Almost there...

git-svn-id: svn://chrome-svn/chromeos/trunk@24 06c00378-0e64-4dae-be16-12b19f9950a1
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15bd4fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "update_engine/decompressing_file_writer.h"
+namespace chromeos_update_engine {
+//  typedef struct z_stream_s {
+//      Bytef    *next_in;  /* next input byte */
+//      uInt     avail_in;  /* number of bytes available at next_in */
+//      uLong    total_in;  /* total nb of input bytes read so far */
+//      Bytef    *next_out; /* next output byte should be put there */
+//      uInt     avail_out; /* remaining free space at next_out */
+//      uLong    total_out; /* total nb of bytes output so far */
+//      char     *msg;      /* last error message, NULL if no error */
+//      struct internal_state FAR *state; /* not visible by applications */
+//      alloc_func zalloc;  /* used to allocate the internal state */
+//      free_func  zfree;   /* used to free the internal state */
+//      voidpf     opaque;  /* private data object passed to zalloc and zfree */
+//      int     data_type;  /* best guess about the data type: binary or text */
+//      uLong   adler;      /* adler32 value of the uncompressed data */
+//      uLong   reserved;   /* reserved for future use */
+//  } z_stream;
+int GzipDecompressingFileWriter::Write(const void* bytes, size_t count) {
+  // Steps:
+  // put the data on next_in
+  // call inflate until it returns nothing, each time writing what we get
+  // check that next_in has no data left.
+  // It seems that zlib can keep internal buffers in the stream object,
+  // so not all data we get fed to us this time will necessarily
+  // be written out this time (in decompressed form).
+  CHECK_EQ(0, stream_.avail_in);
+  char buf[1024];
+  buffer_.reserve(count);
+  buffer_.clear();
+  CHECK_GE(buffer_.capacity(), count);
+  const char* char_bytes = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(bytes);
+  buffer_.insert(buffer_.end(), char_bytes, char_bytes + count);
+  stream_.next_in = reinterpret_cast<Bytef*>(&buffer_[0]);
+  stream_.avail_in = count;
+  int retcode = Z_OK;
+  while (Z_OK == retcode) {
+    stream_.next_out = reinterpret_cast<Bytef*>(buf);
+    stream_.avail_out = sizeof(buf);
+    int retcode = inflate(&stream_, Z_NO_FLUSH);
+    // check for Z_STREAM_END, Z_OK, or Z_BUF_ERROR (which is non-fatal)
+    if (Z_STREAM_END != retcode && Z_OK != retcode && Z_BUF_ERROR != retcode) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "zlib inflate() error:" << retcode;
+      if (stream_.msg)
+        LOG(ERROR) << "message:" << stream_.msg;
+      return 0;
+    }
+    int count_received = sizeof(buf) - stream_.avail_out;
+    if (count_received > 0) {
+      next_->Write(buf, count_received);
+    } else {
+      // Inflate returned no data; we're done for now. Make sure no
+      // input data remain.
+      CHECK_EQ(0, stream_.avail_in);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return count;
+}  // namespace chromeos_update_engine