wlan: Fix GCC 4.6 compile failure due to inlining

wpalPacketGetRawBuf() and wpalPacketSetRxLength were defined as inline
functions; GCC4.6 is reporting this as error because body of these
functions are not available when it is referred. This only happens when
MEMORY_DEBUG flag is enabled. So Remove the "inline" directive.

Change-Id: Ic743f4505854ce3f43daa3fc5a36d1c5c112f8a8
CR-Fixed: 396326
1 file changed
tree: 7cb3ccb7f1f072dcdf5f84ad4e741d409b554fdf
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Kconfig
  5. Makefile