prima: WLAN Driver Release

This is the initial release of the Prima WLAN Driver
diff --git a/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h b/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c14d3f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CORE/SME/inc/sme_Api.h
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+ * Copyright (c) 2012, Code Aurora Forum. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Previously licensed under the ISC license by Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
+ *
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for
+ * any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the
+ * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all
+ * copies.
+ *
+ */
+#if !defined( __SME_API_H )
+#define __SME_API_H
+  \file  smeApi.h
+  \brief prototype for SME APIs
+   Copyright 2008 (c) Qualcomm, Incorporated.  All Rights Reserved.
+   Qualcomm Confidential and Proprietary.
+  ========================================================================*/
+/* $Header$ */
+  Include Files
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include "ccmApi.h"
+#include "csrApi.h"
+#include "pmcApi.h"
+#include "vos_mq.h"
+#include "vos_lock.h"
+#include "halTypes.h"
+#include "sirApi.h"
+#include "btcApi.h"
+#include "vos_nvitem.h"
+#include "p2p_Api.h"
+#include "halFw.h"
+#include "smeRrmInternal.h"
+  Preprocessor definitions and constants
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#define SME_SUMMARY_STATS         1
+#define SME_PER_STA_STATS        32
+  Type declarations
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+typedef struct _smeConfigParams
+   tCsrConfigParam  csrConfig;
+   tRrmConfigParam  rrmConfig;
+#if defined FEATURE_WLAN_CCX
+    tANI_U8   isCcxIniFeatureEnabled;
+   tP2PConfigParam  p2pConfig;
+#if  defined (WLAN_FEATURE_VOWIFI_11R) || defined (FEATURE_WLAN_CCX)
+    tANI_U8   isFastTransitionEnabled;
+} tSmeConfigParams, *tpSmeConfigParams;
+  Function declarations and documenation
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+  \brief sme_Open() - Initialze all SME modules and put them at idle state
+  The function initializes each module inside SME, PMC, CCM, CSR, etc. . Upon 
+  successfully return, all modules are at idle state ready to start.
+  smeOpen must be called before any other SME APIs can be involved. 
+  smeOpen must be called after macOpen.
+  \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+  \return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - SME is successfully initialized.
+          Other status means SME is failed to be initialized     
+  \sa
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_Open(tHalHandle hHal);
+  \brief sme_Close() - Release all SME modules and their resources.
+  The function release each module in SME, PMC, CCM, CSR, etc. . Upon 
+  return, all modules are at closed state.
+  No SME APIs can be involved after sme_Close except sme_Open. 
+  sme_Close must be called before macClose.
+  \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+  \return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - SME is successfully close.
+          Other status means SME is failed to be closed but caller still cannot
+          call any other SME functions except smeOpen.
+  \sa
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_Close(tHalHandle hHal);
+  \brief sme_Start() - Put all SME modules at ready state.
+  The function starts each module in SME, PMC, CCM, CSR, etc. . Upon 
+  successfully return, all modules are ready to run.
+  \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+  \return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - SME is ready.
+          Other status means SME is failed to start.     
+  \sa
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_Start(tHalHandle hHal);
+  \brief sme_Stop() - Stop all SME modules and put them at idle state
+  The function stops each module in SME, PMC, CCM, CSR, etc. . Upon 
+  return, all modules are at idle state ready to start.
+  \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+  \param pmcFlag - The flag tells SME if we want to stop PMC or not
+  \return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - SME is stopped.
+          Other status means SME is failed to stop but caller should still consider 
+          SME is stopped.
+  \sa
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_Stop(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_BOOLEAN pmcFlag);
+  \brief sme_OpenSession() - Open a session for scan/roam operation. 
+  This is a synchronous API.
+  \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+  \param callback - A pointer to the function caller specifies for roam/connect status indication
+  \param pContext - The context passed with callback
+  \param pSelfMacAddr - Caller allocated memory filled with self MAC address (6 bytes)
+  \param pbSessionId - pointer to a caller allocated buffer for returned session ID
+  \return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - session is opened. sessionId returned.
+          Other status means SME is failed to open the session.  
+          eHAL_STATUS_RESOURCES - no more session available.
+  \sa
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_OpenSession(tHalHandle hHal, csrRoamCompleteCallback callback, void *pContext, 
+                           tANI_U8 *pSelfMacAddr, tANI_U8 *pbSessionId);
+  \brief sme_CloseSession() - Open a session for scan/roam operation. 
+  This is a synchronous API.
+  \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+  \param sessionId - A previous opened session's ID.
+  \return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - session is closed. 
+          Other status means SME is failed to open the session.  
+          eHAL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER - session is not opened. 
+  \sa
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_CloseSession(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId,
+                         csrRoamSessionCloseCallback callback, void *pContext);
+  \brief sme_UpdateConfig() - Change configurations for all SME moduels
+  The function updates some configuration for modules in SME, CCM, CSR, etc
+  during SMEs close -> open sequence.
+  Modules inside SME apply the new configuration at the next transaction.
+  \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+  \Param pSmeConfigParams - a pointer to a caller allocated object of 
+  typedef struct _smeConfigParams.
+  \return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - SME update the config parameters successfully.
+          Other status means SME is failed to update the config parameters.
+  \sa
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_UpdateConfig(tHalHandle hHal, tpSmeConfigParams pSmeConfigParams);
+  \brief sme_UpdateChannelConfig() - Update channel configuration in RIVA.
+  It is used at driver start up to inform RIVA of the default channel 
+  configuration. 
+  This is a synchronuous call
+  \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+  \return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - SME update the channel config successfully.
+          Other status means SME is failed to update the channel config.
+  \sa
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_UpdateChannelConfig(tHalHandle hHal);
+  \brief sme_set11dinfo() - Set the 11d information about valid channels
+   and there power using information from nvRAM 
+   This function is called only for AP.
+  This is a synchronuous call
+  \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+  \Param pSmeConfigParams - a pointer to a caller allocated object of
+  typedef struct _smeConfigParams.
+  \return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - SME update the config parameters successfully.
+          Other status means SME is failed to update the config parameters.
+  \sa
+eHalStatus sme_set11dinfo(tHalHandle hHal,  tpSmeConfigParams pSmeConfigParams);
+  \brief sme_getSoftApDomain() - Get the current regulatory domain of softAp.
+  This is a synchronuous call
+  \param hHal - The handle returned by HostapdAdapter.
+  \Param v_REGDOMAIN_t - The current Regulatory Domain requested for SoftAp.
+  \return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - SME successfully completed the request.
+          Other status means, failed to get the current regulatory domain.
+  \sa
+eHalStatus sme_getSoftApDomain(tHalHandle hHal,  v_REGDOMAIN_t *domainIdSoftAp);
+eHalStatus sme_setRegInfo(tHalHandle hHal,  tANI_U8 *apCntryCode);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_ChangeConfigParams
+    \brief The SME API exposed for HDD to provide config params to SME during 
+    SMEs stop -> start sequence. 
+    If HDD changed the domain that will cause a reset. This function will 
+    provide the new set of 11d information for the new domain. Currrently this
+    API provides info regarding 11d only at reset but we can extend this for
+    other params (PMC, QoS) which needs to be initialized again at reset.
+    This is a synchronuous call
+    \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \Param
+    pUpdateConfigParam - a pointer to a structure (tCsrUpdateConfigParam) that 
+                currently provides 11d related information like Country code, 
+                Regulatory domain, valid channel list, Tx power per channel, a 
+                list with active/passive scan allowed per valid channel. 
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_ChangeConfigParams(tHalHandle hHal, 
+                                 tCsrUpdateConfigParam *pUpdateConfigParam);
+  \brief sme_HDDReadyInd() - SME sends eWNI_SME_SYS_READY_IND to PE to inform that the NIC
+  is ready tio run.
+  The function is called by HDD at the end of initialization stage so PE/HAL can enable the NIC 
+  to running state. 
+  \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+  \return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - eWNI_SME_SYS_READY_IND is sent to PE successfully.
+          Other status means SME failed to send the message to PE.
+  \sa
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_HDDReadyInd(tHalHandle hHal);
+  \brief sme_ProcessMsg() - The main message processor for SME.
+  The function is called by a message dispatcher when to process a message 
+  targeted for SME. 
