SFE:sfe rmmod support

This change allow to remove sfe modules at
run time.We can run below command to remove
modules at run time

1) rmmod shortcut_fe_cm
2) rmmod shortcut_fe
3) rmmod shortcut_fe_ipv6

OR in one go as
1) rmmod shortcut_fe_cm shortcut_fe shortcut_fe_ipv6

Change-Id: Ice814deac987027c23ebdc92c95c37e0a4fab4a6
3 files changed
tree: ba5d16809de3e5cb54c3c9488f1c8636a5b751b7
  1. fast-classifier/
  2. patches/
  3. shortcut-fe/
  4. simulated-driver/
  5. .gitignore