate : public HttpFetcherDelegate {
+ public:
+  void ReceivedBytes(HttpFetcher* fetcher,
+                     const void* bytes, size_t length) override {}
+  void TransferComplete(HttpFetcher* fetcher, bool successful) override {
+    ADD_FAILURE();  // We should never get here
+    MessageLoop::current()->BreakLoop();
+  }
+  void TransferTerminated(HttpFetcher* fetcher) override {
+    EXPECT_EQ(fetcher, fetcher_.get());
+    EXPECT_FALSE(once_);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(callback_once_);
+    callback_once_ = false;
+    // The fetcher could have a callback scheduled on the ProxyResolver that
+    // can fire after this callback. We wait until the end of the test to
+    // delete the fetcher.
+  }
+  void TerminateTransfer() {
+    CHECK(once_);
+    once_ = false;
+    fetcher_->TerminateTransfer();
+  }
+  void EndLoop() {
+    MessageLoop::current()->BreakLoop();
+  }
+  bool once_;
+  bool callback_once_;
+  unique_ptr<HttpFetcher> fetcher_;
+void AbortingTimeoutCallback(AbortingHttpFetcherTestDelegate* delegate,
+                             MessageLoop::TaskId* my_id) {
+  if (delegate->once_) {
+    delegate->TerminateTransfer();
+    *my_id = MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+        FROM_HERE,
+        base::Bind(AbortingTimeoutCallback, delegate, my_id));
+  } else {
+    delegate->EndLoop();
+    *my_id = MessageLoop::kTaskIdNull;
+  }
+}  // namespace
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, AbortTest) {
+  AbortingHttpFetcherTestDelegate delegate;
+  delegate.fetcher_.reset(this->test_.NewLargeFetcher());
+  delegate.once_ = true;
+  delegate.callback_once_ = true;
+  delegate.fetcher_->set_delegate(&delegate);
+  unique_ptr<HttpServer> server(this->test_.CreateServer());
+  this->test_.IgnoreServerAborting(server.get());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+  MessageLoop::TaskId task_id = MessageLoop::kTaskIdNull;
+  task_id = this->loop_.PostTask(
+      FROM_HERE,
+      base::Bind(AbortingTimeoutCallback, &delegate, &task_id));
+  delegate.fetcher_->BeginTransfer(this->test_.BigUrl(server->GetPort()));
+  this->loop_.Run();
+  CHECK(!delegate.once_);
+  CHECK(!delegate.callback_once_);
+  this->loop_.CancelTask(task_id);
+namespace {
+class FlakyHttpFetcherTestDelegate : public HttpFetcherDelegate {
+ public:
+  void ReceivedBytes(HttpFetcher* fetcher,
+                     const void* bytes, size_t length) override {
+    data.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(bytes), length);
+  }
+  void TransferComplete(HttpFetcher* fetcher, bool successful) override {
+    EXPECT_TRUE(successful);
+    EXPECT_EQ(kHttpResponsePartialContent, fetcher->http_response_code());
+    MessageLoop::current()->BreakLoop();
+  }
+  void TransferTerminated(HttpFetcher* fetcher) override {
+  }
+  string data;
+}  // namespace
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, FlakyTest) {
+  if (this->test_.IsMock())
+    return;
+  {
+    FlakyHttpFetcherTestDelegate delegate;
+    unique_ptr<HttpFetcher> fetcher(this->test_.NewSmallFetcher());
+    fetcher->set_delegate(&delegate);
+    unique_ptr<HttpServer> server(this->test_.CreateServer());
+    ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+    this->loop_.PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
+        &StartTransfer,
+        fetcher.get(),
+        LocalServerUrlForPath(server->GetPort(),
+                              base::StringPrintf("/flaky/%d/%d/%d/%d",
+                                                 kBigLength,
+                                                 kFlakyTruncateLength,
+                                                 kFlakySleepEvery,
+                                                 kFlakySleepSecs))));
+    this->loop_.Run();
+    // verify the data we get back
+    ASSERT_EQ(kBigLength, delegate.data.size());
+    for (int i = 0; i < kBigLength; i += 10) {
+      // Assert so that we don't flood the screen w/ EXPECT errors on failure.
