[automerger skipped] Rename VTS to VTS10 am: 8d856815bf am: 4e68dfd373 am: 8849e91580 am: 8e798906ef am: 2dbc23aee4 am: cf12a15027 am: eb1f9a0a0f am: 9be2fe7859 -s ours

am skip reason: Change-Id I7326a44102ce77e9ee2b785fa5fbf29c9fa150d8 with SHA-1 8849e91580 is in history

Change-Id: I78cc3876208a3850bfca81f46556f8cd5c7b3f39
tree: bea3a650bda97179cff8e30d528e6154e3800649
  1. build/
  2. harnesses/
  3. host_setup/
  4. script/
  5. tools/
  6. .clang-format
  7. .gitignore
  9. PREUPLOAD.cfg
  10. README.md

Android Vendor Test Suite (VTS) Lab

VTS Lab is an open source test serving infrastructure that can be used to streamline VTS and CTS-on-GSI (General System Image) tests.