audio-lnx: Initial change for techpack of audio drivers.

Add snapshot for audio drivers for SDM targets. The code is
migrated from msm-4.9 kernel at the below cutoff -

(74ff856e8d6: "net: ipc_router: Add dynamic enable/disable
wakeup source feature")

This changes are done for new techpack addition
for audio kernel. Migrate all audio kernel drivers
to this techpack.

Change-Id: I33d580af3ba86a5cb777583efc5d4cdaf2882d93
Signed-off-by: Asish Bhattacharya <>
diff --git a/include/sound/apr_audio-v2.h b/include/sound/apr_audio-v2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14f6445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/sound/apr_audio-v2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,10683 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2012-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#ifndef _APR_AUDIO_V2_H_
+#define _APR_AUDIO_V2_H_
+#include <linux/qdsp6v2/apr.h>
+#include <linux/msm_audio.h>
+/* size of header needed for passing data out of band */
+#define APR_CMD_OB_HDR_SZ  12
+/* size of header needed for getting data */
+#define APR_CMD_GET_HDR_SZ 16
+struct param_outband {
+	size_t       size;
+	void        *kvaddr;
+	phys_addr_t  paddr;
+#define ADSP_ADM_VERSION    0x00070000
+#define ADM_CMD_SHARED_MEM_MAP_REGIONS    0x00010322
+#define ADM_CMD_MATRIX_MAP_ROUTINGS_V5 0x00010325
+/* Enumeration for an audio Rx matrix ID.*/
+#define ADM_MATRIX_ID_AUDIO_RX              0
+#define ADM_MATRIX_ID_AUDIO_TX              1
+#define ADM_MATRIX_ID_LISTEN_TX             4
+/* Enumeration for an audio Tx matrix ID.*/
+#define ADM_MATRIX_ID_AUDIOX              1
+#define ADM_MAX_COPPS 5
+/* make sure this matches with msm_audio_calibration */
+#define SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR 2
+/* Session map node structure.
+ * Immediately following this structure are num_copps
+ * entries of COPP IDs. The COPP IDs are 16 bits, so
+ * there might be a padding 16-bit field if num_copps
+ * is odd.
+ */
+struct adm_session_map_node_v5 {
+	u16                  session_id;
+	/* Handle of the ASM session to be routed. Supported values: 1
+	 * to 8.
+	 */
+	u16                  num_copps;
+	/* Number of COPPs to which this session is to be routed.
+	 * Supported values: 0 < num_copps <= ADM_MAX_COPPS.
+	 */
+} __packed;
+/*  Payload of the #ADM_CMD_MATRIX_MAP_ROUTINGS_V5 command.
+ *	Immediately following this structure are num_sessions of the session map
+ *	node payload (adm_session_map_node_v5).
+ */
+struct adm_cmd_matrix_map_routings_v5 {
+	struct apr_hdr	hdr;
+	u32                  matrix_id;
+	/* Specifies whether the matrix ID is Audio Rx (0) or Audio Tx
+	 * macros to set this field.
+	 */
+	u32                  num_sessions;
+	/* Number of sessions being updated by this command (optional). */
+} __packed;
+/* This command allows a client to open a COPP/Voice Proc. TX module
+ * and sets up the device session: Matrix -> COPP -> AFE on the RX
+ * and AFE -> COPP -> Matrix on the TX. This enables PCM data to
+ * be transferred to/from the endpoint (AFEPortID).
+ *
+ * @return
+ * #ADM_CMDRSP_DEVICE_OPEN_V5 with the resulting status and COPP ID.
+ */
+#define ADM_CMD_DEVICE_OPEN_V5                          0x00010326
+/* This command allows a client to open a COPP/Voice Proc the
+ *	way as ADM_CMD_DEVICE_OPEN_V5 but supports multiple endpoint2
+ *	channels.
+ *
+ *	@return
+ *	#ADM_CMDRSP_DEVICE_OPEN_V6 with the resulting status and
+ *	COPP ID.
+ */
+#define ADM_CMD_DEVICE_OPEN_V6                      0x00010356
+/* Definition for a low latency stream session. */
+/* Definition for a ultra low latency stream session. */
+/* Definition for a ultra low latency with Post Processing stream session. */
+/* Definition for a legacy device session. */
+#define ADM_LEGACY_DEVICE_SESSION                                      0
+/* Indicates that endpoint_id_2 is to be ignored.*/
+/* Indicates that an audio COPP is to send/receive a mono PCM
+ * stream to/from
+ */
+/* Indicates that an audio COPP is to send/receive a
+ *	stereo PCM stream to/from END_POINT_ID_1.
+ */
+/* Sample rate is 8000 Hz.*/
+/* Sample rate is 16000 Hz.*/
+/* Sample rate is 48000 Hz.*/
+/* Definition for a COPP live input flag bitmask.*/
+/* Definition for a COPP live shift value bitmask.*/
+/* Definition for the COPP ID bitmask.*/
+#define ADM_BIT_MASK_COPP_ID  (0x0000FFFFUL)
+/* Definition for the COPP ID shift value.*/
+#define ADM_SHIFT_COPP_ID	0
+/* Definition for the service ID bitmask.*/
+#define ADM_BIT_MASK_SERVICE_ID  (0x00FF0000UL)
+/* Definition for the service ID shift value.*/
+/* Definition for the domain ID bitmask.*/
+#define ADM_BIT_MASK_DOMAIN_ID    (0xFF000000UL)
+/* Definition for the domain ID shift value.*/
+/* ADM device open command payload of the
+ * #ADM_CMD_DEVICE_OPEN_V5 command.
+ */
+struct adm_cmd_device_open_v5 {
+	struct apr_hdr		hdr;
+	u16                  flags;
+/* Reserved for future use. Clients must set this field
+ * to zero.
+ */
+	u16                  mode_of_operation;
+/* Specifies whether the COPP must be opened on the Tx or Rx
+ * path. Use the ADM_CMD_COPP_OPEN_MODE_OF_OPERATION_* macros for
+ * supported values and interpretation.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0x1 -- Rx path COPP
+ * - 0x2 -- Tx path live COPP
+ * - 0x3 -- Tx path nonlive COPP
+ * Live connections cause sample discarding in the Tx device
+ * matrix if the destination output ports do not pull them
+ * fast enough. Nonlive connections queue the samples
+ * indefinitely.
+ */
+	u16                  endpoint_id_1;
+/* Logical and physical endpoint ID of the audio path.
+ * If the ID is a voice processor Tx block, it receives near
+ * samples.	Supported values: Any pseudoport, AFE Rx port,
+ * or AFE Tx port For a list of valid IDs, refer to
+ * @xhyperref{Q4,[Q4]}.
+ * Q4 = Hexagon Multimedia: AFE Interface Specification
+ */
+	u16                  endpoint_id_2;
+/* Logical and physical endpoint ID 2 for a voice processor
+ * Tx block.
+ * This is not applicable to audio COPP.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - AFE Rx port
+ * - 0xFFFF -- Endpoint 2 is unavailable and the voice
+ * processor Tx
+ * block ignores this endpoint
+ * When the voice processor Tx block is created on the audio
+ * record path,
+ * it can receive far-end samples from an AFE Rx port if the
+ * voice call
+ * is active. The ID of the AFE port is provided in this
+ * field.
+ * For a list of valid IDs, refer @xhyperref{Q4,[Q4]}.
+ */
+	u32                  topology_id;
+/* Audio COPP topology ID; 32-bit GUID. */
+	u16                  dev_num_channel;
+/* Number of channels the audio COPP sends to/receives from
+ * the endpoint.
+ * Supported values: 1 to 8.
+ * The value is ignored for the voice processor Tx block,
+ * where channel
+ * configuration is derived from the topology ID.
+ */
+	u16                  bit_width;
+/* Bit width (in bits) that the audio COPP sends to/receives
+ * from the
+ * endpoint. The value is ignored for the voice processing
+ * Tx block,
+ * where the PCM width is 16 bits.
+ */
+	u32                  sample_rate;
+/* Sampling rate at which the audio COPP/voice processor
+ * Tx block
+ * interfaces with the endpoint.
+ * Supported values for voice processor Tx: 8000, 16000,
+ * 48000 Hz
+ * Supported values for audio COPP: >0 and <=192 kHz
+ */
+	u8                   dev_channel_mapping[8];
+/* Array of channel mapping of buffers that the audio COPP
+ * sends to the endpoint. Channel[i] mapping describes channel
+ * I inside the buffer, where 0 < i < dev_num_channel.
+ * This value is relevant only for an audio Rx COPP.
+ * For the voice processor block and Tx audio block, this field
+ * is set to zero and is ignored.
+ */
+} __packed;
+/*  ADM device open command payload of the
+ *  #ADM_CMD_DEVICE_OPEN_V6 command.
+ */
+struct adm_cmd_device_open_v6 {
+	struct apr_hdr		hdr;
+	u16                  flags;
+/* Reserved for future use. Clients must set this field
+ * to zero.
+ */
+	u16                  mode_of_operation;
+/* Specifies whether the COPP must be opened on the Tx or Rx
+ * path. Use the ADM_CMD_COPP_OPEN_MODE_OF_OPERATION_* macros for
+ * supported values and interpretation.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0x1 -- Rx path COPP
+ * - 0x2 -- Tx path live COPP
+ * - 0x3 -- Tx path nonlive COPP
+ * Live connections cause sample discarding in the Tx device
+ * matrix if the destination output ports do not pull them
+ * fast enough. Nonlive connections queue the samples
+ * indefinitely.
+ */
+	u16                  endpoint_id_1;
+/* Logical and physical endpoint ID of the audio path.
+ * If the ID is a voice processor Tx block, it receives near
+ * samples.	Supported values: Any pseudoport, AFE Rx port,
+ * or AFE Tx port For a list of valid IDs, refer to
+ * @xhyperref{Q4,[Q4]}.
+ * Q4 = Hexagon Multimedia: AFE Interface Specification
+ */
+	u16                  endpoint_id_2;
+/* Logical and physical endpoint ID 2 for a voice processor
+ * Tx block.
+ * This is not applicable to audio COPP.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - AFE Rx port
+ * - 0xFFFF -- Endpoint 2 is unavailable and the voice
+ * processor Tx
+ * block ignores this endpoint
+ * When the voice processor Tx block is created on the audio
+ * record path,
+ * it can receive far-end samples from an AFE Rx port if the
+ * voice call
+ * is active. The ID of the AFE port is provided in this
+ * field.
+ * For a list of valid IDs, refer @xhyperref{Q4,[Q4]}.
+ */
+	u32                  topology_id;
+/* Audio COPP topology ID; 32-bit GUID. */
+	u16                  dev_num_channel;
+/* Number of channels the audio COPP sends to/receives from
+ * the endpoint.
+ * Supported values: 1 to 8.
+ * The value is ignored for the voice processor Tx block,
+ * where channel
+ * configuration is derived from the topology ID.
+ */
+	u16                  bit_width;
+/* Bit width (in bits) that the audio COPP sends to/receives
+ * from the
+ * endpoint. The value is ignored for the voice processing
+ * Tx block,
+ * where the PCM width is 16 bits.
+ */
+	u32                  sample_rate;
+/* Sampling rate at which the audio COPP/voice processor
+ * Tx block
+ * interfaces with the endpoint.
+ * Supported values for voice processor Tx: 8000, 16000,
+ * 48000 Hz
+ * Supported values for audio COPP: >0 and <=192 kHz
+ */
+	u8                   dev_channel_mapping[8];
+/* Array of channel mapping of buffers that the audio COPP
+ * sends to the endpoint. Channel[i] mapping describes channel
+ * I inside the buffer, where 0 < i < dev_num_channel.
+ * This value is relevant only for an audio Rx COPP.
+ * For the voice processor block and Tx audio block, this field
+ * is set to zero and is ignored.
+ */
+	u16                  dev_num_channel_eid2;
+/* Number of channels the voice processor block sends
+ * to/receives from the endpoint2.
+ * Supported values: 1 to 8.
+ * The value is ignored for audio COPP or if endpoint_id_2 is
+ * set to 0xFFFF.
+ */
+	u16                  bit_width_eid2;
+/* Bit width (in bits) that the voice processor sends
+ * to/receives from the endpoint2.
+ * Supported values: 16 and 24.
+ * The value is ignored for audio COPP or if endpoint_id_2 is
+ * set to 0xFFFF.
+ */
+	u32                  sample_rate_eid2;
+/* Sampling rate at which the voice processor Tx block
+ * interfaces with the endpoint2.
+ * Supported values for Tx voice processor: >0 and <=384 kHz
+ * The value is ignored for audio COPP or if endpoint_id_2 is
+ * set to 0xFFFF.
+ */
+	u8                   dev_channel_mapping_eid2[8];
+/* Array of channel mapping of buffers that the voice processor
+ * sends to the endpoint. Channel[i] mapping describes channel
+ * I inside the buffer, where 0 < i < dev_num_channel.
+ * This value is relevant only for the Tx voice processor.
+ * The values are ignored for audio COPP or if endpoint_id_2 is
+ * set to 0xFFFF.
+ */
+} __packed;
+ *	This command allows the client to close a COPP and disconnect
+ *	the device session.
+ */
+#define ADM_CMD_DEVICE_CLOSE_V5                         0x00010327
+/* Sets one or more parameters to a COPP. */
+#define ADM_CMD_SET_PP_PARAMS_V5                        0x00010328
+/*  Payload of the #ADM_CMD_SET_PP_PARAMS_V5 command.
+ *	If the data_payload_addr_lsw and data_payload_addr_msw element
+ *	are NULL, a series of adm_param_datastructures immediately
+ *	follows, whose total size is data_payload_size bytes.
+ */
+struct adm_cmd_set_pp_params_v5 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u32		payload_addr_lsw;
+/* LSW of parameter data payload address. */
+	u32		payload_addr_msw;
+/* MSW of parameter data payload address. */
+	u32		mem_map_handle;
+/* Memory map handle returned by ADM_CMD_SHARED_MEM_MAP_REGIONS
+ * command
+ *
+ * If mem_map_handle is zero implies the message is in
+ * the payload
+ */
+	u32		payload_size;
+/* Size in bytes of the variable payload accompanying this
+ * message or
+ * in shared memory. This is used for parsing the parameter
+ * payload.
+ */
+} __packed;
+/*  Payload format for COPP parameter data.
+ * Immediately following this structure are param_size bytes
+ * of parameter
+ * data.
+ */
+struct adm_param_data_v5 {
+	u32                  module_id;
+	/* Unique ID of the module. */
+	u32                  param_id;
+	/* Unique ID of the parameter. */
+	u16                  param_size;
+	/* Data size of the param_id/module_id combination.
+	 * This value is a
+	 * multiple of 4 bytes.
+	 */
+	u16                  reserved;
+	/* Reserved for future enhancements.
+	 * This field must be set to zero.
+	 */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_STREAM_PP_EVENT 0x00013214
+#define ASM_IEC_61937_MEDIA_FMT_EVENT 0x13334
+#define DSP_STREAM_CMD "ADSP Stream Cmd"
+#define DSP_STREAM_CALLBACK "ADSP Stream Callback Event"
+struct dsp_stream_callback_list {
+	struct list_head list;
+	struct msm_adsp_event_data event;
+struct dsp_stream_callback_prtd {
+	uint16_t event_count;
+	struct list_head event_queue;
+	spinlock_t prtd_spin_lock;
+/* set customized mixing on matrix mixer */
+#define ADM_CMD_SET_PSPD_MTMX_STRTR_PARAMS_V5                        0x00010344
+struct adm_cmd_set_pspd_mtmx_strtr_params_v5 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	/* LSW of parameter data payload address.*/
+	u32		payload_addr_lsw;
+	/* MSW of parameter data payload address.*/
+	u32		payload_addr_msw;
+	/* Memory map handle returned by ADM_CMD_SHARED_MEM_MAP_REGIONS */
+	/* command. If mem_map_handle is zero implies the message is in */
+	/* the payload */
+	u32		mem_map_handle;
+	/* Size in bytes of the variable payload accompanying this */
+	/* message or in shared memory. This is used for parsing the */
+	/* parameter payload. */
+	u32		payload_size;
+	u16		direction;
+	u16		sessionid;
+	u16		deviceid;
+	u16		reserved;
+} __packed;
+/* Defined specifically for in-band use, includes params */
+struct adm_cmd_set_pp_params_inband_v5 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	/* LSW of parameter data payload address.*/
+	u32             payload_addr_lsw;
+	/* MSW of parameter data payload address.*/
+	u32             payload_addr_msw;
+	/* Memory map handle returned by ADM_CMD_SHARED_MEM_MAP_REGIONS */
+	/* command. If mem_map_handle is zero implies the message is in */
+	/* the payload */
+	u32             mem_map_handle;
+	/* Size in bytes of the variable payload accompanying this */
+	/* message or in shared memory. This is used for parsing the */
+	/* parameter payload. */
+	u32             payload_size;
+	/* Parameters passed for in band payload */
+	struct adm_param_data_v5        params;
+} __packed;
+/* Returns the status and COPP ID to an #ADM_CMD_DEVICE_OPEN_V5 command.
+ */
+#define ADM_CMDRSP_DEVICE_OPEN_V5                      0x00010329
+/*  Payload of the #ADM_CMDRSP_DEVICE_OPEN_V5 message,
+ *	which returns the
+ *	status and COPP ID to an #ADM_CMD_DEVICE_OPEN_V5 command.
+ */
+struct adm_cmd_rsp_device_open_v5 {
+	u32                  status;
+	/* Status message (error code).*/
+	u16                  copp_id;
+	/* COPP ID:  Supported values: 0 <= copp_id < ADM_MAX_COPPS*/
+	u16                  reserved;
+	/* Reserved. This field must be set to zero.*/
+} __packed;
+/* Returns the status and COPP ID to an #ADM_CMD_DEVICE_OPEN_V6 command. */
+#define ADM_CMDRSP_DEVICE_OPEN_V6                      0x00010357
+/*  Payload of the #ADM_CMDRSP_DEVICE_OPEN_V6 message,
+ *	which returns the
+ *	status and COPP ID to an #ADM_CMD_DEVICE_OPEN_V6 command
+ *	is the exact same as ADM_CMDRSP_DEVICE_OPEN_V5.
+ */
+/* This command allows a query of one COPP parameter. */
+#define ADM_CMD_GET_PP_PARAMS_V5                                0x0001032A
+/*  Payload an #ADM_CMD_GET_PP_PARAMS_V5 command. */
+struct adm_cmd_get_pp_params_v5 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u32                  data_payload_addr_lsw;
+	/* LSW of parameter data payload address.*/
+	u32                  data_payload_addr_msw;
+	/* MSW of parameter data payload address.*/
+	/* If the mem_map_handle is non zero,
+	 * on ACK, the ParamData payloads begin at
+	 * the address specified (out-of-band).
+	 */
+	u32                  mem_map_handle;
+	/* Memory map handle returned
+	 * If the mem_map_handle is 0, it implies that
+	 * the ACK's payload will contain the ParamData (in-band).
+	 */
+	u32                  module_id;
+	/* Unique ID of the module. */
+	u32                  param_id;
+	/* Unique ID of the parameter. */
+	u16                  param_max_size;
+	/* Maximum data size of the parameter
+	 *ID/module ID combination. This
+	 * field is a multiple of 4 bytes.
+	 */
+	u16                  reserved;
+	/* Reserved for future enhancements.
+	 * This field must be set to zero.
+	 */
+} __packed;
+/* Returns parameter values
+ *	in response to an #ADM_CMD_GET_PP_PARAMS_V5 command.
+ */
+#define ADM_CMDRSP_GET_PP_PARAMS_V5		0x0001032B
+/* Payload of the #ADM_CMDRSP_GET_PP_PARAMS_V5 message,
+ * which returns parameter values in response
+ * to an #ADM_CMD_GET_PP_PARAMS_V5 command.
+ * Immediately following this
+ * structure is the adm_param_data_v5
+ * structure containing the pre/postprocessing
+ * parameter data. For an in-band
+ * scenario, the variable payload depends
+ * on the size of the parameter.
+ */
+struct adm_cmd_rsp_get_pp_params_v5 {
+	u32                  status;
+	/* Status message (error code).*/
+} __packed;
+/* Structure for holding soft stepping volume parameters. */
+ * parameters used by the Volume Control module.
+ */
+struct audproc_softvolume_params {
+	u32 period;
+	u32 step;
+	u32 rampingcurve;
+} __packed;
+ * ID of the Media Format Converter (MFC) module.
+ * This module supports the following parameter IDs:
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_MODULE_ID_MFC                               0x00010912
+/* ID of the Output Media Format parameters used by AUDPROC_MODULE_ID_MFC.
+ *
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_MFC_OUTPUT_MEDIA_FORMAT            0x00010913
+struct audproc_mfc_output_media_fmt {
+	struct adm_cmd_set_pp_params_v5 params;
+	struct adm_param_data_v5 data;
+	uint32_t sampling_rate;
+	uint16_t bits_per_sample;
+	uint16_t num_channels;
+	uint16_t channel_type[8];
+} __packed;
+struct audproc_volume_ctrl_master_gain {
+	struct adm_cmd_set_pp_params_v5 params;
+	struct adm_param_data_v5 data;
+	/* Linear gain in Q13 format. */
+	uint16_t                  master_gain;
+	/* Clients must set this field to zero. */
+	uint16_t                  reserved;
+} __packed;
+struct audproc_soft_step_volume_params {
+	struct adm_cmd_set_pp_params_v5 params;
+	struct adm_param_data_v5 data;
+ * Period in milliseconds.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 15000
+ */
+	uint32_t                  period;
+ * Step in microseconds.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 15000000
+ */
+	uint32_t                  step;
+ * Ramping curve type.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	uint32_t                  ramping_curve;
+} __packed;
+struct audproc_enable_param_t {
+	struct adm_cmd_set_pp_params_inband_v5 pp_params;
+	/*
+	 * Specifies whether the Audio processing module is enabled.
+	 * This parameter is generic/common parameter to configure or
+	 * determine the state of any audio processing module.
+	 * @values 0 : Disable 1: Enable
+	 */
+	uint32_t                  enable;
+ * Allows a client to control the gains on various session-to-COPP paths.
+ */
+#define ADM_CMD_MATRIX_RAMP_GAINS_V5                                 0x0001032C
+/* Indicates that the target gain in the
+ *	current adm_session_copp_gain_v5
+ *	structure is to be applied to all
+ *	the session-to-COPP paths that exist for
+ *	the specified session.
+ */
+/* Indicates that the target gain is
+ * to be immediately applied to the
+ * specified session-to-COPP path,
+ * without a ramping fashion.
+ */
+/* Enumeration for a linear ramping curve.*/
+#define ADM_CMD_MATRIX_RAMP_GAINS_RAMP_CURVE_LINEAR               0x0000
+/*  Payload of the #ADM_CMD_MATRIX_RAMP_GAINS_V5 command.
+ * Immediately following this structure are num_gains of the
+ * adm_session_copp_gain_v5structure.
+ */
+struct adm_cmd_matrix_ramp_gains_v5 {
+	u32                  matrix_id;
+/* Specifies whether the matrix ID is Audio Rx (0) or Audio Tx (1).
+ * macros to set this field.
+ */
+	u16                  num_gains;
+	/* Number of gains being applied. */
+	u16                  reserved_for_align;
+	/* Reserved. This field must be set to zero.*/
+} __packed;
+/*  Session-to-COPP path gain structure, used by the
+ *	This structure specifies the target
+ *	gain (per channel) that must be applied
+ *	to a particular session-to-COPP path in
+ *	the audio matrix. The structure can
+ *	also be used to apply the gain globally
+ *	to all session-to-COPP paths that
+ *	exist for the given session.
+ *	The aDSP uses device channel mapping to
+ *	determine which channel gains to
+ *	use from this command. For example,
+ *	if the device is configured as stereo,
+ *	the aDSP uses only target_gain_ch_1 and
+ *	target_gain_ch_2, and it ignores
+ *	the others.
+ */
+struct adm_session_copp_gain_v5 {
+	u16                  session_id;
+/* Handle of the ASM session.
+ *	Supported values: 1 to 8.
+ */
+	u16                  copp_id;
+/* Handle of the COPP. Gain will be applied on the Session ID
+ * COPP ID path.
+ */
+	u16                  ramp_duration;
+/* Duration (in milliseconds) of the ramp over
+ * which target gains are
+ * to be applied. Use
+ * to indicate that gain must be applied immediately.
+ */
+	u16                  step_duration;
+/* Duration (in milliseconds) of each step in the ramp.
+ * This parameter is ignored if ramp_duration is equal to
+ * Supported value: 1
+ */
+	u16                  ramp_curve;
+/* Type of ramping curve.
+ */
+	u16                  reserved_for_align;
+	/* Reserved. This field must be set to zero. */
+	u16                  target_gain_ch_1;
+	/* Target linear gain for channel 1 in Q13 format; */
+	u16                  target_gain_ch_2;
+	/* Target linear gain for channel 2 in Q13 format; */
+	u16                  target_gain_ch_3;
+	/* Target linear gain for channel 3 in Q13 format; */
+	u16                  target_gain_ch_4;
+	/* Target linear gain for channel 4 in Q13 format; */
+	u16                  target_gain_ch_5;
+	/* Target linear gain for channel 5 in Q13 format; */
+	u16                  target_gain_ch_6;
+	/* Target linear gain for channel 6 in Q13 format; */
+	u16                  target_gain_ch_7;
+	/* Target linear gain for channel 7 in Q13 format; */
+	u16                  target_gain_ch_8;
+	/* Target linear gain for channel 8 in Q13 format; */
+} __packed;
+/* Allows to set mute/unmute on various session-to-COPP paths.
+ *	For every session-to-COPP path (stream-device interconnection),
+ *	mute/unmute can be set individually on the output channels.
+ */
+#define ADM_CMD_MATRIX_MUTE_V5                                0x0001032D
+/* Indicates that mute/unmute in the
+ *	current adm_session_copp_mute_v5structure
+ *	is to be applied to all the session-to-COPP
+ *	paths that exist for the specified session.
+ */
+/*  Payload of the #ADM_CMD_MATRIX_MUTE_V5 command*/
+struct adm_cmd_matrix_mute_v5 {
+	u32                  matrix_id;
+/* Specifies whether the matrix ID is Audio Rx (0) or Audio Tx (1).
+ * macros to set this field.
+ */
+	u16                  session_id;
+/* Handle of the ASM session.
+ * Supported values: 1 to 8.
+ */
+	u16                  copp_id;
+/* Handle of the COPP.
+ * to indicate that mute/unmute must be applied to
+ * all the COPPs connected to session_id.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0xFFFF -- Apply mute/unmute to all connected COPPs
+ * - Other values -- Valid COPP ID
+ */
+	u8                  mute_flag_ch_1;
+	/* Mute flag for channel 1 is set to unmute (0) or mute (1). */
+	u8                  mute_flag_ch_2;
+	/* Mute flag for channel 2 is set to unmute (0) or mute (1). */
+	u8                  mute_flag_ch_3;
+	/* Mute flag for channel 3 is set to unmute (0) or mute (1). */
+	u8                  mute_flag_ch_4;
+	/* Mute flag for channel 4 is set to unmute (0) or mute (1). */
+	u8                  mute_flag_ch_5;
+	/* Mute flag for channel 5 is set to unmute (0) or mute (1). */
+	u8                  mute_flag_ch_6;
+	/* Mute flag for channel 6 is set to unmute (0) or mute (1). */
+	u8                  mute_flag_ch_7;
+	/* Mute flag for channel 7 is set to unmute (0) or mute (1). */
+	u8                  mute_flag_ch_8;
+	/* Mute flag for channel 8 is set to unmute (0) or mute (1). */
+	u16                 ramp_duration;
+/* Period (in milliseconds) over which the soft mute/unmute will be
+ * applied.
+ * Supported values: 0 (Default) to 0xFFFF
+ * The default of 0 means mute/unmute will be applied immediately.
+ */
+	u16                 reserved_for_align;
+	/* Clients must set this field to zero.*/
+} __packed;
+struct asm_aac_stereo_mix_coeff_selection_param_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr          hdr;
+	u32                     param_id;
+	u32                     param_size;
+	u32                     aac_stereo_mix_coeff_flag;
+} __packed;
+/* Allows a client to connect the desired stream to
+ * the desired AFE port through the stream router
+ *
+ * This command allows the client to connect specified session to
+ * specified AFE port. This is used for compressed streams only
+ *
+ * @prerequisites
+ * Session ID and AFE Port ID must be valid.
+ * must have been called on this session.
+ */
+#define ADM_CMD_CONNECT_AFE_PORT_V5	0x0001032E
+#define ADM_CMD_DISCONNECT_AFE_PORT_V5	0x0001032F
+/* Enumeration for the Rx stream router ID.*/
+#define ADM_STRTR_ID_RX                    0
+/* Enumeration for the Tx stream router ID.*/
+#define ADM_STRTR_IDX                    1
+/*  Payload of the #ADM_CMD_CONNECT_AFE_PORT_V5 command.*/
+struct adm_cmd_connect_afe_port_v5 {
+	struct apr_hdr     hdr;
+	u8                  mode;
+/* ID of the stream router (RX/TX). Use the
+ * to set this field.
+ */
+	u8                  session_id;
+	/* Session ID of the stream to connect */
+	u16                 afe_port_id;
+	/* Port ID of the AFE port to connect to.*/
+	u32                 num_channels;
+/* Number of device channels
+ * Supported values: 2(Audio Sample Packet),
+ * 8 (HBR Audio Stream Sample Packet)
+ */
+	u32                 sampling_rate;
+/* Device sampling rate
+ * Supported values: Any
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* adsp_adm_api.h */
+/* Port ID. Update afe_get_port_index
+ * when a new port is added here.
+ */
+#define PRIMARY_I2S_RX 0
+#define PRIMARY_I2S_TX 1
+#define SECONDARY_I2S_RX 4
+#define SECONDARY_I2S_TX 5
+#define MI2S_RX 6
+#define MI2S_TX 7
+#define HDMI_RX 8
+#define RSVD_2 9
+#define RSVD_3 10
+#define DIGI_MIC_TX 11
+#define VOICE2_PLAYBACK_TX 0x8002
+#define VOICE_RECORD_RX 0x8003
+#define VOICE_RECORD_TX 0x8004
+#define VOICE_PLAYBACK_TX 0x8005
+/* Slimbus Multi channel port id pool  */
+#define SLIMBUS_0_RX		0x4000
+#define SLIMBUS_0_TX		0x4001
+#define SLIMBUS_1_RX		0x4002
+#define SLIMBUS_1_TX		0x4003
+#define SLIMBUS_2_RX		0x4004
+#define SLIMBUS_2_TX		0x4005
+#define SLIMBUS_3_RX		0x4006
+#define SLIMBUS_3_TX		0x4007
+#define SLIMBUS_4_RX		0x4008
+#define SLIMBUS_4_TX		0x4009
+#define SLIMBUS_5_RX		0x400a
+#define SLIMBUS_5_TX		0x400b
+#define SLIMBUS_6_RX		0x400c
+#define SLIMBUS_6_TX		0x400d
+#define SLIMBUS_7_RX		0x400e
+#define SLIMBUS_7_TX		0x400f
+#define SLIMBUS_8_RX		0x4010
+#define SLIMBUS_8_TX		0x4011
+#define INT_BT_SCO_RX 0x3000
+#define INT_BT_SCO_TX 0x3001
+#define INT_BT_A2DP_RX 0x3002
+#define INT_FM_RX 0x3004
+#define INT_FM_TX 0x3005
+#define RT_PROXY_PORT_001_RX	0x2000
+#define RT_PROXY_PORT_001_TX	0x2001
+#define DISPLAY_PORT_RX	0x6020
+#define AFE_PORT_CMD_START 0x000100ca
+#define ADSP_AFE_VERSION    0x00200000
+/* Size of the range of port IDs for the audio interface. */
+/* Size of the range of port IDs for internal BT-FM ports. */
+/* Size of the range of port IDs for SLIMbus<sup>&reg;
+ * </sup> multichannel
+ * ports.
+ */
+/* Size of the range of port IDs for real-time proxy ports. */
+/* Size of the range of port IDs for pseudoports. */
+/* Start of the range of port IDs for the audio interface. */
+/* End of the range of port IDs for the audio interface. */
+/* Start of the range of port IDs for real-time proxy ports. */
+/* End of the range of port IDs for real-time proxy ports. */
+/* Start of the range of port IDs for internal BT-FM devices. */
+/* End of the range of port IDs for internal BT-FM devices. */
+/*	Start of the range of port IDs for SLIMbus devices. */
+/*	End of the range of port IDs for SLIMbus devices. */
+/* Start of the range of port IDs for pseudoports. */
+/* End of the range of port IDs for pseudoports.  */
+/* Start of the range of port IDs for TDM devices. */
+/* End of the range of port IDs for TDM devices. */
+/* Size of the range of port IDs for TDM ports. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_PRIMARY_MI2S_RX         0x1000
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_PRIMARY_MI2S_TX         0x1001
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SECONDARY_MI2S_RX       0x1002
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SECONDARY_MI2S_TX       0x1003
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_TERTIARY_MI2S_RX        0x1004
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_TERTIARY_MI2S_TX        0x1005
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_QUATERNARY_MI2S_RX      0x1006
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_QUATERNARY_MI2S_TX      0x1007
+#define AUDIO_PORT_ID_I2S_RX                0x1008
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_DIGITAL_MIC_TX          0x1009
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_PRIMARY_PCM_RX          0x100A
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_PRIMARY_PCM_TX          0x100B
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SECONDARY_PCM_RX        0x100C
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SECONDARY_PCM_TX        0x100D
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_MULTICHAN_HDMI_RX       0x100E
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SECONDARY_MI2S_RX_SD1   0x1010
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_TERTIARY_PCM_RX         0x1012
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_TERTIARY_PCM_TX         0x1013
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_QUATERNARY_PCM_RX       0x1014
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_QUATERNARY_PCM_TX       0x1015
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_QUINARY_MI2S_RX         0x1016
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_QUINARY_MI2S_TX         0x1017
+/* ID of the senary MI2S Rx port. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SENARY_MI2S_RX          0x1018
+/* ID of the senary MI2S Tx port. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SENARY_MI2S_TX          0x1019
+/* ID of the Internal 0 MI2S Rx port */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INT0_MI2S_RX                 0x102E
+/* ID of the Internal 0 MI2S Tx port */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INT0_MI2S_TX                 0x102F
+/* ID of the Internal 1 MI2S Rx port */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INT1_MI2S_RX                 0x1030
+/* ID of the Internal 1 MI2S Tx port */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INT1_MI2S_TX                 0x1031
+/* ID of the Internal 2 MI2S Rx port */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INT2_MI2S_RX                 0x1032
+/* ID of the Internal 2 MI2S Tx port */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INT2_MI2S_TX                 0x1033
+/* ID of the Internal 3 MI2S Rx port */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INT3_MI2S_RX                 0x1034
+/* ID of the Internal 3 MI2S Tx port */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INT3_MI2S_TX                 0x1035
+/* ID of the Internal 4 MI2S Rx port */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INT4_MI2S_RX                 0x1036
+/* ID of the Internal 4 MI2S Tx port */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INT4_MI2S_TX                 0x1037
+/* ID of the Internal 5 MI2S Rx port */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INT5_MI2S_RX                 0x1038
+/* ID of the Internal 5 MI2S Tx port */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INT5_MI2S_TX                 0x1039
+/* ID of the Internal 6 MI2S Rx port */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INT6_MI2S_RX                 0x103A
+/* ID of the Internal 6 MI2S Tx port */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INT6_MI2S_TX                 0x103B
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SPDIF_RX                0x5000
+#define  AFE_PORT_ID_RT_PROXY_PORT_001_RX   0x2000
+#define  AFE_PORT_ID_RT_PROXY_PORT_001_TX   0x2001
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INTERNAL_BT_SCO_RX      0x3000
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INTERNAL_BT_SCO_TX      0x3001
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INTERNAL_BT_A2DP_RX     0x3002
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INTERNAL_FM_RX          0x3004
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INTERNAL_FM_TX          0x3005
+/* SLIMbus Rx port on channel 0. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_0_RX      0x4000
+/* SLIMbus Tx port on channel 0. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_0_TX      0x4001
+/* SLIMbus Rx port on channel 1. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_1_RX      0x4002
+/* SLIMbus Tx port on channel 1. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_1_TX      0x4003
+/* SLIMbus Rx port on channel 2. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_2_RX      0x4004
+/* SLIMbus Tx port on channel 2. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_2_TX      0x4005
+/* SLIMbus Rx port on channel 3. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_3_RX      0x4006
+/* SLIMbus Tx port on channel 3. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_3_TX      0x4007
+/* SLIMbus Rx port on channel 4. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_4_RX      0x4008
+/* SLIMbus Tx port on channel 4. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_4_TX      0x4009
+/* SLIMbus Rx port on channel 5. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_5_RX      0x400a
+/* SLIMbus Tx port on channel 5. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_5_TX      0x400b
+/* SLIMbus Rx port on channel 6. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_6_RX      0x400c
+/* SLIMbus Tx port on channel 6. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_6_TX      0x400d
+/* SLIMbus Rx port on channel 7. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_7_RX      0x400e
+/* SLIMbus Tx port on channel 7. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_7_TX      0x400f
+/* SLIMbus Rx port on channel 8. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_8_RX      0x4010
+/* SLIMbus Tx port on channel 8. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_SLIMBUS_MULTI_CHAN_8_TX      0x4011
+/* AFE Rx port for audio over Display port */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_HDMI_OVER_DP_RX              0x6020
+/*USB AFE port */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_USB_RX                       0x7000
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_USB_TX                       0x7001
+/* Generic pseudoport 1. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_PSEUDOPORT_01      0x8001
+/* Generic pseudoport 2. */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_PSEUDOPORT_02      0x8002
+/* @xreflabel{hdr:AfePortIdPrimaryAuxPcmTx}
+ * Primary Aux PCM Tx port ID.
