wlan: Block interface down until pending scan request is aborted

From Kernel-3.18 onwards pending scan request is handled
as part of NETDEV_DOWN event, by invoking the cfg80211_scan_done
callback which frees the scan request structure. To support this,
driver will not invoke scan_done_callback if interface is down.

In case, if interface down and up are called back to back there
is a chance that kernel frees scan request as part of NETDEV_DOWN
and after which before driver triggers scan_done_callback if
interface is made up, driver scan_done_callback is through its
execution and accesses the freed scan request results in kernel

To mitigate this, don't return from hdd_stop until scan request
is aborted. Though this fix is to avoid kernel panic due to 3.18
kernel specific changes, it is acceptable across all the kernel

Change-Id: Iba8bd7a32fac33e8a0c3eea293aad682a1105397
CRs-Fixed: 977264
diff --git a/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_main.c b/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_main.c
index ef0a520..20c8503 100755
--- a/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_main.c
+++ b/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_main.c
@@ -7439,8 +7439,7 @@
          else if(pScanInfo != NULL && pHddCtx->scan_info.mScanPending)
-            hdd_abort_mac_scan(pHddCtx, pScanInfo->sessionId,
-                               eCSR_SCAN_ABORT_DEFAULT);
+            wlan_hdd_scan_abort(pAdapter);
        if ((pAdapter->device_mode != WLAN_HDD_INFRA_STATION) &&
                    (pAdapter->device_mode != WLAN_HDD_IBSS))