wlan: RSSI based TDLS tear down.

If the RSSI value goes beyond the threshold value configured
in the ini then tear down the TDLS link.
CRs-Fixed: 458592

Change-Id: I134b2e5f0a81d7c08f3d69981fd9a970e8272a55
diff --git a/CORE/TL/src/wlan_qct_tli.h b/CORE/TL/src/wlan_qct_tli.h
index 167fc2e..a8fa010 100644
--- a/CORE/TL/src/wlan_qct_tli.h
+++ b/CORE/TL/src/wlan_qct_tli.h
@@ -508,6 +508,9 @@
   /* Value of the averaged RSSI for this station in BMPS */
   v_S7_t                        rssiAvgBmps;
+  /* Value of the Alpha to calculate RSSI average */
+  v_S7_t                        rssiAlpha;
   /* Value of the averaged RSSI for this station */
   v_U32_t                       uLinkQualityAvg;