+ */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_PRIMARY_PCM_TX      0x100B
+/* Pseudoport that corresponds to the voice Rx path.
+ * For recording, the voice Rx path samples are written to this
+ * port and consumed by the audio path.
+ */
+/* Pseudoport that corresponds to the voice Tx path.
+ * For recording, the voice Tx path samples are written to this
+ * port and consumed by the audio path.
+ */
+/* Pseudoport that corresponds to in-call voice delivery samples.
+ * During in-call audio delivery, the audio path delivers samples
+ * to this port from where the voice path delivers them on the
+ * Rx path.
+ */
+#define AFE_PORT_ID_INVALID             0xFFFF
+#define AAC_ENC_MODE_AAC_LC 0x02
+#define AAC_ENC_MODE_AAC_P 0x05
+#define AAC_ENC_MODE_EAAC_P 0x1D
+#define AFE_PSEUDOPORT_CMD_START 0x000100cf
+struct afe_pseudoport_start_command {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u16 port_id;		/* Pseudo Port 1 = 0x8000 */
+				/* Pseudo Port 2 = 0x8001 */
+				/* Pseudo Port 3 = 0x8002 */
+	u16 timing;		/* FTRT = 0 , AVTimer = 1, */
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_PSEUDOPORT_CMD_STOP 0x000100d0
+struct afe_pseudoport_stop_command {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u16 port_id;		/* Pseudo Port 1 = 0x8000 */
+				/* Pseudo Port 2 = 0x8001 */
+				/* Pseudo Port 3 = 0x8002 */
+	u16 reserved;
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_ENABLE	0x00010203
+/*  Payload of the #AFE_PARAM_ID_ENABLE
+ * parameter, which enables or
+ * disables any module.
+ * The fixed size of this structure is four bytes.
+ */
+struct afe_mod_enable_param {
+	u16                  enable;
+	/* Enables (1) or disables (0) the module. */
+	u16                  reserved;
+	/* This field must be set to zero. */
+} __packed;
+/* ID of the configuration parameter used by the
+ */
+#define MAX_NO_IIR_FILTER_STAGE    10
+struct afe_sidetone_iir_filter_config_params {
+	u16                  num_biquad_stages;
+/* Number of stages.
+ * Supported values: Minimum of 5 and maximum of 10
+ */
+	u16                  pregain;
+/* Pregain for the compensating filter response.
+ * Supported values: Any number in Q13 format
+ */
+	uint8_t   iir_config[MAX_SIDETONE_IIR_DATA_SIZE];
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_MODULE_LOOPBACK	0x00010205
+/* Payload of the #AFE_PARAM_ID_LOOPBACK_GAIN_PER_PATH parameter,
+ * which gets/sets loopback gain of a port to an Rx port.
+ * The Tx port ID of the loopback is part of the set_param command.
+ */
+/*  Payload of the #AFE_PORT_CMD_SET_PARAM_V2 command's
+ * configuration/calibration settings for the AFE port.
+ */
+struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2 {
+	u16 port_id;
+/* Port interface and direction (Rx or Tx) to start. */
+	u16 payload_size;
+/* Actual size of the payload in bytes.
+ * This is used for parsing the parameter payload.
+ * Supported values: > 0
+ */
+u32 payload_address_lsw;
+/* LSW of 64 bit Payload address.
+ * Address should be 32-byte,
+ * 4kbyte aligned and must be contiguous memory.
+ */
+u32 payload_address_msw;
+/* MSW of 64 bit Payload address.
+ * In case of 32-bit shared memory address,
+ * this field must be set to zero.
+ * In case of 36-bit shared memory address,
+ * bit-4 to bit-31 must be set to zero.
+ * Address should be 32-byte, 4kbyte aligned
+ * and must be contiguous memory.
+ */
+u32 mem_map_handle;
+/* Memory map handle returned by
+ * Supported Values:
+ * - NULL -- Message. The parameter data is in-band.
+ * - Non-NULL -- The parameter data is Out-band.Pointer to
+ * the physical address
+ * in shared memory of the payload data.
+ * An optional field is available if parameter
+ * data is in-band:
+ * afe_param_data_v2 param_data[...].
+ * For detailed payload content, see the
+ * afe_port_param_data_v2 structure.
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_PORT_CMD_SET_PARAM_V2	0x000100EF
+struct afe_port_param_data_v2 {
+	u32 module_id;
+/* ID of the module to be configured.
+ * Supported values: Valid module ID
+ */
+u32 param_id;
+/* ID of the parameter corresponding to the supported parameters
+ * for the module ID.
+ * Supported values: Valid parameter ID
+ */
+u16 param_size;
+/* Actual size of the data for the
+ * module_id/param_id pair. The size is a
+ * multiple of four bytes.
+ * Supported values: > 0
+ */
+u16 reserved;
+/* This field must be set to zero.
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct afe_loopback_gain_per_path_param {
+	struct apr_hdr	hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2 param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2    pdata;
+	u16                  rx_port_id;
+/* Rx port of the loopback. */
+u16                  gain;
+/* Loopback gain per path of the port.
+ * Supported values: Any number in Q13 format
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* Parameter ID used to configure and enable/disable the
+ * loopback path. The difference with respect to the existing
+ * API, AFE_PORT_CMD_LOOPBACK, is that it allows Rx port to be
+ * configured as source port in loopback path. Port-id in
+ * AFE_PORT_CMD_SET_PARAM cmd is the source port which can be
+ * Tx or Rx port. In addition, we can configure the type of
+ * routing mode to handle different use cases.
+ */
+enum afe_loopback_routing_mode {
+	/* Regular loopback from source to destination port */
+	/* Sidetone feed from Tx source to Rx destination port */
+	/* Echo canceller reference, voice + audio + DTMF */
+	/* Echo canceller reference, voice alone */
+} __packed;
+/*  Payload of the #AFE_PARAM_ID_LOOPBACK_CONFIG ,
+ * which enables/disables one AFE loopback.
+ */
+struct afe_loopback_cfg_v1 {
+	struct apr_hdr	hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2 param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2    pdata;
+	u32		loopback_cfg_minor_version;
+/* Minor version used for tracking the version of the RMC module
+ * configuration interface.
+ */
+	u16                  dst_port_id;
+	/* Destination Port Id. */
+	u16                  routing_mode;
+/* Specifies data path type from src to dest port.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16                  enable;
+/* Specifies whether to enable (1) or
+ * disable (0) an AFE loopback.
+ */
+	u16                  reserved;
+/* Reserved for 32-bit alignment. This field must be set to 0.
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct afe_loopback_sidetone_gain {
+	u16                  rx_port_id;
+	u16                  gain;
+} __packed;
+struct loopback_cfg_data {
+	u32                  loopback_cfg_minor_version;
+/* Minor version used for tracking the version of the RMC module
+ * configuration interface.
+ */
+	u16                  dst_port_id;
+	/* Destination Port Id. */
+	u16                  routing_mode;
+/* Specifies data path type from src to dest port.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16                  enable;
+/* Specifies whether to enable (1) or
+ * disable (0) an AFE loopback.
+ */
+	u16                  reserved;
+/* Reserved for 32-bit alignment. This field must be set to 0.
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct afe_st_loopback_cfg_v1 {
+	struct apr_hdr                    hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2  param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2     gain_pdata;
+	struct afe_loopback_sidetone_gain gain_data;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2     cfg_pdata;
+	struct loopback_cfg_data          cfg_data;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_loopback_iir_cfg_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr                          hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2        param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2           st_iir_enable_pdata;
+	struct afe_mod_enable_param             st_iir_mode_enable_data;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2           st_iir_filter_config_pdata;
+	struct afe_sidetone_iir_filter_config_params st_iir_filter_config_data;
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_SPKR_PROT_CONFIG	0x0001020a
+struct afe_spkr_prot_cfg_param_v1 {
+	u32       spkr_prot_minor_version;
+ * Minor version used for tracking the version of the
+ * speaker protection module configuration interface.
+ */
+int16_t        win_size;
+/* Analysis and synthesis window size (nWinSize).
+ * Supported values: 1024, 512, 256 samples
+ */
+int16_t        margin;
+/* Allowable margin for excursion prediction,
+ * in L16Q15 format. This is a
+ * control parameter to allow
+ * for overestimation of peak excursion.
+ */
+int16_t        spkr_exc_limit;
+/* Speaker excursion limit, in L16Q15 format.*/
+int16_t        spkr_resonance_freq;
+/* Resonance frequency of the speaker; used
+ * to define a frequency range
+ * for signal modification.
+ *
+ * Supported values: 0 to 2000 Hz
+ */
+int16_t        limhresh;
+/* Threshold of the hard limiter; used to
+ * prevent overshooting beyond a
+ * signal level that was set by the limiter
+ * prior to speaker protection.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 32767
+ */
+int16_t        hpf_cut_off_freq;
+/* High pass filter cutoff frequency.
+ * Supported values: 100, 200, 300 Hz
+ */
+int16_t        hpf_enable;
+/* Specifies whether the high pass filter
+ * is enabled (0) or disabled (1).
+ */
+int16_t        reserved;
+/* This field must be set to zero. */
+int32_t        amp_gain;
+/* Amplifier gain in L32Q15 format.
+ * This is the RMS voltage at the
+ * loudspeaker when a 0dBFS tone
+ * is played in the digital domain.
+ */
+int16_t        excursionf[AFE_SPKR_PROT_EXCURSIONF_LEN];
+/* Array of the excursion transfer function.
+ * The peak excursion of the
+ * loudspeaker diaphragm is
+ * measured in millimeters for 1 Vrms Sine
+ * tone at all FFT bin frequencies.
+ * Supported values: Q15 format
+ */
+} __packed;
+ * command, which registers a real-time port driver
+ * with the AFE service.
+ */
+struct afe_service_cmd_register_rt_port_driver {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u16                  port_id;
+/* Port ID with which the real-time driver exchanges data
+ * (registers for events).
+ * Supported values: #AFE_PORT_ID_RT_PROXY_PORT_RANGE_START to
+ */
+	u16                  reserved;
+	/* This field must be set to zero. */
+} __packed;
+ * command, which unregisters a real-time port driver from
+ * the AFE service.
+ */
+struct afe_service_cmd_unregister_rt_port_driver {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u16                  port_id;
+/* Port ID from which the real-time
+ * driver unregisters for events.
+ * Supported values: #AFE_PORT_ID_RT_PROXY_PORT_RANGE_START to
+ */
+	u16                  reserved;
+	/* This field must be set to zero.	*/
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_EVENT_RT_PROXY_PORT_STATUS	0x00010105
+ * message, which sends an event from the AFE service
+ * to a registered client.
+ */
+struct afe_event_rt_proxy_port_status {
+	u16                  port_id;
+/* Port ID to which the event is sent.
+ * Supported values: #AFE_PORT_ID_RT_PROXY_PORT_RANGE_START to
+ */
+	u16                  eventype;
+/* Type of event.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct afe_port_data_cmd_rt_proxy_port_write_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u16                  port_id;
+/* Tx (mic) proxy port ID with which the real-time
+ * driver exchanges data.
+ * Supported values: #AFE_PORT_ID_RT_PROXY_PORT_RANGE_START to
+ */
+	u16                  reserved;
+	/* This field must be set to zero. */
+	u32                  buffer_address_lsw;
+/* LSW Address of the buffer containing the
+ * data from the real-time source
+ * device on a client.
+ */
+	u32                  buffer_address_msw;
+/* MSW Address of the buffer containing the
+ * data from the real-time source
+ * device on a client.
+ */
+	u32					mem_map_handle;
+/* A memory map handle encapsulating shared memory
+ * attributes is returned if
+ * command is successful.
+ * Supported Values:
+ * - Any 32 bit value
+ */
+	u32                  available_bytes;
+/* Number of valid bytes available
+ * in the buffer (including all
+ * channels: number of bytes per
+ * channel = availableBytesumChannels).
+ * Supported values: > 0
+ *
+ * This field must be equal to the frame
+ * size specified in the #AFE_PORT_AUDIO_IF_CONFIG
+ * command that was sent to configure this
+ * port.
+ */
+} __packed;
+/*  Payload of the
+ * delivers an empty buffer to the AFE service. On
+ * acknowledgment, data is filled in the buffer.
+ */
+struct afe_port_data_cmd_rt_proxy_port_read_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u16                  port_id;
+/* Rx proxy port ID with which the real-time
+ * driver exchanges data.
+ * Supported values: #AFE_PORT_ID_RT_PROXY_PORT_RANGE_START to
+ * (This must be an Rx (speaker) port.)
+ */
+	u16                  reserved;
+	/* This field must be set to zero. */
+	u32                  buffer_address_lsw;
+/* LSW Address of the buffer containing the data sent from the AFE
+ * service to a real-time sink device on the client.
+ */
+	u32                  buffer_address_msw;
+/* MSW Address of the buffer containing the data sent from the AFE
+ * service to a real-time sink device on the client.
+ */
+		u32				mem_map_handle;
+/* A memory map handle encapsulating shared memory attributes is
+ * returned if AFE_SERVICE_CMD_SHARED_MEM_MAP_REGIONS command is
+ * successful.
+ * Supported Values:
+ * - Any 32 bit value
+ */
+	u32                  available_bytes;
+/* Number of valid bytes available in the buffer (including all
+ * channels).
+ * Supported values: > 0
+ * This field must be equal to the frame size specified in the
+ * #AFE_PORT_AUDIO_IF_CONFIG command that was sent to configure
+ * this port.
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* This module ID is related to device configuring like I2S,PCM,
+ * HDMI, SLIMBus etc. This module supports following parameter ids.
+ */
+#define AFE_PORT_SAMPLE_RATE_8K           8000
+#define AFE_PORT_SAMPLE_RATE_16K          16000
+#define AFE_PORT_SAMPLE_RATE_48K          48000
+#define AFE_PORT_SAMPLE_RATE_96K          96000
+#define AFE_PORT_SAMPLE_RATE_176P4K       176400
+#define AFE_PORT_SAMPLE_RATE_192K         192000
+#define AFE_PORT_SAMPLE_RATE_352P8K       352800
+#define AFE_LINEAR_PCM_DATA				0x0
+#define AFE_NON_LINEAR_DATA				0x1
+#define AFE_LINEAR_PCM_DATA_PACKED_60958 0x2
+#define AFE_NON_LINEAR_DATA_PACKED_60958 0x3
+#define AFE_GENERIC_COMPRESSED           0x8
+/* This param id is used to configure I2S interface */
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_I2S_CONFIG	0x0001020D
+/*	Enumeration for setting the I2S configuration
+ * channel_mode parameter to
+ * serial data wire number 1-3 (SD3).
+ */
+#define AFE_PORT_I2S_SD0                     0x1
+#define AFE_PORT_I2S_SD1                     0x2
+#define AFE_PORT_I2S_SD2                     0x3
+#define AFE_PORT_I2S_SD3                     0x4
+#define AFE_PORT_I2S_QUAD01                  0x5
+#define AFE_PORT_I2S_QUAD23                  0x6
+#define AFE_PORT_I2S_6CHS                    0x7
+#define AFE_PORT_I2S_8CHS                    0x8
+#define AFE_PORT_I2S_MONO                    0x0
+#define AFE_PORT_I2S_STEREO                  0x1
+/*  Payload of the #AFE_PARAM_ID_I2S_CONFIG
+ * command's (I2S configuration
+ * parameter).
+ */
+struct afe_param_id_i2s_cfg {
+	u32                  i2s_cfg_minor_version;
+/* Minor version used for tracking the version of the I2S
+ * configuration interface.
+ * Supported values: #AFE_API_VERSION_I2S_CONFIG
+ */
+	u16                  bit_width;
+/* Bit width of the sample.
+ * Supported values: 16, 24
+ */
+	u16                  channel_mode;
+/* I2S lines and multichannel operation.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - #AFE_PORT_I2S_SD0
+ * - #AFE_PORT_I2S_SD1
+ * - #AFE_PORT_I2S_SD2
+ * - #AFE_PORT_I2S_SD3
+ * - #AFE_PORT_I2S_QUAD01
+ * - #AFE_PORT_I2S_QUAD23
+ * - #AFE_PORT_I2S_6CHS
+ * - #AFE_PORT_I2S_8CHS
+ */
+	u16                  mono_stereo;
+/* Specifies mono or stereo. This applies only when
+ * a single I2S line is used.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16                  ws_src;
+/* Word select source: internal or external.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u32                  sample_rate;
+/* Sampling rate of the port.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16					data_format;
+/* data format
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+		u16                  reserved;
+	/* This field must be set to zero. */
+} __packed;
+ * This param id is used to configure PCM interface
+ */
+#define AFE_CH_STATUS_A 1
+#define AFE_CH_STATUS_B 2
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_SPDIF_CONFIG 0x00010244
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_CH_STATUS_CONFIG 0x00010245
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_SPDIF_CLK_CONFIG 0x00010246
+struct afe_param_id_spdif_cfg {
+/* Minor version used for tracking the version of the SPDIF
+ * configuration interface.
+ * Supported values: #AFE_API_VERSION_SPDIF_CONFIG
+ */
+	u32	spdif_cfg_minor_version;
+/* Sampling rate of the port.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u32	sample_rate;
+/* data format
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16	data_format;
+/* Number of channels supported by the port
+ * - PCM - 1, Compressed Case - 2
+ */
+	u16	num_channels;
+/* Bit width of the sample.
+ * Supported values: 16, 24
+ */
+	u16	bit_width;
+/* This field must be set to zero. */
+	u16	reserved;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_param_id_spdif_ch_status_cfg {
+	u32 ch_status_cfg_minor_version;
+/* Minor version used for tracking the version of channel
+ * status configuration. Current supported version is 1
+ */
+	u32 status_type;
+/* Indicate if the channel status is for channel A or B
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u8 status_bits[24];
+/* Channel status - 192 bits for channel
+ * Byte ordering as defined by IEC60958-3
+ */
+	u8 status_mask[24];
+/* Channel status with mask bits 1 will be applied.
+ * Byte ordering as defined by IEC60958-3
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct afe_param_id_spdif_clk_cfg {
+	u32 clk_cfg_minor_version;
+/* Minor version used for tracking the version of SPDIF
+ * interface clock configuration. Current supported version
+ * is 1
+ */
+	u32 clk_value;
+/* Specifies the clock frequency in Hz to set
+ * Supported values:
+ * 0 - Disable the clock
+ * 2 (byphase) * 32 (60958 subframe size) * sampling rate * 2
+ * (channels A and B)
+ */
+	u32 clk_root;
+/* Specifies SPDIF root clk source
+ * Supported Values:
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct afe_spdif_clk_config_command {
+	struct apr_hdr                    hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2  param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2     pdata;
+	struct afe_param_id_spdif_clk_cfg clk_cfg;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_spdif_chstatus_config_command {
+	struct apr_hdr                    hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2  param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2     pdata;
+	struct afe_param_id_spdif_ch_status_cfg ch_status;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_spdif_port_config {
+	struct afe_param_id_spdif_cfg            cfg;
+	struct afe_param_id_spdif_ch_status_cfg  ch_status;
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_PCM_CONFIG        0x0001020E
+/* Enumeration for the auxiliary PCM synchronization signal
+ * provided by an external source.
+ */
+/*	Enumeration for the auxiliary PCM synchronization signal
+ * provided by an internal source.
+ */
+/*	Enumeration for the PCM configuration aux_mode parameter,
+ * which configures the auxiliary PCM interface to use
+ * short synchronization.
+ */
+ * Enumeration for the PCM configuration aux_mode parameter,
+ * which configures the auxiliary PCM interface to use long
+ * synchronization.
+ */
+#define AFE_PORT_PCM_AUX_MODE_AUX    0x1
+ * Enumeration for setting the PCM configuration frame to 8.
+ */
+ * Enumeration for setting the PCM configuration frame to 16.
+ */
+#define AFE_PORT_PCM_BITS_PER_FRAME_16   0x1
+/*	Enumeration for setting the PCM configuration frame to 32.*/
+/*	Enumeration for setting the PCM configuration frame to 64.*/
+#define AFE_PORT_PCM_BITS_PER_FRAME_64   0x3
+/*	Enumeration for setting the PCM configuration frame to 128.*/
+#define AFE_PORT_PCM_BITS_PER_FRAME_128 0x4
+/*	Enumeration for setting the PCM configuration frame to 256.*/
+#define AFE_PORT_PCM_BITS_PER_FRAME_256 0x5
+/*	Enumeration for setting the PCM configuration
+ * quantype parameter to A-law with no padding.
+ */
+/* Enumeration for setting the PCM configuration quantype
+ * parameter to mu-law with no padding.
+ */
+/*	Enumeration for setting the PCM configuration quantype
+ * parameter to linear with no padding.
+ */
+/*	Enumeration for setting the PCM configuration quantype
+ * parameter to A-law with padding.
+ */
+/*	Enumeration for setting the PCM configuration quantype
+ * parameter to mu-law with padding.
+ */
+/*	Enumeration for setting the PCM configuration quantype
+ * parameter to linear with padding.
+ */
+/*	Enumeration for disabling the PCM configuration
+ * ctrl_data_out_enable parameter.
+ * The PCM block is the only master.
+ */
+ * Enumeration for enabling the PCM configuration
+ * ctrl_data_out_enable parameter. The PCM block shares
+ * the signal with other masters.
+ */
+/*  Payload of the #AFE_PARAM_ID_PCM_CONFIG command's
+ * (PCM configuration parameter).
+ */
+struct afe_param_id_pcm_cfg {
+	u32                  pcm_cfg_minor_version;
+/* Minor version used for tracking the version of the AUX PCM
+ * configuration interface.
+ * Supported values: #AFE_API_VERSION_PCM_CONFIG
+ */
+	u16                  aux_mode;
+/* PCM synchronization setting.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16                  sync_src;
+/* Synchronization source.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16                  frame_setting;
+/* Number of bits per frame.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16                  quantype;
+/* PCM quantization type.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16                  ctrl_data_out_enable;
+/* Specifies whether the PCM block shares the data-out
+ * signal to the drive with other masters.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+		u16                  reserved;
+	/* This field must be set to zero. */
+	u32                  sample_rate;
+/* Sampling rate of the port.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16                  bit_width;
+/* Bit width of the sample.
+ * Supported values: 16
+ */
+	u16                  num_channels;
+/* Number of channels.
+ * Supported values: 1 to 4
+ */
+	u16                  slot_number_mapping[4];
+/* Specifies the slot number for the each channel in
+ * multi channel scenario.
+ * Supported values: 1 to 32
+ */
+} __packed;
+ * This param id is used to configure DIGI MIC interface
+ */
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_DIGI_MIC_CONFIG	0x0001020F
+/*  This version information is used to handle the new
+ *   additions to the config interface in future in backward
+ *   compatible manner.
+ */
+/* Enumeration for setting the digital mic configuration
+ * channel_mode parameter to left 0.
+ */
+/*Enumeration for setting the digital mic configuration
+ * channel_mode parameter to right 0.
+ */
+/* Enumeration for setting the digital mic configuration
+ * channel_mode parameter to left 1.
+ */
+/* Enumeration for setting the digital mic configuration
+ * channel_mode parameter to right 1.
+ */
+/* Enumeration for setting the digital mic configuration
+ * channel_mode parameter to stereo 0.
+ */
+/* Enumeration for setting the digital mic configuration
+ * channel_mode parameter to stereo 1.
+ */
+/* Enumeration for setting the digital mic configuration
+ * channel_mode parameter to quad.
+ */
+#define AFE_PORT_DIGI_MIC_MODE_QUAD     0x7
+/*  Payload of the #AFE_PARAM_ID_DIGI_MIC_CONFIG command's
+ * (DIGI MIC configuration
+ * parameter).
+ */
+struct afe_param_id_digi_mic_cfg {
+	u32                  digi_mic_cfg_minor_version;
+/* Minor version used for tracking the version of the DIGI Mic
+ * configuration interface.
+ * Supported values: #AFE_API_VERSION_DIGI_MIC_CONFIG
+ */
+	u16                  bit_width;
+/* Bit width of the sample.
+ * Supported values: 16
+ */
+	u16                  channel_mode;
+/* Digital mic and multichannel operation.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u32                  sample_rate;
+/* Sampling rate of the port.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* This param id is used to configure HDMI interface */
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_HDMI_CONFIG     0x00010210
+/* This version information is used to handle the new
+ * additions to the config interface in future in backward
+ * compatible manner.
+ */
+/* Payload of the #AFE_PARAM_ID_HDMI_CONFIG command,
+ * which configures a multichannel HDMI audio interface.
+ */
+struct afe_param_id_hdmi_multi_chan_audio_cfg {
+	u32                  hdmi_cfg_minor_version;
+/* Minor version used for tracking the version of the HDMI
+ * configuration interface.
+ * Supported values: #AFE_API_VERSION_HDMI_CONFIG
+ */
+u16                  datatype;
+/* data type
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+u16                  channel_allocation;
+/* HDMI channel allocation information for programming an HDMI
+ * frame. The default is 0 (Stereo).
+ *
+ * This information is defined in the HDMI standard, CEA 861-D
+ * (refer to @xhyperref{S1,[S1]}). The number of channels is also
+ * inferred from this parameter.
+ */
+u32                  sample_rate;
+/* Sampling rate of the port.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 22050, 44100, 176400 for compressed streams
+ */
+	u16                  bit_width;
+/* Bit width of the sample.
+ * Supported values: 16, 24
+ */
+		u16                  reserved;
+	/* This field must be set to zero. */
+} __packed;
+/* This param id is used to configure BT or FM(RIVA) interface */
+/* This version information is used to handle the new
+ * additions to the config interface in future in backward
+ * compatible manner.
+ */
+ * command's BT voice/BT audio/FM configuration parameter.
+ */
+struct afe_param_id_internal_bt_fm_cfg {
+	u32                  bt_fm_cfg_minor_version;
+/* Minor version used for tracking the version of the BT and FM
+ * configuration interface.
+ */
+	u16                  num_channels;
+/* Number of channels.
+ * Supported values: 1 to 2
+ */
+	u16                  bit_width;
+/* Bit width of the sample.
+ * Supported values: 16
+ */
+	u32                  sample_rate;
+/* Sampling rate of the port.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - #AFE_PORT_SAMPLE_RATE_8K (only for BTSCO)
+ * - #AFE_PORT_SAMPLE_RATE_16K (only for BTSCO)
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* This param id is used to configure SLIMBUS interface using
+ * shared channel approach.
+ */
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_SLIMBUS_CONFIG    0x00010212
+/* This version information is used to handle the new
+ * additions to the config interface in future in backward
+ * compatible manner.
+ */
+/* Enumeration for setting SLIMbus device ID 1. */
+#define AFE_SLIMBUS_DEVICE_1           0x0
+/* Enumeration for setting SLIMbus device ID 2. */
+#define AFE_SLIMBUS_DEVICE_2          0x1
+/* Enumeration for setting the SLIMbus data formats. */
+/* Enumeration for setting the maximum number of streams per
+ * device.
+ */
+/* Payload of the #AFE_PORT_CMD_SLIMBUS_CONFIG command's SLIMbus
+ * port configuration parameter.
+ */
+struct afe_param_id_slimbus_cfg {
+	u32                  sb_cfg_minor_version;
+/* Minor version used for tracking the version of the SLIMBUS
+ * configuration interface.
+ */
+	u16                  slimbus_dev_id;
+/* SLIMbus hardware device ID, which is required to handle
+ * multiple SLIMbus hardware blocks.
+ * Supported values: - #AFE_SLIMBUS_DEVICE_1 - #AFE_SLIMBUS_DEVICE_2
+ */
+	u16                  bit_width;
+/* Bit width of the sample.
+ * Supported values: 16, 24
+ */
+	u16                  data_format;
+/* Data format supported by the SLIMbus hardware. The default is
+ * 0 (#AFE_SB_DATA_FORMAT_NOT_INDICATED), which indicates the
+ * hardware does not perform any format conversions before the data
+ * transfer.
+ */
+	u16                  num_channels;
+/* Number of channels.
+ * Supported values: 1 to #AFE_PORT_MAX_AUDIO_CHAN_CNT
+ */
+	u8  shared_ch_mapping[AFE_PORT_MAX_AUDIO_CHAN_CNT];
+/* Mapping of shared channel IDs (128 to 255) to which the
+ * master port is to be connected.
+ * Shared_channel_mapping[i] represents the shared channel assigned
+ * for audio channel i in multichannel audio data.
+ */
+	u32              sample_rate;
+/* Sampling rate of the port.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* ID of the parameter used by AFE_PARAM_ID_USB_AUDIO_DEV_PARAMS to configure
+ * USB audio device parameter. It should be used with
+ */
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_USB_AUDIO_DEV_PARAMS    0x000102A5
+/* ID of the parameter used to set the endianness value for the
+ * USB audio device. It should be used with
+ */
+/* Minor version used for tracking USB audio  configuration */
+/* Payload of the AFE_PARAM_ID_USB_AUDIO_DEV_PARAMS parameter used by
+ */
+struct afe_param_id_usb_audio_dev_params {
+/* Minor version used for tracking USB audio device parameter.
+ */
+	u32                  cfg_minor_version;
+/* Token of actual end USB aduio device */
+	u32                  dev_token;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_param_id_usb_audio_dev_lpcm_fmt {
+/* Minor version used for tracking USB audio device parameter.
+ */
+	u32                  cfg_minor_version;
+/* Endianness of actual end USB audio device */
+	u32                  endian;
+} __packed;
+/* ID of the parameter used by AFE_PARAM_ID_USB_AUDIO_CONFIG to configure
+ * USB audio interface. It should be used with AFE_MODULE_AUDIO_DEV_INTERFACE
+ */
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_USB_AUDIO_CONFIG    0x000102A4
+/* Payload of the AFE_PARAM_ID_USB_AUDIO_CONFIG parameter used by
+ */
+struct afe_param_id_usb_audio_cfg {
+/* Minor version used for tracking USB audio device configuration.
+ */
+	u32                  cfg_minor_version;
+/* Sampling rate of the port.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u32                  sample_rate;
+/* Bit width of the sample.
+ * Supported values: 16, 24
+ */
+	u16                  bit_width;
+/* Number of channels.
+ * Supported values: 1 and 2
+ */
+	u16                  num_channels;
+/* Data format supported by the USB. The supported value is
+ */
+	u16                  data_format;
+/* this field must be 0 */
+	u16                  reserved;
+/* device token of actual end USB aduio device */
+	u32                  dev_token;
+/* endianness of this interface */
+	u32                   endian;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_usb_audio_dev_param_command {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2 param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2    pdata;
+	union {
+		struct afe_param_id_usb_audio_dev_params usb_dev;
+		struct afe_param_id_usb_audio_dev_lpcm_fmt lpcm_fmt;
+	};
+} __packed;
+/* This param id is used to configure Real Time Proxy interface. */
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_RT_PROXY_CONFIG 0x00010213
+/* This version information is used to handle the new
+ * additions to the config interface in future in backward
+ * compatible manner.
+ */
+/*  Payload of the #AFE_PARAM_ID_RT_PROXY_CONFIG
+ * command (real-time proxy port configuration parameter).
+ */
+struct afe_param_id_rt_proxy_port_cfg {
+	u32                  rt_proxy_cfg_minor_version;
+/* Minor version used for tracking the version of rt-proxy
+ * config interface.
+ */
+	u16                  bit_width;
+/* Bit width of the sample.
+ * Supported values: 16
+ */
+	u16                  interleaved;
+/* Specifies whether the data exchanged between the AFE
+ * interface and real-time port is interleaved.
+ * Supported values: - 0 -- Non-interleaved (samples from each
+ * channel are contiguous in the buffer) - 1 -- Interleaved
+ * (corresponding samples from each input channel are interleaved
+ * within the buffer)
+ */
+	u16                  frame_size;
+/* Size of the frames that are used for PCM exchanges with this
+ * port.
+ * Supported values: > 0, in bytes
+ * For example, 5 ms buffers of 16 bits and 16 kHz stereo samples
+ * is 5 ms * 16 samples/ms * 2 bytes/sample * 2 channels = 320
+ * bytes.
+ */
+	u16                  jitter_allowance;
+/* Configures the amount of jitter that the port will allow.
+ * Supported values: > 0
+ * For example, if +/-10 ms of jitter is anticipated in the timing
+ * of sending frames to the port, and the configuration is 16 kHz
+ * mono with 16-bit samples, this field is 10 ms * 16 samples/ms * 2
+ * bytes/sample = 320.
+ */
+	u16                  low_water_mark;
+/* Low watermark in bytes (including all channels).
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0 -- Do not send any low watermark events
+ * - > 0 -- Low watermark for triggering an event
+ * If the number of bytes in an internal circular buffer is lower
+ * than this low_water_mark parameter, a LOW_WATER_MARK event is
+ * sent to applications (via the #AFE_EVENT_RT_PROXY_PORT_STATUS
+ * event).
+ * Use of watermark events is optional for debugging purposes.
+ */
+	u16                  high_water_mark;
+/* High watermark in bytes (including all channels).
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0 -- Do not send any high watermark events
+ * - > 0 -- High watermark for triggering an event
+ * If the number of bytes in an internal circular buffer exceeds
+ * TOTAL_CIRC_BUF_SIZE minus high_water_mark, a high watermark event
+ * is sent to applications (via the #AFE_EVENT_RT_PROXY_PORT_STATUS
+ * event).
+ * The use of watermark events is optional and for debugging
+ * purposes.
+ */
+	u32					sample_rate;
+/* Sampling rate of the port.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16                  num_channels;
+/* Number of channels.
+ * Supported values: 1 to #AFE_PORT_MAX_AUDIO_CHAN_CNT
+ */
+	u16                  reserved;
+	/* For 32 bit alignment. */
+} __packed;
+/* This param id is used to configure the Pseudoport interface */
+/* Version information used to handle future additions to the configuration
+ * interface (for backward compatibility).
+ */
+#define AFE_API_VERSION_PSEUDO_PORT_CONFIG                          0x1
+/* Enumeration for setting the timing_mode parameter to faster than real
+ * time.
+ */
+#define AFE_PSEUDOPORT_TIMING_MODE_FTRT                             0x0
+/* Enumeration for setting the timing_mode parameter to real time using
+ * timers.
+ */
+#define AFE_PSEUDOPORT_TIMING_MODE_TIMER                            0x1
+/* Payload of the AFE_PARAM_ID_PSEUDO_PORT_CONFIG parameter used by
+ */
+struct afe_param_id_pseudo_port_cfg {
+	u32                  pseud_port_cfg_minor_version;
+	/*
+	 * Minor version used for tracking the version of the pseudoport
+	 * configuration interface.
+	 */
+	u16                  bit_width;
+	/* Bit width of the sample at values 16, 24 */
+	u16                  num_channels;
+	/* Number of channels at values  1 to 8 */
+	u16                  data_format;
+	/* Non-linear data format supported by the pseudoport (for future use).
+	 * At values #AFE_LINEAR_PCM_DATA
+	 */
+	u16                  timing_mode;
+	/* Indicates whether the pseudoport synchronizes to the clock or
+	 * operates faster than real time.
+	 * at values
+	 * - #AFE_PSEUDOPORT_TIMING_MODE_TIMER @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	u32                  sample_rate;
+	/* Sample rate at which the pseudoport will run.
+	 * at values
+	 * - #AFE_PORT_SAMPLE_RATE_192K @tablebulletend
+	 */
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_TDM_CONFIG		0x0001029D
+#define AFE_API_VERSION_TDM_CONFIG              1
+#define AFE_PORT_TDM_LONG_SYNC_MODE             1
+#define AFE_PORT_TDM_SYNC_SRC_EXTERNAL          0
+#define AFE_PORT_TDM_SYNC_SRC_INTERNAL          1
+#define AFE_PORT_TDM_SYNC_NORMAL                0
+#define AFE_PORT_TDM_SYNC_INVERT                1
+/* Payload of the AFE_PARAM_ID_TDM_CONFIG parameter used by
+ */
+struct afe_param_id_tdm_cfg {
+	u32	tdm_cfg_minor_version;
+	/* < Minor version used to track TDM configuration.
+	 */
+	u32	num_channels;
+	/* < Number of enabled slots for TDM frame.
+	 * @values 1 to 8
+	 */
+	u32	sample_rate;
+	/* < Sampling rate of the port.