+  \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+  \param pMsg - A pointer to a caller allocated object of tSirMsgQ.
+  \return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - SME successfully process the message.
+          Other status means SME failed to process the message.
+  \sa
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_ProcessMsg(tHalHandle hHal, vos_msg_t* pMsg);
+v_VOID_t sme_FreeMsg( tHalHandle hHal, vos_msg_t* pMsg );
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_ScanRequest
+    \brief a wrapper function to Request a 11d or full scan from CSR.
+    \param pScanRequestID - pointer to an object to get back the request ID
+    \param callback - a callback function that scan calls upon finish, will not 
+                      be called if csrScanRequest returns error
+    \param pContext - a pointer passed in for the callback
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_ScanRequest(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, tCsrScanRequest *, 
+                           tANI_U32 *pScanRequestID, 
+                           csrScanCompleteCallback callback, void *pContext);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_ScanSetBGScanparams
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to set BG scan params in PE
+    \param pScanReq - BG scan request structure
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_ScanSetBGScanparams(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, tCsrBGScanRequest *pScanReq);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_ScanGetResult
+    \brief a wrapper function to request scan results from CSR.
+    \param pFilter - If pFilter is NULL, all cached results are returned
+    \param phResult - an object for the result.
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_ScanGetResult(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, tCsrScanResultFilter *pFilter, 
+                            tScanResultHandle *phResult);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_ScanFlushResult
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to clear scan results.
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_ScanFlushResult(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_ScanResultGetFirst
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to returns the first element of 
+           scan result.
+    \param hScanResult - returned from csrScanGetResult
+    \return tCsrScanResultInfo * - NULL if no result     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+tCsrScanResultInfo *sme_ScanResultGetFirst(tHalHandle, 
+                                          tScanResultHandle hScanResult);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_ScanResultGetNext
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to returns the next element of 
+           scan result. It can be called without calling csrScanResultGetFirst 
+           first
+    \param hScanResult - returned from csrScanGetResult
+    \return Null if no result or reach the end     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+tCsrScanResultInfo *sme_ScanResultGetNext(tHalHandle, 
+                                          tScanResultHandle hScanResult);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_ScanResultPurge
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to remove all items(tCsrScanResult) 
+           in the list and free memory for each item
+    \param hScanResult - returned from csrScanGetResult. hScanResult is 
+                         considered gone by 
+    calling this function and even before this function reutrns.
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_ScanResultPurge(tHalHandle hHal, tScanResultHandle hScanResult);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_ScanGetPMKIDCandidateList
+    \brief a wrapper function to return the PMKID candidate list
+    \param pPmkidList - caller allocated buffer point to an array of 
+                        tPmkidCandidateInfo
+    \param pNumItems - pointer to a variable that has the number of 
+                       tPmkidCandidateInfo allocated when retruning, this is 
+                       either the number needed or number of items put into 
+                       pPmkidList
+    \return eHalStatus - when fail, it usually means the buffer allocated is not 
+                         big enough and pNumItems
+    has the number of tPmkidCandidateInfo.
+    \Note: pNumItems is a number of tPmkidCandidateInfo, 
+           not sizeof(tPmkidCandidateInfo) * something
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_ScanGetPMKIDCandidateList(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId,
+                                        tPmkidCandidateInfo *pPmkidList, 
+                                        tANI_U32 *pNumItems );
+  \fn sme_RoamRegisterLinkQualityIndCallback
+  \brief
+  a wrapper function to allow HDD to register a callback handler with CSR for 
+  link quality indications. 
+  Only one callback may be registered at any time.
+  In order to deregister the callback, a NULL cback may be provided.
+  Registration happens in the task context of the caller.
+  \param callback - Call back being registered
+  \param pContext - user data
+  \return eHalStatus  
+eHalStatus sme_RoamRegisterLinkQualityIndCallback(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId,
+                                                  csrRoamLinkQualityIndCallback   callback,  
+                                                  void                           *pContext);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamConnect
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to inititiate an association
+    \param sessionId - the sessionId returned by sme_OpenSession.
+    \param pProfile - can be NULL to join to any open ones
+    \param pRoamId - to get back the request ID
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamConnect(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, 
+                           tANI_U32 *pRoamId);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamReassoc
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to inititiate a re-association
+    \param pProfile - can be NULL to join the currently connected AP. In that 
+    case modProfileFields should carry the modified field(s) which could trigger
+    reassoc  
+    \param modProfileFields - fields which are part of tCsrRoamConnectedProfile 
+    that might need modification dynamically once STA is up & running and this 
+    could trigger a reassoc
+    \param pRoamId - to get back the request ID
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamReassoc(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile,
+                          tCsrRoamModifyProfileFields modProfileFields,
+                          tANI_U32 *pRoamId);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamConnectToLastProfile
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to disconnect and reconnect with 
+           the same profile
+    \return eHalStatus. It returns fail if currently connected     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamConnectToLastProfile(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamDisconnect
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to disconnect from a network
+    \param reason -- To indicate the reason for disconnecting. Currently, only 
+                     eCSR_DISCONNECT_REASON_MIC_ERROR is meanful.
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamDisconnect(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, eCsrRoamDisconnectReason reason);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamStopBss
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to stop bss
+    \param sessionId    - sessionId of SoftAP
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamStopBss(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamGetAssociatedStas
+    \brief To probe the list of associated stations from various modules of CORE stack.
+    \This is an asynchronous API.
+    \param sessionId    - sessionId of SoftAP
+    \param modId        - Module from whom list of associtated stations is to be probed.
+                          If an invalid module is passed then by default VOS_MODULE_ID_PE will be probed
+    \param pUsrContext  - Opaque HDD context
+    \param pfnSapEventCallback  - Sap event callback in HDD
+    \param pAssocBuf    - Caller allocated memory to be filled with associatd stations info
+    \return eHalStatus
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamGetAssociatedStas(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId,
+                                        VOS_MODULE_ID modId, void *pUsrContext,
+                                        void *pfnSapEventCallback, tANI_U8 *pAssocStasBuf);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamDisconnectSta
+    \brief To disassociate a station. This is an asynchronous API.
+    \param pPeerMacAddr - Caller allocated memory filled with peer MAC address (6 bytes)
+    \return eHalStatus  SUCCESS  Roam callback will be called to indicate actual results
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamDisconnectSta(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, tANI_U8 *pPeerMacAddr);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamDeauthSta
+    \brief To disassociate a station. This is an asynchronous API.
+    \param hHal - Global structure
+    \param sessionId - sessionId of SoftAP
+    \param pPeerMacAddr - Caller allocated memory filled with peer MAC address (6 bytes)
+    \return eHalStatus  SUCCESS  Roam callback will be called to indicate actual results    
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamDeauthSta(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId,
+                                tANI_U8 *pPeerMacAddr);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamTKIPCounterMeasures
+    \brief To start or stop TKIP counter measures. This is an asynchronous API.
+    \param sessionId - sessionId of SoftAP
+    \param bEnable - Flag to start/stop TKIP countermeasures
+    \return eHalStatus  SUCCESS  Roam callback will be called to indicate actual results    
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamTKIPCounterMeasures(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, tANI_BOOLEAN bEnable);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamGetWpsSessionOverlap
+    \brief To get the WPS PBC session overlap information.
+    \This is an asynchronous API.
+    \param sessionId    - sessionId of SoftAP
+    \param pUsrContext  - Opaque HDD context
+    \param pfnSapEventCallback  - Sap event callback in HDD
+    \return eHalStatus
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamGetWpsSessionOverlap(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId,
+                                        void *pUsrContext, void *pfnSapEventCallback,
+                                        v_MACADDR_t pRemoveMac);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamGetConnectState
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to return the current connect state 
+           of Roaming
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamGetConnectState(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, eCsrConnectState *pState);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamGetConnectProfile
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to return the current connect 
+           profile. Caller must call csrRoamFreeConnectProfile after it is done 
+           and before reuse for another csrRoamGetConnectProfile call.
+    \param pProfile - pointer to a caller allocated structure 
+                      tCsrRoamConnectedProfile
+    \return eHalStatus. Failure if not connected     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamGetConnectProfile(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId,
+                                     tCsrRoamConnectedProfile *pProfile);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamFreeConnectProfile
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to free and reinitialize the 
+           profile returned previously by csrRoamGetConnectProfile.
