Record installation date and include it in every Omaha request.

Introduce a new state variable, install-date-days, to track the the
point in time that OOBE completed and include this value - if set - in
each Omaha request. This state variable tracks the number of PST8PDT
("Pacific Time") calendar weeks since Jan 1st 2007 0:00 PST, times
seven. It is included as an attribute of the <app> element, like this:

 <app appid="{...}" ... delta_okay="true" ... installdate="2590">

If the state variable is not set, the installdate attribute is not

For new installs (e.g. where OOBE is not complete), the
install-date-days variable is set from the "elapsed_days" value in the
Omaha response. In this case - which should be the majority going
forward - we don't rely on the local clock on the device at all.

On the other hand, for existing installs (e.g. where OOBE was
completed in an OS version not including this CL) and also new
installs where the update-check during OOBE failed (e.g. no network
connection), install-date-days is derived from the timestamp of the
/home/chronos/.oobe_completed marker file. This case obviously relies
on the local clock on the device being set correctly.

Also introduce a new metric, Installer.InstallDateProvisioningSource
to track how install-date-days is provisioned. This metric has two
possible values, kProvisionedFromOmahaResponse (0) and
kProvisionedFromOOBEMarker (1).

In addition to new unit tests, I tested this manually by munging the
/home/chronos/.oobe_completed and
/var/lib/update_engine/prefs/install-date-days files. Also, since
devserver does not send the "elapsed_days" value, I had to point
update_engine to the official Omaha server using the -omaha-url option
with the value.

TEST=New unit tests + unit tests pass + manual testing.