+	 * @values
+	 * - #AFE_PORT_SAMPLE_RATE_352P8K @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	u32	bit_width;
+	/* < Bit width of the sample.
+	 * @values 16, 24
+	 */
+	u16	data_format;
+	/* < Data format: linear ,compressed, generic compresssed
+	 * @values
+	 */
+	u16	sync_mode;
+	/* < TDM synchronization setting.
+	 * @values (short, long, slot) sync mode
+	 * - #AFE_PORT_TDM_SHORT_SYNC_SLOT_MODE @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	u16	sync_src;
+	/* < Synchronization source.
+	 * @values
+	 * - #AFE_PORT_TDM_SYNC_SRC_INTERNAL @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	u16	nslots_per_frame;
+	/* < Number of slots per frame. Typical : 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32.
+	 * @values 1 - 32
+	 */
+	u16	ctrl_data_out_enable;
+	/* < Specifies whether the TDM block shares the data-out signal to the
+	 * drive with other masters.
+	 * @values
+	 * - #AFE_PORT_TDM_CTRL_DATA_OE_ENABLE @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	u16	ctrl_invert_sync_pulse;
+	/* < Specifies whether to invert the sync or not.
+	 * @values
+	 * - #AFE_PORT_TDM_SYNC_INVERT @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	u16	ctrl_sync_data_delay;
+	/* < Specifies the number of bit clock to delay data with respect to
+	 * sync edge.
+	 * @values
+	 * - #AFE_PORT_TDM_DATA_DELAY_2_BCLK_CYCLE @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	u16	slot_width;
+	/* < Slot width of the slot in a TDM frame.  (slot_width >= bit_width)
+	 * have to be satisfied.
+	 * @values 16, 24, 32
+	 */
+	u32	slot_mask;
+	/* < Position of active slots.  When that bit is set,
+	 * that paricular slot is active.
+	 * Number of active slots can be inferred by number of
+	 * bits set in the mask.  Only 8 individual bits can be enabled.
+	 * Bits 0..31 corresponding to slot 0..31
+	 * @values 1 to 2^32 - 1
+	 */
+} __packed;
+/* ID of Time Divsion Multiplexing (TDM) module,
+ * which is used for configuring the AFE TDM.
+ *
+ * This module supports following parameter IDs:
+ *
+ * To configure the TDM interface, the client must use the
+ * #AFE_PORT_CMD_SET_PARAM command, and fill the module ID with the
+ * respective parameter IDs as listed above.
+ */
+#define AFE_MODULE_TDM		0x0001028A
+/* ID of the parameter used by #AFE_MODULE_TDM to configure
+ * the TDM slot mapping. #AFE_PORT_CMD_SET_PARAM can use this parameter ID.
+ */
+/* Version information used to handle future additions to slot mapping
+ * configuration (for backward compatibility).
+ */
+/* Data align type  */
+ * command's TDM configuration parameter.
+ */
+struct afe_param_id_slot_mapping_cfg {
+	u32	minor_version;
+	/* < Minor version used for tracking TDM slot configuration.
+	 */
+	u16	num_channel;
+	/* < number of channel of the audio sample.
+	 * @values 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	u16	bitwidth;
+	/* < Slot bit width for each channel
+	 * @values 16, 24, 32
+	 */
+	u32	data_align_type;
+	/* < indicate how data packed from slot_offset for 32 slot bit width
+	 * in case of sample bit width is 24.
+	 * @values
+	 */
+	/* < Array of the slot mapping start offset in bytes for this frame.
+	 * The bytes is counted from 0. The 0 is mapped to the 1st byte
+	 * in or out of the digital serial data line this sub-frame belong to.
+	 * slot_offset[] setting is per-channel based.
+	 * The max num of channel supported is 8.
+	 * The valid offset value must always be continuly placed in from
+	 * index 0.
+	 * Set offset as AFE_SLOT_MAPPING_OFFSET_INVALID for not used arrays.
+	 * If "slot_bitwidth_per_channel" is 32 and "sample_bitwidth" is 24,
+	 * "data_align_type" is used to indicate how 24 bit sample data in
+	 * aligning with 32 bit slot width per-channel.
+	 * @values, in byte
+	 */
+} __packed;
+/* ID of the parameter used by #AFE_MODULE_TDM to configure
+ * the customer TDM header. #AFE_PORT_CMD_SET_PARAM can use this parameter ID.
+ */
+/* Version information used to handle future additions to custom TDM header
+ * configuration (for backward compatibility).
+ */
+/* Payload of the AFE_PARAM_ID_CUSTOM_TDM_HEADER_CONFIG parameter ID */
+struct afe_param_id_custom_tdm_header_cfg {
+	u32	minor_version;
+	/* < Minor version used for tracking custom TDM header configuration.
+	 */
+	u16	start_offset;
+	/* < the slot mapping start offset in bytes from this sub-frame
+	 * The bytes is counted from 0. The 0 is mapped to the 1st byte in or
+	 * out of the digital serial data line this sub-frame belong to.
+	 * @values, in byte,
+	 * supported values are 0, 4, 8
+	 */
+	u16	header_width;
+	/* < the header width per-frame followed.
+	 * 2 bytes for MOST/TDM case
+	 * @values, in byte
+	 * supported value is 2
+	 */
+	u16	header_type;
+	/* < Indicate what kind of custom TDM header it is.
+	 * #AFE_CUSTOM_TDM_HEADER_TYPE_DEFAULT = 1  (for AAN channel per MOST)
+	 * (for entertainment channel, which will overwrite
+	 */
+	u16	num_frame_repeat;
+	/* < num of header followed.
+	 * @values, supported value is 8
+	 */
+	/* < SAD header for MOST/TDM case is followed as payload as below.
+	 * The size of followed SAD header in bytes is num_of_frame_repeat *
+	 * header_width_per_frame, which is 2 * 8 = 16 bytes here.
+	 * the supported payload format is in uint16_t as below
+	 * uint16_t header0; SyncHi 0x3C Info[4] - CodecType -> 0x3C00
+	 * uint16_t header1; SyncLo 0xB2 Info[5] - SampleWidth -> 0xB218
+	 * uint16_t header2; DTCP Info     Info[6] - unused -> 0x0
+	 * uint16_t header3; Extension Info[7] - ASAD-Value -> 0xC0
+	 * uint16_t header4; Reserved Info[0] - Num of bytes following  -> 0x7
+	 * uint16_t header5; Reserved Info[1] - Media Type -> 0x0
+	 * uint16_t header6; Reserved Info[2] - Bitrate[kbps] - High Byte -> 0x0
+	 * uint16_t header7; Reserved Info[3] - Bitrate[kbps] - Low  Byte -> 0x0
+	 */
+} __packed;
+struct afe_slot_mapping_config_command {
+	struct apr_hdr	hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2	param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2	pdata;
+	struct afe_param_id_slot_mapping_cfg	slot_mapping;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_custom_tdm_header_config_command {
+	struct apr_hdr	hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2	param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2	pdata;
+	struct afe_param_id_custom_tdm_header_cfg	custom_tdm_header;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_tdm_port_config {
+	struct afe_param_id_tdm_cfg				tdm;
+	struct afe_param_id_slot_mapping_cfg		slot_mapping;
+	struct afe_param_id_custom_tdm_header_cfg	custom_tdm_header;
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_DEVICE_HW_DELAY     0x00010243
+struct afe_param_id_device_hw_delay_cfg {
+	uint32_t    device_hw_delay_minor_version;
+	uint32_t    delay_in_us;
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_SET_TOPOLOGY    0x0001025A
+struct afe_param_id_set_topology_cfg {
+	/*
+	 * Minor version used for tracking afe topology id configuration.
+	 */
+	u32		minor_version;
+	/*
+	 * Id of the topology for the afe session.
+	 * @values Any valid AFE topology ID
+	 */
+	u32		topology_id;
+} __packed;
+ * Generic encoder module ID.
+ * This module supports the following parameter IDs:
+ * #AVS_ENCODER_PARAM_ID_ENC_FMT_ID (cannot be set run time)
+ * #AVS_ENCODER_PARAM_ID_ENC_CFG_BLK (may be set run time)
+ * #AVS_ENCODER_PARAM_ID_ENC_BITRATE (may be set run time)
+ * #AVS_ENCODER_PARAM_ID_PACKETIZER_ID (cannot be set run time)
+ * AFE Command AFE_PORT_CMD_SET_PARAM_V2 supports this module ID.
+ */
+#define AFE_MODULE_ID_ENCODER        0x00013229
+/* Macro for defining the packetizer ID: COP. */
+ * Packetizer type parameter for the #AVS_MODULE_ID_ENCODER module.
+ * This parameter cannot be set runtime.
+ */
+ * Encoder config block  parameter for the #AVS_MODULE_ID_ENCODER module.
+ * This parameter may be set runtime.
+ */
+ * Encoder format ID parameter for the #AVS_MODULE_ID_ENCODER module.
+ * This parameter cannot be set runtime.
+ */
+#define AFE_ENCODER_PARAM_ID_ENC_FMT_ID         0x0001322B
+ * Data format to send compressed data
+ * is transmitted/received over Slimbus lines.
+ */
+ * ID for AFE port module. This will be used to define port properties.
+ * This module supports following parameter IDs:
+ * To configure the port property, the client must use the
+ * #AFE_PORT_CMD_SET_PARAM_V2 command,
+ * and fill the module ID with the respective parameter IDs as listed above.
+ * @apr_hdr_fields
+ * Opcode -- AFE_MODULE_PORT
+ */
+#define AFE_MODULE_PORT                          0x000102a6
+ * ID of the parameter used by #AFE_MODULE_PORT to set the port media type.
+ * parameter ID is currently supported using#AFE_PORT_CMD_SET_PARAM_V2 command.
+ */
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_PORT_MEDIA_TYPE              0x000102a7
+ * Macros for defining the "data_format" field in the
+ */
+#define AFE_PORT_DATA_FORMAT_PCM                  0x0
+ * Macro for defining the "minor_version" field in the
+ */
+#define AFE_API_VERSION_PORT_MEDIA_TYPE           0x1
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_NONE                        0x0
+ * Media format ID for SBC encode configuration.
+ * @par SBC encode configuration (asm_sbc_enc_cfg_t)
+ * @table{weak__asm__sbc__enc__cfg__t}
+ */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_SBC                         0x00010BF2
+/* SBC channel Mono mode.*/
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_SBC_CHANNEL_MODE_MONO                     1
+/* SBC channel Stereo mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_SBC_CHANNEL_MODE_STEREO                   2
+/* SBC channel Dual Mono mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_SBC_CHANNEL_MODE_DUAL_MONO                8
+/* SBC channel Joint Stereo mode. */
+/* SBC bit allocation method = loudness. */
+/* SBC bit allocation method = SNR. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_SBC_ALLOCATION_METHOD_SNR                 1
+ * Payload of the SBC encoder configuration parameters in the
+ * #ASM_MEDIA_FMT_SBC media format.
+ */
+struct asm_sbc_enc_cfg_t {
+	/*
+	 * Number of subbands.
+	 * @values 4, 8
+	 */
+	uint32_t    num_subbands;
+	/*
+	 * Size of the encoded block in samples.
+	 * @values 4, 8, 12, 16
+	 */
+	uint32_t    blk_len;
+	/*
+	 * Mode used to allocate bits between channels.
+	 * @values
+	 * 0 (Native mode)
+	 * Native mode indicates that encoding must be performed with the number
+	 * of channels at the input.
+	 * If postprocessing outputs one-channel data, Mono mode is used. If
+	 * postprocessing outputs two-channel data, Stereo mode is used.
+	 * The number of channels must not change during encoding.
+	 */
+	uint32_t    channel_mode;
+	/*
+	 * Encoder bit allocation method.
+	 * @values
+	 */
+	uint32_t    alloc_method;
+	/*
+	 * Number of encoded bits per second.
+	 * @values
+	 * Mono channel -- Maximum of 320 kbps
+	 * Stereo channel -- Maximum of 512 kbps @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	uint32_t    bit_rate;
+	/*
+	 * Number of samples per second.
+	 * @values 0 (Native mode), 16000, 32000, 44100, 48000&nbsp;Hz
+	 * Native mode indicates that encoding must be performed with the
+	 * sampling rate at the input.
+	 * The sampling rate must not change during encoding.
+	 */
+	uint32_t    sample_rate;
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AAC_AOT_LC            2
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AAC_AOT_SBR           5
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AAC_AOT_PS            29
+struct asm_aac_enc_cfg_v2_t {
+	/* Encoding rate in bits per second.*/
+	uint32_t     bit_rate;
+	/*
+	 * Encoding mode.
+	 * Supported values:
+	 */
+	uint32_t     enc_mode;
+	/*
+	 * AAC format flag.
+	 * Supported values:
+	 */
+	uint16_t     aac_fmt_flag;
+	/*
+	 * Number of channels to encode.
+	 * Supported values:
+	 * 0 - Native mode
+	 * 1 - Mono
+	 * 2 - Stereo
+	 * Other values are not supported.
+	 * @note1hang The eAAC+ encoder mode supports only stereo.
+	 * Native mode indicates that encoding must be performed with the
+	 * number of channels at the input.
+	 * The number of channels must not change during encoding.
+	 */
+	uint16_t     channel_cfg;
+	/*
+	 * Number of samples per second.
+	 * Supported values: - 0 -- Native mode - For other values,
+	 * Native mode indicates that encoding must be performed with the
+	 * sampling rate at the input.
+	 * The sampling rate must not change during encoding.
+	 */
+	uint32_t     sample_rate;
+} __packed;
+/* FMT ID for apt-X Classic */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_APTX 0x000131ff
+/* FMT ID for apt-X HD */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_APTX_HD 0x00013200
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_L         1
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_R         2
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_C         3
+struct asm_custom_enc_cfg_aptx_t {
+	uint32_t    sample_rate;
+	/* Mono or stereo */
+	uint16_t    num_channels;
+	uint16_t    reserved;
+	/* num_ch == 1, then PCM_CHANNEL_C,
+	 * num_ch == 2, then {PCM_CHANNEL_L, PCM_CHANNEL_R}
+	 */
+	uint8_t     channel_mapping[8];
+	uint32_t    custom_size;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_enc_fmt_id_param_t {
+	/*
+	 * Supported values:
+	 * Any OpenDSP supported values
+	 */
+	uint32_t    fmt_id;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_port_media_type_t {
+	/*
+	 * Minor version
+	 */
+	uint32_t    minor_version;
+	/*
+	 * Sampling rate of the port.
+	 * @values
+	 */
+	uint32_t    sample_rate;
+	/*
+	 * Bit width of the sample.
+	 * @values 16, 24
+	 */
+	uint16_t    bit_width;
+	/*
+	 * Number of channels.
+	 * @values 1 to #AFE_PORT_MAX_AUDIO_CHAN_CNT
+	 */
+	uint16_t    num_channels;
+	/*
+	 * Data format supported by this port.
+	 * If the port media type and device media type are different,
+	 * it signifies a encoding/decoding use case
+	 * @values
+	 */
+	uint16_t   data_format;
+	/*This field must be set to zero.*/
+	uint16_t   reserved;
+} __packed;
+union afe_enc_config_data {
+	struct asm_sbc_enc_cfg_t sbc_config;
+	struct asm_aac_enc_cfg_v2_t aac_config;
+	struct asm_custom_enc_cfg_aptx_t  aptx_config;
+struct afe_enc_config {
+	u32 format;
+	union afe_enc_config_data data;
+struct afe_enc_cfg_blk_param_t {
+	uint32_t enc_cfg_blk_size;
+	/*
+	 *Size of the encoder configuration block that follows this member
+	 */
+	union afe_enc_config_data enc_blk_config;
+ * Payload of the AVS_ENCODER_PARAM_ID_PACKETIZER_ID parameter.
+ */
+struct avs_enc_packetizer_id_param_t {
+	/*
+	 * Supported values:
+	 * Any OpenDSP supported values
+	 */
+	uint32_t enc_packetizer_id;
+union afe_port_config {
+	struct afe_param_id_pcm_cfg               pcm;
+	struct afe_param_id_i2s_cfg               i2s;
+	struct afe_param_id_hdmi_multi_chan_audio_cfg hdmi_multi_ch;
+	struct afe_param_id_slimbus_cfg           slim_sch;
+	struct afe_param_id_rt_proxy_port_cfg     rtproxy;
+	struct afe_param_id_internal_bt_fm_cfg    int_bt_fm;
+	struct afe_param_id_pseudo_port_cfg       pseudo_port;
+	struct afe_param_id_device_hw_delay_cfg   hw_delay;
+	struct afe_param_id_spdif_cfg             spdif;
+	struct afe_param_id_set_topology_cfg      topology;
+	struct afe_param_id_tdm_cfg               tdm;
+	struct afe_param_id_usb_audio_cfg         usb_audio;
+	struct afe_enc_fmt_id_param_t             enc_fmt;
+	struct afe_port_media_type_t              media_type;
+	struct afe_enc_cfg_blk_param_t            enc_blk_param;
+	struct avs_enc_packetizer_id_param_t      enc_pkt_id_param;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_audioif_config_command_no_payload {
+	struct apr_hdr			hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2 param;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_audioif_config_command {
+	struct apr_hdr			hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2 param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2    pdata;
+	union afe_port_config            port;
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_PORT_CMD_DEVICE_START 0x000100E5
+/*  Payload of the #AFE_PORT_CMD_DEVICE_START.*/
+struct afe_port_cmd_device_start {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u16                  port_id;
+/* Port interface and direction (Rx or Tx) to start. An even
+ * number represents the Rx direction, and an odd number represents
+ * the Tx direction.
+ */
+	u16                  reserved;
+/* Reserved for 32-bit alignment. This field must be set to 0.*/
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_PORT_CMD_DEVICE_STOP  0x000100E6
+/* Payload of the #AFE_PORT_CMD_DEVICE_STOP. */
+struct afe_port_cmd_device_stop {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u16                  port_id;
+/* Port interface and direction (Rx or Tx) to start. An even
+ * number represents the Rx direction, and an odd number represents
+ * the Tx direction.
+ */
+	u16                  reserved;
+/* Reserved for 32-bit alignment. This field must be set to 0.*/
+} __packed;
+/*  Memory map regions command payload used by the
+ * This structure allows clients to map multiple shared memory
+ * regions in a single command. Following this structure are
+ * num_regions of afe_service_shared_map_region_payload.
+ */
+struct afe_service_cmd_shared_mem_map_regions {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+u16                  mem_pool_id;
+/* Type of memory on which this memory region is mapped.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - Other values are reserved
+ *
+ * The memory pool ID implicitly defines the characteristics of the
+ * memory. Characteristics may include alignment type, permissions,
+ * etc.
+ *
+ * ADSP_MEMORY_MAP_EBI_POOL is External Buffer Interface type memory
+ * ADSP_MEMORY_MAP_SMI_POOL is Shared Memory Interface type memory
+ * ADSP_MEMORY_MAP_SHMEM8_4K_POOL is shared memory, byte
+ * addressable, and 4 KB aligned.
+ */
+	u16                  num_regions;
+/* Number of regions to map.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - Any value greater than zero
+ */
+	u32                  property_flag;
+/* Configures one common property for all the regions in the
+ * payload.
+ *
+ * Supported values: - 0x00000000 to 0x00000001
+ *
+ * b0 - bit 0 indicates physical or virtual mapping 0 Shared memory
+ * address provided in afe_service_shared_map_region_payloadis a
+ * physical address. The shared memory needs to be mapped( hardware
+ * TLB entry) and a software entry needs to be added for internal
+ * book keeping.
+ *
+ * 1 Shared memory address provided in
+ * afe_service_shared_map_region_payloadis a virtual address. The
+ * shared memory must not be mapped (since hardware TLB entry is
+ * already available) but a software entry needs to be added for
+ * internal book keeping. This can be useful if two services with in
+ * ADSP is communicating via APR. They can now directly communicate
+ * via the Virtual address instead of Physical address. The virtual
+ * regions must be contiguous. num_regions must be 1 in this case.
+ *
+ * b31-b1 - reserved bits. must be set to zero
+ */
+} __packed;
+/*  Map region payload used by the
+ * afe_service_shared_map_region_payloadstructure.
+ */
+struct afe_service_shared_map_region_payload {
+	u32                  shm_addr_lsw;
+/* least significant word of starting address in the memory
+ * region to map. It must be contiguous memory, and it must be 4 KB
+ * aligned.
+ * Supported values: - Any 32 bit value
+ */
+	u32                  shm_addr_msw;
+/* most significant word of startng address in the memory region
+ * to map. For 32 bit shared memory address, this field must be set
+ * to zero. For 36 bit shared memory address, bit31 to bit 4 must be
+ * set to zero
+ *
+ * Supported values: - For 32 bit shared memory address, this field
+ * must be set to zero. - For 36 bit shared memory address, bit31 to
+ * bit 4 must be set to zero - For 64 bit shared memory address, any
+ * 32 bit value
+ */
+	u32                  mem_size_bytes;
+/* Number of bytes in the region. The aDSP will always map the
+ * regions as virtual contiguous memory, but the memory size must be
+ * in multiples of 4 KB to avoid gaps in the virtually contiguous
+ * mapped memory.
+ *
+ * Supported values: - multiples of 4KB
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct afe_service_cmdrsp_shared_mem_map_regions {
+	u32                  mem_map_handle;
+/* A memory map handle encapsulating shared memory attributes is
+ * returned iff AFE_SERVICE_CMD_SHARED_MEM_MAP_REGIONS command is
+ * successful. In the case of failure , a generic APR error response
+ * is returned to the client.
+ *
+ * Supported Values: - Any 32 bit value
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* Memory unmap regions command payload used by the
+ *
+ * This structure allows clients to unmap multiple shared memory
+ * regions in a single command.
+ */
+struct afe_service_cmd_shared_mem_unmap_regions {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+u32                  mem_map_handle;
+/* memory map handle returned by
+ *
+ * Supported Values:
+ * - Any 32 bit value
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define  AFE_PORT_CMD_GET_PARAM_V2 0x000100F0
+/*  Payload of the #AFE_PORT_CMD_GET_PARAM_V2 command,
+ * which queries for one post/preprocessing parameter of a
+ * stream.
+ */
+struct afe_port_cmd_get_param_v2 {
+	u16 port_id;
+/* Port interface and direction (Rx or Tx) to start. */
+	u16 payload_size;
+/* Maximum data size of the parameter ID/module ID combination.
+ * This is a multiple of four bytes
+ * Supported values: > 0
+ */
+	u32 payload_address_lsw;
+/* LSW of 64 bit Payload address. Address should be 32-byte,
+ * 4kbyte aligned and must be contig memory.
+ */
+	u32 payload_address_msw;
+/* MSW of 64 bit Payload address. In case of 32-bit shared
+ * memory address, this field must be set to zero. In case of 36-bit
+ * shared memory address, bit-4 to bit-31 must be set to zero.
+ * Address should be 32-byte, 4kbyte aligned and must be contiguous
+ * memory.
+ */
+	u32 mem_map_handle;
+/* Memory map handle returned by
+ * Supported Values: - NULL -- Message. The parameter data is
+ * in-band. - Non-NULL -- The parameter data is Out-band.Pointer to
+ * - the physical address in shared memory of the payload data.
+ * For detailed payload content, see the afe_port_param_data_v2
+ * structure
+ */
+	u32 module_id;
+/* ID of the module to be queried.
+ * Supported values: Valid module ID
+ */
+	u32 param_id;
+/* ID of the parameter to be queried.
+ * Supported values: Valid parameter ID
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_PORT_CMDRSP_GET_PARAM_V2 0x00010106
+/* Payload of the #AFE_PORT_CMDRSP_GET_PARAM_V2 message, which
+ * responds to an #AFE_PORT_CMD_GET_PARAM_V2 command.
+ *
+ * Immediately following this structure is the parameters structure
+ * (afe_port_param_data) containing the response(acknowledgment)
+ * parameter payload. This payload is included for an in-band
+ * scenario. For an address/shared memory-based set parameter, this
+ * payload is not needed.
+ */
+struct afe_port_cmdrsp_get_param_v2 {
+	u32                  status;
+} __packed;
+/* Payload of the AFE_PARAM_ID_LPASS_CORE_SHARED_CLOCK_CONFIG parameter used by
+ */
+struct afe_param_id_lpass_core_shared_clk_cfg {
+	u32	lpass_core_shared_clk_cfg_minor_version;
+ * Minor version used for lpass core shared clock configuration
+ */
+	u32	enable;
+ * Specifies whether the lpass core shared clock is
+ * enabled (1) or disabled (0).
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct afe_lpass_core_shared_clk_config_command {
+	struct apr_hdr		   hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2 param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2    pdata;
+	struct afe_param_id_lpass_core_shared_clk_cfg clk_cfg;
+} __packed;
+/* adsp_afe_service_commands.h */
+#define ADSP_MEMORY_MAP_EBI_POOL      0
+#define ADSP_MEMORY_MAP_SMI_POOL      1
+#define ADSP_MEMORY_MAP_SHMEM8_4K_POOL      3
+/* Definition of virtual memory flag */
+/* Definition of physical memory flag */
+#define NULL_POPP_TOPOLOGY				0x00010C68
+#define NULL_COPP_TOPOLOGY				0x00010312
+#define DEFAULT_COPP_TOPOLOGY				0x00010314
+#define DEFAULT_POPP_TOPOLOGY				0x00010BE4
+#define COMPRESSED_PASSTHROUGH_NONE_TOPOLOGY            0x00010774
+#define VPM_TX_SM_ECNS_COPP_TOPOLOGY			0x00010F71
+#define VPM_TX_DM_RFECNS_COPP_TOPOLOGY			0x00010F86
+/* Memory map regions command payload used by the
+ * commands.
+ *
+ * This structure allows clients to map multiple shared memory
+ * regions in a single command. Following this structure are
+ * num_regions of avs_shared_map_region_payload.
+ */
+struct avs_cmd_shared_mem_map_regions {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u16                  mem_pool_id;
+/* Type of memory on which this memory region is mapped.
+ *
+ * Supported values: - #ADSP_MEMORY_MAP_EBI_POOL -
+ * (unsupported) - #ADSP_MEMORY_MAP_SHMEM8_4K_POOL - Other values
+ * are reserved
+ *
+ * The memory ID implicitly defines the characteristics of the
+ * memory. Characteristics may include alignment type, permissions,
+ * etc.
+ *
+ * SHMEM8_4K is shared memory, byte addressable, and 4 KB aligned.
+ */
+	u16                  num_regions;
+	/* Number of regions to map.*/
+	u32                  property_flag;
+/* Configures one common property for all the regions in the
+ * payload. No two regions in the same memory map regions cmd can
+ * have differnt property. Supported values: - 0x00000000 to
+ * 0x00000001
+ *
+ * b0 - bit 0 indicates physical or virtual mapping 0 shared memory
+ * address provided in avs_shared_map_regions_payload is physical
+ * address. The shared memory needs to be mapped( hardware TLB
+ * entry)
+ *
+ * and a software entry needs to be added for internal book keeping.
+ *
+ * 1 Shared memory address provided in MayPayload[usRegions] is
+ * virtual address. The shared memory must not be mapped (since
+ * hardware TLB entry is already available) but a software entry
+ * needs to be added for internal book keeping. This can be useful
+ * if two services with in ADSP is communicating via APR. They can
+ * now directly communicate via the Virtual address instead of
+ * Physical address. The virtual regions must be contiguous.
+ *
+ * b31-b1 - reserved bits. must be set to zero
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct avs_shared_map_region_payload {
+	u32                  shm_addr_lsw;
+/* least significant word of shared memory address of the memory
+ * region to map. It must be contiguous memory, and it must be 4 KB
+ * aligned.
+ */
+	u32                  shm_addr_msw;
+/* most significant word of shared memory address of the memory
+ * region to map. For 32 bit shared memory address, this field must
+ * tbe set to zero. For 36 bit shared memory address, bit31 to bit 4
+ * must be set to zero
+ */
+	u32                  mem_size_bytes;
+/* Number of bytes in the region.
+ *
+ * The aDSP will always map the regions as virtual contiguous
+ * memory, but the memory size must be in multiples of 4 KB to avoid
+ * gaps in the virtually contiguous mapped memory.
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct avs_cmd_shared_mem_unmap_regions {
+	struct apr_hdr       hdr;
+	u32                  mem_map_handle;
+/* memory map handle returned by ASM_CMD_SHARED_MEM_MAP_REGIONS
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* Memory map command response payload used by the
+ */
+struct avs_cmdrsp_shared_mem_map_regions {
+	u32                  mem_map_handle;
+/* A memory map handle encapsulating shared memory attributes is
+ * returned
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* ASM related data structures */
+struct asm_wma_cfg {
+	u16 format_tag;
+	u16 ch_cfg;
+	u32 sample_rate;
+	u32 avg_bytes_per_sec;
+	u16 block_align;
+	u16 valid_bits_per_sample;
+	u32 ch_mask;
+	u16 encode_opt;
+	u16 adv_encode_opt;
+	u32 adv_encode_opt2;
+	u32 drc_peak_ref;
+	u32 drc_peak_target;
+	u32 drc_ave_ref;
+	u32 drc_ave_target;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_wmapro_cfg {
+	u16 format_tag;
+	u16 ch_cfg;
+	u32 sample_rate;
+	u32 avg_bytes_per_sec;
+	u16 block_align;
+	u16 valid_bits_per_sample;
+	u32 ch_mask;
+	u16 encode_opt;
+	u16 adv_encode_opt;
+	u32 adv_encode_opt2;
+	u32 drc_peak_ref;
+	u32 drc_peak_target;
+	u32 drc_ave_ref;
+	u32 drc_ave_target;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_aac_cfg {
+	u16 format;
+	u16 aot;
+	u16 ep_config;
+	u16 section_data_resilience;
+	u16 scalefactor_data_resilience;
+	u16 spectral_data_resilience;
+	u16 ch_cfg;
+	u16 reserved;
+	u32 sample_rate;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_amrwbplus_cfg {
+	u32  size_bytes;
+	u32  version;
+	u32  num_channels;
+	u32  amr_band_mode;
+	u32  amr_dtx_mode;
+	u32  amr_frame_fmt;
+	u32  amr_lsf_idx;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_flac_cfg {
+	u32 sample_rate;
+	u32 ext_sample_rate;
+	u32 min_frame_size;
+	u32 max_frame_size;
+	u16 stream_info_present;
+	u16 min_blk_size;
+	u16 max_blk_size;
+	u16 ch_cfg;
+	u16 sample_size;
+	u16 md5_sum;
+struct asm_alac_cfg {
+	u32 frame_length;
+	u8 compatible_version;
+	u8 bit_depth;
+	u8 pb;
+	u8 mb;
+	u8 kb;
+	u8 num_channels;
+	u16 max_run;
+	u32 max_frame_bytes;
+	u32 avg_bit_rate;
+	u32 sample_rate;
+	u32 channel_layout_tag;
+struct asm_g711_dec_cfg {
+	u32 sample_rate;
+struct asm_vorbis_cfg {
+	u32 bit_stream_fmt;
+struct asm_ape_cfg {
+	u16 compatible_version;
+	u16 compression_level;
+	u32 format_flags;
+	u32 blocks_per_frame;
+	u32 final_frame_blocks;
+	u32 total_frames;
+	u16 bits_per_sample;
+	u16 num_channels;
+	u32 sample_rate;
+	u32 seek_table_present;
+struct asm_dsd_cfg {
+	u16 num_version;
+	u16 is_bitwise_big_endian;
+	u16 dsd_channel_block_size;
+	u16 num_channels;
+	u8  channel_mapping[8];
+	u32 dsd_data_rate;
+struct asm_softpause_params {
+	u32 enable;
+	u32 period;
+	u32 step;
+	u32 rampingcurve;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_softvolume_params {
+	u32 period;
+	u32 step;
+	u32 rampingcurve;
+} __packed;
+/* Front left channel. */
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_FL    1
+/* Front right channel. */
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_FR    2
+/* Front center channel. */
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_FC    3
+/* Left surround channel.*/
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_LS   4
+/* Right surround channel.*/
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_RS   5
+/* Low frequency effect channel. */
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_LFE  6
+/* Center surround channel; Rear center channel. */
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_CS   7
+/* Left back channel; Rear left channel. */
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_LB   8
+/* Right back channel; Rear right channel. */
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_RB   9
+/* Top surround channel. */
+#define PCM_CHANNELS   10
+/* Center vertical height channel.*/
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_CVH  11
+/* Mono surround channel.*/
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_MS   12
+/* Front left of center. */
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_FLC  13
+/* Front right of center. */
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_FRC  14
+/* Rear left of center. */
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_RLC  15
+/* Rear right of center. */
+#define PCM_CHANNEL_RRC  16
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_EVRCB_FS 0x00010BEF
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_EVRCWB_FS 0x00010BF0
+#define ASM_MAX_EQ_BANDS 12
+#define ASM_DATA_CMD_MEDIA_FMT_UPDATE_V2 0x00010D98
+struct asm_data_cmd_media_fmt_update_v2 {
+u32                    fmt_blk_size;
+	/* Media format block size in bytes.*/
+}  __packed;
+struct asm_generic_compressed_fmt_blk_t {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_data_cmd_media_fmt_update_v2 fmt_blk;
+	/*
+	 * Channel mapping array of bitstream output.
+	 * Channel[i] mapping describes channel i inside the buffer, where
+	 * i < num_channels. All valid used channels must be
+	 * present at the beginning of the array.
+	 */
+	uint8_t channel_mapping[8];
+	/*
+	 * Number of channels of the incoming bitstream.
+	 * Supported values: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
+	 */
+	uint16_t num_channels;
+	/*
+	 * Nominal bits per sample value of the incoming bitstream.
+	 * Supported values: 16, 32
+	 */
+	uint16_t bits_per_sample;
+	/*
+	 * Nominal sampling rate of the incoming bitstream.
+	 * Supported values: 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000,
+	 *                   44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000,
+	 *                   352800, 384000
+	 */
+	uint32_t sampling_rate;
+} __packed;
+/* Command to send sample rate & channels for IEC61937 (compressed) or IEC60958
+ * (pcm) streams. Both audio standards use the same format and are used for
+ * HDMI or SPDIF.
+ */
+#define ASM_DATA_CMD_IEC_60958_MEDIA_FMT        0x0001321E
+struct asm_iec_compressed_fmt_blk_t {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	/*
+	 * Nominal sampling rate of the incoming bitstream.
+	 * Supported values: 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000,
+	 *                   44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000,
+	 *                   352800, 384000
+	 */
+	uint32_t sampling_rate;
+	/*
+	 * Number of channels of the incoming bitstream.
+	 * Supported values: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
+	 */
+	uint32_t num_channels;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_multi_channel_pcm_fmt_blk_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_data_cmd_media_fmt_update_v2 fmt_blk;
+	u16  num_channels;
+	/* Number of channels. Supported values: 1 to 8 */
+	u16  bits_per_sample;
+/* Number of bits per sample per channel. * Supported values:
+ * 16, 24 * When used for playback, the client must send 24-bit
+ * samples packed in 32-bit words. The 24-bit samples must be placed
+ * in the most significant 24 bits of the 32-bit word. When used for
+ * recording, the aDSP sends 24-bit samples packed in 32-bit words.
+ * The 24-bit samples are placed in the most significant 24 bits of
+ * the 32-bit word.
+ */
+	u32  sample_rate;
+/* Number of samples per second (in Hertz).
+ * Supported values: 2000 to 48000
+ */
+	u16  is_signed;
+	/* Flag that indicates the samples are signed (1). */
+	u16  reserved;
+	/* reserved field for 32 bit alignment. must be set to zero. */
+	u8   channel_mapping[8];
+/* Channel array of size 8.
+ * Supported values:
+ *
+ * Channel[i] mapping describes channel I. Each element i of the
+ * array describes channel I inside the buffer where 0 @le I <
+ * num_channels. An unused channel is set to zero.
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct asm_multi_channel_pcm_fmt_blk_v3 {
+	uint16_t                num_channels;
+ * Number of channels
+ * Supported values: 1 to 8
+ */
+	uint16_t                bits_per_sample;
+ * Number of bits per sample per channel
+ * Supported values: 16, 24
+ */
+	uint32_t                sample_rate;
+ * Number of samples per second
+ * Supported values: 2000 to 48000, 96000,192000 Hz
+ */
+	uint16_t                is_signed;
+/* Flag that indicates that PCM samples are signed (1) */
+	uint16_t                sample_word_size;
+ * Size in bits of the word that holds a sample of a channel.
+ * Supported values: 12,24,32
+ */
+	uint8_t                 channel_mapping[8];
+ * Each element, i, in the array describes channel i inside the buffer where
+ * 0 <= i < num_channels. Unused channels are set to 0.
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct asm_multi_channel_pcm_fmt_blk_v4 {
+	uint16_t                num_channels;
+ * Number of channels
+ * Supported values: 1 to 8
+ */
+	uint16_t                bits_per_sample;
+ * Number of bits per sample per channel
+ * Supported values: 16, 24, 32
+ */
+	uint32_t                sample_rate;
+ * Number of samples per second
+ * Supported values: 2000 to 48000, 96000,192000 Hz
+ */
+	uint16_t                is_signed;
+/* Flag that indicates that PCM samples are signed (1) */
+	uint16_t                sample_word_size;
+ * Size in bits of the word that holds a sample of a channel.
