Initial TradeFederation iteration 1 code submission.

What's working:
  - core interfaces all defined
  - from command line, can run a instrumentation test on a connected device,
and dump results to stdout
  - basic, in progress implementation of config option command line
parsing borrowed and modified from dalvik testrunner. Note: don't review
this too heavily, subject to change.
  - with the exception of config option parsing, fairly complete unit tests
  - enough structure is here to allow other ppl to start contributing to
other areas
  - design model, largely generated from code.

Still to do for iteration 1:
  - various TODOs littered among the code base
  - Make TestDevice more reliable
  - write a bunch of functional tests for TestDevice to ensure to verify
exception handling

Change-Id: I4d1159674a143bfb1a195a9bc3a56e79403887ab
53 files changed
tree: 481816c644a22bb2314c6d104e964127376c8ed5
  1. design/
  2. src/
  3. tests/