Update script to create test configure files for extension hals

* For a extension hal, need to pass the option --package_root and
  --path_root to specify the hal package prefix and the root path to the
  .hal files.
* User could specify --test_configure_dir for directory to store the
  configure files. If not specified, the configure files will be stored
  under the same directory stores the .hal files.
* User could specify --test_binary_file for target-side test. If not
  specified, the script will try to find the test binary under
  /vts/function/ of the direcory that stores the .hal files.
* User could specify --test_script_file for host-side test. If not
  specified, the script will try to find the test script under the test
  configure dir.
* For google defined Hals under hardware/interfaces, the usage is the
  same as before.

* Example, to launch target-side test for hal
  --package_root com.qualcomm.qti --path_root
  --test_binary_file VtsHalQcrilQcrilhookV1_0TargetTest.cpp

Bug: 78142345
Test: ./test/vts-testcase/hal/script/launch_hal_test.py
      --package_root com.qualcomm.qti --path_root
      --test_binary_file VtsHalQcrilQcrilhookV1_0TargetTest.cpp

Change-Id: I189eb7f9b24d4264dbd899660c02722119a9a5cf
5 files changed