Add DAC switcher script

This script adds a HTML snippet to the generated reference docs at  The snippet renders HTML that adds links to toggle between the Java and Kotlin versions of the page.

Bug: 128540915
Test: N/A
Change-Id: I9f00a81b88c3d12193165d89472975908d5c5f5d
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07b1ed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+import getopt
+import os
+import sys
+global stubs
+global java_stubs, kotlin_stubs
+global work, verbose, show_solo, max_stubs
+global java_source_abs_path
+global kotlin_source_abs_path
+verbose = False  # set True to list all files as they are stubbed (--verbose)
+work = False  # set True to insert stubs, False to do a dry run for stats (--work)
+show_solo = False  # set True to list files that only appear in one language, rather than both (--solo)
+max_stubs = 0  # set positive to create a limited number of stubs (--max 12)
+# You must run the script from the refodcs reference/ root directory
+java_ref_root = os.getcwd()
+kotlin_ref_root = os.path.join(java_ref_root, "kotlin")
+root = os.path.split(java_ref_root)[1]
+if root != "reference":
+  print ("You must cd to the refocs reference/ root directoy")
+  sys.exit()
+# This method uses switcher2, which assumes the refdocs stay in their current
+# assymetrical dirs (ref/android and ref/kotlin/android)
+# And just puts the switcher in the existing docs
+def insert_stub(doc, java, both):
+  global stubs
+  global java_stubs, kotlin_stubs
+  global verbose, work, show_solo
+  global java_source_abs_path
+  global kotlin_source_abs_path
+  stubs = stubs+1
+  if verbose:
+    print "File: ", stubs, doc
+  else:
+    fn  = os.path.split(doc)
+    print "File: ", stubs, fn[1], "\r",
+  if (java):
+      java_stubs = java_stubs + 1
+  else:
+      kotlin_stubs = kotlin_stubs + 1
+  if (work):
+    if (java):
+      file_path = doc[len(java_ref_root)+1:]
+      stub = doc.replace(java_source_abs_path, kotlin_source_abs_path)
+      if (both):
+        slug1 = "sed -i 's/<\/h1>/{}/' {}".format("<\/h1>\\n{% setvar page_path %}_page_path_{% endsetvar %}\\n{% setvar can_switch %}1{% endsetvar %}\\n{% include \"reference\/\" %}",doc)
+      else:
+        slug1 = "sed -i 's/<\/h1>/{}/' {}".format("<\/h1>\\n{% include \"reference\/\" %}",doc)
+    else:
+      file_path = doc[len(kotlin_ref_root)+1:]
+      stub = doc.replace(kotlin_source_abs_path, java_source_abs_path)
+      if (both):
+        slug1 = "sed -i 's/<\/h1>/{}/' {}".format("<\/h1>\\n{% setvar page_path %}_page_path_{% endsetvar %}\\n{% setvar can_switch %}1{% endsetvar %}\\n{% include \"reference\/\" %}",doc)
+      else:
+        slug1 = "sed -i 's/<\/h1>/{}/' {}".format("<\/h1>\\n{% include \"reference\/\" %}",doc)
+    os.system(slug1)
+    if (both):
+      page_path_slug = "sed -i 's/_page_path_/{}/' {}".format(file_path.replace("/","\/"),doc)
+      os.system(page_path_slug)
+def scan_files(stem):
+  global work, verbose, show_solo, max_stubs
+  global stubs
+  global java_stubs, kotlin_stubs
+  global java_source_abs_path
+  global kotlin_source_abs_path
+  java_source_abs_path = os.path.join(java_ref_root, stem)
+  kotlin_source_abs_path = os.path.join(kotlin_ref_root, stem)
+  # Pass 1
+  # Loop over java content, create stubs for java,
+  # and for corresponding Kotlin (when it exsits)
+  # solo is java-only classes
+  # both is java+kotlin
+  stubs = 0
+  java_stubs = 0
+  kotlin_stubs = 0
+  solo = 0
+  both = 0
+  print "*** PASS1 (Java) ***"
+  maxed_out = False
+  for root, dirs, files in os.walk(java_source_abs_path):
+      if maxed_out:
+        break;
+      for file_ in files:
+        ext = os.path.splitext(file_)
+        ext = ext[1]
+        if not ext:
+          # this catches package-lists with no extension
+          print "***", os.path.join(root, file_)
+        elif ext != ".html":
+          # filter out png, yaml, etc
+          continue
+        else:
+          # we have java content
+          doc = os.path.join(root, file_)
