wlan: Select Country code on basis of majority.

1. Take the statistics of all the scan results obtained & determine
  the most popular country advertised by 11d IE in the scan results.
2. Choose the country that is advertized by majority of the AP's
   and aquire that country as the current 11d country..
3. Continue doing step #1 & #2 for each scan.

CRs-Fixed: 600997
Change-Id: I17b8e142c6442a198b62082abbfdef5b64bd6206
diff --git a/CORE/SME/src/csr/csrApiScan.c b/CORE/SME/src/csr/csrApiScan.c
index 1cfab1b..dd6e3ad 100644
--- a/CORE/SME/src/csr/csrApiScan.c
+++ b/CORE/SME/src/csr/csrApiScan.c
@@ -101,8 +101,6 @@
-#define THIRTY_PERCENT(x)  (x*30/100);
 /*struct to hold the ignored channel list based on country */
@@ -3010,11 +3008,7 @@
 static void csrMoveTempScanResultsToMainList( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 reason )
     tListElem *pEntry;
-    tListElem *pEntryTemp;
-    tListElem  *pNext;
     tCsrScanResult *pBssDescription;
-    tANI_S8         cand_Bss_rssi;
-    tANI_S8         rssi_of_current_country;
     tANI_BOOLEAN    fDupBss;
     tANI_BOOLEAN fNewWapiBSSForCurConnection = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
@@ -3023,11 +3017,8 @@
     tANI_U32 sessionId = CSR_SESSION_ID_INVALID;
     tAniSSID tmpSsid;
     v_TIME_t timer=0;
-    tCsrBssid bssid_temp =  {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
     tmpSsid.length = 0;
-    cand_Bss_rssi = -128; // RSSI coming from PE is -ve
-    rssi_of_current_country = pMac->scan.currentCountryRSSI;
     // remove the BSS descriptions from temporary list
     while( ( pEntry = csrLLRemoveTail( &pMac->scan.tempScanResults, LL_ACCESS_LOCK ) ) != NULL)
@@ -3100,43 +3091,19 @@
         //Find a good AP for 11d info
         if ( csrIs11dSupported( pMac ) )
-            if (cand_Bss_rssi < pBssDescription->Result.BssDescriptor.rssi)
+            // check if country information element is present
+            if (pIesLocal->Country.present)
-                // check if country information element is present
-                if (pIesLocal->Country.present)
-                {
-                    cand_Bss_rssi = pBssDescription->Result.BssDescriptor.rssi;
-                    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("11d AP Bssid " MAC_ADDRESS_STR
-                                    " chan= %d, rssi = -%d, countryCode %c%c"),
-                                    MAC_ADDR_ARRAY( pBssDescription->Result.BssDescriptor.bssId),
-                                    pBssDescription->Result.BssDescriptor.channelId,
-                                    pBssDescription->Result.BssDescriptor.rssi * (-1),
-                                    pIesLocal->Country.country[0],pIesLocal->Country.country[1] );
-                   //Getting BSSID for best AP in scan result.
-                    vos_mem_copy(bssid_temp,
-                            pBssDescription->Result.BssDescriptor.bssId, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+                csrAddVoteForCountryInfo(pMac, pIesLocal->Country.country);
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("11d AP Bssid " MAC_ADDRESS_STR
+                                " chan= %d, rssi = -%d, countryCode %c%c"),
+                                MAC_ADDR_ARRAY( pBssDescription->Result.BssDescriptor.bssId),
+                                pBssDescription->Result.BssDescriptor.channelId,
+                                pBssDescription->Result.BssDescriptor.rssi * (-1),
+                                pIesLocal->Country.country[0],pIesLocal->Country.country[1] );
+             }
-                }
-            }
-        //get current rssi for BSS from which country code is acquired.
-        if ( csrIs11dSupported(pMac) && (csrIsMacAddressEqual(pMac,
-                               &pMac->scan.currentCountryBssid,
-                              &pBssDescription->Result.BssDescriptor.bssId) ))
-        {
-            smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("Information about current country Bssid "
-                               MAC_ADDRESS_STR
-                              " chan= %d, rssi = -%d, countryCode %c%c"),
-                               MAC_ADDR_ARRAY( pBssDescription->Result.BssDescriptor.bssId),
-                               pBssDescription->Result.BssDescriptor.channelId,
-                               pBssDescription->Result.BssDescriptor.rssi * (-1),
-                               pIesLocal->Country.country[0],pIesLocal->Country.country[1] );
-            rssi_of_current_country =  pBssDescription->Result.BssDescriptor.rssi ;
-            pMac->scan.currentCountryRSSI = rssi_of_current_country;
-        }
         // append to main list
         csrScanAddResult(pMac, pBssDescription, pIesLocal);
@@ -3159,72 +3126,23 @@
                 pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, i );
                 if (csrIsConnStateConnected(pMac, i))
-                    if (csrIsBssidMatch(pMac, (tCsrBssid *)&pMac->scan.currentCountryBssid,
-                                        &pSession->connectedProfile.bssid))
-                    {
-                        smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("No need for updating CC, we will"
-                                              "continue with current AP's CC"));
-                        goto end;
-                    }
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("No need for updating CC in"
+                                          "connected state"));
+                    goto end;
-        // Calculating 30% of current rssi is an idea for not to change
-        // country code so freq.
