prima: WLAN Driver Release

This is the initial release of the Prima WLAN Driver
diff --git a/CORE/SME/src/csr/csrApiRoam.c b/CORE/SME/src/csr/csrApiRoam.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1c81a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CORE/SME/src/csr/csrApiRoam.c
@@ -0,0 +1,15084 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012, Code Aurora Forum. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Previously licensed under the ISC license by Qualcomm Atheros, Inc.
+ *
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for
+ * any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the
+ * above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all
+ * copies.
+ *
+ */
+/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 
+    ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *  
+    \file csrApiRoam.c
+    Implementation for the Common Roaming interfaces.
+    Copyright (C) 2008 Qualcomm, Incorporated
+   ========================================================================== */
+                      EDIT HISTORY FOR FILE
+  This section contains comments describing changes made to the module.
+  Notice that changes are listed in reverse chronological order.
+  when            who                 what, where, why
+----------       ---                --------------------------------------------------------
+06/03/10     js                     Added support to hostapd driven 
+ *                                  deauth/disassoc/mic failure
+#include "aniGlobal.h" //for tpAniSirGlobal
+#include "wlan_qct_wda.h"
+#include "halMsgApi.h" //for HAL_STA_INVALID_IDX.
+#include "halPhyApi.h"
+#include "halInternal.h"
+#include "palApi.h"
+#include "csrInsideApi.h"
+#include "smsDebug.h"
+#include "logDump.h"
+#include "smeQosInternal.h"
+#include "wlan_qct_tl.h"
+#include "smeInside.h"
+#include "vos_diag_core_event.h"
+#include "vos_diag_core_log.h"
+#include "csrApi.h"
+#include "pmc.h"
+#include "vos_nvitem.h"
+#include "csrNeighborRoam.h"
+#include "csrCcx.h"
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_CCX */
+#define CSR_NUM_IBSS_START_CHANNELS_50      4
+#define CSR_NUM_IBSS_START_CHANNELS_24      3
+#define CSR_DEF_IBSS_START_CHANNEL_50       36
+#define CSR_DEF_IBSS_START_CHANNEL_24       1
+#define CSR_IBSS_JOIN_TIMEOUT_PERIOD        ( 1 *  PAL_TIMER_TO_SEC_UNIT )  // 1 second
+#define CSR_WAIT_FOR_KEY_TIMEOUT_PERIOD         ( 50 * PAL_TIMER_TO_SEC_UNIT )  // 50 seconds, for WPA, WPA2, CCKM
+#define CSR_WAIT_FOR_WPS_KEY_TIMEOUT_PERIOD         ( 120 * PAL_TIMER_TO_SEC_UNIT )  // 120 seconds, for WPS
+  OBIWAN recommends [8 10]% : pick 9% 
+  OBIWAN recommends -85dBm 
+#define CSR_MIN_TL_STAT_QUERY_PERIOD       500 //ms
+#define CSR_DIAG_LOG_STAT_PERIOD           3000 //ms
+//We use constatnt 4 here
+//This macro returns true when higher AC parameter is bigger than lower AC for a difference
+//The bigger the number, the less chance of TX
+//It must put lower AC as the first parameter.
+#define SME_DETECT_AC_WEIGHT_DIFF(loAC, hiAC)   (v_BOOL_t)(((hiAC) > (loAC)) ? (((hiAC)-(loAC)) > 4) : 0)
+//Flag to send/do not send disassoc frame over the air
+#define RSSI_HACK_BMPS (-40)
+  Static Type declarations
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static tChannelListWithPower csrRoamPowerTableFromEeprom[WNI_CFG_VALID_CHANNEL_LIST_LEN];
+static tChannelListWithPower csrRoamPowerTableFromEeprom40MHz[WNI_CFG_VALID_CHANNEL_LIST_LEN];
+static tCsrRoamSession       csrRoamRoamSession[CSR_ROAM_SESSION_MAX];
+  Type declarations
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+int diagAuthTypeFromCSRType(eCsrAuthType authType)
+    int n = AUTH_OPEN;
+    switch(authType)
+    {
+        n = AUTH_SHARED;
+        break;
+    case eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA:
+        n = AUTH_WPA_EAP;
+        break;
+        n = AUTH_WPA_PSK;
+        break;
+    case eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_RSN:
+        n = AUTH_WPA2_EAP;
+        break;
+        n = AUTH_WPA2_PSK;
+        break;
+        n = AUTH_WAPI_CERT;
+        break;
+        n = AUTH_WAPI_PSK;
+        break;
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+    return (n);
+int diagEncTypeFromCSRType(eCsrEncryptionType encType)
+    int n = ENC_MODE_OPEN;
+    switch(encType)
+    {
+    case eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP40:
+        n = ENC_MODE_WEP40;
+        break;
+    case eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP104:
+        n = ENC_MODE_WEP104;
+        break;
+        n = ENC_MODE_TKIP;
+        break;
+        n = ENC_MODE_AES;
+        break;
+        n = ENC_MODE_SMS4;
+        break;
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+    return (n);
+static const tANI_U8 csrStartIbssChannels50[ CSR_NUM_IBSS_START_CHANNELS_50 ] = { 36, 40,  44,  48}; 
+static const tANI_U8 csrStartIbssChannels24[ CSR_NUM_IBSS_START_CHANNELS_24 ] = { 1, 6, 11 };
+static void initConfigParam(tpAniSirGlobal pMac);
+static tANI_BOOLEAN csrRoamProcessResults( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand,
+                                       eCsrRoamCompleteResult Result, void *Context );
+static eHalStatus csrRoamStartIbss( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, 
+                                    tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, 
+                                    tANI_BOOLEAN *pfSameIbss );
+static void csrRoamUpdateConnectedProfileFromNewBss( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tSirSmeNewBssInfo *pNewBss );
+static void csrRoamPrepareBssParams(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, 
+                                     tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc, tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes);
+static tAniCBSecondaryMode csrGetCBModeFromIes(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 primaryChn, tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes);
+eHalStatus csrInitGetChannels(tpAniSirGlobal pMac);
+static void csrRoamingStateConfigCnfProcessor( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 result );
+eHalStatus csrRoamOpen(tpAniSirGlobal pMac);
+eHalStatus csrRoamClose(tpAniSirGlobal pMac);
+void csrRoamMICErrorTimerHandler(void *pv);
+void csrRoamTKIPCounterMeasureTimerHandler(void *pv);
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrRoamIsSameProfileKeys(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrRoamConnectedProfile *pConnProfile, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile2);
+static eHalStatus csrRoamStartRoamingTimer(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tANI_U32 interval);
+static eHalStatus csrRoamStopRoamingTimer(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId);
+static void csrRoamRoamingTimerHandler(void *pv);
+eHalStatus csrRoamStartIbssJoinTimer(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tANI_U32 interval);
+eHalStatus csrRoamStopIbssJoinTimer(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId);
+static void csrRoamIbssJoinTimerHandler(void *pv);
+eHalStatus csrRoamStartWaitForKeyTimer(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 interval);
+eHalStatus csrRoamStopWaitForKeyTimer(tpAniSirGlobal pMac);
+static void csrRoamWaitForKeyTimeOutHandler(void *pv);
+static eHalStatus CsrInit11dInfo(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsr11dinfo *ps11dinfo);
+static eHalStatus csrRoamFreeConnectedInfo( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrRoamConnectedInfo *pConnectedInfo );
+eHalStatus csrSendMBSetContextReqMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, 
+           tSirMacAddr peerMacAddr, tANI_U8 numKeys, tAniEdType edType, 
+           tANI_BOOLEAN fUnicast, tAniKeyDirection aniKeyDirection,
+           tANI_U8 keyId, tANI_U8 keyLength, tANI_U8 *pKey, tANI_U8 paeRole, 
+           tANI_U8 *pKeyRsc );
+static eHalStatus csrRoamIssueReassociate( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, 
+                                    tSirBssDescription *pSirBssDesc, tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes, 
+                                    tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile );
+void csrRoamStatisticsTimerHandler(void *pv);
+void csrRoamStatsGlobalClassDTimerHandler(void *pv);
+static void csrRoamLinkUp(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrBssid bssid);
+VOS_STATUS csrRoamVccTriggerRssiIndCallback(tHalHandle hHal, 
+                                            v_U8_t  rssiNotification, 
+                                            void * context);
+static void csrRoamLinkDown(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId);
+void csrRoamVccTrigger(tpAniSirGlobal pMac);
+eHalStatus csrSendMBStatsReqMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 statsMask, tANI_U8 staId);
+    pStaEntry is no longer invalid upon the return of this function.
+static void csrRoamRemoveStatListEntry(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tListElem *pEntry);
+static eCsrCfgDot11Mode csrRoamGetPhyModeBandForBss( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile,tANI_U8 operationChn, eCsrBand *pBand );
+static eCsrCfgDot11Mode csrRoamGetPhyModeBandForBss( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, eCsrPhyMode phyModeIn, tANI_U8 operationChn, eCsrBand *pBand );
+static eHalStatus csrRoamGetQosInfoFromBss(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc);
+tCsrStatsClientReqInfo * csrRoamInsertEntryIntoList( tpAniSirGlobal pMac,
+                                                     tDblLinkList *pStaList,
+                                                     tCsrStatsClientReqInfo *pStaEntry);
+void csrRoamStatsClientTimerHandler(void *pv);
+tCsrPeStatsReqInfo *  csrRoamCheckPeStatsReqList(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32  statsMask, 
+                                                 tANI_U32 periodicity, tANI_BOOLEAN *pFound, tANI_U8 staId);
+void csrRoamReportStatistics(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 statsMask, 
+                             tCsrStatsCallback callback, tANI_U8 staId, void *pContext);
+void csrRoamSaveStatsFromTl(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, WLANTL_TRANSFER_STA_TYPE tlStats);
+void csrRoamTlStatsTimerHandler(void *pv);
+void csrRoamPeStatsTimerHandler(void *pv);
+tListElem * csrRoamCheckClientReqList(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 statsMask);
+void csrRoamRemoveEntryFromPeStatsReqList(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrPeStatsReqInfo *pPeStaEntry);
+tListElem * csrRoamFindInPeStatsReqList(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32  statsMask);
+eHalStatus csrRoamDeregStatisticsReq(tpAniSirGlobal pMac);
+static tANI_U32 csrFindIbssSession( tpAniSirGlobal pMac );
+static eHalStatus csrRoamStartWds( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc );
+static void csrInitSession( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId );
+static eHalStatus csrRoamIssueSetKeyCommand( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, 
+                                             tCsrRoamSetKey *pSetKey, tANI_U32 roamId );
+//static eHalStatus csrRoamProcessStopBss( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand );
+static eHalStatus csrRoamGetQosInfoFromBss(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc);
+void csrRoamReissueRoamCommand(tpAniSirGlobal pMac);
+void csrRoamJoinRetryTimerHandler(void *pv);
+extern void SysProcessMmhMsg(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirMsgQ* pMsg);
+extern void btampEstablishLogLinkHdlr(void* pMsg);
+static void csrSerDesUnpackDiassocRsp(tANI_U8 *pBuf, tSirSmeDisassocRsp *pRsp);
+//Initialize global variables
+static void csrRoamInitGlobals(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    if(pMac)
+    {
+        pMac->roam.powerTableFromEeprom      = csrRoamPowerTableFromEeprom;
+        pMac->roam.powerTableFromEeprom40MHz = csrRoamPowerTableFromEeprom40MHz;
+        pMac->roam.roamSession               = csrRoamRoamSession;
+    }
+    return;
+static void csrRoamDeInitGlobals(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    if(pMac)
+    {
+        pMac->roam.powerTableFromEeprom      = NULL;
+        pMac->roam.powerTableFromEeprom40MHz = NULL;
+        pMac->roam.roamSession               = NULL;
+    }
+    return;
+eHalStatus csrOpen(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    static uNvTables nvTables;
+    v_REGDOMAIN_t regId;
+    tANI_U32 i;
+    do
+    {
+        /* Initialize CSR Roam Globals */
+        csrRoamInitGlobals(pMac);
+        for( i = 0; i < CSR_ROAM_SESSION_MAX; i++ )
+           csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_STOP, i);
+        initConfigParam(pMac);
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS((status = csrScanOpen(pMac))))
+            break;
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS((status = csrRoamOpen(pMac))))
+            break;
+        pMac->roam.nextRoamId = 1;  //Must not be 0
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrLLOpen(pMac->hHdd, &pMac->roam.statsClientReqList)))
+           break;
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrLLOpen(pMac->hHdd, &pMac->roam.peStatsReqList)))
+           break;
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrLLOpen(pMac->hHdd, &pMac->roam.roamCmdPendingList)))
+           break;
+        vosStatus = vos_nv_readDefaultCountryTable( &nvTables );
+        if ( VOS_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS(vosStatus) )
+        {
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pMac->scan.countryCodeDefault, 
+                    nvTables.defaultCountryTable.countryCode, WNI_CFG_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN );
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("  fail to get NV_FIELD_IMAGE\n") );
+            //hardcoded for now
+            pMac->scan.countryCodeDefault[0] = 'U';
+            pMac->scan.countryCodeDefault[1] = 'S';
+            pMac->scan.countryCodeDefault[2] = 'I';
+            //status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+        }
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" country Code from nvRam %s\n"), pMac->scan.countryCodeDefault );
+        csrGetRegulatoryDomainForCountry(pMac, pMac->scan.countryCodeDefault, &regId);
+        WDA_SetRegDomain(pMac, regId);
+        pMac->scan.domainIdDefault = regId;
+        pMac->scan.domainIdCurrent = pMac->scan.domainIdDefault;
+        status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMac->scan.countryCodeCurrent, 
+                         pMac->scan.countryCodeDefault, WNI_CFG_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN);
+        status = csrInitGetChannels( pMac );
+    }while(0);
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrSetRegInfo(tHalHandle hHal,  tANI_U8 *apCntryCode)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
+    v_REGDOMAIN_t regId;
+    v_U8_t        cntryCodeLength;
+    if(NULL == apCntryCode)
+    {
+       smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL(" Invalid country Code Pointer\n") );
+       return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    }
+    smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL(" country Code %s\n"), apCntryCode );
+    /* To get correct Regulatory domain from NV table 
+     * 2 character Country code should be used
+     * 3rd charater is optional for indoor/outdoor setting */
+    cntryCodeLength = strlen(apCntryCode);
+    status = csrGetRegulatoryDomainForCountry(pMac, apCntryCode, &regId);
+    if (status != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("  fail to get regId for country Code %s\n"), apCntryCode );
+        return status;
+    }
+    status = WDA_SetRegDomain(hHal, regId);
+    if (status != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("  fail to get regId for country Code %s\n"), apCntryCode );
+        return status;
+    }
+    pMac->scan.domainIdDefault = regId;
+    pMac->scan.domainIdCurrent = pMac->scan.domainIdDefault;
+    /* Clear CC field */
+    palFillMemory( pMac->hHdd,
+                   pMac->scan.countryCodeDefault,
+                   WNI_CFG_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN,
+                   0 );
+    /* Copy 2 or 3 bytes country code */
+    palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pMac->scan.countryCodeDefault, 
+                apCntryCode, cntryCodeLength );
+    /* If 2 bytes country code, 3rd byte must be filled with space */
+    if((WNI_CFG_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN - 1) == cntryCodeLength)
+    {
+       palFillMemory( pMac->hHdd,
+                      pMac->scan.countryCodeDefault + 2,
+                      1,
+                      0x20 );
+    }
+    status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMac->scan.countryCodeCurrent, 
+                               pMac->scan.countryCodeDefault, WNI_CFG_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN);
+    status = csrInitGetChannels( pMac );
+    return status;
+eHalStatus csrSetChannels(tHalHandle hHal,  tCsrConfigParam *pParam  )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
+    tANI_U8   index = 0;
+    palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pParam->Csr11dinfo.countryCode, 
+                   pMac->scan.countryCodeCurrent, WNI_CFG_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN );
+    for ( index = 0; index < pMac->scan.base20MHzChannels.numChannels ; index++)
+    {
+        pParam->Csr11dinfo.Channels.channelList[index] = pMac->scan.base20MHzChannels.channelList[ index ];
+        pParam->Csr11dinfo.ChnPower[index].firstChannel = pMac->scan.base20MHzChannels.channelList[ index ];
+        pParam->Csr11dinfo.ChnPower[index].numChannels = 1;
+        pParam->Csr11dinfo.ChnPower[index].maxtxPower = pMac->scan.defaultPowerTable[index].pwr;
+    }
+    pParam->Csr11dinfo.Channels.numChannels = pMac->scan.base20MHzChannels.numChannels;
+    return status;
+eHalStatus csrClose(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    csrStop(pMac);
+    csrRoamClose(pMac);
+    csrScanClose(pMac);
+    csrLLClose(&pMac->roam.statsClientReqList);
+    csrLLClose(&pMac->roam.peStatsReqList);
+    csrLLClose(&pMac->roam.roamCmdPendingList);
+    /* DeInit Globals */
+    csrRoamDeInitGlobals(pMac);
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrStart(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tANI_U32 i;
+    do
+    {
+       //save the global vos context
+        pMac->roam.gVosContext = vos_get_global_context(VOS_MODULE_ID_SME, pMac);
+        for( i = 0; i < CSR_ROAM_SESSION_MAX; i++ )
+           csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_IDLE, i );
+        status = csrRoamStart(pMac);
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) break;
+        pMac->scan.f11dInfoApplied = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+        status = pmcRegisterPowerSaveCheck(pMac, csrCheckPSReady, pMac);
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) break;
+        pMac->roam.sPendingCommands = 0;
+        csrScanEnable(pMac);
+        status = csrNeighborRoamInit(pMac);
+        pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.numClient = 0;
+        pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.periodicity = 0;
+        pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.timerRunning = FALSE;
+        //init the link quality indication also
+        pMac->roam.vccLinkQuality = eCSR_ROAM_LINK_QUAL_MIN_IND;
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) 
+        {
+           smsLog(pMac, LOGW, " csrStart: Couldn't Init HO control blk \n");
+           break;
+        }
+    }while(0);
+#if defined(ANI_LOGDUMP)
+    csrDumpInit(pMac);
+#endif //#if defined(ANI_LOGDUMP)
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrStop(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    tANI_U32 sessionId;
+    tANI_U32 i;
+    for(sessionId = 0; sessionId < CSR_ROAM_SESSION_MAX; sessionId++)
+    {
+        csrRoamCloseSession(pMac, sessionId, TRUE, NULL, NULL);
+    }
+    csrScanDisable(pMac);
+    pMac->scan.fCancelIdleScan = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    pMac->scan.fRestartIdleScan = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    csrLLPurge( &pMac->roam.roamCmdPendingList, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE );
+    csrNeighborRoamClose(pMac);
+    csrScanFlushResult(pMac); //Do we want to do this?
+    // deregister from PMC since we register during csrStart()
+    // (ignore status since there is nothing we can do if it fails)
+    (void) pmcDeregisterPowerSaveCheck(pMac, csrCheckPSReady);
+    //Reset the domain back to the deault
+    pMac->scan.domainIdCurrent = pMac->scan.domainIdDefault;
+    csrResetCountryInformation(pMac, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
+    for( i = 0; i < CSR_ROAM_SESSION_MAX; i++ )
+    {
+       csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_STOP ,i );
+       pMac->roam.curSubState[i] = eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_NONE;
+    }
+    return (eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS);
+eHalStatus csrReady(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    csrScanGetSupportedChannels( pMac );
+    //WNI_CFG_VALID_CHANNEL_LIST should be set by this time
+    //use it to init the background scan list
+    csrInitBGScanChannelList(pMac);
+    /* HDD issues the init scan */
+    csrScanStartResultAgingTimer(pMac);
+    //Store the AC weights in TL for later use
+    WLANTL_GetACWeights(pMac->roam.gVosContext, pMac->roam.ucACWeights);
+    status = csrInitChannelList( pMac );
+    if ( ! HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+    {
+       smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "csrInitChannelList failed during csrReady with status=%d\n",
+               status );
+    }
+    return (status);
+void csrSetDefaultDot11Mode( tpAniSirGlobal pMac )
+    v_U32_t wniDot11mode = 0;
+    wniDot11mode = csrTranslateToWNICfgDot11Mode(pMac,pMac->roam.configParam.uCfgDot11Mode);
+    ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_DOT11_MODE, wniDot11mode, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+void csrSetGlobalCfgs( tpAniSirGlobal pMac )
+    ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_RTS_THRESHOLD, csrGetRTSThresh(pMac), NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_11D_ENABLED,
+                        ((pMac->roam.configParam.Is11hSupportEnabled) ? pMac->roam.configParam.Is11dSupportEnabled : pMac->roam.configParam.Is11dSupportEnabled), 
+                        NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_11H_ENABLED, pMac->roam.configParam.Is11hSupportEnabled, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    //Enable channel bonding at init; for 2.4 Ghz we will update this CFG at start BSS or join 
+    ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_HEART_BEAT_THRESHOLD, pMac->roam.configParam.HeartbeatThresh24, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    //Update the operating mode to configured value during initialization,
+    //So that client can advertise full capabilities in Probe request frame.