+    \param pProfile - pointer to a caller allocated structure 
+                      tCsrRoamConnectedProfile
+    \return eHalStatus.      
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamFreeConnectProfile(tHalHandle hHal, 
+                                      tCsrRoamConnectedProfile *pProfile);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamSetPMKIDCache
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to return the PMKID candidate list
+    \param pPMKIDCache - caller allocated buffer point to an array of 
+                         tPmkidCacheInfo
+    \param numItems - a variable that has the number of tPmkidCacheInfo 
+                      allocated when retruning, this is either the number needed 
+                      or number of items put into pPMKIDCache
+    \return eHalStatus - when fail, it usually means the buffer allocated is not 
+                         big enough and pNumItems has the number of 
+                         tPmkidCacheInfo.
+    \Note: pNumItems is a number of tPmkidCacheInfo, 
+           not sizeof(tPmkidCacheInfo) * something
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamSetPMKIDCache( tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, tPmkidCacheInfo *pPMKIDCache, 
+                                  tANI_U32 numItems );
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamGetSecurityReqIE
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to return the WPA or RSN or WAPI IE CSR
+           passes to PE to JOIN request or START_BSS request
+    This is a synchronuous call.
+    \param sessionId - returned by sme_OpenSession.
+    \param pLen - caller allocated memory that has the length of pBuf as input. 
+                  Upon returned, *pLen has the needed or IE length in pBuf.
+    \param pBuf - Caller allocated memory that contain the IE field, if any, 
+                  upon return
+    \param secType - Specifies whether looking for WPA/WPA2/WAPI IE                  
+    \return eHalStatus - when fail, it usually means the buffer allocated is not 
+                         big enough
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamGetSecurityReqIE(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, tANI_U32 *pLen,
+                                  tANI_U8 *pBuf, eCsrSecurityType secType);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamGetSecurityRspIE
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to return the WPA or RSN or WAPI IE from 
+           the beacon or probe rsp if connected
+    \param sessionId - returned by sme_OpenSession.
+    \param pLen - caller allocated memory that has the length of pBuf as input. 
+                  Upon returned, *pLen has the needed or IE length in pBuf.
+    \param pBuf - Caller allocated memory that contain the IE field, if any, 
+                  upon return
+    \param secType - Specifies whether looking for WPA/WPA2/WAPI IE                                       
+    \return eHalStatus - when fail, it usually means the buffer allocated is not 
+                         big enough
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamGetSecurityRspIE(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, tANI_U32 *pLen,
+                                  tANI_U8 *pBuf, eCsrSecurityType secType);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamGetNumPMKIDCache
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to return number of PMKID cache 
+           entries
+    \return tANI_U32 - the number of PMKID cache entries
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+tANI_U32 sme_RoamGetNumPMKIDCache(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamGetPMKIDCache
+    \brief a wrapper function to request CSR to return PMKID cache from CSR
+    \param pNum - caller allocated memory that has the space of the number of 
+                  pBuf tPmkidCacheInfo as input. Upon returned, *pNum has the 
+                  needed or actually number in tPmkidCacheInfo.
+    \param pPmkidCache - Caller allocated memory that contains PMKID cache, if 
+                         any, upon return
+    \return eHalStatus - when fail, it usually means the buffer allocated is not 
+                         big enough
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamGetPMKIDCache(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, tANI_U32 *pNum, 
+                                 tPmkidCacheInfo *pPmkidCache);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_GetConfigParam
+    \brief a wrapper function that HDD calls to get the global settings 
+           currently maintained by CSR. 
+    \param pParam - caller allocated memory
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_GetConfigParam(tHalHandle hHal, tSmeConfigParams *pParam);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_GetStatistics
+    \brief a wrapper function that client calls to register a callback to get 
+    different PHY level statistics from CSR. 
+    \param requesterId - different client requesting for statistics, HDD, UMA/GAN etc
+    \param statsMask - The different category/categories of stats requester is looking for
+    The order in which you set the bits in the statsMask for requesting 
+    different type of stats is:
+      eCsrSummaryStats = bit 0
+      eCsrGlobalClassAStats = bit 1
+      eCsrGlobalClassBStats = bit 2
+      eCsrGlobalClassCStats = bit 3
+      eCsrGlobalClassDStats = bit 4
+      eCsrPerStaStats = bit 5
+    \param callback - SME sends back the requested stats using the callback
+    \param periodicity - If requester needs periodic update, 0 means it's an one 
+                         time request
+    \param cache - If requester is happy with cached stats
+    \param staId - The station ID for which the stats is requested for
+    \param pContext - user context to be passed back along with the callback
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_GetStatistics(tHalHandle hHal, eCsrStatsRequesterType requesterId, 
+                             tANI_U32 statsMask, 
+                             tCsrStatsCallback callback, 
+                             tANI_U32 periodicity, tANI_BOOLEAN cache, 
+                             tANI_U8 staId, void *pContext);
+eHalStatus sme_GetRssi(tHalHandle hHal, 
+                             tCsrRssiCallback callback, 
+                             tANI_U8 staId, tCsrBssid bssId, void *pContext, void* pVosContext);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_CfgSetInt
+    \brief a wrapper function that HDD calls to set parameters in CFG. 
+    \param cfgId - Configuration Parameter ID (type) for STA. 
+    \param ccmValue - The information related to Configuration Parameter ID
+                      which needs to be saved in CFG
+    \param callback - To be registered by CSR with CCM. Once the CFG done with 
+                      saving the information in the database, it notifies CCM & 
+                      then the callback will be invoked to notify. 
+    \param toBeSaved - To save the request for future reference
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_CfgSetInt(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 cfgId, tANI_U32 ccmValue, 
+                         tCcmCfgSetCallback callback, eAniBoolean toBeSaved) ;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_CfgSetStr
+    \brief a wrapper function that HDD calls to set parameters in CFG. 
+    \param cfgId - Configuration Parameter ID (type) for STA. 
+    \param pStr - Pointer to the byte array which carries the information needs 
+                  to be saved in CFG
+    \param length - Length of the data to be saved                  
+    \param callback - To be registered by CSR with CCM. Once the CFG done with 
+                      saving the information in the database, it notifies CCM & 
+                      then the callback will be invoked to notify. 
+    \param toBeSaved - To save the request for future reference
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_CfgSetStr(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 cfgId, tANI_U8 *pStr, 
+                         tANI_U32 length, tCcmCfgSetCallback callback, 
+                         eAniBoolean toBeSaved) ;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_GetModifyProfileFields
+    \brief HDD or SME - QOS calls this function to get the current values of 
+    connected profile fields, changing which can cause reassoc.
+    This function must be called after CFG is downloaded and STA is in connected
+    state. Also, make sure to call this function to get the current profile
+    fields before calling the reassoc. So that pModifyProfileFields will have
+    all the latest values plus the one(s) has been updated as part of reassoc
+    request.
+    \param pModifyProfileFields - pointer to the connected profile fields 
+    changing which can cause reassoc
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_GetModifyProfileFields(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, 
+                                     tCsrRoamModifyProfileFields * pModifyProfileFields);
+    \fn sme_SetConfigPowerSave
+    \brief  Wrapper fn to change power save configuration in SME (PMC) module.
+            For BMPS related configuration, this function also updates the CFG
+            and sends a message to FW to pick up the new values. Note: Calling
+            this function only updates the configuration and does not enable 
+            the specified power save mode.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  psMode - Power Saving mode being modified
+    \param  pConfigParams - a pointer to a caller allocated object of type
+            tPmcSmpsConfigParams or tPmcBmpsConfigParams or tPmcImpsConfigParams 
+    \return eHalStatus   
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_SetConfigPowerSave(tHalHandle hHal, tPmcPowerSavingMode psMode,
+                                  void *pConfigParams);
+    \fn sme_GetConfigPowerSave
+    \brief  Wrapper fn to retireve power save configuration in SME (PMC) module
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  psMode - Power Saving mode
+    \param  pConfigParams - a pointer to a caller allocated object of type
+            tPmcSmpsConfigParams or tPmcBmpsConfigParams or tPmcImpsConfigParams 
+    \return eHalStatus   
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_GetConfigPowerSave(tHalHandle hHal, tPmcPowerSavingMode psMode,
+                                  void *pConfigParams);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_SignalPowerEvent
+    \brief  Signals to PMC that a power event has occurred. Used for putting
+            the chip into deep sleep mode.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  event - the event that has occurred
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_SignalPowerEvent (
+   tHalHandle hHal,
+   tPmcPowerEvent event);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_EnablePowerSave
+    \brief  Enables one of the power saving modes. This API does not cause a
+            device state change. This is purely a configuration API.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  psMode - The power saving mode to enable.