-        if (rssi_of_current_country != -128)
-        {
-            rssi_of_current_country = rssi_of_current_country
-                                         - THIRTY_PERCENT(rssi_of_current_country);
-        }
-        //if new candidate AP has 30% better RSSI or this is the first time or
-        //AP aged out of CSR cache or we are in world CC now
-        if ((rssi_of_current_country <= cand_Bss_rssi &&
-             rssi_of_current_country  != -128) ||
-            (rssi_of_current_country  == -128 &&
-             pMac->scan.scanProfile.numOfChannels >= MANDATORY_BG_CHANNEL) ||
-            ('0' == pMac->scan.countryCode11d[ 0 ] &&
-             '0' == pMac->scan.countryCode11d[ 1 ]))
-        {
-            csrLLLock(&pMac->scan.scanResultList);
-            pEntryTemp = csrLLPeekHead(&pMac->scan.scanResultList, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK);
-            while ( NULL != pEntryTemp)
-            {
-                pNext = csrLLNext(&pMac->scan.scanResultList, pEntryTemp,
-                                              LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK);
-                pBssDescription = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntryTemp, tCsrScanResult, Link );
-                pIesLocal = (tDot11fBeaconIEs *)( pBssDescription->Result.pvIes );
-                // Need to traverse whole scan list to get description for best 11d AP.
-                if (csrIsMacAddressEqual(pMac, (tCsrBssid *)&bssid_temp,
-                             (tCsrBssid *) pBssDescription->Result.BssDescriptor.bssId))
-                {
-                    // Best AP should be passed to update reg domain.
-                    csrLearnCountryInformation( pMac, &pBssDescription->Result.BssDescriptor,
-                                 pIesLocal, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE );
-                     //this check is to avoid the case of invalid CC set via 11d
-                     //In that case we move to world CC & we are open to any new
-                     //valid CC we can get during scan
-                     if(( '0' != pMac->scan.countryCode11d[ 0 ] && '0' != pMac->scan.countryCode11d[ 1 ] ))
-                     {
-                         vos_mem_copy(pMac->scan.currentCountryBssid,
-                                         bssid_temp, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
-                     }
-                    break;
-                }
-                pEntryTemp = pNext;
-            }
-            csrLLUnlock(&pMac->scan.scanResultList);
-        }
+        csrElectedCountryInfo(pMac);
+        csrLearnCountryInformation( pMac, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE );
     //If we can find the current 11d info in any of the scan results, or
     // a good enough AP with the 11d info from the scan results then no need to
     // get into ambiguous state
-      if((pMac->scan.fCurrent11dInfoMatch) || (cand_Bss_rssi != -128))
+      if((pMac->scan.fCurrent11dInfoMatch))
         pMac->scan.fAmbiguous11dInfoFound = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
@@ -3612,6 +3530,121 @@
     return (status);
+void csrClearVotesForCountryInfo(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    pMac->scan.countryCodeCount = 0;
+    vos_mem_set(pMac->scan.votes11d,
+                 sizeof(tCsrVotes11d) * CSR_MAX_NUM_COUNTRY_CODE, 0);
+void csrAddVoteForCountryInfo(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 *pCountryCode)
+    tANI_BOOLEAN match = FALSE;
+    tANI_U8 i;
+    /* convert to UPPER here so we are assured
+     * the strings are always in upper case.
+     */
+    for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+    {
+        pCountryCode[ i ] = (tANI_U8)csrToUpper( pCountryCode[ i ] );
+    }
+    /* Some of the 'old' Cisco 350 series AP's advertise NA as the
+     * country code (for North America ??). NA is not a valid country code
+     * or domain so let's allow this by changing it to the proper
+     * country code (which is US).  We've also seen some NETGEAR AP's
+     * that have "XX " as the country code with valid 2.4 GHz US channel
+     * information.  If we cannot find the country code advertised in the
+     * 11d information element, let's default to US.
+     */
+    if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrGetRegulatoryDomainForCountry( pMac,
+                  pCountryCode, NULL,COUNTRY_QUERY ) ) )
+    {
+        pCountryCode[ 0 ] = '0';
+        pCountryCode[ 1 ] = '0';
+    }
+    /* We've seen some of the AP's improperly put a 0 for the
+     * third character of the country code. spec says valid charcters are
+     * 'O' (for outdoor), 'I' for Indoor, or ' ' (space; for either).
