Revert "Detect factory reset and deleteAllKeys"

Revert "Add deleteAllKeys to IKeystoreMaintenance"

Revert "Enable deleteAllKeys from vold"

Revert "Allow vold to deleteAllKeys in Keystore"

Revert submission 15521094-vold-deleteAllKeys

Reason for revert: Causes infinite loop in Trusty KeyMint
Reverted Changes:
I9c5c54714:Detect factory reset and deleteAllKeys
I2fb0e94db:Allow vold to deleteAllKeys in Keystore
Id23f25c69:Add deleteAllKeys to IKeystoreMaintenance
Ife779307d:Enable deleteAllKeys from vold
I4312b9a11:Enable deleteAllKeys from vold

Bug: 187105270
Change-Id: I8e2621bef234d0a59be422b8d1d8d52a91378a5e
3 files changed