wlan: VOS ASSERT during random connection test

On connect request driver update the HDD context roamprofile
even before it tries to disconnect the current connection and
proceeds with the connect request even when it did not receive
the disconnect event, which results in CSR and HDD connect
state mismatch during connection events handling.

On receiving connect request try disconnecting before updating
any state and roamprofile. If failed to disconnect on current
connection return failure without continuing with the connect

Change-Id: I979b9803441efbee235226ba437db4ee7434591a
CRs-Fixed: 592565
1 file changed
tree: d938f1c8e3c0c1b4a2a050311738f3d985b0f27d
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig