Change-Id: I70a96221faf231b152534ca39e6d859ee93b8e25
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c12a91a
--- /dev/null
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+# Android Vendor Test Suite (VTS)
+VTS consists of a set of testing frameworks and testcases, designed to help
+Android SoC Vendors, Device Manufactures, OEMs, and other partners
+enhance the robustness, reliability, and compatibility of:
+ * the Android system (e.g., HALs and libraries) and
+ * low-level system software (e.g., kernel, module, and firmware).
+VTS has manily two types of test suites:
+ * automated (e.g., fuzzing) and
+ * structural (e.g., gTest) testing.
+Everyone can download the VTS package from the AOSP website, and
+run the VTS tests in order to produce a VTS report,
+which can be submitted to the Android Partner Engineering
+to obtain a certificate.