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_EnablePowerSave (
+   tHalHandle hHal,
+   tPmcPowerSavingMode psMode);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_DisablePowerSave
+    \brief   Disables one of the power saving modes.Disabling does not imply
+             that device will be brought out of the current PS mode. This is 
+             purely a configuration API.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  psMode - The power saving mode to disable. 
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_DisablePowerSave (
+   tHalHandle hHal,
+   tPmcPowerSavingMode psMode);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_StartAutoBmpsTimer
+    \brief  Starts a timer that periodically polls all the registered
+            module for entry into Bmps mode. This timer is started only if BMPS is
+            enabled and whenever the device is in full power.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_StartAutoBmpsTimer ( tHalHandle hHal);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_StopAutoBmpsTimer
+    \brief  Stops the Auto BMPS Timer that was started using sme_startAutoBmpsTimer
+            Stopping the timer does not cause a device state change. Only the timer
+            is stopped. If "Full Power" is desired, use the sme_RequestFullPower API
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_StopAutoBmpsTimer ( tHalHandle hHal);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_QueryPowerState
+    \brief  Returns the current power state of the device.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param pPowerState - pointer to location to return power state
+    \param pSwWlanSwitchState - ptr to location to return SW WLAN Switch state
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_QueryPowerState (
+   tHalHandle hHal,
+   tPmcPowerState *pPowerState,
+   tPmcSwitchState *pSwWlanSwitchState);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_IsPowerSaveEnabled
+    \brief  Checks if the device is able to enter a particular power save mode
+            This does not imply that the device is in a particular PS mode
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param psMode - the power saving mode
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern tANI_BOOLEAN sme_IsPowerSaveEnabled(
+   tHalHandle hHal,
+   tPmcPowerSavingMode psMode);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RequestFullPower
+    \brief  Request that the device be brought to full power state.
+            Note 1: If "fullPowerReason" specificied in this API is set to
+            eSME_FULL_PWR_NEEDED_BY_HDD, PMC will clear any "buffered wowl" requests
+            and also clear any "buffered BMPS requests by HDD". Assumption is that since
+            HDD is requesting full power, we need to undo any previous HDD requests for 
+            BMPS (using sme_RequestBmps) or WoWL (using sme_EnterWoWL). If the reason is
+            specified anything other than above, the buffered requests for BMPS and WoWL
+            will not be cleared.
+            Note 2: Requesting full power (no matter what the fullPowerReason is) doesn't
+            disable the "auto bmps timer" (if it is enabled) or clear any "buffered uapsd
+            request".
+            Note 3: When the device finally enters Full Power PMC will start a timer 
+            if any of the following holds true:
+            - Auto BMPS mode is enabled
+            - Uapsd request is pending
+            - HDD's request for BMPS is pending
+            - HDD's request for WoWL is pending
+            On timer expiry PMC will attempt to put the device in BMPS mode if following 
+            (in addition to those listed above) holds true:
+            - Polling of all modules through the Power Save Check routine passes
+            - STA is associated to an access point
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  - callbackRoutine Callback routine invoked in case of success/failure
+    \param  - callbackContext -  Cookie to be passed back during callback
+    \param  - fullPowerReason - Reason why this API is being invoked. SME needs to
+              distinguish between BAP and HDD requests
+    \return eHalStatus - status 
+     eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - device brought to full power state
+     eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE - device cannot be brought to full power state
+     eHAL_STATUS_PMC_PENDING - device is being brought to full power state,
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_RequestFullPower (
+   tHalHandle hHal,
+   void (*callbackRoutine) (void *callbackContext, eHalStatus status),
+   void *callbackContext,
+   tRequestFullPowerReason fullPowerReason);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RequestBmps
+    \brief  Request that the device be put in BMPS state. Request will be 
+            accepted only if BMPS mode is enabled and power save check routine
+            passes. Only HDD should invoke this API.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  - callbackRoutine Callback routine invoked in case of success/failure
+    \param  - callbackContext -  Cookie to be passed back during callback
+    \return eHalStatus
+      eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - device is in BMPS state
+      eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE - device cannot be brought to BMPS state
+      eHAL_STATUS_PMC_PENDING - device is being brought to BMPS state
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_RequestBmps (
+   tHalHandle hHal,
+   void (*callbackRoutine) (void *callbackContext, eHalStatus status),
+   void *callbackContext);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn  sme_SetDHCPTillPowerActiveFlag
+    \brief  Sets/Clears DHCP related flag in PMC to disable/enable auto BMPS 
+            entry by PMC
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void  sme_SetDHCPTillPowerActiveFlag(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 flag);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_StartUapsd
+    \brief  Request that the device be put in UAPSD state. If the device is in
+            Full Power it will be put in BMPS mode first and then into UAPSD
+            mode.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  - callbackRoutine Callback routine invoked in case of success/failure
+    \param  - callbackContext -  Cookie to be passed back during callback
+      eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - device is in UAPSD state
+      eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE - device cannot be brought to UAPSD state
+      eHAL_STATUS_PMC_PENDING - device is being brought to UAPSD state
+      eHAL_STATUS_PMC_DISABLED - UAPSD is disabled or BMPS mode is disabled
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_StartUapsd (
+   tHalHandle hHal,
+   void (*callbackRoutine) (void *callbackContext, eHalStatus status),
+   void *callbackContext);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_StopUapsd
+    \brief  Request that the device be put out of UAPSD state. Device will be
+            put in in BMPS state after stop UAPSD completes. Buffered requests for
+            UAPSD will be cleared after this.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \return eHalStatus  
+      eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - device is put out of UAPSD and back in BMPS state
+      eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE - device cannot be brought out of UAPSD state
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_StopUapsd (tHalHandle hHal);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RequestStandby
+    \brief  Request that the device be put in standby. It is HDD's responsibility
+            to bring the chip to full power and do a discconnect before calling
+            this API. Request for standby will be rejected if STA is associated
+            to an AP.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  - callbackRoutine Callback routine invoked in case of success/failure
+    \param  - callbackContext -  Cookie to be passed back during callback
+    \return eHalStatus  
+      eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - device is in Standby mode
+      eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE - device cannot be put in standby mode
+      eHAL_STATUS_PMC_PENDING - device is being put in standby mode
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_RequestStandby (
+   tHalHandle hHal,
+   void (*callbackRoutine) (void *callbackContext, eHalStatus status),
+   void *callbackContext);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RegisterPowerSaveCheck
+    \brief  Register a power save check routine that is called whenever
+            the device is about to enter one of the power save modes.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  checkRoutine -  Power save check routine to be registered
+    \param  callbackContext -  Cookie to be passed back during callback
+    \return eHalStatus
+            eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - successfully registered
+            eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE - not successfully registered  
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_RegisterPowerSaveCheck (
+   tHalHandle hHal, 
+   tANI_BOOLEAN (*checkRoutine) (void *checkContext), void *checkContext);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_DeregisterPowerSaveCheck
+    \brief  Deregister a power save check routine
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  checkRoutine -  Power save check routine to be deregistered
+    \return eHalStatus
+            eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - successfully deregistered
+            eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE - not successfully deregistered  
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_DeregisterPowerSaveCheck (
+   tHalHandle hHal, 
+   tANI_BOOLEAN (*checkRoutine) (void *checkContext));
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RegisterDeviceStateUpdateInd
+    \brief  Register a callback routine that is called whenever
+            the device enters a new device state (Full Power, BMPS, UAPSD)
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  callbackRoutine -  Callback routine to be registered
+    \param  callbackContext -  Cookie to be passed back during callback
+    \return eHalStatus
+            eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - successfully registered
+            eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE - not successfully registered  
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_RegisterDeviceStateUpdateInd (
+   tHalHandle hHal, 
+   void (*callbackRoutine) (void *callbackContext, tPmcState pmcState),
+   void *callbackContext);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_DeregisterDeviceStateUpdateInd
+    \brief  Deregister a routine that was registered for device state changes
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  callbackRoutine -  Callback routine to be deregistered
+    \return eHalStatus
+            eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS - successfully deregistered
+            eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE - not successfully deregistered  
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_DeregisterDeviceStateUpdateInd (
+   tHalHandle hHal, 
+   void (*callbackRoutine) (void *callbackContext, tPmcState pmcState));
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_WowlAddBcastPattern
+    \brief  Add a pattern for Pattern Byte Matching in Wowl mode. Firmware will
+            do a pattern match on these patterns when Wowl is enabled during BMPS
+            mode.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pattern -  Pattern to be added
+    \return eHalStatus
+            eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE  Cannot add pattern
+            eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS  Request accepted. 
