prima: WLAN Driver Release

This is the initial release of the Prima WLAN Driver
diff --git a/CORE/MAC/src/pe/rrm/rrmApi.c b/CORE/MAC/src/pe/rrm/rrmApi.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6363f17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CORE/MAC/src/pe/rrm/rrmApi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1245 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012, Code Aurora Forum. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Previously licensed under the ISC license by Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
+ *
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for
+ * any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the
+ * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all
+ * copies.
+ *
+ */
+  \file  rrmApi.c
+  \brief implementation for PE RRM APIs
+   Copyright 2008 (c) Qualcomm, Incorporated.  All Rights Reserved.
+   Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary.
+  ========================================================================*/
+/* $Header$ */
+  Include Files
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "palTypes.h"
+#include "wniApi.h"
+#include "sirApi.h"
+#include "aniGlobal.h"
+#include "halDataStruct.h"
+#include "wniCfgAp.h"
+#include "wniCfgSta.h"
+#include "limTypes.h"
+#include "limUtils.h"
+#include "limSendSmeRspMessages.h"
+#include "parserApi.h"
+#include "limSendMessages.h"
+#include "rrmGlobal.h"
+#include "rrmApi.h"
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmCacheMgmtTxPower
+ **
+ * FUNCTION:  Store Tx power for management frames.
+ *
+ * LOGIC:
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param pSessionEntry session entry.
+ * @return None
+ */
+rrmCacheMgmtTxPower ( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tPowerdBm txPower, tpPESession pSessionEntry )
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "Cache Mgmt Tx Power = %d\n", txPower );) 
+   if( pSessionEntry == NULL )
+       pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.txMgmtPower = txPower;
+   else
+       pSessionEntry->txMgmtPower = txPower;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmGetMgmtTxPower
+ *
+ * FUNCTION:  Get the Tx power for management frames.
+ *
+ * LOGIC:
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param pSessionEntry session entry.
+ * @return txPower
+ */
+rrmGetMgmtTxPower ( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tpPESession pSessionEntry )
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "RrmGetMgmtTxPower called\n" );) 
+   if( pSessionEntry == NULL )
+      return pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.txMgmtPower;
+   return pSessionEntry->txMgmtPower;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmSendSetMaxTxPowerReq
+ *
+ * FUNCTION:  Send WDA_SET_MAX_TX_POWER_REQ message to change the max tx power.
+ *
+ * LOGIC:
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param txPower txPower to be set.
+ * @param pSessionEntry session entry.
+ * @return None
+ */
+rrmSendSetMaxTxPowerReq ( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tPowerdBm txPower, tpPESession pSessionEntry )
+   tpMaxTxPowerParams pMaxTxParams;
+   tSirRetStatus  retCode = eSIR_SUCCESS;
+   tSirMsgQ       msgQ;
+   if( pSessionEntry == NULL )
+   {
+      PELOGE(limLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" Inavalid parameters\n"));)
+      return eSIR_FAILURE;
+   }
+   if( eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != palAllocateMemory( pMac->hHdd,
+            (void **) &pMaxTxParams, sizeof(tMaxTxPowerParams) ) ) 
+   {
+      limLog( pMac, LOGP, FL("Unable to allocate memory for pMaxTxParams \n") );
+      return eSIR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED;
+   }
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Allocated memory for pMaxTxParams...will be freed in other module\n") );)
+   pMaxTxParams->power = txPower;
+   palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pMaxTxParams->bssId, pSessionEntry->bssId, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+   palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pMaxTxParams->selfStaMacAddr, pSessionEntry->selfMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+   msgQ.type = WDA_SET_MAX_TX_POWER_REQ;
+   msgQ.reserved = 0;
+   msgQ.bodyptr = pMaxTxParams;
+   msgQ.bodyval = 0;
+   PELOGW(limLog(pMac, LOGW, FL( "Sending WDA_SET_MAX_TX_POWER_REQ to HAL"));)
+      MTRACE(macTraceMsgTx(pMac, 0, msgQ.type));
+   if( eSIR_SUCCESS != (retCode = wdaPostCtrlMsg( pMac, &msgQ )))
+   {
+      limLog( pMac, LOGP, FL("Posting WDA_SET_MAX_TX_POWER_REQ to HAL failed, reason=%X"), retCode );
+      if (NULL != pMaxTxParams)
+      {
+         palFreeMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tANI_U8 *) pMaxTxParams );
+      }
+      return retCode;
+   }
+   return retCode;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmSetMaxTxPowerRsp
+ *
+ * FUNCTION:  Process WDA_SET_MAX_TX_POWER_RSP message.
+ *
+ * LOGIC:
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param txPower txPower to be set.
+ * @param pSessionEntry session entry.
+ * @return None
+ */
+rrmSetMaxTxPowerRsp ( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tpSirMsgQ limMsgQ )
+   tSirRetStatus  retCode = eSIR_SUCCESS;
+   tpMaxTxPowerParams pMaxTxParams = (tpMaxTxPowerParams) limMsgQ->bodyptr;
+   tpPESession     pSessionEntry;
+   tANI_U8 sessionId;
+   if((pSessionEntry = peFindSessionByBssid(pMac, pMaxTxParams->bssId, &sessionId))==NULL)
+   {
+      PELOGE(limLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("Unable to find session:\n") );)
+      retCode = eSIR_FAILURE;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      rrmCacheMgmtTxPower ( pMac, pMaxTxParams->power, pSessionEntry );
+   }
+   palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void*)limMsgQ->bodyptr);
+   limMsgQ->bodyptr = NULL;
+   return retCode;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmProcessLinkMeasurementRequest
+ *
+ * FUNCTION:  Processes the Link measurement request and send the report.