+ * Supported values: 12,24,32
+ */
+	uint8_t                 channel_mapping[8];
+ * Each element, i, in the array describes channel i inside the buffer where
+ * 0 <= i < num_channels. Unused channels are set to 0.
+ */
+	uint16_t                endianness;
+ * Flag to indicate the endianness of the pcm sample
+ * Supported values: 0 - Little endian (all other formats)
+ *                   1 - Big endian (AIFF)
+ */
+	uint16_t                mode;
+ * Mode to provide additional info about the pcm input data.
+ * Supported values: 0 - Default QFs (Q15 for 16b, Q23 for packed 24b,
+ *                       Q31 for unpacked 24b or 32b)
+ *                  15 - for 16 bit
+ *                  23 - for 24b packed or 8.24 format
+ *                  31 - for 24b unpacked or 32bit
+ */
+} __packed;
+ * Payload of the multichannel PCM configuration parameters in
+ * the ASM_MEDIA_FMT_MULTI_CHANNEL_PCM_V3 media format.
+ */
+struct asm_multi_channel_pcm_fmt_blk_param_v3 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_data_cmd_media_fmt_update_v2 fmt_blk;
+	struct asm_multi_channel_pcm_fmt_blk_v3 param;
+} __packed;
+ * Payload of the multichannel PCM configuration parameters in
+ * the ASM_MEDIA_FMT_MULTI_CHANNEL_PCM_V4 media format.
+ */
+struct asm_multi_channel_pcm_fmt_blk_param_v4 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_data_cmd_media_fmt_update_v2 fmt_blk;
+	struct asm_multi_channel_pcm_fmt_blk_v4 param;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param {
+	u32                  param_id;
+	/* ID of the parameter. */
+	u32                  param_size;
+/* Data size of this parameter, in bytes. The size is a multiple
+ * of 4 bytes.
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct asm_enc_cfg_blk_param_v2 {
+	u32                  frames_per_buf;
+/* Number of encoded frames to pack into each buffer.
+ *
+ * @note1hang This is only guidance information for the aDSP. The
+ * number of encoded frames put into each buffer (specified by the
+ * client) is less than or equal to this number.
+ */
+	u32                  enc_cfg_blk_size;
+/* Size in bytes of the encoder configuration block that follows
+ * this member.
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* @brief Dolby Digital Plus end point configuration structure
+ */
+struct asm_dec_ddp_endp_param_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param  encdec;
+	int endp_param_value;
+} __packed;
+ * Payload of the multichannel PCM encoder configuration parameters in
+ * the ASM_MEDIA_FMT_MULTI_CHANNEL_PCM_V4 media format.
+ */
+struct asm_multi_channel_pcm_enc_cfg_v4 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param encdec;
+	struct asm_enc_cfg_blk_param_v2 encblk;
+	uint16_t num_channels;
+	/*
+	 * Number of PCM channels.
+	 * @values
+	 * - 0 -- Native mode
+	 * - 1 -- 8 channels
+	 * Native mode indicates that encoding must be performed with the number
+	 * of channels at the input.
+	 */
+	uint16_t  bits_per_sample;
+	/*
+	 * Number of bits per sample per channel.
+	 * @values 16, 24
+	 */
+	uint32_t  sample_rate;
+	/*
+	 * Number of samples per second.
+	 * @values 0, 8000 to 48000 Hz
+	 * A value of 0 indicates the native sampling rate. Encoding is
+	 * performed at the input sampling rate.
+	 */
+	uint16_t  is_signed;
+	/*
+	 * Flag that indicates the PCM samples are signed (1). Currently, only
+	 * signed PCM samples are supported.
+	 */
+	uint16_t    sample_word_size;
+	/*
+	 * The size in bits of the word that holds a sample of a channel.
+	 * @values 16, 24, 32
+	 * 16-bit samples are always placed in 16-bit words:
+	 * sample_word_size = 1.
+	 * 24-bit samples can be placed in 32-bit words or in consecutive
+	 * 24-bit words.
+	 * - If sample_word_size = 32, 24-bit samples are placed in the
+	 * most significant 24 bits of a 32-bit word.
+	 * - If sample_word_size = 24, 24-bit samples are placed in
+	 * 24-bit words. @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	uint8_t   channel_mapping[8];
+	/*
+	 * Channel mapping array expected at the encoder output.
+	 *  Channel[i] mapping describes channel i inside the buffer, where
+	 *  0 @le i < num_channels. All valid used channels must be present at
+	 *  the beginning of the array.
+	 * If Native mode is set for the channels, this field is ignored.
+	 * @values See Section @xref{dox:PcmChannelDefs}
+	 */
+	uint16_t                endianness;
+	/*
+	 * Flag to indicate the endianness of the pcm sample
+	 * Supported values: 0 - Little endian (all other formats)
+	 *                   1 - Big endian (AIFF)
+	 */
+	uint16_t                mode;
+	/*
+	 * Mode to provide additional info about the pcm input data.
+	 * Supported values: 0 - Default QFs (Q15 for 16b, Q23 for packed 24b,
+	 *                       Q31 for unpacked 24b or 32b)
+	 *                  15 - for 16 bit
+	 *                  23 - for 24b packed or 8.24 format
+	 *                  31 - for 24b unpacked or 32bit
+	 */
+} __packed;
+ * Payload of the multichannel PCM encoder configuration parameters in
+ * the ASM_MEDIA_FMT_MULTI_CHANNEL_PCM_V3 media format.
+ */
+struct asm_multi_channel_pcm_enc_cfg_v3 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param encdec;
+	struct asm_enc_cfg_blk_param_v2 encblk;
+	uint16_t num_channels;
+	/*
+	 * Number of PCM channels.
+	 * @values
+	 * - 0 -- Native mode
+	 * - 1 -- 8 channels
+	 * Native mode indicates that encoding must be performed with the number
+	 * of channels at the input.
+	 */
+	uint16_t  bits_per_sample;
+	/*
+	 * Number of bits per sample per channel.
+	 * @values 16, 24
+	 */
+	uint32_t  sample_rate;
+	/*
+	 * Number of samples per second.
+	 * @values 0, 8000 to 48000 Hz
+	 * A value of 0 indicates the native sampling rate. Encoding is
+	 * performed at the input sampling rate.
+	 */
+	uint16_t  is_signed;
+	/*
+	 * Flag that indicates the PCM samples are signed (1). Currently, only
+	 * signed PCM samples are supported.
+	 */
+	uint16_t    sample_word_size;
+	/*
+	 * The size in bits of the word that holds a sample of a channel.
+	 * @values 16, 24, 32
+	 * 16-bit samples are always placed in 16-bit words:
+	 * sample_word_size = 1.
+	 * 24-bit samples can be placed in 32-bit words or in consecutive
+	 * 24-bit words.
+	 * - If sample_word_size = 32, 24-bit samples are placed in the
+	 * most significant 24 bits of a 32-bit word.
+	 * - If sample_word_size = 24, 24-bit samples are placed in
+	 * 24-bit words. @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	uint8_t   channel_mapping[8];
+	/*
+	 * Channel mapping array expected at the encoder output.
+	 *  Channel[i] mapping describes channel i inside the buffer, where
+	 *  0 @le i < num_channels. All valid used channels must be present at
+	 *  the beginning of the array.
+	 * If Native mode is set for the channels, this field is ignored.
+	 * @values See Section @xref{dox:PcmChannelDefs}
+	 */
+/* @brief Multichannel PCM encoder configuration structure used
+ * in the #ASM_PARAM_ID_ENCDEC_ENC_CFG_BLK_V2 command.
+ */
+struct asm_multi_channel_pcm_enc_cfg_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param  encdec;
+	struct asm_enc_cfg_blk_param_v2	encblk;
+	uint16_t  num_channels;
+/*< Number of PCM channels.
+ *
+ * Supported values: - 0 -- Native mode - 1 -- 8 Native mode
+ * indicates that encoding must be performed with the number of
+ * channels at the input.
+ */
+	uint16_t  bits_per_sample;
+/*< Number of bits per sample per channel.
+ * Supported values: 16, 24
+ */
+	uint32_t  sample_rate;
+/*< Number of samples per second (in Hertz).
+ *
+ * Supported values: 0, 8000 to 48000 A value of 0 indicates the
+ * native sampling rate. Encoding is performed at the input sampling
+ * rate.
+ */
+	uint16_t  is_signed;
+/*< Specifies whether the samples are signed (1). Currently,
+ * only signed samples are supported.
+ */
+	uint16_t  reserved;
+/*< reserved field for 32 bit alignment. must be set to zero.*/
+	uint8_t   channel_mapping[8];
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_MP3 0x00010BE9
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AAC_V2 0x00010DA6
+/* @xreflabel
+ * {hdr:AsmMediaFmtDolbyAac} Media format ID for the
+ * Dolby AAC decoder. This format ID is be used if the client wants
+ * to use the Dolby AAC decoder to decode MPEG2 and MPEG4 AAC
+ * contents.
+ */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_DOLBY_AAC 0x00010D86
+/* Enumeration for the audio data transport stream AAC format. */
+/* Enumeration for low overhead audio stream AAC format. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AAC_FORMAT_FLAG_LOAS                      1
+/* Enumeration for the audio data interchange format
+ * AAC format.
+ */
+/* Enumeration for the raw AAC format. */
+/* Enumeration for the AAC LATM format. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AAC_AOT_LC             2
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AAC_AOT_SBR            5
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AAC_AOT_PS             29
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AAC_AOT_BSAC           22
+struct asm_aac_fmt_blk_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_data_cmd_media_fmt_update_v2 fmt_blk;
+		u16          aac_fmt_flag;
+/* Bitstream format option.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16          audio_objype;
+/* Audio Object Type (AOT) present in the AAC stream.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - Otherwise -- Not supported
+ */
+	u16          channel_config;
+/* Number of channels present in the AAC stream.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 1 -- Mono
+ * - 2 -- Stereo
+ * - 6 -- 5.1 content
+ */
+	u16          total_size_of_PCE_bits;
+/* greater or equal to zero. * -In case of RAW formats and
+ * channel config = 0 (PCE), client can send * the bit stream
+ * containing PCE immediately following this structure * (in-band).
+ * -This number does not include bits included for 32 bit alignment.
+ * -If zero, then the PCE info is assumed to be available in the
+ * audio -bit stream & not in-band.
+ */
+	u32          sample_rate;
+/* Number of samples per second (in Hertz).
+ *
+ * Supported values: 8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000,
+ * 44100, 48000
+ *
+ * This field must be equal to the sample rate of the AAC-LC
+ * decoder's output. - For MP4 or 3GP containers, this is indicated
+ * by the samplingFrequencyIndex field in the AudioSpecificConfig
+ * element. - For ADTS format, this is indicated by the
+ * samplingFrequencyIndex in the ADTS fixed header. - For ADIF
+ * format, this is indicated by the samplingFrequencyIndex in the
+ * program_config_element present in the ADIF header.
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct asm_aac_enc_cfg_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param  encdec;
+	struct asm_enc_cfg_blk_param_v2	encblk;
+	u32          bit_rate;
+	/* Encoding rate in bits per second. */
+	u32          enc_mode;
+/* Encoding mode.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16          aac_fmt_flag;
+/* AAC format flag.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16          channel_cfg;
+/* Number of channels to encode.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0 -- Native mode
+ * - 1 -- Mono
+ * - 2 -- Stereo
+ * - Other values are not supported.
+ * @note1hang The eAAC+ encoder mode supports only stereo.
+ * Native mode indicates that encoding must be performed with the
+ * number of channels at the input.
+ * The number of channels must not change during encoding.
+ */
+	u32          sample_rate;
+/* Number of samples per second.
+ * Supported values: - 0 -- Native mode - For other values,
+ * Native mode indicates that encoding must be performed with the
+ * sampling rate at the input.
+ * The sampling rate must not change during encoding.
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_G711_ALAW_FS 0x00010BF7
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_G711_MLAW_FS 0x00010C2E
+struct asm_g711_enc_cfg_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param encdec;
+	struct asm_enc_cfg_blk_param_v2 encblk;
+	u32          sample_rate;
+ * Number of samples per second.
+ * Supported values: 8000, 16000 Hz
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct asm_vorbis_fmt_blk_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_data_cmd_media_fmt_update_v2 fmtblk;
+	u32          bit_stream_fmt;
+/* Bit stream format.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0 -- Raw bitstream
+ * - 1 -- Transcoded bitstream
+ *
+ * Transcoded bitstream containing the size of the frame as the first
+ * word in each frame.
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct asm_flac_fmt_blk_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_data_cmd_media_fmt_update_v2 fmtblk;
+	u16 is_stream_info_present;
+/* Specifies whether stream information is present in the FLAC format
+ * block.
+ *
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0 -- Stream information is not present in this message
+ * - 1 -- Stream information is present in this message
+ *
+ * When set to 1, the FLAC bitstream was successfully parsed by the
+ * client, and other fields in the FLAC format block can be read by the
+ * decoder to get metadata stream information.
+ */
+	u16 num_channels;
+/* Number of channels for decoding.
+ * Supported values: 1 to 2
+ */
+	u16 min_blk_size;
+/* Minimum block size (in samples) used in the stream. It must be less
+ * than or equal to max_blk_size.
+ */
+	u16 max_blk_size;
+/* Maximum block size (in samples) used in the stream. If the
+ * minimum block size equals the maximum block size, a fixed block
+ * size stream is implied.
+ */
+	u16 md5_sum[8];
+/* MD5 signature array of the unencoded audio data. This allows the
+ * decoder to determine if an error exists in the audio data, even when
+ * the error does not result in an invalid bitstream.
+ */
+	u32 sample_rate;
+/* Number of samples per second.
+ * Supported values: 8000 to 48000 Hz
+ */
+	u32 min_frame_size;
+/* Minimum frame size used in the stream.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - > 0 bytes
+ * - 0 -- The value is unknown
+ */
+	u32 max_frame_size;
+/* Maximum frame size used in the stream.
+ * Supported values:
+ * -- > 0 bytes
+ * -- 0 . The value is unknown
+ */
+	u16 sample_size;
+/* Bits per sample.Supported values: 8, 16 */
+	u16 reserved;
+/* Clients must set this field to zero
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct asm_alac_fmt_blk_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_data_cmd_media_fmt_update_v2 fmtblk;
+	u32 frame_length;
+	u8 compatible_version;
+	u8 bit_depth;
+	u8 pb;
+	u8 mb;
+	u8 kb;
+	u8 num_channels;
+	u16 max_run;
+	u32 max_frame_bytes;
+	u32 avg_bit_rate;
+	u32 sample_rate;
+	u32 channel_layout_tag;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_g711_dec_fmt_blk_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_data_cmd_media_fmt_update_v2 fmtblk;
+	u32 sample_rate;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_ape_fmt_blk_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_data_cmd_media_fmt_update_v2 fmtblk;
+	u16 compatible_version;
+	u16 compression_level;
+	u32 format_flags;
+	u32 blocks_per_frame;
+	u32 final_frame_blocks;
+	u32 total_frames;
+	u16 bits_per_sample;
+	u16 num_channels;
+	u32 sample_rate;
+	u32 seek_table_present;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_dsd_fmt_blk_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_data_cmd_media_fmt_update_v2 fmtblk;
+	u16 num_version;
+	u16 is_bitwise_big_endian;
+	u16 dsd_channel_block_size;
+	u16 num_channels;
+	u8  channel_mapping[8];
+	u32 dsd_data_rate;
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRNB_FS                  0x00010BEB
+/* Enumeration for 4.75 kbps AMR-NB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRNB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR475                0
+/* Enumeration for 5.15 kbps AMR-NB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRNB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR515                1
+/* Enumeration for 5.90 kbps AMR-NB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRNB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MMR59                2
+/* Enumeration for 6.70 kbps AMR-NB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRNB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MMR67                3
+/* Enumeration for 7.40 kbps AMR-NB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRNB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MMR74                4
+/* Enumeration for 7.95 kbps AMR-NB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRNB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MMR795               5
+/* Enumeration for 10.20 kbps AMR-NB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRNB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MMR102               6
+/* Enumeration for 12.20 kbps AMR-NB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRNB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MMR122               7
+/* Enumeration for AMR-NB Discontinuous Transmission mode off. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRNB_FS_DTX_MODE_OFF                     0
+/* Enumeration for AMR-NB DTX mode VAD1. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRNB_FS_DTX_MODE_VAD1                    1
+/* Enumeration for AMR-NB DTX mode VAD2. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRNB_FS_DTX_MODE_VAD2                    2
+/* Enumeration for AMR-NB DTX mode auto. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRNB_FS_DTX_MODE_AUTO                    3
+struct asm_amrnb_enc_cfg {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param  encdec;
+	struct asm_enc_cfg_blk_param_v2	encblk;
+	u16          enc_mode;
+/* AMR-NB encoding rate.
+ * Supported values:
+ * macros
+ */
+	u16          dtx_mode;
+/* Specifies whether DTX mode is disabled or enabled.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRWB_FS                  0x00010BEC
+/* Enumeration for 6.6 kbps AMR-WB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRWB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR66                 0
+/* Enumeration for 8.85 kbps AMR-WB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRWB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR885                1
+/* Enumeration for 12.65 kbps AMR-WB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRWB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR1265               2
+/* Enumeration for 14.25 kbps AMR-WB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRWB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR1425               3
+/* Enumeration for 15.85 kbps AMR-WB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRWB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR1585               4
+/* Enumeration for 18.25 kbps AMR-WB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRWB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR1825               5
+/* Enumeration for 19.85 kbps AMR-WB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRWB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR1985               6
+/* Enumeration for 23.05 kbps AMR-WB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRWB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR2305               7
+/* Enumeration for 23.85 kbps AMR-WB Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMRWB_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR2385               8
+struct asm_amrwb_enc_cfg {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param  encdec;
+	struct asm_enc_cfg_blk_param_v2	encblk;
+	u16          enc_mode;
+/* AMR-WB encoding rate.
+ * Suupported values:
+ * macros
+ */
+	u16          dtx_mode;
+/* Specifies whether DTX mode is disabled or enabled.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_V13K_FS                      0x00010BED
+/* Enumeration for 14.4 kbps V13K Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_V13K_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR1440                0
+/* Enumeration for 12.2 kbps V13K Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_V13K_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR1220                1
+/* Enumeration for 11.2 kbps V13K Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_V13K_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR1120                2
+/* Enumeration for 9.0 kbps V13K Encoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_V13K_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR90                  3
+/* Enumeration for 7.2 kbps V13K eEncoding mode. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_V13K_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR720                 4
+/* Enumeration for 1/8 vocoder rate.*/
+/* Enumeration for 1/4 vocoder rate. */
+/* Enumeration for 1/2 vocoder rate. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_VOC_HALF_RATE             3
+/* Enumeration for full vocoder rate. */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_VOC_FULL_RATE             4
+struct asm_v13k_enc_cfg {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param  encdec;
+	struct asm_enc_cfg_blk_param_v2	encblk;
+		u16          max_rate;
+/* Maximum allowed encoder frame rate.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16          min_rate;
+/* Minimum allowed encoder frame rate.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16          reduced_rate_cmd;
+/* Reduced rate command, used to change
+ * the average bitrate of the V13K
+ * vocoder.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - #ASM_MEDIA_FMT_V13K_FS_ENCODE_MODE_MR1440 (Default)
+ */
+	u16          rate_mod_cmd;
+/* Rate modulation command. Default = 0.
+ *- If bit 0=1, rate control is enabled.
+ *- If bit 1=1, the maximum number of consecutive full rate
+ *			frames is limited with numbers supplied in
+ *			bits 2 to 10.
+ *- If bit 1=0, the minimum number of non-full rate frames
+ *			in between two full rate frames is forced to
+ * the number supplied in bits 2 to 10. In both cases, if necessary,
+ * half rate is used to substitute full rate. - Bits 15 to 10 are
+ * reserved and must all be set to zero.
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_EVRC_FS                   0x00010BEE
+/*  EVRC encoder configuration structure used in the
+ */
+struct asm_evrc_enc_cfg {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param  encdec;
+	struct asm_enc_cfg_blk_param_v2	encblk;
+	u16          max_rate;
+/* Maximum allowed encoder frame rate.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16          min_rate;
+/* Minimum allowed encoder frame rate.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16          rate_mod_cmd;
+/* Rate modulation command. Default: 0.
+ * - If bit 0=1, rate control is enabled.
+ * - If bit 1=1, the maximum number of consecutive full rate frames
+ * is limited with numbers supplied in bits 2 to 10.
+ *
+ * - If bit 1=0, the minimum number of non-full rate frames in
+ * between two full rate frames is forced to the number supplied in
+ * bits 2 to 10. In both cases, if necessary, half rate is used to
+ * substitute full rate.
+ *
+ * - Bits 15 to 10 are reserved and must all be set to zero.
+ */
+	u16          reserved;
+	/* Reserved. Clients must set this field to zero. */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_WMA_V10PRO_V2                0x00010DA7
+struct asm_wmaprov10_fmt_blk_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_data_cmd_media_fmt_update_v2 fmtblk;
+	u16          fmtag;
+/* WMA format type.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0x162 -- WMA 9 Pro
+ * - 0x163 -- WMA 9 Pro Lossless
+ * - 0x166 -- WMA 10 Pro
+ * - 0x167 -- WMA 10 Pro Lossless
+ */
+	u16          num_channels;
+/* Number of channels encoded in the input stream.
+ * Supported values: 1 to 8
+ */
+	u32          sample_rate;
+/* Number of samples per second (in Hertz).
+ * Supported values: 11025, 16000, 22050, 32000, 44100, 48000,
+ * 88200, 96000
+ */
+	u32          avg_bytes_per_sec;
+/* Bitrate expressed as the average bytes per second.
+ * Supported values: 2000 to 96000
+ */
+	u16          blk_align;
+/* Size of the bitstream packet size in bytes. WMA Pro files
+ * have a payload of one block per bitstream packet.
+ * Supported values: @le 13376
+ */
+	u16          bits_per_sample;
+/* Number of bits per sample in the encoded WMA stream.
+ * Supported values: 16, 24
+ */
+	u32          channel_mask;
+/* Bit-packed double word (32-bits) that indicates the
+ * recommended speaker positions for each source channel.
+ */
+	u16          enc_options;
+/* Bit-packed word with values that indicate whether certain
+ * features of the bitstream are used.
+ * Supported values: - 0x0001 -- ENCOPT3_PURE_LOSSLESS - 0x0006 --
+ * ENCOPT3_FRM_SIZE_MOD - 0x0038 -- ENCOPT3_SUBFRM_DIV - 0x0040 --
+ */
+	u16          usAdvancedEncodeOpt;
+	/* Advanced encoding option.  */
+	u32          advanced_enc_options2;
+	/* Advanced encoding option 2. */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_WMA_V9_V2                    0x00010DA8
+struct asm_wmastdv9_fmt_blk_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_data_cmd_media_fmt_update_v2 fmtblk;
+	u16          fmtag;
+/* WMA format tag.
+ * Supported values: 0x161 (WMA 9 standard)
+ */
+	u16          num_channels;
+/* Number of channels in the stream.
+ * Supported values: 1, 2
+ */
+	u32          sample_rate;
+/* Number of samples per second (in Hertz).
+ * Supported values: 48000
+ */
+	u32          avg_bytes_per_sec;
+	/* Bitrate expressed as the average bytes per second. */
+	u16          blk_align;
+/* Block align. All WMA files with a maximum packet size of
+ * 13376 are supported.
+ */
+	u16          bits_per_sample;
+/* Number of bits per sample in the output.
+ * Supported values: 16
+ */
+	u32          channel_mask;
+/* Channel mask.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 3 -- Stereo (front left/front right)
+ * - 4 -- Mono (center)
+ */
+	u16          enc_options;
+	/* Options used during encoding. */
+	u16          reserved;
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_WMA_V8                    0x00010D91
+struct asm_wmastdv8_enc_cfg {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param  encdec;
+	struct asm_enc_cfg_blk_param_v2	encblk;
+	u32          bit_rate;
+	/* Encoding rate in bits per second. */
+	u32          sample_rate;
+/* Number of samples per second.
+ *
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0 -- Native mode
+ * - Other Supported values are 22050, 32000, 44100, and 48000.
+ *
+ * Native mode indicates that encoding must be performed with the
+ * sampling rate at the input.
+ * The sampling rate must not change during encoding.
+ */
+	u16          channel_cfg;
+/* Number of channels to encode.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0 -- Native mode
+ * - 1 -- Mono
+ * - 2 -- Stereo
+ * - Other values are not supported.
+ *
+ * Native mode indicates that encoding must be performed with the
+ * number of channels at the input.
+ * The number of channels must not change during encoding.
+ */
+	u16          reserved;
+	/* Reserved. Clients must set this field to zero.*/
+	} __packed;
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AMR_WB_PLUS_V2               0x00010DA9
+struct asm_amrwbplus_fmt_blk_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_data_cmd_media_fmt_update_v2 fmtblk;
+	u32          amr_frame_fmt;
+/* AMR frame format.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 6 -- Transport Interface Format (TIF)
+ * - Any other value -- File storage format (FSF)
+ *
+ * TIF stream contains 2-byte header for each frame within the
+ * superframe. FSF stream contains one 2-byte header per superframe.
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AC3                    0x00010DEE
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_EAC3                   0x00010DEF
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_DTS                    0x00010D88
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_MP2                    0x00010DE9
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_FLAC                   0x00010C16
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_ALAC                   0x00012F31
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_VORBIS                 0x00010C15
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_APE                    0x00012F32
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_DSD                    0x00012F3E
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_TRUEHD                 0x00013215
+/* 0x0 is used for fomat ID since ADSP dynamically determines the
+ * format encapsulated in the IEC61937 (compressed) or IEC60958
+ * (pcm) packets.
+ */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_IEC                    0x00000000
+/* Media format ID for adaptive transform acoustic coding. This
+ * ID is used by the #ASM_STREAM_CMD_OPEN_WRITE_COMPRESSED command
+ * only.
+ */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_ATRAC                  0x00010D89
+/* Media format ID for metadata-enhanced audio transmission.
+ * command only.
+ */
+#define ASM_MEDIA_FMT_MAT                    0x00010D8A
+/*  adsp_media_fmt.h */
+#define ASM_DATA_CMD_WRITE_V2 0x00010DAB
+struct asm_data_cmd_write_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u32                  buf_addr_lsw;
+/* The 64 bit address msw-lsw should be a valid, mapped address.
+ * 64 bit address should be a multiple of 32 bytes
+ */
+	u32                  buf_addr_msw;
+/* The 64 bit address msw-lsw should be a valid, mapped address.
+ * 64 bit address should be a multiple of 32 bytes.
+ * -Address of the buffer containing the data to be decoded.
+ * The buffer should be aligned to a 32 byte boundary.
+ * -In the case of 32 bit Shared memory address, msw field must
+ * -be set to zero.
+ * -In the case of 36 bit shared memory address, bit 31 to bit 4
+ * -of msw must be set to zero.
+ */
+	u32                  mem_map_handle;
+/* memory map handle returned by DSP through
+ */
+	u32                  buf_size;
+/* Number of valid bytes available in the buffer for decoding. The
+ * first byte starts at buf_addr.
+ */
+	u32                  seq_id;
+	/* Optional buffer sequence ID. */
+	u32                  timestamp_lsw;
+/* Lower 32 bits of the 64-bit session time in microseconds of the
+ * first buffer sample.
+ */
+	u32                  timestamp_msw;
+/* Upper 32 bits of the 64-bit session time in microseconds of the
+ * first buffer sample.
+ */
+	u32                  flags;
+/* Bitfield of flags.
+ * Supported values for bit 31:
+ * - 1 -- Valid timestamp.
+ * - 0 -- Invalid timestamp.
+ * - Use #ASM_BIT_MASKIMESTAMP_VALID_FLAG as the bitmask and
+ * #ASM_SHIFTIMESTAMP_VALID_FLAG as the shift value to set this bit.
+ * Supported values for bit 30:
+ * - 1 -- Last buffer.
+ * - 0 -- Not the last buffer.
+ *
+ * Supported values for bit 29:
+ * - 1 -- Continue the timestamp from the previous buffer.
+ * - 0 -- Timestamp of the current buffer is not related
+ * to the timestamp of the previous buffer.
+ * to set this bit.
+ *
+ * Supported values for bit 4:
+ * - 1 -- End of the frame.
+ * - 0 -- Not the end of frame, or this information is not known.
+ * - Use #ASM_BIT_MASK_EOF_FLAG as the bitmask and #ASM_SHIFT_EOF_FLAG
+ * as the shift value to set this bit.
+ *
+ * All other bits are reserved and must be set to 0.
+ *
+ * If bit 31=0 and bit 29=1: The timestamp of the first sample in
+ * this buffer continues from the timestamp of the last sample in
+ * the previous buffer. If there is no previous buffer (i.e., this
+ * is the first buffer sent after opening the stream or after a
+ * flush operation), or if the previous buffer does not have a valid
+ * timestamp, the samples in the current buffer also do not have a
+ * valid timestamp. They are played out as soon as possible.
+ *
+ *
+ * If bit 31=0 and bit 29=0: No timestamp is associated with the
+ * first sample in this buffer. The samples are played out as soon
+ * as possible.
+ *
+ *
+ * If bit 31=1 and bit 29 is ignored: The timestamp specified in
+ * this payload is honored.
+ *
+ *
+ * If bit 30=0: Not the last buffer in the stream. This is useful
+ * in removing trailing samples.
+ *
+ *
+ * For bit 4: The client can set this flag for every buffer sent in
+ * which the last byte is the end of a frame. If this flag is set,
+ * the buffer can contain data from multiple frames, but it should
+ * always end at a frame boundary. Restrictions allow the aDSP to
+ * detect an end of frame without requiring additional processing.
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_DATA_CMD_READ_V2 0x00010DAC
+struct asm_data_cmd_read_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr       hdr;
+	u32                  buf_addr_lsw;
+/* the 64 bit address msw-lsw should be a valid mapped address
+ * and should be a multiple of 32 bytes
+ */
+	u32                  buf_addr_msw;
+/* the 64 bit address msw-lsw should be a valid mapped address
+ * and should be a multiple of 32 bytes.
+ * - Address of the buffer where the DSP puts the encoded data,
+ * potentially, at an offset specified by the uOffset field in
+ * ASM_DATA_EVENT_READ_DONE structure. The buffer should be aligned
+ * to a 32 byte boundary.
+ * - In the case of 32 bit Shared memory address, msw field must
+ * - be set to zero.
+ * - In the case of 36 bit shared memory address, bit 31 to bit
+ * - 4 of msw must be set to zero.
+ */
+	u32                  mem_map_handle;
+/* memory map handle returned by DSP through
+ */
+	u32                  buf_size;
+/* Number of bytes available for the aDSP to write. The aDSP
+ * starts writing from buf_addr.
+ */
+	u32                  seq_id;
+	/* Optional buffer sequence ID. */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_DATA_CMD_EOS               0x00010BDB
+#define ASM_DATA_EVENT_RENDERED_EOS    0x00010C1C
+#define ASM_DATA_EVENT_EOS             0x00010BDD
+#define ASM_DATA_EVENT_WRITE_DONE_V2 0x00010D99
+struct asm_data_event_write_done_v2 {
+	u32                  buf_addr_lsw;
+	/* lsw of the 64 bit address */
+	u32                  buf_addr_msw;
+	/* msw of the 64 bit address. address given by the client in
+	 * ASM_DATA_CMD_WRITE_V2 command.
+	 */
+	u32                  mem_map_handle;
+	/* memory map handle in the ASM_DATA_CMD_WRITE_V2 */
+	u32                  status;
+/* Status message (error code) that indicates whether the
+ * referenced buffer has been successfully consumed.
+ * Supported values: Refer to @xhyperref{Q3,[Q3]}
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_DATA_EVENT_READ_DONE_V2 0x00010D9A
+/* Definition of the frame metadata flag bitmask.*/
+/* Definition of the frame metadata flag shift value. */
+struct asm_data_event_read_done_v2 {
+	u32                  status;
+/* Status message (error code).
+ * Supported values: Refer to @xhyperref{Q3,[Q3]}
+ */
+u32                  buf_addr_lsw;
+/* 64 bit address msw-lsw is a valid, mapped address. 64 bit
+ * address is a multiple of 32 bytes.
+ */
+u32                  buf_addr_msw;
+/* 64 bit address msw-lsw is a valid, mapped address. 64 bit
+ * address is a multiple of 32 bytes.
+ *
+ * -Same address provided by the client in ASM_DATA_CMD_READ_V2
+ * -In the case of 32 bit Shared memory address, msw field is set to
+ * zero.
+ * -In the case of 36 bit shared memory address, bit 31 to bit 4
+ * -of msw is set to zero.
+ */
+u32                  mem_map_handle;
+/* memory map handle in the ASM_DATA_CMD_READ_V2  */
+u32                  enc_framesotal_size;
+/* Total size of the encoded frames in bytes.
+ * Supported values: >0
+ */
+u32                  offset;
+/* Offset (from buf_addr) to the first byte of the first encoded
+ * frame. All encoded frames are consecutive, starting from this
+ * offset.
+ * Supported values: > 0
+ */
+u32                  timestamp_lsw;
+/* Lower 32 bits of the 64-bit session time in microseconds of
+ * the first sample in the buffer. If Bit 5 of mode_flags flag of
+ * ASM_STREAM_CMD_OPEN_READ_V2 is 1 then the 64 bit timestamp is
+ * absolute capture time otherwise it is relative session time. The
+ * absolute timestamp doesn't reset unless the system is reset.
+ */
+u32                  timestamp_msw;
+/* Upper 32 bits of the 64-bit session time in microseconds of
+ * the first sample in the buffer.
+ */
+u32                  flags;
+/* Bitfield of flags. Bit 30 indicates whether frame metadata is
+ * present. If frame metadata is present, num_frames consecutive
+ * instances of @xhyperref{hdr:FrameMetaData,Frame metadata} start
+ * at the buffer address.
+ * Supported values for bit 31:
+ * - 1 -- Timestamp is valid.
+ * - 0 -- Timestamp is invalid.
+ * #ASM_SHIFTIMESTAMP_VALID_FLAG to set this bit.
+ *
+ * Supported values for bit 30:
+ * - 1 -- Frame metadata is present.
+ * - 0 -- Frame metadata is absent.
+ * #ASM_SHIFT_FRAME_METADATA_FLAG to set this bit.
+ *
+ * All other bits are reserved; the aDSP sets them to 0.
+ */
+u32                  num_frames;
+/* Number of encoded frames in the buffer. */
+u32                  seq_id;
+/* Optional buffer sequence ID.	*/
+} __packed;
+struct asm_data_read_buf_metadata_v2 {
+	u32          offset;
+/* Offset from buf_addr in #ASM_DATA_EVENT_READ_DONE_PAYLOAD to
+ * the frame associated with this metadata.
+ * Supported values: > 0
+ */
+u32          frm_size;
+/* Size of the encoded frame in bytes.
+ * Supported values: > 0
+ */
+u32          num_encoded_pcm_samples;
+/* Number of encoded PCM samples (per channel) in the frame
+ * associated with this metadata.
+ * Supported values: > 0
+ */
+u32          timestamp_lsw;
+/* Lower 32 bits of the 64-bit session time in microseconds of the
+ * first sample for this frame.
+ * If Bit 5 of mode_flags flag of ASM_STREAM_CMD_OPEN_READ_V2 is 1
+ * then the 64 bit timestamp is absolute capture time otherwise it
+ * is relative session time. The absolute timestamp doesn't reset
+ * unless the system is reset.
+ */
+u32          timestamp_msw;
+/* Lower 32 bits of the 64-bit session time in microseconds of the
+ * first sample for this frame.
+ */
+u32          flags;
+/* Frame flags.
+ * Supported values for bit 31:
+ * - 1 -- Time stamp is valid
+ * - 0 -- Time stamp is not valid
+ * - All other bits are reserved; the aDSP sets them to 0.
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* Notifies the client of a change in the data sampling rate or
+ * Channel mode. This event is raised by the decoder service. The
+ * event is enabled through the mode flags of
+ * #ASM_STREAM_CMD_OPEN_READWRITE_V2. - The decoder detects a change
+ * in the output sampling frequency or the number/positioning of
+ * output channels, or if it is the first frame decoded.The new
+ * sampling frequency or the new channel configuration is
+ * communicated back to the client asynchronously.
+ */
+/*  Payload of the #ASM_DATA_EVENT_SR_CM_CHANGE_NOTIFY event.
+ * This event is raised when the following conditions are both true:
+ * - The event is enabled through the mode_flags of
+ * #ASM_STREAM_CMD_OPEN_READWRITE_V2. - The decoder detects a change
+ * in either the output sampling frequency or the number/positioning
+ * of output channels, or if it is the first frame decoded.