+      ASSERT_EQ(delegate.data.substr(i, 10), "abcdefghij");
+    }
+  }
+namespace {
+// This delegate kills the server attached to it after receiving any bytes.
+// This can be used for testing what happens when you try to fetch data and
+// the server dies.
+class FailureHttpFetcherTestDelegate : public HttpFetcherDelegate {
+ public:
+  explicit FailureHttpFetcherTestDelegate(PythonHttpServer* server)
+      : server_(server) {}
+  ~FailureHttpFetcherTestDelegate() override {
+    if (server_) {
+      LOG(INFO) << "Stopping server in destructor";
+      delete server_;
+      LOG(INFO) << "server stopped";
+    }
+  }
+  void ReceivedBytes(HttpFetcher* fetcher,
+                     const void* bytes, size_t length) override {
+    if (server_) {
+      LOG(INFO) << "Stopping server in ReceivedBytes";
+      delete server_;
+      LOG(INFO) << "server stopped";
+      server_ = nullptr;
+    }
+  }
+  void TransferComplete(HttpFetcher* fetcher, bool successful) override {
+    EXPECT_FALSE(successful);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0, fetcher->http_response_code());
+    MessageLoop::current()->BreakLoop();
+  }
+  void TransferTerminated(HttpFetcher* fetcher) override {
+  }
+  PythonHttpServer* server_;
+}  // namespace
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, FailureTest) {
+  // This test ensures that a fetcher responds correctly when a server isn't
+  // available at all.
+  if (this->test_.IsMock())
+    return;
+  {
+    FailureHttpFetcherTestDelegate delegate(nullptr);
+    unique_ptr<HttpFetcher> fetcher(this->test_.NewSmallFetcher());
+    fetcher->set_delegate(&delegate);
+    this->loop_.PostTask(FROM_HERE,
+                         base::Bind(StartTransfer,
+                                    fetcher.get(),
+                                    "http://host_doesnt_exist99999999"));
+    this->loop_.Run();
+    // Exiting and testing happens in the delegate
+  }
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, NoResponseTest) {
+  // This test starts a new http server but the server doesn't respond and just
+  // closes the connection.
+  if (this->test_.IsMock())
+    return;
+  PythonHttpServer* server = new PythonHttpServer();
+  int port = server->GetPort();
+  ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+  // Handles destruction and claims ownership.
+  FailureHttpFetcherTestDelegate delegate(server);
+  unique_ptr<HttpFetcher> fetcher(this->test_.NewSmallFetcher());
+  fetcher->set_delegate(&delegate);
+  // The server will not reply at all, so we can limit the execution time of the
+  // test by reducing the low-speed timeout to something small. The test will
+  // finish once the TimeoutCallback() triggers (every second) and the timeout
+  // expired.
+  fetcher->set_low_speed_limit(kDownloadLowSpeedLimitBps, 1);
+  this->loop_.PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
+      StartTransfer,
+      fetcher.get(),
+      LocalServerUrlForPath(port, "/hang")));
+  this->loop_.Run();
+  // Check that no other callback runs in the next two seconds. That would
+  // indicate a leaked callback.
+  bool timeout = false;
+  auto callback = base::Bind([&timeout]{ timeout = true;});
+  this->loop_.PostDelayedTask(FROM_HERE, callback,
+                              base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(2));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(this->loop_.RunOnce(true));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(timeout);
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, ServerDiesTest) {
+  // This test starts a new http server and kills it after receiving its first
+  // set of bytes. It test whether or not our fetcher eventually gives up on
+  // retries and aborts correctly.
+  if (this->test_.IsMock())
+    return;
+  {
+    PythonHttpServer* server = new PythonHttpServer();
+    int port = server->GetPort();
+    ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+    // Handles destruction and claims ownership.
