system/weaved: Make weaved compile and run on Brillo

This is an intermediate step in making weaved daemon compile
and run on Brillo. Right now it starts up successfully at system

Now we just need to hook it up to other system components such as
web server, avahi, etc.

Bug: 23113639
Change-Id: I163e2558ff2a2ed800d8e4eb28fab727bf844602
diff --git a/buffet/manager.h b/buffet/manager.h
index 43ba202..a72b1af 100644
--- a/buffet/manager.h
+++ b/buffet/manager.h
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
 class BuffetConfig;
 class DBusCommandDispacher;
 class HttpTransportClient;
-//class PeerdClient;
-//class ShillClient;
+class MdnsClient;
+class NetworkClient;
 //class WebServClient;
 struct BuffetConfigPaths;
@@ -125,11 +125,9 @@
   class TaskRunner;
   std::unique_ptr<TaskRunner> task_runner_;
   std::unique_ptr<HttpTransportClient> http_client_;
-//  std::unique_ptr<ShillClient> shill_client_;
-//  std::unique_ptr<PeerdClient> peerd_client_;
+  std::unique_ptr<NetworkClient> network_client_;
+  std::unique_ptr<MdnsClient> mdns_client_;
 //  std::unique_ptr<WebServClient> web_serv_client_;
   std::unique_ptr<BuffetConfig> config_;
   std::unique_ptr<weave::Device> device_;
   std::unique_ptr<DBusCommandDispacher> command_dispatcher_;