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_WowlAddBcastPattern (
+   tHalHandle hHal, 
+   tpSirWowlAddBcastPtrn pattern);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_WowlDelBcastPattern
+    \brief  Delete a pattern that was added for Pattern Byte Matching.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pattern -  Pattern to be deleted
+    \return eHalStatus
+            eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE  Cannot delete pattern
+            eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS  Request accepted. 
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_WowlDelBcastPattern (
+   tHalHandle hHal, 
+   tpSirWowlDelBcastPtrn pattern);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_EnterWowl
+    \brief  This is the API to request entry into WOWL mode. 
+            WoWLAN works on top of BMPS mode. If the device is not in BMPS mode, 
+            SME will will cache the information that WOWL has been requested and
+            attempt to put the device in BMPS first. On entry into BMPS, SME will
+            enter the WOWL mode.
+            Note 1: After WoWL request is accepted, If module other than HDD requests
+            full power BEFORE WoWL request is completed, PMC will buffer the WoWL request
+            and attempt to put the chip into BMPS+WOWL based on a timer.
+            Note 2: Buffered request for WoWL will be cleared immedisately AFTER "enter Wowl"
+            completes or if HDD requests full power or if sme_ExitWoWL API is invoked.
+            Note 3: Both UAPSD and WOWL work on top of BMPS. On entry into BMPS, SME
+            will give priority to UAPSD and enable only UAPSD if both UAPSD and WOWL
+            are required. Currently there is no requirement or use case to support UAPSD
+            and WOWL at the same time.
+            Note 4. Request for WoWL is rejected if there is a pending UAPSD request.
+            Note 5. Request for WoWL is rejected if BMPS is disabled.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  enterWowlCallbackRoutine -  Callback routine provided by HDD.
+                               Used for success/failure notification by SME
+    \param  enterWowlCallbackContext - A cookie passed by HDD, that is passed back to HDD
+                              at the time of callback.
+    \param  wakeReasonIndCB -  Callback routine provided by HDD.
+                               Used for Wake Reason Indication by SME
+    \param  wakeReasonIndCBContext - A cookie passed by HDD, that is passed back to HDD
+                              at the time of callback.
+    \return eHalStatus
+            eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS  Device is already in WoWLAN mode
+            eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE  Device cannot enter WoWLAN mode.
+            eHAL_STATUS_PMC_PENDING  Request accepted. SME will enable WOWL when BMPS
+                                      mode is entered.
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_EnterWowl (
+    tHalHandle hHal,
+    void (*enterWowlCallbackRoutine) (void *callbackContext, eHalStatus status),
+    void *enterWowlCallbackContext,
+    void (*wakeReasonIndCB) (void *callbackContext, tpSirWakeReasonInd pWakeReasonInd),
+    void *wakeReasonIndCBContext,
+    tpSirSmeWowlEnterParams wowlEnterParams);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_ExitWowl
+    \brief  This is the SME API exposed to HDD to request exit from WoWLAN mode. 
+            SME will initiate exit from WoWLAN mode and device will be put in BMPS 
+            mode. Any Buffered request for WoWL will be cleared after this API.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \return eHalStatus
+            eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE  Device cannot exit WoWLAN mode. This can happen
+                                  only if the previous "Enter WOWL" transaction has
+                                  not even completed.
+            eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS  Request accepted to exit WoWLAN mode. 
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+extern eHalStatus sme_ExitWowl (tHalHandle hHal);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamSetKey
+    \brief To set encryption key. This function should be called only when connected
+    This is an asynchronous API.
+    \param pSetKeyInfo - pointer to a caller allocated object of tCsrSetContextInfo
+    \param pRoamId  Upon success return, this is the id caller can use to identify the request in roamcallback
+    \return eHalStatus  SUCCESS  Roam callback will be called indicate actually results
+                         FAILURE or RESOURCES  The API finished and failed.
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamSetKey(tHalHandle, tANI_U8 sessionId, tCsrRoamSetKey *pSetKey, tANI_U32 *pRoamId);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamRemoveKey
+    \brief To set encryption key. This is an asynchronous API.
+    \param pRemoveKey - pointer to a caller allocated object of tCsrRoamRemoveKey
+    \param pRoamId  Upon success return, this is the id caller can use to identify the request in roamcallback
+    \return eHalStatus  SUCCESS  Roam callback will be called indicate actually results
+                         FAILURE or RESOURCES  The API finished and failed.
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamRemoveKey(tHalHandle, tANI_U8 sessionId, tCsrRoamRemoveKey *pRemoveKey, tANI_U32 *pRoamId);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_GetCountryCode
+    \brief To return the current country code. If no country code is applied, default country code is 
+    used to fill the buffer.
+    If 11d supported is turned off, an error is return and the last applied/default country code is used.
+    This is a synchronous API.
+    \param pBuf - pointer to a caller allocated buffer for returned country code.
+    \param pbLen  For input, this parameter indicates how big is the buffer.
+                   Upon return, this parameter has the number of bytes for country. If pBuf
+                   doesn't have enough space, this function returns
+                   fail status and this parameter contains the number that is needed.
+    \return eHalStatus  SUCCESS.
+                         FAILURE or RESOURCES  The API finished and failed.
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_GetCountryCode(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 *pBuf, tANI_U8 *pbLen);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_SetCountryCode
+    \brief To change the current/default country code. 
+    If 11d supported is turned off, an error is return.
+    This is a synchronous API.
+    \param pCountry - pointer to a caller allocated buffer for the country code.
+    \param pfRestartNeeded  A pointer to caller allocated memory, upon successful return, it indicates
+    whether a reset is required.
+    \return eHalStatus  SUCCESS.
+                         FAILURE or RESOURCES  The API finished and failed.
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_SetCountryCode(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 *pCountry, tANI_BOOLEAN *pfRestartNeeded);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_ResetCountryCodeInformation
+    \brief this function is to reset the country code current being used back to EEPROM default
+    this includes channel list and power setting. This is a synchronous API.
+    \param pfRestartNeeded - pointer to a caller allocated space. Upon successful return, it indicates whether 
+    a restart is needed to apply the change
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_ResetCountryCodeInformation(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_BOOLEAN *pfRestartNeeded);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_GetSupportedCountryCode
+    \brief this function is to get a list of the country code current being supported
+    \param pBuf - Caller allocated buffer with at least 3 bytes, upon success return, 
+    this has the country code list. 3 bytes for each country code. This may be NULL if
+    caller wants to know the needed byte count.
+    \param pbLen - Caller allocated, as input, it indicates the length of pBuf. Upon success return,
+    this contains the length of the data in pBuf. If pbuf is NULL, as input, *pbLen should be 0.
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_GetSupportedCountryCode(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 *pBuf, tANI_U32 *pbLen);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_GetCurrentRegulatoryDomain
+    \brief this function is to get the current regulatory domain. This is a synchronous API.
+    This function must be called after CFG is downloaded and all the band/mode setting already passed into
+    SME. The function fails if 11d support is turned off.
+    \param pDomain - Caller allocated buffer to return the current domain.
+    \return eHalStatus  SUCCESS.
+                         FAILURE or RESOURCES  The API finished and failed.     
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_GetCurrentRegulatoryDomain(tHalHandle hHal, v_REGDOMAIN_t *pDomain);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_SetRegulatoryDomain
+    \brief this function is to set the current regulatory domain.
