implementation of CALL_FUNCTION

at this stage, the host-side runner can load a target HAL,
finds all its interface functions, and even call a selected function.

Change-Id: Ic19a29f07d36f86ecabdc24261917c4526a3ff7e
10 files changed
tree: 75c8e9464b94a258e5e12d48859dbf669ef39e2a
  1. agents/
  2. harnesses/
  3. runners/
  4. sysfuzzer/
  5. testcases/
  6. tools/

Android Vendor Test Suite (VTS)

VTS consists of a set of testing frameworks and testcases, designed to help Android SoC Vendors, Device Manufactures, OEMs, and other partners enhance the robustness, reliability, and compatibility of:

  • the Android system (e.g., HALs and libraries) and
  • low-level system software (e.g., kernel, module, and firmware).

VTS has manily two types of test suites:

  • automated (e.g., fuzzing) and
  • structural (e.g., gTest) testing.

Everyone can download the VTS package from the AOSP website, and run the VTS tests in order to produce a VTS report, which can be submitted to the Android Partner Engineering to obtain a certificate.