+    csrSetDefaultDot11Mode( pMac );    
+eHalStatus csrRoamOpen(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tANI_U32 i;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession;
+    do
+    {
+        for( i = 0; i < CSR_ROAM_SESSION_MAX; i++ )
+        {
+            pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, i );
+            pSession->roamingTimerInfo.pMac = pMac;
+            pSession->roamingTimerInfo.sessionId = CSR_SESSION_ID_INVALID;
+        }
+        pMac->roam.WaitForKeyTimerInfo.pMac = pMac;
+        pMac->roam.WaitForKeyTimerInfo.sessionId = CSR_SESSION_ID_INVALID;
+        status = palTimerAlloc(pMac->hHdd, &pMac->roam.hTimerWaitForKey, csrRoamWaitForKeyTimeOutHandler, 
+                                &pMac->roam.WaitForKeyTimerInfo);
+      if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+      {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("cannot allocate memory for WaitForKey time out timer\n"));
+        break;
+      }
+      status = palTimerAlloc(pMac->hHdd, &pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.hTlStatsTimer, csrRoamTlStatsTimerHandler, pMac);
+      if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+      {
+         smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("cannot allocate memory for summary Statistics timer\n"));
+         return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+      }
+    }while (0);
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamClose(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    tANI_U32 sessionId;
+    for(sessionId = 0; sessionId < CSR_ROAM_SESSION_MAX; sessionId++)
+    {
+        csrRoamCloseSession(pMac, sessionId, TRUE, NULL, NULL);
+    }
+    palTimerStop(pMac->hHdd, pMac->roam.hTimerWaitForKey);
+    palTimerFree(pMac->hHdd, pMac->roam.hTimerWaitForKey);
+    palTimerStop(pMac->hHdd, pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.hTlStatsTimer);
+    palTimerFree(pMac->hHdd, pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.hTlStatsTimer);
+    return (eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS);
+eHalStatus csrRoamStart(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    (void)pMac;
+    return (eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS);
+void csrRoamStop(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+   csrRoamStopRoamingTimer(pMac, sessionId);
+   /* deregister the clients requesting stats from PE/TL & also stop the corresponding timers*/
+   csrRoamDeregStatisticsReq(pMac);
+eHalStatus csrRoamGetConnectState(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, eCsrConnectState *pState)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+    if( pState )
+    {
+        status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+        *pState = pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].connectState;
+    }    
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamCopyConnectProfile(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamConnectedProfile *pProfile)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    tANI_U32 size = 0;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if(pProfile)
+    {
+        if(pSession->pConnectBssDesc)
+        {
+            do
+            {
+                size = pSession->pConnectBssDesc->length + sizeof(pSession->pConnectBssDesc->length);
+                if(size)
+                {
+                    status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pProfile->pBssDesc, size);
+                    if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                    {
+                        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pProfile->pBssDesc, pSession->pConnectBssDesc, size);
+                    }
+                    else
+                        break;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    pProfile->pBssDesc = NULL;
+                }
+                pProfile->AuthType = pSession->connectedProfile.AuthType;
+                pProfile->EncryptionType = pSession->connectedProfile.EncryptionType;
+                pProfile->mcEncryptionType = pSession->connectedProfile.mcEncryptionType;
+                pProfile->BSSType = pSession->connectedProfile.BSSType;
+                pProfile->operationChannel = pSession->connectedProfile.operationChannel;
+                pProfile->CBMode = pSession->connectedProfile.CBMode;
+                palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pProfile->bssid, &pSession->connectedProfile.bssid, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+                palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pProfile->SSID, &pSession->connectedProfile.SSID, sizeof(tSirMacSSid));
+                if (pSession->connectedProfile.MDID.mdiePresent)
+                {
+                    pProfile->MDID.mdiePresent = 1;
+                    pProfile->MDID.mobilityDomain = pSession->connectedProfile.MDID.mobilityDomain;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    pProfile->MDID.mdiePresent = 0;
+                    pProfile->MDID.mobilityDomain = 0;
+                }
+                pProfile->isCCXAssoc = pSession->connectedProfile.isCCXAssoc;
+                if (csrIsAuthTypeCCX(pSession->connectedProfile.AuthType))
+                {
+                    palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pProfile->ccxCckmInfo.krk, 
+                        pSession->connectedProfile.ccxCckmInfo.krk, CSR_KRK_KEY_LEN );
+                    pProfile->ccxCckmInfo.reassoc_req_num=
+                        pSession->connectedProfile.ccxCckmInfo.reassoc_req_num;
+                    pProfile->ccxCckmInfo.krk_plumbed = 
+                        pSession->connectedProfile.ccxCckmInfo.krk_plumbed;
+                }
+            }while(0);
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamGetConnectProfile(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamConnectedProfile *pProfile)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    if(csrIsConnStateConnected(pMac, sessionId))
+    {
+        if(pProfile)
+        {
+            status = csrRoamCopyConnectProfile(pMac, sessionId, pProfile);
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamFreeConnectProfile(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrRoamConnectedProfile *pProfile)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    if(pProfile->pBssDesc)
+    {
+        palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pProfile->pBssDesc);
+    }
+    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pProfile, sizeof(tCsrRoamConnectedProfile));
+    pProfile->AuthType = eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
+    return (status);
+static eHalStatus csrRoamFreeConnectedInfo( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrRoamConnectedInfo *pConnectedInfo )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    if( pConnectedInfo->pbFrames )
+    {
+        palFreeMemory( pMac->hHdd, pConnectedInfo->pbFrames );
+        pConnectedInfo->pbFrames = NULL;
+    }
+    pConnectedInfo->nBeaconLength = 0;
+    pConnectedInfo->nAssocReqLength = 0;
+    pConnectedInfo->nAssocRspLength = 0;
+    pConnectedInfo->staId = 0;
+    pConnectedInfo->nRICRspLength = 0;
+    pConnectedInfo->nTspecIeLength = 0;
+    return ( status );
+void csrReleaseCommandRoam(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand)
+    csrReinitRoamCmd(pMac, pCommand);
+    csrReleaseCommand( pMac, pCommand );
+void csrReleaseCommandScan(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand)
+    csrReinitScanCmd(pMac, pCommand);
+    csrReleaseCommand( pMac, pCommand );
+void csrReleaseCommandWmStatusChange(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand)
+    csrReinitWmStatusChangeCmd(pMac, pCommand);
+    csrReleaseCommand( pMac, pCommand );
+void csrReinitSetKeyCmd(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand)
+    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pCommand->u.setKeyCmd, sizeof(tSetKeyCmd));
+void csrReinitRemoveKeyCmd(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand)
+    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd, sizeof(tRemoveKeyCmd));
+void csrReleaseCommandSetKey(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand)
+    csrReinitSetKeyCmd(pMac, pCommand);
+    csrReleaseCommand( pMac, pCommand );
+void csrReleaseCommandRemoveKey(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand)
+    csrReinitRemoveKeyCmd(pMac, pCommand);
+    csrReleaseCommand( pMac, pCommand );
+void csrAbortCommand( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand, tANI_BOOLEAN fStopping )
+    if( eSmeCsrCommandMask & pCommand->command )
+    {
+        switch (pCommand->command)
+        {
+        case eSmeCommandScan:
+            // We need to inform the requester before droping the scan command
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "%s: Drop scan reason %d callback 0x%X\n", 
+                __FUNCTION__, pCommand->u.scanCmd.reason, (unsigned int)pCommand->u.scanCmd.callback);
+            if (NULL != pCommand->u.scanCmd.callback)
+            {
+                smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "%s callback scan requester\n", __FUNCTION__);
+                csrScanCallCallback(pMac, pCommand, eCSR_SCAN_ABORT);
+            }
+            csrReleaseCommandScan( pMac, pCommand );
+            break;
+        case eSmeCommandRoam:
+            csrReleaseCommandRoam( pMac, pCommand );
+            break;
+        case eSmeCommandWmStatusChange:
+            csrReleaseCommandWmStatusChange( pMac, pCommand );
+            break;
+        case eSmeCommandSetKey:
+            csrReleaseCommandSetKey( pMac, pCommand );
+            break;
+        case eSmeCommandRemoveKey:
+            csrReleaseCommandRemoveKey( pMac, pCommand );
+            break;
+    default:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGW, " CSR abort standard command %d\n", pCommand->command );
+            csrReleaseCommand( pMac, pCommand );
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+void csrRoamSubstateChange( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, eCsrRoamSubState NewSubstate, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+    smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "   CSR RoamSubstate: [ %d <== %d ]\n", NewSubstate, pMac->roam.curSubState[sessionId]);
+    if(pMac->roam.curSubState[sessionId] == NewSubstate)
+    {
+       return;
+                }
+    pMac->roam.curSubState[sessionId] = NewSubstate;
+eCsrRoamState csrRoamStateChange( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, eCsrRoamState NewRoamState, tANI_U8 sessionId)
+    eCsrRoamState PreviousState;
+    smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "CSR RoamState: [ %d <== %d ]\n", NewRoamState, pMac->roam.curState[sessionId]);
+    PreviousState = pMac->roam.curState[sessionId];
+    if ( NewRoamState != pMac->roam.curState[sessionId] ) 
+    {
+        // Whenever we transition OUT of the Roaming state, clear the Roaming substate...
+        if ( CSR_IS_ROAM_JOINING(pMac, sessionId) ) 
+        {
+            csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_NONE, sessionId );
+        }
+        pMac->roam.curState[sessionId] = NewRoamState;
+    }
+    return( PreviousState );
+void csrAssignRssiForCategory(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 catOffset)
+    int i;
+    if(catOffset)
+    {
+        pMac->roam.configParam.bCatRssiOffset = catOffset;
+        for(i = 0; i < CSR_NUM_RSSI_CAT; i++)
+        {
+            pMac->roam.configParam.RSSICat[CSR_NUM_RSSI_CAT - i - 1] = (int)CSR_BEST_RSSI_VALUE - (int)(i * catOffset);
+        }
+    }
+static void initConfigParam(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    int i;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.agingCount = CSR_AGING_COUNT;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.channelBondingMode24GHz = WNI_CFG_CHANNEL_BONDING_MODE_DISABLE;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.channelBondingMode5GHz = WNI_CFG_CHANNEL_BONDING_MODE_ENABLE;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.phyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_TAURUS;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.eBand = eCSR_BAND_ALL;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.uCfgDot11Mode = eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_TAURUS;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.FragmentationThreshold = eCSR_DOT11_FRAG_THRESH_DEFAULT;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.HeartbeatThresh24 = 40;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.HeartbeatThresh50 = 40;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.Is11dSupportEnabled = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.Is11dSupportEnabledOriginal = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.Is11eSupportEnabled = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.Is11hSupportEnabled = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.RTSThreshold = 2346;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.shortSlotTime = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.WMMSupportMode = eCsrRoamWmmAuto;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.ProprietaryRatesEnabled = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.TxRate = eCSR_TX_RATE_AUTO;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.impsSleepTime = CSR_IDLE_SCAN_NO_PS_INTERVAL;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.scanAgeTimeNCNPS = CSR_SCAN_AGING_TIME_NOT_CONNECT_NO_PS;  
+    pMac->roam.configParam.scanAgeTimeNCPS = CSR_SCAN_AGING_TIME_NOT_CONNECT_W_PS;   
+    pMac->roam.configParam.scanAgeTimeCNPS = CSR_SCAN_AGING_TIME_CONNECT_NO_PS;   
+    pMac->roam.configParam.scanAgeTimeCPS = CSR_SCAN_AGING_TIME_CONNECT_W_PS;   
+    for(i = 0; i < CSR_NUM_RSSI_CAT; i++)
+    {
+        pMac->roam.configParam.BssPreferValue[i] = i;
+    }
+    csrAssignRssiForCategory(pMac, CSR_DEFAULT_RSSI_DB_GAP);
+    pMac->roam.configParam.nRoamingTime = CSR_DEFAULT_ROAMING_TIME;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.fEnforce11dChannels = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.fSupplicantCountryCodeHasPriority = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.fEnforceCountryCodeMatch = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.fEnforceDefaultDomain = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.nActiveMaxChnTime = CSR_ACTIVE_MAX_CHANNEL_TIME;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.nActiveMinChnTime = CSR_ACTIVE_MIN_CHANNEL_TIME;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.nPassiveMaxChnTime = CSR_PASSIVE_MAX_CHANNEL_TIME;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.nPassiveMinChnTime = CSR_PASSIVE_MIN_CHANNEL_TIME;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.IsIdleScanEnabled = TRUE; //enable the idle scan by default
+    pMac->roam.configParam.nTxPowerCap = CSR_MAX_TX_POWER;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.statsReqPeriodicity = CSR_MIN_GLOBAL_STAT_QUERY_PERIOD;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.statsReqPeriodicityInPS = CSR_MIN_GLOBAL_STAT_QUERY_PERIOD_IN_BMPS;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.csr11rConfig.IsFTResourceReqSupported = 0;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.nMaxNeighborRetries = 3;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.nNeighborLookupRssiThreshold = 120;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.nNeighborReassocRssiThreshold = 125;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.nNeighborScanMinChanTime = 20;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.nNeighborScanMaxChanTime = 40;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.nNeighborScanTimerPeriod = 200;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.neighborScanChanList.numChannels = 3;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.neighborScanChanList.channelList[0] = 1;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.neighborScanChanList.channelList[1] = 6;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.neighborScanChanList.channelList[2] = 11;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.nNeighborResultsRefreshPeriod = 20000; //20 seconds
+    pMac->roam.configParam.addTSWhenACMIsOff = 0;
+    pMac->roam.configParam.fScanTwice = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+eCsrBand csrGetCurrentBand(tHalHandle hHal)
+    tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
+    return pMac->roam.configParam.bandCapability;
+eHalStatus csrSetBand(tHalHandle hHal, eCsrBand eBand)
+    tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    if (CSR_IS_PHY_MODE_A_ONLY(pMac) &&
+            (eBand == eCSR_BAND_24))
+    {
+        /* DOT11 mode configured to 11a only and received 
+           request to change the band to 2.4 GHz */
+            "failed to set band cfg80211 = %u, band = %u\n",  
+            pMac->roam.configParam.uCfgDot11Mode, eBand);
+    }
+    if ((CSR_IS_PHY_MODE_B_ONLY(pMac) ||
+                CSR_IS_PHY_MODE_G_ONLY(pMac)) &&
+            (eBand == eCSR_BAND_5G))
+    {
+        /* DOT11 mode configured to 11b/11g only and received 
+           request to change the band to 5 GHz */
+            "failed to set band dot11mode = %u, band = %u\n",  
+            pMac->roam.configParam.uCfgDot11Mode, eBand);
+    }
+            "Band changed to %u (0 - ALL, 1 - 2.4 GHZ, 2 - 5GHZ)\n", eBand);
+    pMac->roam.configParam.eBand = eBand; 
+    pMac->roam.configParam.bandCapability = eBand; 
+    csrScanGetSupportedChannels( pMac );
+    status = csrInitGetChannels( pMac );
+    if (eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS == status)
+        csrInitChannelList( hHal );
+    return status;
+eHalStatus csrChangeDefaultConfigParam(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrConfigParam *pParam)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    if(pParam)
+    {
+        pMac->roam.configParam.WMMSupportMode = pParam->WMMSupportMode;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.Is11eSupportEnabled = pParam->Is11eSupportEnabled;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.FragmentationThreshold = pParam->FragmentationThreshold;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.Is11dSupportEnabled = pParam->Is11dSupportEnabled;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.Is11dSupportEnabledOriginal = pParam->Is11dSupportEnabled;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.Is11hSupportEnabled = pParam->Is11hSupportEnabled;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.fenableMCCMode = pParam->fEnableMCCMode;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.channelBondingMode24GHz = pParam->channelBondingMode24GHz;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.channelBondingMode5GHz = pParam->channelBondingMode5GHz;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.RTSThreshold = pParam->RTSThreshold;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.phyMode = pParam->phyMode;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.shortSlotTime = pParam->shortSlotTime;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.HeartbeatThresh24 = pParam->HeartbeatThresh24;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.HeartbeatThresh50 = pParam->HeartbeatThresh50;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.ProprietaryRatesEnabled = pParam->ProprietaryRatesEnabled;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.TxRate = pParam->TxRate;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.AdHocChannel24 = pParam->AdHocChannel24;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.AdHocChannel5G = pParam->AdHocChannel5G;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.bandCapability = pParam->bandCapability;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.cbChoice = pParam->cbChoice;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.bgScanInterval = pParam->bgScanInterval;
+        //if HDD passed down non zero values then only update,
+        //otherwise keep using the defaults
+        if(pParam->nActiveMaxChnTime)
+        {
+            pMac->roam.configParam.nActiveMaxChnTime = pParam->nActiveMaxChnTime;
+        }
+        if(pParam->nActiveMinChnTime)
+        {
+            pMac->roam.configParam.nActiveMinChnTime = pParam->nActiveMinChnTime;
+        }
+        if(pParam->nPassiveMaxChnTime)
+        {
+            pMac->roam.configParam.nPassiveMaxChnTime = pParam->nPassiveMaxChnTime;
+        }
+        if(pParam->nPassiveMinChnTime)
+        {
+            pMac->roam.configParam.nPassiveMinChnTime = pParam->nPassiveMinChnTime;
+        }
+        //if upper layer wants to disable idle scan altogether set it to 0
+        if(pParam->impsSleepTime)
+        {
+            //Change the unit from second to microsecond
+            tANI_U32 impsSleepTime = pParam->impsSleepTime * PAL_TIMER_TO_SEC_UNIT;
+            if(CSR_IDLE_SCAN_NO_PS_INTERVAL_MIN <= impsSleepTime)
+            {
+                pMac->roam.configParam.impsSleepTime = impsSleepTime;
+            }
+        else
+        {
+            pMac->roam.configParam.impsSleepTime = CSR_IDLE_SCAN_NO_PS_INTERVAL;
+        }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pMac->roam.configParam.impsSleepTime = 0;
+        }
+        pMac->roam.configParam.eBand = pParam->eBand;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.uCfgDot11Mode = csrGetCfgDot11ModeFromCsrPhyMode(NULL, pMac->roam.configParam.phyMode, 
+                                                    pMac->roam.configParam.ProprietaryRatesEnabled);
+        pMac->roam.configParam.uCfgDot11Mode = csrGetCfgDot11ModeFromCsrPhyMode(pMac->roam.configParam.phyMode, 
+                                                    pMac->roam.configParam.ProprietaryRatesEnabled);
+        //if HDD passed down non zero values for age params, then only update,
+        //otherwise keep using the defaults
+        if(pParam->nScanResultAgeCount)
+        {
+            pMac->roam.configParam.agingCount = pParam->nScanResultAgeCount;
+        }
+        if(pParam->scanAgeTimeNCNPS)
+        {
+            pMac->roam.configParam.scanAgeTimeNCNPS = pParam->scanAgeTimeNCNPS;  
+        }
+        if(pParam->scanAgeTimeNCPS)
+        {
+            pMac->roam.configParam.scanAgeTimeNCPS = pParam->scanAgeTimeNCPS;   
+        }
+        if(pParam->scanAgeTimeCNPS)
+        {
+            pMac->roam.configParam.scanAgeTimeCNPS = pParam->scanAgeTimeCNPS;   
+        }
+        if(pParam->scanAgeTimeCPS)
+        {
+            pMac->roam.configParam.scanAgeTimeCPS = pParam->scanAgeTimeCPS;   
+        }
+        csrAssignRssiForCategory(pMac, pParam->bCatRssiOffset);
+        pMac->roam.configParam.nRoamingTime = pParam->nRoamingTime;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.fEnforce11dChannels = pParam->fEnforce11dChannels;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.fSupplicantCountryCodeHasPriority = pParam->fSupplicantCountryCodeHasPriority;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.fEnforceCountryCodeMatch = pParam->fEnforceCountryCodeMatch;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.fEnforceDefaultDomain = pParam->fEnforceDefaultDomain;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.vccRssiThreshold = pParam->vccRssiThreshold;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.vccUlMacLossThreshold = pParam->vccUlMacLossThreshold;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.IsIdleScanEnabled = pParam->IsIdleScanEnabled;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.statsReqPeriodicity = pParam->statsReqPeriodicity;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.statsReqPeriodicityInPS = pParam->statsReqPeriodicityInPS;
+        //Assign this before calling CsrInit11dInfo
+        pMac->roam.configParam.nTxPowerCap = pParam->nTxPowerCap;
+        if( csrIs11dSupported( pMac ) )
+        {
+            status = CsrInit11dInfo(pMac, &pParam->Csr11dinfo);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pMac->scan.curScanType = eSIR_ACTIVE_SCAN;
+        }
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, &pMac->roam.configParam.csr11rConfig, &pParam->csr11rConfig, sizeof(tCsr11rConfigParams) );
+        smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "IsFTResourceReqSupp = %d\n", pMac->roam.configParam.csr11rConfig.IsFTResourceReqSupported); 
+#if  defined (WLAN_FEATURE_VOWIFI_11R) || defined (FEATURE_WLAN_CCX)
+        pMac->roam.configParam.isFastTransitionEnabled = pParam->isFastTransitionEnabled;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.isCcxIniFeatureEnabled = pParam->isCcxIniFeatureEnabled;
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, &pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig, &pParam->neighborRoamConfig, sizeof(tCsrNeighborRoamConfigParams) );
+        smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "nNeighborScanTimerPerioid = %d\n", pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.nNeighborScanTimerPeriod);
+        smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "nNeighborReassocRssiThreshold = %d\n", pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.nNeighborReassocRssiThreshold);  
+        smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "nNeighborLookupRssiThreshold = %d\n", pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.nNeighborLookupRssiThreshold);  
+        smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "nNeighborScanMinChanTime = %d\n", pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.nNeighborScanMinChanTime); 
+        smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "nNeighborScanMaxChanTime = %d\n", pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.nNeighborScanMaxChanTime);
+        smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "nMaxNeighborRetries = %d\n", pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.nMaxNeighborRetries); 
+        smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "nNeighborResultsRefreshPeriod = %d\n", pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.nNeighborResultsRefreshPeriod); 
+        {
+           int i;
+           smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("Num of Channels in CFG Channel List: %d\n"), pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.neighborScanChanList.numChannels); 
+           for( i=0; i< pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.neighborScanChanList.numChannels; i++)
+           {
+              smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "%d ", pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig.neighborScanChanList.channelList[i] );
+           }
+           smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "\n");
+        }
+        pMac->roam.configParam.addTSWhenACMIsOff = pParam->addTSWhenACMIsOff;
+        pMac->scan.fValidateList = pParam->fValidateList;
+        pMac->scan.fEnableBypass11d = pParam->fEnableBypass11d;
+        pMac->scan.fEnableDFSChnlScan = pParam->fEnableDFSChnlScan;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.fScanTwice = pParam->fScanTwice;
+    }
+    return status;
+eHalStatus csrGetConfigParam(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrConfigParam *pParam)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+    if(pParam)
+    {
+        pParam->WMMSupportMode = pMac->roam.configParam.WMMSupportMode;
+        pParam->Is11eSupportEnabled = pMac->roam.configParam.Is11eSupportEnabled;
+        pParam->FragmentationThreshold = pMac->roam.configParam.FragmentationThreshold;
+        pParam->Is11dSupportEnabled = pMac->roam.configParam.Is11dSupportEnabled;
+        pParam->Is11dSupportEnabledOriginal = pMac->roam.configParam.Is11dSupportEnabledOriginal;
+        pParam->Is11hSupportEnabled = pMac->roam.configParam.Is11hSupportEnabled;
+        pParam->channelBondingMode24GHz = pMac->roam.configParam.channelBondingMode24GHz;
+        pParam->channelBondingMode5GHz = pMac->roam.configParam.channelBondingMode5GHz;
+        pParam->RTSThreshold = pMac->roam.configParam.RTSThreshold;
+        pParam->phyMode = pMac->roam.configParam.phyMode;
+        pParam->shortSlotTime = pMac->roam.configParam.shortSlotTime;
+        pParam->HeartbeatThresh24 = pMac->roam.configParam.HeartbeatThresh24;
+        pParam->HeartbeatThresh50 = pMac->roam.configParam.HeartbeatThresh50;
+        pParam->ProprietaryRatesEnabled = pMac->roam.configParam.ProprietaryRatesEnabled;
+        pParam->TxRate = pMac->roam.configParam.TxRate;
+        pParam->AdHocChannel24 = pMac->roam.configParam.AdHocChannel24;
+        pParam->AdHocChannel5G = pMac->roam.configParam.AdHocChannel5G;
+        pParam->bandCapability = pMac->roam.configParam.bandCapability;
+        pParam->cbChoice = pMac->roam.configParam.cbChoice;
+        pParam->bgScanInterval = pMac->roam.configParam.bgScanInterval;
+        pParam->nActiveMaxChnTime = pMac->roam.configParam.nActiveMaxChnTime;
+        pParam->nActiveMinChnTime = pMac->roam.configParam.nActiveMinChnTime;
+        pParam->nPassiveMaxChnTime = pMac->roam.configParam.nPassiveMaxChnTime;
+        pParam->nPassiveMinChnTime = pMac->roam.configParam.nPassiveMinChnTime;
+        //Change the unit from microsecond to second
+        pParam->impsSleepTime = pMac->roam.configParam.impsSleepTime / PAL_TIMER_TO_SEC_UNIT;
+        pParam->eBand = pMac->roam.configParam.eBand;
+        pParam->nScanResultAgeCount = pMac->roam.configParam.agingCount;
+        pParam->scanAgeTimeNCNPS = pMac->roam.configParam.scanAgeTimeNCNPS;  
+        pParam->scanAgeTimeNCPS = pMac->roam.configParam.scanAgeTimeNCPS;   
+        pParam->scanAgeTimeCNPS = pMac->roam.configParam.scanAgeTimeCNPS;   
+        pParam->scanAgeTimeCPS = pMac->roam.configParam.scanAgeTimeCPS;   
+        pParam->bCatRssiOffset = pMac->roam.configParam.bCatRssiOffset;
+        pParam->nRoamingTime = pMac->roam.configParam.nRoamingTime;
+        pParam->fEnforce11dChannels = pMac->roam.configParam.fEnforce11dChannels;
+        pParam->fSupplicantCountryCodeHasPriority = pMac->roam.configParam.fSupplicantCountryCodeHasPriority;
+        pParam->fEnforceCountryCodeMatch = pMac->roam.configParam.fEnforceCountryCodeMatch;
+        pParam->fEnforceDefaultDomain = pMac->roam.configParam.fEnforceDefaultDomain;        
+        pParam->vccRssiThreshold = pMac->roam.configParam.vccRssiThreshold;
+        pParam->vccUlMacLossThreshold = pMac->roam.configParam.vccUlMacLossThreshold;
+        pParam->IsIdleScanEnabled = pMac->roam.configParam.IsIdleScanEnabled;
+        pParam->nTxPowerCap = pMac->roam.configParam.nTxPowerCap;
+        pParam->statsReqPeriodicity = pMac->roam.configParam.statsReqPeriodicity;
+        pParam->statsReqPeriodicityInPS = pMac->roam.configParam.statsReqPeriodicityInPS;
+        pParam->addTSWhenACMIsOff = pMac->roam.configParam.addTSWhenACMIsOff;
+        pParam->fValidateList = pMac->roam.configParam.fValidateList;
+        pParam->fEnableBypass11d = pMac->scan.fEnableBypass11d;
+        pParam->fEnableDFSChnlScan = pMac->scan.fEnableDFSChnlScan;
+        pParam->fScanTwice = pMac->roam.configParam.fScanTwice;
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, &pParam->neighborRoamConfig, &pMac->roam.configParam.neighborRoamConfig, sizeof(tCsrNeighborRoamConfigParams) );
+        csrSetChannels(pMac, pParam);
+        status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrSetPhyMode(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 phyMode, eCsrBand eBand, tANI_BOOLEAN *pfRestartNeeded)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+    tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
+    tANI_BOOLEAN fRestartNeeded = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    eCsrPhyMode newPhyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_AUTO;
+    do
+    {
+        if(eCSR_BAND_24 == eBand)
+        {
+            if(CSR_IS_RADIO_A_ONLY(pMac)) break;
+            if((eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11a & phyMode) || (eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11a_ONLY & phyMode)) break;
+        }
+        if(eCSR_BAND_5G == eBand)
+        {
+            if(CSR_IS_RADIO_BG_ONLY(pMac)) break;
+            if((eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11b & phyMode) || (eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11b_ONLY & phyMode) ||
+                (eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11g & phyMode) || (eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11g_ONLY & phyMode) 
+                ) 
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if((0 == phyMode) || (eCSR_DOT11_MODE_TAURUS & phyMode))
+        {
+            newPhyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_TAURUS;
+        }
+        else if(eCSR_DOT11_MODE_AUTO & phyMode)
+        {
+            newPhyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_AUTO;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            //Check for dual band and higher capability first
+            if(eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11n_ONLY & phyMode)
+            {
+                if(eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11n_ONLY != phyMode) break;
+                newPhyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11n_ONLY;
+            }
+            else if(eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11a_ONLY & phyMode)
+            {
+                if(eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11a_ONLY != phyMode) break;
+                if(eCSR_BAND_24 == eBand) break;
+                newPhyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11a_ONLY;
+                eBand = eCSR_BAND_5G;
+            }
+            else if(eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11g_ONLY & phyMode)
+            {
+                if(eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11g_ONLY != phyMode) break;
+                if(eCSR_BAND_5G == eBand) break;
+                newPhyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11g_ONLY;
+                eBand = eCSR_BAND_24;
+            }
+            else if(eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11b_ONLY & phyMode)
+            {
+                if(eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11b_ONLY != phyMode) break;
+                if(eCSR_BAND_5G == eBand) break;
+                newPhyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11b_ONLY;
+                eBand = eCSR_BAND_24;
+            }
+            else if(eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11n & phyMode)
+            {
+                newPhyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11n;
+            }
+            else if(eCSR_DOT11_MODE_abg & phyMode)
+            {
+                newPhyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_abg;
+            }
+            else if(eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11a & phyMode)
+            {
+                if((eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11g & phyMode) || (eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11b & phyMode))
+                {
+                    if(eCSR_BAND_ALL == eBand)
+                    {
+                        newPhyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_abg;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        //bad setting
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    newPhyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11a;
+                    eBand = eCSR_BAND_5G;
+                }
+            }
+            else if(eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11g & phyMode)
+            {
+                newPhyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11g;
+                eBand = eCSR_BAND_24;
+            }
+            else if(eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11b & phyMode)
+            {
+                newPhyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11b;
+                eBand = eCSR_BAND_24;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                //We will never be here
+                smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" cannot recognize the phy mode 0x%08X\n"), phyMode );
+                newPhyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_AUTO;
+            }
+        }
+        //Done validating
+        status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+        //Now we need to check whether a restart is needed.
