Ignore too-early earlyBootEnded on FDE devices

Don't call IKeystoreMaintenance::earlyBootEnded() too early on FDE
devices, so that keystore2 doesn't have to be restarted.

Bug: 192090857
Test: Tested FDE on Cuttlefish, both first and non-first boots.
      Verified via log that earlyBootEnded is now called only when it
      should be, and that keystore2 no longer has to be restarted.
Change-Id: I03f816db194a8276ad19ca99b3c8894e8a5fed23
(cherry picked from commit 4859e0ca0f7fc5da217e8b388da76ece41dd726e)
Merged-In: I03f816db194a8276ad19ca99b3c8894e8a5fed23
1 file changed