+ * This event is not raised (even if enabled) if the decoder is
+ * MIDI, because
+ */
+struct asm_data_event_sr_cm_change_notify {
+	u32                  sample_rate;
+/* New sampling rate (in Hertz) after detecting a change in the
+ * bitstream.
+ * Supported values: 2000 to 48000
+ */
+	u16                  num_channels;
+/* New number of channels after detecting a change in the
+ * bitstream.
+ * Supported values: 1 to 8
+ */
+	u16                  reserved;
+	/* Reserved for future use. This field must be set to 0.*/
+	u8                   channel_mapping[8];
+} __packed;
+/* Notifies the client of a data sampling rate or channel mode
+ * change. This event is raised by the encoder service.
+ * This event is raised when :
+ * - Native mode encoding was requested in the encoder
+ * configuration (i.e., the channel number was 0), the sample rate
+ * was 0, or both were 0.
+ *
+ * - The input data frame at the encoder is the first one, or the
+ * sampling rate/channel mode is different from the previous input
+ * data frame.
+ *
+ */
+struct asm_data_event_enc_sr_cm_change_notify {
+	u32                  sample_rate;
+/* New sampling rate (in Hertz) after detecting a change in the
+ * input data.
+ * Supported values: 2000 to 48000
+ */
+	u16                  num_channels;
+/* New number of channels after detecting a change in the input
+ * data. Supported values: 1 to 8
+ */
+	u16                  bits_per_sample;
+/* New bits per sample after detecting a change in the input
+ * data.
+ * Supported values: 16, 24
+ */
+	u8                   channel_mapping[8];
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_DATA_CMD_IEC_60958_FRAME_RATE 0x00010D87
+/* Payload of the #ASM_DATA_CMD_IEC_60958_FRAME_RATE command,
+ * which is used to indicate the IEC 60958 frame rate of a given
+ * packetized audio stream.
+ */
+struct asm_data_cmd_iec_60958_frame_rate {
+	u32                  frame_rate;
+/* IEC 60958 frame rate of the incoming IEC 61937 packetized stream.
+ * Supported values: Any valid frame rate
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* adsp_asm_data_commands.h*/
+/* Definition of the stream ID bitmask.*/
+#define ASM_BIT_MASK_STREAM_ID                 (0x000000FFUL)
+/* Definition of the stream ID shift value.*/
+#define ASM_SHIFT_STREAM_ID                    0
+/* Definition of the session ID bitmask.*/
+#define ASM_BIT_MASK_SESSION_ID                (0x0000FF00UL)
+/* Definition of the session ID shift value.*/
+#define ASM_SHIFT_SESSION_ID                   8
+/* Definition of the service ID bitmask.*/
+#define ASM_BIT_MASK_SERVICE_ID                (0x00FF0000UL)
+/* Definition of the service ID shift value.*/
+#define ASM_SHIFT_SERVICE_ID                   16
+/* Definition of the domain ID bitmask.*/
+#define ASM_BIT_MASK_DOMAIN_ID                (0xFF000000UL)
+/* Definition of the domain ID shift value.*/
+#define ASM_SHIFT_DOMAIN_ID                    24
+#define ASM_CMD_SHARED_MEM_MAP_REGIONS               0x00010D92
+#define ASM_CMD_SHARED_MEM_UNMAP_REGIONS              0x00010D94
+/* adsp_asm_service_commands.h */
+#define ASM_MAX_SESSION_ID  (15)
+/* Maximum number of sessions.*/
+/* Maximum number of streams per session.*/
+#define ASM_SESSION_CMD_RUN_V2                   0x00010DAA
+#define ASM_BIT_MASK_RUN_STARTIME                 (0x00000003UL)
+/* Bit shift value used to specify the start time for the
+ * ASM_SESSION_CMD_RUN_V2 command.
+ */
+struct asm_session_cmd_run_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u32                  flags;
+/* Specifies whether to run immediately or at a specific
+ * rendering time or with a specified delay. Run with delay is
+ * useful for delaying in case of ASM loopback opened through
+ * and #ASM_SHIFT_RUN_STARTIME to set this 2-bit flag.
+ *
+ *
+ *Bits 0 and 1 can take one of four possible values:
+ *
+ *
+ *All other bits are reserved; clients must set them to zero.
+ */
+	u32                  time_lsw;
+/* Lower 32 bits of the time in microseconds used to align the
+ * session origin time. When bits 0-1 of flags is
+ * ASM_SESSION_CMD_RUN_START_RUN_WITH_DELAY, time lsw is the lsw of
+ * maximum value of the 64 bit delay is 150 ms.
+ */
+	u32                  time_msw;
+/* Upper 32 bits of the time in microseconds used to align the
+ * session origin time. When bits 0-1 of flags is
+ * ASM_SESSION_CMD_RUN_START_RUN_WITH_DELAY, time msw is the msw of
+ * maximum value of the 64 bit delay is 150 ms.
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_SESSION_CMD_PAUSE 0x00010BD3
+struct asm_session_cmd_rgstr_rx_underflow {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u16                  enable_flag;
+/* Specifies whether a client is to receive events when an Rx
+ * session underflows.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0 -- Do not send underflow events
+ * - 1 -- Send underflow events
+ */
+	u16                  reserved;
+	/* Reserved. This field must be set to zero.*/
+} __packed;
+struct asm_session_cmd_regx_overflow {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u16                  enable_flag;
+/* Specifies whether a client is to receive events when a Tx
+ * session overflows.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0 -- Do not send overflow events
+ * - 1 -- Send overflow events
+ */
+	u16                  reserved;
+	/* Reserved. This field must be set to zero.*/
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_SESSION_EVENT_RX_UNDERFLOW        0x00010C17
+#define ASM_SESSION_EVENTX_OVERFLOW           0x00010C18
+struct asm_session_cmdrsp_get_sessiontime_v3 {
+	u32                  status;
+	/* Status message (error code).
+	 * Supported values: Refer to @xhyperref{Q3,[Q3]}
+	 */
+	u32                  sessiontime_lsw;
+	/* Lower 32 bits of the current session time in microseconds.*/
+	u32                  sessiontime_msw;
+	/* Upper 32 bits of the current session time in microseconds.*/
+	u32                  absolutetime_lsw;
+/* Lower 32 bits in micro seconds of the absolute time at which
+ * the * sample corresponding to the above session time gets
+ * rendered * to hardware. This absolute time may be slightly in the
+ * future or past.
+ */
+	u32                  absolutetime_msw;
+/* Upper 32 bits in micro seconds of the absolute time at which
+ * the * sample corresponding to the above session time gets
+ * rendered to * hardware. This absolute time may be slightly in the
+ * future or past.
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct asm_session_cmd_adjust_session_clock_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+u32                  adjustime_lsw;
+/* Lower 32 bits of the signed 64-bit quantity that specifies the
+ * adjustment time in microseconds to the session clock.
+ *
+ * Positive values indicate advancement of the session clock.
+ * Negative values indicate delay of the session clock.
+ */
+	u32                  adjustime_msw;
+/* Upper 32 bits of the signed 64-bit quantity that specifies
+ * the adjustment time in microseconds to the session clock.
+ * Positive values indicate advancement of the session clock.
+ * Negative values indicate delay of the session clock.
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct asm_session_cmdrsp_adjust_session_clock_v2 {
+	u32                  status;
+/* Status message (error code).
+ * Supported values: Refer to @xhyperref{Q3,[Q3]}
+ * An error means the session clock is not adjusted. In this case,
+ * the next two fields are irrelevant.
+ */
+	u32                  actual_adjustime_lsw;
+/* Lower 32 bits of the signed 64-bit quantity that specifies
+ * the actual adjustment in microseconds performed by the aDSP.
+ * A positive value indicates advancement of the session clock. A
+ * negative value indicates delay of the session clock.
+ */
+	u32                  actual_adjustime_msw;
+/* Upper 32 bits of the signed 64-bit quantity that specifies
+ * the actual adjustment in microseconds performed by the aDSP.
+ * A positive value indicates advancement of the session clock. A
+ * negative value indicates delay of the session clock.
+ */
+	u32                  cmd_latency_lsw;
+/* Lower 32 bits of the unsigned 64-bit quantity that specifies
+ * the amount of time in microseconds taken to perform the session
+ * clock adjustment.
+ */
+	u32                  cmd_latency_msw;
+/* Upper 32 bits of the unsigned 64-bit quantity that specifies
+ * the amount of time in microseconds taken to perform the session
+ * clock adjustment.
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct asm_session_cmdrsp_get_path_delay_v2 {
+	u32                  status;
+/* Status message (error code). Whether this get delay operation
+ * is successful or not. Delay value is valid only if status is
+ * success.
+ * Supported values: Refer to @xhyperref{Q5,[Q5]}
+ */
+	u32                  audio_delay_lsw;
+	/* Upper 32 bits of the aDSP delay in microseconds. */
+	u32                  audio_delay_msw;
+	/* Lower 32 bits of the aDSP delay  in microseconds. */
+} __packed;
+/* adsp_asm_session_command.h*/
+#define ASM_STREAM_CMD_OPEN_WRITE_V3       0x00010DB3
+#define ASM_LOW_LATENCY_STREAM_SESSION				0x10000000
+#define ASM_LEGACY_STREAM_SESSION                                      0
+struct asm_stream_cmd_open_write_v3 {
+	struct apr_hdr			hdr;
+	uint32_t                    mode_flags;
+/* Mode flags that configure the stream to notify the client
+ * whenever it detects an SR/CM change at the input to its POPP.
+ * Supported values for bits 0 to 1:
+ * - Reserved; clients must set them to zero.
+ * Supported values for bit 2:
+ * - 0 -- SR/CM change notification event is disabled.
+ * - 1 -- SR/CM change notification event is enabled.
+ * #ASM_SHIFT_SR_CM_CHANGE_NOTIFY_FLAG to set or get this bit.
+ *
+ * Supported values for bit 31:
+ * - 0 -- Stream to be opened in on-Gapless mode.
+ * - 1 -- Stream to be opened in Gapless mode. In Gapless mode,
+ * successive streams must be opened with same session ID but
+ * different stream IDs.
+ *
+ * #ASM_SHIFT_GAPLESS_MODE_FLAG to set or get this bit.
+ *
+ *
+ * @note1hang MIDI and DTMF streams cannot be opened in Gapless mode.
+ */
+	uint16_t                    sink_endpointype;
+/*< Sink point type.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0 -- Device matrix
+ * - Other values are reserved.
+ *
+ * The device matrix is the gateway to the hardware ports.
+ */
+	uint16_t                    bits_per_sample;
+/*< Number of bits per sample processed by ASM modules.
+ * Supported values: 16 and 24 bits per sample
+ */
+	uint32_t                    postprocopo_id;
+/*< Specifies the topology (order of processing) of
+ * postprocessing algorithms. <i>None</i> means no postprocessing.
+ * Supported values:
+ *
+ * This field can also be enabled through SetParams flags.
+ */
+	uint32_t                    dec_fmt_id;
+/*< Configuration ID of the decoder media format.
+ *
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* Bitmask for the stream_perf_mode subfield. */
+/* Bitmask for the stream_perf_mode subfield. */
+struct asm_shared_position_buffer {
+	volatile uint32_t               frame_counter;
+/* Counter used to handle interprocessor synchronization issues.
+ * When frame_counter is 0: read_index, wall_clock_us_lsw, and
+ * wall_clock_us_msw are invalid.
+ * Supported values: >= 0.
+ */
+	volatile uint32_t               index;
+/* Index in bytes from where the aDSP is reading/writing.
+ * Supported values: 0 to circular buffer size - 1
+ */
+	volatile uint32_t               wall_clock_us_lsw;
+/* Lower 32 bits of the 64-bit wall clock time in microseconds when the
+ * read index was updated.
+ * Supported values: >= 0
+ */
+	volatile uint32_t               wall_clock_us_msw;
+/* Upper 32 bits of the 64 bit wall clock time in microseconds when the
+ * read index was updated
+ * Supported values: >= 0
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct asm_shared_watermark_level {
+	uint32_t                watermark_level_bytes;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_stream_cmd_open_shared_io {
+	struct apr_hdr          hdr;
+	uint32_t                mode_flags;
+	uint16_t                endpoint_type;
+	uint16_t                topo_bits_per_sample;
+	uint32_t                topo_id;
+	uint32_t                fmt_id;
+	uint32_t                shared_pos_buf_phy_addr_lsw;
+	uint32_t                shared_pos_buf_phy_addr_msw;
+	uint16_t                shared_pos_buf_mem_pool_id;
+	uint16_t                shared_pos_buf_num_regions;
+	uint32_t                shared_pos_buf_property_flag;
+	uint32_t                shared_circ_buf_start_phy_addr_lsw;
+	uint32_t                shared_circ_buf_start_phy_addr_msw;
+	uint32_t                shared_circ_buf_size;
+	uint16_t                shared_circ_buf_mem_pool_id;
+	uint16_t                shared_circ_buf_num_regions;
+	uint32_t                shared_circ_buf_property_flag;
+	uint32_t                num_watermark_levels;
+	struct asm_multi_channel_pcm_fmt_blk_v3         fmt;
+	struct avs_shared_map_region_payload            map_region_pos_buf;
+	struct avs_shared_map_region_payload            map_region_circ_buf;
+	struct asm_shared_watermark_level watermark[0];
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_STREAM_CMD_OPEN_READ_V3                 0x00010DB4
+/* Definition of the timestamp type flag bitmask */
+#define ASM_BIT_MASKIMESTAMPYPE_FLAG        (0x00000020UL)
+/* Definition of the timestamp type flag shift value. */
+/* Relative timestamp is identified by this value.*/
+/* Absolute timestamp is identified by this value.*/
+/* Bit value for Low Latency Tx stream subfield */
+/* Bit shift for the stream_perf_mode subfield. */
+struct asm_stream_cmd_open_read_v3 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u32                    mode_flags;
+/* Mode flags that indicate whether meta information per encoded
+ * frame is to be provided.
+ * Supported values for bit 4:
+ *
+ * - 0 -- Return data buffer contains all encoded frames only; it
+ * does not contain frame metadata.
+ *
+ * - 1 -- Return data buffer contains an array of metadata and
+ * encoded frames.
+ *
+ * - Use #ASM_BIT_MASK_META_INFO_FLAG as the bitmask and
+ * #ASM_SHIFT_META_INFO_FLAG as the shift value for this bit.
+ *
+ *
+ * Supported values for bit 5:
+ *
+ * - relative time-stamp.
+ * - have absolute time-stamp.
+ *
+ * - Use #ASM_BIT_MASKIMESTAMPYPE_FLAG as the bitmask and
+ * #ASM_SHIFTIMESTAMPYPE_FLAG as the shift value for this bit.
+ *
+ * All other bits are reserved; clients must set them to zero.
+ */
+	u32                    src_endpointype;
+/* Specifies the endpoint providing the input samples.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0 -- Device matrix
+ * - All other values are reserved; clients must set them to zero.
+ * Otherwise, an error is returned.
+ * The device matrix is the gateway from the tunneled Tx ports.
+ */
+	u32                    preprocopo_id;
+/* Specifies the topology (order of processing) of preprocessing
+ * algorithms. <i>None</i> means no preprocessing.
+ * Supported values:
+ *
+ * This field can also be enabled through SetParams flags.
+ */
+	u32                    enc_cfg_id;
+/* Media configuration ID for encoded output.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16                    bits_per_sample;
+/* Number of bits per sample processed by ASM modules.
+ * Supported values: 16 and 24 bits per sample
+ */
+	u16                    reserved;
+/* Reserved for future use. This field must be set to zero.*/
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_POPP_OUTPUT_SR_NATIVE_RATE                                  0
+/* Enumeration for the maximum sampling rate at the POPP output.*/
+#define ASM_POPP_OUTPUT_SR_MAX_RATE             48000
+#define ASM_STREAM_CMD_OPEN_READWRITE_V2        0x00010D8D
+#define ASM_STREAM_CMD_OPEN_READWRITE_V2        0x00010D8D
+struct asm_stream_cmd_open_readwrite_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr         hdr;
+	u32                    mode_flags;
+/* Mode flags.
+ * Supported values for bit 2:
+ * - 0 -- SR/CM change notification event is disabled.
+ * - 1 -- SR/CM change notification event is enabled. Use
+ * getting this flag.
+ *
+ * Supported values for bit 4:
+ * - 0 -- Return read data buffer contains all encoded frames only; it
+ * does not contain frame metadata.
+ * - 1 -- Return read data buffer contains an array of metadata and
+ * encoded frames.
+ *
+ * All other bits are reserved; clients must set them to zero.
+ */
+	u32                    postprocopo_id;
+/* Specifies the topology (order of processing) of postprocessing
+ * algorithms. <i>None</i> means no postprocessing.
+ *
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u32                    dec_fmt_id;
+/* Specifies the media type of the input data. PCM indicates that
+ * no decoding must be performed, e.g., this is an NT encoder
+ * session.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u32                    enc_cfg_id;
+/* Specifies the media type for the output of the stream. PCM
+ * indicates that no encoding must be performed, e.g., this is an NT
+ * decoder session.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	u16                    bits_per_sample;
+/* Number of bits per sample processed by ASM modules.
+ * Supported values: 16 and 24 bits per sample
+ */
+	u16                    reserved;
+/* Reserved for future use. This field must be set to zero.*/
+} __packed;
+struct asm_stream_cmd_open_loopback_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr         hdr;
+	u32                    mode_flags;
+/* Mode flags.
+ * Bit 0-31: reserved; client should set these bits to 0
+ */
+	u16                    src_endpointype;
+	/* Endpoint type. 0 = Tx Matrix */
+	u16                    sink_endpointype;
+	/* Endpoint type. 0 = Rx Matrix */
+	u32                    postprocopo_id;
+/* Postprocessor topology ID. Specifies the topology of
+ * postprocessing algorithms.
+ */
+	u16                    bits_per_sample;
+/* The number of bits per sample processed by ASM modules
+ * Supported values: 16 and 24 bits per sample
+ */
+	u16                    reserved;
+/* Reserved for future use. This field must be set to zero. */
+} __packed;
+/* Bitmask for the stream's Performance mode. */
+	(0x70000000UL)
+/* Bit shift for the stream's Performance mode. */
+/* Bitmask for the decoder converter enable flag. */
+/* Shift value for the decoder converter enable flag. */
+#define ASM_SHIFT_DECODER_CONVERTER_FLAG                              3
+/* Converter mode is None (Default). */
+#define ASM_CONVERTER_MODE_NONE                                       0
+/* Converter mode is DDP-to-DD. */
+#define ASM_DDP_DD_CONVERTER_MODE                                     1
+/*  Identifies a special converter mode where source and sink formats
+ *  are the same but postprocessing must applied. Therefore, Decode
+ *  @rarrow Re-encode is necessary.
+ */
+#define ASM_POST_PROCESS_CONVERTER_MODE                               2
+struct asm_stream_cmd_open_transcode_loopback_t {
+	struct apr_hdr         hdr;
+	u32                    mode_flags;
+/* Mode Flags specifies the performance mode in which this stream
+ * is to be opened.
+ * Supported values{for bits 30 to 28}(stream_perf_mode flag)
+ *
+ * #ASM_LEGACY_STREAM_SESSION -- This mode ensures backward
+ *       compatibility to the original behavior
+ *
+ * #ASM_LOW_LATENCY_STREAM_SESSION -- Opens a loopback session by using
+ *  shortened buffers in low latency POPP
+ *  - Recommendation: Do not enable high latency algorithms. They might
+ *    negate the benefits of opening a low latency stream, and they
+ *    might also suffer quality degradation from unexpected jitter.
+ *  - This Low Latency mode is supported only for PCM In and PCM Out
+ *    loopbacks. An error is returned if Low Latency mode is opened for
+ *    other transcode loopback modes.
+ *  - To configure this subfield, use
+ *
+ * Supported values{for bits 6 to 3} (decoder-converter compatibility)
+ * #ASM_CONVERTER_MODE_NONE (0x0) -- Default
+ * 0x3-0xF -- Reserved for future use
+ *        ASM_SHIFT_DECODER_CONVERTER_FLAG to set this bit
+ * All other bits are reserved; clients must set them to 0.
+ */
+	u32                    src_format_id;
+/* Specifies the media format of the input audio stream.
+ *
+ * Supported values
+ */
+	u32                    sink_format_id;
+/* Specifies the media format of the output stream.
+ *
+ * Supported values
+ * - #ASM_MEDIA_FMT_DTS (not supported in Low Latency mode)
+ * - #ASM_MEDIA_FMT_EAC3_DEC (not supported in Low Latency mode)
+ * - #ASM_MEDIA_FMT_EAC3 (not supported in Low Latency mode)
+ * - #ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AC3_DEC (not supported in Low Latency mode)
+ * - #ASM_MEDIA_FMT_AC3 (not supported in Low Latency mode)
+ */
+	u32                    audproc_topo_id;
+/* Postprocessing topology ID, which specifies the topology (order of
+ *        processing) of postprocessing algorithms.
+ *
+ * Supported values
+ *  Topologies can be added through #ASM_CMD_ADD_TOPOLOGIES.
+ *  This field is ignored for the Converter mode, in which no
+ *  postprocessing is performed.
+ */
+	u16                    src_endpoint_type;
+/* Specifies the source endpoint that provides the input samples.
+ *
+ * Supported values
+ *  - 0 -- Tx device matrix or stream router (gateway to the hardware
+ *    ports)
+ *  - All other values are reserved
+ *  Clients must set this field to 0. Otherwise, an error is returned.
+ */
+	u16                    sink_endpoint_type;
+/*  Specifies the sink endpoint type.
+ *
+ *  Supported values
+ *  - 0 -- Rx device matrix or stream router (gateway to the hardware
+ *    ports)
+ *  - All other values are reserved
+ *   Clients must set this field to 0. Otherwise, an error is returned.
+ */
+	u16                    bits_per_sample;
+/*   Number of bits per sample processed by the ASM modules.
+ *   Supported values 16, 24
+ */
+	u16                    reserved;
+/*   This field must be set to 0.
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_STREAM_CMD_CLOSE             0x00010BCD
+#define ASM_STREAM_CMD_FLUSH             0x00010BCE
+struct asm_stream_cmd_set_pp_params_v2 {
+	u32                  data_payload_addr_lsw;
+/* LSW of parameter data payload address. Supported values: any. */
+	u32                  data_payload_addr_msw;
+/* MSW of Parameter data payload address. Supported values: any.
+ * - Must be set to zero for in-band data.
+ * - In the case of 32 bit Shared memory address, msw  field must be
+ * - set to zero.
+ * - In the case of 36 bit shared memory address, bit 31 to bit 4 of
+ * msw
+ *
+ * - must be set to zero.
+ */
+	u32                  mem_map_handle;
+/* Supported Values: Any.
+ * memory map handle returned by DSP through
+ * command.
+ * if mmhandle is NULL, the ParamData payloads are within the
+ * message payload (in-band).
+ * If mmhandle is non-NULL, the ParamData payloads begin at the
+ * address specified in the address msw and lsw (out-of-band).
+ */
+	u32                  data_payload_size;
+/* Size in bytes of the variable payload accompanying the
+ * message, or in shared memory. This field is used for parsing the
+ * parameter payload.
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct asm_stream_param_data_v2 {
+	u32                  module_id;
+	/* Unique module ID. */
+	u32                  param_id;
+	/* Unique parameter ID. */
+	u16                  param_size;
+/* Data size of the param_id/module_id combination. This is
+ * a multiple of 4 bytes.
+ */
+	u16                  reserved;
+/* Reserved for future enhancements. This field must be set to
+ * zero.
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_STREAM_CMD_GET_PP_PARAMS_V2		0x00010DA2
+struct asm_stream_cmd_get_pp_params_v2 {
+	u32                  data_payload_addr_lsw;
+	/* LSW of the parameter data payload address. */
+	u32                  data_payload_addr_msw;
+/* MSW of the parameter data payload address.
+ * - Size of the shared memory, if specified, shall be large enough
+ * to contain the whole ParamData payload, including Module ID,
+ * Param ID, Param Size, and Param Values
+ * - Must be set to zero for in-band data
+ * - In the case of 32 bit Shared memory address, msw field must be
+ * set to zero.
+ * - In the case of 36 bit shared memory address, bit 31 to bit 4 of
+ * msw must be set to zero.
+ */
+	u32                  mem_map_handle;
+/* Supported Values: Any.
+ * memory map handle returned by DSP through ASM_CMD_SHARED_MEM_MAP_REGIONS
+ * command.
+ * if mmhandle is NULL, the ParamData payloads in the ACK are within the
+ * message payload (in-band).
+ * If mmhandle is non-NULL, the ParamData payloads in the ACK begin at the
+ * address specified in the address msw and lsw.
+ * (out-of-band).
+ */
+	u32                  module_id;
+/* Unique module ID. */
+	u32                  param_id;
+/* Unique parameter ID. */
+	u16                  param_max_size;
+/* Maximum data size of the module_id/param_id combination. This
+ * is a multiple of 4 bytes.
+ */
+	u16                  reserved;
+/* Reserved for backward compatibility. Clients must set this
+ * field to zero.
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_STREAM_CMD_SET_ENCDEC_PARAM_V2     0x00013218
+struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param_v2 {
+	u16                  service_id;
+	u16                  reserved;
+	u32                  param_id;
+	/* ID of the parameter. */
+	u32                  param_size;
+	/*
+	 * Data size of this parameter, in bytes. The size is a multiple
+	 * of 4 bytes.
+	 */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_STREAM_CMD_ENCDEC_EVENTS           0x0001321A
+struct avs_rtic_shared_mem_addr {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param_v2  encdec;
+	u32                 shm_buf_addr_lsw;
+	/* Lower 32 bit of the RTIC shared memory */
+	u32                 shm_buf_addr_msw;
+	/* Upper 32 bit of the RTIC shared memory */
+	u32                 buf_size;
+	/* Size of buffer */
+	u16                 shm_buf_mem_pool_id;
+	u16                 shm_buf_num_regions;
+	/* number of regions to map */
+	u32                 shm_buf_flag;
+	/* buffer property flag */
+	struct avs_shared_map_region_payload map_region;
+	/* memory map region*/
+} __packed;
+#define AVS_PARAM_ID_RTIC_EVENT_ACK           0x00013238
+struct avs_param_rtic_event_ack {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param_v2  encdec;
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_PARAM_ID_ENCDEC_BITRATE     0x00010C13
+struct asm_bitrate_param {
+	u32                  bitrate;
+/* Maximum supported bitrate. Only the AAC encoder is supported.*/
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_PARAM_ID_AAC_SBR_PS_FLAG		 0x00010C63
+/* Flag to turn off both SBR and PS processing, if they are
+ * present in the bitstream.
+ */
+#define ASM_AAC_SBR_OFF_PS_OFF (2)
+/* Flag to turn on SBR but turn off PS processing,if they are
+ * present in the bitstream.
+ */
+#define ASM_AAC_SBR_ON_PS_OFF  (1)
+/* Flag to turn on both SBR and PS processing, if they are
+ * present in the bitstream (default behavior).
+ */
+#define ASM_AAC_SBR_ON_PS_ON   (0)
+/* Structure for an AAC SBR PS processing flag. */
+/*  Payload of the #ASM_PARAM_ID_AAC_SBR_PS_FLAG parameter in the
+ */
+struct asm_aac_sbr_ps_flag_param {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param  encdec;
+	struct asm_enc_cfg_blk_param_v2	encblk;
+	u32                  sbr_ps_flag;
+/* Control parameter to enable or disable SBR/PS processing in
+ * the AAC bitstream. Use the following macros to set this field:
+ * - #ASM_AAC_SBR_OFF_PS_OFF -- Turn off both SBR and PS
+ * processing, if they are present in the bitstream.
+ * - #ASM_AAC_SBR_ON_PS_OFF -- Turn on SBR processing, but not PS
+ * processing, if they are present in the bitstream.
+ * - #ASM_AAC_SBR_ON_PS_ON -- Turn on both SBR and PS processing,
+ * if they are present in the bitstream (default behavior).
+ * - All other values are invalid.
+ * Changes are applied to the next decoded frame.
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_PARAM_ID_AAC_DUAL_MONO_MAPPING                      0x00010C64
+/*	First single channel element in a dual mono bitstream.*/
+#define ASM_AAC_DUAL_MONO_MAP_SCE_1                                 (1)
+/*	Second single channel element in a dual mono bitstream.*/
+#define ASM_AAC_DUAL_MONO_MAP_SCE_2                                 (2)
+/* Structure for AAC decoder dual mono channel mapping. */
+struct asm_aac_dual_mono_mapping_param {
+	struct apr_hdr							hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param	encdec;
+	u16    left_channel_sce;
+	u16    right_channel_sce;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_stream_cmdrsp_get_pp_params_v2 {
+	u32                  status;
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_PARAM_ID_AC3_KARAOKE_MODE 0x00010D73
+/* Enumeration for both vocals in a karaoke stream.*/
+#define AC3_KARAOKE_MODE_NO_VOCAL     (0)
+/* Enumeration for only the left vocal in a karaoke stream.*/
+/* Enumeration for only the right vocal in a karaoke stream.*/
+/* Enumeration for both vocal channels in a karaoke stream.*/
+#define AC3_KARAOKE_MODE_BOTH_VOCAL             (3)
+#define ASM_PARAM_ID_AC3_DRC_MODE               0x00010D74
+/* Enumeration for the Custom Analog mode.*/
+#define AC3_DRC_MODE_CUSTOM_ANALOG              (0)
+/* Enumeration for the Custom Digital mode.*/
+#define AC3_DRC_MODE_CUSTOM_DIGITAL             (1)
+/* Enumeration for the Line Out mode (light compression).*/
+#define AC3_DRC_MODE_LINE_OUT  (2)
+/* Enumeration for the RF remodulation mode (heavy compression).*/
+#define AC3_DRC_MODE_RF_REMOD                         (3)
+#define ASM_PARAM_ID_AC3_DUAL_MONO_MODE               0x00010D75
+/* Enumeration for playing dual mono in stereo mode.*/
+#define AC3_DUAL_MONO_MODE_STEREO                     (0)
+/* Enumeration for playing left mono.*/
+#define AC3_DUAL_MONO_MODE_LEFT_MONO                  (1)
+/* Enumeration for playing right mono.*/
+#define AC3_DUAL_MONO_MODE_RIGHT_MONO                 (2)
+/* Enumeration for mixing both dual mono channels and playing them.*/
+#define AC3_DUAL_MONO_MODE_MIXED_MONO        (3)
+/* Enumeration for using the Downmix mode indicated in the bitstream. */
+/* Enumeration for Surround Compatible mode (preserves the
+ * surround information).
+ */
+#define AC3_STEREO_DOWNMIX_MODE_LT_RT        (1)
+/* Enumeration for Mono Compatible mode (if the output is to be
+ * further downmixed to mono).
+ */
+/* ID of the AC3 PCM scale factor parameter in the
+ */
+/* ID of the AC3 DRC boost scale factor parameter in the
+ */
+/* ID of the AC3 DRC cut scale factor parameter in the
+ */
+/* Structure for AC3 Generic Parameter. */
+/*  Payload of the AC3 parameters in the
+ */
+struct asm_ac3_generic_param {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param  encdec;
+	struct asm_enc_cfg_blk_param_v2	encblk;
+	u32                  generic_parameter;
+/* AC3 generic parameter. Select from one of the following
+ * possible values.
+ *
+ * For #ASM_PARAM_ID_AC3_KARAOKE_MODE, supported values are:
+ *
+ * For #ASM_PARAM_ID_AC3_DRC_MODE, supported values are:
+ *
+ * For #ASM_PARAM_ID_AC3_DUAL_MONO_MODE, supported values are:
+ *
+ * For #ASM_PARAM_ID_AC3_STEREO_DOWNMIX_MODE, supported values are:
+ *
+ * For #ASM_PARAM_ID_AC3_PCM_SCALEFACTOR, supported values are
+ * 0 to 1 in Q31 format.
+ *
+ * For #ASM_PARAM_ID_AC3_DRC_BOOST_SCALEFACTOR, supported values are
+ * 0 to 1 in Q31 format.
+ *
+ * For #ASM_PARAM_ID_AC3_DRC_CUT_SCALEFACTOR, supported values are
+ * 0 to 1 in Q31 format.
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* Enumeration for Raw mode (no downmixing), which specifies
+ * that all channels in the bitstream are to be played out as is
+ * without any downmixing. (Default)
+ */
+/* Enumeration for setting the channel mask to 0. The 7.1 mode
+ * (Home Theater) is assigned.
+ */
+/* Speaker layout mask for one channel (Home Theater, mono).
+ * - Speaker front center
+ */
+#define WMAPRO_CHANNEL_MASK_1_C 0x0004
+/* Speaker layout mask for two channels (Home Theater, stereo).
+ * - Speaker front left
+ * - Speaker front right
+ */
+#define WMAPRO_CHANNEL_MASK_2_L_R 0x0003
+/* Speaker layout mask for three channels (Home Theater).
+ * - Speaker front left
+ * - Speaker front right
+ * - Speaker front center
+ */
+#define WMAPRO_CHANNEL_MASK_3_L_C_R 0x0007
+/* Speaker layout mask for two channels (stereo).
+ * - Speaker back left
+ * - Speaker back right
+ */
+#define WMAPRO_CHANNEL_MASK_2_Bl_Br  0x0030
+/* Speaker layout mask for four channels.
+ * - Speaker front left
+ * - Speaker front right
+ * - Speaker back left
+ * - Speaker back right
+ */
+#define WMAPRO_CHANNEL_MASK_4_L_R_Bl_Br 0x0033
+/* Speaker layout mask for four channels (Home Theater).
+ * - Speaker front left
+ * - Speaker front right
+ * - Speaker front center
+ * - Speaker back center
+ */
+#define WMAPRO_CHANNEL_MASK_4_L_R_C_Bc_HT 0x0107
+/* Speaker layout mask for five channels.
+ * - Speaker front left
+ * - Speaker front right
+ * - Speaker front center
+ * - Speaker back left
+ * - Speaker back right
+ */
+#define WMAPRO_CHANNEL_MASK_5_L_C_R_Bl_Br  0x0037
+/* Speaker layout mask for five channels (5 mode, Home Theater).
+ * - Speaker front left
+ * - Speaker front right
+ * - Speaker front center
+ * - Speaker side left
+ * - Speaker side right
+ */
+#define WMAPRO_CHANNEL_MASK_5_L_C_R_Sl_Sr_HT   0x0607
+/* Speaker layout mask for six channels (5.1 mode).
+ * - Speaker front left
+ * - Speaker front right
+ * - Speaker front center
+ * - Speaker low frequency
+ * - Speaker back left
+ * - Speaker back right
+ */
+#define WMAPRO_CHANNEL_MASK_5DOT1_L_C_R_Bl_Br_SLF  0x003F
+/* Speaker layout mask for six channels (5.1 mode, Home Theater).
+ * - Speaker front left
+ * - Speaker front right
+ * - Speaker front center
+ * - Speaker low frequency
+ * - Speaker side left
+ * - Speaker side right
+ */
+/* Speaker layout mask for six channels (5.1 mode, no LFE).
+ * - Speaker front left
+ * - Speaker front right
+ * - Speaker front center
+ * - Speaker back left
+ * - Speaker back right
+ * - Speaker back center
+ */
+#define WMAPRO_CHANNEL_MASK_5DOT1_L_C_R_Bl_Br_Bc  0x0137
+/* Speaker layout mask for six channels (5.1 mode, Home Theater,
+ * no LFE).
+ * - Speaker front left
+ * - Speaker front right
+ * - Speaker front center
+ * - Speaker back center
+ * - Speaker side left
+ * - Speaker side right
+ */
+#define WMAPRO_CHANNEL_MASK_5DOT1_L_C_R_Sl_Sr_Bc_HT   0x0707
+/* Speaker layout mask for seven channels (6.1 mode).
+ * - Speaker front left
+ * - Speaker front right
+ * - Speaker front center
+ * - Speaker low frequency
+ * - Speaker back left
+ * - Speaker back right
+ * - Speaker back center
+ */
+#define WMAPRO_CHANNEL_MASK_6DOT1_L_C_R_Bl_Br_Bc_SLF   0x013F
+/* Speaker layout mask for seven channels (6.1 mode, Home
+ * Theater).
+ * - Speaker front left
+ * - Speaker front right
+ * - Speaker front center
+ * - Speaker low frequency
+ * - Speaker back center
+ * - Speaker side left
+ * - Speaker side right
+ */
+/* Speaker layout mask for seven channels (6.1 mode, no LFE).
+ * - Speaker front left
+ * - Speaker front right
+ * - Speaker front center
+ * - Speaker back left
+ * - Speaker back right
+ * - Speaker front left of center
+ * - Speaker front right of center
+ */
+/* Speaker layout mask for seven channels (6.1 mode, Home
+ * Theater, no LFE).
+ * - Speaker front left
+ * - Speaker front right
+ * - Speaker front center
+ * - Speaker side left
+ * - Speaker side right
+ * - Speaker front left of center
+ * - Speaker front right of center
+ */
+/* Speaker layout mask for eight channels (7.1 mode).