+        if(eBand != pMac->roam.configParam.eBand)
+        {
+            fRestartNeeded = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+            break;
+        }
+        if(newPhyMode != pMac->roam.configParam.phyMode)
+        {
+            fRestartNeeded = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+            break;
+        }
+    }while(0);
+    if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+    {
+        pMac->roam.configParam.eBand = eBand;
+        pMac->roam.configParam.phyMode = newPhyMode;
+        if(pfRestartNeeded)
+        {
+            *pfRestartNeeded = fRestartNeeded;
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+void csrPruneChannelListForMode( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrChannel *pChannelList )
+    tANI_U8 Index;
+    tANI_U8 cChannels;
+    // for dual band NICs, don't need to trim the channel list....
+    if ( !CSR_IS_OPEARTING_DUAL_BAND( pMac ) )
+    {
+        // 2.4 GHz band operation requires the channel list to be trimmed to
+        // the 2.4 GHz channels only...
+        if ( CSR_IS_24_BAND_ONLY( pMac ) )
+        {
+            for( Index = 0, cChannels = 0; Index < pChannelList->numChannels;
+                 Index++ )
+            {
+                if ( CSR_IS_CHANNEL_24GHZ(pChannelList->channelList[ Index ]) )
+                {
+                    pChannelList->channelList[ cChannels ] = pChannelList->channelList[ Index ];
+                    cChannels++;
+                }
+            }
+            // Cleanup the rest of channels.   Note we only need to clean up the channels if we had
+            // to trim the list.  Calling palZeroMemory() with a 0 size is going to throw asserts on 
+            // the debug builds so let's be a bit smarter about that.  Zero out the reset of the channels
+            // only if we need to.
+            //
+            // The amount of memory to clear is the number of channesl that we trimmed 
+            // (pChannelList->numChannels - cChannels) times the size of a channel in the structure.
+            if ( pChannelList->numChannels > cChannels )
+            {
+                palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, &pChannelList->channelList[ cChannels ],
+                               sizeof( pChannelList->channelList[ 0 ] ) * ( pChannelList->numChannels - cChannels ) );
+            }
+            pChannelList->numChannels = cChannels;
+        }
+        else if ( CSR_IS_5G_BAND_ONLY( pMac ) )
+        {
+            for ( Index = 0, cChannels = 0; Index < pChannelList->numChannels; Index++ )
+            {
+                if ( CSR_IS_CHANNEL_5GHZ(pChannelList->channelList[ Index ]) )
+                {
+                    pChannelList->channelList[ cChannels ] = pChannelList->channelList[ Index ];
+                    cChannels++;
+                }
+            }
+            // Cleanup the rest of channels.   Note we only need to clean up the channels if we had
+            // to trim the list.  Calling palZeroMemory() with a 0 size is going to throw asserts on 
+            // the debug builds so let's be a bit smarter about that.  Zero out the reset of the channels
+            // only if we need to.
+            //
+            // The amount of memory to clear is the number of channesl that we trimmed 
+            // (pChannelList->numChannels - cChannels) times the size of a channel in the structure.
+            if ( pChannelList->numChannels > cChannels )
+            {
+                palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, &pChannelList->channelList[ cChannels ],
+                               sizeof( pChannelList->channelList[ 0 ] ) * ( pChannelList->numChannels - cChannels ) );
+            }            
+            pChannelList->numChannels = cChannels;
+        }
+    }
+eHalStatus csrIsValidChannel(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 chnNum)
+    tANI_U8 index= 0;
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    for (index=0; index < pMac->scan.base20MHzChannels.numChannels ;index++)
+    {
+        if(pMac->scan.base20MHzChannels.channelList[ index ] == chnNum){
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return status;
+eHalStatus csrInitGetChannels(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tANI_U8 num20MHzChannelsFound = 0;
+    VOS_STATUS vosStatus;
+    tANI_U8 Index = 0;
+    tANI_U8 num40MHzChannelsFound = 0;
+    //TODO: this interface changed to include the 40MHz channel list
+    // this needs to be tied into the adapter structure somehow and referenced appropriately for CB operation
+    // Read the scan channel list (including the power limit) from EEPROM
+    vosStatus = vos_nv_getChannelListWithPower( pMac->scan.defaultPowerTable, &num20MHzChannelsFound, 
+                        pMac->scan.defaultPowerTable40MHz, &num40MHzChannelsFound);
+    if ( (VOS_STATUS_SUCCESS != vosStatus) || (num20MHzChannelsFound == 0) )
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("failed to get channels \n"));
+        status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if ( num20MHzChannelsFound > WNI_CFG_VALID_CHANNEL_LIST_LEN )
+        {
+            num20MHzChannelsFound = WNI_CFG_VALID_CHANNEL_LIST_LEN;
+        }
+        pMac->scan.numChannelsDefault = num20MHzChannelsFound;
+        // Move the channel list to the global data
+        // structure -- this will be used as the scan list
+        for ( Index = 0; Index < num20MHzChannelsFound; Index++)
+        {
+#ifdef FEATURE_WLAN_INTEGRATED_SOC /* Need to fix this while dealing with NV item */
+            pMac->scan.base20MHzChannels.channelList[ Index ] = pMac->scan.defaultPowerTable[ Index ].chanId;
+           pMac->scan.base20MHzChannels.channelList[ Index ] = Index + 1;
+           pMac->scan.defaultPowerTable[Index].chanId = Index + 1;
+           pMac->scan.defaultPowerTable[Index].pwr = 25;
+        }
+        pMac->scan.base20MHzChannels.numChannels = num20MHzChannelsFound;
+        if(num40MHzChannelsFound > WNI_CFG_VALID_CHANNEL_LIST_LEN)
+        {
+            num40MHzChannelsFound = WNI_CFG_VALID_CHANNEL_LIST_LEN;
+        }
+        for ( Index = 0; Index < num40MHzChannelsFound; Index++)
+        {
+            pMac->scan.base40MHzChannels.channelList[ Index ] = pMac->scan.defaultPowerTable40MHz[ Index ].chanId;
+        }
+        pMac->scan.base40MHzChannels.numChannels = num40MHzChannelsFound;
+    }
+    return (status);  
+eHalStatus csrInitChannelList( tHalHandle hHal )
+    tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    csrPruneChannelListForMode(pMac, &pMac->scan.baseChannels);
+    csrPruneChannelListForMode(pMac, &pMac->scan.base20MHzChannels);
+    // Apply the base channel list, power info, and set the Country code...
+    csrApplyChannelPowerCountryInfo( pMac, &pMac->scan.base20MHzChannels, pMac->scan.countryCodeCurrent );
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrChangeConfigParams(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, 
+                                 tCsrUpdateConfigParam *pUpdateConfigParam)
+   eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+   tCsr11dinfo *ps11dinfo = NULL;
+   ps11dinfo = &pUpdateConfigParam->Csr11dinfo;
+   status = CsrInit11dInfo(pMac, ps11dinfo);
+   return status;
+static eHalStatus CsrInit11dInfo(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsr11dinfo *ps11dinfo)
+  eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+  tANI_U8  index;
+  tANI_U32 count=0;
+  tSirMacChanInfo *pChanInfo;
+  tSirMacChanInfo *pChanInfoStart;
+  tANI_BOOLEAN applyConfig = TRUE;
+  if(!ps11dinfo)
+  {
+     return (status);
+  }
+  if ( ps11dinfo->Channels.numChannels && ( WNI_CFG_VALID_CHANNEL_LIST_LEN >= ps11dinfo->Channels.numChannels ) ) 
+  {
+    pMac->scan.base20MHzChannels.numChannels = ps11dinfo->Channels.numChannels;
+    status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMac->scan.base20MHzChannels.channelList, 
+                           ps11dinfo->Channels.channelList, ps11dinfo->Channels.numChannels);
+    if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) return (status);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+     //No change
+     return (eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS);
+  }
+  //legacy maintenance
+  status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMac->scan.countryCodeDefault, 
+                         ps11dinfo->countryCode, WNI_CFG_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN);
+  if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) return (status);
+  //Tush: at csropen get this initialized with default, during csr reset if this 
+  // already set with some value no need initilaize with default again
+  if(0 == pMac->scan.countryCodeCurrent[0])
+  {
+     status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMac->scan.countryCodeCurrent, 
+                         ps11dinfo->countryCode, WNI_CFG_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN);
+     if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) return (status);
+  }
+  // need to add the max power channel list
+  if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pChanInfo, sizeof(tSirMacChanInfo) * WNI_CFG_VALID_CHANNEL_LIST_LEN)))
+  {
+      palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pChanInfo, sizeof(tSirMacChanInfo) * WNI_CFG_VALID_CHANNEL_LIST_LEN);
+      pChanInfoStart = pChanInfo;
+      for(index = 0; index < ps11dinfo->Channels.numChannels; index++)
+      {
+        pChanInfo->firstChanNum = ps11dinfo->ChnPower[index].firstChannel;
+        pChanInfo->numChannels  = ps11dinfo->ChnPower[index].numChannels;
+        pChanInfo->maxTxPower   = CSR_ROAM_MIN( ps11dinfo->ChnPower[index].maxtxPower, pMac->roam.configParam.nTxPowerCap );
+        pChanInfo++;
+        count++;
+      }
+      if(count)
+      {
+          csrSaveToChannelPower2G_5G( pMac, count * sizeof(tSirMacChanInfo), pChanInfoStart );
+      }
+      palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pChanInfoStart);
+  }
+  //Only apply them to CFG when not in STOP state. Otherwise they will be applied later
+  if( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) )
+  {
+      for( index = 0; index < CSR_ROAM_SESSION_MAX; index++ )
+      {
+          if((CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID(pMac, index)) && CSR_IS_ROAM_STOP(pMac, index))
+          {
+              applyConfig = FALSE;
+          }
+    }
+    if(TRUE == applyConfig)
+    {
+        // Apply the base channel list, power info, and set the Country code...
+        csrApplyChannelPowerCountryInfo( pMac, &pMac->scan.base20MHzChannels, pMac->scan.countryCodeCurrent );
+    }
+  }
+  return (status);
+//pCommand may be NULL
+//Pass in sessionId in case pCommand is NULL. sessionId is not used in case pCommand is not NULL.
+void csrRoamRemoveDuplicateCommand(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tSmeCmd *pCommand, eCsrRoamReason eRoamReason)
+    tListElem *pEntry, *pNextEntry;
+    tSmeCmd *pDupCommand;
+    tDblLinkList localList;
+    vos_mem_zero(&localList, sizeof(tDblLinkList));
+    if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrLLOpen(pMac->hHdd, &localList)))
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" failed to open list"));
+        return;
+    }
+    csrLLLock( &pMac->sme.smeCmdPendingList );
+    pEntry = csrLLPeekHead( &pMac->sme.smeCmdPendingList, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK );
+    while( pEntry )
+    {
+        pNextEntry = csrLLNext( &pMac->sme.smeCmdPendingList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK );
+        pDupCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link );
+        // Remove the previous command if..
+        // - the new roam command is for the same RoamReason...
+        // - the new roam command is a NewProfileList.
+        // - the new roam command is a Forced Dissoc
+        // - the new roam command is from an 802.11 OID (OID_SSID or OID_BSSID).
+        if ( 
+            (pCommand && ( pCommand->sessionId == pDupCommand->sessionId ) &&
+                ((pCommand->command == pDupCommand->command) &&
+                 (pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason == pDupCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason ||
+                    eCsrForcedDisassoc == pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason ||
+                    eCsrHddIssued == pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason))) 
+                ||
+            //below the pCommand is NULL
+            ( (sessionId == pDupCommand->sessionId) && (eCsrRoamCommandRoam == pDupCommand->command) &&
+                 ((eCsrForcedDisassoc == eRoamReason) ||
+                    (eCsrHddIssued == eRoamReason))
+               )
+           )
+        {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("   roamReason = %d\n"), pDupCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason);
+            // Remove the 'stale' roam command from the pending list...
+            if(csrLLRemoveEntry( &pMac->sme.smeCmdPendingList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK ))
+            {
+                csrLLInsertTail(&localList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK);
+            }
+        }
+        pEntry = pNextEntry;
+    }
+    csrLLUnlock( &pMac->sme.smeCmdPendingList );
+    while( (pEntry = csrLLRemoveHead(&localList, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK)) )
+    {
+        pDupCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link );
+        //Tell caller that the command is cancelled
+        csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, pDupCommand->sessionId, NULL, pDupCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId,
+                                            eCSR_ROAM_CANCELLED, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE);
+        csrReleaseCommandRoam(pMac, pDupCommand);
+    }
+    csrLLClose(&localList);
+eHalStatus csrRoamCallCallback(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamInfo *pRoamInfo, 
+                               tANI_U32 roamId, eRoamCmdStatus u1, eCsrRoamResult u2)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    WLAN_VOS_DIAG_EVENT_DEF(connectionStatus, vos_event_wlan_status_payload_type);
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession;
+    if( CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID( pMac, sessionId) )
+    {
+        pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       smsLog(pMac, LOGE, "Session ID:%d is not valid\n", sessionId);
+       VOS_ASSERT(0);
+       return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    }
+    if(eCSR_ROAM_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION == u1 && pRoamInfo)
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGW, " Assoc complete result = %d statusCode = %d reasonCode = %d\n", u2, pRoamInfo->statusCode, pRoamInfo->reasonCode);
+    }
+    if ( (pSession == NULL) ||
+        (eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE == pSession->sessionActive) )
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOG1, "Session ID is not valid\n");
+        return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    }
+    if(NULL != pSession->callback)
+    {
+        if( pRoamInfo )
+        {
+            pRoamInfo->sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        }
+        /* avoid holding the global lock when making the roaming callback , original change came 
+        from a raised CR (CR304874).  Since this callback is in HDD a potential deadlock 
+        is possible on other OS ports where the callback may need to take locks to protect 
+        HDD state 
+         UPDATE : revert this change but keep the comments here. Need to revisit as there are callbacks
+         that may actually depend on the lock being held */
+        // TODO: revisit: sme_ReleaseGlobalLock( &pMac->sme );
+        status = pSession->callback(pSession->pContext, pRoamInfo, roamId, u1, u2);
+        // TODO: revisit: sme_AcquireGlobalLock( &pMac->sme );
+    }
+    //                   eCSR_ROAM_LOSTLINK, eCSR_ROAM_DISASSOCIATED, 
+    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &connectionStatus, sizeof(vos_event_wlan_status_payload_type));
+    {
+       connectionStatus.eventId = eCSR_WLAN_STATUS_CONNECT;
+       connectionStatus.bssType = pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile->BSSType;
+       if(NULL != pRoamInfo->pBssDesc)
+       {
+          connectionStatus.rssi = pRoamInfo->pBssDesc->rssi * (-1);
+ = pRoamInfo->pBssDesc->channelId;
+       }
+       connectionStatus.qosCapability = pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile->qosConnection;
+       connectionStatus.authType = (v_U8_t)diagAuthTypeFromCSRType(pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile->AuthType);
+       connectionStatus.encryptionType = (v_U8_t)diagEncTypeFromCSRType(pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile->EncryptionType);
+       palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, connectionStatus.ssid, pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile->SSID.ssId, 6);
+       connectionStatus.reason = eCSR_REASON_UNSPECIFIED;
+    }
+    {
+       connectionStatus.eventId = eCSR_WLAN_STATUS_DISCONNECT;
+       connectionStatus.reason = eCSR_REASON_MIC_ERROR;
+    }
+    if(eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FORCED == u2)
+    {
+       connectionStatus.eventId = eCSR_WLAN_STATUS_DISCONNECT;
+       connectionStatus.reason = eCSR_REASON_USER_REQUESTED;
+    }
+    {
+       connectionStatus.eventId = eCSR_WLAN_STATUS_DISCONNECT;
+       connectionStatus.reason = eCSR_REASON_DISASSOC;
+    }
+    {
+       connectionStatus.eventId = eCSR_WLAN_STATUS_DISCONNECT;
+       connectionStatus.reason = eCSR_REASON_DEAUTH;
+    }
+    return (status);
+// Returns whether handoff is currently in progress or not
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrRoamIsHandoffInProgress(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    return csrNeighborRoamIsHandoffInProgress(pMac);                    
+    return eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+eHalStatus csrRoamIssueDisassociate( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId,
+                                     eCsrRoamSubState NewSubstate, tANI_BOOLEAN fMICFailure )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tCsrBssid bssId = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
+    tANI_U16 reasonCode;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    //Restore AC weight in case we change it 
+    if ( csrIsConnStateConnectedInfra( pMac, sessionId ) )
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" restore AC weights (%d-%d-%d-%d)\n"), pMac->roam.ucACWeights[0], pMac->roam.ucACWeights[1],
+            pMac->roam.ucACWeights[2], pMac->roam.ucACWeights[3]);
+        WLANTL_SetACWeights(pMac->roam.gVosContext, pMac->roam.ucACWeights);
+    }
+    if ( fMICFailure )
+    {
+        reasonCode = eSIR_MAC_MIC_FAILURE_REASON;
+    }
+    else if (NewSubstate == eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISASSOC_HANDOFF)
+    {
+    } else 
+    {
+        reasonCode = eSIR_MAC_UNSPEC_FAILURE_REASON;
+    }    
+    if ( (csrRoamIsHandoffInProgress(pMac)) && 
+    {
+        tpCsrNeighborRoamControlInfo pNeighborRoamInfo = &pMac->roam.neighborRoamInfo;
+        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &bssId, pNeighborRoamInfo->csrNeighborRoamProfile.BSSIDs.bssid, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+    } else 
+    if(pSession->pConnectBssDesc)
+    {
+        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &bssId, pSession->pConnectBssDesc->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+    }
+    smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "CSR Attempting to Disassociate Bssid= %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x subState = %d\n", 
+                  bssId[ 0 ], bssId[ 1 ], bssId[ 2 ],
+                  bssId[ 3 ], bssId[ 4 ], bssId[ 5 ], NewSubstate );    
+    csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, NewSubstate, sessionId);
+    status = csrSendMBDisassocReqMsg( pMac, sessionId, bssId, reasonCode );    
+    if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) 
+    {
+        csrRoamLinkDown(pMac, sessionId);
+        //no need to tell QoS that we are disassociating, it will be taken care off in assoc req for HO
+        {
+            //Tush-QoS: notify QoS module that disassoc happening
+            sme_QosCsrEventInd(pMac, (v_U8_t)sessionId, SME_QOS_CSR_DISCONNECT_REQ, NULL);
+        }
+     }
+    return (status);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn csrRoamIssueDisassociateStaCmd
+    \brief csr function that HDD calls to disassociate a associated station
+    \param sessionId    - session Id for Soft AP
+    \param pPeerMacAddr - MAC of associated station to delete
+    \param reason - reason code, be one of the tSirMacReasonCodes
+    \return eHalStatus
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus csrRoamIssueDisassociateStaCmd( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, 
+                                           tANI_U32 sessionId, 
+                                           tANI_U8 *pPeerMacAddr,
+                                           tANI_U32 reason)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand;
+    do
+    {
+        pCommand = csrGetCommandBuffer( pMac );
+        if ( !pCommand ) 
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to get command buffer") );
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+            break;
+        }
+        pCommand->command = eSmeCommandRoam;
+        pCommand->sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason = eCsrForcedDisassocSta;
+        vos_mem_copy(pCommand->u.roamCmd.peerMac, pPeerMacAddr, 6);
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.reason = (tSirMacReasonCodes)reason;
+        status = csrQueueSmeCommand(pMac, pCommand, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+        if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to send message status = %d\n"), status );
+            csrReleaseCommandRoam( pMac, pCommand );
+        }
+    }while(0);
+    return status;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    \fn csrRoamIssueDeauthSta
+    \brief csr function that HDD calls to delete a associated station
+    \param sessionId    - session Id for Soft AP
+    \param pPeerMacAddr - MAC of associated station to delete
+    \param reason - reason code, be one of the tSirMacReasonCodes
+    \return eHalStatus
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+eHalStatus csrRoamIssueDeauthStaCmd( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, 
+                                     tANI_U32 sessionId, 
+                                     tANI_U8 *pPeerMacAddr,
+                                     tANI_U32 reason)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand;
+    do
+    {
+        pCommand = csrGetCommandBuffer( pMac );
+        if ( !pCommand ) 
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to get command buffer") );
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+            break;
+        }
+        pCommand->command = eSmeCommandRoam;
+        pCommand->sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason = eCsrForcedDeauthSta;
+        vos_mem_copy(pCommand->u.roamCmd.peerMac, pPeerMacAddr, 6);
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.reason = (tSirMacReasonCodes)reason;
+        status = csrQueueSmeCommand(pMac, pCommand, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+        if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to send message status = %d\n"), status );
+            csrReleaseCommandRoam( pMac, pCommand );
+        }
+    }while(0);
+    return status;
+csrRoamIssueTkipCounterMeasures( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId,
+                                    tANI_BOOLEAN bEnable )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    tCsrBssid bssId = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if (!pSession)
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "csrRoamIssueTkipCounterMeasures:CSR Session not found\n");
+        return (status);
+    }
+    if (pSession->pConnectBssDesc)
+    {
+        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &bssId, pSession->pConnectBssDesc->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "csrRoamIssueTkipCounterMeasures:Connected BSS Description in CSR Session not found\n");
+        return (status);
+    }
+    smsLog( pMac, LOG2, "CSR issuing tkip counter measures for Bssid = %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x, Enable = %d\n", 
+                  bssId[ 0 ], bssId[ 1 ], bssId[ 2 ],
+                  bssId[ 3 ], bssId[ 4 ], bssId[ 5 ] , bEnable);
+    status = csrSendMBTkipCounterMeasuresReqMsg( pMac, sessionId, bEnable, bssId );
+    return (status);
+csrRoamGetAssociatedStas( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId,
+                            VOS_MODULE_ID modId,  void *pUsrContext,
+                            void *pfnSapEventCallback, v_U8_t *pAssocStasBuf )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tCsrBssid bssId = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if (!pSession)
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "csrRoamGetAssociatedStas:CSR Session not found\n");
+        return (status);
+    }
+    if(pSession->pConnectBssDesc)
+    {
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, &bssId, pSession->pConnectBssDesc->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid) );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "csrRoamGetAssociatedStas:Connected BSS Description in CSR Session not found\n");
+        return (status);
+    }
+    smsLog( pMac, LOG2, "CSR getting associated stations for Bssid = %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x\n",
+                  bssId[ 0 ], bssId[ 1 ], bssId[ 2 ],
+                  bssId[ 3 ], bssId[ 4 ], bssId[ 5 ] );
+    status = csrSendMBGetAssociatedStasReqMsg( pMac, sessionId, modId, bssId, pUsrContext, pfnSapEventCallback, pAssocStasBuf );
+    return (status);
+csrRoamGetWpsSessionOverlap( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId,
+                             void *pUsrContext, void *pfnSapEventCallback, v_MACADDR_t pRemoveMac )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tCsrBssid bssId = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if (!pSession)
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "csrRoamGetWpsSessionOverlap:CSR Session not found\n");
+        return (status);
+    }
+    if(pSession->pConnectBssDesc)
+    {
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, &bssId, pSession->pConnectBssDesc->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid) );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "csrRoamGetWpsSessionOverlap:Connected BSS Description in CSR Session not found\n");
+        return (status);
+    }
+    smsLog( pMac, LOG2, "CSR getting WPS Session Overlap for Bssid = %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x\n",
+                  bssId[ 0 ], bssId[ 1 ], bssId[ 2 ],
+                  bssId[ 3 ], bssId[ 4 ], bssId[ 5 ] );
+    status = csrSendMBGetWPSPBCSessions( pMac, sessionId, bssId, pUsrContext, pfnSapEventCallback, pRemoveMac);            
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamIssueDeauth( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, eCsrRoamSubState NewSubstate )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tCsrBssid bssId = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if(pSession->pConnectBssDesc)
+    {
+        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &bssId, pSession->pConnectBssDesc->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+    }
+    smsLog( pMac, LOG2, "CSR Attempting to Deauth Bssid= %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x\n", 
+                  bssId[ 0 ], bssId[ 1 ], bssId[ 2 ],
+                  bssId[ 3 ], bssId[ 4 ], bssId[ 5 ] );    
+    csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, NewSubstate, sessionId);
+    status = csrSendMBDeauthReqMsg( pMac, sessionId, bssId, eSIR_MAC_DISASSOC_LEAVING_BSS_REASON );    
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamSaveConnectedBssDesc( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    tANI_U32 size;
+    // If no BSS description was found in this connection (happens with start IBSS), then 
+    // nix the BSS description that we keep around for the connected BSS) and get out...