Change-Id: Id901059c4ab0f9184d1f4ddce72273d739e58224
Tested-by: David Zeuthen <>
Reviewed-by: David Zeuthen <>
Commit-Queue: David Zeuthen <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 19b7989..b2d655e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@
                  bool ping_only,
                  int ping_active_days,
                  int ping_roll_call_days,
+                 int install_date_in_days,
                  SystemState* system_state) {
   string app_body = GetAppBody(event, params, ping_only, ping_active_days,
                                ping_roll_call_days, system_state->prefs());
@@ -208,6 +209,14 @@
   string delta_okay_str = params->delta_okay() ? "true" : "false";
+  // If install_date_days is not set (e.g. its value is -1 ), don't
+  // include the attribute.
+  string install_date_in_days_str = "";
+  if (install_date_in_days >= 0) {
+    install_date_in_days_str = StringPrintf("installdate=\"%d\" ",
+                                            install_date_in_days);
+  }
   string app_xml =
       "    <app appid=\"" + XmlEncode(params->GetAppId()) + "\" " +
                 app_versions +
@@ -218,6 +227,7 @@
                 "delta_okay=\"" + delta_okay_str + "\" "
                 "fw_version=\"" + XmlEncode(params->fw_version()) + "\" " +
                 "ec_version=\"" + XmlEncode(params->ec_version()) + "\" " +
+                install_date_in_days_str +
                 ">\n" +
                    app_body +
       "    </app>\n";
@@ -243,10 +253,12 @@
                      bool ping_only,
                      int ping_active_days,
                      int ping_roll_call_days,
+                     int install_date_in_days,
                      SystemState* system_state) {
   string os_xml = GetOsXml(params);
   string app_xml = GetAppXml(event, params, ping_only, ping_active_days,
-                             ping_roll_call_days, system_state);
+                             ping_roll_call_days, install_date_in_days,
+                             system_state);
   string install_source = StringPrintf("installsource=\"%s\" ",
       (params->interactive() ? "ondemandupdate" : "scheduler"));
@@ -330,6 +342,70 @@
   ping_roll_call_days_ = CalculatePingDays(kPrefsLastRollCallPingDay);
+// static
+int OmahaRequestAction::GetInstallDate(SystemState* system_state) {
+  PrefsInterface* prefs = system_state->prefs();
+  if (prefs == NULL)
+    return -1;
+  // If we have the value stored on disk, just return it.
+  int64_t stored_value;
+  if (prefs->GetInt64(kPrefsInstallDateDays, &stored_value)) {
+    // Convert and sanity-check.
+    int install_date_days = static_cast<int>(stored_value);
+    if (install_date_days >= 0)
+      return install_date_days;
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Dropping stored Omaha InstallData since its value num_days="
+               << install_date_days << " looks suspicious.";
+    prefs->Delete(kPrefsInstallDateDays);
+  }
+  // Otherwise, if OOBE is not complete then do nothing and wait for
+  // ParseResponse() to call ParseInstallDate() and then
+  // PersistInstallDate() to set the kPrefsInstallDateDays state
+  // variable. Once that is done, we'll then report back in future
+  // Omaha requests.  This works exactly because OOBE triggers an
+  // update check.
+  //
+  // However, if OOBE is complete and the kPrefsInstallDateDays state
+  // variable is not set, there are two possibilities
+  //
+  //   1. The update check in OOBE failed so we never got a response
+  //      from Omaha (no network etc.); or
+  //
+  //   2. OOBE was done on an older version that didn't write to the
+  //      kPrefsInstallDateDays state variable.
+  //
+  // In both cases, we approximate the install date by simply
+  // inspecting the timestamp of when OOBE happened.
+  Time time_of_oobe;
+  if (!system_state->IsOOBEComplete(&time_of_oobe)) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "Not generating Omaha InstallData as we have "
+              << "no prefs file and OOBE is not complete.";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  int num_days;
+  if (!utils::ConvertToOmahaInstallDate(time_of_oobe, &num_days)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "Not generating Omaha InstallData from time of OOBE "
+               << "as its value '" << utils::ToString(time_of_oobe)
+               << "' looks suspicious.";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  // Persist this to disk, for future use.
+  if (!OmahaRequestAction::PersistInstallDate(system_state,
+                                              num_days,
+                                              kProvisionedFromOOBEMarker))
+    return -1;
+  LOG(INFO) << "Set the Omaha InstallDate from OOBE time-stamp to "
+            << num_days << " days";
+  return num_days;
 void OmahaRequestAction::PerformAction() {
@@ -339,11 +415,13 @@
     processor_->ActionComplete(this, kErrorCodeSuccess);
   string request_post(GetRequestXml(event_.get(),
+                                    GetInstallDate(system_state_),
   http_fetcher_->SetPostData(, request_post.size(),
@@ -483,6 +561,25 @@
   base::StringToInt(XmlGetProperty(update_check_node, "PollInterval"),
+  // Check for the "elapsed_days" attribute in the "daystart"
+  // element. This is the number of days since Jan 1 2007, 0:00
+  // PST. If we don't have a persisted value of the Omaha InstallDate,
+  // we'll use it to calculate it and then persist it.
+  if (ParseInstallDate(doc, output_object) && !HasInstallDate(system_state_)) {
+    // Since output_object->install_date_days is never negative, the
+    // elapsed_days -> install-date calculation is reduced to simply
+    // rounding down to the nearest number divisible by 7.
+    int remainder = output_object->install_date_days % 7;
+    int install_date_days_rounded =
+        output_object->install_date_days - remainder;
+    if (PersistInstallDate(system_state_,
+                           install_date_days_rounded,
+                           kProvisionedFromOmahaResponse)) {
+      LOG(INFO) << "Set the Omaha InstallDate from Omaha Response to "
+                << install_date_days_rounded << " days";
+    }
+  }
   if (!ParseStatus(update_check_node, output_object, completer))
     return false;
@@ -1135,6 +1232,67 @@
   return false;
+// static
+bool OmahaRequestAction::ParseInstallDate(xmlDoc* doc,
+                                          OmahaResponse* output_object) {
+  scoped_ptr_malloc<xmlXPathObject, ScopedPtrXmlXPathObjectFree>
+      xpath_nodeset(GetNodeSet(doc, ConstXMLStr("/response/daystart")));
+  if (xpath_nodeset.get() == NULL)
+    return false;
+  xmlNodeSet* nodeset = xpath_nodeset->nodesetval;
+  if (nodeset == NULL || nodeset->nodeNr < 1)
+    return false;
+  xmlNode* daystart_node = nodeset->nodeTab[0];
+  if (!xmlHasProp(daystart_node, ConstXMLStr("elapsed_days")))
+    return false;
+  int64_t elapsed_days = 0;
+  if (!base::StringToInt64(XmlGetProperty(daystart_node, "elapsed_days"),
+                           &elapsed_days))
+    return false;
+  if (elapsed_days < 0)
+    return false;
+  output_object->install_date_days = elapsed_days;
+  return true;
+// static
+bool OmahaRequestAction::HasInstallDate(SystemState *system_state) {
+  PrefsInterface* prefs = system_state->prefs();
+  if (prefs == NULL)
+    return false;
+  return prefs->Exists(kPrefsInstallDateDays);
+// static
+bool OmahaRequestAction::PersistInstallDate(
+    SystemState *system_state,
+    int install_date_days,
+    InstallDateProvisioningSource source) {
+  TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(install_date_days >= 0);
+  PrefsInterface* prefs = system_state->prefs();
+  if (prefs == NULL)
+    return false;
+  if (!prefs->SetInt64(kPrefsInstallDateDays, install_date_days))
+    return false;
+  string metric_name = "Installer.InstallDateProvisioningSource";
+  system_state->metrics_lib()->SendEnumToUMA(
+      metric_name,
+      static_cast<int>(source), // Sample.
+      kProvisionedMax);         // Maximum.
+  return true;
 }  // namespace chromeos_update_engine