Permit slashes in soundcard description

Cuttlefish recently switched to virtio-snd, which presents itself like
this in /proc/asound/cards:

 0 [SoundCard      ]: virtio-snd - VirtIO SoundCard
                      VirtIO SoundCard at pci/0000:00:16.0/virtio21

Our test for this proc file didn't account for the description field
having forward slashes, leading to parser errors. Fix it.

Bug: 198461504
Bug: 240931014
Change-Id: I498114fa0e4c010dab5dd6c6e8d28e414c1ab6fc
1 file changed
tree: ec697dbe81c91827fc86bd2c23993528c3aa74d9
  1. agents/
  2. compilation_tools/
  3. doc/
  4. drivers/
  5. hals/
  6. harnesses/
  7. prebuilts/
  8. proto/
  9. runners/
  10. script/
  11. specification/
  12. testcases/
  13. tools/
  14. utils/
  15. .clang-format
  16. .gitignore
  18. OWNERS
  19. PREUPLOAD.cfg

Android Vendor Test Suite (VTS)

VTS consists of a set of testing frameworks and test cases, designed to help enhance the robustness, reliability, and compliance of:

  • the Android system (e.g., Core HALs and libraries) and
  • low-level system software (e.g., kernel, module, and firmware).

VTS has mainly two types of test suites:

  • automated (e.g., record-and-replay and fuzzing) and
  • structural (e.g., gTest and host-driven python) testing.

While the VTS framework and test cases are designed for userdebug or eng build devices, some test cases can be run on user build devices using its app namely, VTS Agent App.

Table of Contents

  1. VTS User Manual
  2. Where to find VTS test cases
  3. VTS Test Developer Manual (Codelab)