Power Tests for A2DP Stream with different codec

Add 42 test cases for
    5 codec values:
       SBC, AAC, Aptx, Aptx-HD & LDAC
    4 sample rate values:
       44.1, 48.0, 88.2 & 96.0 KHz
    3 bit per sample values:
       16, 24 & 32 Bits
    2 types of music file formats:
       44.1KHz/16Bits & 96KHz/24Bits
    2 baseline test cases

Test: Done
Bug: 34744781
Change-Id: I3e342dca014f6fe616e144a051d5509386b7d5d7
diff --git a/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/bt/PowerBaseTest.py b/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/bt/PowerBaseTest.py
index e702422..b983067 100644
--- a/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/bt/PowerBaseTest.py
+++ b/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/bt/PowerBaseTest.py
@@ -55,7 +55,10 @@
     PMC_VERBOSE_CMD = "setprop log.tag.PMC VERBOSE"
     def setup_class(self):
-        super(PowerBaseTest, self).setup_class()
+        # Not to call Base class setup_class()
+        # since it removes the bonded devices
+        for ad in self.android_devices:
+            sync_device_time(ad)
         self.ad = self.android_devices[0]
         self.mon = self.monsoons[0]
@@ -83,6 +86,7 @@
         set_phone_screen_on(self.log, self.ad, self.SCREEN_TIME_OFF)
         # Start PMC app.
+        self.log.info("Start PMC app...")
         wutils.wifi_toggle_state(self.ad, False)
diff --git a/acts/tests/google/bt/power/A2dpPowerTest.py b/acts/tests/google/bt/power/A2dpPowerTest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dc246b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/acts/tests/google/bt/power/A2dpPowerTest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1232 @@
+#/usr/bin/env python3.4
+# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+# use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+# the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+# the License.
+This test script exercises power test scenarios for A2DP streaming with
+   5 codec types, 4 sample rate values, 3 bits per sample values,
+   2 music file types and 3 LDAC playback quality values.
+This test script was designed with this setup in mind:
+Shield box one: Android Device, headset and Monsoon tool box
+import json
+import os
+import time
+from acts import logger
+from acts.controllers import monsoon
+from acts.keys import Config
+from acts.test_decorators import test_tracker_info
+from acts.test_utils.bt.BleEnum import ScanSettingsScanMode
+from acts.test_utils.bt.BluetoothBaseTest import BluetoothBaseTest
+from acts.test_utils.bt.PowerBaseTest import PowerBaseTest
+from acts.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import bluetooth_enabled_check
+from acts.test_utils.bt.bt_test_utils import disable_bluetooth
+def push_file_to_device(ad, file_path, device_path, config_path):
+    """Utility functions to push a file to android device
+    Args:
+        ad: Device for file push
+        file_path: File path for the file to be pushed to the device
+        device_path: File path on the device as destination
+    Returns:
+        True if successful, False if unsuccessful.
+    """
+    if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
+        file_path = os.path.join(config_path, file_path)
+        if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
+            return False
+    ad.adb.push("{} {}".format(file_path, device_path))
+    return True
+class A2dpPowerTest(PowerBaseTest):
+    # Time for playing music in seconds
+    PLAY_TIME = 3600
+    # Power mesaurement start time in seconds
+    START_TIME = 30
+    WAIT_TIME = 10
+    # Base command for PMC
+    PMC_BASE_CMD = ("am broadcast -a com.android.pmc.A2DP --es MusicURL")
+    # Codec Types
+    CODEC_SBC = 0
+    CODEC_AAC = 1
+    CODEC_APTX = 2
+    CODEC_APTX_HD = 3
+    CODEC_LDAC = 4
+    # Music sample rates
+    SAMPLE_RATE_44100 = 0x1 << 0
+    SAMPLE_RATE_48000 = 0x1 << 1
+    SAMPLE_RATE_88200 = 0x1 << 2
+    SAMPLE_RATE_96000 = 0x1 << 3
+    # Bits per sample
+    BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16 = 0x1 << 0
+    BITS_PER_SAMPLE_24 = 0x1 << 1
+    BITS_PER_SAMPLE_32 = 0x1 << 2
+    # LDAC playback quality:
+    # For High Quality
+    LDACBT_EQMID_HQ = 1000
+    # For Standard Quality
+    LDACBT_EQMID_SQ = 1001
+    # For Mobile Use Quality
+    LDACBT_EQMID_MQ = 1002
+    # LDAC playback quality constant for the codecs other than LDAC
+    LDACBT_NONE = 0
+    def setup_class(self):
+        self.ad = self.android_devices[0]
+        bt_device_address = self.user_params["bt_device_address"]
+        # Push the bt_config.conf file to Android device
+        # if it is specified in config file
+        # so it can pair and connect automatically.