+    This function must be called after CFG is downloaded and all the band/mode setting already passed into
+    SME. This is a synchronous API.
+    \param domainId - indicate the domain (defined in the driver) needs to set to.  
+    See v_REGDOMAIN_t for definition
+    \param pfRestartNeeded - pointer to a caller allocated space. Upon successful return, it indicates whether 
+    a restart is needed to apply the change
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_SetRegulatoryDomain(tHalHandle hHal, v_REGDOMAIN_t domainId, tANI_BOOLEAN *pfRestartNeeded);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_GetRegulatoryDomainForCountry
+    \brief To return a regulatory domain base on a country code. This is a synchronous API.
+    \param pCountry - pointer to a caller allocated buffer for input country code.
+    \param pDomainId  Upon successful return, it is the domain that country belongs to.
+    If it is NULL, returning success means that the country code is known.
+    \return eHalStatus  SUCCESS.
+                         FAILURE or RESOURCES  The API finished and failed.
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_GetRegulatoryDomainForCountry(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 *pCountry, v_REGDOMAIN_t *pDomainId);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_GetSupportedRegulatoryDomains
+    \brief To return a list of supported regulatory domains. This is a synchronous API.
+    \param pDomains - pointer to a caller allocated buffer for returned regulatory domains.
+    \param pNumDomains  For input, this parameter indicates howm many domains pDomains can hold.
+                         Upon return, this parameter has the number for supported domains. If pDomains
+                         doesn't have enough space for all the supported domains, this function returns
+                         fail status and this parameter contains the number that is needed.
+    \return eHalStatus  SUCCESS.
+                         FAILURE or RESOURCES  The API finished and failed.
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_GetSupportedRegulatoryDomains(tHalHandle hHal, v_REGDOMAIN_t *pDomains, tANI_U32 *pNumDomains);
+//some support functions
+tANI_BOOLEAN sme_Is11dSupported(tHalHandle hHal);
+tANI_BOOLEAN sme_Is11hSupported(tHalHandle hHal);
+tANI_BOOLEAN sme_IsWmmSupported(tHalHandle hHal); 
+//Upper layer to get the list of the base channels to scan for passively 11d info from csr
+eHalStatus sme_ScanGetBaseChannels( tHalHandle hHal, tCsrChannelInfo * pChannelInfo );
+typedef void ( *tSmeChangeCountryCallback)(void *pContext);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_ChangeCountryCode
+    \brief Change Country code from upperlayer during WLAN driver operation.
+           This is a synchronous API.
+    \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param pCountry New Country Code String
+    \return eHalStatus  SUCCESS.
+                         FAILURE or RESOURCES  The API finished and failed.
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_ChangeCountryCode( tHalHandle hHal,
+                                  tSmeChangeCountryCallback callback,
+                                  tANI_U8 *pCountry,
+                                  void *pContext,
+                                  void* pVosContext );
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_BtcSignalBtEvent
+    \brief  API to signal Bluetooth (BT) event to the WLAN driver. Based on the
+            BT event type and the current operating mode of Libra (full power,
+            BMPS, UAPSD etc), appropriate Bluetooth Coexistence (BTC) strategy
+            would be employed.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pBtcBtEvent -  Pointer to a caller allocated object of type tSmeBtEvent
+                           Caller owns the memory and is responsible for freeing it.
+    \return VOS_STATUS
+            VOS_STATUS_E_FAILURE  BT Event not passed to HAL. This can happen
+                                   if driver has not yet been initialized or if BTC 
+                                   Events Layer has been disabled.
+            VOS_STATUS_SUCCESS    BT Event passed to HAL 
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+VOS_STATUS sme_BtcSignalBtEvent (tHalHandle hHal, tpSmeBtEvent pBtcBtEvent);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_BtcSetConfig
+    \brief  API to change the current Bluetooth Coexistence (BTC) configuration
+            This function should be invoked only after CFG download has completed.
+            Calling it after sme_HDDReadyInd is recommended.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pSmeBtcConfig - Pointer to a caller allocated object of type
+                            tSmeBtcConfig. Caller owns the memory and is responsible
+                            for freeing it.
+    \return VOS_STATUS
+            VOS_STATUS_E_FAILURE  Config not passed to HAL. 
+            VOS_STATUS_SUCCESS  Config passed to HAL 
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+VOS_STATUS sme_BtcSetConfig (tHalHandle hHal, tpSmeBtcConfig pSmeBtcConfig);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_BtcGetConfig
+    \brief  API to retrieve the current Bluetooth Coexistence (BTC) configuration
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pSmeBtcConfig - Pointer to a caller allocated object of type tSmeBtcConfig.
+                            Caller owns the memory and is responsible for freeing it.
+    \return VOS_STATUS
+            VOS_STATUS_E_FAILURE - failure
+            VOS_STATUS_SUCCESS  success
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+VOS_STATUS sme_BtcGetConfig (tHalHandle hHal, tpSmeBtcConfig pSmeBtcConfig);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_SetCfgPrivacy
+    \brief  API to set configure privacy parameters
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pProfile - Pointer CSR Roam profile.
+    \param  fPrivacy - This parameter indicates status of privacy 
+    \return void
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void sme_SetCfgPrivacy(tHalHandle hHal, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, tANI_BOOLEAN fPrivacy);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_NeighborReportRequest
+    \brief  API to request neighbor report.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pRrmNeighborReq - Pointer to a caller allocated object of type
+                            tRrmNeighborReq. Caller owns the memory and is responsible
+                            for freeing it.
+    \return VOS_STATUS
+            VOS_STATUS_E_FAILURE - failure
+            VOS_STATUS_SUCCESS  success
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+VOS_STATUS sme_NeighborReportRequest (tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, 
+                tpRrmNeighborReq pRrmNeighborReq, tpRrmNeighborRspCallbackInfo callbackInfo);
+//The following are debug APIs to support direct read/write register/memory
+//They are placed in SME because HW cannot be access when in LOW_POWER state
+//AND not connected. The knowledge and synchronization is done in SME
+//Caller needs to validate the input values
+VOS_STATUS sme_DbgReadRegister(tHalHandle hHal, v_U32_t regAddr, v_U32_t *pRegValue);
+//Caller needs to validate the input values
+VOS_STATUS sme_DbgWriteRegister(tHalHandle hHal, v_U32_t regAddr, v_U32_t regValue);
+//Caller needs to validate the input values
+//pBuf caller allocated buffer has the length of nLen
+VOS_STATUS sme_DbgReadMemory(tHalHandle hHal, v_U32_t memAddr, v_U8_t *pBuf, v_U32_t nLen);
+//Caller needs to validate the input values
+VOS_STATUS sme_DbgWriteMemory(tHalHandle hHal, v_U32_t memAddr, v_U8_t *pBuf, v_U32_t nLen);
+VOS_STATUS sme_GetFwVersion (tHalHandle hHal,FwVersionInfo *pVersion);
+VOS_STATUS sme_GetWcnssWlanCompiledVersion(tHalHandle hHal,
+                                           tSirVersionType *pVersion);
+VOS_STATUS sme_GetWcnssWlanReportedVersion(tHalHandle hHal,
+                                           tSirVersionType *pVersion);
+VOS_STATUS sme_GetWcnssSoftwareVersion(tHalHandle hHal,
+                                       tANI_U8 *pVersion,
+                                       tANI_U32 versionBufferSize);
+VOS_STATUS sme_GetWcnssHardwareVersion(tHalHandle hHal,
+                                       tANI_U8 *pVersion,
+                                       tANI_U32 versionBufferSize);
+eHalStatus sme_RoamRegisterCallback(tHalHandle hHal,
+                                    csrRoamCompleteCallback callback,
+                                    void *pContext);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamSetBKIDCache
+    \brief The SME API exposed to HDD to allow HDD to provde SME the BKID 
+    candidate list.
+    \param hHal - Handle to the HAL. The HAL handle is returned by the HAL after 
+    it is opened (by calling halOpen).
+    \param pBKIDCache - caller allocated buffer point to an array of tBkidCacheInfo
+    \param numItems - a variable that has the number of tBkidCacheInfo allocated 
+    when retruning, this is the number of items put into pBKIDCache
+    \return eHalStatus - when fail, it usually means the buffer allocated is not 
+    big enough and pNumItems has the number of tBkidCacheInfo.