+          # look for matching kotlin file
+          kotlinsource = doc.replace(java_source_abs_path, kotlin_source_abs_path)
+          if os.path.isfile(kotlinsource):
+             # corresponding kotlin content exists
+             insert_stub(doc, True, True)
+             insert_stub(kotlinsource, False, True)
+             both = both+1
+          else:
+            # no kotlin content
+            if (show_solo):
+              print "solo: ", doc
+            insert_stub(doc, True, False)
+            solo = solo+1
+          if max_stubs>0 and stubs>=max_stubs:
+            print
+            print "max java stubs: ", max_stubs
+            maxed_out = True;
+            break
+  print "Java+Kotlin:", both, "Only Java:", solo
+  print
+  # PASS 2
+  # Loop over kotlin content, create stubs for Kotlin-only APIs
+  print "*** PASS2 (Kotlin) ***"
+  solo = 0
+  both = 0
+  maxed_out = False
+  stubs = 0
+  for root, dirs, files in os.walk(kotlin_source_abs_path):
+      if maxed_out:
+        break;
+      for file_ in files:
+        ext = os.path.splitext (file_)
+        ext = ext[1]
+        if not ext:
+          # this catches package-lists with no extension
+          print "***", os.path.join(root, file_)
+        elif ext != ".html":
+          # filter out png, yaml, etc
+          continue
+        else:
+          # we have kotlin content
+          doc = os.path.join(root, file_)
+          javadoc = doc.replace(kotlin_source_abs_path, java_source_abs_path)
+          file_name = os.path.splitext(file_)[0]
+          file_path = doc[len(kotlin_source_abs_path)+1:]
+          include_path = os.path.join("/reference/_kotlin", file_path)
+          if os.path.isfile(javadoc):
+             # corresponding java content exists
+             # so we already created the kotlin stub file
+             # nothing to do
+             both = both+1
+          else:
+            # no java content
+            # create the kotlin stub file
+            if (show_solo):
+              print "solo: ", doc
+            insert_stub(doc , False, False)
+            solo = solo+1
+          if (max_stubs>0 and stubs>=max_stubs):
+            print
+            print "max koltin stubs: ", max_stubs
+            maxed_out = True;
+            break
+  print "Java+Kotlin:", both, "Only Kotlin:", solo
+  print
+  print "Java: ", java_stubs, " Kotlin: ", kotlin_stubs, "Total: ", java_stubs + kotlin_stubs
+def main(argv):
+  global work, verbose, show_solo, max_stubs
+  global java_source_abs_path
+  global kotlin_source_abs_path
+  stem = ""
+  try:
+    opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"",["work","verbose","solo","max="])
+  except getopt.GetoptError:
+    print 'USAGE: switcher --work --verbose --solo --max=<max_stubs> platform|androidx|support|chrome'
+    sys.exit(2)
+  for opt, arg in opts:
+    if opt == '--work':
+       work = True
+    elif opt == "--verbose":
+       print "verbose"
+       verbose = True
+    elif opt == "--solo":
+       print "verbose"
+       show_solo = True
+    elif opt == "--max":
+       max_stubs = int(arg)
+       print "max ", max_stubs
+  if len(args)>0:
+    source = args[0]
+    if source == "platform":
+      stem = "android"
+      print
+      print "*** PLATFORM PAGES ***"
+      print "======================"
+    elif source == "androidx":
+      stem = "androidx"
+      print
+      print "======================================"
+    elif source == "support":
+      stem = "android/support/v4/media"
+      print
+      print "======================================"
+    elif source == "chrome":
+      stem = "org/chromium/support_lib_boundary"
+      print
+      print "*** ANDROIDX CHROMIUM PAGES ***"
+      print "==============================="
+  if (len(stem)>0):
+    scan_files(stem)
+    print " *** DONE ***"
+  else:
+      print 'You must specify one of: platform|androidx|support|chrome'
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+   main(sys.argv[1:])