+        # Because of bug 34933072 AK XB10 and Sony XB2 may not be able to
+        # reconnect after flashing a new build and pushing bt_config
+        # so just manually pair/connect before running the tests
+        bt_conf_path_dut = "/data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.conf"
+        bt_config_path = None
+        try:
+            bt_config_path = self.user_params["bt_config"]
+        except KeyError:
+            self.log.info("No bt_config is specified in config file")
+        if bt_config_path != None:
+            self.log.info(
+                "Push bt_config file so it will connect automatically")
+            if not push_file_to_device(
+                    self.ad, bt_config_path, bt_conf_path_dut,
+                    self.user_params[Config.key_config_path]):
+                self.log.error("Unable to push file {} to DUT.".format(
+                    bt_config_path))
+            self.log.info("Reboot")
+            self.ad.reboot()
+        # Add music files to the Android device
+        music_path_dut = "/sdcard/Music/"
+        self.cd_quality_music_file = self.user_params["cd_quality_music_file"]
+        self.log.info("Push CD quality music file {}".format(
+            self.cd_quality_music_file))
+        if not push_file_to_device(self.ad, self.cd_quality_music_file,
+                                   music_path_dut,
+                                   self.user_params[Config.key_config_path]):
+            self.log.error("Unable to push file {} to DUT.".format(
+                self.cd_quality_music_file))
+        self.hi_res_music_file = self.user_params["hi_res_music_file"]
+        self.log.info("Push Hi Res quality music file {}".format(
+            self.hi_res_music_file))
+        if not push_file_to_device(self.ad, self.hi_res_music_file,
+                                   music_path_dut,
+                                   self.user_params[Config.key_config_path]):
+            self.log.error("Unable to find file {}.".format(
+                self.hi_res_music_file))
+        if not bluetooth_enabled_check(self.ad):
+            self.log.error("Failed to enable Bluetooth on DUT")
+            return False
+        # Verify Bluetooth device is connected
+        self.log.info(
+            "Waiting up to {} seconds for device to reconnect.".format(
+                self.WAIT_TIME))
+        start_time = time.time()
+        result = False
+        while time.time() < start_time + self.WAIT_TIME:
+            connected_devices = self.ad.droid.bluetoothGetConnectedDevices()
+            if len(connected_devices) > 0:
+                result = True
+                break
+            try:
+                self.ad.droid.bluetoothConnectBonded(self.user_params[
+                    "bt_device_address"])
+            except Exception as err:
+                self.log.error(
+                    "Failed to connect bonded device. Err: {}".format(err))
+        if not result:
+            self.log.error("No headset is connected")
+            return False
+        # Then do other power testing setup in the base class
+        # including start PMC etc
+        super(A2dpPowerTest, self).setup_class()
+        return True
+    def _main_power_test_function_for_codec(self,
+                                            codec_type,
+                                            sample_rate,
+                                            bits_per_sample,
+                                            music_file,
+                                            ldac_playback_quality=LDACBT_NONE,
+                                            not_play=False,
+                                            mute=False):
+        """Main util function for power test of A2dp with different codec.