+ * - Speaker front left
+ * - Speaker front right
+ * - Speaker front center
+ * - Speaker back left
+ * - Speaker back right
+ * - Speaker low frequency
+ * - Speaker front left of center
+ * - Speaker front right of center
+ */
+					0x00FF
+/* Speaker layout mask for eight channels (7.1 mode, Home Theater).
+ * - Speaker front left
+ * - Speaker front right
+ * - Speaker front center
+ * - Speaker side left
+ * - Speaker side right
+ * - Speaker low frequency
+ * - Speaker front left of center
+ * - Speaker front right of center
+ *
+ */
+					0x063F
+/* Maximum number of decoder output channels. */
+/* Structure for decoder output channel mapping. */
+/* Payload of the #ASM_PARAM_ID_DEC_OUTPUT_CHAN_MAP parameter in the
+ */
+struct asm_dec_out_chan_map_param {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param  encdec;
+	u32                 num_channels;
+/* Number of decoder output channels.
+ * Supported values: 0 to #MAX_CHAN_MAP_CHANNELS
+ *
+ * A value of 0 indicates native channel mapping, which is valid
+ * only for NT mode. This means the output of the decoder is to be
+ * preserved as is.
+ */
+	u8                  channel_mapping[MAX_CHAN_MAP_CHANNELS];
+} __packed;
+/* Bitmask for the IEC 61937 enable flag.*/
+#define ASM_BIT_MASK_IEC_61937_STREAM_FLAG   (0x00000001UL)
+/* Shift value for the IEC 61937 enable flag.*/
+#define ASM_SHIFT_IEC_61937_STREAM_FLAG  0
+/* Bitmask for the IEC 60958 enable flag.*/
+#define ASM_BIT_MASK_IEC_60958_STREAM_FLAG   (0x00000002UL)
+/* Shift value for the IEC 60958 enable flag.*/
+#define ASM_SHIFT_IEC_60958_STREAM_FLAG   1
+/* Payload format for open write compressed command */
+/* Payload format for the #ASM_STREAM_CMD_OPEN_WRITE_COMPRESSED
+ * command, which opens a stream for a given session ID and stream ID
+ * to be rendered in the compressed format.
+ */
+struct asm_stream_cmd_open_write_compressed {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u32                    flags;
+/* Mode flags that configure the stream for a specific format.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - Bit 0 -- IEC 61937 compatibility
+ *   - 0 -- Stream is not in IEC 61937 format
+ *   - 1 -- Stream is in IEC 61937 format
+ * - Bit 1 -- IEC 60958 compatibility
+ *   - 0 -- Stream is not in IEC 60958 format
+ *   - 1 -- Stream is in IEC 60958 format
+ * - Bits 2 to 31 -- 0 (Reserved)
+ *
+ * For the same stream, bit 0 cannot be set to 0 and bit 1 cannot
+ * be set to 1. A compressed stream connot have IEC 60958
+ * packetization applied without IEC 61937 packetization.
+ * @note1hang Currently, IEC 60958 packetized input streams are not
+ * supported.
+ */
+	u32                    fmt_id;
+/* Specifies the media type of the HDMI stream to be opened.
+ * Supported values:
+ *
+ * @note1hang This field must be set to a valid media type even if
+ * IEC 61937 packetization is not performed by the aDSP.
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* Indicates the number of samples per channel to be removed from the
+ * beginning of the stream.
+ */
+/* Indicates the number of samples per channel to be removed from
+ * the end of the stream.
+ */
+struct asm_data_cmd_remove_silence {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u32	num_samples_to_remove;
+	/* < Number of samples per channel to be removed.
+	 * @values 0 to (2@sscr{32}-1)
+	 */
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_STREAM_CMD_OPEN_READ_COMPRESSED                        0x00010D95
+struct asm_stream_cmd_open_read_compressed {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u32                    mode_flags;
+/* Mode flags that indicate whether meta information per encoded
+ * frame is to be provided.
+ * Supported values for bit 4:
+ * - 0 -- Return data buffer contains all encoded frames only; it does
+ *      not contain frame metadata.
+ * - 1 -- Return data buffer contains an array of metadata and encoded
+ *      frames.
+ * - Use #ASM_BIT_MASK_META_INFO_FLAG to set the bitmask and
+ * #ASM_SHIFT_META_INFO_FLAG to set the shift value for this bit.
+ * All other bits are reserved; clients must set them to zero.
+ */
+	u32                    frames_per_buf;
+/* Indicates the number of frames that need to be returned per
+ * read buffer
+ * Supported values: should be greater than 0
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* adsp_asm_stream_commands.h*/
+/* adsp_asm_api.h (no changes)*/
+								0x00010BE4
+								0x00010D83
+								0x00010C68
+								0x00010D8B
+			0x00010312
+								0x00010313
+								0x00010314
+								0x00010704
+								0x0001070D
+								0x0001070E
+								0x0001070F
+								0x11000000
+								0x0001031B
+#define AUDPROC_COPPOPOLOGY_ID_MCHAN_IIR_AUDIO           0x00010715
+#define AUDPROC_MODULE_ID_AIG   0x00010716
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_AIG_ENABLE		0x00010717
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_AIG_CONFIG		0x00010718
+struct Audio_AigParam {
+	uint16_t	mode;
+/*< Mode word for enabling AIG/SIG mode .
+ * Byte offset: 0
+ */
+	int16_t		staticGainL16Q12;
+/*< Static input gain when aigMode is set to 1.
+ * Byte offset: 2
+ */
+	int16_t		initialGainDBL16Q7;
+/*<Initial value that the adaptive gain update starts from dB
+ * Q7 Byte offset: 4
+ */
+	int16_t		idealRMSDBL16Q7;
+/*<Average RMS level that AIG attempts to achieve Q8.7
+ * Byte offset: 6
+ */
+	int32_t		noiseGateL32;
+/*Threshold below which signal is considered as noise and AIG
+ * Byte offset: 8
+ */
+	int32_t		minGainL32Q15;
+/*Minimum gain that can be provided by AIG Q16.15
+ * Byte offset: 12
+ */
+	int32_t		maxGainL32Q15;
+/*Maximum gain that can be provided by AIG Q16.15
+ * Byte offset: 16
+ */
+	uint32_t		gainAtRtUL32Q31;
+/*Attack/release time for AIG update Q1.31
+ * Byte offset: 20
+ */
+	uint32_t		longGainAtRtUL32Q31;
+/*Long attack/release time while updating gain for
+ * noise/silence Q1.31 Byte offset: 24
+ */
+	uint32_t		rmsTavUL32Q32;
+/* RMS smoothing time constant used for long-term RMS estimate
+ * Q0.32 Byte offset: 28
+ */
+	uint32_t		gainUpdateStartTimMsUL32Q0;
+/* The waiting time before which AIG starts to apply adaptive
+ * gain update Q32.0 Byte offset: 32
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define ADM_MODULE_ID_EANS                            0x00010C4A
+#define ADM_PARAM_ID_EANS_ENABLE                      0x00010C4B
+#define ADM_PARAM_ID_EANS_PARAMS                      0x00010C4C
+struct adm_eans_enable {
+	uint32_t                  enable_flag;
+/*< Specifies whether EANS is disabled (0) or enabled
+ * (nonzero).
+ * This is supported only for sampling rates of 8, 12, 16, 24, 32,
+ * and 48 kHz. It is not supported for sampling rates of 11.025,
+ * 22.05, or 44.1 kHz.
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct adm_eans_params {
+	int16_t                         eans_mode;
+/*< Mode word for enabling/disabling submodules.
+ * Byte offset: 0
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_input_gain;
+/*< Q2.13 input gain to the EANS module.
+ * Byte offset: 2
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_output_gain;
+/*< Q2.13 output gain to the EANS module.
+ * Byte offset: 4
+ */
+	int16_t                         eansarget_ns;
+/*< Target noise suppression level in dB.
+ * Byte offset: 6
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_s_alpha;
+/*< Q3.12 over-subtraction factor for stationary noise
+ * suppression.
+ * Byte offset: 8
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_n_alpha;
+/* < Q3.12 over-subtraction factor for nonstationary noise
+ * suppression.
+ * Byte offset: 10
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_n_alphamax;
+/*< Q3.12 maximum over-subtraction factor for nonstationary
+ * noise suppression.
+ * Byte offset: 12
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_e_alpha;
+/*< Q15 scaling factor for excess noise suppression.
+ * Byte offset: 14
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_ns_snrmax;
+/*< Upper boundary in dB for SNR estimation.
+ * Byte offset: 16
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_sns_block;
+/*< Quarter block size for stationary noise suppression.
+ * Byte offset: 18
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_ns_i;
+/*< Initialization block size for noise suppression.
+ * Byte offset: 20
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_np_scale;
+/*< Power scale factor for nonstationary noise update.
+ * Byte offset: 22
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_n_lambda;
+/*< Smoothing factor for higher level nonstationary noise
+ * update.
+ * Byte offset: 24
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_n_lambdaf;
+/*< Medium averaging factor for noise update.
+ * Byte offset: 26
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_gs_bias;
+/*< Bias factor in dB for gain calculation.
+ * Byte offset: 28
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_gs_max;
+/*< SNR lower boundary in dB for aggressive gain calculation.
+ * Byte offset: 30
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_s_alpha_hb;
+/*< Q3.12 over-subtraction factor for high-band stationary
+ * noise suppression.
+ * Byte offset: 32
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_n_alphamax_hb;
+/*< Q3.12 maximum over-subtraction factor for high-band
+ * nonstationary noise suppression.
+ * Byte offset: 34
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_e_alpha_hb;
+/*< Q15 scaling factor for high-band excess noise suppression.
+ * Byte offset: 36
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_n_lambda0;
+/*< Smoothing factor for nonstationary noise update during
+ * speech activity.
+ * Byte offset: 38
+ */
+	int16_t                         thresh;
+/*< Threshold for generating a binary VAD decision.
+ * Byte offset: 40
+ */
+	int16_t                         pwr_scale;
+/*< Indirect lower boundary of the noise level estimate.
+ * Byte offset: 42
+ */
+	int16_t                         hangover_max;
+/*< Avoids mid-speech clipping and reliably detects weak speech
+ * bursts at the end of speech activity.
+ * Byte offset: 44
+ */
+	int16_t                         alpha_snr;
+/*< Controls responsiveness of the VAD.
+ * Byte offset: 46
+ */
+	int16_t                         snr_diff_max;
+/*< Maximum SNR difference. Decreasing this parameter value may
+ * help in making correct decisions during abrupt changes; however,
+ * decreasing too much may increase false alarms during long
+ * pauses/silences.
+ * Byte offset: 48
+ */
+	int16_t                         snr_diff_min;
+/*< Minimum SNR difference. Decreasing this parameter value may
+ * help in making correct decisions during abrupt changes; however,
+ * decreasing too much may increase false alarms during long
+ * pauses/silences.
+ * Byte offset: 50
+ */
+	int16_t                         init_length;
+/*< Defines the number of frames for which a noise level
+ * estimate is set to a fixed value.
+ * Byte offset: 52
+ */
+	int16_t                         max_val;
+/*< Defines the upper limit of the noise level.
+ * Byte offset: 54
+ */
+	int16_t                         init_bound;
+/*< Defines the initial bounding value for the noise level
+ * estimate. This is used during the initial segment defined by the
+ * init_length parameter.
+ * Byte offset: 56
+ */
+	int16_t                         reset_bound;
+/*< Reset boundary for noise tracking.
+ * Byte offset: 58
+ */
+	int16_t                         avar_scale;
+/*< Defines the bias factor in noise estimation.
+ * Byte offset: 60
+ */
+	int16_t                         sub_nc;
+/*< Defines the window length for noise estimation.
+ * Byte offset: 62
+ */
+	int16_t                         spow_min;
+/*< Defines the minimum signal power required to update the
+ * boundaries for the noise floor estimate.
+ * Byte offset: 64
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_gs_fast;
+/*< Fast smoothing factor for postprocessor gain.
+ * Byte offset: 66
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_gs_med;
+/*< Medium smoothing factor for postprocessor gain.
+ * Byte offset: 68
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_gs_slow;
+/*< Slow smoothing factor for postprocessor gain.
+ * Byte offset: 70
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_swb_salpha;
+/*< Q3.12 super wideband aggressiveness factor for stationary
+ * noise suppression.
+ * Byte offset: 72
+ */
+	int16_t                         eans_swb_nalpha;
+/*< Q3.12 super wideband aggressiveness factor for
+ * nonstationary noise suppression.
+ * Byte offset: 74
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define ADM_MODULE_IDX_MIC_GAIN_CTRL   0x00010C35
+/* @addtogroup audio_pp_param_ids
+ * ID of the Tx mic gain control parameter used by the
+ * @messagepayload
+ * @structure{admx_mic_gain}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ADM_PARAM_IDX_MIC_GAIN.tex}
+ */
+#define ADM_PARAM_IDX_MIC_GAIN       0x00010C36
+/* Structure for a Tx mic gain parameter for the mic gain
+ * control module.
+ */
+/* @brief Payload of the #ADM_PARAM_IDX_MIC_GAIN parameter in the
+ * Tx Mic Gain Control module.
+ */
+struct admx_mic_gain {
+	uint16_t                  tx_mic_gain;
+	/*< Linear gain in Q13 format. */
+	uint16_t                  reserved;
+	/*< Clients must set this field to zero. */
+} __packed;
+struct adm_set_mic_gain_params {
+	struct adm_cmd_set_pp_params_v5 params;
+	struct adm_param_data_v5 data;
+	struct admx_mic_gain mic_gain_data;
+} __packed;
+/* end_addtogroup audio_pp_param_ids */
+/* @ingroup audio_pp_module_ids
+ * ID of the Rx Codec Gain Control module.
+ *
+ * This module supports the following parameter ID:
+ */
+#define ADM_MODULE_ID_RX_CODEC_GAIN_CTRL       0x00010C37
+/* @addtogroup audio_pp_param_ids
+ * ID of the Rx codec gain control parameter used by the
+ *
+ * @messagepayload
+ * @structure{adm_rx_codec_gain}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ADM_PARAM_ID_RX_CODEC_GAIN.tex}
+ */
+#define ADM_PARAM_ID_RX_CODEC_GAIN   0x00010C38
+/* Structure for the Rx common codec gain control module. */
+/* @brief Payload of the #ADM_PARAM_ID_RX_CODEC_GAIN parameter
+ * in the Rx Codec Gain Control module.
+ */
+struct adm_rx_codec_gain {
+	uint16_t                  rx_codec_gain;
+	/* Linear gain in Q13 format. */
+	uint16_t                  reserved;
+	/* Clients must set this field to zero.*/
+} __packed;
+/* end_addtogroup audio_pp_param_ids */
+/* @ingroup audio_pp_module_ids
+ * ID of the HPF Tuning Filter module on the Tx path.
+ * This module supports the following parameter IDs:
+ */
+#define ADM_MODULE_ID_HPF_IIRX_FILTER    0x00010C3D
+/* @addtogroup audio_pp_param_ids */
+/* ID of the Tx HPF IIR filter enable parameter used by the
+ * @parspace Message payload
+ * @structure{adm_hpfx_iir_filter_enable_cfg}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ADM_PARAM_ID_HPF_IIRX_FILTER_ENABLE_CONFIG.tex}
+ */
+/* ID of the Tx HPF IIR filter pregain parameter used by the
+ * @parspace Message payload
+ * @structure{adm_hpfx_iir_filter_pre_gain}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ADM_PARAM_ID_HPF_IIRX_FILTER_PRE_GAIN.tex}
+ */
+/* ID of the Tx HPF IIR filter configuration parameters used by the
+ * @parspace Message payload
+ * @structure{adm_hpfx_iir_filter_cfg_params}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ADM_PARAM_ID_HPF_IIRX_FILTER_CONFIG_PA
+ * RAMS.tex}
+ */
+/* Structure for enabling a configuration parameter for
+ * the HPF IIR tuning filter module on the Tx path.
+ */
+ * parameter in the Tx path HPF Tuning Filter module.
+ */
+struct adm_hpfx_iir_filter_enable_cfg {
+	uint32_t                  enable_flag;
+/* Specifies whether the HPF tuning filter is disabled (0) or
+ * enabled (nonzero).
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* Structure for the pregain parameter for the HPF
+ * IIR tuning filter module on the Tx path.
+ */
+/* @brief Payload of the #ADM_PARAM_ID_HPF_IIRX_FILTER_PRE_GAIN parameter
+ * in the Tx path HPF Tuning Filter module.
+ */
+struct adm_hpfx_iir_filter_pre_gain {
+	uint16_t                  pre_gain;
+	/* Linear gain in Q13 format. */
+	uint16_t                  reserved;
+	/* Clients must set this field to zero.*/
+} __packed;
+/* Structure for the configuration parameter for the
+ * HPF IIR tuning filter module on the Tx path.
+ */
+ * parameters in the Tx path HPF Tuning Filter module. \n
+ * \n
+ * This structure is followed by tuning filter coefficients as follows: \n
+ * - Sequence of int32_t FilterCoeffs.
+ * Each band has five coefficients, each in int32_t format in the order of
+ * b0, b1, b2, a1, a2.
+ * - Sequence of int16_t NumShiftFactor.
+ * One int16_t per band. The numerator shift factor is related to the Q
+ * factor of the filter coefficients.
+ * - Sequence of uint16_t PanSetting.
+ * One uint16_t for each band to indicate application of the filter to
+ * left (0), right (1), or both (2) channels.
+ */
+struct adm_hpfx_iir_filter_cfg_params {
+	uint16_t                  num_biquad_stages;
+/*< Number of bands.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 20
+ */
+	uint16_t                  reserved;
+	/*< Clients must set this field to zero.*/
+} __packed;
+/* end_addtogroup audio_pp_module_ids */
+/* @addtogroup audio_pp_module_ids */
+/* ID of the Tx path IIR Tuning Filter module.
+ *	This module supports the following parameter IDs:
+ */
+#define ADM_MODULE_IDX_IIR_FILTER 0x00010C41
+/* ID of the Rx path IIR Tuning Filter module for the left channel.
+ *	The parameter IDs of the IIR tuning filter module
+ *	(#ASM_MODULE_ID_IIRUNING_FILTER) are used for the left IIR Rx tuning
+ *	filter.
+ *
+ * Pan parameters are not required for this per-channel IIR filter; the pan
+ * parameters are ignored by this module.
+ */
+#define ADM_MODULE_ID_LEFT_IIRUNING_FILTER      0x00010705
+/* ID of the the Rx path IIR Tuning Filter module for the right
+ * channel.
+ * The parameter IDs of the IIR tuning filter module
+ * (#ASM_MODULE_ID_IIRUNING_FILTER) are used for the right IIR Rx
+ * tuning filter.
+ *
+ * Pan parameters are not required for this per-channel IIR filter;
+ * the pan parameters are ignored by this module.
+ */
+/* end_addtogroup audio_pp_module_ids */
+/* @addtogroup audio_pp_param_ids */
+/* ID of the Tx IIR filter enable parameter used by the
+ * @parspace Message payload
+ * @structure{admx_iir_filter_enable_cfg}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ADM_PARAM_IDX_IIR_FILTER_ENABLE_CONFIG.tex}
+ */
+/* ID of the Tx IIR filter pregain parameter used by the
+ * @parspace Message payload
+ * @structure{admx_iir_filter_pre_gain}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ADM_PARAM_IDX_IIR_FILTER_PRE_GAIN.tex}
+ */
+#define ADM_PARAM_IDX_IIR_FILTER_PRE_GAIN    0x00010C43
+/* ID of the Tx IIR filter configuration parameters used by the
+ * @parspace Message payload
+ * @structure{admx_iir_filter_cfg_params}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ADM_PARAM_IDX_IIR_FILTER_CONFIG_PARAMS.tex}
+ */
+/* Structure for enabling the configuration parameter for the
+ * IIR filter module on the Tx path.
+ */
+ * parameter in the Tx Path IIR Tuning Filter module.
+ */
+struct admx_iir_filter_enable_cfg {
+	uint32_t                  enable_flag;
+/*< Specifies whether the IIR tuning filter is disabled (0) or
+ * enabled (nonzero).
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* Structure for the pregain parameter for the
+ * IIR filter module on the Tx path.
+ */
+/* @brief Payload of the #ADM_PARAM_IDX_IIR_FILTER_PRE_GAIN
+ * parameter in the Tx Path IIR Tuning Filter module.
+ */
+struct admx_iir_filter_pre_gain {
+	uint16_t                  pre_gain;
+	/*< Linear gain in Q13 format. */
+	uint16_t                  reserved;
+	/*< Clients must set this field to zero.*/
+} __packed;
+/* Structure for the configuration parameter for the
+ * IIR filter module on the Tx path.
+ */
+ * parameter in the Tx Path IIR Tuning Filter module. \n
+ *	\n
+ * This structure is followed by the HPF IIR filter coefficients on
+ * the Tx path as follows: \n
+ * - Sequence of int32_t ulFilterCoeffs. Each band has five
+ * coefficients, each in int32_t format in the order of b0, b1, b2,
+ * a1, a2.
+ * - Sequence of int16_t sNumShiftFactor. One int16_t per band. The
+ * numerator shift factor is related to the Q factor of the filter
+ * coefficients.
+ * - Sequence of uint16_t usPanSetting. One uint16_t for each band
+ * to indicate if the filter is applied to left (0), right (1), or
+ * both (2) channels.
+ */
+struct admx_iir_filter_cfg_params {
+	uint16_t                  num_biquad_stages;
+/*< Number of bands.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 20
+ */
+	uint16_t                  reserved;
+	/*< Clients must set this field to zero.*/
+} __packed;
+/* end_addtogroup audio_pp_module_ids */
+/* @ingroup audio_pp_module_ids
+ *	ID of the QEnsemble module.
+ *	This module supports the following parameter IDs:
+ */
+#define ADM_MODULE_ID_QENSEMBLE    0x00010C59
+/* @addtogroup audio_pp_param_ids */
+/* ID of the QEnsemble enable parameter used by the
+ * @messagepayload
+ * @structure{adm_qensemble_enable}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ADM_PARAM_ID_QENSEMBLE_ENABLE.tex}
+ */
+/* ID of the QEnsemble back gain parameter used by the
+ * @messagepayload
+ * @structure{adm_qensemble_param_backgain}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ADM_PARAM_ID_QENSEMBLE_BACKGAIN.tex}
+ */
+/* ID of the QEnsemble new angle parameter used by the
+ * @messagepayload
+ * @structure{adm_qensemble_param_set_new_angle}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ADM_PARAM_ID_QENSEMBLE_SET_NEW_ANGLE.tex}
+ */
+/* Structure for enabling the configuration parameter for the
+ * QEnsemble module.
+ */
+/* @brief Payload of the #ADM_PARAM_ID_QENSEMBLE_ENABLE
+ * parameter used by the QEnsemble module.
+ */
+struct adm_qensemble_enable {
+	uint32_t                  enable_flag;
+/*< Specifies whether the QEnsemble module is disabled (0) or enabled
+ * (nonzero).
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* Structure for the background gain for the QEnsemble module. */
+/* @brief Payload of the #ADM_PARAM_ID_QENSEMBLE_BACKGAIN
+ * parameter used by
+ * the QEnsemble module.
+ */
+struct adm_qensemble_param_backgain {
+	int16_t                  back_gain;
+/*< Linear gain in Q15 format.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 32767
+ */
+	uint16_t                 reserved;
+	/*< Clients must set this field to zero.*/
+} __packed;
+/* Structure for setting a new angle for the QEnsemble module. */
+/* @brief Payload of the #ADM_PARAM_ID_QENSEMBLE_SET_NEW_ANGLE
+ * parameter used
+ * by the QEnsemble module.
+ */
+struct adm_qensemble_param_set_new_angle {
+	int16_t                    new_angle;
+/*< New angle in degrees.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 359
+ */
+	int16_t                    time_ms;
+/*< Transition time in milliseconds to set the new angle.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 32767
+ */
+} __packed;
+#define ADM_CMD_GET_PP_TOPO_MODULE_LIST				0x00010349
+#define ADM_CMDRSP_GET_PP_TOPO_MODULE_LIST			0x00010350
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_ENABLE					0x00010904
+ /*
+  * Payload of the ADM_CMD_GET_PP_TOPO_MODULE_LIST command.
+  */
+struct adm_cmd_get_pp_topo_module_list_t {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	/* Lower 32 bits of the 64-bit parameter data payload address. */
+	uint32_t                  data_payload_addr_lsw;
+	/*
+	 * Upper 32 bits of the 64-bit parameter data payload address.
+	 *
+	 *
+	 * The size of the shared memory, if specified, must be large enough to
+	 * contain the entire parameter data payload, including the module ID,
+	 * parameter ID, parameter size, and parameter values.
+	 */
+	uint32_t                  data_payload_addr_msw;
+	/*
+	 *  Unique identifier for an address.
+	 *
+	 * This memory map handle is returned by the aDSP through the
+	 *
+	 * @values
+	 * - Non-NULL -- On acknowledgment, the parameter data payloads begin at
+	 * the address specified (out-of-band)
+	 * - NULL -- The acknowledgment's payload contains the parameter data
+	 * (in-band) @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	uint32_t                  mem_map_handle;
+	/*
+	 * Maximum data size of the list of modules. This
+	 * field is a multiple of 4 bytes.
+	 */
+	uint16_t                  param_max_size;
+	/* This field must be set to zero. */
+	uint16_t                  reserved;
+} __packed;
+ * Payload of the ADM_CMDRSP_GET_PP_TOPO_MODULE_LIST message, which returns
+ * module ids in response to an ADM_CMD_GET_PP_TOPO_MODULE_LIST command.
+ * Immediately following this structure is the acknowledgment <b>module id
+ * data variable payload</b> containing the pre/postprocessing module id
+ * values. For an in-band scenario, the variable payload depends on the size
+ * of the parameter.
+ */
+struct adm_cmd_rsp_get_pp_topo_module_list_t {
+	/* Status message (error code). */
+	uint32_t                  status;
+} __packed;
+struct audproc_topology_module_id_info_t {
+	uint32_t	num_modules;
+} __packed;
+/* end_addtogroup audio_pp_module_ids */
+/* @ingroup audio_pp_module_ids
+ * ID of the Volume Control module pre/postprocessing block.
+ * This module supports the following parameter IDs:
+ */
+#define ASM_MODULE_ID_VOL_CTRL   0x00010BFE
+#define ASM_MODULE_ID_VOL_CTRL2  0x00010910
+/* @addtogroup audio_pp_param_ids */
+/* ID of the master gain parameter used by the #ASM_MODULE_ID_VOL_CTRL
+ * module.
+ * @messagepayload
+ * @structure{asm_volume_ctrl_master_gain}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ASM_PARAM_ID_VOL_CTRL_MASTER_GAIN.tex}
+ */
+/* ID of the left/right channel gain parameter used by the
+ * @messagepayload
+ * @structure{asm_volume_ctrl_lr_chan_gain}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ASM_PARAM_ID_MULTICHANNEL_GAIN.tex}
+ */
+/* ID of the mute configuration parameter used by the
+ * @messagepayload
+ * @structure{asm_volume_ctrl_mute_config}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ASM_PARAM_ID_VOL_CTRL_MUTE_CONFIG.tex}
+ */
+/* ID of the soft stepping volume parameters used by the
+ * @messagepayload
+ * @structure{asm_soft_step_volume_params}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ASM_PARAM_ID_SOFT_VOL_STEPPING_PARAMET
+ * ERS.tex}
+ */
+/* ID of the soft pause parameters used by the #ASM_MODULE_ID_VOL_CTRL
+ * module.
+ */
+/* ID of the multiple-channel volume control parameters used by the
+ */
+/* ID of the multiple-channel mute configuration parameters used by the
+ */
+/* Structure for the master gain parameter for a volume control
+ * module.
+ */
+/* @brief Payload of the #ASM_PARAM_ID_VOL_CTRL_MASTER_GAIN
+ * parameter used by the Volume Control module.
+ */
+struct asm_volume_ctrl_master_gain {
+	struct apr_hdr	hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_pp_params_v2 param;
+	struct asm_stream_param_data_v2 data;
+	uint16_t                  master_gain;
+	/* Linear gain in Q13 format. */
+	uint16_t                  reserved;
+	/* Clients must set this field to zero. */
+} __packed;
+struct asm_volume_ctrl_lr_chan_gain {
+	struct apr_hdr	hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_pp_params_v2 param;
+	struct asm_stream_param_data_v2 data;
+	uint16_t                  l_chan_gain;
+	/*< Linear gain in Q13 format for the left channel. */
+	uint16_t                  r_chan_gain;
+	/*< Linear gain in Q13 format for the right channel.*/
+} __packed;
+/* Structure for the mute configuration parameter for a
+ * volume control module.
+ */
+/* @brief Payload of the #ASM_PARAM_ID_VOL_CTRL_MUTE_CONFIG
+ * parameter used by the Volume Control module.
+ */
+struct asm_volume_ctrl_mute_config {
+	struct apr_hdr	hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_pp_params_v2 param;
+	struct asm_stream_param_data_v2 data;
+	uint32_t                  mute_flag;
+/*< Specifies whether mute is disabled (0) or enabled (nonzero).*/
+} __packed;
+ * Supported parameters for a soft stepping linear ramping curve.
+ */
+ * Exponential ramping curve.
+ */
+ * Logarithmic ramping curve.
+ */
+/* Structure for holding soft stepping volume parameters. */
+ * parameters used by the Volume Control module.
+ */
+struct asm_soft_step_volume_params {
+	struct apr_hdr	hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_pp_params_v2 param;
+	struct asm_stream_param_data_v2 data;
+	uint32_t                  period;
+/*< Period in milliseconds.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 15000
+ */
+	uint32_t                  step;
+/*< Step in microseconds.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 15000000
+ */
+	uint32_t                  ramping_curve;
+/*< Ramping curve type.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* Structure for holding soft pause parameters. */
+ * parameters used by the Volume Control module.
+ */
+struct asm_soft_pause_params {
+	struct apr_hdr	hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_pp_params_v2 param;
+	struct asm_stream_param_data_v2 data;
+	uint32_t                  enable_flag;
+/*< Specifies whether soft pause is disabled (0) or enabled
+ * (nonzero).
+ */
+	uint32_t                  period;
+/*< Period in milliseconds.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 15000
+ */
+	uint32_t                  step;
+/*< Step in microseconds.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 15000000
+ */
+	uint32_t                  ramping_curve;
+/*< Ramping curve.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* Maximum number of channels.*/
+#define VOLUME_CONTROL_MAX_CHANNELS                       8
+/* Structure for holding one channel type - gain pair. */
+/* Payload of the #ASM_PARAM_ID_MULTICHANNEL_GAIN channel
+ * type/gain pairs used by the Volume Control module. \n \n This
+ * structure immediately follows the
+ * asm_volume_ctrl_multichannel_gain structure.
+ */
+struct asm_volume_ctrl_channeltype_gain_pair {
+	uint8_t                   channeltype;
+	/*
+	 * Channel type for which the gain setting is to be applied.
+	 * Supported values:
+	 */
+	uint8_t                   reserved1;
+	/* Clients must set this field to zero. */
+	uint8_t                   reserved2;
+	/* Clients must set this field to zero. */
+	uint8_t                   reserved3;
+	/* Clients must set this field to zero. */
+	uint32_t                  gain;
+	/*
+	 * Gain value for this channel in Q28 format.
+	 * Supported values: Any
+	 */
+} __packed;
+/* Structure for the multichannel gain command */
+ * parameters used by the Volume Control module.
+ */
+struct asm_volume_ctrl_multichannel_gain {
+	struct apr_hdr	hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_pp_params_v2 param;
+	struct asm_stream_param_data_v2 data;
+	uint32_t                  num_channels;
+	/*
+	 * Number of channels for which gain values are provided. Any
+	 * channels present in the data for which gain is not provided are
+	 * set to unity gain.
+	 * Supported values: 1 to 8
+	 */
+	struct asm_volume_ctrl_channeltype_gain_pair
+	/* Array of channel type/gain pairs.*/
+} __packed;
+/* Structure for holding one channel type - mute pair. */
+/* Payload of the #ASM_PARAM_ID_MULTICHANNEL_MUTE channel
+ * type/mute setting pairs used by the Volume Control module. \n \n
+ * This structure immediately follows the
+ * asm_volume_ctrl_multichannel_mute structure.
+ */
+struct asm_volume_ctrl_channelype_mute_pair {
+	struct apr_hdr	hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_pp_params_v2 param;
+	struct asm_stream_param_data_v2 data;
+	uint8_t                   channelype;
+/*< Channel type for which the mute setting is to be applied.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	uint8_t                   reserved1;
+	/*< Clients must set this field to zero. */
+	uint8_t                   reserved2;
+	/*< Clients must set this field to zero. */
+	uint8_t                   reserved3;
+	/*< Clients must set this field to zero. */
+	uint32_t                  mute;
+/*< Mute setting for this channel.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0 = Unmute
+ * - Nonzero = Mute
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* Structure for the multichannel mute command */
+/* @brief Payload of the #ASM_PARAM_ID_MULTICHANNEL_MUTE
+ * parameters used by the Volume Control module.
+ */
+struct asm_volume_ctrl_multichannel_mute {
+	struct apr_hdr	hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_pp_params_v2 param;
+	struct asm_stream_param_data_v2 data;
+	uint32_t                  num_channels;
+/*< Number of channels for which mute configuration is
+ * provided. Any channels present in the data for which mute
+ * configuration is not provided are set to unmute.
+ * Supported values: 1 to 8
+ */
+struct asm_volume_ctrl_channelype_mute_pair
+	/*< Array of channel type/mute setting pairs.*/
+} __packed;
+/* end_addtogroup audio_pp_param_ids */
+/* audio_pp_module_ids
+ * ID of the IIR Tuning Filter module.
+ * This module supports the following parameter IDs:
+ */
+/* @addtogroup audio_pp_param_ids */
+/* ID of the IIR tuning filter enable parameter used by the
+ * @messagepayload
+ * @structure{asm_iiruning_filter_enable}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ASM_PARAM_ID_IIRUNING_FILTER_ENABLE_CO
+ * NFIG.tex}
+ */
+/* ID of the IIR tuning filter pregain parameter used by the
+ */
+/* ID of the IIR tuning filter configuration parameters used by the
+ */
+/* Structure for an enable configuration parameter for an
+ * IIR tuning filter module.
+ */
+ * parameter used by the IIR Tuning Filter module.
+ */
+struct asm_iiruning_filter_enable {
+	uint32_t                  enable_flag;
+/*< Specifies whether the IIR tuning filter is disabled (0) or
+ * enabled (1).
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* Structure for the pregain parameter for an IIR tuning filter module. */
+ * parameters used by the IIR Tuning Filter module.
+ */
+struct asm_iiruning_filter_pregain {
+	uint16_t                  pregain;
+	/*< Linear gain in Q13 format. */
+	uint16_t                  reserved;
+	/*< Clients must set this field to zero.*/
+} __packed;
+/* Structure for the configuration parameter for an IIR tuning filter
+ * module.
+ */
+ * parameters used by the IIR Tuning Filter module. \n
+ * \n
+ * This structure is followed by the IIR filter coefficients: \n
+ * - Sequence of int32_t FilterCoeffs \n
+ * Five coefficients for each band. Each coefficient is in int32_t format, in
+ * the order of b0, b1, b2, a1, a2.
+ * - Sequence of int16_t NumShiftFactor \n
+ * One int16_t per band. The numerator shift factor is related to the Q
+ * factor of the filter coefficients.
+ * - Sequence of uint16_t PanSetting \n
+ * One uint16_t per band, indicating if the filter is applied to left (0),
+ * right (1), or both (2) channels.
+ */
+struct asm_iir_filter_config_params {
+	uint16_t                  num_biquad_stages;
+/*< Number of bands.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 20
+ */
+	uint16_t                  reserved;
+	/*< Clients must set this field to zero.*/
+} __packed;
+/* audio_pp_module_ids
+ * ID of the Multiband Dynamic Range Control (MBDRC) module on the Tx/Rx
+ * paths.
+ * This module supports the following parameter IDs:
+ */
+#define ASM_MODULE_ID_MBDRC   0x00010C06
+/* audio_pp_param_ids */
+/* ID of the MBDRC enable parameter used by the #ASM_MODULE_ID_MBDRC module.
+ * @messagepayload
+ * @structure{asm_mbdrc_enable}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ASM_PARAM_ID_MBDRC_ENABLE.tex}
+ */
+#define ASM_PARAM_ID_MBDRC_ENABLE   0x00010C07
+/* ID of the MBDRC configuration parameters used by the
+ * #ASM_MODULE_ID_MBDRC module.