+     * if we see a 0 in this third character, let's change it to a ' '.
+     */
+    if ( 0 == pCountryCode[ 2 ] )
+    {
+        pCountryCode[ 2 ] = ' ';
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < pMac->scan.countryCodeCount; i++)
+    {
+        match = (vos_mem_compare(pMac->scan.votes11d[i].countryCode,
+                          pCountryCode, 2));
+        if(match)
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (match)
+    {
+        pMac->scan.votes11d[i].votes++;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        vos_mem_copy( pMac->scan.votes11d[pMac->scan.countryCodeCount].countryCode,
+                       pCountryCode, 3 );
+        pMac->scan.votes11d[pMac->scan.countryCodeCount].votes = 1;
+        pMac->scan.countryCodeCount++;
+    }
+    return;
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrElectedCountryInfo(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    tANI_U8 maxVotes = 0;
+    tANI_U8 i, j=0;
+    if (!pMac->scan.countryCodeCount)
+    {
+        return fRet;
+    }
+    maxVotes = pMac->scan.votes11d[0].votes;
+    fRet = TRUE;
+    for(i = 1; i < pMac->scan.countryCodeCount; i++)
+    {
+        /* If we have a tie for max votes for 2 different country codes,
+         * pick random.we can put some more intelligence - TBD
+         */
+        if (maxVotes < pMac->scan.votes11d[i].votes)
+        {
+                     " Votes for Country %c%c : %d\n",
+                    pMac->scan.votes11d[i].countryCode[0],
+                    pMac->scan.votes11d[i].countryCode[1],
+                    pMac->scan.votes11d[i].votes);
+            maxVotes = pMac->scan.votes11d[i].votes;
+            j = i;
+            fRet = TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    if (fRet)
+    {
+        memcpy(pMac->scan.countryCodeElected,
+            pMac->scan.votes11d[j].countryCode, WNI_CFG_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN);
+                 "Selected Country is %c%c With count %d\n",
+                      pMac->scan.votes11d[j].countryCode[0],
+                      pMac->scan.votes11d[j].countryCode[1],
+                      pMac->scan.votes11d[j].votes);
+    }
+    return fRet;
 eHalStatus csrSetCountryCode(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 *pCountry, tANI_BOOLEAN *pfRestartNeeded)
@@ -4030,13 +4063,10 @@
   * 802.11D only: Gather 11d IE via beacon or Probe response and store them in pAdapter->channels11d
-tANI_BOOLEAN csrLearnCountryInformation( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirBssDescription *pSirBssDesc,
-                                         tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes, tANI_BOOLEAN fForce)
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrLearnCountryInformation( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_BOOLEAN fForce)
-    eHalStatus status;
     v_REGDOMAIN_t domainId;
-    tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIesLocal = pIes;
     if (VOS_STA_SAP_MODE == vos_get_conparam ())
         return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
@@ -4045,126 +4075,13 @@
         // check if .11d support is enabled
         if( !csrIs11dSupported( pMac ) ) break;
-        if( !pIesLocal && (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrGetParsedBssDescriptionIEs(pMac, pSirBssDesc, &pIesLocal))) )
-        {
-            break;
-        }
-        // check if country information element is present
-        if(!pIesLocal->Country.present)
-        {
-            //No country info
-            break;
-        }
-        if( csrSave11dCountryString( pMac, pIesLocal->Country.country, fForce ) )
-        {
-            // country string changed, this should not happen
-            //Need to check whether we care about this BSS' domain info
-            //If it doesn't match of the connected profile or roaming profile, let's ignore it
-            tANI_U32 i;
-            tCsrRoamSession *pSession;
-            for( i = 0; i < CSR_ROAM_SESSION_MAX; i++ )
-            {
-                if( CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID( pMac, i ) )
-                {
-                    pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, i );
-                    if(pSession->pCurRoamProfile)
-                    {
-                        tCsrScanResultFilter filter;
-                        vos_mem_set(&filter, sizeof(tCsrScanResultFilter), 0);
-                        status = csrRoamPrepareFilterFromProfile(pMac, pSession->pCurRoamProfile, &filter);
-                        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
-                        {
-                            tANI_BOOLEAN fMatch = csrMatchBSS(pMac, pSirBssDesc, &filter, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-                            //Free the resource first
-                            csrFreeScanFilter( pMac, &filter );
-                            if(fMatch)
-                            {
-                                smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "Matching roam profile "
-                                       "BSSID " MAC_ADDRESS_STR
-                                       " causing ambiguous domain info",
-                                       MAC_ADDR_ARRAY(pSirBssDesc->bssId));
-                                pMac->scan.fAmbiguous11dInfoFound = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
-                                break;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else if( csrIsConnStateConnected(pMac, i))
-                    {
-                        //Reach here only when the currention is base on no profile. 