+        Steps:
+        1. Prepare adb shell command
+        2. Send the adb shell command to PMC
+        3. PMC will create Media Player and set the codec info
+        4. PMC start first alarm to start music
+        5. After first alarm triggered it start the second alarm to stop music
+        6. Save the power usage data into log file
+        Args:
+            codec_type: Codec Type - SBC, ACC, AptX, AptX-HD or LDAC
+            sample_rate: Sample Rate - 44.1, 48.0, 88.2, 96.0 Khz
+            bits_per_sample: Bits per Sample - 16, 24, 32 bits
+            music_file: a music file with CD quality (44.1KHz/16bits) or
+                        Hi Res quality (96KHz/24bits)
+            ldac_playback_quality: LDACBT_EQMID_HQ, LDACBT_EQMID_SQ,
+                                   LDACBT_EQMID_MQ
+            not_play: for baseline case when MediaPlayer is not play
+            mute: for baseline case when BT is off
+        Returns:
+            None
+        """
+        # Get the base name of music file
+        music_name = os.path.basename(music_file)
+        self.music_url = "file:///sdcard/Music/{}".format(music_name)
+        first_part_msg = "%s %s --es StartTime %d --es PlayTime %d --es" % (
+            self.PMC_BASE_CMD, self.music_url, self.START_TIME, self.PLAY_TIME)
+        sec_part_msg = "%s  CodecType %d --es SampleRate %d" % (
+            first_part_msg, codec_type, sample_rate)
+        third_part_msg = "%s --es BitsPerSample %d" % (sec_part_msg,
+                                                       bits_per_sample)
+        if codec_type == self.CODEC_LDAC:
+            fourth_part_msg = "%s --es LdacPlaybackQuality %d" % (
+                third_part_msg, ldac_playback_quality)
+        else:
+            fourth_part_msg = third_part_msg
+        if not_play == True:
+            fifth_part_msg = "%s --es NotPlay %d" % (fourth_part_msg, 1)
+        else:
+            fifth_part_msg = fourth_part_msg
+        if mute == True:
+            msg = "%s --es Mute %d" % (fifth_part_msg, 1)
+        else:
+            msg = fifth_part_msg
+        self.ad.log.info("Send broadcast message: %s", msg)
+        self.ad.adb.shell(msg)
+        # Start the power measurement
+        result = self.mon.measure_power(self.POWER_SAMPLING_RATE,
+                                        self.PLAY_TIME, self.current_test_name,
+                                        self.START_TIME)
+        # Save data into log file
+        self.save_logs_for_power_test(result, self.PLAY_TIME, 0)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='6dc78cf4-7cae-4b03-8a31-0d23f41d1baa')
+    def test_power_baseline_not_play_music(self):
+        """Test power usage baseline without playing music.
+        Test power usage baseline without playing music.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+           except telling PMC not to play music
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_SBC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_44100, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file, self.LDACBT_NONE, True)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='d96080e3-1944-48b8-9655-4a77664a463b')
+    def test_power_baseline_play_music_but_disable_bluetooth(self):
+        """Test power usage baseline of playing music but BT is off.
+        Test power usage baseline of playing music but BT is off
+           speaker volume is set to 0.
+        Steps:
+        1. Disable Bluetooth
+        2. The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        3. Enable Bluetooth
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self.ad.log.info("Disable BT")
+        if not disable_bluetooth(self.ad.droid):
+            self.log.error("Failed to disable Bluetooth on DUT")
+            return False
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_SBC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_44100, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file, self.LDACBT_NONE, False, True)
+        self.ad.log.info("Enable BT")
+        if not bluetooth_enabled_check(self.ad):
+            self.log.error("Failed to turn Bluetooth on DUT")
+        # Because of bug 34933072 BT device may not be able to reconnect
+        #  after running this test case
+        # We need manually to turn on BT devices to get it reconnect
+        # for the next test case
+        # The workaround is to run this test case in the end of test suite
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='f62238cf-35df-4e42-a160-16944f76fb86')
+    def test_power_for_sbc_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for SBC codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for SBC codec with CD quality music file.
