prima: Check for INDOOR flag in channels in case of SAP

qcacld-2.0 to prima propagation

For SAP, valid channels should not include INDOOR-ONLY channels.
So check that flag before returning to user-space in case the
interface is SOFTAP.

CRs-Fixed: 886169
Change-Id: Ibfe62a342fb660949b22ae19179a28710bd5e86d
diff --git a/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c b/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c
index 7be4527..1158afd 100644
--- a/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c
+++ b/CORE/HDD/src/wlan_hdd_cfg80211.c
@@ -4208,16 +4208,20 @@
                                         struct wireless_dev *wdev,
                                         const void *data, int dataLen)
-    hdd_context_t *pHddCtx                               = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
-    tANI_U32 ChannelList[WNI_CFG_VALID_CHANNEL_LIST_LEN] = {0};
-    tANI_U8 numChannels                                  = 0;
+    hdd_context_t *pHddCtx = wiphy_priv(wiphy);
+    struct net_device *dev = wdev->netdev;
+    hdd_adapter_t *pAdapter = WLAN_HDD_GET_PRIV_PTR(dev);
+    uint32_t chan_list[WNI_CFG_VALID_CHANNEL_LIST_LEN] = {0};
+    uint8_t num_channels  = 0;
+    uint8_t num_chan_new  = 0;
+    uint8_t buf[256] = {0};
     tANI_U32 requestId, maxChannels;
     tWifiBand wifiBand;
     eHalStatus status;
     struct sk_buff *replySkb;
-    tANI_U8 i;
-    int ret;
+    tANI_U8 i,j,k;
+    int ret,len = 0;;
@@ -4264,22 +4268,43 @@
     hddLog(VOS_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, FL("Max channels %d"), maxChannels);
     status = sme_GetValidChannelsByBand((tHalHandle)(pHddCtx->hHal),
-                                        wifiBand, ChannelList,
-                                        &numChannels);
+                                        wifiBand, chan_list,
+                                         &num_channels);
     if (eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != status) {
            FL("sme_GetValidChannelsByBand failed (err=%d)"), status);
         return -EINVAL;
-    numChannels = VOS_MIN(numChannels, maxChannels);
-    hddLog(VOS_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, FL("Number of channels (%d)"), numChannels);
+    num_channels = VOS_MIN(num_channels, maxChannels);
+    num_chan_new = num_channels;
+    /* remove the indoor only channels if iface is SAP */
+    if (WLAN_HDD_SOFTAP == pAdapter->device_mode)
+    {
+        num_chan_new = 0;
+        for (i = 0; i < num_channels; i++)
+            for (j = 0; j < IEEE80211_NUM_BANDS; j++) {
+                if (wiphy->bands[j] == NULL)
+                    continue;
+                for (k = 0; k < wiphy->bands[j]->n_channels; k++) {
+                    if ((chan_list[i] ==
+                                wiphy->bands[j]->channels[k].center_freq) &&
+                            (!(wiphy->bands[j]->channels[k].flags &
+                               IEEE80211_CHAN_INDOOR_ONLY))) {
+                        chan_list[num_chan_new] = chan_list[i];
+                        num_chan_new++;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+    }
-    for (i = 0; i < numChannels; i++)
-        hddLog(VOS_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, "Channel: %u ", ChannelList[i]);
+    hddLog(LOG1, FL("Number of channels: %d"), num_chan_new);
+    for (i = 0; i < num_chan_new; i++)
+        len += scnprintf(buf + len, sizeof(buf) - len, "%u ", chan_list[i]);
+    hddLog(LOG1, "Channels: %s", buf);
     replySkb = cfg80211_vendor_cmd_alloc_reply_skb(wiphy, sizeof(u32) +
-                                                    sizeof(u32) * numChannels +
+                                                    sizeof(u32) * num_chan_new +
     if (!replySkb) {
@@ -4289,9 +4314,9 @@
     if (nla_put_u32(replySkb,
-                numChannels) ||
+                num_chan_new) ||
-                sizeof(u32) * numChannels, ChannelList)) {
+                sizeof(u32) * num_chan_new, chan_list)) {
         hddLog(VOS_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, FL("nla put fail"));