Merge both CEP and none-CEP cases into merge functions

Reason to do this:
1. It's difficult to know whether a carrier supports CEP or not without trial.
2. Each current test case of conference call related to call merge has to be divided into 2 cases "CEP" or "no CEP". This makes the customaization of the test campaign trivial.
3. Whether a carrier supports CEP or not can be actually distinguished by proper algorithm automatically, and it does not impact the test result, either.

Bug: None
Test: yes locally
Change-Id: I8824a9bef2141364a7ec354d4ea52a1c8fd86592
1 file changed
tree: 831e902208f74750c8cfe455a2a9797c2696ea95
  1. acts/
  2. tools/
  3. wts-acts/
  6. PREUPLOAD.cfg