During reruns, only collect native coverage at the end of the rerun.

Reduces the number of native coverage measurements uploaded to one per
rerun, rather than one per test in the rerun.

Bug: 148178774
Test: Forrest runs of native coverage tests
Test: Unit tests
Change-Id: I25add1840b45cd9c8ee241d47ba03e4fd801c637
Merged-In: I25add1840b45cd9c8ee241d47ba03e4fd801c637
Merged-In: I10a4079b38f92d85446c4ed2bb3180b5e05a9513
(cherry picked from commit 33585d860c22c0b241fd438a35cdd399da95428a)
3 files changed
tree: 86643e032ee086b831e7d6775c261bc8cff07b2e
  1. atest/
  2. clearcut_client/
  3. common_util/
  4. device_build_interfaces/
  5. global_configuration/
  6. invocation_interfaces/
  7. proto/
  8. python-lib/
  9. remote/
  10. res/
  11. src/
  12. test_framework/
  13. test_result_interfaces/
  14. tests/
  15. util-apps/
  16. .classpath
  17. .gitignore
  18. .project
  19. Android.bp
  20. Android.mk
  21. atest_tradefed.sh
  22. CleanSpec.mk
  23. error_prone_rules.mk
  24. MANIFEST.mf
  25. OWNERS
  26. PREUPLOAD.cfg
  27. pylintrc
  28. README.md
  29. run_tf_cmd.sh
  30. script_help.sh
  33. tradefed.sh
  34. tradefed_win.bat
  35. verify.sh

Trade Federation (TF / Tradefed)

TF is a test harness used to drive Android automated testing. It runs on test hosts and monitors the connected devices, handling test scheduling & execution and device management.

Other test harnesses like Compatibility Test Suite (CTS) and Vendor Test Suite (VTS) use TF as a basis and extend it for their particular needs.

Building TF:

  • source build/envsetup.sh
  • tapas tradefed-all
  • make -j8

More information at: https://source.android.com/devices/tech/test_infra/tradefed/

See more details about Tradefed Architecture at: https://source.android.com/devices/tech/test_infra/tradefed/architecture

If you are a tests writer you should start looking in the test_framework/ component which contains everything needed to write a tests in Tradefed.