+ *
+ * LOGIC:
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param pBd pointer to BD to extract RSSI and SNR
+ * @param pLinkReq pointer to the Link request frame structure.
+ * @param pSessionEntry session entry.
+ * @return None
+ */
+rrmProcessLinkMeasurementRequest( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, 
+                                  tANI_U8 *pRxPacketInfo,
+                                  tDot11fLinkMeasurementRequest *pLinkReq,
+                                  tpPESession pSessionEntry )
+   tSirMacLinkReport LinkReport;
+   tpSirMacMgmtHdr   pHdr;
+   v_S7_t            currentRSSI = 0;
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "Received Link measurement request\n");)
+   if( pRxPacketInfo == NULL || pLinkReq == NULL || pSessionEntry == NULL )
+   {
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "%s:%d: Invalid parameters - Ignoring the request\n");)
+      return eSIR_FAILURE;
+   }
+   pHdr = WDA_GET_RX_MAC_HEADER( pRxPacketInfo );
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   if( pSessionEntry->maxTxPower != (tPowerdBm) pLinkReq->MaxTxPower.maxTxPower )
+   {
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" maxTx power in link request is not same as local...Local = %d LinkReq = %d\n"), 
+           pSessionEntry->maxTxPower, pLinkReq->MaxTxPower.maxTxPower );)
+   }
+   LinkReport.dialogToken = pLinkReq->DialogToken.token;
+   LinkReport.txPower = pSessionEntry->txMgmtPower;
+   LinkReport.rxAntenna = 0;
+   LinkReport.txAntenna = 0;
+   currentRSSI = WDA_GET_RX_RSSI_DB(pRxPacketInfo);
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "Received Link report frame with %d\n", currentRSSI);)
+   // 2008 11k spec reference: RCPI Measurement
+   if ((currentRSSI) <= RCPI_LOW_RSSI_VALUE)
+       LinkReport.rcpi = 0; 
+   else if ((currentRSSI > RCPI_LOW_RSSI_VALUE) && (currentRSSI <= 0))
+       LinkReport.rcpi = CALCULATE_RCPI(currentRSSI);
+   else 
+       LinkReport.rcpi = RCPI_MAX_VALUE; 
+   LinkReport.rsni = WDA_GET_RX_SNR(pRxPacketInfo); 
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "Sending Link report frame\n");)
+   return limSendLinkReportActionFrame( pMac, &LinkReport, pHdr->sa, pSessionEntry ); 
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmProcessNeighborReportResponse
+ *
+ * FUNCTION:  Processes the Neighbor Report response from the peer AP.
+ *
+ * LOGIC:
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param pNeighborRep pointer to the Neighbor report frame structure.
+ * @param pSessionEntry session entry.
+ * @return None
+ */
+rrmProcessNeighborReportResponse( tpAniSirGlobal pMac,
+                                  tDot11fNeighborReportResponse *pNeighborRep,
+                                  tpPESession pSessionEntry )
+   tSirRetStatus status = eSIR_FAILURE;
+   tpSirNeighborReportInd pSmeNeighborRpt = NULL;
+   tANI_U16 length;
+   tANI_U8 i;
+   tSirMsgQ                  mmhMsg;
+   if( pNeighborRep == NULL || pSessionEntry == NULL )
+   {
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Invalid parameters\n") );)
+      return status;
+   }
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("Neighbor report response received \n") );)
+   // Dialog token
+   if( pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.DialogToken != pNeighborRep->DialogToken.token )
+   {
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "Dialog token mismatch in the received Neighbor report\n");)
+      return eSIR_FAILURE;
+   }
+   if( pNeighborRep->num_NeighborReport == 0 )
+   {
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "No neighbor report in the frame...Dropping it\n");)
+      return eSIR_FAILURE;
+   }
+   length = (sizeof( tSirNeighborReportInd )) +
+            (sizeof( tSirNeighborBssDescription ) * (pNeighborRep->num_NeighborReport - 1) ) ; 
+   //Prepare the request to send to SME.
