WifiSoftApTest: Test for AP startup while connected

Adding a test for the following scenario:
1. Connect to an open network.
2. Turn on AP mode (in auto band).
3. Verify SoftAP active.
4. Make a client connect to the AP.
5. Shutdown wifi tethering.
6. Ensure that the client disconnected.

This test verifies the fix for the linked bug.

Bug: 4027107
Test: `act.py -c softap.config -tb dut-name -tc
Change-Id: I1b4c280f98529e2066a0db404418862744e6c03a
1 file changed
tree: 07b30263364dd427710737aa9b3d1171d268264e
  1. acts/
  2. tools/
  3. wts-acts/
  4. Android.mk
  5. PREUPLOAD.cfg