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamSetBKIDCache( tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 sessionId, tBkidCacheInfo *pBKIDCache,
+                                 tANI_U32 numItems );
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamGetBKIDCache
+    \brief The SME API exposed to HDD to allow HDD to request SME to return its 
+    BKID cache.
+    \param hHal - Handle to the HAL. The HAL handle is returned by the HAL after 
+    it is opened (by calling halOpen).
+    \param pNum - caller allocated memory that has the space of the number of 
+    tBkidCacheInfo as input. Upon returned, *pNum has the needed number of entries 
+    in SME cache.
+    \param pBkidCache - Caller allocated memory that contains BKID cache, if any, 
+    upon return
+    \return eHalStatus - when fail, it usually means the buffer allocated is not 
+    big enough.
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamGetBKIDCache(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 *pNum,
+                                tBkidCacheInfo *pBkidCache);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamGetNumBKIDCache
+    \brief The SME API exposed to HDD to allow HDD to request SME to return the 
+    number of BKID cache entries.
+    \param hHal - Handle to the HAL. The HAL handle is returned by the HAL after 
+    it is opened (by calling halOpen).
+    \return tANI_U32 - the number of BKID cache entries.
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+tANI_U32 sme_RoamGetNumBKIDCache(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 sessionId);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_ScanGetBKIDCandidateList
+    \brief a wrapper function to return the BKID candidate list
+    \param pBkidList - caller allocated buffer point to an array of 
+                        tBkidCandidateInfo
+    \param pNumItems - pointer to a variable that has the number of 
+                       tBkidCandidateInfo allocated when retruning, this is 
+                       either the number needed or number of items put into 
+                       pPmkidList
+    \return eHalStatus - when fail, it usually means the buffer allocated is not 
+                         big enough and pNumItems
+    has the number of tBkidCandidateInfo.
+    \Note: pNumItems is a number of tBkidCandidateInfo, 
+           not sizeof(tBkidCandidateInfo) * something
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_ScanGetBKIDCandidateList(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 sessionId,
+                                        tBkidCandidateInfo *pBkidList, 
+                                        tANI_U32 *pNumItems );
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamUpdateAPWPSIE
+    \brief To update AP's WPS IE. This function should be called after SME AP session is created
+    This is an asynchronous API.
+    \param pAPWPSIES - pointer to a caller allocated object of tCsrRoamAPWPSIES
+    \return eHalStatus – SUCCESS – Roam callback will be called indicate actually results
+                         FAILURE or RESOURCES – The API finished and failed.
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamUpdateAPWPSIE(tHalHandle, tANI_U8 sessionId, tSirAPWPSIEs *pAPWPSIES);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RoamUpdateAPWPARSNIEs
+    \brief To update AP's WPA/RSN IEs. This function should be called after SME AP session is created
+    This is an asynchronous API.
+    \param pAPSirRSNie - pointer to a caller allocated object of tSirRSNie with WPS/RSN IEs
+    \return eHalStatus – SUCCESS – 
+                         FAILURE or RESOURCES – The API finished and failed.
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RoamUpdateAPWPARSNIEs(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, tSirRSNie * pAPSirRSNie);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  \fn sme_sendBTAmpEvent
+  \brief API to send the btAMPstate to FW
+  \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+  \param  btAmpEvent -- btAMP event
+  \return eHalStatus – SUCCESS –
+                         FAILURE or RESOURCES – The API finished and failed.
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+eHalStatus sme_sendBTAmpEvent(tHalHandle hHal, tSmeBtAmpEvent btAmpEvent);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_SetHostOffload
+    \brief  API to set the host offload feature.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pRequest -  Pointer to the offload request.
+    \return eHalStatus
+   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_SetHostOffload (tHalHandle hHal, tpSirHostOffloadReq pRequest);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_SetKeepAlive
+    \brief  API to set the Keep Alive feature.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pRequest -  Pointer to the Keep Alive request.
+    \return eHalStatus
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_SetKeepAlive (tHalHandle hHal, tpSirKeepAliveReq pRequest);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_AbortMacScan
+    \brief  API to cancel MAC scan.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \return VOS_STATUS
+            VOS_STATUS_E_FAILURE - failure
+            VOS_STATUS_SUCCESS  success
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_AbortMacScan(tHalHandle hHal);
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   \fn sme_GetOperationChannel
+   \brief API to get current channel on which STA is parked
+   this function gives channel information only of infra station or IBSS station.
+   \param hHal and poiter to memory location 
+   \returns eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS
+            eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE
+eHalStatus sme_GetOperationChannel(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 *pChannel);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_RegisterMgtFrame
+    \brief To register managment frame of specified type and subtype. 
+    \param frameType - type of the frame that needs to be passed to HDD.
+    \param matchData - data which needs to be matched before passing frame 
+                       to HDD. 
+    \param matchDataLen - Length of matched data.
+    \return eHalStatus 
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_RegisterMgmtFrame(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, 
+                     tANI_U16 frameType, tANI_U8* matchData, tANI_U16 matchLen);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_DeregisterMgtFrame
+    \brief To De-register managment frame of specified type and subtype. 
+    \param frameType - type of the frame that needs to be passed to HDD.
+    \param matchData - data which needs to be matched before passing frame 
+                       to HDD. 
+    \param matchDataLen - Length of matched data.
+    \return eHalStatus 
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_DeregisterMgmtFrame(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId, 
+                     tANI_U16 frameType, tANI_U8* matchData, tANI_U16 matchLen);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  \fn    sme_ConfigureRxpFilter
+  \brief 
+    SME will pass this request to lower mac to set/reset the filter on RXP for
+    multicast & broadcast traffic.
+  \param 
+    hHal - The handle returned by macOpen. 
+    filterMask- Currently the API takes a 1 or 0 (set or reset) as filter.
+    Basically to enable/disable the filter (to filter "all" mcbc traffic) based
+    on this param. In future we can use this as a mask to set various types of
+    filters as suggested below:
+  \return eHalStatus    
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+eHalStatus sme_ConfigureRxpFilter( tHalHandle hHal, 
+                              tpSirWlanSetRxpFilters  wlanRxpFilterParam);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  \fn    sme_ConfigureAppsCpuWakeupState
+  \brief 
+    SME will pass this request to lower mac to dynamically adjusts the listen
+    interval based on the WLAN/MSM activity. This feature is named as
+    Telescopic Beacon wakeup feature.
+  \param 
+    hHal - The handle returned by macOpen. 
+    isAppsAwake- Depicts the state of the Apps CPU
+  \return eHalStatus    
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+eHalStatus sme_ConfigureAppsCpuWakeupState( tHalHandle hHal, tANI_BOOLEAN  isAppsAwake);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  \fn    sme_ConfigureSuspendInd
+  \brief 
+    SME will pass this request to lower mac to Indicate that the wlan needs to 
+    be suspended
+  \param 
+    hHal - The handle returned by macOpen. 
+    wlanSuspendParam- Depicts the wlan suspend params
+  \return eHalStatus    
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+eHalStatus sme_ConfigureSuspendInd( tHalHandle hHal, 
+                             tpSirWlanSuspendParam  wlanSuspendParam);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  \fn    sme_ConfigureResumeReq
+  \brief 
+    SME will pass this request to lower mac to Indicate that the wlan needs to 
+    be Resumed
+  \param 
+    hHal - The handle returned by macOpen. 
+    wlanResumeParam- Depicts the wlan resume params
+  \return eHalStatus    
+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+eHalStatus sme_ConfigureResumeReq( tHalHandle hHal, 
+                             tpSirWlanResumeParam  wlanResumeParam);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_GetInfraSessionId
+    \brief To get the session ID for infra session, if connected
+    This is a synchronous API.
+    \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \return sessionid, -1 if infra session is not connected
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+tANI_S8 sme_GetInfraSessionId(tHalHandle hHal);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_GetInfraOperationChannel
+    \brief To get the operating channel for infra session, if connected
+    This is a synchronous API.
+    \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param sessionId - the sessionId returned by sme_OpenSession.
+    \return operating channel, 0 if infra session is not connected
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+tANI_U8 sme_GetInfraOperationChannel( tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 sessionId);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_GetConcurrentOperationChannel
+    \brief To get the operating channel for other concurrent sessions, if connected
+    This is a synchronous API.