+   if( eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != palAllocateMemory( pMac->hHdd,
+            (void **) &pSmeNeighborRpt, length ) )
+   {
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGP, FL("Unable to allocate memory\n") );)
+      return eSIR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED;
+   }
+   palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, pSmeNeighborRpt, length ); 
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Allocated memory for pSmeNeighborRpt...will be freed by other module\n") );)
+   for( i = 0 ; i < pNeighborRep->num_NeighborReport ; i++ )
+   {
+      pSmeNeighborRpt->sNeighborBssDescription[i].length = sizeof( tSirNeighborBssDescription ); /*+ any optional ies */
+      palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pSmeNeighborRpt->sNeighborBssDescription[i].bssId,
+            pNeighborRep->NeighborReport[i].bssid, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+      pSmeNeighborRpt->sNeighborBssDescription[i].bssidInfo.rrmInfo.fApPreauthReachable = pNeighborRep->NeighborReport[i].APReachability;
+      pSmeNeighborRpt->sNeighborBssDescription[i].bssidInfo.rrmInfo.fSameSecurityMode = pNeighborRep->NeighborReport[i].Security;
+      pSmeNeighborRpt->sNeighborBssDescription[i].bssidInfo.rrmInfo.fSameAuthenticator = pNeighborRep->NeighborReport[i].KeyScope;
+      pSmeNeighborRpt->sNeighborBssDescription[i].bssidInfo.rrmInfo.fCapSpectrumMeasurement = pNeighborRep->NeighborReport[i].SpecMgmtCap;
+      pSmeNeighborRpt->sNeighborBssDescription[i].bssidInfo.rrmInfo.fCapQos = pNeighborRep->NeighborReport[i].QosCap;
+      pSmeNeighborRpt->sNeighborBssDescription[i].bssidInfo.rrmInfo.fCapApsd = pNeighborRep->NeighborReport[i].apsd;
+      pSmeNeighborRpt->sNeighborBssDescription[i].bssidInfo.rrmInfo.fCapRadioMeasurement = pNeighborRep->NeighborReport[i].rrm;
+      pSmeNeighborRpt->sNeighborBssDescription[i].bssidInfo.rrmInfo.fCapDelayedBlockAck = pNeighborRep->NeighborReport[i].DelayedBA;
+      pSmeNeighborRpt->sNeighborBssDescription[i].bssidInfo.rrmInfo.fCapImmediateBlockAck = pNeighborRep->NeighborReport[i].ImmBA;
+      pSmeNeighborRpt->sNeighborBssDescription[i].bssidInfo.rrmInfo.fMobilityDomain = pNeighborRep->NeighborReport[i].MobilityDomain;
+      pSmeNeighborRpt->sNeighborBssDescription[i].regClass = pNeighborRep->NeighborReport[i].regulatoryClass;
+      pSmeNeighborRpt->sNeighborBssDescription[i].channel = pNeighborRep->NeighborReport[i].channel;
+      pSmeNeighborRpt->sNeighborBssDescription[i].phyType = pNeighborRep->NeighborReport[i].PhyType;
+   }
+   pSmeNeighborRpt->messageType = eWNI_SME_NEIGHBOR_REPORT_IND;
+   pSmeNeighborRpt->length = length;
+   pSmeNeighborRpt->numNeighborReports = pNeighborRep->num_NeighborReport;
+   palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pSmeNeighborRpt->bssId, pSessionEntry->bssId, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+   //Send request to SME.
+   mmhMsg.type    = pSmeNeighborRpt->messageType;
+   mmhMsg.bodyptr = pSmeNeighborRpt;
+   MTRACE(macTraceMsgTx(pMac, 0, mmhMsg.type));
+   status = limSysProcessMmhMsgApi(pMac, &mmhMsg, ePROT);
+   return status;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmProcessNeighborReportReq
+ *
+ *
+ * LOGIC: Create a Neighbor report request and send it to peer.
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param pNeighborReq Neighbor report request params .
+ * @return None
+ */
+rrmProcessNeighborReportReq( tpAniSirGlobal pMac,
+                            tpSirNeighborReportReqInd pNeighborReq )
+   tSirRetStatus status = eSIR_SUCCESS;
+   tSirMacNeighborReportReq NeighborReportReq;
+   tpPESession pSessionEntry ;
+   tANI_U8 sessionId;
+   if( pNeighborReq == NULL )
+   {
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "NeighborReq is NULL\n" );)
+      return eSIR_FAILURE;
+   }
+   if ((pSessionEntry = peFindSessionByBssid(pMac,pNeighborReq->bssId,&sessionId))==NULL)
+   {
+      PELOGE(limLog(pMac, LOGE,FL("session does not exist for given bssId\n"));)
+      return eSIR_FAILURE;
+   }
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("Neighbor Request received \n") );)
+   PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "SSID present = %d \n", pNeighborReq->noSSID );)
+   palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, &NeighborReportReq, sizeof( tSirMacNeighborReportReq ) );
+   NeighborReportReq.dialogToken = ++pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.DialogToken; 
+   NeighborReportReq.ssid_present = !pNeighborReq->noSSID; 
+   if( NeighborReportReq.ssid_present )
+   {
+      palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, &NeighborReportReq.ssid, &pNeighborReq->ucSSID, sizeof(tSirMacSSid) );
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+      PELOGE(sirDumpBuf( pMac, SIR_LIM_MODULE_ID, LOGE, (tANI_U8*) NeighborReportReq.ssid.ssId, NeighborReportReq.ssid.length );)
+   }
+   status = limSendNeighborReportRequestFrame( pMac, &NeighborReportReq, pNeighborReq->bssId, pSessionEntry );
+   return status;
+#define ABS(x)      ((x < 0) ? -x : x)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmProcessBeaconReportReq
+ *
+ * FUNCTION:  Processes the Beacon report request from the peer AP.
+ *
+ * LOGIC:
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param pCurrentReq pointer to the current Req comtext.
+ * @param pBeaconReq pointer to the beacon report request IE from the peer.
+ * @param pSessionEntry session entry.
+ * @return None
+ */
+static tRrmRetStatus
+rrmProcessBeaconReportReq( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, 
+                           tpRRMReq pCurrentReq,
+                           tDot11fIEMeasurementRequest *pBeaconReq,
+                           tpPESession pSessionEntry )
+   tSirMsgQ                  mmhMsg;
+   tpSirBeaconReportReqInd pSmeBcnReportReq;
+   tANI_U8 num_channels = 0, num_APChanReport;
+   tANI_U16 measDuration, maxMeasduration;
+   tANI_S8  maxDuration;
+   tANI_U8  sign;
+   if( pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.BeaconReporting.present && 
+       (pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.BeaconReporting.reportingCondition != 0) )
+   {
+      //Repeated measurement is not supported. This means number of repetitions should be zero.(Already checked)
+      //All test case in VoWifi(as of version 0.36)  use zero for number of repetitions.