+    if(NULL == pBssDesc)
+    {
+        csrFreeConnectBssDesc(pMac, sessionId);
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+        size = pBssDesc->length + sizeof( pBssDesc->length );
+        if(NULL != pSession->pConnectBssDesc)
+        {
+            if(((pSession->pConnectBssDesc->length) + sizeof(pSession->pConnectBssDesc->length)) < size)
+            {
+                //not enough room for the new BSS, pMac->roam.pConnectBssDesc is freed inside
+                csrFreeConnectBssDesc(pMac, sessionId);
+            }
+        }
+        if(NULL == pSession->pConnectBssDesc)
+        {
+            status = palAllocateMemory( pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pSession->pConnectBssDesc, size); 
+        }
+        if ( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) && pSession->pConnectBssDesc ) 
+        {
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pSession->pConnectBssDesc, pBssDesc, size );    
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamPrepareBssConfig(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, 
+                                    tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc, tBssConfigParam *pBssConfig,
+                                    tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    eCsrCfgDot11Mode cfgDot11Mode;
+#if defined(VOSS_ENABLED)
+    VOS_ASSERT( pIes != NULL );
+    do
+    {
+        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pBssConfig->BssCap, &pBssDesc->capabilityInfo, sizeof(tSirMacCapabilityInfo));
+        //get qos
+        pBssConfig->qosType = csrGetQoSFromBssDesc(pMac, pBssDesc, pIes);
+        //get SSID
+        if(pIes->SSID.present)
+        {
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pBssConfig->SSID.ssId, pIes->SSID.ssid, pIes->SSID.num_ssid);
+            pBssConfig->SSID.length = pIes->SSID.num_ssid;
+        }
+        else
+            pBssConfig->SSID.length = 0;
+        if(csrIsNULLSSID(pBssConfig->SSID.ssId, pBssConfig->SSID.length))
+        {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "  BSS desc SSID is a wildcard\n");
+            //Return failed if profile doesn't have an SSID either.
+            if(pProfile->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs == 0)
+            {
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "  Both BSS desc and profile doesn't have SSID\n");
+                status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if(CSR_IS_CHANNEL_5GHZ(pBssDesc->channelId))
+        {
+            pBssConfig->eBand = eCSR_BAND_5G;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pBssConfig->eBand = eCSR_BAND_24;
+        }
+        //phymode
+        if(csrIsPhyModeMatch( pMac, pProfile->phyMode, pBssDesc, pProfile, &cfgDot11Mode, pIes ))
+        {
+            pBssConfig->uCfgDot11Mode = cfgDot11Mode;
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "   Can not find match phy mode\n");
+            //force it
+            if(eCSR_BAND_24 == pBssConfig->eBand)
+            {
+                pBssConfig->uCfgDot11Mode = eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11G;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                pBssConfig->uCfgDot11Mode = eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11A;
+            }
+        }
+        //Qos
+        if ((pBssConfig->uCfgDot11Mode != eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11N) &&
+                (pMac->roam.configParam.WMMSupportMode == eCsrRoamWmmNoQos))
+        {
+            //Joining BSS is not 11n capable and WMM is disabled on client.
+            //Disable QoS and WMM
+            pBssConfig->qosType = eCSR_MEDIUM_ACCESS_DCF;
+        }
+        //auth type
+        switch( pProfile->negotiatedAuthType ) 
+        {
+            default:
+            case eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA:
+            case eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA_PSK:
+            case eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA_NONE:
+            case eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_OPEN_SYSTEM:
+                pBssConfig->authType = eSIR_OPEN_SYSTEM;
+                break;
+            case eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_SHARED_KEY:
+                pBssConfig->authType = eSIR_SHARED_KEY;
+                break;
+            case eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_AUTOSWITCH:
+                pBssConfig->authType = eSIR_AUTO_SWITCH;
+                break;
+        }
+        //short slot time
+        if( eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11B != cfgDot11Mode )
+        {
+            pBssConfig->uShortSlotTime = pMac->roam.configParam.shortSlotTime;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pBssConfig->uShortSlotTime = 0;
+        }
+        if(pBssConfig->BssCap.ibss)
+        {
+            //We don't support 11h on IBSS
+            pBssConfig->f11hSupport = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE; 
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pBssConfig->f11hSupport = pMac->roam.configParam.Is11hSupportEnabled;
+        }
+        //power constraint
+        pBssConfig->uPowerLimit = csrGet11hPowerConstraint(pMac, &pIes->PowerConstraints);
+        //heartbeat
+        if ( CSR_IS_11A_BSS( pBssDesc ) )
+        {
+             pBssConfig->uHeartBeatThresh = pMac->roam.configParam.HeartbeatThresh50;        
+        }
+        else
+        {
+             pBssConfig->uHeartBeatThresh = pMac->roam.configParam.HeartbeatThresh24;
+        }
+        //Join timeout
+        // if we find a BeaconInterval in the BssDescription, then set the Join Timeout to 
+        // be 3 x the BeaconInterval.                          
+        if ( pBssDesc->beaconInterval )
+        {
+            //Make sure it is bigger than the minimal
+            pBssConfig->uJoinTimeOut = CSR_ROAM_MAX(3 * pBssDesc->beaconInterval, CSR_JOIN_FAILURE_TIMEOUT_MIN);
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+            pBssConfig->uJoinTimeOut = CSR_JOIN_FAILURE_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;
+        }
+        //validate CB
+        pBssConfig->cbMode = csrGetCBModeFromIes(pMac, pBssDesc->channelId, pIes);
+    }while(0);
+    return (status);
+static eHalStatus csrRoamPrepareBssConfigFromProfile(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, 
+                                                     tBssConfigParam *pBssConfig, tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tANI_U8 operationChannel = 0; 
+    tANI_U8 qAPisEnabled = FALSE;
+    //SSID
+    pBssConfig->SSID.length = 0;
+    if(pProfile->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs)
+    {
+        //only use the first one
+        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pBssConfig->SSID, &pProfile->SSIDs.SSIDList[0].SSID, sizeof(tSirMacSSid));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        //SSID must present
+        return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    }
+    //Settomg up the capabilities
+    if( csrIsBssTypeIBSS(pProfile->BSSType) )
+    {
+        pBssConfig->BssCap.ibss = 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        pBssConfig->BssCap.ess = 1;
+    }
+    if( eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_NONE != pProfile->EncryptionType.encryptionType[0] )
+    {
+        pBssConfig->BssCap.privacy = 1;
+    }
+    pBssConfig->eBand = pMac->roam.configParam.eBand;
+    //phymode
+    if(pProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList)
+    {
+       operationChannel = pProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList[0];
+    }
+    pBssConfig->uCfgDot11Mode = csrRoamGetPhyModeBandForBss(pMac, pProfile, operationChannel, 
+                                        &pBssConfig->eBand);
+    pBssConfig->uCfgDot11Mode = csrRoamGetPhyModeBandForBss(pMac, (eCsrPhyMode)pProfile->phyMode, operationChannel, 
+                                        &pBssConfig->eBand);
+    //QOS
+    //Is this correct to always set to this //***
+    if ( pBssConfig->BssCap.ess == 1 ) 
+    {
+        /*For Softap case enable WMM*/
+        if(CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(pProfile) && (eCsrRoamWmmNoQos != pMac->roam.configParam.WMMSupportMode )){
+             qAPisEnabled = TRUE;
+        }
+        else
+        if (csrRoamGetQosInfoFromBss(pMac, pBssDesc) == eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+             qAPisEnabled = TRUE;
+        } else {
+             qAPisEnabled = FALSE;
+        }
+    } else {
+             qAPisEnabled = TRUE;
+    }
+    if (( eCsrRoamWmmNoQos != pMac->roam.configParam.WMMSupportMode && qAPisEnabled) ||
+          (( eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11N == pBssConfig->uCfgDot11Mode && qAPisEnabled) ||
+             ( eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_TAURUS == pBssConfig->uCfgDot11Mode ) ) //For 11n, need QoS
+      )
+    {
+        pBssConfig->qosType = eCSR_MEDIUM_ACCESS_WMM_eDCF_DSCP;
+    } else {
+        pBssConfig->qosType = eCSR_MEDIUM_ACCESS_DCF;
+    }
+    //auth type
+    switch( pProfile->AuthType.authType[0] ) //Take the prefered Auth type.
+    {
+        default:
+        case eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA:
+        case eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA_PSK:
+        case eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA_NONE:
+            pBssConfig->authType = eSIR_OPEN_SYSTEM;
+            break;
+        case eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_SHARED_KEY:
+            pBssConfig->authType = eSIR_SHARED_KEY;
+            break;
+            pBssConfig->authType = eSIR_AUTO_SWITCH;
+            break;
+    }
+    //short slot time
+    if( WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_11B != pBssConfig->uCfgDot11Mode )
+    {
+        pBssConfig->uShortSlotTime = pMac->roam.configParam.shortSlotTime;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        pBssConfig->uShortSlotTime = 0;
+    }
+    //power constraint. We don't support 11h on IBSS
+    pBssConfig->f11hSupport = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    pBssConfig->uPowerLimit = 0;
+    //heartbeat
+    if ( eCSR_BAND_5G == pBssConfig->eBand )
+    {
+        pBssConfig->uHeartBeatThresh = pMac->roam.configParam.HeartbeatThresh50;        
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        pBssConfig->uHeartBeatThresh = pMac->roam.configParam.HeartbeatThresh24;
+    }
+    //Join timeout
+    return (status);
+static eHalStatus csrRoamGetQosInfoFromBss(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes = NULL;
+  do
+   {
+      if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrGetParsedBssDescriptionIEs(pMac, pBssDesc, &pIes)))
+      {
+         //err msg
+                   "csrRoamGetQosInfoFromBss() failed\n");
+         break;
+      }
+      //check if the AP is QAP & it supports APSD
+      if( CSR_IS_QOS_BSS(pIes) )
+      {
+         return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+      }
+   } while (0);
+   return status;
+void csrSetCfgPrivacy( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, tANI_BOOLEAN fPrivacy )
+    // !! Note:  the only difference between this function and the csrSetCfgPrivacyFromProfile() is the 
+    // setting of the privacy CFG based on the advertised privacy setting from the AP for WPA associations. 
+    // See !!Note: below in this function...
+    tANI_U32 PrivacyEnabled = 0;
+    tANI_U32 RsnEnabled = 0;
+    tANI_U32 WepDefaultKeyId = 0;
+    tANI_U32 WepKeyLength = WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_5;   /* default 40 bits */
+    tANI_U32 Key0Length = 0;
+    tANI_U32 Key1Length = 0;
+    tANI_U32 Key2Length = 0;
+    tANI_U32 Key3Length = 0;
+    // Reserve for the biggest key 
+    switch ( pProfile->negotiatedUCEncryptionType )
+    {
+        case eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_NONE:
+            // for NO encryption, turn off Privacy and Rsn.
+            PrivacyEnabled = 0;           
+            RsnEnabled = 0;
+            // WEP key length and Wep Default Key ID don't matter in this case....
+            // clear out the WEP keys that may be hanging around.
+            Key0Length = 0;
+            Key1Length = 0;
+            Key2Length = 0;
+            Key3Length = 0;
+            break;
+            // Privacy is ON.  NO RSN for Wep40 static key.
+            PrivacyEnabled = 1;           
+            RsnEnabled = 0;
+            // Set the Wep default key ID.
+            WepDefaultKeyId = pProfile->Keys.defaultIndex;
+            // Wep key size if 5 bytes (40 bits).
+            WepKeyLength = WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_5;            
+            // set encryption keys in the CFG database or clear those that are not present in this profile.
+            if ( pProfile->Keys.KeyLength[0] ) 
+            {
+                palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, Key0, pProfile->Keys.KeyMaterial[0], WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_5 );
+                Key0Length = WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_5;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                Key0Length = 0;
+            }
+            if ( pProfile->Keys.KeyLength[1] ) 
+            {
+                palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, Key1, pProfile->Keys.KeyMaterial[1], WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_5 );
+                Key1Length = WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_5;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                Key1Length = 0;
+            }
+            if ( pProfile->Keys.KeyLength[2] ) 
+            {
+                palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, Key2, pProfile->Keys.KeyMaterial[2], WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_5 );
+                Key2Length = WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_5;                
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                Key2Length = 0;
+            }
+            if ( pProfile->Keys.KeyLength[3] ) 
+            {
+                palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, Key3, pProfile->Keys.KeyMaterial[3], WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_5 );
+                Key3Length = WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_5;                
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                Key3Length = 0;
+            }      
+            break;
+            // Privacy is ON.  NO RSN for Wep40 static key.
+            PrivacyEnabled = 1;           
+            RsnEnabled = 0;
+            // Set the Wep default key ID.
+            WepDefaultKeyId = pProfile->Keys.defaultIndex;
+            // Wep key size if 13 bytes (104 bits).
+            WepKeyLength = WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_13;
+            // set encryption keys in the CFG database or clear those that are not present in this profile.
+            if ( pProfile->Keys.KeyLength[0] ) 
+            {
+                palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, Key0, pProfile->Keys.KeyMaterial[ 0 ], WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_13 );
+                Key0Length = WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_13;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                Key0Length = 0;
+            }
+            if ( pProfile->Keys.KeyLength[1] ) 
+            {
+                palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, Key1, pProfile->Keys.KeyMaterial[ 1 ], WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_13 );
+                Key1Length = WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_13;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                Key1Length = 0;
+            }
+            if ( pProfile->Keys.KeyLength[2] ) 
+            {
+                palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, Key2, pProfile->Keys.KeyMaterial[ 2 ], WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_13 );
+                Key2Length = WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_13;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                Key2Length = 0;
+            }
+            if ( pProfile->Keys.KeyLength[3] ) 
+            {
+                palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, Key3, pProfile->Keys.KeyMaterial[ 3 ], WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_13 );
+                Key3Length = WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH_13;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                Key3Length = 0;
+            }
+            break;
+        case eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP40:
+        case eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP104:
+        case eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_TKIP:
+        case eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_AES:
+        case eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WPI:
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+            // !! Note:  this is the only difference between this function and the csrSetCfgPrivacyFromProfile()
+            // (setting of the privacy CFG based on the advertised privacy setting from the AP for WPA/WAPI associations ).        
+            PrivacyEnabled = (0 != fPrivacy);
+            // turn on RSN enabled for WPA associations   
+            RsnEnabled = 1;
+            // WEP key length and Wep Default Key ID don't matter in this case....
+            // clear out the static WEP keys that may be hanging around.
+            Key0Length = 0;
+            Key1Length = 0;
+            Key2Length = 0;
+            Key3Length = 0;        
+            break;     
+        default:
+            PrivacyEnabled = 0;
+            RsnEnabled = 0;
+            break;            
+    }           
+    ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_PRIVACY_ENABLED, PrivacyEnabled, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_RSN_ENABLED, RsnEnabled, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    ccmCfgSetStr(pMac, WNI_CFG_WEP_DEFAULT_KEY_1, Key0, Key0Length, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    ccmCfgSetStr(pMac, WNI_CFG_WEP_DEFAULT_KEY_2, Key1, Key1Length, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    ccmCfgSetStr(pMac, WNI_CFG_WEP_DEFAULT_KEY_3, Key2, Key2Length, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    ccmCfgSetStr(pMac, WNI_CFG_WEP_DEFAULT_KEY_4, Key3, Key3Length, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_WEP_KEY_LENGTH, WepKeyLength, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+static void csrSetCfgSsid( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirMacSSid *pSSID )
+    tANI_U32 len = 0;
+    if(pSSID->length <= WNI_CFG_SSID_LEN)
+    {
+        len = pSSID->length;
+    }
+    ccmCfgSetStr(pMac, WNI_CFG_SSID, (tANI_U8 *)pSSID->ssId, len, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+eHalStatus csrSetQosToCfg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, eCsrMediaAccessType qosType )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tANI_U32 QoSEnabled;
+    tANI_U32 WmeEnabled;
+    // set the CFG enable/disable variables based on the qosType being configured...
+    switch( qosType )
+    {
+        case eCSR_MEDIUM_ACCESS_WMM_eDCF_802dot1p:
+            QoSEnabled = FALSE;
+            WmeEnabled = TRUE;
+            break;
+            QoSEnabled = FALSE;
+            WmeEnabled = TRUE;
+            break;
+        case eCSR_MEDIUM_ACCESS_WMM_eDCF_NoClassify:
+            QoSEnabled = FALSE;
+            WmeEnabled = TRUE;
+            break;
+        case eCSR_MEDIUM_ACCESS_11e_eDCF:
+            QoSEnabled = TRUE;
+            WmeEnabled = FALSE;
+            break;
+        case eCSR_MEDIUM_ACCESS_11e_HCF:
+            QoSEnabled = TRUE;
+            WmeEnabled = FALSE;
+            break;
+        default:
+        case eCSR_MEDIUM_ACCESS_DCF:
+            QoSEnabled = FALSE;
+            WmeEnabled = FALSE;
+            break;
+    }
+    //save the WMM setting for later use
+    pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].fWMMConnection = (tANI_BOOLEAN)WmeEnabled;
+    status = ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_QOS_ENABLED, QoSEnabled, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    status = ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_WME_ENABLED, WmeEnabled, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    return (status);
+static eHalStatus csrGetRateSet( tpAniSirGlobal pMac,  tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, eCsrPhyMode phyMode, tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc,
+                           tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes, tSirMacRateSet *pOpRateSet, tSirMacRateSet *pExRateSet)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    int i;
+    eCsrCfgDot11Mode cfgDot11Mode;
+    tANI_U8 *pDstRate;
+    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pOpRateSet, sizeof(tSirMacRateSet));
+    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pExRateSet, sizeof(tSirMacRateSet));
+#if defined(VOSS_ENABLED)
+    VOS_ASSERT( pIes != NULL );
+    if( NULL != pIes )
+    {
+        csrIsPhyModeMatch( pMac, phyMode, pBssDesc, pProfile, &cfgDot11Mode, pIes );
+        // Originally, we thought that for 11a networks, the 11a rates are always
+        // in the Operational Rate set & for 11b and 11g networks, the 11b rates
+        // appear in the Operational Rate set.  Consequently, in either case, we
+        // would blindly put the rates we support into our Operational Rate set
+        // (including the basic rates, which we have already verified are
+        // supported earlier in the roaming decision).
+        // However, it turns out that this is not always the case.  Some AP's
+        // (e.g. D-Link DI-784) ram 11g rates into the Operational Rate set,
+        // too.  Now, we're a little more careful:
+        pDstRate = pOpRateSet->rate;
+        if(pIes->SuppRates.present)
+        {
+            for ( i = 0; i < pIes->SuppRates.num_rates; i++ ) 
+            {
+                if ( csrRatesIsDot11RateSupported( pMac, pIes->SuppRates.rates[ i ] ) ) 
+                {
+                    *pDstRate++ = pIes->SuppRates.rates[ i ];
+                    pOpRateSet->numRates++;;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11G == cfgDot11Mode || 
+             eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11N == cfgDot11Mode ||
+             eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_TAURUS == cfgDot11Mode ||
+             eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_ABG == cfgDot11Mode )
+        {
+            // If there are Extended Rates in the beacon, we will reflect those
+            // extended rates that we support in out Extended Operational Rate
+            // set:
+            pDstRate = pExRateSet->rate;
+            if(pIes->ExtSuppRates.present)
+            {
+                for ( i = 0; i < pIes->ExtSuppRates.num_rates; i++ ) 
+                {
+                    if ( csrRatesIsDot11RateSupported( pMac, pIes->ExtSuppRates.rates[ i ] ) ) 
+                    {
+                        *pDstRate++ = pIes->ExtSuppRates.rates[ i ];
+                        pExRateSet->numRates++;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }//Parsing BSSDesc
+    else
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("failed to parse BssDesc\n"));
+    }
+    if (pOpRateSet->numRates > 0 || pExRateSet->numRates > 0) status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    return status;
+static void csrSetCfgRateSet( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, eCsrPhyMode phyMode, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile,
+                              tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc, tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes)
+    int i;
+    tANI_U8 *pDstRate;
+    eCsrCfgDot11Mode cfgDot11Mode;
+    tANI_U8 OperationalRates[ CSR_DOT11_SUPPORTED_RATES_MAX ];    // leave enough room for the max number of rates
+    tANI_U32 OperationalRatesLength = 0;
+    tANI_U8 ExtendedOperationalRates[ CSR_DOT11_EXTENDED_SUPPORTED_RATES_MAX ];    // leave enough room for the max number of rates
+    tANI_U32 ExtendedOperationalRatesLength = 0;
+    tANI_U8 ProprietaryOperationalRates[ 4 ];    // leave enough room for the max number of proprietary rates
+    tANI_U32 ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength = 0;
+    tANI_U32 PropRatesEnable = 0;
+    tANI_U32 MCSRateLength = 0;
+#if defined(VOSS_ENABLED)
+    VOS_ASSERT( pIes != NULL );
+    if( NULL != pIes )
+    {
+        csrIsPhyModeMatch( pMac, phyMode, pBssDesc, pProfile, &cfgDot11Mode, pIes );
+        // Originally, we thought that for 11a networks, the 11a rates are always
+        // in the Operational Rate set & for 11b and 11g networks, the 11b rates
+        // appear in the Operational Rate set.  Consequently, in either case, we
+        // would blindly put the rates we support into our Operational Rate set
+        // (including the basic rates, which we have already verified are
+        // supported earlier in the roaming decision).
+        // However, it turns out that this is not always the case.  Some AP's
+        // (e.g. D-Link DI-784) ram 11g rates into the Operational Rate set,
+        // too.  Now, we're a little more careful:
+        pDstRate = OperationalRates;
+        if(pIes->SuppRates.present)
+        {
+            for ( i = 0; i < pIes->SuppRates.num_rates; i++ ) 
+            {
+                if ( csrRatesIsDot11RateSupported( pMac, pIes->SuppRates.rates[ i ] ) &&
+                     ( OperationalRatesLength < CSR_DOT11_SUPPORTED_RATES_MAX ))
+                {
+                    *pDstRate++ = pIes->SuppRates.rates[ i ];
+                    OperationalRatesLength++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11G == cfgDot11Mode || 
+             eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11N == cfgDot11Mode ||
+             eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_TAURUS == cfgDot11Mode ||
+             eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_ABG == cfgDot11Mode )
+        {
+            // If there are Extended Rates in the beacon, we will reflect those
+            // extended rates that we support in out Extended Operational Rate
+            // set:
+            pDstRate = ExtendedOperationalRates;
+            if(pIes->ExtSuppRates.present)
+            {
+                for ( i = 0; i < pIes->ExtSuppRates.num_rates; i++ ) 
+                {
+                    if ( csrRatesIsDot11RateSupported( pMac, pIes->ExtSuppRates.rates[ i ] ) &&
+                     ( ExtendedOperationalRatesLength < CSR_DOT11_EXTENDED_SUPPORTED_RATES_MAX ))
+                    {
+                        *pDstRate++ = pIes->ExtSuppRates.rates[ i ];
+                        ExtendedOperationalRatesLength++;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Enable proprietary MAC features if peer node is Airgo node and STA
+        // user wants to use them
+        if( pIes->Airgo.present && pMac->roam.configParam.ProprietaryRatesEnabled )
+        {
+            PropRatesEnable = 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            PropRatesEnable = 0;
+        }
+        // For ANI network companions, we need to populate the proprietary rate
+        // set with any proprietary rates we found in the beacon, only if user
+        // allows them...
