Improvements to RvR tests and minor bokeh changes

Some improvements to RvR tests predominantly in plotting and
post processing results including the pass/fail criterion. The
test class now supports calibration data so that results from
different test racks can be compared to golden results. The
CL also includes updates to bokeh plotting to remove warnings
and become compatible with newer versions of bokeh.

Test: Done
Bug: 65563975

Change-Id: I3163ede132e248333e20647981e16c90a70de7ac
(cherry picked from commit 71e5783f45510b53f2662fe7bf55043da80b9508)
diff --git a/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/wifi/ b/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/wifi/
index 7fdbbf0..50ef6dc 100644
--- a/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/wifi/
+++ b/acts/framework/acts/test_utils/wifi/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 from acts.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils
 from bokeh.layouts import layout
 from bokeh.models import CustomJS, ColumnDataSource
+from bokeh.models import tools as bokeh_tools
 from bokeh.models.widgets import DataTable, TableColumn
 from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, save
 from acts.controllers.ap_lib import hostapd_security
@@ -212,15 +213,14 @@
     color = ['navy'] * len(current_data)
     #Preparing the data and source link for bokehn java callback
-    source = ColumnDataSource(
-        data=dict(x0=time_relative, y0=current_data, color=color))
-    s2 = ColumnDataSource(
-        data=dict(
-            z0=[mon_info['duration']],
-            y0=[round(avg_current, 2)],
-            x0=[round(avg_current * voltage, 2)],
-            z1=[round(avg_current * voltage * mon_info['duration'], 2)],
-            z2=[round(avg_current * mon_info['duration'], 2)]))
+    source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(
+        x0=time_relative, y0=current_data, color=color))
+    s2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(
+        z0=[mon_info['duration']],
+        y0=[round(avg_current, 2)],
+        x0=[round(avg_current * voltage, 2)],
+        z1=[round(avg_current * voltage * mon_info['duration'], 2)],
+        z2=[round(avg_current * mon_info['duration'], 2)]))
     #Setting up data table for the output
     columns = [
         TableColumn(field='z0', title='Total Duration (s)'),
@@ -234,15 +234,16 @@
     plot_title = file_path[file_path.rfind('/') + 1:-4] + tag
     output_file("%s/%s.html" % (mon_info['data_path'], plot_title))
-    TOOLS = ('box_zoom,box_select,pan,crosshair,redo,undo,resize,reset,'
-             'hover,xwheel_zoom,ywheel_zoom,save')
+    TOOLS = ('box_zoom,box_select,pan,crosshair,redo,undo,reset,hover,save')
     # Create a new plot with the datatable above
     plot = figure(
-        webgl=True)
+        output_backend="webgl")
+    plot.add_tools(bokeh_tools.WheelZoomTool(dimensions="width"))
+    plot.add_tools(bokeh_tools.WheelZoomTool(dimensions="height"))
     plot.line('x0', 'y0', source=source, line_width=2)'x0', 'y0', source=source, size=0.5, fill_color='color')
     plot.xaxis.axis_label = 'Time (s)'
@@ -393,14 +394,15 @@
             plot: bokeh plot figure object
-    TOOLS = ('box_zoom,box_select,pan,crosshair,redo,undo,resize,reset,'
-             'hover,xwheel_zoom,ywheel_zoom,save')
+    TOOLS = ('box_zoom,box_select,pan,crosshair,redo,undo,reset,hover,save')
     plot = figure(
-        webgl=True)
+        output_backend="webgl")
+    plot.add_tools(bokeh_tools.WheelZoomTool(dimensions="width"))
+    plot.add_tools(bokeh_tools.WheelZoomTool(dimensions="height"))
     colors = [
         'red', 'green', 'blue', 'olive', 'orange', 'salmon', 'black', 'navy',
         'yellow', 'darkred', 'goldenrod'