+ * @messagepayload
+ * @structure{asm_mbdrc_config_params}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ASM_PARAM_ID_MBDRC_CONFIG_PARAMS.tex}
+ *
+ * @parspace Sub-band DRC configuration parameters
+ * @structure{asm_subband_drc_config_params}
+ * @tablespace
+ * @inputtable{Audio_Postproc_ASM_PARAM_ID_MBDRC_CONFIG_PARAMS_subband_DRC.tex}
+ *
+ * @keep{6}
+ * To obtain legacy ADRC from MBDRC, use the calibration tool to:
+ *
+ * - Enable MBDRC (EnableFlag = TRUE)
+ * - Set number of bands to 1 (uiNumBands = 1)
+ * - Enable the first MBDRC band (DrcMode[0] = DRC_ENABLED = 1)
+ * - Clear the first band mute flag (MuteFlag[0] = 0)
+ * - Set the first band makeup gain to unity (compMakeUpGain[0] = 0x2000)
+ * - Use the legacy ADRC parameters to calibrate the rest of the MBDRC
+ * parameters.
+ */
+/* end_addtogroup audio_pp_param_ids */
+/* audio_pp_module_ids
+ * ID of the MMBDRC module version 2 pre/postprocessing block.
+ * This module differs from the original MBDRC (#ASM_MODULE_ID_MBDRC) in
+ * the length of the filters used in each sub-band.
+ * This module supports the following parameter ID:
+ */
+#define ASM_MODULE_ID_MBDRCV2                                0x0001070B
+/* @addtogroup audio_pp_param_ids */
+/* ID of the configuration parameters used by the
+ * #ASM_MODULE_ID_MBDRCV2 module for the improved filter structure
+ * of the MBDRC v2 pre/postprocessing block.
+ * The update to this configuration structure from the original
+ * MBDRC is the number of filter coefficients in the filter
+ * structure. The sequence for is as follows:
+ * - 1 band = 0 FIR coefficient + 1 mute flag + uint16_t padding
+ * - 2 bands = 141 FIR coefficients + 2 mute flags + uint16_t padding
+ * - 3 bands = 141+81 FIR coefficients + 3 mute flags + uint16_t padding
+ * - 4 bands = 141+81+61 FIR coefficients + 4 mute flags + uint16_t
+ * padding
+ * - 5 bands = 141+81+61+61 FIR coefficients + 5 mute flags +
+ * uint16_t padding
+ *	This block uses the same parameter structure as
+ */
+								0x0001070C
+#define ASM_MODULE_ID_MBDRCV3					0x0001090B
+ * ID of the MMBDRC module version 3 pre/postprocessing block.
+ * This module differs from MBDRCv2 (#ASM_MODULE_ID_MBDRCV2) in
+ * that it supports both 16- and 24-bit data.
+ * This module supports the following parameter ID:
+ */
+/* Structure for the enable parameter for an MBDRC module. */
+/* Payload of the #ASM_PARAM_ID_MBDRC_ENABLE parameter used by the
+ * MBDRC module.
+ */
+struct asm_mbdrc_enable {
+	uint32_t                  enable_flag;
+/*< Specifies whether MBDRC is disabled (0) or enabled (nonzero).*/
+} __packed;
+/* Structure for the configuration parameters for an MBDRC module. */
+ * parameters used by the MBDRC module. \n \n Following this
+ * structure is the payload for sub-band DRC configuration
+ * parameters (asm_subband_drc_config_params). This sub-band
+ * structure must be repeated for each band.
+ */
+struct asm_mbdrc_config_params {
+	uint16_t                  num_bands;
+/*< Number of bands.
+ * Supported values: 1 to 5
+ */
+	int16_t                   limiterhreshold;
+/*< Threshold in decibels for the limiter output.
+ * Supported values: -72 to 18 \n
+ * Recommended value: 3994 (-0.22 db in Q3.12 format)
+ */
+	int16_t                   limiter_makeup_gain;
+/*< Makeup gain in decibels for the limiter output.
+ * Supported values: -42 to 42 \n
+ * Recommended value: 256 (0 dB in Q7.8 format)
+ */
+	int16_t                   limiter_gc;
+/*< Limiter gain recovery coefficient.
+ * Supported values: 0.5 to 0.99 \n
+ * Recommended value: 32440 (0.99 in Q15 format)
+ */
+	int16_t                   limiter_delay;
+/*< Limiter delay in samples.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 10 \n
+ * Recommended value: 262 (0.008 samples in Q15 format)
+ */
+	int16_t                   limiter_max_wait;
+/*< Maximum limiter waiting time in samples.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 10 \n
+ * Recommended value: 262 (0.008 samples in Q15 format)
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* DRC configuration structure for each sub-band of an MBDRC module. */
+ * configuration parameters for each sub-band in the MBDRC module.
+ * After this DRC structure is configured for valid bands, the next
+ * MBDRC setparams expects the sequence of sub-band MBDRC filter
+ * coefficients (the length depends on the number of bands) plus the
+ * mute flag for that band plus uint16_t padding.
+ *
+ * @keep{10}
+ * The filter coefficient and mute flag are of type int16_t:
+ * - FIR coefficient = int16_t firFilter
+ * - Mute flag = int16_t fMuteFlag
+ *
+ * The sequence is as follows:
+ * - 1 band = 0 FIR coefficient + 1 mute flag + uint16_t padding
+ * - 2 bands = 97 FIR coefficients + 2 mute flags + uint16_t padding
+ * - 3 bands = 97+33 FIR coefficients + 3 mute flags + uint16_t padding
+ * - 4 bands = 97+33+33 FIR coefficients + 4 mute flags + uint16_t padding
+ * - 5 bands = 97+33+33+33 FIR coefficients + 5 mute flags + uint16_t padding
+ *
+ * For improved filterbank, the sequence is as follows:
+ * - 1 band = 0 FIR coefficient + 1 mute flag + uint16_t padding
+ * - 2 bands = 141 FIR coefficients + 2 mute flags + uint16_t padding
+ * - 3 bands = 141+81 FIR coefficients + 3 mute flags + uint16_t padding
+ * - 4 bands = 141+81+61 FIR coefficients + 4 mute flags + uint16_t padding
+ * - 5 bands = 141+81+61+61 FIR coefficients + 5 mute flags + uint16_t padding
+ */
+struct asm_subband_drc_config_params {
+	int16_t                   drc_stereo_linked_flag;
+/*< Specifies whether all stereo channels have the same applied
+ * dynamics (1) or if they process their dynamics independently (0).
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0 -- Not linked
+ * - 1 -- Linked
+ */
+	int16_t                   drc_mode;
+/*< Specifies whether DRC mode is bypassed for sub-bands.
+ * Supported values:
+ * - 0 -- Disabled
+ * - 1 -- Enabled
+ */
+	int16_t                   drc_down_sample_level;
+/*< DRC down sample level.
+ * Supported values: @ge 1
+ */
+	int16_t                   drc_delay;
+/*< DRC delay in samples.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 1200
+ */
+	uint16_t                  drc_rmsime_avg_const;
+/*< RMS signal energy time-averaging constant.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 2^16-1
+ */
+	uint16_t                  drc_makeup_gain;
+/*< DRC makeup gain in decibels.
+ * Supported values: 258 to 64917
+ */
+	/* Down expander settings */
+	int16_t                   down_expdrhreshold;
+/*< Down expander threshold.
+ * Supported Q7 format values: 1320 to up_cmpsrhreshold
+ */
+	int16_t                   down_expdr_slope;
+/*< Down expander slope.
+ * Supported Q8 format values: -32768 to 0.
+ */
+	uint32_t                  down_expdr_attack;
+/*< Down expander attack constant.
+ * Supported Q31 format values: 196844 to 2^31.
+ */
+	uint32_t                  down_expdr_release;
+/*< Down expander release constant.
+ * Supported Q31 format values: 19685 to 2^31
+ */
+	uint16_t                  down_expdr_hysteresis;
+/*< Down expander hysteresis constant.
+ * Supported Q14 format values: 1 to 32690
+ */
+	uint16_t                  reserved;
+	/*< Clients must set this field to zero. */
+	int32_t                   down_expdr_min_gain_db;
+/*< Down expander minimum gain.
+ * Supported Q23 format values: -805306368 to 0.
+ */
+	/* Up compressor settings */
+	int16_t                   up_cmpsrhreshold;
+/*< Up compressor threshold.
+ * Supported Q7 format values: down_expdrhreshold to
+ * down_cmpsrhreshold.
+ */
+	uint16_t                  up_cmpsr_slope;
+/*< Up compressor slope.
+ * Supported Q16 format values: 0 to 64881.
+ */
+	uint32_t                  up_cmpsr_attack;
+/*< Up compressor attack constant.
+ * Supported Q31 format values: 196844 to 2^31.
+ */
+	uint32_t                  up_cmpsr_release;
+/*< Up compressor release constant.
+ * Supported Q31 format values: 19685 to 2^31.
+ */
+	uint16_t                  up_cmpsr_hysteresis;
+/*< Up compressor hysteresis constant.
+ * Supported Q14 format values: 1 to 32690.
+ */
+	/* Down compressor settings */
+	int16_t                   down_cmpsrhreshold;
+/*< Down compressor threshold.
+ * Supported Q7 format values: up_cmpsrhreshold to 11560.
+ */
+	uint16_t                  down_cmpsr_slope;
+/*< Down compressor slope.
+ * Supported Q16 format values: 0 to 64881.
+ */
+	uint16_t                  reserved1;
+/*< Clients must set this field to zero. */
+	uint32_t                  down_cmpsr_attack;
+/*< Down compressor attack constant.
+ * Supported Q31 format values: 196844 to 2^31.
+ */
+	uint32_t                  down_cmpsr_release;
+/*< Down compressor release constant.
+ * Supported Q31 format values: 19685 to 2^31.
+ */
+	uint16_t                  down_cmpsr_hysteresis;
+/*< Down compressor hysteresis constant.
+ * Supported Q14 values: 1 to 32690.
+ */
+	uint16_t                  reserved2;
+/*< Clients must set this field to zero.*/
+} __packed;
+#define ASM_MODULE_ID_EQUALIZER            0x00010C27
+#define ASM_MAX_EQ_BANDS 12
+struct asm_eq_per_band_params {
+	uint32_t                  band_idx;
+/*< Band index.
+ * Supported values: 0 to 11
+ */
+	uint32_t                  filterype;
+/*< Type of filter.
+ * Supported values:
+ */
+	uint32_t                  center_freq_hz;
+	/*< Filter band center frequency in Hertz. */
+	int32_t                   filter_gain;
+/*< Filter band initial gain.
+ * Supported values: +12 to -12 dB in 1 dB increments
+ */
+	int32_t                   q_factor;
+/*< Filter band quality factor expressed as a Q8 number, i.e., a
+ * fixed-point number with q factor of 8. For example, 3000/(2^8).
+ */
+} __packed;
+struct asm_eq_params {
+	struct apr_hdr	hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_pp_params_v2 param;
+	struct asm_stream_param_data_v2 data;
+		uint32_t                  enable_flag;
+/*< Specifies whether the equalizer module is disabled (0) or enabled
+ * (nonzero).
+ */
+		uint32_t                  num_bands;
+/*< Number of bands.
+ * Supported values: 1 to 12
+ */
+	struct asm_eq_per_band_params eq_bands[ASM_MAX_EQ_BANDS];
+} __packed;
+/*	No equalizer effect.*/
+#define ASM_PARAM_EQYPE_NONE      0
+/*	Bass boost equalizer effect.*/
+#define ASM_PARAM_EQ_BASS_BOOST     1
+/*Bass cut equalizer effect.*/
+#define ASM_PARAM_EQ_BASS_CUT       2
+/*	Treble boost equalizer effect */
+/*	Treble cut equalizer effect.*/
+#define ASM_PARAM_EQREBLE_CUT     4
+/*	Band boost equalizer effect.*/
+#define ASM_PARAM_EQ_BAND_BOOST     5
+/*	Band cut equalizer effect.*/
+#define ASM_PARAM_EQ_BAND_CUT       6
+/* Get & set params */
+#define VSS_ICOMMON_CMD_SET_PARAM_V2	0x0001133D
+#define VSS_ICOMMON_CMD_GET_PARAM_V2	0x0001133E
+#define VSS_ICOMMON_RSP_GET_PARAM	0x00011008
+/* ID of the Bass Boost module.
+ * This module supports the following parameter IDs:
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_MODULE_ID_BASS_BOOST                             0x000108A1
+/* ID of the Bass Boost enable parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_BASS_BOOST_ENABLE                       0x000108A2
+/* ID of the Bass Boost mode parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_BASS_BOOST_MODE                         0x000108A3
+/* ID of the Bass Boost strength parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_BASS_BOOST_STRENGTH                     0x000108A4
+/* ID of the PBE module.
+ * This module supports the following parameter IDs:
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_MODULE_ID_PBE                                    0x00010C2A
+/* ID of the Bass Boost enable parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_PBE_ENABLE                              0x00010C2B
+/* ID of the Bass Boost mode parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_PBE_PARAM_CONFIG                        0x00010C49
+/* ID of the Virtualizer module. This module supports the
+ * following parameter IDs:
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_MODULE_ID_VIRTUALIZER                            0x000108A5
+/* ID of the Virtualizer enable parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_VIRTUALIZER_ENABLE                      0x000108A6
+/* ID of the Virtualizer strength parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_VIRTUALIZER_STRENGTH                    0x000108A7
+/* ID of the Virtualizer out type parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_VIRTUALIZER_OUT_TYPE                    0x000108A8
+/* ID of the Virtualizer out type parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_VIRTUALIZER_GAIN_ADJUST                 0x000108A9
+/* ID of the Reverb module. This module supports the following
+ * parameter IDs:
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_MODULE_ID_REVERB                          0x000108AA
+/* ID of the Reverb enable parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_REVERB_ENABLE                    0x000108AB
+/* ID of the Reverb mode parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_REVERB_MODE                      0x000108AC
+/* ID of the Reverb preset parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_REVERB_PRESET                    0x000108AD
+/* ID of the Reverb wet mix parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_REVERB_WET_MIX                   0x000108AE
+/* ID of the Reverb gain adjust parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_REVERB_GAIN_ADJUST               0x000108AF
+/* ID of the Reverb room level parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_REVERB_ROOM_LEVEL                0x000108B0
+/* ID of the Reverb room hf level parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_REVERB_ROOM_HF_LEVEL             0x000108B1
+/* ID of the Reverb decay time parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_REVERB_DECAY_TIME                0x000108B2
+/* ID of the Reverb decay hf ratio parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_REVERB_DECAY_HF_RATIO            0x000108B3
+/* ID of the Reverb reflections level parameter used by
+ */
+/* ID of the Reverb reflections delay parameter used by
+ */
+/* ID of the Reverb level parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_REVERB_LEVEL                      0x000108B6
+/* ID of the Reverb delay parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_REVERB_DELAY                      0x000108B7
+/* ID of the Reverb diffusion parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_REVERB_DIFFUSION                  0x000108B8
+/* ID of the Reverb density parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_REVERB_DENSITY                    0x000108B9
+/* ID of the Popless Equalizer module. This module supports the
+ * following parameter IDs:
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_MODULE_ID_POPLESS_EQUALIZER                    0x000108BA
+/* ID of the Popless Equalizer enable parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_EQ_ENABLE                             0x000108BB
+/* ID of the Popless Equalizer config parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_EQ_CONFIG                             0x000108BC
+/* ID of the Popless Equalizer number of bands parameter used
+ * used for get param only.
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_EQ_NUM_BANDS                          0x000108BD
+/* ID of the Popless Equalizer band levels parameter used by
+ * used for get param only.
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_EQ_BAND_LEVELS                        0x000108BE
+/* ID of the Popless Equalizer band level range parameter used
+ * used for get param only.
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_EQ_BAND_LEVEL_RANGE                   0x000108BF
+/* ID of the Popless Equalizer band frequencies parameter used
+ * used for get param only.
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_EQ_BAND_FREQS                         0x000108C0
+/* ID of the Popless Equalizer single band frequency range
+ *  This param ID is used for get param only.
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_EQ_SINGLE_BAND_FREQ_RANGE             0x000108C1
+/* ID of the Popless Equalizer single band frequency parameter
+ * is used for set param only.
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_EQ_SINGLE_BAND_FREQ                   0x000108C2
+/* ID of the Popless Equalizer band index parameter used by
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_EQ_BAND_INDEX                         0x000108C3
+/* ID of the Popless Equalizer preset id parameter used by
+ * for get param only.
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_EQ_PRESET_ID                          0x000108C4
+/* ID of the Popless Equalizer number of presets parameter used
+ * for get param only.
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_EQ_NUM_PRESETS                        0x000108C5
+/* ID of the Popless Equalizer preset name parameter used by
+ * for get param only.
+ */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_EQ_PRESET_NAME                        0x000108C6
+/* Set Q6 topologies */
+#define ASM_CMD_ADD_TOPOLOGIES				0x00010DBE
+#define ADM_CMD_ADD_TOPOLOGIES				0x00010335
+#define AFE_CMD_ADD_TOPOLOGIES				0x000100f8
+/* structure used for both ioctls */
+struct cmd_set_topologies {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	u32		payload_addr_lsw;
+	/* LSW of parameter data payload address.*/
+	u32		payload_addr_msw;
+	/* MSW of parameter data payload address.*/
+	u32		mem_map_handle;
+	/* Memory map handle returned by mem map command */
+	u32		payload_size;
+	/* Size in bytes of the variable payload in shared memory */
+} __packed;
+/* This module represents the Rx processing of Feedback speaker protection.
+ * It contains the excursion control, thermal protection,
+ * analog clip manager features in it.
+ * This module id will support following param ids.
+ */
+#define AFE_MODULE_FB_SPKR_PROT_RX 0x0001021C
+#define AFE_MODULE_FB_SPKR_PROT_V2_RX 0x0001025F
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_FBSP_MODE_RX_CFG 0x0001021D
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_FBSP_PTONE_RAMP_CFG 0x00010260
+struct asm_fbsp_mode_rx_cfg {
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	uint32_t mode;
+} __packed;
+/* This module represents the VI processing of feedback speaker protection.
+ * It will receive Vsens and Isens from codec and generates necessary
+ * parameters needed by Rx processing.
+ * This module id will support following param ids.
+ */
+#define AFE_MODULE_FB_SPKR_PROT_VI_PROC 0x00010226
+#define AFE_MODULE_FB_SPKR_PROT_VI_PROC_V2 0x0001026A
+struct asm_spkr_calib_vi_proc_cfg {
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	uint32_t operation_mode;
+	uint32_t r0_t0_selection_flag[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	int32_t r0_cali_q24[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	int16_t	t0_cali_q6[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	uint32_t quick_calib_flag;
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_CALIB_RES_CFG 0x0001022B
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_CALIB_RES_CFG_V2 0x0001026E
+struct asm_calib_res_cfg {
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	int32_t	r0_cali_q24[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	uint32_t th_vi_ca_state;
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_MODULE_FEEDBACK 0x00010257
+struct asm_feedback_path_cfg {
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	int32_t	dst_portid;
+	int32_t	num_channels;
+	int32_t	chan_info[4];
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_MODE_VI_PROC_CFG 0x00010227
+struct asm_mode_vi_proc_cfg {
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	uint32_t cal_mode;
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_SP_V2_TH_VI_MODE_CFG	0x0001026B
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_SP_V2_TH_VI_FTM_CFG	0x0001029F
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_SP_V2_TH_VI_FTM_PARAMS	0x000102A0
+struct afe_sp_th_vi_mode_cfg {
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	uint32_t operation_mode;
+	/*
+	 * Operation mode of thermal VI module.
+	 *   0 -- Normal Running mode
+	 *   1 -- Calibration mode
+	 *   2 -- FTM mode
+	 */
+	uint32_t r0t0_selection_flag[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	/*
+	 * Specifies which set of R0, T0 values the algorithm will use.
+	 * This field is valid only in Normal mode (operation_mode = 0).
+	 * 0 -- Use calibrated R0, T0 value
+	 * 1 -- Use safe R0, T0 value
+	 */
+	int32_t r0_cali_q24[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	/*
+	 * Calibration point resistance per device. This field is valid
+	 * only in Normal mode (operation_mode = 0).
+	 * values 33554432 to 1073741824 Ohms (in Q24 format)
+	 */
+	int16_t t0_cali_q6[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	/*
+	 * Calibration point temperature per device. This field is valid
+	 * in both Normal mode and Calibration mode.
+	 * values -1920 to 5120 degrees C (in Q6 format)
+	 */
+	uint32_t quick_calib_flag;
+	/*
+	 * Indicates whether calibration is to be done in quick mode or not.
+	 * This field is valid only in Calibration mode (operation_mode = 1).
+	 * 0 -- Disabled
+	 * 1 -- Enabled
+	 */
+} __packed;
+struct afe_sp_th_vi_ftm_cfg {
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	uint32_t wait_time_ms[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	/*
+	 * Wait time to heat up speaker before collecting statistics
+	 * for ftm mode in ms.
+	 * values 0 to 4294967295 ms
+	 */
+	uint32_t ftm_time_ms[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	/*
+	 * duration for which FTM statistics are collected in ms.
+	 * values 0 to 2000 ms
+	 */
+} __packed;
+struct afe_sp_th_vi_ftm_params {
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	int32_t dc_res_q24[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	/*
+	 * DC resistance value in q24 format
+	 * values 0 to 2147483647 Ohms (in Q24 format)
+	 */
+	int32_t temp_q22[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	/*
+	 * temperature value in q22 format
+	 * values -125829120 to 2147483647 degC (in Q22 format)
+	 */
+	uint32_t status[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	/*
+	 * FTM packet status
+	 * 0 - Incorrect operation mode.This status is returned
+	 *     when GET_PARAM is called in non FTM Mode
+	 * 1 - Inactive mode -- Port is not yet started.
+	 * 2 - Wait state. wait_time_ms has not yet elapsed
+	 * 3 - In progress state. ftm_time_ms has not yet elapsed.
+	 * 4 - Success.
+	 * 5 - Failed.
+	 */
+} __packed;
+struct afe_sp_th_vi_get_param {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_get_param_v2 get_param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	struct afe_sp_th_vi_ftm_params param;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_sp_th_vi_get_param_resp {
+	uint32_t status;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	struct afe_sp_th_vi_ftm_params param;
+} __packed;
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_SP_V2_EX_VI_MODE_CFG	0x000102A1
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_SP_V2_EX_VI_FTM_CFG	0x000102A2
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_SP_V2_EX_VI_FTM_PARAMS	0x000102A3
+struct afe_sp_ex_vi_mode_cfg {
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	uint32_t operation_mode;
+	/*
+	 * Operation mode of Excursion VI module.
+	 * 0 - Normal Running mode
+	 * 2 - FTM mode
+	 */
+} __packed;
+struct afe_sp_ex_vi_ftm_cfg {
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	uint32_t wait_time_ms[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	/*
+	 * Wait time to heat up speaker before collecting statistics
+	 * for ftm mode in ms.
+	 * values 0 to 4294967295 ms
+	 */
+	uint32_t ftm_time_ms[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	/*
+	 * duration for which FTM statistics are collected in ms.
+	 * values 0 to 2000 ms
+	 */
+} __packed;
+struct afe_sp_ex_vi_ftm_params {
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	int32_t freq_q20[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	/*
+	 * Resonance frequency in q20 format
+	 * values 0 to 2147483647 Hz (in Q20 format)
+	 */
+	int32_t resis_q24[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	/*
+	 * Mechanical resistance in q24 format
+	 * values 0 to 2147483647 Ohms (in Q24 format)
+	 */
+	int32_t qmct_q24[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	/*
+	 * Mechanical Qfactor in q24 format
+	 * values 0 to 2147483647 (in Q24 format)
+	 */
+	uint32_t status[SP_V2_NUM_MAX_SPKR];
+	/*
+	 * FTM packet status
+	 * 0 - Incorrect operation mode.This status is returned
+	 *      when GET_PARAM is called in non FTM Mode.
+	 * 1 - Inactive mode -- Port is not yet started.
+	 * 2 - Wait state. wait_time_ms has not yet elapsed
+	 * 3 - In progress state. ftm_time_ms has not yet elapsed.
+	 * 4 - Success.
+	 * 5 - Failed.
+	 */
+} __packed;
+struct afe_sp_ex_vi_get_param {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_get_param_v2 get_param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	struct afe_sp_ex_vi_ftm_params param;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_sp_ex_vi_get_param_resp {
+	uint32_t status;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	struct afe_sp_ex_vi_ftm_params param;
+} __packed;
+union afe_spkr_prot_config {
+	struct asm_fbsp_mode_rx_cfg mode_rx_cfg;
+	struct asm_spkr_calib_vi_proc_cfg vi_proc_cfg;
+	struct asm_feedback_path_cfg feedback_path_cfg;
+	struct asm_mode_vi_proc_cfg mode_vi_proc_cfg;
+	struct afe_sp_th_vi_mode_cfg th_vi_mode_cfg;
+	struct afe_sp_th_vi_ftm_cfg th_vi_ftm_cfg;
+	struct afe_sp_ex_vi_mode_cfg ex_vi_mode_cfg;
+	struct afe_sp_ex_vi_ftm_cfg ex_vi_ftm_cfg;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_spkr_prot_config_command {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2 param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	union afe_spkr_prot_config prot_config;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_spkr_prot_get_vi_calib {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_get_param_v2 get_param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	struct asm_calib_res_cfg res_cfg;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_spkr_prot_calib_get_resp {
+	uint32_t status;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	struct asm_calib_res_cfg res_cfg;
+} __packed;
+/* SRS TRUMEDIA start */
+/* topology */
+#define SRS_TRUMEDIA_TOPOLOGY_ID			0x00010D90
+/* module */
+#define SRS_TRUMEDIA_MODULE_ID				0x10005010
+/* parameters */
+#define SRS_TRUMEDIA_PARAMS				0x10005011
+#define SRS_TRUMEDIA_PARAMS_WOWHD			0x10005012
+#define SRS_TRUMEDIA_PARAMS_CSHP			0x10005013
+#define SRS_TRUMEDIA_PARAMS_HPF				0x10005014
+#define SRS_TRUMEDIA_PARAMS_AEQ				0x10005015
+#define SRS_TRUMEDIA_PARAMS_HL				0x10005016
+#define SRS_TRUMEDIA_PARAMS_GEQ				0x10005017
+#define SRS_ID_GLOBAL	0x00000001
+#define SRS_ID_WOWHD	0x00000002
+#define SRS_ID_CSHP	0x00000003
+#define SRS_ID_HPF	0x00000004
+#define SRS_ID_AEQ	0x00000005
+#define SRS_ID_HL		0x00000006
+#define SRS_ID_GEQ	0x00000007
+#define SRS_CMD_UPLOAD		0x7FFF0000
+struct srs_trumedia_params_GLOBAL {
+	uint8_t                  v1;
+	uint8_t                  v2;
+	uint8_t                  v3;
+	uint8_t                  v4;
+	uint8_t                  v5;
+	uint8_t                  v6;
+	uint8_t                  v7;
+	uint8_t                  v8;
+	uint16_t                 v9;
+} __packed;
+struct srs_trumedia_params_WOWHD {
+	uint32_t				v1;
+	uint16_t				v2;
+	uint16_t				v3;
+	uint16_t				v4;
+	uint16_t				v5;
+	uint16_t				v6;
+	uint16_t				v7;
+	uint16_t				v8;
+	uint16_t				v____A1;
+	uint32_t				v9;
+	uint16_t				v10;
+	uint16_t				v11;
+	uint32_t				v12[16];
+	uint32_t	v13[16];
+	uint32_t	v14[16];
+	uint32_t	v15[16];
+	uint32_t	v16;
+	uint16_t	v17;
+	uint16_t	v18;
+} __packed;
+struct srs_trumedia_params_CSHP {
+	uint32_t		v1;
+	uint16_t		v2;
+	uint16_t		v3;
+	uint16_t		v4;
+	uint16_t		v5;
+	uint16_t		v6;
+	uint16_t		v____A1;
+	uint32_t		v7;
+	uint16_t		v8;
+	uint16_t		v9;
+	uint32_t		v10[16];
+} __packed;
+struct srs_trumedia_params_HPF {
+	uint32_t		v1;
+	uint32_t		v2[26];
+} __packed;
+struct srs_trumedia_params_AEQ {
+	uint32_t		v1;
+	uint16_t		v2;
+	uint16_t		v3;
+	uint16_t		v4;
+	uint16_t		v____A1;
+	uint32_t	v5[74];
+	uint32_t	v6[74];
+	uint16_t	v7[2048];
+} __packed;
+struct srs_trumedia_params_HL {
+	uint16_t		v1;
+	uint16_t		v2;
+	uint16_t		v3;
+	uint16_t		v____A1;
+	int32_t			v4;
+	uint32_t		v5;
+	uint16_t		v6;
+	uint16_t		v____A2;
+	uint32_t		v7;
+} __packed;
+struct srs_trumedia_params_GEQ {
+	int16_t		v1[10];
+} __packed;
+struct srs_trumedia_params {
+	struct srs_trumedia_params_GLOBAL	global;
+	struct srs_trumedia_params_WOWHD	wowhd;
+	struct srs_trumedia_params_CSHP		cshp;
+	struct srs_trumedia_params_HPF		hpf;
+	struct srs_trumedia_params_AEQ		aeq;
+	struct srs_trumedia_params_HL		hl;
+	struct srs_trumedia_params_GEQ		geq;
+} __packed;
+/* SRS TruMedia end */
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_ENABLE		0x00010904
+/* DTS Eagle */
+struct asm_dts_eagle_param {
+	struct apr_hdr	hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_pp_params_v2 param;
+	struct asm_stream_param_data_v2 data;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_dts_eagle_param_get {
+	struct apr_hdr	hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_get_pp_params_v2 param;
+} __packed;
+/* Opcode to set BT address and license for aptx decoder */
+#define APTX_DECODER_BT_ADDRESS 0x00013201
+#define APTX_CLASSIC_DEC_LICENSE_ID 0x00013202
+struct aptx_dec_bt_addr_cfg {
+	uint32_t lap;
+	uint32_t uap;
+	uint32_t nap;
+} __packed;
+struct aptx_dec_bt_dev_addr {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_stream_cmd_set_encdec_param encdec;
+	struct aptx_dec_bt_addr_cfg bt_addr_cfg;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_aptx_dec_fmt_blk_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_data_cmd_media_fmt_update_v2 fmtblk;
+	u32     sample_rate;
+/* Number of samples per second.
+ * Supported values: 44100 and 48000 Hz
+ */
+} __packed;
+/* LSM Specific */
+#define VW_FEAT_DIM					(39)
+#define APRV2_IDS_DOMAIN_ID_ADSP_V			(0x4)
+#define APRV2_IDS_DOMAIN_ID_APPS_V			(0x5)
+#define LSM_SESSION_CMD_OPEN_TX				(0x00012A82)
+#define LSM_SESSION_CMD_CLOSE_TX			(0x00012A88)
+#define LSM_SESSION_CMD_SET_PARAMS			(0x00012A83)
+#define LSM_SESSION_CMD_SET_PARAMS_V2			(0x00012A8F)
+#define LSM_SESSION_CMD_START				(0x00012A86)
+#define LSM_SESSION_CMD_STOP				(0x00012A87)
+#define LSM_SESSION_CMD_EOB				(0x00012A89)
+#define LSM_SESSION_CMD_READ				(0x00012A8A)
+#define LSM_SESSION_CMD_OPEN_TX_V2			(0x00012A8B)
+#define LSM_CMD_ADD_TOPOLOGIES				(0x00012A8C)
+#define LSM_DATA_EVENT_READ_DONE			(0x00012B02)
+#define LSM_DATA_EVENT_STATUS				(0x00012B03)
+#define LSM_MODULE_ID_VOICE_WAKEUP			(0x00012C00)
+#define LSM_PARAM_ID_OPERATION_MODE			(0x00012C02)
+#define LSM_PARAM_ID_GAIN				(0x00012C03)
+#define LSM_PARAM_ID_CONNECT_TO_PORT			(0x00012C04)
+#define LSM_MODULE_ID_LAB				(0x00012C08)
+#define LSM_PARAM_ID_LAB_ENABLE				(0x00012C09)
+#define LSM_PARAM_ID_LAB_CONFIG				(0x00012C0A)
+#define LSM_MODULE_ID_FRAMEWORK				(0x00012C0E)
+#define LSM_PARAM_ID_SWMAD_CFG				(0x00012C18)
+#define LSM_PARAM_ID_SWMAD_MODEL			(0x00012C19)
+#define LSM_PARAM_ID_SWMAD_ENABLE			(0x00012C1A)
+#define LSM_PARAM_ID_POLLING_ENABLE			(0x00012C1B)
+#define LSM_PARAM_ID_MEDIA_FMT				(0x00012C1E)
+#define LSM_PARAM_ID_FWK_MODE_CONFIG			(0x00012C27)
+/* HW MAD specific */
+#define AFE_MODULE_HW_MAD				(0x00010230)
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_HW_MAD_CFG				(0x00010231)
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_HW_MAD_CTRL			(0x00010232)
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_SLIMBUS_SLAVE_PORT_CFG		(0x00010233)
+/* SW MAD specific */
+#define AFE_MODULE_SW_MAD				(0x0001022D)
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_SW_MAD_CFG				(0x0001022E)
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_SVM_MODEL				(0x0001022F)
+/* Commands/Params to pass the codec/slimbus data to DSP */
+#define AFE_SVC_CMD_SET_PARAM				(0x000100f3)
+#define AFE_MODULE_CDC_DEV_CFG				(0x00010234)
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_CDC_SLIMBUS_SLAVE_CFG		(0x00010235)
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_CDC_REG_CFG			(0x00010236)
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_CDC_REG_CFG_INIT			(0x00010237)
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_CDC_REG_PAGE_CFG                   (0x00010296)
+/* AANC Port Config Specific */
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_AANC_PORT_CONFIG			(0x00010215)
+#define AANC_TX_MIC_UNUSED				(0)
+#define AANC_TX_VOICE_MIC				(1)
+#define AANC_TX_ERROR_MIC				(2)
+#define AANC_TX_NOISE_MIC				(3)
+#define AFE_MODULE_AANC					(0x00010214)
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_CDC_AANC_VERSION			(0x0001023A)
+#define AANC_HW_BLOCK_VERSION_1				(1)
+#define AANC_HW_BLOCK_VERSION_2				(2)
+/*Clip bank selection*/
+#define AFE_CLIP_MAX_BANKS		4
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_CLIP_BANK_SEL_CFG 0x00010242
+struct afe_param_aanc_port_cfg {
+	/* Minor version used for tracking the version of the module's
+	 * source port configuration.
+	 */
+	uint32_t aanc_port_cfg_minor_version;
+	/* Sampling rate of the source Tx port. 8k - 192k*/
+	uint32_t tx_port_sample_rate;
+	/* Channel mapping for the Tx port signal carrying Noise (X),
+	 * Error (E), and Voice (V) signals.