+    FailureHttpFetcherTestDelegate delegate(server);
+    unique_ptr<HttpFetcher> fetcher(this->test_.NewSmallFetcher());
+    fetcher->set_delegate(&delegate);
+    this->loop_.PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
+        StartTransfer,
+        fetcher.get(),
+        LocalServerUrlForPath(port,
+                              base::StringPrintf("/flaky/%d/%d/%d/%d",
+                                                 kBigLength,
+                                                 kFlakyTruncateLength,
+                                                 kFlakySleepEvery,
+                                                 kFlakySleepSecs))));
+    this->loop_.Run();
+    // Exiting and testing happens in the delegate
+  }
+namespace {
+const HttpResponseCode kRedirectCodes[] = {
+  kHttpResponseMovedPermanently, kHttpResponseFound, kHttpResponseSeeOther,
+  kHttpResponseTempRedirect
+class RedirectHttpFetcherTestDelegate : public HttpFetcherDelegate {
+ public:
+  explicit RedirectHttpFetcherTestDelegate(bool expected_successful)
+      : expected_successful_(expected_successful) {}
+  void ReceivedBytes(HttpFetcher* fetcher,
+                     const void* bytes, size_t length) override {
+    data.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(bytes), length);
+  }
+  void TransferComplete(HttpFetcher* fetcher, bool successful) override {
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected_successful_, successful);
+    if (expected_successful_) {
+      EXPECT_EQ(kHttpResponseOk, fetcher->http_response_code());
+    } else {
+      EXPECT_GE(fetcher->http_response_code(), kHttpResponseMovedPermanently);
+      EXPECT_LE(fetcher->http_response_code(), kHttpResponseTempRedirect);
+    }
+    MessageLoop::current()->BreakLoop();
+  }
+  void TransferTerminated(HttpFetcher* fetcher) override {
+  }
+  bool expected_successful_;
+  string data;
+// RedirectTest takes ownership of |http_fetcher|.
+void RedirectTest(const HttpServer* server,
+                  bool expected_successful,
+                  const string& url,
+                  HttpFetcher* http_fetcher) {
+  RedirectHttpFetcherTestDelegate delegate(expected_successful);
+  unique_ptr<HttpFetcher> fetcher(http_fetcher);
+  fetcher->set_delegate(&delegate);
+  MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
+      StartTransfer,
+      fetcher.get(),
+      LocalServerUrlForPath(server->GetPort(), url)));
+  MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+  if (expected_successful) {
+    // verify the data we get back
+    ASSERT_EQ(kMediumLength, delegate.data.size());
+    for (int i = 0; i < kMediumLength; i += 10) {
+      // Assert so that we don't flood the screen w/ EXPECT errors on failure.
+      ASSERT_EQ(delegate.data.substr(i, 10), "abcdefghij");
+    }
+  }
+}  // namespace
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, SimpleRedirectTest) {
+  if (this->test_.IsMock())
+    return;
+  unique_ptr<HttpServer> server(this->test_.CreateServer());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+  for (size_t c = 0; c < arraysize(kRedirectCodes); ++c) {
+    const string url = base::StringPrintf("/redirect/%d/download/%d",
+                                          kRedirectCodes[c],
+                                          kMediumLength);
+    RedirectTest(server.get(), true, url, this->test_.NewLargeFetcher());
+  }
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, MaxRedirectTest) {
+  if (this->test_.IsMock())
+    return;
+  unique_ptr<HttpServer> server(this->test_.CreateServer());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+  string url;
+  for (int r = 0; r < kDownloadMaxRedirects; r++) {
+    url += base::StringPrintf("/redirect/%d",
+                              kRedirectCodes[r % arraysize(kRedirectCodes)]);
+  }
+  url += base::StringPrintf("/download/%d", kMediumLength);
+  RedirectTest(server.get(), true, url, this->test_.NewLargeFetcher());
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, BeyondMaxRedirectTest) {
+  if (this->test_.IsMock())
+    return;
+  unique_ptr<HttpServer> server(this->test_.CreateServer());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+  string url;
+  for (int r = 0; r < kDownloadMaxRedirects + 1; r++) {
+    url += base::StringPrintf("/redirect/%d",
+                              kRedirectCodes[r % arraysize(kRedirectCodes)]);
+  }
+  url += base::StringPrintf("/download/%d", kMediumLength);
+  RedirectTest(server.get(), false, url, this->test_.NewLargeFetcher());
+namespace {
+class MultiHttpFetcherTestDelegate : public HttpFetcherDelegate {
+ public:
+  explicit MultiHttpFetcherTestDelegate(int expected_response_code)
+      : expected_response_code_(expected_response_code) {}
+  void ReceivedBytes(HttpFetcher* fetcher,
+                     const void* bytes, size_t length) override {
+    EXPECT_EQ(fetcher, fetcher_.get());
+    data.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(bytes), length);
+  }
+  void TransferComplete(HttpFetcher* fetcher, bool successful) override {
+    EXPECT_EQ(fetcher, fetcher_.get());
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected_response_code_ != kHttpResponseUndefined, successful);
+    if (expected_response_code_ != 0)
+      EXPECT_EQ(expected_response_code_, fetcher->http_response_code());
+    // Destroy the fetcher (because we're allowed to).