+      //Beacon reporting should not be included in request if number of repetitons is zero.
+      // IEEE Std 802.11k-2008 Table 7-29g and section
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "Droping the request: Reporting condition included in beacon report request and it is not zero\n");)
+      return eRRM_INCAPABLE;
+   }
+   /* The logic here is to check the measurement duration passed in the beacon request. Following are the cases handled.
+      Case 1: If measurement duration received in the beacon request is greater than the max measurement duration advertised 
+                in the RRM capabilities(Assoc Req), and Duration Mandatory bit is set to 1, REFUSE the beacon request
+      Case 2: If measurement duration received in the beacon request is greater than the max measurement duration advertised 
+                in the RRM capabilities(Assoc Req), and Duration Mandatory bit is set to 0, perform measurement for 
+                the duration advertised in the RRM capabilities
+      maxMeasurementDuration = 2^(nonOperatingChanMax - 4) * BeaconInterval
+    */
+   maxDuration = pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.rrmEnabledCaps.nonOperatingChanMax - 4;
+   sign = (maxDuration < 0) ? 1 : 0;
+   maxDuration = (1L << ABS(maxDuration));
+   if (!sign)
+      maxMeasduration = maxDuration * pSessionEntry->beaconParams.beaconInterval;
+   else
+      maxMeasduration = pSessionEntry->beaconParams.beaconInterval / maxDuration;
+   measDuration = pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.meas_duration; 
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   limLog( pMac, LOGE, "maxDuration = %d sign = %d maxMeasduration = %d measDuration = %d\n",
+        maxDuration, sign, maxMeasduration, measDuration ); 
+   if( maxMeasduration < measDuration )
+   {
+      if( pBeaconReq->durationMandatory )
+      {
+         limLog( pMac, LOGE, "Droping the request: duration mandatory and maxduration > measduration\n");
+         return eRRM_REFUSED;
+      }
+      else
+         measDuration = maxMeasduration;
+   }
+   //Cache the data required for sending report.
+   pCurrentReq->request.Beacon.reportingDetail = pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.BcnReportingDetail.present ?
+      pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.BcnReportingDetail.reportingDetail :
+   if( pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.RequestedInfo.present )
+   {
+      if( eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != palAllocateMemory( pMac->hHdd, (void**) &pCurrentReq->request.Beacon.reqIes.pElementIds, 
+                                                    ( sizeof( tANI_U8) * 
+                                                    pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.RequestedInfo.num_requested_eids ) ) )
+      {
+            limLog( pMac, LOGP,
+               FL( "Unable to PAL allocate memory for request IEs buffer\n" ));
+            return eRRM_FAILURE;
+      }
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Allocated memory for pElementIds\n") );)
+      pCurrentReq->request.Beacon.reqIes.num = pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.RequestedInfo.num_requested_eids;
+      palCopyMemory ( pMac->hHdd, pCurrentReq->request.Beacon.reqIes.pElementIds, 
+            pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.RequestedInfo.requested_eids, 
+            pCurrentReq->request.Beacon.reqIes.num );      
+   }
+   if( pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.num_APChannelReport )
+   {
+      for( num_APChanReport = 0 ; num_APChanReport < pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.num_APChannelReport ; num_APChanReport++ )
+         num_channels += pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.APChannelReport[num_APChanReport].num_channelList;
+   }
+   //Prepare the request to send to SME.
+   if( eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != palAllocateMemory( pMac->hHdd,
+            (void **) &pSmeBcnReportReq,
+            (sizeof( tSirBeaconReportReqInd ) + num_channels) ) )
+   {
+      limLog( pMac, LOGP,
+            FL( "Unable to PAL allocate memory during Beacon Report Req Ind to SME\n" ));
+      return eRRM_FAILURE;
+   }
+   palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, pSmeBcnReportReq, sizeof( tSirBeaconReportReqInd ) + num_channels );
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Allocated memory for pSmeBcnReportReq....will be freed by other module\n") );)
+   palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pSmeBcnReportReq->bssId, pSessionEntry->bssId, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+   pSmeBcnReportReq->messageType = eWNI_SME_BEACON_REPORT_REQ_IND;
+   pSmeBcnReportReq->length = sizeof( tSirBeaconReportReqInd ) + num_channels;
+   pSmeBcnReportReq->uDialogToken = pBeaconReq->measurement_token;
+   //pSmeBcnReportReq->measurementDuration = SYS_TU_TO_MS(pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.meas_duration);
+   pSmeBcnReportReq->measurementDuration = SYS_TU_TO_MS(measDuration /*pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.meas_duration*/);
+   pSmeBcnReportReq->randomizationInterval = SYS_TU_TO_MS (pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.randomization);
+   pSmeBcnReportReq->fMeasurementtype = pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.meas_mode;
+   pSmeBcnReportReq->channelInfo.regulatoryClass = pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.regClass;
+   pSmeBcnReportReq->channelInfo.channelNum = pBeaconReq->;
+   palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pSmeBcnReportReq->macaddrBssid, pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.BSSID, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+   if( pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.SSID.present )
+   {
+      pSmeBcnReportReq->ssId.length = pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.SSID.num_ssid;
+      palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pSmeBcnReportReq->ssId.ssId,  pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.SSID.ssid, 
+            pSmeBcnReportReq->ssId.length );
+   }
+   pCurrentReq->token = pBeaconReq->measurement_token;
+   pSmeBcnReportReq->channelList.numChannels = num_channels;
+   if( pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.num_APChannelReport )
+   {
+      tANI_U8 *pChanList = pSmeBcnReportReq->channelList.channelNumber;
+      for( num_APChanReport = 0 ; num_APChanReport < pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.num_APChannelReport ; num_APChanReport++ )
+      {
+         palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pChanList, 
+               pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.APChannelReport[num_APChanReport].channelList, 
+               pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.APChannelReport[num_APChanReport].num_channelList );
+         pChanList += pBeaconReq->measurement_request.Beacon.APChannelReport[num_APChanReport].num_channelList;
+      }
+   }
+   //Send request to SME.