+        SBC only supports 44.1 Khz and 16 bits
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_SBC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_44100, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='d9421c37-c2db-4dc5-841b-f837c0b2ea48')
+    def test_power_for_sbc_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for SBC codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for SBC codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        SBC only supports 44.1 Khz and 16 bits
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_SBC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_44100, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.hi_res_music_file)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='f746c038-9a00-43d0-b6b1-b9a36fae5a5a')
+    def test_power_for_aac_44100_16_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for AAC codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for AAC codec using 44.1KHz/16bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_AAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_44100, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='510448e1-f4fb-4048-adad-67f8f16f96c4')
+    def test_power_for_aac_44100_16_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for AAC codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for AAC codec using 44.1KHz/16bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_AAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_44100, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.hi_res_music_file)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='9df971d1-91b6-4fad-86ff-aa91d14aa895')
+    def test_power_for_aac_48000_16_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for AAC codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for AAC codec using 48KHz/16bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_AAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_48000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='b020518e-027b-4716-8abb-cd6d83551869')
+    def test_power_for_aac_48000_16_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for AAC codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for AAC codec using 48KHz/16bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_AAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_48000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.hi_res_music_file)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='2006dffb-b47b-4986-b11d-de151d5f4794')
+    def test_power_for_aptx_44100_16_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for APTX codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for APTX codec using 44.1KHz/16bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_APTX, self.SAMPLE_RATE_44100, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='8844356b-7756-4da6-89fe-96161e715cab')
+    def test_power_for_aptx_44100_16_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for APTX codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for APTX codec using 44.1KHz/16bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_APTX, self.SAMPLE_RATE_44100, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.hi_res_music_file)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='d037ae2e-c5e8-4f84-9908-88335803a3d9')
+    def test_power_for_aptx_48000_16_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for APTX codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for APTX codec using 48KHz/16bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_APTX, self.SAMPLE_RATE_48000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='4741b8cc-b038-4b38-8326-6a98de3f5ac6')
+    def test_power_for_aptx_48000_16_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for APTX codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for APTX codec using 48KHz/16bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_APTX, self.SAMPLE_RATE_48000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.hi_res_music_file)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='8dff8f63-bbdb-4a2d-afca-ff1aabf7b5f2')
+    def test_power_for_aptx_hd_44100_24_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for APTX-HD codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for APTX-HD codec using 44.1KHz/24bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_APTX_HD, self.SAMPLE_RATE_44100,
+            self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_24, self.cd_quality_music_file)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='ab364fdd-04dd-42b7-af0d-fe1d7d7b809b')
+    def test_power_for_aptx_hd_44100_24_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for APTX-HD codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for APTX-HD codec using 44.1KHz/24bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_APTX_HD, self.SAMPLE_RATE_44100,
+            self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_24, self.hi_res_music_file)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='dd838989-9440-4833-91f6-6fca6e219796')
+    def test_power_for_aptx_hd_48000_24_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for APTX-HD codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for APTX-HD codec using 48KHz/24bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_APTX_HD, self.SAMPLE_RATE_48000,
+            self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_24, self.cd_quality_music_file)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='814122eb-7068-470b-b04c-d64883258b0c')
+    def test_power_for_aptx_hd_48000_24_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for APTX-HD codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for APTX-HD codec using 48KHz/24bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_APTX_HD, self.SAMPLE_RATE_48000,
+            self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_24, self.hi_res_music_file)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='682c055f-4883-4559-828a-67956e110475')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_44100_16_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 44.1KHz/16bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_44100, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='21a2478c-9b66-49ae-a8ec-d2393142ed6c')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_44100_16_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 44.1KHz/16bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_44100, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.hi_res_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='f081cb13-ec02-4814-ba00-3ed33630e7c0')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_48000_16_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 48KHz/16bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_48000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='1c6b3a1b-59b8-479f-8247-e8cbbef6d82f')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_48000_16_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 48KHz/16bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_48000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.hi_res_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='e6806e10-0f1e-4c44-8f70-66e0267ebf95')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_88200_16_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 88.2KHz/16bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_88200, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='2458880d-c662-4313-9c3a-b14ad04dddfa')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_88200_16_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 88.2KHz/16bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_88200, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.hi_res_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='e492f173-8a5b-4a92-b3de-c792e8db32fb')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_96000_16_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 96KHz/16bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_96000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='65f78a14-5a1f-443e-9a23-8ae8a206bd6f')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_96000_16_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 96KHz/16bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_96000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_16,