+    \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param currentPersona - persona that is trying to come up.
+    \return operating channel, 0 if infra session is not connected
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+tANI_U8 sme_GetConcurrentOperationChannel( tHalHandle hHal );
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_AbortMacScan
+    \brief  API to cancel MAC scan.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \return VOS_STATUS
+            VOS_STATUS_E_FAILURE - failure
+            VOS_STATUS_SUCCESS  success
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_AbortMacScan(tHalHandle hHal);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_GetCfgValidChannels
+    \brief  API to get valid channel list
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  aValidChannels -  Pointer to the valid channel list
+    \param  len -  valid channel list length
+    \return eHalStatus
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_GetCfgValidChannels(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 *aValidChannels, tANI_U32 *len);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_SetPreferredNetworkList
+    \brief  API to set the Preferred Network List Offload feature.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pRequest -  Pointer to the offload request.
+    \return eHalStatus
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_SetPreferredNetworkList (tHalHandle hHal, tpSirPNOScanReq pRequest, tANI_U8 sessionId, preferredNetworkFoundIndCallback callbackRoutine, void *callbackContext );
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_SetRSSIFilter
+    \brief  API to set RSSI Filter feature.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pRequest -  Pointer to the offload request.
+    \return eHalStatus
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_SetRSSIFilter(tHalHandle hHal, v_U8_t rssiThreshold);
+* Name: sme_PreferredNetworkFoundInd
+* Description:
+*    Invoke Preferred Network Found Indication 
+* Parameters:
+*    hHal - HAL handle for device
+*    pMsg - found network description
+* Returns: eHalStatus
+eHalStatus sme_PreferredNetworkFoundInd (tHalHandle hHal, void* pMsg);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_SetPowerParams
+    \brief  API to set Power Parameters 
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pwParams -  Pointer to the power parameters requested.
+    \return eHalStatus
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_SetPowerParams(tHalHandle hHal, tSirSetPowerParamsReq* pwParams);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_SetTxPerTracking
+    \brief  Set Tx PER tracking configuration parameters
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pTxPerTrackingParam - Tx PER configuration parameters
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_SetTxPerTracking (
+   tHalHandle hHal,
+   void (*pCallbackfn) (void *pCallbackContext),
+   void *pCallbackContext,
+   tpSirTxPerTrackingParam pTxPerTrackingParam);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_ReceiveFilterSetFilter
+    \brief  API to set 8023 Multicast Address List
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pMulticastAddrs - Pointer to the Multicast Address List
+    \return eHalStatus   
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_8023MulticastList(tHalHandle hHal, tpSirRcvFltMcAddrList pMulticastAddrs);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_ReceiveFilterSetFilter
+    \brief  API to set Receive Packet Filter
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pRcvPktFilterCfg - Receive Packet Filter parameter
+    \return eHalStatus   
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_ReceiveFilterSetFilter(tHalHandle hHal, tpSirRcvPktFilterCfgType pRcvPktFilterCfg);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_GetFilterMatchCount
+    \brief  API to get D0 PC Filter Match Count
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen 
+    \param  callbackRoutine - Callback routine invoked to receive Packet Coalescing Filter Match Count
+    \param  callbackContext - Cookie to be passed back during callback 
+    \return eHalStatus   
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_GetFilterMatchCount(tHalHandle hHal, 
+                                   FilterMatchCountCallback callbackRoutine, 
+                                   void *callbackContext );
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_ReceiveFilterClearFilter
+    \brief  API to clear Receive Packet Filter
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pRcvFltPktClearParam - Receive Packet Filter Clear parameter
+    \return eHalStatus   
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_ReceiveFilterClearFilter(tHalHandle hHal,
+                                        tpSirRcvFltPktClearParam pRcvFltPktClearParam);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_IsChannelValid
+    \brief To check if the channel is valid for currently established domain
+    This is a synchronous API.
+    \param hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param channel - channel to verify
+    \return TRUE/FALSE, TRUE if channel is valid
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+tANI_BOOLEAN sme_IsChannelValid(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 channel);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_SetFreqBand
+    \brief  Used to set frequency band.
+    \param  hHal
+    \eBand  band value to be configured
+    \- return eHalStatus
+    -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_SetFreqBand(tHalHandle hHal, eCsrBand eBand);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_GetFreqBand
+    \brief  Used to get the current band settings.
+    \param  hHal
+    \pBand  pointer to hold the current band value
+    \- return eHalStatus
+    -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_GetFreqBand(tHalHandle hHal, eCsrBand *pBand);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_SetTxPerTracking
+    \brief  Set Tx PER tracking configuration parameters
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pTxPerTrackingParam - Tx PER configuration parameters
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_SetTxPerTracking (
+   tHalHandle hHal,
+   void (*pCallbackfn) (void *pCallbackContext),
+   void *pCallbackContext,
+   tpSirTxPerTrackingParam pTxPerTrackingParam);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_SetGTKOffload
+    \brief  API to set GTK offload feature.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pRequest -  Pointer to the GTK offload request.
+    \return eHalStatus
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_SetGTKOffload (tHalHandle hHal, tpSirGtkOffloadParams pRequest);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_GetGTKOffload
+    \brief  API to get GTK offload information.
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pRequest -  Pointer to the GTK offload response.
+    \return eHalStatus
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_GetGTKOffload (tHalHandle hHal, GTKOffloadGetInfoCallback callbackRoutine, void *callbackContext );
+eHalStatus sme_WakeReasonIndCallback (tHalHandle hHal, void* pMsg);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_SetTxPerTracking
+    \brief  Set Tx PER tracking configuration parameters
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  pTxPerTrackingParam - Tx PER configuration parameters
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_SetTxPerTracking (
+   tHalHandle hHal,
+   void (*pCallbackfn) (void *pCallbackContext),
+   void *pCallbackContext,
+   tpSirTxPerTrackingParam pTxPerTrackingParam);
+//return frequency for a particular channel
+tANI_U16 sme_ChnToFreq(tANI_U8 chanNum);
+tANI_BOOLEAN sme_IsChannelValid(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 channel);
+eHalStatus sme_p2pResetSession(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 HDDSessionId);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_p2pFlushDeviceList
+    \brief  Remove cached P2P result from scan results
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  HDDSessionId - HDD's sessionId. Currently unused.
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_p2pFlushDeviceList(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 HDDSessionId);
+eHalStatus sme_p2pGetResultFilter(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U8 HDDSessionId,
+                              tCsrScanResultFilter *pFilter);
+#endif //#if defined WLAN_FEATURE_P2P_INTERNAL
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_SetMaxTxPower
+    \brief  Used to set the Maximum Transmit Power dynamically. Note: this
+    setting will not persist over reboots
+    \param  hHal
+    \param pBssid  BSSID to set the power cap for
+    \param pBssid  pSelfMacAddress self MAC Address
+    \param pBssid  power to set in dB
+    \- return eHalStatus
+    -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_SetMaxTxPower(tHalHandle hHal, tSirMacAddr pBssid, 
+                             tSirMacAddr pSelfMacAddress, v_S7_t dB);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_HideSSID
+    \brief Enable/Disables hidden SSID dynamically. Note: this setting will
+    not persist over reboots.
+    \param hHal
+    \param sessionId 
+    \param ssidHidden 0 - Broadcast SSID, 1 - Disable broadcast SSID
+    \- return eHalStatus
+  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_HideSSID(tHalHandle hHal, v_U8_t sessionId, v_U8_t ssidHidden);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn sme_SetTmLevel
+    \brief  Set Thermal Mitigation Level to RIVA
+    \param  hHal - The handle returned by macOpen.
+    \param  newTMLevel - new Thermal Mitigation Level
+    \param  tmMode - Thermal Mitigation handle mode, default 0
+    \return eHalStatus     
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus sme_SetTmLevel(tHalHandle hHal, v_U16_t newTMLevel, v_U16_t tmMode);
+  \brief sme_featureCapsExchange() - SME interface to exchange capabilities between
+  Host and FW.
+  \param  hHal - HAL handle for device
+  \return NONE
+void sme_featureCapsExchange(tHalHandle hHal);
+#endif //#if !defined( __SME_API_H )