+    fetcher_.reset(nullptr);
+    MessageLoop::current()->BreakLoop();
+  }
+  void TransferTerminated(HttpFetcher* fetcher) override {
+  }
+  unique_ptr<HttpFetcher> fetcher_;
+  int expected_response_code_;
+  string data;
+void MultiTest(HttpFetcher* fetcher_in,
+               const string& url,
+               const vector<pair<off_t, off_t>>& ranges,
+               const string& expected_prefix,
+               off_t expected_size,
+               HttpResponseCode expected_response_code) {
+  MultiHttpFetcherTestDelegate delegate(expected_response_code);
+  delegate.fetcher_.reset(fetcher_in);
+  MultiRangeHttpFetcher* multi_fetcher =
+      dynamic_cast<MultiRangeHttpFetcher*>(fetcher_in);
+  ASSERT_TRUE(multi_fetcher);
+  multi_fetcher->ClearRanges();
+  for (vector<pair<off_t, off_t>>::const_iterator it = ranges.begin(),
+           e = ranges.end(); it != e; ++it) {
+    string tmp_str = base::StringPrintf("%jd+", it->first);
+    if (it->second > 0) {
+      base::StringAppendF(&tmp_str, "%jd", it->second);
+      multi_fetcher->AddRange(it->first, it->second);
+    } else {
+      base::StringAppendF(&tmp_str, "?");
+      multi_fetcher->AddRange(it->first);
+    }
+    LOG(INFO) << "added range: " << tmp_str;
+  }
+  dynamic_cast<FakeSystemState*>(fetcher_in->GetSystemState())
+      ->fake_hardware()->SetIsOfficialBuild(false);
+  multi_fetcher->set_delegate(&delegate);
+  MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(
+      FROM_HERE,
+      base::Bind(StartTransfer, multi_fetcher, url));
+  MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+  EXPECT_EQ(expected_size, delegate.data.size());
+  EXPECT_EQ(expected_prefix,
+            string(delegate.data.data(), expected_prefix.size()));
+}  // namespace
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, MultiHttpFetcherSimpleTest) {
+  if (!this->test_.IsMulti())
+    return;
+  unique_ptr<HttpServer> server(this->test_.CreateServer());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+  vector<pair<off_t, off_t>> ranges;
+  ranges.push_back(make_pair(0, 25));
+  ranges.push_back(make_pair(99, 0));
+  MultiTest(this->test_.NewLargeFetcher(),
+            this->test_.BigUrl(server->GetPort()),
+            ranges,
+            "abcdefghijabcdefghijabcdejabcdefghijabcdef",
+            kBigLength - (99 - 25),
+            kHttpResponsePartialContent);
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, MultiHttpFetcherLengthLimitTest) {
+  if (!this->test_.IsMulti())
+    return;
+  unique_ptr<HttpServer> server(this->test_.CreateServer());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+  vector<pair<off_t, off_t>> ranges;
+  ranges.push_back(make_pair(0, 24));
+  MultiTest(this->test_.NewLargeFetcher(),
+            this->test_.BigUrl(server->GetPort()),
+            ranges,
+            "abcdefghijabcdefghijabcd",
+            24,
+            kHttpResponsePartialContent);
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, MultiHttpFetcherMultiEndTest) {
+  if (!this->test_.IsMulti())
+    return;
+  unique_ptr<HttpServer> server(this->test_.CreateServer());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+  vector<pair<off_t, off_t>> ranges;
+  ranges.push_back(make_pair(kBigLength - 2, 0));
+  ranges.push_back(make_pair(kBigLength - 3, 0));
+  MultiTest(this->test_.NewLargeFetcher(),
+            this->test_.BigUrl(server->GetPort()),
+            ranges,
+            "ijhij",
+            5,
+            kHttpResponsePartialContent);
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, MultiHttpFetcherInsufficientTest) {
+  if (!this->test_.IsMulti())
+    return;
+  unique_ptr<HttpServer> server(this->test_.CreateServer());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+  vector<pair<off_t, off_t>> ranges;
+  ranges.push_back(make_pair(kBigLength - 2, 4));
+  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "i = " << i;
+    MultiTest(this->test_.NewLargeFetcher(),
+              this->test_.BigUrl(server->GetPort()),
+              ranges,
+              "ij",
+              2,
+              kHttpResponseUndefined);
+    ranges.push_back(make_pair(0, 5));
+  }
+// Issue #18143: when a fetch of a secondary chunk out of a chain, then it
+// should retry with other proxies listed before giving up.
