Wait until all results are received (full invoc complete)

Instead of waiting for each individual shard to complete,
wait for the full results to be in.
This will allow the test to pass even when there is a host
slow down and the threads are not completing in a very
short time.

Test: unit tests in a loop
Bug: 75042762
Change-Id: I970d5f26b143ec4386f1a4ddb722b65a885c9c49
1 file changed
tree: d346be4412535de78249729152037a5d26879f7d
  1. atest/
  2. prod-tests/
  3. proto/
  4. python-lib/
  5. remote/
  6. res/
  7. src/
  8. tests/
  9. util-apps/
  10. .classpath
  11. .gitignore
  12. .project
  13. Android.bp
  14. Android.mk
  15. atest_tradefed.sh
  16. CleanSpec.mk
  17. error_prone_rules.mk
  18. MANIFEST.mf
  19. OWNERS
  20. PREUPLOAD.cfg
  21. pylintrc
  22. README.md
  23. run_tf_cmd.sh
  24. script_help.sh
  26. tradefed.sh
  27. tradefed_win.bat
  28. verify.sh

Trade Federation (TF / tradefed)

TF is a test harness used to drive Android automated testing. It runs on test hosts and monitors the connected devices, handling test scheduling & execution and device management.

Other test harnesses like Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) and Vendor Test Suite (VTS) use TF as a basis and extend it for their particular needs.

Building TF:

  • source build/envsetup.sh
  • tapas tradefed-all
  • make -j8

More information at: https://source.android.com/devices/tech/test_infra/tradefed/