+   mmhMsg.type    = eWNI_SME_BEACON_REPORT_REQ_IND;
+   mmhMsg.bodyptr = pSmeBcnReportReq;
+   MTRACE(macTraceMsgTx(pMac, 0, mmhMsg.type));
+   return limSysProcessMmhMsgApi(pMac, &mmhMsg, ePROT);
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmFillBeaconIes
+ *
+ *
+ * LOGIC: Fills Fixed fields and Ies in bss description to an array of tANI_U8.
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param pIes - pointer to the buffer that should be populated with ies.
+ * @param pNumIes - returns the num of ies filled in this param.
+ * @param pIesMaxSize - Max size of the buffer pIes.
+ * @param eids - pointer to array of eids. If NULL, all ies will be populated.
+ * @param numEids - number of elements in array eids.
+ * @param pBssDesc - pointer to Bss Description.
+ * @return None
+ */
+static void
+rrmFillBeaconIes( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, 
+                  tANI_U8 *pIes, tANI_U8 *pNumIes, tANI_U8 pIesMaxSize, 
+                  tANI_U8 *eids, tANI_U8 numEids,
+                  tpSirBssDescription pBssDesc )
+   tANI_U8 len, *pBcnIes, BcnNumIes, count = 0, i;
+   if( (pIes == NULL) || (pNumIes == NULL) || (pBssDesc == NULL) )
+   {
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Invalid parameters\n") );)
+      return;
+   }
+   //Make sure that if eid is null, numEids is set to zero.
+   numEids = (eids == NULL) ? 0 : numEids;
+   pBcnIes = (tANI_U8*) &pBssDesc->ieFields[0];
+   BcnNumIes = (tANI_U8)GET_IE_LEN_IN_BSS( pBssDesc->length );
+   *pNumIes = 0;
+   *((tANI_U32*)pIes) = pBssDesc->timeStamp[0];
+   *pNumIes+=sizeof(tANI_U32); pIes+=sizeof(tANI_U32);
+   *((tANI_U32*)pIes) = pBssDesc->timeStamp[1];
+   *pNumIes+=sizeof(tANI_U32); pIes+=sizeof(tANI_U32);
+   *((tANI_U16*)pIes) =  pBssDesc->beaconInterval;
+   *pNumIes+=sizeof(tANI_U16); pIes+=sizeof(tANI_U16);
+   *((tANI_U16*)pIes) = pBssDesc->capabilityInfo;
+   *pNumIes+=sizeof(tANI_U16); pIes+=sizeof(tANI_U16);
+   while ( BcnNumIes > 0 ) 
+   {
+      len = *(pBcnIes + 1) + 2; //element id + length.
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "EID = %d, len = %d total = %d\n", *pBcnIes, *(pBcnIes+1), len );)
+      i = 0;
+      do
+      {  
+         if( ( (eids == NULL) || ( *pBcnIes == eids[i] ) )  &&
+             ( (*pNumIes) + len) < pIesMaxSize )
+         {
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+            PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "Adding Eid %d, len=%d\n", *pBcnIes, len );)
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pIes, pBcnIes, len ); 
+            pIes += len;
+            *pNumIes += len;
+            count++;
+            break;
+         }
+         i++;
+      }while( i < numEids );
+      pBcnIes += len;
+      BcnNumIes -= len;
+   }
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "Total length of Ies added = %d\n", *pNumIes );)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmProcessBeaconReportXmit
+ *
+ *
+ * LOGIC: Create a Radio measurement report action frame and send it to peer.
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param pBcnReport Data for beacon report IE from SME.
+ * @return None
+ */
+rrmProcessBeaconReportXmit( tpAniSirGlobal pMac,
+                            tpSirBeaconReportXmitInd pBcnReport)
+   tSirRetStatus status = eSIR_SUCCESS;
+   tSirMacRadioMeasureReport report, *pReport;
+   tpRRMReq pCurrentReq = pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.pCurrentReq; 
+   tpPESession pSessionEntry ;
+   tANI_U8 sessionId;
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "Received beacon report xmit indication\n");)  
+   if(NULL == pBcnReport)
+      return eSIR_FAILURE;
+   if ( pCurrentReq == NULL )
+   {
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "Received report xmit while there is no request pending in PE\n");)
+      return eSIR_FAILURE;
+   }
+   if ((pSessionEntry = peFindSessionByBssid(pMac,pBcnReport->bssId,&sessionId))==NULL)
+   {
+      PELOGE(limLog(pMac, LOGE,FL("session does not exist for given bssId\n"));)
+      return eSIR_FAILURE;
+   }
+   pReport = &report;
+   palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, pReport, sizeof(tSirMacRadioMeasureReport) );
+   //Prepare the beacon report and send it to the peer.
