Creating remote instance with compressed local image.

- Previously when running "acloud create --local-image" but
  there is no image in $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT, an instruction
  "m dist" will be given but the build time is rather lengthy.
  This CL instruct users to "make" which shrinks the build time.
- Assist users to create a remote instance from a local built image.
- Refactor the logic of verifying gce local images into avd_spec.

Bug: 119424219
Bug: 126005308

Test: atest acloud_test &&
      m clean && m acloud && acloud-dev create --local-image
      # will see "make" instruction.
      make && acloud-dev create --local-image
      # will run successfully.

Change-Id: I98884879b7aeb480053c960fb9151d0044aeee91
17 files changed