Detect f2fs compression supported by fs but not kernel

Make vts_kernel_encryption_test correctly skip itself, rather than fail,
if the filesystem has the compression feature flag enabled but the
kernel doesn't have CONFIG_F2FS_FS_COMPRESSION enabled.

Bug: 237573805
Test: 'atest -v vts_kernel_encryption_test' on Cuttlefish with the
      android13-5.15 kernel with and without CONFIG_F2FS_FS_COMPRESSION.
Change-Id: Ia83dcb30c4159772cd128b48457600c29eefaed7
(cherry picked from commit b214021e71ff09a491477642ece58d23b22e378a)
Merged-In: Ia83dcb30c4159772cd128b48457600c29eefaed7
1 file changed