weaved: Uprev libweave and fix public interfaces

libweave includes these two new commits now:
- 11956f74 Added version field to state and migrate from unversioned data
- c37cbb8b Use single callback for replies to async operations

Change-Id: I67f67c735b538c2a4dc161464ac7796c4d114ca6
diff --git a/buffet/manager.h b/buffet/manager.h
index 2a2b634..2dc06e8 100644
--- a/buffet/manager.h
+++ b/buffet/manager.h
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@
                       const std::vector<uint8_t>& code);
   void OnPairingEnd(const std::string& session_id);
+  void RegisterDeviceDone(DBusMethodResponsePtr<std::string> response,
+                          weave::ErrorPtr error);
   Options options_;
   com::android::Weave::ManagerAdaptor dbus_adaptor_{this};