+            self.hi_res_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='3f026ae2-e34e-4a0f-aac2-1684d22a3796')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_44100_24_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 44.1KHz/24bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_44100, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_24,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='6d94bd0c-039e-47a7-8fc1-b87abcf9b27d')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_44100_24_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 44.1KHz/24bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_44100, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_24,
+            self.hi_res_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='2d5cbad5-5293-434d-b996-850ef32792a0')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_48000_24_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 48KHz/24bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_48000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_24,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='fab004d1-c67e-4b9b-af33-e4469ce9f44a')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_48000_24_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 48KHz/24bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_48000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_24,
+            self.hi_res_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='9527f997-61c6-4e88-90f9-6791cbe00883')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_88200_24_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 88.2KHz/24bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_88200, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_24,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='4a14a499-8b62-43d9-923e-f0c46e15121e')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_88200_24_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 88.2KHz/24bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_88200, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_24,
+            self.hi_res_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='d6254318-7a9a-4c19-800b-03686642e846')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_96000_24_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 96KHz/24bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_96000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_24,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='1eb26676-19ec-43af-ab20-bfb7b055114f')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_96000_24_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 96KHz/24bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_96000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_24,
+            self.hi_res_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='efb75158-ff90-4a95-8bd0-0189d719e647')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_44100_32_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 44.1KHz/32bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_44100, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_32,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='7d5ee1a0-b903-4cf4-8bcc-8db653f04e3b')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_44100_32_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 44.1KHz/32bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_44100, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_32,
+            self.hi_res_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='2981e30a-9f5a-4d35-9387-96dd2ab3421a')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_48000_32_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 48KHz/32bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_48000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_32,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='297f0ab3-be6b-4367-9750-48f3ba12bb4b')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_48000_32_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 48KHz/32bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_48000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_32,
+            self.hi_res_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='71a23350-03bf-4690-a692-eb944f7d4782')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_88200_32_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 88.2KHz/32bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_88200, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_32,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='7452e2dd-cbdd-4f50-a482-99d038ba0ee0')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_88200_32_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 88.2KHz/32bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_88200, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_32,
+            self.hi_res_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='042493c1-00d9-46d8-b2e9-844c9ac849f8')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_96000_32_with_cd_quality_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with CD quality music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 96KHz/32bits with
+             CD quality music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_96000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_32,
+            self.cd_quality_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='7d90b5ee-c32b-4ef8-b27f-587f3550aed9')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_96000_32_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 96KHz/32bits with
+             Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_96000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_32,
+            self.hi_res_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_HQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='d3da605f-acd4-49a6-ae0f-d1ef216ac5b4')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_96000_24_sq_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with Standard Quality(SQ)
+           for Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 96KHz/24bits with
+        Standard Quality(SQ) for Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_96000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_24,
+            self.hi_res_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_SQ)
+    @BluetoothBaseTest.bt_test_wrap
+    @test_tracker_info(uuid='5d6494a3-ab00-48f3-9e68-50600708c176')
+    def test_power_for_ldac_96000_24_mq_with_hi_res_music(self):
+        """Test power usage for LDAC codec with Mobile Quality(SQ)
+           for Hi Resolution music file.
+        Test power usage for LDAC codec using 96KHz/24bits with
+        Mobile Quality(SQ) for Hi Resolution music file.
+        Steps:
+        The same steps described in _main_power_test_function_for_codec()
+        Expected Result:
+        Power consumption results
+        TAGS: Bluetooth, A2DP, Power, Codec
+        Priority: 3
+        """
+        self._main_power_test_function_for_codec(
+            self.CODEC_LDAC, self.SAMPLE_RATE_96000, self.BITS_PER_SAMPLE_24,
+            self.hi_res_music_file, self.LDACBT_EQMID_MQ)