+        if ( PropRatesEnable && pIes->Airgo.PropSuppRates.present &&
+             ( pIes->Airgo.PropSuppRates.num_rates > 0 )) 
+        {
+            ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength = pIes->Airgo.PropSuppRates.num_rates;
+            if ( ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength > sizeof(ProprietaryOperationalRates) )
+            {
+               ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength = sizeof (ProprietaryOperationalRates);
+            }
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, ProprietaryOperationalRates, pIes->Airgo.PropSuppRates.rates, ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength );
+        }
+        else {
+            // No proprietary modes...
+            ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength = 0;
+        }
+        /* Get MCS Rate */
+        pDstRate = MCSRateIdxSet;
+        if ( pIes->HTCaps.present )
+        {
+           for ( i = 0; i < VALID_MAX_MCS_INDEX; i++ )
+           {
+              if ( (unsigned int)pIes->HTCaps.supportedMCSSet[0] & (1 << i) )
+              {
+                 MCSRateLength++;
+                 *pDstRate++ = i;
+              }
+           }
+        }
+        // Set the operational rate set CFG variables...
+        ccmCfgSetStr(pMac, WNI_CFG_OPERATIONAL_RATE_SET, OperationalRates, 
+                        OperationalRatesLength, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+        ccmCfgSetStr(pMac, WNI_CFG_EXTENDED_OPERATIONAL_RATE_SET, ExtendedOperationalRates, 
+                            ExtendedOperationalRatesLength, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+                        ProprietaryOperationalRates, 
+                        ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+        ccmCfgSetStr(pMac, WNI_CFG_CURRENT_MCS_SET, MCSRateIdxSet, 
+                        MCSRateLength, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);        
+    }//Parsing BSSDesc
+    else
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("failed to parse BssDesc\n"));
+    }
+static void csrSetCfgRateSetFromProfile( tpAniSirGlobal pMac,
+                                         tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile  )
+    tSirMacRateSetIE DefaultSupportedRates11a = {  SIR_MAC_RATESET_EID, 
+                                                   { 8, 
+                                                     { SIR_MAC_RATE_6, 
+                                                   SIR_MAC_RATE_9, 
+                                                   SIR_MAC_RATE_12, 
+                                                   SIR_MAC_RATE_18,
+                                                   SIR_MAC_RATE_24,
+                                                   SIR_MAC_RATE_36,
+                                                   SIR_MAC_RATE_48,
+                                                       SIR_MAC_RATE_54  } } };
+    tSirMacRateSetIE DefaultSupportedRates11b = {  SIR_MAC_RATESET_EID, 
+                                                   { 4, 
+                                                     { SIR_MAC_RATE_1, 
+                                                   SIR_MAC_RATE_2, 
+                                                   SIR_MAC_RATE_5_5, 
+                                                       SIR_MAC_RATE_11  } } };
+    tSirMacPropRateSet DefaultSupportedPropRates = { 3, 
+                                                     { SIR_MAC_RATE_72,
+                                                     SIR_MAC_RATE_96,
+                                                       SIR_MAC_RATE_108 } };
+    eCsrCfgDot11Mode cfgDot11Mode;
+    eCsrBand eBand;
+    tANI_U8 OperationalRates[ CSR_DOT11_SUPPORTED_RATES_MAX ];    // leave enough room for the max number of rates
+    tANI_U32 OperationalRatesLength = 0;
+    tANI_U8 ExtendedOperationalRates[ CSR_DOT11_EXTENDED_SUPPORTED_RATES_MAX ];    // leave enough room for the max number of rates
+    tANI_U32 ExtendedOperationalRatesLength = 0;
+    tANI_U8 ProprietaryOperationalRates[ 4 ];    // leave enough room for the max number of proprietary rates
+    tANI_U32 ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength = 0;
+    tANI_U32 PropRatesEnable = 0;
+    tANI_U8 operationChannel = 0; 
+    if(pProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList)
+    {
+       operationChannel = pProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList[0];
+    }
+    cfgDot11Mode = csrRoamGetPhyModeBandForBss( pMac, pProfile, operationChannel, &eBand );
+    cfgDot11Mode = csrRoamGetPhyModeBandForBss( pMac, (eCsrPhyMode)pProfile->phyMode, operationChannel, &eBand );
+    // For 11a networks, the 11a rates go into the Operational Rate set.  For 11b and 11g 
+    // networks, the 11b rates appear in the Operational Rate set.  In either case,
+    // we can blindly put the rates we support into our Operational Rate set 
+    // (including the basic rates, which we have already verified are supported 
+    // earlier in the roaming decision).
+    if ( eCSR_BAND_5G == eBand ) 
+    {       
+        // 11a rates into the Operational Rate Set.                 
+        OperationalRatesLength = DefaultSupportedRates11a.supportedRateSet.numRates *
+                                            sizeof(*DefaultSupportedRates11a.supportedRateSet.rate);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, OperationalRates,         
+                        DefaultSupportedRates11a.supportedRateSet.rate, 
+                        OperationalRatesLength );
+        // Nothing in the Extended rate set.
+        ExtendedOperationalRatesLength = 0;
+        // populate proprietary rates if user allows them
+        if ( pMac->roam.configParam.ProprietaryRatesEnabled ) 
+        {
+            ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength = DefaultSupportedPropRates.numPropRates * 
+                                                            sizeof(*DefaultSupportedPropRates.propRate);         
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, ProprietaryOperationalRates,
+                            DefaultSupportedPropRates.propRate, 
+                            ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength );
+        }    
+        else 
+        {       
+            // No proprietary modes
+            ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength = 0;         
+        }    
+    }    
+    else if ( eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11B == cfgDot11Mode ) 
+    {       
+        // 11b rates into the Operational Rate Set.         
+        OperationalRatesLength = DefaultSupportedRates11b.supportedRateSet.numRates *
+                                              sizeof(*DefaultSupportedRates11b.supportedRateSet.rate);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, OperationalRates, 
+                        DefaultSupportedRates11b.supportedRateSet.rate, 
+                        OperationalRatesLength );
+        // Nothing in the Extended rate set.
+        ExtendedOperationalRatesLength = 0;
+        // No proprietary modes
+        ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength = 0;
+    }    
+    else 
+    {       
+        // 11G
+        // 11b rates into the Operational Rate Set.         
+        OperationalRatesLength = DefaultSupportedRates11b.supportedRateSet.numRates * 
+                                            sizeof(*DefaultSupportedRates11b.supportedRateSet.rate);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, OperationalRates, 
+                        DefaultSupportedRates11b.supportedRateSet.rate, 
+                        OperationalRatesLength );
+        // 11a rates go in the Extended rate set.
+        ExtendedOperationalRatesLength = DefaultSupportedRates11a.supportedRateSet.numRates * 
+                                                    sizeof(*DefaultSupportedRates11a.supportedRateSet.rate);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, ExtendedOperationalRates,         
+                        DefaultSupportedRates11a.supportedRateSet.rate, 
+                        ExtendedOperationalRatesLength );
+        // populate proprietary rates if user allows them
+        if ( pMac->roam.configParam.ProprietaryRatesEnabled ) 
+        {
+            ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength = DefaultSupportedPropRates.numPropRates *
+                                                            sizeof(*DefaultSupportedPropRates.propRate);         
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, ProprietaryOperationalRates, 
+                            DefaultSupportedPropRates.propRate, 
+                            ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength );
+        }  
+        else 
+        {       
+           // No proprietary modes
+            ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength = 0;         
+        }    
+    }  
+    // set this to 1 if prop. rates need to be advertised in to the IBSS beacon and user wants to use them
+    if ( ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength && pMac->roam.configParam.ProprietaryRatesEnabled ) 
+    {
+        PropRatesEnable = 1;                
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+        PropRatesEnable = 0;    
+    }
+    // Set the operational rate set CFG variables...
+    ccmCfgSetStr(pMac, WNI_CFG_OPERATIONAL_RATE_SET, OperationalRates, 
+                    OperationalRatesLength, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    ccmCfgSetStr(pMac, WNI_CFG_EXTENDED_OPERATIONAL_RATE_SET, ExtendedOperationalRates, 
+                        ExtendedOperationalRatesLength, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+                    ProprietaryOperationalRates, 
+                    ProprietaryOperationalRatesLength, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+void csrRoamCcmCfgSetCallback(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_S32 result)
+    tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
+    tListElem *pEntry = csrLLPeekHead(&pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK);
+    tANI_U32 sessionId;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand = NULL;
+    if(NULL == pEntry)
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "   CFG_CNF with active list empty\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR(pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link);
+    sessionId = pCommand->sessionId;
+    if(CSR_IS_ROAM_JOINING(pMac, sessionId) && CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_CONFIG(pMac, sessionId))
+    {
+        csrRoamingStateConfigCnfProcessor(pMac, (tANI_U32)result);
+    }
+//This function is very dump. It is here because PE still need WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE
+tANI_U32 csrRoamGetPhyModeFromDot11Mode(eCsrCfgDot11Mode dot11Mode, eCsrBand band)
+    if(eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11B == dot11Mode)
+    {
+        return (WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_11B);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if(eCSR_BAND_24 == band)
+            return (WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_11G);
+    }
+    return (WNI_CFG_PHY_MODE_11A);
+//pIes may be NULL
+eHalStatus csrRoamSetBssConfigCfg(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile,
+                          tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc, tBssConfigParam *pBssConfig,
+                          tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tANI_U8    channel = 0;
+    //Make sure we have the domain info for the BSS we try to connect to.
+    //Do we need to worry about sequence for OSs that are not Windows??
+    if(pBssDesc)
+    {
+        if(csrLearnCountryInformation(pMac, pBssDesc, pIes, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE))
+        {
+            //Make sure the 11d info from this BSSDesc can be applied
+            pMac->scan.fAmbiguous11dInfoFound = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+            csrApplyCountryInformation( pMac, TRUE );
+        }
+    }
+    //Qos
+    csrSetQosToCfg( pMac, sessionId, pBssConfig->qosType );
+    //SSID
+    csrSetCfgSsid(pMac, &pBssConfig->SSID );
+    //fragment threshold
+    //RTS threshold
+    //ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_RTS_THRESHOLD, csrGetRTSThresh(pMac), NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    //ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_DOT11_MODE, csrTranslateToWNICfgDot11Mode(pMac, pBssConfig->uCfgDot11Mode), NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    //Auth type
+    ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE, pBssConfig->authType, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    //encryption type
+    csrSetCfgPrivacy(pMac, pProfile, (tANI_BOOLEAN)pBssConfig->BssCap.privacy );
+    //short slot time
+    ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_11G_SHORT_SLOT_TIME_ENABLED, pBssConfig->uShortSlotTime, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    //11d
+    ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_11D_ENABLED,
+                        ((pBssConfig->f11hSupport) ? pBssConfig->f11hSupport : pProfile->ieee80211d),
+                        NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    /*//11h
+    ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_11H_ENABLED, pMac->roam.configParam.Is11hSupportEnabled, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    */
+    ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_LOCAL_POWER_CONSTRAINT, pBssConfig->uPowerLimit, NULL, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    //CB
+    if(CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(pProfile) || CSR_IS_WDS_AP(pProfile))
+    {
+        channel = pProfile->operationChannel;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if(pBssDesc)
+        {
+            channel = pBssDesc->channelId;
+        }
+    }
+    if(0 != channel)
+    {
+        if(CSR_IS_CHANNEL_24GHZ(channel))
+        {//for now if we are on 2.4 Ghz, CB will be always disabled
+        }
+        else
+        {
+           //cfgCb = pBssConfig->cbMode;
+           cfgCb = pMac->roam.configParam.channelBondingMode5GHz;
+        }
+    }
+    //Rate
+    //Fixed Rate
+    if(pBssDesc)
+    {
+        csrSetCfgRateSet(pMac, (eCsrPhyMode)pProfile->phyMode, pProfile, pBssDesc, pIes);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        csrSetCfgRateSetFromProfile(pMac, pProfile);
+    }
+    //Make this the last CFG to set. The callback will trigger a join_req
+    //Join time out
+    csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_CONFIG, sessionId );
+    ccmCfgSetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_JOIN_FAILURE_TIMEOUT, pBssConfig->uJoinTimeOut, (tCcmCfgSetCallback)csrRoamCcmCfgSetCallback, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamStopNetwork( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, 
+                               tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc, tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes)
+    eHalStatus status;
+    tBssConfigParam *pBssConfig;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pBssConfig, sizeof(tBssConfigParam)); 
+    if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+    {
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pBssConfig, sizeof(tBssConfigParam));
+        status = csrRoamPrepareBssConfig(pMac, pProfile, pBssDesc, pBssConfig, pIes);
+        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            pSession->bssParams.uCfgDot11Mode = pBssConfig->uCfgDot11Mode;
+            //For IBSS, we need to prepare some more information
+            if( csrIsBssTypeIBSS(pProfile->BSSType) || CSR_IS_WDS( pProfile )
+              || CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(pProfile)
+            )
+            {
+                csrRoamPrepareBssParams(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, pBssDesc, pIes);
+            }
+            // If we are in an IBSS, then stop the IBSS...
+            ////Not worry about WDS connection for now
+            if ( csrIsConnStateIbss( pMac, sessionId ) ) 
+            {
+                status = csrRoamIssueStopBss( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISCONNECT_CONTINUE_ROAMING );
+            }
+            else 
+            {
+                // if we are in an Infrastructure association....
+                if ( csrIsConnStateInfra( pMac, sessionId ) ) 
+                {
+                    // and the new Bss is an Ibss OR we are roaming from Infra to Infra
+                    // across SSIDs (roaming to a new SSID)...            //            
+                    //Not worry about WDS connection for now
+                    if ( pBssDesc && ( ( csrIsIbssBssDesc( pBssDesc ) ) ||
+                          !csrIsSsidEqual( pMac, pSession->pConnectBssDesc, pBssDesc, pIes ) ) )   
+                    {
+                        // then we need to disassociate from the Infrastructure network...
+                        status = csrRoamIssueDisassociate( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISCONNECT_CONTINUE_ROAMING, FALSE );  
+                    }
+                    else 
+                    {  
+                        // In an Infrastucture and going to an Infrastructure network with the same SSID.  This
+                        // calls for a Reassociation sequence.  So issue the CFG sets for this new AP.
+                        if ( pBssDesc ) 
+                        {
+                            // Set parameters for this Bss.    
+                            status = csrRoamSetBssConfigCfg(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, pBssDesc, pBssConfig, pIes);
+                        }
+                    }      
+                }
+                else 
+                {
+                    // Neiher in IBSS nor in Infra.  We can go ahead and set the CFG for tne new network...
+                    // Nothing to stop.
+                    if ( pBssDesc || CSR_IS_WDS_AP( pProfile )
+                     || CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(pProfile)
+                    ) 
+                    {      
+                        // Set parameters for this Bss.    
+                        status = csrRoamSetBssConfigCfg(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, pBssDesc, pBssConfig, pIes);
+                    }  
+                }
+            }
+        }//Success getting BSS config info
+        palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pBssConfig);
+    }//Allocate memory
+    return (status);
+eCsrJoinState csrRoamJoin( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, 
+                           tCsrScanResultInfo *pScanResult, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile )
+    eCsrJoinState eRoamState = eCsrContinueRoaming;
+    eHalStatus status;
+    tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc = &pScanResult->BssDescriptor;
+    tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIesLocal = (tDot11fBeaconIEs *)( pScanResult->pvIes ); //This may be NULL
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if( CSR_IS_WDS_STA( pProfile ) )
+    {
+        status = csrRoamStartWds( pMac, sessionId, pProfile, pBssDesc );
+        if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+        {
+            eRoamState = eCsrStopRoaming;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if( !pIesLocal && (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrGetParsedBssDescriptionIEs(pMac, pBssDesc, &pIesLocal))) )
+        {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to parse IEs"));
+            return (eCsrStopRoaming);
+        }
+        if ( csrIsInfraBssDesc( pBssDesc ) ) 
+    {
+        // If we are connected in infrastructure mode and the Join Bss description is for the same BssID, then we are
+        // attempting to join the AP we are already connected with.  In that case, see if the Bss or Sta capabilities
+        // have changed and handle the changes (without disturbing the current association).
+        if ( csrIsConnStateConnectedInfra(pMac, sessionId) && 
+             csrIsBssIdEqual( pMac, pBssDesc, pSession->pConnectBssDesc ) &&
+                 csrIsSsidEqual( pMac, pSession->pConnectBssDesc, pBssDesc, pIesLocal )
+           )               
+        {   
+            // Check to see if the Auth type has changed in the Profile.  If so, we don't want to Reassociate
+            // with Authenticating first.  To force this, stop the current association (Disassociate) and 
+            // then re 'Join' the AP, wihch will force an Authentication (with the new Auth type) followed by 
+            // a new Association.
+            if(csrIsSameProfile(pMac, &pSession->connectedProfile, pProfile))
+            {
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("  detect same profile authType = %d encryType = %d\n"), pProfile->AuthType, pProfile->EncryptionType);
+                if(csrRoamIsSameProfileKeys(pMac, &pSession->connectedProfile, pProfile))
+                {
+                    eRoamState = eCsrReassocToSelfNoCapChange;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    tBssConfigParam bssConfig;
+                    //The key changes
+                    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &bssConfig, sizeof(bssConfig));
+                    status = csrRoamPrepareBssConfig(pMac, pProfile, pBssDesc, &bssConfig, pIesLocal);
+                    if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                    {
+                        pSession->bssParams.uCfgDot11Mode = bssConfig.uCfgDot11Mode;
+                        //Reapply the config including Keys so reassoc is happening.
+                        status = csrRoamSetBssConfigCfg(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, pBssDesc, &bssConfig, pIesLocal);
+                        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                        {
+                            eRoamState = eCsrStopRoaming;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        eRoamState = eCsrStopRoaming;
+                    }
+                }//same profile
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrRoamIssueDisassociate( pMac, sessionId, 
+                                                        eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISASSOC_REQ, FALSE )))
+                {
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("  fail to issue disassociate\n"));
+                    eRoamState = eCsrStopRoaming;
+                }                       
+            }
+        }            
+        else 
+        {
+            // note:  we used to pre-auth here with open authentication networks but that was not working so well.
+            // we had a lot of join timeouts when testing at Samsung.  removing this step helped associations 
+            // work much better.
+            //
+            //
+            // stop the existing network before attempting to join the new network...
+                if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrRoamStopNetwork(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, pBssDesc, pIesLocal)))
+            {
+                eRoamState = eCsrStopRoaming;
+            }
+        }
+        }//Infra
+    else 
+    {
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrRoamStopNetwork(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, pBssDesc, pIesLocal)))
+        {
+            eRoamState = eCsrStopRoaming;
+        }
+    }
+        if( pIesLocal && !pScanResult->pvIes )
+        {
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIesLocal);
+        }
+    }
+    return( eRoamState );
+eHalStatus csrRoamShouldRoam(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, 
+                             tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc, tANI_U32 roamId)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tCsrRoamInfo roamInfo;
+    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo));
+    roamInfo.pBssDesc = pBssDesc;
+    status = csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, roamId, eCSR_ROAM_SHOULD_ROAM, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE);
+    return (status);
+//In case no matching BSS is found, use whatever default we can find
+static void csrRoamAssignDefaultParam( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand )
+    //Need to get all negotiated types in place first
+    //auth type
+    switch( pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.AuthType.authType[0] ) //Take the prefered Auth type.
+    {
+        default:
+        case eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA:
+        case eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA_PSK:
+        case eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA_NONE:
+             pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.negotiatedAuthType = eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_OPEN_SYSTEM;
+             break;
+        case eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_SHARED_KEY:
+             pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.negotiatedAuthType = eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_SHARED_KEY;
+             break;
+             pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.negotiatedAuthType = eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_AUTOSWITCH;
+             break;
+    }
+    pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.negotiatedUCEncryptionType = 
+    pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.EncryptionType.encryptionType[0]; 
+    //In this case, the multicast encryption needs to follow the uncast ones.
+    pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.negotiatedMCEncryptionType = 
+    pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.EncryptionType.encryptionType[0];
+static eCsrJoinState csrRoamJoinNextBss( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand, tANI_BOOLEAN fUseSameBss )
+    eHalStatus status;
+    tCsrScanResult *pScanResult = NULL;
+    eCsrJoinState eRoamState = eCsrStopRoaming;
+    tScanResultList *pBSSList = (tScanResultList *)pCommand->u.roamCmd.hBSSList;
+    tCsrRoamInfo roamInfo, *pRoamInfo = NULL;
+    v_U8_t acm_mask = 0;
+    tANI_U32 sessionId = pCommand->sessionId;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile = &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile;
+    tANI_U8  concurrentChannel = 0;
+    do  
+    {
+        // Check for Cardbus eject condition, before trying to Roam to any BSS
+        //***if( !balIsCardPresent(pAdapter) ) break;
+        if(NULL != pBSSList)
+        {
+            // When handling AP's capability change, continue to associate to
+            // same BSS and make sure pRoamBssEntry is not Null.
+            if((eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE == fUseSameBss) || (pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry == NULL))
+            {
+                if(pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry == NULL)
+                {
+                    //Try the first BSS
+                    pCommand->u.roamCmd.pLastRoamBss = NULL;
+                    pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry = csrLLPeekHead(&pBSSList->List, LL_ACCESS_LOCK);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry = csrLLNext(&pBSSList->List, pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry, LL_ACCESS_LOCK);
+                    if(NULL == pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry)
+                    {
+                        //Done with all the BSSs
+                        //In this case,   will tell HDD the completion
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        //We need to indicate to HDD that we are done with this one.
+                        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo));
+                        roamInfo.pBssDesc = pCommand->u.roamCmd.pLastRoamBss;     //this shall not be NULL
+                        roamInfo.statusCode = pSession->joinFailStatusCode.statusCode;
+                        roamInfo.reasonCode = pSession->joinFailStatusCode.reasonCode;
+                        pRoamInfo = &roamInfo;
+                    }
+                }
+                while(pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry)
+                {
+                    pScanResult = GET_BASE_ADDR(pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry, tCsrScanResult, Link);
+                    /*If concurrency enabled take the concurrent connected channel first. */
+                    /* Valid multichannel concurrent sessions exempted */
+                    if (vos_concurrent_sessions_running() && !csrIsValidMcConcurrentSession(pMac, sessionId))
+                    {
+                        concurrentChannel = 
+                            csrGetConcurrentOperationChannel(pMac);
+                        VOS_TRACE(VOS_MODULE_ID_SME, VOS_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO_HIGH, "%s: "
+                                " csr Concurrent Channel = %d", __FUNCTION__, concurrentChannel);
+                        if ((concurrentChannel) && 
+                                (concurrentChannel == 
+                                 pScanResult->Result.BssDescriptor.channelId))
+                        {
+                            //make this 0 because we do not want the 
+                            //below check to pass as we don't want to 
+                            //connect on other channel
+                            VOS_TRACE(VOS_MODULE_ID_SME, VOS_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO,
+                                    FL("Concurrent channel match =%d"),
+                                    concurrentChannel);
+                            concurrentChannel = 0; 
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ((vos_concurrent_sessions_running()) && 
+                         csrIsAnySessionInConnectState( pMac ))
+                    {
+                        pMac->roam.configParam.concurrencyEnabled = 1;
+                    }
+                    if (!concurrentChannel)
+                    {
+                        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrRoamShouldRoam(pMac,
+                            sessionId, &pScanResult->Result.BssDescriptor,
+                            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId)))
+                        {
+                            //Ok to roam this
+                            break;
+                        }
+                     }
+                    pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry = csrLLNext(&pBSSList->List, pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry, LL_ACCESS_LOCK);
+                    if(NULL == pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry)
+                    {
+                        //Done with all the BSSs
+                        fDone = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                if(fDone)
+                {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //We have something to roam, tell HDD when it is infra.
+        //For IBSS, the indication goes back to HDD via eCSR_ROAM_IBSS_IND
+        //For WDS, the indication is eCSR_ROAM_WDS_IND
+        if( CSR_IS_INFRASTRUCTURE( pProfile ) )
+        {
+            if(pRoamInfo)
+            {
+                pSession->bRefAssocStartCnt--;
+                //Complete the last association attemp because a new one is about to be tried
+                csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, pRoamInfo, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, 
+                                        eCSR_ROAM_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION, 
+                                        eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NOT_ASSOCIATED);
+            }
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(roamInfo));
+            if(pScanResult)
+            {
+                tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIesLocal = (tDot11fBeaconIEs *)pScanResult->Result.pvIes;
+                if( !pIesLocal && (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrGetParsedBssDescriptionIEs(pMac, &pScanResult->Result.BssDescriptor, &pIesLocal))) )
+                {
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" cannot parse IEs\n"));
+                    fDone = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                    eRoamState = eCsrStopRoaming;
+                    break;
+                }
+                roamInfo.pBssDesc = &pScanResult->Result.BssDescriptor;
+                pCommand->u.roamCmd.pLastRoamBss = roamInfo.pBssDesc;
+                //No need to put uapsd_mask in if the BSS doesn't support uAPSD
+                if( pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.uapsd_mask &&
+                    CSR_IS_QOS_BSS(pIesLocal) &&
+                    CSR_IS_UAPSD_BSS(pIesLocal) )
+                {
+                    acm_mask = sme_QosGetACMMask(pMac, &pScanResult->Result.BssDescriptor, 
+                         pIesLocal);
+                    pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.uapsd_mask &= ~(acm_mask);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.uapsd_mask = 0;
+                }
+                if( pIesLocal && !pScanResult->Result.pvIes)
+                {
+                    palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIesLocal);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.uapsd_mask = 0;
+            }
+            roamInfo.pProfile = pProfile;
+            pSession->bRefAssocStartCnt++;
+            csrRoamCallCallback( pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, 
+                                 eCSR_ROAM_ASSOCIATION_START, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE );
+        }
+        if ( NULL == pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry ) 
+        {
+            // If this is a start IBSS profile, then we need to start the IBSS.
