prima: Send assoc reject upon failing to post ASSOC_IND

Currently, lim silently drops the association if it fails to
post ASSOC_IND due to some reason(e.g. invalid contents of
assoc request) and the MLM state is stuck in
eLIM_MLM_WT_ASSOC_CNF_STATE. Station context is not cleaned up
till the next association. Gracefully cleanup the association
in such failure cases.

Change-Id: I348a7d3ffc537cf89dc311da7bb9846e27635efe
CRs-Fixed: 2857049
3 files changed
tree: 23338439b9035304f41f133ab8a7d2f7e61263ef
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile