[Test] Additional MAC randomization acts tests

Adding tests for SoftAp, scanning, plus some refactoring.

Also, in the existing implementation getting the current MAC address
using getConnectionInfo is flaky(see b/123355618). Modified code to get
this information using ifconfig instead.

Bug: 129076522
Bug: 123355618
Test: run "root@chromeos1-dev-test-server:~/Desktop# act.py -c
android_wifi_sanity.config -tb chromeos1-dev-test-station-3 -tc
WifiMacRandomizationTest" All tests were passing

Change-Id: I39dc074e138ff3e067236aaa8f7abcbeb3cab311
1 file changed
tree: 84557b35ec8652c7fc1afd3e06f0b6627727f047
  1. acts/
  2. tools/
  3. wts-acts/
  4. Android.mk
  6. PREUPLOAD.cfg