+            if ( CSR_IS_START_IBSS(pProfile) ) 
+            {
+                tANI_BOOLEAN fSameIbss = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+                // Attempt to start this IBSS...
+                csrRoamAssignDefaultParam( pMac, pCommand );
+                status = csrRoamStartIbss( pMac, sessionId, pProfile, &fSameIbss );
+                if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                {
+                    if ( fSameIbss ) 
+                    {
+                        eRoamState = eCsrStartIbssSameIbss;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        eRoamState = eCsrContinueRoaming;
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    //it somehow fail need to stop
+                    eRoamState = eCsrStopRoaming;
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            else if ( (CSR_IS_WDS_AP(pProfile))
+             || (CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(pProfile))
+            )
+            {
+                // Attempt to start this WDS...
+                csrRoamAssignDefaultParam( pMac, pCommand );
+                /* For AP WDS, we dont have any BSSDescription */
+                status = csrRoamStartWds( pMac, sessionId, pProfile, NULL );
+                if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                {
+                    eRoamState = eCsrContinueRoaming;
+                }
+                else 
+                {
+                    //it somehow fail need to stop
+                    eRoamState = eCsrStopRoaming;
+                }
+            }
+            else 
+            {
+                //Nothing we can do
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("cannot continue without BSS list\n"));
+                eRoamState = eCsrStopRoaming;
+                break;
+            }
+        } 
+        else //We have BSS 
+        {
+            //Need to assign these value because they are used in csrIsSameProfile
+            pScanResult = GET_BASE_ADDR(pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry, tCsrScanResult, Link);
+            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.negotiatedUCEncryptionType = pScanResult->ucEncryptionType; //Negotiated while building scan result.
+            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.negotiatedMCEncryptionType = pScanResult->mcEncryptionType;
+            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.negotiatedAuthType = pScanResult->authType;
+            if ( CSR_IS_START_IBSS(&pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile) )
+            {
+                if(csrIsSameProfile(pMac, &pSession->connectedProfile, pProfile))
+                {
+                    eRoamState = eCsrStartIbssSameIbss;
+                    break;
+                } 
+            }
+            if( pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReassocToSelfNoCapChange )
+            {
+                //trying to connect to the one already connected
+                pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReassocToSelfNoCapChange = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+                eRoamState = eCsrReassocToSelfNoCapChange;
+                break;
+            }
+            // Attempt to Join this Bss...
+            eRoamState = csrRoamJoin( pMac, sessionId, &pScanResult->Result, pProfile );
+            break;
+        }
+    } while( 0 );
+    if( (eCsrStopRoaming == eRoamState) && (CSR_IS_INFRASTRUCTURE( pProfile )) )
+    {
+        //Need to indicate association_completion if association_start has been done
+        if(pSession->bRefAssocStartCnt > 0)
+        {
+            pSession->bRefAssocStartCnt--;
+            //Complete the last association attemp because a new one is about to be tried
+            csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, pRoamInfo, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, 
+                                        eCSR_ROAM_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION, 
+                                        eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NOT_ASSOCIATED);
+        }
+    }
+    return( eRoamState );
+static eHalStatus csrRoam( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    eCsrJoinState RoamState;
+    tANI_U32 sessionId = pCommand->sessionId;
+    smsLog(pMac, LOG2, FL("is called\n"));
+    //***if( hddIsRadioStateOn( pAdapter ) )
+    {
+        // Attept to join a Bss...
+        RoamState = csrRoamJoinNextBss( pMac, pCommand, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE );
+        // if nothing to join..
+        if ( eCsrStopRoaming == RoamState ) 
+        {
+            tANI_BOOLEAN fComplete = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+            // and if connected in Infrastructure mode...
+            if ( csrIsConnStateInfra(pMac, sessionId) ) 
+            {
+                //... then we need to issue a disassociation
+                status = csrRoamIssueDisassociate( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISASSOC_NOTHING_TO_JOIN, FALSE );
+                if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                {
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("  failed to issue disassociate, status = %d\n"), status);
+                    //roam command is completed by caller in the failed case
+                    fComplete = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                }
+            }
+            else if( csrIsConnStateIbss(pMac, sessionId) )
+            {
+                status = csrRoamIssueStopBss( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_STOP_BSS_REQ );
+                if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                {
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("  failed to issue stop bss, status = %d\n"), status);
+                    //roam command is completed by caller in the failed case
+                    fComplete = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                }
+            }
+            else if (csrIsConnStateConnectedInfraAp(pMac, sessionId))
+            {
+                status = csrRoamIssueStopBss( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_STOP_BSS_REQ );
+                if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                {
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("  failed to issue stop bss, status = %d\n"), status);
+                    //roam command is completed by caller in the failed case
+                    fComplete = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {        
+                fComplete = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+            }
+            if(fComplete)
+            {
+               // ... otherwise, we can complete the Roam command here.
+               csrRoamComplete( pMac, eCsrNothingToJoin, NULL );
+            }    
+       }
+       else if ( eCsrReassocToSelfNoCapChange == RoamState )
+       {
+           csrRoamComplete( pMac, eCsrSilentlyStopRoamingSaveState, NULL );
+       }
+       else if ( eCsrStartIbssSameIbss == RoamState )
+       {
+           csrRoamComplete( pMac, eCsrSilentlyStopRoaming, NULL );        
+       }
+    }//hddIsRadioStateOn
+    return status;
+eHalStatus csrProcessFTReassocRoamCommand ( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand )
+    tANI_U32 sessionId;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession;
+    tCsrScanResult *pScanResult = NULL;
+    tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc = NULL;
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    sessionId = pCommand->sessionId;
+    pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if(CSR_IS_ROAMING(pSession) && pSession->fCancelRoaming)
+    {
+        //the roaming is cancelled. Simply complete the command
+        smsLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("  Roam command cancelled\n"));
+        csrRoamComplete(pMac, eCsrNothingToJoin, NULL); 
+        return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    }
+    if (pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry)
+    {
+        pScanResult = GET_BASE_ADDR(pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry, tCsrScanResult, Link);
+        pBssDesc = &pScanResult->Result.BssDescriptor;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        //the roaming is cancelled. Simply complete the command
+        smsLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("  Roam command cancelled\n"));
+        csrRoamComplete(pMac, eCsrNothingToJoin, NULL); 
+        return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    }
+    status = csrRoamIssueReassociate(pMac, sessionId, pBssDesc, 
+        (tDot11fBeaconIEs *)( pScanResult->Result.pvIes ), &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile);
+    return status;
+eHalStatus csrRoamProcessCommand( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tCsrRoamInfo roamInfo;
+    tANI_U32 sessionId = pCommand->sessionId;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    switch ( pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason )
+    {
+    case eCsrForcedDisassoc:
+        csrFreeRoamProfile(pMac, sessionId);
+        status = csrRoamProcessDisassocDeauth( pMac, pCommand, TRUE, FALSE );
+        break;
+     case eCsrSmeIssuedDisassocForHandoff:
+        //Not to free pMac->roam.pCurRoamProfile (via csrFreeRoamProfile) because it is needed after disconnect
+#if 0 // TODO : Confirm this change
+        status = csrRoamProcessDisassociate( pMac, pCommand, FALSE );
+        status = csrRoamProcessDisassocDeauth( pMac, pCommand, TRUE, FALSE );
+        break;
+    case eCsrForcedDisassocMICFailure:
+        csrFreeRoamProfile(pMac, sessionId);
+        status = csrRoamProcessDisassocDeauth( pMac, pCommand, TRUE, TRUE );
+        break;
+    case eCsrForcedDeauth:
+        csrFreeRoamProfile(pMac, sessionId);
+        status = csrRoamProcessDisassocDeauth( pMac, pCommand, FALSE, FALSE );
+        break;
+    case eCsrHddIssuedReassocToSameAP:
+    case eCsrSmeIssuedReassocToSameAP:
+    {
+        tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes = NULL;
+        if( pSession->pConnectBssDesc )
+        {
+            status = csrGetParsedBssDescriptionIEs(pMac, pSession->pConnectBssDesc, &pIes);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) )
+            {
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("  fail to parse IEs\n"));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                roamInfo.reasonCode = eCsrRoamReasonStaCapabilityChanged;
+                csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, pSession->sessionId, &roamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_ROAMING_START, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE);
+                pSession->roamingReason = eCsrReassocRoaming;
+                roamInfo.pBssDesc = pSession->pConnectBssDesc;
+                roamInfo.pProfile = &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile;
+                pSession->bRefAssocStartCnt++;
+                csrRoamCallCallback( pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, 
+                                     eCSR_ROAM_ASSOCIATION_START, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE );
+                smsLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("  calling csrRoamIssueReassociate\n"));
+                csrRoamIssueReassociate( pMac, sessionId, pSession->pConnectBssDesc, pIes,
+                                         &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile );
+                palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIes);
+                pIes = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    case eCsrCapsChange:
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("received eCsrCapsChange \n"));
+        csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_JOINING, sessionId );
+        status = csrRoamIssueDisassociate( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISCONNECT_CONTINUE_ROAMING, FALSE); 
+        break;
+    case eCsrSmeIssuedFTReassoc:
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("received FT Reassoc Req \n"));
+        status = csrProcessFTReassocRoamCommand(pMac, pCommand);
+        break;
+    case eCsrStopBss:
+       csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_JOINING, sessionId);
+       status = csrRoamIssueStopBss( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_STOP_BSS_REQ );
+       break;
+    case eCsrForcedDisassocSta:
+       csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_JOINING, sessionId);
+       csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISASSOC_REQ, sessionId);
+       status = csrSendMBDisassocReqMsg( pMac, sessionId, pCommand->u.roamCmd.peerMac, 
+                     pCommand->u.roamCmd.reason);
+       break;
+    case eCsrForcedDeauthSta:
+       csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_JOINING, sessionId);
+       csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DEAUTH_REQ, sessionId);
+       status = csrSendMBDeauthReqMsg( pMac, sessionId, pCommand->u.roamCmd.peerMac, 
+                     pCommand->u.roamCmd.reason);
+       break;
+    default:
+        csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_JOINING, sessionId );
+        if( pCommand->u.roamCmd.fUpdateCurRoamProfile )
+        {
+            //Remember the roaming profile 
+            csrFreeRoamProfile(pMac, sessionId);
+            if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pSession->pCurRoamProfile, sizeof(tCsrRoamProfile))))
+            {
+                palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pCurRoamProfile, sizeof(tCsrRoamProfile));
+                csrRoamCopyProfile(pMac, pSession->pCurRoamProfile, &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile);
+            }
+        }
+        //At this point, original uapsd_mask is saved in pCurRoamProfile
+        //uapsd_mask in the pCommand may change from this point on.
+        // Attempt to roam with the new scan results (if we need to..)
+        status = csrRoam( pMac, pCommand );
+        break;
+    }
+    return (status);
+void csrReinitRoamCmd(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand) 
+    if(pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReleaseBssList)
+    {
+        csrScanResultPurge(pMac, pCommand->u.roamCmd.hBSSList);
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReleaseBssList = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.hBSSList = CSR_INVALID_SCANRESULT_HANDLE;
+    }
+    if(pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReleaseProfile)
+    {
+        csrReleaseProfile(pMac, &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile);
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReleaseProfile = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    }
+    pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry = NULL;
+    //Because u.roamCmd is union and share with scanCmd and StatusChange
+    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pCommand->u.roamCmd, sizeof(tRoamCmd));
+void csrReinitWmStatusChangeCmd(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand)
+    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pCommand->u.wmStatusChangeCmd, sizeof(tWmStatusChangeCmd));
+void csrRoamComplete( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, eCsrRoamCompleteResult Result, void *Context )
+    tListElem *pEntry;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand;
+    tANI_BOOLEAN fReleaseCommand = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+    smsLog( pMac, LOG2, "roamQ: Roam Completion ...\n" );
+    pEntry = csrLLPeekHead( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK );
+    if ( pEntry )
+    {
+        pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link );
+        // If the head of the queue is Active and it is a ROAM command, remove
+        // and put this on the Free queue.
+        if ( eSmeCommandRoam == pCommand->command )
+        {
+            //we need to process the result first before removing it from active list because state changes 
+            //still happening insides roamQProcessRoamResults so no other roam command should be issued
+            fReleaseCommand = csrRoamProcessResults( pMac, pCommand, Result, Context );
+            if( fReleaseCommand )
+            {
+                if( csrLLRemoveEntry( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_LOCK ) )
+                {
+                    csrReleaseCommandRoam( pMac, pCommand );
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    smsLog( pMac, LOGE, " **********csrRoamComplete fail to release command reason %d\n",
+                        pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason );
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                smsLog( pMac, LOGE, " **********csrRoamComplete fail to release command reason %d\n",
+                    pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason );
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "CSR: Roam Completion called but ROAM command is not ACTIVE ...\n" );
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "CSR: Roam Completion called but NO commands are ACTIVE ...\n" );
+    }
+    if( fReleaseCommand )
+    {
+        smeProcessPendingQueue( pMac );
+    }
+void csrResetPMKIDCandidateList( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId )
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, &(pSession->PmkidCandidateInfo[0]), sizeof(tPmkidCandidateInfo) * CSR_MAX_PMKID_ALLOWED );
+    pSession->NumPmkidCandidate = 0;
+void csrResetBKIDCandidateList( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId )
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, &(pSession->BkidCandidateInfo[0]), sizeof(tBkidCandidateInfo) * CSR_MAX_BKID_ALLOWED );
+    pSession->NumBkidCandidate = 0;
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+extern tANI_U8 csrWpaOui[][ CSR_WPA_OUI_SIZE ];
+static eHalStatus csrRoamSaveSecurityRspIE(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, eCsrAuthType authType, 
+                                         tSirBssDescription *pSirBssDesc,
+                                         tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIesLocal = pIes;
+    if((eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA == authType) ||
+        (eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA_PSK == authType) ||
+        (eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_RSN == authType) ||
+        (eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_RSN_PSK == authType)
+#if defined WLAN_FEATURE_VOWIFI_11R
+      ||
+       (eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_FT_RSN == authType) ||
+       (eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_FT_RSN_PSK == authType)
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+      ||
+       (eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WAPI_WAI_PSK == authType) ||
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+        )
+    {
+        if( !pIesLocal && (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrGetParsedBssDescriptionIEs(pMac, pSirBssDesc, &pIesLocal))) )
+        {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" cannot parse IEs\n"));
+        }
+        if( pIesLocal )
+        {
+            tANI_U32 nIeLen;
+            tANI_U8 *pIeBuf;
+            if((eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_RSN == authType) ||
+#if defined WLAN_FEATURE_VOWIFI_11R
+                (eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_FT_RSN == authType) ||
+                (eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_FT_RSN_PSK == authType) ||
+#endif /* WLAN_FEATURE_VOWIFI_11R */
+                (eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_RSN_PSK == authType))
+            {
+                if(pIesLocal->RSN.present)
+                {
+                    //Calculate the actual length
+                    nIeLen = 8 //version + gp_cipher_suite + pwise_cipher_suite_count
+                        + pIesLocal->RSN.pwise_cipher_suite_count * 4    //pwise_cipher_suites
+                        + 2 //akm_suite_count
+                        + pIesLocal->RSN.akm_suite_count * 4 //akm_suites
+                        + 2; //reserved
+                    if( pIesLocal->RSN.pmkid_count )
+                    {
+                        nIeLen += 2 + pIesLocal->RSN.pmkid_count * 4;  //pmkid
+                    }
+                    //nIeLen doesn't count EID and length fields
+                    if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS((status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pSession->pWpaRsnRspIE, nIeLen + 2))))
+                    {
+                        pSession->pWpaRsnRspIE[0] = DOT11F_EID_RSN;
+                        pSession->pWpaRsnRspIE[1] = (tANI_U8)nIeLen;
+                        //copy upto akm_suites
+                        pIeBuf = pSession->pWpaRsnRspIE + 2;
+                        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIeBuf, &pIesLocal->RSN.version, 8);
+                        pIeBuf += 8;
+                        if( pIesLocal->RSN.pwise_cipher_suite_count )
+                        {
+                            //copy pwise_cipher_suites
+                            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIeBuf, pIesLocal->RSN.pwise_cipher_suites, 
+                                            pIesLocal->RSN.pwise_cipher_suite_count * 4);
+                            pIeBuf += pIesLocal->RSN.pwise_cipher_suite_count * 4;
+                        }
+                        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIeBuf, &pIesLocal->RSN.akm_suite_count, 2);
+                        pIeBuf += 2;
+                        if( pIesLocal->RSN.akm_suite_count )
+                        {
+                            //copy akm_suites
+                            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIeBuf, pIesLocal->RSN.akm_suites, 
+                                            pIesLocal->RSN.akm_suite_count * 4);
+                            pIeBuf += pIesLocal->RSN.akm_suite_count * 4;
+                        }
+                        //copy the rest
+                        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIeBuf, pIesLocal->RSN.akm_suites + 
+                                        pIesLocal->RSN.akm_suite_count * 4, 
+                                        2 + pIesLocal->RSN.pmkid_count * 4);
+                        pSession->nWpaRsnRspIeLength = nIeLen + 2; 
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            else if((eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA == authType) ||
+                (eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA_PSK == authType))
+            {
+                if(pIesLocal->WPA.present)
+                {
+                    //Calculate the actual length
+                    nIeLen = 12 //OUI + version + multicast_cipher + unicast_cipher_count
+                        + pIesLocal->WPA.unicast_cipher_count * 4    //unicast_ciphers
+                        + 2 //auth_suite_count
+                        + pIesLocal->WPA.auth_suite_count * 4; //auth_suites
+                    // The WPA capabilities follows the Auth Suite (two octects)--
+                    // this field is optional, and we always "send" zero, so just
+                    // remove it.  This is consistent with our assumptions in the
+                    // frames compiler; c.f. bug 15234:
+                    //nIeLen doesn't count EID and length fields
+                    if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS((status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pSession->pWpaRsnRspIE, nIeLen + 2))))
+                    {
+                        pSession->pWpaRsnRspIE[0] = DOT11F_EID_WPA;
+                        pSession->pWpaRsnRspIE[1] = (tANI_U8)nIeLen;
+                        pIeBuf = pSession->pWpaRsnRspIE + 2;
+                        //Copy WPA OUI
+                        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIeBuf, &csrWpaOui[1], 4);
+                        pIeBuf += 4;
+                        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIeBuf, &pIesLocal->WPA.version, 8 + 
+                                        pIesLocal->WPA.unicast_cipher_count * 4);
+                        pIeBuf += 8 + pIesLocal->WPA.unicast_cipher_count * 4;
+                        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIeBuf, &pIesLocal->WPA.auth_suite_count, 2 + 
+                                        pIesLocal->WPA.auth_suite_count * 4);
+                        pIeBuf += pIesLocal->WPA.auth_suite_count * 4;
+                        pSession->nWpaRsnRspIeLength = nIeLen + 2; 
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+          else if((eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WAPI_WAI_PSK == authType) ||
+                  (eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WAPI_WAI_CERTIFICATE == authType))
+          {
+                if(pIesLocal->WAPI.present)
+                {
+                   //Calculate the actual length
+                   nIeLen = 4 //version + akm_suite_count 
+                      + pIesLocal->WAPI.akm_suite_count * 4 // akm_suites
+                      + 2 //pwise_cipher_suite_count
+                      + pIesLocal->WAPI.unicast_cipher_suite_count * 4    //pwise_cipher_suites
+                      + 6; //gp_cipher_suite + preauth + reserved
+                      if( pIesLocal->WAPI.bkid_count )
+                      {
+                           nIeLen += 2 + pIesLocal->WAPI.bkid_count * 4;  //bkid
+        }
+                   //nIeLen doesn't count EID and length fields
+                   if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS((status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pSession->pWapiRspIE, nIeLen + 2))))
+                   {
+                      pSession->pWapiRspIE[0] = DOT11F_EID_WAPI;
+                      pSession->pWapiRspIE[1] = (tANI_U8)nIeLen;
+                      pIeBuf = pSession->pWapiRspIE + 2;
+                      //copy upto akm_suite_count
+                      palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIeBuf, &pIesLocal->WAPI.version, 4);
+                      pIeBuf += 4;
+                      if( pIesLocal->WAPI.akm_suite_count )
+                      {
+                         //copy akm_suites
+                         palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIeBuf, pIesLocal->WAPI.akm_suites, 
+                                        pIesLocal->WAPI.akm_suite_count * 4);
+                         pIeBuf += pIesLocal->WAPI.akm_suite_count * 4;
+    }
+                      palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIeBuf, &pIesLocal->WAPI.unicast_cipher_suite_count, 2);
+                      pIeBuf += 2;
+                      if( pIesLocal->WAPI.unicast_cipher_suite_count )
+                      {
+                         //copy pwise_cipher_suites
+                         palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIeBuf, pIesLocal->WAPI.unicast_cipher_suites, 
+                                        pIesLocal->WAPI.unicast_cipher_suite_count * 4);
+                         pIeBuf += pIesLocal->WAPI.unicast_cipher_suite_count * 4;
+                      }
+                      //gp_cipher_suite + preauth + reserved + bkid_count
+                      palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIeBuf, &pIesLocal->WAPI.multicast_cipher_suite, 8);
+                      pIeBuf += 8;
+                      if( pIesLocal->WAPI.bkid_count )
+                      {
+                         //copy akm_suites
+                         palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIeBuf, pIesLocal->WAPI.bkid, pIesLocal->WAPI.bkid_count * 4);
+                         pIeBuf += pIesLocal->WAPI.bkid_count * 4;
+                      }
+                      pSession->nWapiRspIeLength = nIeLen + 2; 
+                   }
+                }
+          }
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+            if( !pIes )
+            {
+                //locally allocated
+                palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIesLocal);
+        }
+    }
+    }
+    return (status);
+static void csrCheckAndUpdateACWeight( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIEs )
+    v_U8_t bACWeights[WLANTL_MAX_AC];
+    v_U8_t paramBk, paramBe, paramVi, paramVo;
+    v_BOOL_t fWeightChange = VOS_FALSE;
+    //Compare two ACs' EDCA parameters, from low to high (BK, BE, VI, VO)
+    //The "formula" is, if lower AC's AIFSN+CWMin is bigger than a fixed amount
+    //of the higher AC one, make the higher AC has the same weight as the lower AC.