+	 */
+	uint8_t tx_port_channel_map[AFE_PORT_MAX_CHANNEL_CNT];
+	/* Number of channels on the source Tx port. */
+	uint16_t tx_port_num_channels;
+	/* Port ID of the Rx path reference signal. */
+	uint16_t rx_path_ref_port_id;
+	/* Sampling rate of the reference port. 8k - 192k*/
+	uint32_t ref_port_sample_rate;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_param_id_cdc_aanc_version {
+	/* Minor version used for tracking the version of the module's
+	 * hw version
+	 */
+	uint32_t cdc_aanc_minor_version;
+	/* HW version. */
+	uint32_t aanc_hw_version;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_param_id_clip_bank_sel {
+	/* Minor version used for tracking the version of the module's
+	 * hw version
+	 */
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	/* Number of banks to be read */
+	uint32_t num_banks;
+	uint32_t bank_map[AFE_CLIP_MAX_BANKS];
+} __packed;
+/* Success. The operation completed with no errors. */
+#define ADSP_EOK          0x00000000
+/* General failure. */
+#define ADSP_EFAILED      0x00000001
+/* Bad operation parameter. */
+#define ADSP_EBADPARAM    0x00000002
+/* Unsupported routine or operation. */
+#define ADSP_EUNSUPPORTED 0x00000003
+/* Unsupported version. */
+#define ADSP_EVERSION     0x00000004
+/* Unexpected problem encountered. */
+#define ADSP_EUNEXPECTED  0x00000005
+/* Unhandled problem occurred. */
+#define ADSP_EPANIC       0x00000006
+/* Unable to allocate resource. */
+#define ADSP_ENORESOURCE  0x00000007
+/* Invalid handle. */
+#define ADSP_EHANDLE      0x00000008
+/* Operation is already processed. */
+#define ADSP_EALREADY     0x00000009
+/* Operation is not ready to be processed. */
+#define ADSP_ENOTREADY    0x0000000A
+/* Operation is pending completion. */
+#define ADSP_EPENDING     0x0000000B
+/* Operation could not be accepted or processed. */
+#define ADSP_EBUSY        0x0000000C
+/* Operation aborted due to an error. */
+#define ADSP_EABORTED     0x0000000D
+/* Operation preempted by a higher priority. */
+#define ADSP_EPREEMPTED   0x0000000E
+/* Operation requests intervention to complete. */
+#define ADSP_ECONTINUE    0x0000000F
+/* Operation requests immediate intervention to complete. */
+#define ADSP_EIMMEDIATE   0x00000010
+/* Operation is not implemented. */
+#define ADSP_ENOTIMPL     0x00000011
+/* Operation needs more data or resources. */
+#define ADSP_ENEEDMORE    0x00000012
+/* Operation does not have memory. */
+#define ADSP_ENOMEMORY    0x00000014
+/* Item does not exist. */
+#define ADSP_ENOTEXIST    0x00000015
+/* Max count for adsp error code sent to HLOS*/
+#define ADSP_ERR_MAX      (ADSP_ENOTEXIST + 1)
+/* Operation is finished. */
+#define ADSP_ETERMINATED    0x00011174
+/*bharath, adsp_error_codes.h */
+/* LPASS clock for I2S Interface */
+/* Supported OSR clock values */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_OSR_CLK_12_P288_MHZ		0xBB8000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_OSR_CLK_11_P2896_MHZ		0xAC4400
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_OSR_CLK_9_P600_MHZ		0x927C00
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_OSR_CLK_8_P192_MHZ		0x7D0000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_OSR_CLK_6_P144_MHZ		0x5DC000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_OSR_CLK_4_P096_MHZ		0x3E8000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_OSR_CLK_3_P072_MHZ		0x2EE000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_OSR_CLK_2_P048_MHZ		0x1F4000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_OSR_CLK_1_P536_MHZ		0x177000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_OSR_CLK_1_P024_MHZ		 0xFA000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_OSR_CLK_768_kHZ		 0xBB800
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_OSR_CLK_512_kHZ		 0x7D000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_OSR_CLK_DISABLE		     0x0
+/* Supported Bit clock values */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_IBIT_CLK_12_P288_MHZ	0xBB8000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_IBIT_CLK_11_P2896_MHZ	0xAC4400
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_IBIT_CLK_8_P192_MHZ		0x7D0000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_IBIT_CLK_6_P144_MHZ		0x5DC000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_IBIT_CLK_4_P096_MHZ		0x3E8000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_IBIT_CLK_3_P072_MHZ		0x2EE000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_IBIT_CLK_2_P8224_MHZ		0x2b1100
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_IBIT_CLK_2_P048_MHZ		0x1F4000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_IBIT_CLK_1_P536_MHZ		0x177000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_IBIT_CLK_1_P4112_MHZ		0x158880
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_IBIT_CLK_1_P024_MHZ		 0xFA000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_IBIT_CLK_768_KHZ		 0xBB800
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_IBIT_CLK_512_KHZ		 0x7D000
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_IBIT_CLK_256_KHZ		 0x3E800
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_IBIT_CLK_DISABLE		     0x0
+/* Supported LPASS CLK sources */
+/* Supported LPASS CLK root*/
+enum afe_lpass_clk_mode {
+} __packed;
+/* Clock ID Enumeration Define. */
+/* Clock ID for Primary I2S IBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_PRI_MI2S_IBIT                          0x100
+/* Clock ID for Primary I2S EBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_PRI_MI2S_EBIT                          0x101
+/* Clock ID for Secondary I2S IBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_SEC_MI2S_IBIT                          0x102
+/* Clock ID for Secondary I2S EBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_SEC_MI2S_EBIT                          0x103
+/* Clock ID for Tertiary I2S IBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_TER_MI2S_IBIT                          0x104
+/* Clock ID for Tertiary I2S EBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_TER_MI2S_EBIT                          0x105
+/* Clock ID for Quartnery I2S IBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_QUAD_MI2S_IBIT                         0x106
+/* Clock ID for Quartnery I2S EBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_QUAD_MI2S_EBIT                         0x107
+/* Clock ID for Speaker I2S IBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_SPEAKER_I2S_IBIT                       0x108
+/* Clock ID for Speaker I2S EBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_SPEAKER_I2S_EBIT                       0x109
+/* Clock ID for Speaker I2S OSR */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_SPEAKER_I2S_OSR                        0x10A
+/* Clock ID for QUINARY  I2S IBIT */
+/* Clock ID for QUINARY  I2S EBIT */
+/* Clock ID for SENARY  I2S IBIT */
+/* Clock ID for SENARY  I2S EBIT */
+/* Clock ID for INT0 I2S IBIT  */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_INT0_MI2S_IBIT                       0x10F
+/* Clock ID for INT1 I2S IBIT  */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_INT1_MI2S_IBIT                       0x110
+/* Clock ID for INT2 I2S IBIT  */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_INT2_MI2S_IBIT                       0x111
+/* Clock ID for INT3 I2S IBIT  */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_INT3_MI2S_IBIT                       0x112
+/* Clock ID for INT4 I2S IBIT  */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_INT4_MI2S_IBIT                       0x113
+/* Clock ID for INT5 I2S IBIT  */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_INT5_MI2S_IBIT                       0x114
+/* Clock ID for INT6 I2S IBIT  */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_INT6_MI2S_IBIT                       0x115
+/* Clock ID for Primary PCM IBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_PRI_PCM_IBIT                           0x200
+/* Clock ID for Primary PCM EBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_PRI_PCM_EBIT                           0x201
+/* Clock ID for Secondary PCM IBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_SEC_PCM_IBIT                           0x202
+/* Clock ID for Secondary PCM EBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_SEC_PCM_EBIT                           0x203
+/* Clock ID for Tertiary PCM IBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_TER_PCM_IBIT                           0x204
+/* Clock ID for Tertiary PCM EBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_TER_PCM_EBIT                           0x205
+/* Clock ID for Quartery PCM IBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_QUAD_PCM_IBIT                          0x206
+/* Clock ID for Quartery PCM EBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_QUAD_PCM_EBIT                          0x207
+/** Clock ID for Primary TDM IBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_PRI_TDM_IBIT                           0x200
+/** Clock ID for Primary TDM EBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_PRI_TDM_EBIT                           0x201
+/** Clock ID for Secondary TDM IBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_SEC_TDM_IBIT                           0x202
+/** Clock ID for Secondary TDM EBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_SEC_TDM_EBIT                           0x203
+/** Clock ID for Tertiary TDM IBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_TER_TDM_IBIT                           0x204
+/** Clock ID for Tertiary TDM EBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_TER_TDM_EBIT                           0x205
+/** Clock ID for Quartery TDM IBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_QUAD_TDM_IBIT                          0x206
+/** Clock ID for Quartery TDM EBIT */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_QUAD_TDM_EBIT                          0x207
+/* Clock ID for MCLK1 */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_MCLK_1                                 0x300
+/* Clock ID for MCLK2 */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_MCLK_2                                 0x301
+/* Clock ID for MCLK3 */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_MCLK_3                                 0x302
+/* Clock ID for MCLK4 */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_MCLK_4                                 0x304
+/* Clock ID for Internal Digital Codec Core */
+/* Clock ID for INT MCLK0 */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_INT_MCLK_0                             0x305
+/* Clock ID for INT MCLK1 */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_INT_MCLK_1                             0x306
+ * Clock ID for soundwire NPL.
+ * This is the clock to be used to enable NPL clock for  internal Soundwire.
+ */
+#define AFE_CLOCK_SET_CLOCK_ID_SWR_NPL_CLK                         0x307
+/* Clock ID for AHB HDMI input */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_AHB_HDMI_INPUT                         0x400
+/* Clock ID for SPDIF core */
+#define Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ID_SPDIF_CORE                             0x500
+/* Clock attribute for invalid use (reserved for internal usage) */
+/* Clock attribute for no couple case */
+/* Clock attribute for dividend couple case */
+/* Clock attribute for divisor couple case */
+/* Clock attribute for invert and no couple case */
+/* Clock set API version */
+struct afe_clk_set {
+	/*
+	 * Minor version used for tracking clock set.
+	 */
+	uint32_t clk_set_minor_version;
+	/*
+	 * Clock ID
+	 *	@values
+	 *	- 0x100 to 0x10A - MSM8996
+	 *	- 0x200 to 0x207 - MSM8996
+	 *	- 0x300 to 0x302 - MSM8996 @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	uint32_t clk_id;
+	/*
+	 * Clock frequency  (in Hertz) to be set.
+	 *	@values
+	 *	- >= 0 for clock frequency to set @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	uint32_t clk_freq_in_hz;
+	/* Use to specific divider for two clocks if needed.
+	 *	Set to Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ATTRIBUTE_COUPLE_NO for no divider
+	 *	relation clocks
+	 *	@values
+	 */
+	uint16_t clk_attri;
+	/*
+	 * Specifies the root clock source.
+	 *	Currently, only Q6AFE_LPASS_CLK_ROOT_DEFAULT is valid
+	 *	@values
+	 *	- 0 @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	uint16_t clk_root;
+	/*
+	 * for enable and disable clock.
+	 *	"clk_freq_in_hz", "clk_attri", and "clk_root"
+	 *	are ignored in disable clock case.
+	 *	@values 
+	 *	- 0 -- Disabled
+	 *	- 1 -- Enabled  @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	uint32_t enable;
+struct afe_clk_cfg {
+/* Minor version used for tracking the version of the I2S
+ * configuration interface.
+ * Supported values: #AFE_API_VERSION_I2S_CONFIG
+ */
+	u32                  i2s_cfg_minor_version;
+/* clk value 1 in MHz. */
+	u32                  clk_val1;
+/* clk value 2 in MHz. */
+	u32                  clk_val2;
+/* clk_src
+ */
+	u16                  clk_src;
+/* clk_root -0 for default */
+	u16                  clk_root;
+/* clk_set_mode
+ */
+	u16                  clk_set_mode;
+/* This param id is used to configure I2S clk */
+	u16                  reserved;
+} __packed;
+/* This param id is used to configure I2S clk */
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_LPAIF_CLK_CONFIG	0x00010238
+#define AFE_MODULE_CLOCK_SET		0x0001028F
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_CLOCK_SET		0x00010290
+struct afe_lpass_clk_config_command {
+	struct apr_hdr			 hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2 param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2    pdata;
+	struct afe_clk_cfg clk_cfg;
+} __packed;
+enum afe_lpass_digital_clk_src {
+} __packed;
+/* This param id is used to configure internal clk */
+struct afe_digital_clk_cfg {
+/* Minor version used for tracking the version of the I2S
+ * configuration interface.
+ * Supported values: #AFE_API_VERSION_I2S_CONFIG
+ */
+	u32                  i2s_cfg_minor_version;
+/* clk value in MHz. */
+	u32                  clk_val;
+ */
+	u16                  clk_root;
+/* This field must be set to zero. */
+	u16                  reserved;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_lpass_digital_clk_config_command {
+	struct apr_hdr			 hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2 param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2    pdata;
+	struct afe_digital_clk_cfg clk_cfg;
+} __packed;
+ * Opcode for AFE to start DTMF.
+ */
+#define AFE_PORTS_CMD_DTMF_CTL	0x00010102
+/** DTMF payload.*/
+struct afe_dtmf_generation_command {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	/*
+	 * Duration of the DTMF tone in ms.
+	 * -1      -> continuous,
+	 *  0      -> disable
+	 */
+	int64_t                   duration_in_ms;
+	/*
+	 * The DTMF high tone frequency.
+	 */
+	uint16_t                  high_freq;
+	/*
+	 * The DTMF low tone frequency.
+	 */
+	uint16_t                  low_freq;
+	/*
+	 * The DTMF volume setting
+	 */
+	uint16_t                  gain;
+	/*
+	 * The number of ports to enable/disable on.
+	 */
+	uint16_t                  num_ports;
+	/*
+	 * The Destination ports - array  .
+	 * For DTMF on multiple ports, portIds needs to
+	 * be populated numPorts times.
+	 */
+	uint16_t                  port_ids;
+	/*
+	 * variable for 32 bit alignment of APR packet.
+	 */
+	uint16_t                  reserved;
+} __packed;
+enum afe_config_type {
+struct afe_param_slimbus_slave_port_cfg {
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	uint16_t slimbus_dev_id;
+	uint16_t slave_dev_pgd_la;
+	uint16_t slave_dev_intfdev_la;
+	uint16_t bit_width;
+	uint16_t data_format;
+	uint16_t num_channels;
+	uint16_t slave_port_mapping[AFE_PORT_MAX_AUDIO_CHAN_CNT];
+} __packed;
+struct afe_param_cdc_slimbus_slave_cfg {
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	uint32_t device_enum_addr_lsw;
+	uint32_t device_enum_addr_msw;
+	uint16_t tx_slave_port_offset;
+	uint16_t rx_slave_port_offset;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_param_cdc_reg_cfg {
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	uint32_t reg_logical_addr;
+	uint32_t reg_field_type;
+	uint32_t reg_field_bit_mask;
+	uint16_t reg_bit_width;
+	uint16_t reg_offset_scale;
+} __packed;
+enum {
+struct afe_param_cdc_reg_page_cfg {
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	uint32_t enable;
+	uint32_t proc_id;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_param_cdc_reg_cfg_data {
+	uint32_t num_registers;
+	struct afe_param_cdc_reg_cfg *reg_data;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_svc_cmd_set_param {
+	uint32_t payload_size;
+	uint32_t payload_address_lsw;
+	uint32_t payload_address_msw;
+	uint32_t mem_map_handle;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_svc_param_data {
+	uint32_t module_id;
+	uint32_t param_id;
+	uint16_t param_size;
+	uint16_t reserved;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_param_hw_mad_ctrl {
+	uint32_t minor_version;
+	uint16_t mad_type;
+	uint16_t mad_enable;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_cmd_hw_mad_ctrl {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2 param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	struct afe_param_hw_mad_ctrl payload;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_cmd_hw_mad_slimbus_slave_port_cfg {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2 param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	struct afe_param_slimbus_slave_port_cfg sb_port_cfg;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_cmd_sw_mad_enable {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2 param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_param_cdc_reg_cfg_payload {
+	struct afe_svc_param_data     common;
+	struct afe_param_cdc_reg_cfg  reg_cfg;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_lpass_clk_config_command_v2 {
+	struct apr_hdr			hdr;
+	struct afe_svc_cmd_set_param	param;
+	struct afe_svc_param_data	pdata;
+	struct afe_clk_set		clk_cfg;
+} __packed;
+ * reg_data's size can be up to AFE_MAX_CDC_REGISTERS_TO_CONFIG
+ */
+struct afe_svc_cmd_cdc_reg_cfg {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_svc_cmd_set_param param;
+	struct afe_param_cdc_reg_cfg_payload reg_data[0];
+} __packed;
+struct afe_svc_cmd_init_cdc_reg_cfg {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_svc_cmd_set_param param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 init;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_svc_cmd_sb_slave_cfg {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_svc_cmd_set_param param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	struct afe_param_cdc_slimbus_slave_cfg sb_slave_cfg;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_svc_cmd_cdc_reg_page_cfg {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_svc_cmd_set_param param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	struct afe_param_cdc_reg_page_cfg cdc_reg_page_cfg;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_svc_cmd_cdc_aanc_version {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_svc_cmd_set_param param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	struct afe_param_id_cdc_aanc_version version;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_port_cmd_set_aanc_param {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2 param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	union {
+		struct afe_param_aanc_port_cfg aanc_port_cfg;
+		struct afe_mod_enable_param    mod_enable;
+	} __packed data;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_port_cmd_set_aanc_acdb_table {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_set_param_v2 param;
+} __packed;
+/* Dolby DAP topology */
+#define DOLBY_ADM_COPP_TOPOLOGY_ID	0x0001033B
+#define DS2_ADM_COPP_TOPOLOGY_ID	0x1301033B
+/* RMS value from DSP */
+#define RMS_MODULEID_APPI_PASSTHRU  0x10009011
+#define RMS_PARAM_FIRST_SAMPLE 0x10009012
+#define RMS_PAYLOAD_LEN 4
+/* Customized mixing in matix mixer */
+#define CUSTOM_STEREO_NUM_OUT_CH	0x0002
+#define CUSTOM_STEREO_NUM_IN_CH		0x0002
+#define Q14_GAIN_ZERO_POINT_FIVE	0x2000
+#define Q14_GAIN_UNITY			0x4000
+struct afe_svc_cmd_set_clip_bank_selection {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_svc_cmd_set_param param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	struct afe_param_id_clip_bank_sel bank_sel;
+} __packed;
+/* Ultrasound supported formats */
+#define US_POINT_EPOS_FORMAT_V2 0x0001272D
+#define US_RAW_FORMAT_V2        0x0001272C
+#define US_PROX_FORMAT_V4       0x0001273B
+#define US_RAW_SYNC_FORMAT      0x0001272F
+#define US_GES_SYNC_FORMAT      0x00012730
+#define AFE_MODULE_GROUP_DEVICE	0x00010254
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_GROUP_DEVICE_CFG	0x00010255
+/*  Payload of the #AFE_PARAM_ID_GROUP_DEVICE_CFG
+ * parameter, which configures max of 8 AFE ports
+ * into a group.
+ * The fixed size of this structure is sixteen bytes.
+ */
+struct afe_group_device_group_cfg {
+	u32 minor_version;
+	u16 group_id;
+	u16 num_channels;
+	u16 port_id[8];
+} __packed;
+/* ID of the parameter used by #AFE_MODULE_GROUP_DEVICE to configure the
+ * group device. #AFE_SVC_CMD_SET_PARAM can use this parameter ID.
+ *
+ * Requirements:
+ * - Configure the group before the member ports in the group are
+ * configured and started.
+ * - Enable the group only after it is configured.
+ * - Stop all member ports in the group before disabling the group.
+ */
+/* Version information used to handle future additions to
+ * AFE_PARAM_ID_GROUP_DEVICE_TDM_CONFIG processing (for backward compatibility).
+ */
+/* Number of AFE ports in group device  */
+/* Payload of the AFE_PARAM_ID_GROUP_DEVICE_TDM_CONFIG parameter ID
+ */
+struct afe_param_id_group_device_tdm_cfg {
+	u32	group_device_cfg_minor_version;
+	/* Minor version used to track group device configuration.
+	 */
+	u16	group_id;
+	/* ID for the group device.
+	 * @values
+	 */
+	u16	reserved;
+	/* 0 */
+	/* Array of member port IDs of this group.
+	 * @values
+	 * @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	u32	num_channels;
+	/* Number of enabled slots for TDM frame.
+	 * @values 1 to 8
+	 */
+	u32	sample_rate;
+	/* Sampling rate of the port.
+	 * @values
+	 * - #AFE_PORT_SAMPLE_RATE_48K @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	u32	bit_width;
+	/* Bit width of the sample.
+	 * @values 16, 24, (32)
+	 */
+	u16	nslots_per_frame;
+	/* Number of slots per frame. Typical : 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32.
+	 * @values 1 - 32
+	 */
+	u16	slot_width;
+	/* Slot width of the slot in a TDM frame.  (slot_width >= bit_width)
+	 * have to be satisfied.
+	 * @values 16, 24, 32
+	 */
+	u32	slot_mask;
+	/* Position of active slots.  When that bit is set, that paricular
+	 * slot is active.
+	 * Number of active slots can be inferred by number of bits set in
+	 * the mask.  Only 8 individual bits can be enabled.
+	 * Bits 0..31 corresponding to slot 0..31
+	 * @values 1 to 2^32 -1
+	 */
+} __packed;
+ * parameter, which enables or
+ * disables any module.
+ * The fixed size of this structure is four bytes.
+ */
+struct afe_group_device_enable {
+	u16 group_id;
+	/* valid value is AFE_GROUP_DEVICE_ID_SECONDARY_MI2S_RX */
+	u16 enable;
+	/* Enables (1) or disables (0) the module. */
+} __packed;
+union afe_port_group_config {
+	struct afe_group_device_group_cfg group_cfg;
+	struct afe_group_device_enable group_enable;
+	struct afe_param_id_group_device_tdm_cfg tdm_cfg;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_port_group_create {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_svc_cmd_set_param param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	union afe_port_group_config data;
+} __packed;
+/* ID of the parameter used by #AFE_MODULE_AUDIO_DEV_INTERFACE to specify
+ * the timing statistics of the corresponding device interface.
+ * Client can periodically query for the device time statistics to help adjust
+ * the PLL based on the drift value. The get param command must be sent to
+ * AFE port ID corresponding to device interface
+ * This parameter ID supports following get param commands:
+ */
+#define AFE_PARAM_ID_DEV_TIMING_STATS           0x000102AD
+/* Version information used to handle future additions to AFE device
+ * interface timing statistics (for backward compatibility).
+ */
+/* Enumeration for specifying a sink(Rx) device */
+#define AFE_SINK_DEVICE                         0x0
+/* Enumeration for specifying a source(Tx) device */
+#define AFE_SOURCE_DEVICE                       0x1
+/* Enumeration for specifying the drift reference is of type AV Timer */
+#define AFE_REF_TIMER_TYPE_AVTIMER              0x0
+/* Message payload structure for the
+ */
+struct afe_param_id_dev_timing_stats {
+	/* Minor version used to track the version of device interface timing
+	 * statistics. Currently, the supported version is 1.
+	 */
+	u32       minor_version;
+	/* Indicates the device interface direction as either
+	 * source (Tx) or sink (Rx).
+	 * @values
+	 */
+	u16        device_direction;
+	/* Reference timer for drift accumulation and time stamp information.
+	 * @values
+	 * #AFE_REF_TIMER_TYPE_AVTIMER @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	u16        reference_timer;
+	/*
+	 * Flag to indicate if resync is required on the client side for
+	 * drift correction. Flag is set to TRUE for the first get_param
+	 * response after device interface starts. This flag value can be
+	 * used by client to identify if device interface restart has
+	 * happened and if any re-sync is required at their end for drift
+	 * correction.
+	 * @values
+	 * 0: FALSE (Resync not required)
+	 * 1: TRUE (Resync required) @tablebulletend
+	 */
+	u32        resync_flag;
+	/* Accumulated drift value in microseconds. This value is updated
+	 * every 100th ms.
+	 * Positive drift value indicates AV timer is running faster than device
+	 * Negative drift value indicates AV timer is running slower than device
+	 * @values Any valid int32 number
+	 */
+	s32         acc_drift_value;
+	/* Lower 32 bits of the 64-bit absolute timestamp of reference
+	 * timer in microseconds.
+	 * This timestamp corresponds to the time when the drift values
+	 * are accumlated for every 100th ms.
+	 * @values Any valid uint32 number
+	 */
+	u32        ref_timer_abs_ts_lsw;
+	/* Upper 32 bits of the 64-bit absolute timestamp of reference
+	 * timer in microseconds.
+	 * This timestamp corresponds to the time when the drift values
+	 * are accumlated for every 100th ms.
+	 * @values Any valid uint32 number
+	 */
+	u32        ref_timer_abs_ts_msw;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_av_dev_drift_get_param {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct afe_port_cmd_get_param_v2 get_param;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	struct afe_param_id_dev_timing_stats timing_stats;
+} __packed;
+struct afe_av_dev_drift_get_param_resp {
+	uint32_t status;
+	struct afe_port_param_data_v2 pdata;
+	struct afe_param_id_dev_timing_stats timing_stats;
+} __packed;
+/* Command for Matrix or Stream Router */
+/* Module for AVSYNC */
+/* Parameter used by #ASM_SESSION_MTMX_STRTR_MODULE_ID_AVSYNC to specify the
+ * render window start value. This parameter is supported only for a Set
+ * command (not a Get command) in the Rx direction
+ * Render window start is a value (session time minus timestamp, or ST-TS)
+ * below which frames are held, and after which frames are immediately
+ * rendered.
+ */
+/* Parameter used by #ASM_SESSION_MTMX_STRTR_MODULE_ID_AVSYNC to specify the
+ * render window end value. This parameter is supported only for a Set
+ * command (not a Get command) in the Rx direction
+ * (#ASM_SESSION_CMD_SET_MTMX_STRTR_PARAMS_V2). Render window end is a value
+ * (session time minus timestamp) above which frames are dropped, and below
+ * which frames are immediately rendered.
+ */
+/* Generic payload of the window parameters in the
+ * This payload is supported only for a Set command
+ * (not a Get command) on the Rx path.
+ */
+struct asm_session_mtmx_strtr_param_window_v2_t {
+	u32    window_lsw;
+	/* Lower 32 bits of the render window start value. */
+	u32    window_msw;
+	/* Upper 32 bits of the render window start value.
+	 *
+	 * The 64-bit number formed by window_lsw and window_msw specifies a
+	 * signed 64-bit window value in microseconds. The sign extension is
+	 * necessary. This value is used by the following parameter IDs:
+	 * The value depends on which parameter ID is used.
+	 * The aDSP honors the windows at a granularity of 1 ms.
+	 */
+struct asm_session_cmd_set_mtmx_strstr_params_v2 {
+	uint32_t                  data_payload_addr_lsw;
+	/* Lower 32 bits of the 64-bit data payload address. */
+	uint32_t                  data_payload_addr_msw;
+	/* Upper 32 bits of the 64-bit data payload address.
+	 * If the address is not sent (NULL), the message is in the payload.
+	 * If the address is sent (non-NULL), the parameter data payloads
+	 * begin at the specified address.
+	 */
+	uint32_t                  mem_map_handle;
+	/* Unique identifier for an address. This memory map handle is returned
+	 * by the aDSP through the #ASM_CMD_SHARED_MEM_MAP_REGIONS command.
+	 * values
+	 * - NULL -- Parameter data payloads are within the message payload
+	 * (in-band).
+	 * - Non-NULL -- Parameter data payloads begin at the address specified
+	 * in the data_payload_addr_lsw and data_payload_addr_msw fields
+	 * (out-of-band).
+	 */
+	uint32_t                  data_payload_size;
+	/* Actual size of the variable payload accompanying the message, or in
+	 * shared memory. This field is used for parsing the parameter payload.
+	 * values > 0 bytes
+	 */
+	uint32_t                  direction;
+	/* Direction of the entity (matrix mixer or stream router) on which
+	 * the parameter is to be set.
+	 * values
+	 * - 0 -- Rx (for Rx stream router or Rx matrix mixer)
+	 * - 1 -- Tx (for Tx stream router or Tx matrix mixer)
+	 */
+/* Parameter used by #ASM_SESSION_MTMX_STRTR_MODULE_ID_AVSYNC which allows the
+ * audio client choose the rendering decision that the audio DSP should use.
+ */
+/* Indicates that rendering decision will be based on default rate
+ * (session clock based rendering, device driven).
+ * 1. The default session clock based rendering is inherently driven
+ *    by the timing of the device.
+ * 2. After the initial decision is made (first buffer after a run
+ *    command), subsequent data rendering decisions are made with
+ *    respect to the rate at which the device is rendering, thus deriving
+ *    its timing from the device.
+ * 3. While this decision making is simple, it has some inherent limitations
+ *    (mentioned in the next section).
+ * 4. If this API is not set, the session clock based rendering will be assumed
+ *    and this will ensure that the DSP is backward compatible.
+ */
+/* Indicates that rendering decision will be based on local clock rate.
+ * 1. In the DSP loopback/client loopback use cases (frame based
+ *    inputs), the incoming data into audio DSP is time-stamped at the
+ *    local clock rate (STC).
+ * 2. This TS rate may match the incoming data rate or maybe different
+ *    from the incoming data rate.
+ * 3. Regardless, the data will be time-stamped with local STC and
+ *    therefore, the client is recommended to set this mode for these
+ *    use cases. This method is inherently more robust to sequencing
+ *    (AFE Start/Stop) and device switches, among other benefits.
+ * 4. This API will inform the DSP to compare every incoming buffer TS
+ *    against local STC.
+ * 5. DSP will continue to honor render windows APIs, as before.
+ */
+/* Structure for rendering decision parameter */
+struct asm_session_mtmx_strtr_param_render_mode_t {
+	/* Specifies the type of rendering decision the audio DSP should use.
+	 *
+	 * @values
+	 */
+	u32                  flags;
+} __packed;
+/* Parameter used by #ASM_SESSION_MTMX_STRTR_MODULE_ID_AVSYNC which allows the
+ * audio client to specify the clock recovery mechanism that the audio DSP
+ * should use.
+ */
+/* Indicates that default clock recovery will be used (no clock recovery).
+ * If the client wishes that no clock recovery be done, the client can
+ * choose this. This means that no attempt will made by the DSP to try and
+ * match the rates of the input and output audio.
+ */
+/* Indicates that independent clock recovery needs to be used.
+ * 1. In the DSP loopback/client loopback use cases (frame based inputs),
+ *    the client should choose the independent clock recovery option.
+ * 2. This basically de-couples the audio and video from knowing each others
+ *    clock sources and lets the audio DSP independently rate match the input
+ *    and output rates.
+ * 3. After drift detection, the drift correction is achieved by either pulling
+ *    the PLLs (if applicable) or by stream to device rate matching
+ *    (for PCM use cases) by comparing drift with respect to STC.
+ * 4. For passthrough use cases, since the PLL pulling is the only option,
+ *    a best effort will be made.
+ *    If PLL pulling is not possible / available, the rendering will be
+ *    done without rate matching.
+ */
+/* Payload of the #ASM_SESSION_MTMX_STRTR_PARAM_CLK_REC parameter.
+ */
+struct asm_session_mtmx_strtr_param_clk_rec_t {
+	/* Specifies the type of clock recovery that the audio DSP should
+	 * use for rate matching.
+	 */
+	/* @values
+	 */
+	u32                  flags;
+} __packed;
+ * realize smoother adjustment of audio session clock for a specified session.
+ * The desired audio session clock adjustment(in micro seconds) is specified
+ * Delaying/Advancing the session clock would be implemented by inserting
+ * interpolated/dropping audio samples in the playback path respectively.
+ * Also, this parameter has to be configured before the Audio Session is put
+ * to RUN state to avoid cold start latency/glitches in the playback.
+ */
+struct asm_session_mtmx_param_adjust_session_time_ctl_t {
+	/* Specifies whether the module is enabled or not
+	 * @values
+	 * 0 -- disabled
+	 * 1 -- enabled
+	 */
+	u32                 enable;
+union asm_session_mtmx_strtr_param_config {
+	struct asm_session_mtmx_strtr_param_window_v2_t window_param;
+	struct asm_session_mtmx_strtr_param_render_mode_t render_param;
+	struct asm_session_mtmx_strtr_param_clk_rec_t clk_rec_param;
+	struct asm_session_mtmx_param_adjust_session_time_ctl_t adj_time_param;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_mtmx_strtr_params {
+	struct apr_hdr  hdr;
+	struct asm_session_cmd_set_mtmx_strstr_params_v2 param;
+	struct asm_stream_param_data_v2 data;
+	union asm_session_mtmx_strtr_param_config config;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_session_cmd_get_mtmx_strstr_params_v2 {
+	uint32_t                  data_payload_addr_lsw;
+	/* Lower 32 bits of the 64-bit data payload address. */
+	uint32_t                  data_payload_addr_msw;
+	/*
+	 * Upper 32 bits of the 64-bit data payload address.
+	 * If the address is not sent (NULL), the message is in the payload.
+	 * If the address is sent (non-NULL), the parameter data payloads
+	 * begin at the specified address.
+	 */
+	uint32_t                  mem_map_handle;
+	/*
+	 * Unique identifier for an address. This memory map handle is returned
+	 * by the aDSP through the #ASM_CMD_SHARED_MEM_MAP_REGIONS command.
+	 * values
+	 * - NULL -- Parameter data payloads are within the message payload
+	 * (in-band).
+	 * - Non-NULL -- Parameter data payloads begin at the address specified
+	 * in the data_payload_addr_lsw and data_payload_addr_msw fields
+	 * (out-of-band).
+	 */
+	uint32_t                  direction;
+	/*
+	 * Direction of the entity (matrix mixer or stream router) on which
+	 * the parameter is to be set.
+	 * values
+	 * - 0 -- Rx (for Rx stream router or Rx matrix mixer)
+	 * - 1 -- Tx (for Tx stream router or Tx matrix mixer)
+	 */
+	uint32_t                  module_id;
+	/* Unique module ID. */
+	uint32_t                  param_id;
+	/* Unique parameter ID. */
+	uint32_t                  param_max_size;
+struct asm_session_mtmx_strtr_param_session_time_v3_t {
+	uint32_t                  session_time_lsw;
+	/* Lower 32 bits of the current session time in microseconds */
+	uint32_t                  session_time_msw;
+	/*
+	 * Upper 32 bits of the current session time in microseconds.
+	 * The 64-bit number formed by session_time_lsw and session_time_msw
+	 * is treated as signed.
+	 */
+	uint32_t                  absolute_time_lsw;
+	/*
+	 * Lower 32 bits of the 64-bit absolute time in microseconds.
+	 * This is the time when the sample corresponding to the
+	 * session_time_lsw is rendered to the hardware. This absolute
+	 * time can be slightly in the future or past.
+	 */
+	uint32_t                  absolute_time_msw;
+	/*
+	 * Upper 32 bits of the 64-bit absolute time in microseconds.
+	 * This is the time when the sample corresponding to the
+	 * session_time_msw is rendered to hardware. This absolute
+	 * time can be slightly in the future or past. The 64-bit number
+	 * formed by absolute_time_lsw and absolute_time_msw is treated as
+	 * unsigned.
+	 */
+	uint32_t                  time_stamp_lsw;
+	/* Lower 32 bits of the last processed timestamp in microseconds */
+	uint32_t                  time_stamp_msw;
+	/*
+	 * Upper 32 bits of the last processed timestamp in microseconds.
+	 * The 64-bit number formed by time_stamp_lsw and time_stamp_lsw
+	 * is treated as unsigned.
+	 */
+	uint32_t                  flags;
+	/*
+	 * Keeps track of any additional flags needed.
+	 * @values{for bit 31}
+	 * - 0 -- Uninitialized/invalid
+	 * - 1 -- Valid
+	 * All other bits are reserved; clients must set them to zero.
+	 */
+union asm_session_mtmx_strtr_data_type {
+	struct asm_session_mtmx_strtr_param_session_time_v3_t session_time;
+struct asm_mtmx_strtr_get_params {
+	struct apr_hdr hdr;
+	struct asm_session_cmd_get_mtmx_strstr_params_v2 param_info;
+} __packed;
+struct asm_mtmx_strtr_get_params_cmdrsp {
+	uint32_t err_code;
+	struct asm_stream_param_data_v2 param_info;
+	union asm_session_mtmx_strtr_data_type param_data;
+} __packed;
+enum {
+#define AUDPROC_MODULE_ID_COMPRESSED_MUTE                0x00010770
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_COMPRESSED_MUTE                 0x00010771
+struct adm_set_compressed_device_mute {
+	struct adm_cmd_set_pp_params_v5 command;
+	struct adm_param_data_v5 params;
+	u32    mute_on;
+} __packed;
+#define AUDPROC_MODULE_ID_COMPRESSED_LATENCY             0x0001076E
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_COMPRESSED_LATENCY              0x0001076F
+struct adm_set_compressed_device_latency {
+	struct adm_cmd_set_pp_params_v5 command;
+	struct adm_param_data_v5 params;
+	u32    latency;
+} __packed;
+#define VOICEPROC_MODULE_ID_GENERIC_TX                      0x00010EF6
+#define VOICEPROC_PARAM_ID_FLUENCE_SOUNDFOCUS               0x00010E37
+#define MAX_SECTORS                                         8
+#define MAX_NOISE_SOURCE_INDICATORS                         3
+#define MAX_POLAR_ACTIVITY_INDICATORS                       360
+struct sound_focus_param {
+	uint16_t start_angle[MAX_SECTORS];
+	uint8_t enable[MAX_SECTORS];
+	uint16_t gain_step;
+} __packed;
+struct source_tracking_param {
+	uint8_t vad[MAX_SECTORS];
+	uint16_t doa_speech;
+	uint16_t doa_noise[MAX_NOISE_SOURCE_INDICATORS];
+	uint8_t polar_activity[MAX_POLAR_ACTIVITY_INDICATORS];
+} __packed;
+struct adm_param_fluence_soundfocus_t {
+	uint16_t start_angles[MAX_SECTORS];
+	uint8_t enables[MAX_SECTORS];
+	uint16_t gain_step;
+	uint16_t reserved;
+} __packed;
+struct adm_set_fluence_soundfocus_param {
+	struct adm_cmd_set_pp_params_v5 params;
+	struct adm_param_data_v5 data;
+	struct adm_param_fluence_soundfocus_t soundfocus_data;
+} __packed;
+struct adm_param_fluence_sourcetracking_t {
+	uint8_t vad[MAX_SECTORS];
+	uint16_t doa_speech;
+	uint16_t doa_noise[MAX_NOISE_SOURCE_INDICATORS];
+	uint8_t polar_activity[MAX_POLAR_ACTIVITY_INDICATORS];
+} __packed;
+#define AUDPROC_MODULE_ID_AUDIOSPHERE               0x00010916
+#define AUDPROC_PARAM_ID_AUDIOSPHERE_ENABLE         0x00010917
+#define AUDPROC_MODULE_ID_VOICE_TX_SECNS   0x10027059
+struct admx_sec_primary_mic_ch {
+	uint16_t version;
+	uint16_t reserved;
+	uint16_t sec_primary_mic_ch;
+	uint16_t reserved1;
+} __packed;
+struct adm_set_sec_primary_ch_params {
+	struct adm_cmd_set_pp_params_v5 params;
+	struct adm_param_data_v5 data;
+	struct admx_sec_primary_mic_ch sec_primary_mic_ch_data;
+} __packed;
+#endif /*_APR_AUDIO_V2_H_ */