VTS User Manual

Linux is officially supported for building and running VTS. Building on Windows is not supported, but it is possible to run VTS on Windows with Python, Java, and ADB installed.

The following instructions assume Linux environment.

1. Setup

1.1. Host setup

Please follow:

(Optional) During VTS test runs, required Python packages are downloaded from the Python Package Index. There is an option to instead install these packages from a local directory during test runtime by predownloading the packages. First run the lunch command, then set an environment variable VTS_PYPI_PATH as a new local directory to host the Python packages. Then run the download-pypi-packages.sh script:

  • $ cd ${branch}

  • $ . test/vts/script/download-pypi-packages.sh

1.2. Checkout master git repository

Download Android Source Code

$ export branch=master

$ mkdir ${branch}

$ cd ${branch}

$ repo init -b ${branch} -u persistent https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest

$ repo sync -j 8

1.3. Build an Android image

$ cd ${branch}

$ . build/make/envsetup.sh

$ lunch aosp_arm64-userdebug # or <your device>-userdebug

The below is an optional step:

$ make -j 8

If this fails, please do:

$ repo sync -j 8

$ make -j 8

Such can happen because tip of tree (ToT) may not always be buildable.

1.4. Build a VTS package

$ cd ${branch}

$ make vts -j8

Or use the exact command:

$ make -j8 vts showcommands dist TARGET_PRODUCT=aosp_arm64 WITH_DEXPREOPT=false TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=userdebug

1.5. Connect to an Android device

Let's connect an Android device and a host computer using a USB cable.

  • On an Android device, Setting -> About Phone -> Click repeatedly 'Build number' until developer mode is enabled.
  • On an Android device, Setting -> Developer options -> Turn on 'USB debugging'
  • On a host, run adb devices from a command line shell.
  • On a Android device, confirm that the host is trusted.
  • On a host, type adb shell and if that works, we're ready.

2. Run VTS Tests

2.1. Run a VTS test plan

For Linux users,

$ vts-tradefed

> run vts

For Windows users, please build on Linux. Then copy the following zip file to Windows and extract it.


Launch the batch file in the extracted folder.

$ android-vts\tools\vts-tradefed_win.bat

> run vts

Example stdout:

08-16 09:36:03 I/ResultReporter: Saved logs for device_logcat in .../out/host/linux-x86/vts/android-vts/logs/2016.08.16_09.17.13/device_logcat_7912321856562095748.zip
08-16 09:36:03 I/ResultReporter: Saved logs for host_log in .../out/host/linux-x86/vts/android-vts/logs/2016.08.16_09.17.13/host_log_2775945280523850018.zip
08-16 09:36:04 I/ResultReporter: Invocation finished in 18m 50s. PASSED: 18, FAILED: 0, NOT EXECUTED: 2, MODULES: 8 of 10
08-16 09:36:04 I/ResultReporter: Test Result: .../out/host/linux-x86/vts/android-vts/results/2016.08.16_09.17.13/test_result.xml
08-16 09:36:04 I/ResultReporter: Full Result: .../out/host/linux-x86/vts/android-vts/results/2016.08.16_09.17.13.zip

2.2. Test report for APFE (Android Partner Front-End)

The uploadable report xml file can be found at


After Android O release, you will be able to upload that xml file to AFPE and obtain a certificate.

2.3. Check the test logs

$ vi out/host/linux-x86/vts/android-vts/logs/

Then select a directory which captures the time stamp of your test run (e.g., 2016.08.16_09.17.13).

Then select host_log_<timestamp>.zip and host_log.txt in that zip file for host log.

Then select device_logcat_<timestamp>.zip and device_logcat.txt in that zip file for device log.

3. Run Options for Advanced Users

3.1. List of VTS Plans

Documented at here.

3.2. Run kernel test cases

LTP (Linux Test Project) is part of vts-kernel. This doc shows how to run each LTP test case.

4. Debugging

4.1. Run VTS tests directly for debugging

Run directly from command line