+   pReport->token = pBcnReport->uDialogToken;
+   pReport->refused = 0;
+   pReport->incapable = 0;
+   pReport->type = SIR_MAC_RRM_BEACON_TYPE;
+   //Valid response is included if the size of beacon xmit is == size of beacon xmit ind + ies 
+   if ( pBcnReport->length > sizeof( tSirBeaconReportXmitInd ) )
+   {
+      pReport->report.beaconReport.regClass =  pBcnReport->regClass;  
+      pReport-> = pBcnReport->pBssDescription[0]->channelId;
+      palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pReport->report.beaconReport.measStartTime, pBcnReport->pBssDescription[0]->startTSF, sizeof( pBcnReport->pBssDescription[0]->startTSF) );
+      pReport->report.beaconReport.measDuration = SYS_MS_TO_TU(pBcnReport->duration);
+      pReport->report.beaconReport.phyType = pBcnReport->pBssDescription[0]->nwType; //TODO: check this.
+      pReport->report.beaconReport.bcnProbeRsp = 1;
+      pReport->report.beaconReport.rsni = pBcnReport->pBssDescription[0]->sinr;
+      pReport->report.beaconReport.rcpi = pBcnReport->pBssDescription[0]->rssi;
+      pReport->report.beaconReport.antennaId = 0;
+      pReport->report.beaconReport.parentTSF = pBcnReport->pBssDescription[0]->parentTSF; 
+      palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pReport->report.beaconReport.bssid, pBcnReport->pBssDescription[0]->bssId, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+      switch ( pCurrentReq->request.Beacon.reportingDetail )
+      {
+         case BEACON_REPORTING_DETAIL_NO_FF_IE: //0 No need to include any elements.
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+            PELOGE(limLog(pMac, LOGE, "No reporting detail requested\n");)
+            break;
+         case BEACON_REPORTING_DETAIL_ALL_FF_REQ_IE: //1: Include all FFs and Requested Ies.
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+            PELOGE(limLog(pMac, LOGE, "Only requested IEs in reporting detail requested\n");)
+            rrmFillBeaconIes( pMac, (tANI_U8*) &pReport->report.beaconReport.Ies[0], 
+                  (tANI_U8*) &pReport->report.beaconReport.numIes, BEACON_REPORT_MAX_IES,
+                  pCurrentReq->request.Beacon.reqIes.pElementIds, pCurrentReq->request.Beacon.reqIes.num,
+                  pBcnReport->pBssDescription[0] );
+            break;
+         case BEACON_REPORTING_DETAIL_ALL_FF_IE: //2 / default - Include all FFs and all Ies.
+         default:
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+            PELOGE(limLog(pMac, LOGE, "Default all IEs and FFs\n");)
+            rrmFillBeaconIes( pMac, (tANI_U8*) &pReport->report.beaconReport.Ies[0], 
+                  (tANI_U8*) &pReport->report.beaconReport.numIes, BEACON_REPORT_MAX_IES,
+                  NULL, 0,
+                  pBcnReport->pBssDescription[0] );
+            break;
+      }
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "Sending Action frame \n");)
+      limSendRadioMeasureReportActionFrame( pMac, pCurrentReq->dialog_token, 1, 
+            pReport, pBcnReport->bssId, pSessionEntry );
+   }
+   if( pBcnReport->fMeasureDone )
+   {
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "Measurement done....cleanup the context\n");)
+      rrmCleanup(pMac);
+   }
+   return status;
+void rrmProcessBeaconRequestFailure(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tpPESession pSessionEntry, 
+                                                tSirMacAddr peer, tRrmRetStatus status)
+    tpSirMacRadioMeasureReport pReport = NULL;
+    tpRRMReq pCurrentReq = pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.pCurrentReq; 
+    if( eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != palAllocateMemory( pMac->hHdd,
+               (void **) &pReport,
+               sizeof( tSirMacRadioMeasureReport ) ) )
+    {
+         limLog( pMac, LOGP,
+               FL( "Unable to PAL allocate memory during RRM Req processing\n" ));
+         return;
+    }
+    palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, pReport, sizeof(tSirMacRadioMeasureReport) );
+    pReport->token = pCurrentReq->token;
+    pReport->type = SIR_MAC_RRM_BEACON_TYPE;
+    switch (status)
+    {
+        case eRRM_REFUSED:
+            pReport->refused = 1;
+            break;            
+        case eRRM_INCAPABLE:
+            pReport->incapable = 1;
+            break;
+        default:
+            PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Beacon request processing failed no report sent with status %d \n"), status););
+            palFreeMemory( pMac->hHdd, pReport );
+            return;
+    }
+    limSendRadioMeasureReportActionFrame( pMac, pCurrentReq->dialog_token, 1, 
+                                                        pReport, peer, pSessionEntry );
+    palFreeMemory( pMac->hHdd, pReport );
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+    PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Free memory for pReport\n") );)
+    return;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmProcessRadioMeasurementRequest
+ *
+ * FUNCTION:  Processes the Radio Resource Measurement request.
+ *
+ * LOGIC:
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param peer Macaddress of the peer requesting the radio measurement.
+ * @param pRRMReq Array of Measurement request IEs
+ * @param pSessionEntry session entry.