-                        //User doesn't give profile and just connect to anything.
-                        if(csrMatchBSSToConnectProfile(pMac, &pSession->connectedProfile, pSirBssDesc, pIesLocal))
-                        {
-                            smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "Matching connect profile BSSID "
-                                   MAC_ADDRESS_STR
-                                   " causing ambiguous domain info",
-                                   MAC_ADDR_ARRAY(pSirBssDesc->bssId));
-                            //Tush
-                            pMac->scan.fAmbiguous11dInfoFound = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
-                            if(csrIsBssidMatch(pMac, (tCsrBssid *)&pSirBssDesc->bssId, 
-                                                &pSession->connectedProfile.bssid))
-                            {
-                                //AP changed the 11d info on the fly, modify cfg
-                                pMac->scan.fAmbiguous11dInfoFound = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
-                                fRet = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
-                            }
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                } //valid session
-            } //for
-            if ( i == CSR_ROAM_SESSION_MAX ) 
-            {
-                //Check whether we can use this country's 11d information
-                if( !pMac->roam.configParam.fEnforceDefaultDomain )
-                {
-                    pMac->scan.fAmbiguous11dInfoFound = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
-                }
-                else 
-                {
-                    VOS_ASSERT( pMac->scan.domainIdCurrent == pMac->scan.domainIdDefault );
-                    if( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrGetRegulatoryDomainForCountry( 
-                                pMac, pIesLocal->Country.country, &domainId,
-                                COUNTRY_QUERY)) &&
-                                ( domainId == pMac->scan.domainIdCurrent ) )
-                    {
-                        //Two countries in the same domain
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            csrGetRegulatoryDomainForCountry(pMac, pIesLocal->Country.country,
+            csrGetRegulatoryDomainForCountry(pMac, pMac->scan.countryCodeElected,
                                              &domainId, COUNTRY_IE);
-        }
-        else //Tush
-        {
-            pMac->scan.fCurrent11dInfoMatch = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
-        }
-        //In case that some channels in 5GHz have the same channel number as 2.4GHz (<= 14)
-        if(CSR_IS_CHANNEL_5GHZ(pSirBssDesc->channelId))
-        {
-            tANI_U8 iC;
-            tSirMacChanInfo* pMacChnSet = (tSirMacChanInfo *)(&pIesLocal->Country.triplets[0]);
-            for(iC = 0; iC < pIesLocal->Country.num_triplets; iC++)
-            {
-                if(CSR_IS_CHANNEL_24GHZ(pMacChnSet[iC].firstChanNum))
-                {
-                    pMacChnSet[iC].firstChanNum += 200; //*** Where is this 200 defined?
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        smsLog(pMac, LOG3, FL("  %d sets each one is %zu"), pIesLocal->Country.num_triplets, sizeof(tSirMacChanInfo));
-        // set the indicator of the channel where the country IE was found...
-        pMac->scan.channelOf11dInfo = pSirBssDesc->channelId;
         status = csrGetRegulatoryDomainForCountry(pMac,
-                       pIesLocal->Country.country, &domainId, COUNTRY_IE);
+                       pMac->scan.countryCodeElected, &domainId, COUNTRY_IE);
         if ( status != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS )
             smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("  fail to get regId %d"), domainId );
@@ -4175,7 +4092,7 @@
         if ( domainId != pMac->scan.domainIdCurrent )
-                                  pIesLocal->Country.country,
+                                  pMac->scan.countryCodeElected,
                                   sizeof( pMac->scan.countryCode11d ) );
             /* Set Current Country code and Current Regulatory domain */
             status = csrSetRegulatoryDomain(pMac, domainId, NULL);
@@ -4187,9 +4104,9 @@
             //csrSetRegulatoryDomain will fail if the country doesn't fit our domain criteria.
-                            pIesLocal->Country.country, WNI_CFG_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN);
+                            pMac->scan.countryCodeElected, WNI_CFG_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN);
             //Simply set it to cfg.
-            csrSetCfgCountryCode(pMac, pIesLocal->Country.country);
+            csrSetCfgCountryCode(pMac, pMac->scan.countryCodeElected);
             /* overwrite the defualt country code */
@@ -4228,11 +4145,6 @@
     } while( 0 );
-    if( !pIes && pIesLocal )
-    {
-        //locally allocated
-        vos_mem_free(pIesLocal);
-    }
     return( fRet );
@@ -5713,7 +5625,7 @@
+        csrClearVotesForCountryInfo(pMac);
         status = csrSendMBScanReq(pMac, pCommand->sessionId,
                                 &pCommand->u.scanCmd.u.scanRequest, &scanReq);