+    //This doesn't address the case where the lower AC needs a real higher weight
+    if( pIEs->WMMParams.present )
+    {
+        //no change to the lowest ones
+        bACWeights[WLANTL_AC_BK] = pMac->roam.ucACWeights[WLANTL_AC_BK];
+        bACWeights[WLANTL_AC_BE] = pMac->roam.ucACWeights[WLANTL_AC_BE];
+        bACWeights[WLANTL_AC_VI] = pMac->roam.ucACWeights[WLANTL_AC_VI];
+        bACWeights[WLANTL_AC_VO] = pMac->roam.ucACWeights[WLANTL_AC_VO];
+        paramBk = pIEs->WMMParams.acbk_aifsn + pIEs->WMMParams.acbk_acwmin;
+        paramBe = pIEs->WMMParams.acbe_aifsn + pIEs->WMMParams.acbe_acwmin;
+        paramVi = pIEs->WMMParams.acvi_aifsn + pIEs->WMMParams.acvi_acwmin;
+        paramVo = pIEs->WMMParams.acvo_aifsn + pIEs->WMMParams.acvo_acwmin;
+        if( SME_DETECT_AC_WEIGHT_DIFF(paramBk, paramBe) )
+        {
+            bACWeights[WLANTL_AC_BE] = bACWeights[WLANTL_AC_BK];
+            fWeightChange = VOS_TRUE;
+        }
+        if( SME_DETECT_AC_WEIGHT_DIFF(paramBk, paramVi) )
+        {
+            bACWeights[WLANTL_AC_VI] = bACWeights[WLANTL_AC_BK];
+            fWeightChange = VOS_TRUE;
+        }
+        else if( SME_DETECT_AC_WEIGHT_DIFF(paramBe, paramVi) )
+        {
+            bACWeights[WLANTL_AC_VI] = bACWeights[WLANTL_AC_BE];
+            fWeightChange = VOS_TRUE;
+        }
+        if( SME_DETECT_AC_WEIGHT_DIFF(paramBk, paramVo) )
+        {
+            bACWeights[WLANTL_AC_VO] = bACWeights[WLANTL_AC_BK];
+            fWeightChange = VOS_TRUE;
+        }
+        else if( SME_DETECT_AC_WEIGHT_DIFF(paramBe, paramVo) )
+        {
+            bACWeights[WLANTL_AC_VO] = bACWeights[WLANTL_AC_BE];
+            fWeightChange = VOS_TRUE;
+        }
+        else if( SME_DETECT_AC_WEIGHT_DIFF(paramVi, paramVo) )
+        {
+            bACWeights[WLANTL_AC_VO] = bACWeights[WLANTL_AC_VI];
+            fWeightChange = VOS_TRUE;
+        }
+        if(fWeightChange)
+        {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" change AC weights (%d-%d-%d-%d)\n"), bACWeights[0], bACWeights[1],
+                bACWeights[2], bACWeights[3]);
+            WLANTL_SetACWeights(pMac->roam.gVosContext, bACWeights);
+        }
+    }
+//Returns whether the current association is a 11r assoc or not
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrRoamIs11rAssoc(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    return csrNeighborRoamIs11rAssoc(pMac);
+    return eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+//Returns whether the current association is a CCX assoc or not
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrRoamIsCCXAssoc(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    return csrNeighborRoamIsCCXAssoc(pMac);
+    return eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+//Return true means the command can be release, else not
+static tANI_BOOLEAN csrRoamProcessResults( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand,
+                                       eCsrRoamCompleteResult Result, void *Context )
+    tANI_BOOLEAN fReleaseCommand = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+    tSirBssDescription *pSirBssDesc = NULL;   
+    tSirMacAddr BroadcastMac = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
+    tCsrScanResult *pScanResult = NULL;
+    tCsrRoamInfo roamInfo;
+    sme_QosAssocInfo assocInfo;
+    sme_QosCsrEventIndType ind_qos;//indication for QoS module in SME
+    tANI_U8 acm_mask = 0; //HDD needs the ACM mask in the assoc rsp callback
+    tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes = NULL;
+    tANI_U32 sessionId = pCommand->sessionId;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile = &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile;
+    eRoamCmdStatus roamStatus;
+    eCsrRoamResult roamResult;
+    eHalStatus status;
+    tANI_U32 key_timeout_interval = 0;
+    tSirSmeStartBssRsp  *pSmeStartBssRsp = NULL;
+    smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("Processing ROAM results...\n"));
+    switch( Result )
+    {
+        case eCsrJoinSuccess:
+            // reset the IDLE timer
+            // !!
+            // !! fall through to the next CASE statement here is intentional !!
+            // !!
+        case eCsrReassocSuccess:
+            if(eCsrReassocSuccess == Result)
+            {
+                ind_qos = SME_QOS_CSR_REASSOC_COMPLETE;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                ind_qos = SME_QOS_CSR_ASSOC_COMPLETE;
+            }
+            // Success Join Response from LIM.  Tell NDIS we are connected and save the
+            // Connected state...
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("receives association indication\n"));
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(roamInfo));
+            //always free the memory here
+            if(pSession->pWpaRsnRspIE)
+            {
+                pSession->nWpaRsnRspIeLength = 0;
+                palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pWpaRsnRspIE);
+                pSession->pWpaRsnRspIE = NULL;
+            }
+            if(pSession->pWapiRspIE)
+            {
+                pSession->nWapiRspIeLength = 0;
+                palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pWapiRspIE);
+                pSession->pWapiRspIE = NULL;
+            }
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+            //Reset counter so no join retry is needed.
+            pSession->maxRetryCount = 0;
+            csrRoamStopJoinRetryTimer(pMac, sessionId);
+            /* This creates problem since we have not saved the connected profile.
+            So moving this after saving the profile
+            */
+            //csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_JOINED );
+            if( CSR_IS_INFRASTRUCTURE( pProfile ) )
+            {
+                pSession->connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_INFRA_ASSOCIATED;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                pSession->connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_WDS_CONNECTED;
+            }
+            //Use the last connected bssdesc for reassoc-ing to the same AP.
+            //NOTE: What to do when reassoc to a different AP???
+            if( (eCsrHddIssuedReassocToSameAP == pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason) ||
+                (eCsrSmeIssuedReassocToSameAP == pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason) )
+            {
+                pSirBssDesc = pSession->pConnectBssDesc;
+                if(pSirBssDesc)
+                {
+                    palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo.bssid, &pSirBssDesc->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+                } 
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if(pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry)
+                {
+                    pScanResult = GET_BASE_ADDR(pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry, tCsrScanResult, Link);
+                    if(pScanResult != NULL)
+                    {
+                        pSirBssDesc = &pScanResult->Result.BssDescriptor;
+                        //this can be NULL
+                        pIes = (tDot11fBeaconIEs *)( pScanResult->Result.pvIes );
+                        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo.bssid, &pSirBssDesc->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if( pSirBssDesc )
+            {
+                roamInfo.staId = HAL_STA_INVALID_IDX;
+                csrRoamSaveConnectedInfomation(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, pSirBssDesc, pIes);
+                    //Save WPA/RSN IE
+                csrRoamSaveSecurityRspIE(pMac, sessionId, pProfile->negotiatedAuthType, pSirBssDesc, pIes);
+                roamInfo.isCCXAssoc = pSession->connectedProfile.isCCXAssoc;
+                // csrRoamStateChange also affects sub-state. Hence, csrRoamStateChange happens first and then
+                // substate change.
+                // Moving even save profile above so that below mentioned conditon is also met.
+                // JEZ100225: Moved to after saving the profile. Fix needed in main/latest
+                csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_JOINED, sessionId );
+                // Make sure the Set Context is issued before link indication to NDIS.  After link indication is 
+                // made to NDIS, frames could start flowing.  If we have not set context with LIM, the frames
+                // will be dropped for the security context may not be set properly. 
+                //
+                // this was causing issues in the 2c_wlan_wep WHQL test when the SetContext was issued after the link
+                // indication.  (Link Indication happens in the profFSMSetConnectedInfra call).
+                //
+                // this reordering was done on titan_prod_usb branch and is being replicated here.
+                //
+                if( CSR_IS_ENC_TYPE_STATIC( pProfile->negotiatedUCEncryptionType ) &&
+                                        !pProfile->bWPSAssociation)
+                {
+                    // Issue the set Context request to LIM to establish the Unicast STA context
+                    if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( csrRoamIssueSetContextReq( pMac, sessionId,
+                                                pProfile->negotiatedUCEncryptionType, 
+                                                pSirBssDesc, &(pSirBssDesc->bssId),
+                                                FALSE, TRUE, eSIR_TX_RX, 0, 0, NULL, 0 ) ) ) // NO keys... these key parameters don't matter.
+                    {
+                        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("  Set context for unicast fail\n") );
+                        csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_NONE, sessionId );
+                    }
+                    // Issue the set Context request to LIM to establish the Broadcast STA context
+                    csrRoamIssueSetContextReq( pMac, sessionId, pProfile->negotiatedMCEncryptionType,
+                                               pSirBssDesc, &BroadcastMac,
+                                               FALSE, FALSE, eSIR_TX_RX, 0, 0, NULL, 0 ); // NO keys... these key parameters don't matter.
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    //Need to wait for supplicant authtication
+                    roamInfo.fAuthRequired = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                    //Set the subestate to WaitForKey in case authentiation is needed
+                    csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_WAIT_FOR_KEY, sessionId );
+                    if(pProfile->bWPSAssociation)
+                    {
+                        key_timeout_interval = CSR_WAIT_FOR_WPS_KEY_TIMEOUT_PERIOD;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        key_timeout_interval = CSR_WAIT_FOR_KEY_TIMEOUT_PERIOD;
+                    }
+                    //Save sessionId in case of timeout
+                    pMac->roam.WaitForKeyTimerInfo.sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+                    //This time should be long enough for the rest of the process plus setting key
+                    if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( csrRoamStartWaitForKeyTimer( pMac, key_timeout_interval ) ) )
+                    {
+                        //Reset our state so nothting is blocked.
+                        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("   Failed to start pre-auth timer\n") );
+                        csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_NONE, sessionId);
+                    }
+                }
+                assocInfo.pBssDesc = pSirBssDesc; //could be NULL
+                assocInfo.pProfile = pProfile;
+                if(Context)
+                {
+                    tSirSmeJoinRsp *pJoinRsp = (tSirSmeJoinRsp *)Context;
+                    tANI_U32 len;
+                    csrRoamFreeConnectedInfo( pMac, &pSession->connectedInfo );
+                    len = pJoinRsp->assocReqLength + pJoinRsp->assocRspLength + pJoinRsp->beaconLength;
+                    len += pJoinRsp->parsedRicRspLen;
+#endif /* WLAN_FEATURE_VOWIFI_11R */                    
+                    len += pJoinRsp->tspecIeLen;
+                    if(len)
+                    {
+                        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, 
+                                        (void **)&pSession->connectedInfo.pbFrames, len)))
+                        {
+                            if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, 
+                                            pSession->connectedInfo.pbFrames, pJoinRsp->frames, len) ))
+                            {
+                                pSession->connectedInfo.nAssocReqLength = pJoinRsp->assocReqLength;
+                                pSession->connectedInfo.nAssocRspLength = pJoinRsp->assocRspLength;
+                                pSession->connectedInfo.nBeaconLength = pJoinRsp->beaconLength;
+                                pSession->connectedInfo.nRICRspLength = pJoinRsp->parsedRicRspLen;
+#endif /* WLAN_FEATURE_VOWIFI_11R */                                
+                                pSession->connectedInfo.nTspecIeLength = pJoinRsp->tspecIeLen;
+                                roamInfo.nAssocReqLength = pJoinRsp->assocReqLength;
+                                roamInfo.nAssocRspLength = pJoinRsp->assocRspLength;
+                                roamInfo.nBeaconLength = pJoinRsp->beaconLength;
+                                roamInfo.pbFrames = pSession->connectedInfo.pbFrames;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                smsLog(pMac, LOGE, "%s: Copying of memory failed for %d bytes !!!\n", 
+                                        __FUNCTION__, len);
+                                palFreeMemory( pMac->hHdd, pSession->connectedInfo.pbFrames );
+                                pSession->connectedInfo.pbFrames = NULL;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if(pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReassoc)
+                    {
+                        roamInfo.fReassocReq = roamInfo.fReassocRsp = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                    }
+                    pSession->connectedInfo.staId = ( tANI_U8 )pJoinRsp->staId;
+                    roamInfo.staId = ( tANI_U8 )pJoinRsp->staId;
+                    roamInfo.ucastSig = ( tANI_U8 )pJoinRsp->ucastSig;
+                    roamInfo.bcastSig = ( tANI_U8 )pJoinRsp->bcastSig;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                   if(pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReassoc)
+                   {
+                       roamInfo.fReassocReq = roamInfo.fReassocRsp = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                       roamInfo.nAssocReqLength = pSession->connectedInfo.nAssocReqLength;
+                       roamInfo.nAssocRspLength = pSession->connectedInfo.nAssocRspLength;
+                       roamInfo.nBeaconLength = pSession->connectedInfo.nBeaconLength;
+                       roamInfo.pbFrames = pSession->connectedInfo.pbFrames;
+                   }
+                }
+                // Indicate SME-QOS with reassoc success event, only after 
+                // copying the frames 
+                sme_QosCsrEventInd(pMac, (v_U8_t)sessionId, ind_qos, &assocInfo);
+                roamInfo.pBssDesc = pSirBssDesc;
+                roamInfo.statusCode = pSession->joinFailStatusCode.statusCode;
+                roamInfo.reasonCode = pSession->joinFailStatusCode.reasonCode;
+                acm_mask = sme_QosGetACMMask(pMac, pSirBssDesc, NULL);
+                pSession->connectedProfile.acm_mask = acm_mask;
+                //start UAPSD if uapsd_mask is not 0 because HDD will configure for trigger frame
+                //It may be better to let QoS do this????
+                if( pSession->connectedProfile.modifyProfileFields.uapsd_mask )
+                {
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGE, " uapsd_mask (0x%X) set, request UAPSD now\n",
+                        pSession->connectedProfile.modifyProfileFields.uapsd_mask);
+                    pmcStartUapsd( pMac, NULL, NULL );
+                }
+                roamInfo.u.pConnectedProfile = &pSession->connectedProfile;
+                if( pSession->bRefAssocStartCnt > 0 )
+                {
+                    pSession->bRefAssocStartCnt--;
+                    csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, eCSR_ROAM_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_ASSOCIATED);
+                }
+                csrRoamCompletion(pMac, sessionId, NULL, pCommand, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
+                // reset the PMKID candidate list
+                csrResetPMKIDCandidateList( pMac, sessionId );
+                //Update TL's AC weight base on the current EDCA parameters
+                //These parameters may change in the course of the connection, that sictuation
+                //is not taken care here. This change is mainly to address a WIFI WMM test where
+                //BE has a equal or higher TX priority than VI. 
+                //We only do this for infra link
+                if( csrIsConnStateConnectedInfra(pMac, sessionId ) && pIes )
+                {
+                    csrCheckAndUpdateACWeight(pMac, pIes);
+                }
+                // reset the BKID candidate list
+                csrResetBKIDCandidateList( pMac, sessionId );
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "  Roam command doesn't have a BSS desc\n");
+            }
+            csrScanCancelIdleScan(pMac);
+            //Not to signal link up because keys are yet to be set.
+            //The linkup function will overwrite the sub-state that we need to keep at this point.
+            if( !CSR_IS_WAIT_FOR_KEY(pMac, sessionId) )
+            {
+                csrRoamLinkUp(pMac, pSession->connectedProfile.bssid);
+            }
+            //Check if BMPS is required and start the BMPS retry timer.  Timer period is large
+            //enough to let security and DHCP handshake succeed before entry into BMPS
+            if (pmcShouldBmpsTimerRun(pMac))
+            {
+                if (pmcStartTrafficTimer(pMac, BMPS_TRAFFIC_TIMER_ALLOW_SECURITY_DHCP)
+                    != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+                {
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGP, FL("Cannot start BMPS Retry timer"));
+                }
+                smsLog(pMac, LOG2, FL("BMPS Retry Timer already running or started"));
+            }
+            break;
+        case eCsrStartBssSuccess:
+            // on the StartBss Response, LIM is returning the Bss Description that we
+            // are beaconing.  Add this Bss Description to our scan results and
+            // chain the Profile to this Bss Description.  On a Start BSS, there was no
+            // detected Bss description (no partner) so we issued the Start Bss to
+            // start the Ibss without any Bss description.  Lim was kind enough to return
+            // the Bss Description that we start beaconing for the newly started Ibss.
+            smsLog(pMac, LOG2, FL("receives start BSS ok indication\n"));
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+            pSmeStartBssRsp = (tSirSmeStartBssRsp *)Context;
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo));
+            if( CSR_IS_IBSS( pProfile ) )
+            {
+                pSession->connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_IBSS_DISCONNECTED;
+            }
+            else if (CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(pProfile))
+            {
+                pSession->connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_INFRA_DISCONNECTED;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                pSession->connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_WDS_DISCONNECTED;
+            }
+            if( !CSR_IS_WDS_STA( pProfile ) )
+            {
+                csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_JOINED, sessionId );
+                pSirBssDesc = &pSmeStartBssRsp->bssDescription;
+                pSirBssDesc = (tSirBssDescription *)Context;
+                if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrGetParsedBssDescriptionIEs( pMac, pSirBssDesc, &pIes )) )
+                {
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOG2, FL("cannot parse IBSS IEs\n"));
+                    roamInfo.pBssDesc = pSirBssDesc;
+                    //We need to associate_complete it first, becasue Associate_start already indicated.
+                    csrRoamCallCallback( pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, 
+                            eCSR_ROAM_IBSS_IND, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_IBSS_START_FAILED );
+                    break;
+                }
+                if (!CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(pProfile))
+                {
+                    pScanResult = csrScanAppendBssDescription( pMac, pSirBssDesc, pIes );
+                }
+                csrRoamSaveConnectedBssDesc(pMac, sessionId, pSirBssDesc);
+                csrRoamFreeConnectProfile(pMac, &pSession->connectedProfile);
+                csrRoamFreeConnectedInfo( pMac, &pSession->connectedInfo );
+                if(pSirBssDesc)
+                {
+                    csrRoamSaveConnectedInfomation(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, pSirBssDesc, pIes);
+                    palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo.bssid, &pSirBssDesc->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+                }
+                //We are doen with the IEs so free it
+                palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIes);
+                {
+                    vos_log_ibss_pkt_type *pIbssLog;
+                    tANI_U32 bi;
+                    WLAN_VOS_DIAG_LOG_ALLOC(pIbssLog, vos_log_ibss_pkt_type, LOG_WLAN_IBSS_C);
+                    if(pIbssLog)
+                    { 
+                        if(CSR_INVALID_SCANRESULT_HANDLE == pCommand->u.roamCmd.hBSSList)
+                        {
+                            //We start the IBSS (didn't find any matched IBSS out there)
+                            pIbssLog->eventId = WLAN_IBSS_EVENT_START_IBSS_RSP;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            pIbssLog->eventId = WLAN_IBSS_EVENT_JOIN_IBSS_RSP;
+                        }
+                        if(pSirBssDesc)
+                        {
+                            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIbssLog->bssid, pSirBssDesc->bssId, 6);
+                            pIbssLog->operatingChannel = pSirBssDesc->channelId;
+                        }
+                        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(ccmCfgGetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_BEACON_INTERVAL, &bi)))
+                        {
+                            //***U8 is not enough for beacon interval
+                            pIbssLog->beaconInterval = (v_U8_t)bi;
+                        }
+                        WLAN_VOS_DIAG_LOG_REPORT(pIbssLog);
+                    }
+                }
+                //Only set context for non-WDS_STA. We don't even need it for WDS_AP. But since the encryption
+                //is WPA2-PSK so it won't matter.
+                if( CSR_IS_ENC_TYPE_STATIC( pProfile->negotiatedUCEncryptionType ) && !CSR_IS_INFRA_AP( pSession->pCurRoamProfile ))
+                {
+                if( CSR_IS_ENC_TYPE_STATIC( pProfile->negotiatedUCEncryptionType ))
+                {
+                    // Issue the set Context request to LIM to establish the Broadcast STA context for the Ibss.
+                    csrRoamIssueSetContextReq( pMac, sessionId, 
+                                        pProfile->negotiatedMCEncryptionType, 
+                                        pSirBssDesc, &BroadcastMac,
+                                        FALSE, FALSE, eSIR_TX_RX, 0, 0, NULL, 0 ); // NO keys... these key parameters don't matter.
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                //Keep the state to eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_JOINING
+                //Need to send join_req.
+                if(pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry)
+                {
+                    if((pScanResult = GET_BASE_ADDR(pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry, tCsrScanResult, Link)))
+                    {
+                        pSirBssDesc = &pScanResult->Result.BssDescriptor;
+                        pIes = (tDot11fBeaconIEs *)( pScanResult->Result.pvIes );
+                        // Set the roaming substate to 'join attempt'...
+                        csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_JOIN_REQ, sessionId);
+                        status = csrSendJoinReqMsg( pMac, sessionId, pSirBssDesc, pProfile, pIes );
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    smsLog( pMac, LOGE, " StartBSS for WDS station with no BssDesc\n" );
+                    VOS_ASSERT( 0 );
+                }
+            }
+            //Only tell upper layer is we start the BSS because Vista doesn't like multiple connection
+            //indications. If we don't start the BSS ourself, handler of eSIR_SME_JOINED_NEW_BSS will 
+            //trigger the connection start indication in Vista
+            if( !CSR_IS_JOIN_TO_IBSS( pProfile ) )
+            {
+                roamStatus = eCSR_ROAM_IBSS_IND;
+                roamResult = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_IBSS_STARTED;
+                if( CSR_IS_WDS( pProfile ) )
+                {
+                    roamStatus = eCSR_ROAM_WDS_IND;
+                    roamResult = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_WDS_STARTED;
+                }
+                if( CSR_IS_INFRA_AP( pProfile ) )
+                {
+                    roamStatus = eCSR_ROAM_INFRA_IND;
+                    roamResult = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_INFRA_STARTED;
+                }
+                //Only tell upper layer is we start the BSS because Vista doesn't like multiple connection
+                //indications. If we don't start the BSS ourself, handler of eSIR_SME_JOINED_NEW_BSS will 
+                //trigger the connection start indication in Vista
+                palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo));
+                roamInfo.statusCode = pSession->joinFailStatusCode.statusCode;
+                roamInfo.reasonCode = pSession->joinFailStatusCode.reasonCode;
+                if(CSR_INVALID_SCANRESULT_HANDLE == pCommand->u.roamCmd.hBSSList)
+                {
+                    //We start the IBSS (didn't find any matched IBSS out there)
+                    roamInfo.pBssDesc = pSirBssDesc;
+                }
+                roamInfo.staId = (tANI_U8)pSmeStartBssRsp->staId;
+                csrRoamCallCallback( pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, roamStatus, roamResult );
+            }
+            csrScanCancelIdleScan(pMac);
+            //Only use this timer for ibss. BAP has its own timer for WDS
+            if( CSR_IS_IBSS( pProfile) && CSR_INVALID_SCANRESULT_HANDLE != pCommand->u.roamCmd.hBSSList)
+            {
+              //start the join IBSS timer
+                csrRoamStartIbssJoinTimer(pMac, sessionId, CSR_IBSS_JOIN_TIMEOUT_PERIOD); //interval
+                pSession->ibss_join_pending = TRUE;
+            }
+            if( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+            {
+                //Already sent join_req for the WDS station
+                fReleaseCommand = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+            }
+            else if( CSR_IS_WDS_STA( pProfile ) )
+            {
+                //need to send stop BSS because we fail to send join_req
+                csrRoamIssueDisassociateCmd( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_DISCONNECT_REASON_UNSPECIFIED );
+                csrRoamCallCallback( pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, 
+                                        eCSR_ROAM_WDS_IND, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_WDS_STOPPED );
+            }
+            break;
+        case eCsrStartBssFailure:
+            {
+                vos_log_ibss_pkt_type *pIbssLog;
+                WLAN_VOS_DIAG_LOG_ALLOC(pIbssLog, vos_log_ibss_pkt_type, LOG_WLAN_IBSS_C);
+                if(pIbssLog)
+                {
+                    pIbssLog->status = WLAN_IBSS_STATUS_FAILURE;
+                    WLAN_VOS_DIAG_LOG_REPORT(pIbssLog);
+                }
+            }
+            roamStatus = eCSR_ROAM_IBSS_IND;
+            roamResult = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_IBSS_STARTED;
+            if( CSR_IS_WDS( pProfile ) )
+            {
+                roamStatus = eCSR_ROAM_WDS_IND;
+                roamResult = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_WDS_STARTED;
+            }
+            if( CSR_IS_INFRA_AP( pProfile ) )
+            {
+                roamStatus = eCSR_ROAM_INFRA_IND;
+                roamResult = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_INFRA_START_FAILED;
+            }
+            if(Context)
+            {
+                pSirBssDesc = (tSirBssDescription *)Context;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                pSirBssDesc = NULL;
+            }
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo));
+            roamInfo.pBssDesc = pSirBssDesc;
+            //We need to associate_complete it first, becasue Associate_start already indicated.
+            csrRoamCallCallback( pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, roamStatus, roamResult );
+            csrSetDefaultDot11Mode( pMac );
+            break;
+        case eCsrSilentlyStopRoaming:
+            // We are here because we try to start the same IBSS
+            //No message to PE
+            // return the roaming state to Joined.
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("receives silently roaming indication\n"));
+            csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_JOINED, sessionId );
+            csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_NONE, sessionId );
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo));
+            roamInfo.pBssDesc = pSession->pConnectBssDesc;
+            if( roamInfo.pBssDesc )
+            {
+                palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo.bssid, &roamInfo.pBssDesc->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+            }
+            //Since there is no change in the current state, simply pass back no result otherwise
+            //HDD may be mistakenly mark to disconnected state.
