Allow HTTP urls when device policy doesn't specify.


Change-Id: I638248dcbdbdaf48e38b79638b2348aa6c1400fb
Tested-by: Chris Sosa <>
Reviewed-by: Don Garrett <>
Commit-Queue: Chris Sosa <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 1d7e0fe..5fc35cf 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1065,12 +1065,11 @@
 void PayloadState::ComputeCandidateUrls() {
-  bool http_url_ok = false;
+  bool http_url_ok = true;
   if (system_state_->IsOfficialBuild()) {
     const policy::DevicePolicy* policy = system_state_->device_policy();
-    if (!(policy && policy->GetHttpDownloadsEnabled(&http_url_ok) &&
-          http_url_ok))
+    if (policy && policy->GetHttpDownloadsEnabled(&http_url_ok) && !http_url_ok)
       LOG(INFO) << "Downloads via HTTP Url are not enabled by device policy";
   } else {
     LOG(INFO) << "Allowing HTTP downloads for unofficial builds";
diff --git a/ b/
index 8fffab9..d4eaa5b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1087,12 +1087,24 @@
   policy::MockDevicePolicy disable_http_policy;
   EXPECT_CALL(mock_system_state, device_policy())
+  EXPECT_TRUE(payload_state.Initialize(&mock_system_state));
+  // Test with no device policy. Should default to allowing http.
+  EXPECT_CALL(disable_http_policy, GetHttpDownloadsEnabled(_))
+      .WillRepeatedly(Return(false));
+  // Set the first response.
+  SetupPayloadStateWith2Urls("Hash8433", true, &payload_state, &response);
+  // Check that we use the HTTP URL since there is no value set for allowing
+  // http.
+  EXPECT_EQ("http://test", payload_state.GetCurrentUrl());
+  // Test with device policy not allowing http updates.
   EXPECT_CALL(disable_http_policy, GetHttpDownloadsEnabled(_))
       .WillRepeatedly(DoAll(SetArgumentPointee<0>(false), Return(true)));
-  EXPECT_TRUE(payload_state.Initialize(&mock_system_state));
-  // Set the first response.
+  // Reset state and set again.
   SetupPayloadStateWith2Urls("Hash8433", false, &payload_state, &response);
   // Check that we skip the HTTP URL and use only the HTTPS url.