+ * @return None
+ */
+rrmProcessRadioMeasurementRequest( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, 
+                                  tSirMacAddr peer,
+                                  tDot11fRadioMeasurementRequest *pRRMReq,
+                                  tpPESession pSessionEntry )
+   tANI_U8 i;
+   tSirRetStatus status = eSIR_SUCCESS;
+   tpSirMacRadioMeasureReport pReport = NULL;
+   tANI_U8 num_report = 0;
+   tpRRMReq pCurrentReq = pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.pCurrentReq; 
+   tRrmRetStatus    rrmStatus = eRRM_SUCCESS;
+   if( !pRRMReq->num_MeasurementRequest )
+   {
+      //No measurement requests....
+      //
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "No requestIes in the measurement request\n" );)
+      return eSIR_FAILURE;
+   }
+   // PF Fix
+   if( pRRMReq->NumOfRepetitions.repetitions > 0 )
+   {
+      //Send a report with incapable bit set. Not supporting repetitions.
+      if( eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != palAllocateMemory( pMac->hHdd,
+               (void **) &pReport,
+               sizeof( tSirMacRadioMeasureReport ) ) )
+      {
+         limLog( pMac, LOGP,
+               FL( "Unable to PAL allocate memory during RRM Req processing\n" ));
+         return eSIR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED;
+      }
+      palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, pReport, sizeof(tSirMacRadioMeasureReport) );
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Allocated memory for pReport\n") );)
+      pReport->incapable = 1;
+      pReport->type = pRRMReq->MeasurementRequest[0].measurement_type;
+      num_report = 1;
+      goto end;
+   }
+   for( i= 0; i < pRRMReq->num_MeasurementRequest; i++ )
+   {
+      switch( pRRMReq->MeasurementRequest[i].measurement_type )
+      {
+         case SIR_MAC_RRM_BEACON_TYPE:
+            //Process beacon request.
+            if( pCurrentReq )
+            {
+               if ( pReport == NULL ) //Allocate memory to send reports for any subsequent requests.
+               {
+                  if( eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != palAllocateMemory( pMac->hHdd,
+                           (void **) &pReport,
+                           sizeof( tSirMacRadioMeasureReport ) * (pRRMReq->num_MeasurementRequest - i) ) )
+                  {
+                     limLog( pMac, LOGP,
+                           FL( "Unable to PAL allocate memory during RRM Req processing\n" ));
+                     return eSIR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED;
+                  }
+                  palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, pReport, sizeof( tSirMacRadioMeasureReport ) * (pRRMReq->num_MeasurementRequest - i) ); 
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+                  limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Allocated memory for pReport\n") );
+               }
+               pReport[num_report].refused = 1;
+               pReport[num_report].type = SIR_MAC_RRM_BEACON_TYPE;
+               pReport[num_report].token = pRRMReq->MeasurementRequest[i].measurement_token;
+               num_report++;
+               continue;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               if( eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != palAllocateMemory( pMac->hHdd,
+                        (void **) &pCurrentReq,
+                        sizeof( *pCurrentReq ) ) )
+               {
+                  limLog( pMac, LOGP,
+                        FL( "Unable to PAL allocate memory during RRM Req processing\n" ));
+                  return eSIR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED;
+               }
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+               PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Allocated memory for pCurrentReq\n") );)
+               palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, pCurrentReq, sizeof( *pCurrentReq ) );
+               pCurrentReq->dialog_token = pRRMReq->DialogToken.token;
+               pCurrentReq->token = pRRMReq->MeasurementRequest[i].measurement_token;
+               pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.pCurrentReq = pCurrentReq;
+               rrmStatus = rrmProcessBeaconReportReq( pMac, pCurrentReq, &pRRMReq->MeasurementRequest[i], pSessionEntry );
+               if (eRRM_SUCCESS != rrmStatus)
+               {
+                   rrmProcessBeaconRequestFailure(pMac, pSessionEntry, peer, rrmStatus);
+                   rrmCleanup(pMac);
+               }
+            }
+            break;            
+         default:
+            //Send a report with incapabale bit set.
+            if ( pReport == NULL ) //Allocate memory to send reports for any subsequent requests.
+            {
+               if( eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != palAllocateMemory( pMac->hHdd,
+                        (void **) &pReport,
+                        sizeof( tSirMacRadioMeasureReport ) * (pRRMReq->num_MeasurementRequest - i) ) )
+               {
+                  limLog( pMac, LOGP,
+                        FL( "Unable to PAL allocate memory during RRM Req processing\n" ));
+                  return eSIR_MEM_ALLOC_FAILED;
+               }
+               palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, pReport, sizeof( tSirMacRadioMeasureReport ) * (pRRMReq->num_MeasurementRequest - i) ); 
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+               PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Allocated memory for pReport\n") );)
+            }
+            pReport[num_report].incapable = 1;
+            pReport[num_report].type = pRRMReq->MeasurementRequest[i].measurement_type;
+            pReport[num_report].token = pRRMReq->MeasurementRequest[i].measurement_token;
+            num_report++;
+            break;
+      }
+   }
+   if( pReport )
+   {
+      limSendRadioMeasureReportActionFrame( pMac, pRRMReq->DialogToken.token, num_report, 
+            pReport, peer, pSessionEntry );
+      palFreeMemory( pMac->hHdd, pReport );
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Free memory for pReport\n") );)
+   }
+   return status;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmUpdateStartTSF
+ **
+ * FUNCTION:  Store start TSF of measurement.