+// (1) successful recovery: The offset fetch will fail twice but succeed with
+// the third proxy.
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, MultiHttpFetcherErrorIfOffsetRecoverableTest) {
+  if (!this->test_.IsMulti())
+    return;
+  unique_ptr<HttpServer> server(this->test_.CreateServer());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+  vector<pair<off_t, off_t>> ranges;
+  ranges.push_back(make_pair(0, 25));
+  ranges.push_back(make_pair(99, 0));
+  MultiTest(this->test_.NewLargeFetcher(3),
+            LocalServerUrlForPath(server->GetPort(),
+                                  base::StringPrintf("/error-if-offset/%d/2",
+                                                     kBigLength)),
+            ranges,
+            "abcdefghijabcdefghijabcdejabcdefghijabcdef",
+            kBigLength - (99 - 25),
+            kHttpResponsePartialContent);
+// (2) unsuccessful recovery: The offset fetch will fail repeatedly.  The
+// fetcher will signal a (failed) completed transfer to the delegate.
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, MultiHttpFetcherErrorIfOffsetUnrecoverableTest) {
+  if (!this->test_.IsMulti())
+    return;
+  unique_ptr<HttpServer> server(this->test_.CreateServer());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+  vector<pair<off_t, off_t>> ranges;
+  ranges.push_back(make_pair(0, 25));
+  ranges.push_back(make_pair(99, 0));
+  MultiTest(this->test_.NewLargeFetcher(2),
+            LocalServerUrlForPath(server->GetPort(),
+                                  base::StringPrintf("/error-if-offset/%d/3",
+                                                     kBigLength)),
+            ranges,
+            "abcdefghijabcdefghijabcde",  // only received the first chunk
+            25,
+            kHttpResponseUndefined);
+namespace {
+class BlockedTransferTestDelegate : public HttpFetcherDelegate {
+ public:
+  void ReceivedBytes(HttpFetcher* fetcher,
+                     const void* bytes, size_t length) override {
+  }
+  void TransferComplete(HttpFetcher* fetcher, bool successful) override {
+    EXPECT_FALSE(successful);
+    MessageLoop::current()->BreakLoop();
+  }
+  void TransferTerminated(HttpFetcher* fetcher) override {
+  }
+void BlockedTransferTestHelper(AnyHttpFetcherTest* fetcher_test,
+                               bool is_official_build) {
+  if (fetcher_test->IsMock() || fetcher_test->IsMulti())
+    return;
+  unique_ptr<HttpServer> server(fetcher_test->CreateServer());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(server->started_);
+  BlockedTransferTestDelegate delegate;
+  unique_ptr<HttpFetcher> fetcher(fetcher_test->NewLargeFetcher());
+  LOG(INFO) << "is_official_build: " << is_official_build;
+  // NewLargeFetcher creates the HttpFetcher* with a FakeSystemState.
+  dynamic_cast<FakeSystemState*>(fetcher->GetSystemState())
+      ->fake_hardware()->SetIsOfficialBuild(is_official_build);
+  fetcher->set_delegate(&delegate);
+  MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(
+      StartTransfer,
+      fetcher.get(),
+      LocalServerUrlForPath(server->GetPort(),
+                            fetcher_test->SmallUrl(server->GetPort()))));
+  MessageLoop::current()->Run();
+}  // namespace
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, BlockedTransferTest) {
+  BlockedTransferTestHelper(&this->test_, false);
+TYPED_TEST(HttpFetcherTest, BlockedTransferOfficialBuildTest) {
+  BlockedTransferTestHelper(&this->test_, true);
+}  // namespace chromeos_update_engine