+ *
+ * LOGIC:
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param startTSF - TSF value at the start of measurement.
+ * @return None
+ */
+rrmUpdateStartTSF ( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 startTSF[2] )
+#if 0 //defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   limLog( pMac, LOGE, "Update Start TSF = %d %d\n", startTSF[0], startTSF[1] ); 
+   pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.startTSF[0] = startTSF[0];
+   pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.startTSF[1] = startTSF[1];
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmGetStartTSF
+ *
+ * FUNCTION:  Get the Start TSF.
+ *
+ * LOGIC:
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param startTSF - store star TSF in this buffer.
+ * @return txPower
+ */
+rrmGetStartTSF ( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 *pStartTSF )
+#if 0 //defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   limLog( pMac, LOGE, "Get the start TSF, TSF = %d %d \n", pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.startTSF[0], pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.startTSF[1] ); 
+   pStartTSF[0] = pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.startTSF[0];
+   pStartTSF[1] = pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.startTSF[1];
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmGetCapabilities
+ *
+ * Returns a pointer to tpRRMCaps with all the caps enabled in RRM
+ *
+ * LOGIC:
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param pSessionEntry
+ * @return pointer to tRRMCaps
+ */
+tpRRMCaps rrmGetCapabilities ( tpAniSirGlobal pMac,
+                               tpPESession pSessionEntry )
+   return &pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.rrmEnabledCaps;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmUpdateConfig
+ *
+ * Update the configuration. This is called from limUpdateConfig.
+ *
+ * LOGIC:
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param pSessionEntry
+ * @return pointer to tRRMCaps
+ */
+void rrmUpdateConfig ( tpAniSirGlobal pMac,
+                               tpPESession pSessionEntry )
+   tANI_U32 val;
+   tpRRMCaps pRRMCaps = &pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.rrmEnabledCaps;
+   if (wlan_cfgGetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_RRM_ENABLED, &val) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
+   {
+       limLog(pMac, LOGP, FL("cfg get rrm enabled failed\n"));
+       return;
+   }
+   pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.rrmEnable = (val) ? 1 : 0;    
+   if (wlan_cfgGetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_RRM_OPERATING_CHAN_MAX, &val) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
+   {
+       limLog(pMac, LOGP, FL("cfg get rrm operating channel max measurement duration failed\n"));
+       return;
+   }
+   pRRMCaps->operatingChanMax = (tANI_U8)val;
+   if (wlan_cfgGetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_RRM_NON_OPERATING_CHAN_MAX, &val) != eSIR_SUCCESS)
+   {
+       limLog(pMac, LOGP, FL("cfg get rrm non-operating channel max measurement duration failed\n"));
+       return;
+   }
+   pRRMCaps->nonOperatingChanMax =(tANI_U8) val;
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+   PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, "RRM enabled = %d  OperatingChanMax = %d  NonOperatingMax = %d\n", pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.rrmEnable,
+                     pRRMCaps->operatingChanMax, pRRMCaps->nonOperatingChanMax );)
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmInitialize
+ *
+ * Initialize RRM module
+ *
+ * LOGIC:
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @return None
+ */
+rrmInitialize(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+   tpRRMCaps pRRMCaps = &pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.rrmEnabledCaps;
+   pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.pCurrentReq = NULL; 
+   pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.txMgmtPower = 0;
+   pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.DialogToken = 0;
+   pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.rrmEnable = 0;
+   palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, pRRMCaps, sizeof(tRRMCaps) );
+   pRRMCaps->LinkMeasurement = 1;
+   pRRMCaps->NeighborRpt = 1;
+   pRRMCaps->BeaconPassive = 1;
+   pRRMCaps->BeaconActive = 1;
+   pRRMCaps->BeaconTable = 1;
+   pRRMCaps->APChanReport = 1;
+   //pRRMCaps->TCMCapability = 1;
+   //pRRMCaps->triggeredTCM = 1;
+   pRRMCaps->operatingChanMax = 3;
+   pRRMCaps->nonOperatingChanMax = 3;
+   return eSIR_SUCCESS;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmCleanup
+ *
+ * cleanup RRM module
+ *
+ * LOGIC:
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param mode
+ * @param rate
+ * @return None
+ */
+rrmCleanup(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+   if( pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.pCurrentReq )
+   {
+      if( pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.pCurrentReq->request.Beacon.reqIes.pElementIds )
+      {
+         palFreeMemory( pMac->hHdd, pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.pCurrentReq->request.Beacon.reqIes.pElementIds );
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+         PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Free memory for pElementIds\n") );)
+      }
+      palFreeMemory( pMac->hHdd, pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.pCurrentReq ); 
+#if defined WLAN_VOWIFI_DEBUG
+      PELOGE(limLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Free memory for pCurrentReq\n") );)
+   }
+   pMac->rrm.rrmPEContext.pCurrentReq = NULL; 
+   return eSIR_SUCCESS;
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * rrmProcessMessage
+ *
+ * FUNCTION:  Processes the next received Radio Resource Management message
+ *
+ * LOGIC:
+ *
+ *
+ * NOTE:
+ *
+ * @param None
+ * @return None
+ */
+void rrmProcessMessage(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tpSirMsgQ pMsg)
+   switch (pMsg->type)
+   {
+         rrmProcessNeighborReportReq( pMac, pMsg->bodyptr );
+         break;
+         rrmProcessBeaconReportXmit( pMac, pMsg->bodyptr );
+         break;
+   }