+            csrRoamCallCallback( pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, 
+                                        eCSR_ROAM_IBSS_IND, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE );
+            break;
+        case eCsrSilentlyStopRoamingSaveState:
+            //We are here because we try to connect to the same AP
+            //No message to PE
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("receives silently stop roaming indication\n"));
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(roamInfo));
+            //to aviod resetting the substate to NONE
+            pMac->roam.curState[sessionId] = eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_JOINED;
+            //No need to change substate to wai_for_key because there is no state change
+            roamInfo.pBssDesc = pSession->pConnectBssDesc;
+            if( roamInfo.pBssDesc )
+            {
+                palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo.bssid, &roamInfo.pBssDesc->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+            }
+            roamInfo.statusCode = pSession->joinFailStatusCode.statusCode;
+            roamInfo.reasonCode = pSession->joinFailStatusCode.reasonCode;
+            roamInfo.nBeaconLength = pSession->connectedInfo.nBeaconLength;
+            roamInfo.nAssocReqLength = pSession->connectedInfo.nAssocReqLength;
+            roamInfo.nAssocRspLength = pSession->connectedInfo.nAssocRspLength;
+            roamInfo.pbFrames = pSession->connectedInfo.pbFrames;
+            roamInfo.staId = pSession->connectedInfo.staId;
+            roamInfo.u.pConnectedProfile = &pSession->connectedProfile;
+#if defined(VOSS_ENABLED)
+            VOS_ASSERT( roamInfo.staId != 0 );
+            pSession->bRefAssocStartCnt--;
+            csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, 
+                                        eCSR_ROAM_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_ASSOCIATED);
+            csrRoamCompletion(pMac, sessionId, NULL, pCommand, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_ASSOCIATED, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
+            break;
+        case eCsrReassocFailure:
+            sme_QosCsrEventInd(pMac, (tANI_U8)sessionId, SME_QOS_CSR_REASSOC_FAILURE, NULL);
+        case eCsrJoinWdsFailure:
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("failed to join WDS\n"));
+            csrFreeConnectBssDesc(pMac, sessionId);
+            csrRoamFreeConnectProfile(pMac, &pSession->connectedProfile);
+            csrRoamFreeConnectedInfo( pMac, &pSession->connectedInfo );
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo));
+            roamInfo.pBssDesc = pCommand->u.roamCmd.pLastRoamBss;
+            roamInfo.statusCode = pSession->joinFailStatusCode.statusCode;
+            roamInfo.reasonCode = pSession->joinFailStatusCode.reasonCode;
+            csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, 
+                                    eCSR_ROAM_WDS_IND, 
+                                    eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_WDS_NOT_ASSOCIATED);
+            //Need to issue stop_bss
+            break;
+        case eCsrJoinFailure:
+        case eCsrNothingToJoin:
+        default:
+        {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("receives no association indication\n"));
+            if( CSR_IS_INFRASTRUCTURE( &pSession->connectedProfile ) || 
+                CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_STOP_BSS_REQ( pMac, sessionId ) )
+            {
+                //do not free for the other profiles as we need to send down stop BSS later
+                csrFreeConnectBssDesc(pMac, sessionId);
+                csrRoamFreeConnectProfile(pMac, &pSession->connectedProfile);
+                csrRoamFreeConnectedInfo( pMac, &pSession->connectedInfo );
+                csrSetDefaultDot11Mode( pMac );
+            }
+            switch( pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason )
+            {
+                // If this transition is because of an 802.11 OID, then we transition
+                // back to INIT state so we sit waiting for more OIDs to be issued and
+                // we don't start the IDLE timer.
+                case eCsrSmeIssuedAssocToSimilarAP:
+                case eCsrHddIssued:
+                    csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_IDLE, sessionId );
+                    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo));
+                    roamInfo.pBssDesc = pCommand->u.roamCmd.pLastRoamBss;
+                    roamInfo.statusCode = pSession->joinFailStatusCode.statusCode;
+                    roamInfo.reasonCode = pSession->joinFailStatusCode.reasonCode;
+                    /* Defeaturize this later if needed */
+                    /* If Join fails while Handoff is in progress, indicate disassociated event to supplicant to reconnect */
+                    if (csrRoamIsHandoffInProgress(pMac))
+                    {
+                        csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, NULL, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, eCSR_ROAM_DISASSOCIATED, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FORCED);
+                        /* Should indicate neighbor roam algorithm about the connect failure here */
+                        csrNeighborRoamIndicateConnect(pMac, (tANI_U8)sessionId, VOS_STATUS_E_FAILURE);
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        if(pSession->bRefAssocStartCnt > 0)
+                        {
+                            pSession->bRefAssocStartCnt--;
+                            csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, 
+                                                eCSR_ROAM_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION, 
+                                                eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FAILURE);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("  roam(reason %d) failed\n"), pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason);
+                    sme_QosCsrEventInd(pMac, (tANI_U8)sessionId, SME_QOS_CSR_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL);
+                    csrRoamCompletion(pMac, sessionId, NULL, pCommand, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FAILURE, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+                    csrScanStartIdleScan(pMac);
+                    //For WDS STA. To fix the issue where the WDS AP side may be too busy by
+                    //BT activity and not able to recevie WLAN traffic. Retry the join
+                    if( CSR_IS_WDS_STA(pProfile) )
+                    {
+                        csrRoamStartJoinRetryTimer(pMac, sessionId, CSR_JOIN_RETRY_TIMEOUT_PERIOD);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case eCsrHddIssuedReassocToSameAP:
+                case eCsrSmeIssuedReassocToSameAP:
+                    csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_IDLE, sessionId);
+                    csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, NULL, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, eCSR_ROAM_DISASSOCIATED, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FORCED);
+#ifndef WLAN_MDM_CODE_REDUCTION_OPT                                        
+                    sme_QosCsrEventInd(pMac, (tANI_U8)sessionId, SME_QOS_CSR_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL);
+                    csrRoamCompletion(pMac, sessionId, NULL, pCommand, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FAILURE, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+                    csrScanStartIdleScan(pMac);
+                    break;
+                case eCsrForcedDisassoc:
+                case eCsrForcedDeauth:
+                case eCsrSmeIssuedIbssJoinFailure:
+                    csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_IDLE, sessionId);
+                    if(eCsrSmeIssuedIbssJoinFailure == pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason)
+                    {
+                        // Notify HDD that IBSS join failed
+                        csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, NULL, 0, eCSR_ROAM_IBSS_IND, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_IBSS_JOIN_FAILED);
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, NULL, 
+                                            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, 
+                                            eCSR_ROAM_DISASSOCIATED, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FORCED);
+                    }
+                    sme_QosCsrEventInd(pMac, (tANI_U8)sessionId, SME_QOS_CSR_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL);
+                    csrRoamLinkDown(pMac, sessionId);
+                    csrScanStartIdleScan(pMac);
+                    break;
+                case eCsrForcedIbssLeave:
+                     csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, NULL, 
+                                        pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, 
+                                        eCSR_ROAM_IBSS_LEAVE,
+                                        eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_IBSS_STOP);
+                    break;
+                case eCsrForcedDisassocMICFailure:
+                    csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_IDLE, sessionId );
+                    csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, NULL, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, eCSR_ROAM_DISASSOCIATED, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_MIC_FAILURE);
+                    sme_QosCsrEventInd(pMac, (tANI_U8)sessionId, SME_QOS_CSR_DISCONNECT_REQ, NULL);
+                    csrScanStartIdleScan(pMac);
+                    break;
+                case eCsrStopBss:
+                    csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, NULL, 
+                                        pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, 
+                                        eCSR_ROAM_INFRA_IND, 
+                                        eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_INFRA_STOPPED);
+                    break;
+                case eCsrForcedDisassocSta:
+                case eCsrForcedDeauthSta:
+                   csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_JOINED, sessionId);
+                   if( CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID(pMac, sessionId) )
+                   {                    
+                       pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION(pMac, sessionId);
+                       if (!pSession)
+                           break;
+                       if ( CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(&pSession->connectedProfile) )
+                       {
+                           roamInfo.u.pConnectedProfile = &pSession->connectedProfile;
+                           palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, roamInfo.peerMac, 
+                              pCommand->u.roamCmd.peerMac, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+                           roamInfo.reasonCode = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FORCED;
+                           roamInfo.statusCode = eSIR_SME_SUCCESS;
+                           status = csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, 
+                                       &roamInfo, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, 
+                                       eCSR_ROAM_LOSTLINK, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FORCED);
+                       }
+                   }
+                   break;
+                case eCsrLostLink1:
+                    // if lost link roam1 failed, then issue lost link Scan2 ...
+                    csrScanRequestLostLink2(pMac, sessionId);
+                    break;
+                case eCsrLostLink2:
+                    // if lost link roam2 failed, then issue lost link scan3 ...
+                    csrScanRequestLostLink3(pMac, sessionId);
+                    break;
+                case eCsrLostLink3:
+                default:
+                    csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_IDLE, sessionId );
+                    //We are done with one round of lostlink roaming here
+                    csrScanHandleFailedLostlink3(pMac, sessionId);
+                    break;
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return ( fReleaseCommand );
+eHalStatus csrRoamRegisterCallback(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, csrRoamCompleteCallback callback, void *pContext)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamCopyProfile(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrRoamProfile *pDstProfile, tCsrRoamProfile *pSrcProfile)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tANI_U32 size = 0;
+    do
+    {
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pDstProfile, sizeof(tCsrRoamProfile));
+        if(pSrcProfile->BSSIDs.numOfBSSIDs)
+        {
+            size = sizeof(tCsrBssid) * pSrcProfile->BSSIDs.numOfBSSIDs;
+            status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pDstProfile->BSSIDs.bssid, size);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            pDstProfile->BSSIDs.numOfBSSIDs = pSrcProfile->BSSIDs.numOfBSSIDs;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pDstProfile->BSSIDs.bssid, pSrcProfile->BSSIDs.bssid, size);
+        }
+        if(pSrcProfile->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs)
+        {
+            size = sizeof(tCsrSSIDInfo) * pSrcProfile->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs;
+            status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pDstProfile->SSIDs.SSIDList, size);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            pDstProfile->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs = pSrcProfile->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pDstProfile->SSIDs.SSIDList, pSrcProfile->SSIDs.SSIDList, size);
+        }
+        if(pSrcProfile->nWPAReqIELength)
+        {
+            status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pDstProfile->pWPAReqIE, pSrcProfile->nWPAReqIELength);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            pDstProfile->nWPAReqIELength = pSrcProfile->nWPAReqIELength;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pDstProfile->pWPAReqIE, pSrcProfile->pWPAReqIE, pSrcProfile->nWPAReqIELength);
+        }
+        if(pSrcProfile->nRSNReqIELength)
+        {
+            status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pDstProfile->pRSNReqIE, pSrcProfile->nRSNReqIELength);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            pDstProfile->nRSNReqIELength = pSrcProfile->nRSNReqIELength;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pDstProfile->pRSNReqIE, pSrcProfile->pRSNReqIE, pSrcProfile->nRSNReqIELength);
+        }
+        if(pSrcProfile->nWAPIReqIELength)
+        {
+            status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pDstProfile->pWAPIReqIE, pSrcProfile->nWAPIReqIELength);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            pDstProfile->nWAPIReqIELength = pSrcProfile->nWAPIReqIELength;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pDstProfile->pWAPIReqIE, pSrcProfile->pWAPIReqIE, pSrcProfile->nWAPIReqIELength);
+        }
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+        if(pSrcProfile->nAddIEScanLength)
+        {
+            status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd,
+                     (void **)&pDstProfile->pAddIEScan, pSrcProfile->nAddIEScanLength);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            pDstProfile->nAddIEScanLength = pSrcProfile->nAddIEScanLength;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pDstProfile->pAddIEScan, pSrcProfile->pAddIEScan,
+                pSrcProfile->nAddIEScanLength);
+        }
+        if(pSrcProfile->nAddIEAssocLength)
+        {
+            status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd,
+                     (void **)&pDstProfile->pAddIEAssoc, pSrcProfile->nAddIEAssocLength);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            pDstProfile->nAddIEAssocLength = pSrcProfile->nAddIEAssocLength;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pDstProfile->pAddIEAssoc, pSrcProfile->pAddIEAssoc,
+                pSrcProfile->nAddIEAssocLength);
+        }
+        if(pSrcProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList)
+        {
+            status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pDstProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList, pSrcProfile->ChannelInfo.numOfChannels);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            pDstProfile->ChannelInfo.numOfChannels = pSrcProfile->ChannelInfo.numOfChannels;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pDstProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList, pSrcProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList, pSrcProfile->ChannelInfo.numOfChannels);
+        }
+        pDstProfile->AuthType = pSrcProfile->AuthType;
+        pDstProfile->EncryptionType = pSrcProfile->EncryptionType;
+        pDstProfile->mcEncryptionType = pSrcProfile->mcEncryptionType;
+        pDstProfile->negotiatedUCEncryptionType = pSrcProfile->negotiatedUCEncryptionType;
+        pDstProfile->negotiatedMCEncryptionType = pSrcProfile->negotiatedMCEncryptionType;
+        pDstProfile->negotiatedAuthType = pSrcProfile->negotiatedAuthType;
+        pDstProfile->BSSType = pSrcProfile->BSSType;
+        pDstProfile->phyMode = pSrcProfile->phyMode;
+        pDstProfile->csrPersona = pSrcProfile->csrPersona;
+        if(csrIsProfileWapi(pSrcProfile))
+        {
+             if(pDstProfile->phyMode & eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11n)
+             {
+                pDstProfile->phyMode &= ~eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11n;
+             }
+        }
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+        pDstProfile->CBMode = pSrcProfile->CBMode;
+        /*Save the WPS info*/
+        pDstProfile->bWPSAssociation = pSrcProfile->bWPSAssociation;
+        pDstProfile->uapsd_mask = pSrcProfile->uapsd_mask;
+        pDstProfile->beaconInterval = pSrcProfile->beaconInterval;
+        pDstProfile->privacy           = pSrcProfile->privacy;
+        pDstProfile->fwdWPSPBCProbeReq = pSrcProfile->fwdWPSPBCProbeReq;
+        pDstProfile->csr80211AuthType  = pSrcProfile->csr80211AuthType;
+        pDstProfile->dtimPeriod        = pSrcProfile->dtimPeriod;
+        pDstProfile->ApUapsdEnable     = pSrcProfile->ApUapsdEnable;   
+        pDstProfile->SSIDs.SSIDList[0].ssidHidden = pSrcProfile->SSIDs.SSIDList[0].ssidHidden;
+        pDstProfile->protEnabled       = pSrcProfile->protEnabled;  
+        pDstProfile->obssProtEnabled   = pSrcProfile->obssProtEnabled;  
+        pDstProfile->cfg_protection    = pSrcProfile->cfg_protection;
+        pDstProfile->wps_state         = pSrcProfile->wps_state;
+        pDstProfile->ieee80211d        = pSrcProfile->ieee80211d;
+        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pDstProfile->Keys, &pSrcProfile->Keys, sizeof(pDstProfile->Keys));
+        if (pSrcProfile->MDID.mdiePresent)
+        {
+            pDstProfile->MDID.mdiePresent = 1;
+            pDstProfile->MDID.mobilityDomain = pSrcProfile->MDID.mobilityDomain;
+        }
+    }while(0);
+    if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+    {
+        csrReleaseProfile(pMac, pDstProfile);
+        pDstProfile = NULL;
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamCopyConnectedProfile(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamProfile *pDstProfile )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tCsrRoamConnectedProfile *pSrcProfile = &pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].connectedProfile; 
+    do
+    {
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pDstProfile, sizeof(tCsrRoamProfile));
+        if(pSrcProfile->bssid)
+        {
+            status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pDstProfile->BSSIDs.bssid, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            pDstProfile->BSSIDs.numOfBSSIDs = 1;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pDstProfile->BSSIDs.bssid, pSrcProfile->bssid, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+        }
+        if(pSrcProfile->SSID.ssId)
+        {
+            status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pDstProfile->SSIDs.SSIDList, sizeof(tCsrSSIDInfo));
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            pDstProfile->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs = 1;
+            pDstProfile->SSIDs.SSIDList[0].handoffPermitted = pSrcProfile->handoffPermitted;
+            pDstProfile->SSIDs.SSIDList[0].ssidHidden = pSrcProfile->ssidHidden;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pDstProfile->SSIDs.SSIDList[0].SSID, &pSrcProfile->SSID, sizeof(tSirMacSSid));
+        }
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pDstProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList, 1);
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+           break;
+        }
+        pDstProfile->ChannelInfo.numOfChannels = 1;
+        pDstProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList[0] = pSrcProfile->operationChannel;
+        pDstProfile->AuthType.numEntries = 1;
+        pDstProfile->AuthType.authType[0] = pSrcProfile->AuthType;
+        pDstProfile->negotiatedAuthType = pSrcProfile->AuthType;
+        pDstProfile->EncryptionType.numEntries = 1;
+        pDstProfile->EncryptionType.encryptionType[0] = pSrcProfile->EncryptionType;
+        pDstProfile->negotiatedUCEncryptionType = pSrcProfile->EncryptionType;
+        pDstProfile->mcEncryptionType.numEntries = 1;
+        pDstProfile->mcEncryptionType.encryptionType[0] = pSrcProfile->mcEncryptionType;
+        pDstProfile->negotiatedMCEncryptionType = pSrcProfile->mcEncryptionType;
+        pDstProfile->BSSType = pSrcProfile->BSSType;
+        pDstProfile->CBMode = pSrcProfile->CBMode;
+        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pDstProfile->Keys, &pSrcProfile->Keys, sizeof(pDstProfile->Keys));
+        if (pSrcProfile->MDID.mdiePresent)
+        {
+            pDstProfile->MDID.mdiePresent = 1;
+            pDstProfile->MDID.mobilityDomain = pSrcProfile->MDID.mobilityDomain;
+        }
+    }while(0);
+    if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+    {
+        csrReleaseProfile(pMac, pDstProfile);
+        pDstProfile = NULL;
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamIssueConnect(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, 
+                                tScanResultHandle hBSSList, 
+                                eCsrRoamReason reason, tANI_U32 roamId, tANI_BOOLEAN fImediate,
+                                tANI_BOOLEAN fClearScan)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand;
+    pCommand = csrGetCommandBuffer(pMac);
+    if(NULL == pCommand)
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to get command buffer\n") );
+        status = eHAL_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if( fClearScan )
+        {
+            csrScanCancelIdleScan(pMac);
+            csrScanAbortMacScanNotForConnect(pMac);
+        }
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReleaseProfile = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+        if(NULL == pProfile)
+        {
+            //We can roam now
+            //Since pProfile is NULL, we need to build our own profile, set everything to default
+            //We can only support open and no encryption
+            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.AuthType.numEntries = 1; 
+            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.AuthType.authType[0] = eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_OPEN_SYSTEM;
+            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.EncryptionType.numEntries = 1;
+            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.EncryptionType.encryptionType[0] = eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_NONE;
+            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.csrPersona = VOS_STA_MODE; 
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            //make a copy of the profile
+            status = csrRoamCopyProfile(pMac, &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile, pProfile);
+            if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReleaseProfile = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+            }
+        }
+        pCommand->command = eSmeCommandRoam;
+        pCommand->sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.hBSSList = hBSSList;
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId = roamId;
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason = reason;
+        //We need to free the BssList when the command is done
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReleaseBssList = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.fUpdateCurRoamProfile = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                  FL("CSR PERSONA=%d"),
+                  pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.csrPersona);
+        status = csrQueueSmeCommand(pMac, pCommand, fImediate);
+        if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to send message status = %d\n"), status );
+            csrReleaseCommandRoam( pMac, pCommand );
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamIssueReassoc(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile,
+                               tCsrRoamModifyProfileFields *pMmodProfileFields,
+                               eCsrRoamReason reason, tANI_U32 roamId, tANI_BOOLEAN fImediate)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand;
+    pCommand = csrGetCommandBuffer(pMac);
+    if(NULL == pCommand)
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to get command buffer\n") );
+        status = eHAL_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        csrScanCancelIdleScan(pMac);
+        csrScanAbortMacScanNotForConnect(pMac);
+        if(pProfile)
+        {
+           //This is likely trying to reassoc to different profile
+           pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReleaseProfile = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+           //make a copy of the profile
+           status = csrRoamCopyProfile(pMac, &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile, pProfile);
+           pCommand->u.roamCmd.fUpdateCurRoamProfile = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            status = csrRoamCopyConnectedProfile(pMac, sessionId, &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile);
+            //how to update WPA/WPA2 info in roamProfile??
+            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.uapsd_mask = pMmodProfileFields->uapsd_mask;
+        }
+        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+           pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReleaseProfile = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+        }
+        pCommand->command = eSmeCommandRoam;
+        pCommand->sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId = roamId;
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason = reason;
+        //We need to free the BssList when the command is done
+        //For reassoc there is no BSS list, so the boolean set to false
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.hBSSList = CSR_INVALID_SCANRESULT_HANDLE; 
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReleaseBssList = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReassoc = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+        status = csrQueueSmeCommand(pMac, pCommand, fImediate);
+        if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+    {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to send message status = %d\n"), status );
+            csrRoamCompletion(pMac, sessionId, NULL, pCommand, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FAILURE, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+            csrReleaseCommandRoam( pMac, pCommand );
+    }
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamConnectWithBSSList(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, 
+                                     tScanResultHandle hBssListIn, tANI_U32 *pRoamId)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    tScanResultHandle hBSSList;
+    tANI_U32 roamId = 0;
+    status = csrScanCopyResultList(pMac, hBssListIn, &hBSSList);
+    if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+    {
+        roamId = GET_NEXT_ROAM_ID(&pMac->roam);
+        if(pRoamId)
+        {
+            *pRoamId = roamId;
+        }
+        status = csrRoamIssueConnect(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, hBSSList, eCsrHddIssued, 
+                                        roamId, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("failed to start a join process\n"));
+            csrScanResultPurge(pMac, hBSSList);
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamConnect(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, 
+                          tScanResultHandle hBssListIn, tANI_U32 *pRoamId)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tScanResultHandle hBSSList;
+    tCsrScanResultFilter *pScanFilter;
+    tANI_U32 roamId = 0;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if (NULL == pProfile)
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGP, FL("No profile specified"));
+        return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    }
+    smsLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("called  BSSType = %d authtype = %d  encryType = %d\n"),
+                pProfile->BSSType, pProfile->AuthType.authType[0], pProfile->EncryptionType.encryptionType[0]);
+    if( CSR_IS_WDS( pProfile ) && 
+        !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status = csrIsBTAMPAllowed( pMac, pProfile->operationChannel ) ) )
+    {
+        return status;
+    }
+    csrRoamCancelRoaming(pMac, sessionId);
+    csrScanRemoveFreshScanCommand(pMac, sessionId);
+    csrScanCancelIdleScan(pMac);
+    //Only abort the scan if it is not used for other roam/connect purpose
+    csrScanAbortMacScan(pMac);
+    if (!vos_concurrent_sessions_running() && (VOS_STA_SAP_MODE == pProfile->csrPersona))//In case of AP mode we do not want idle mode scan
+    {
+        csrScanDisable(pMac);
+    }
+    csrRoamRemoveDuplicateCommand(pMac, sessionId, NULL, eCsrHddIssued);
+    //Check whether ssid changes
+    if(csrIsConnStateConnected(pMac, sessionId))
+    {
+        if(pProfile->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs && !csrIsSsidInList(pMac, &pSession->connectedProfile.SSID, &pProfile->SSIDs))
+        {
+            csrRoamIssueDisassociateCmd(pMac, sessionId, eCSR_DISCONNECT_REASON_UNSPECIFIED);
+        }
+    }
+    pSession->maxRetryCount = CSR_JOIN_MAX_RETRY_COUNT; 
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("is called with BSSList\n"));
+        status = csrRoamConnectWithBSSList(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, hBssListIn, pRoamId);
+        if(pRoamId)
+        {
+            roamId = *pRoamId;
+        }
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            fCallCallback = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pScanFilter, sizeof(tCsrScanResultFilter));
+        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pScanFilter, sizeof(tCsrScanResultFilter));
+            //Try to connect to any BSS
+            if(NULL == pProfile)
+            {
+                //No encryption
+                pScanFilter->EncryptionType.numEntries = 1;
+                pScanFilter->EncryptionType.encryptionType[0] = eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_NONE;
+            }//we don't have a profile
+            else 
+            {
+                //Here is the profile we need to connect to
+                status = csrRoamPrepareFilterFromProfile(pMac, pProfile, pScanFilter);
+            }//We have a profile
+            roamId = GET_NEXT_ROAM_ID(&pMac->roam);
+            if(pRoamId)
+            {
+                *pRoamId = roamId;
+            }
+            if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                /*Save the WPS info*/
+                if(NULL != pProfile)
+                {
+                    pScanFilter->bWPSAssociation = pProfile->bWPSAssociation;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    pScanFilter->bWPSAssociation = 0;
+                }
+                do
+                {
+                    if( (pProfile && CSR_IS_WDS_AP( pProfile ) )
+                     || (pProfile && CSR_IS_INFRA_AP ( pProfile ))
+                    )
+                    {
+                        //This can be start right away
+                        status = csrRoamIssueConnect(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, NULL, eCsrHddIssued, 
+                                                    roamId, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+                        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                        {
+                            fCallCallback = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    status = csrScanGetResult(pMac, pScanFilter, &hBSSList);
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGE, "************ csrScanGetResult Status ********* %d\n", status);
+                    if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                    {
+                        status = csrRoamIssueConnect(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, hBSSList, eCsrHddIssued, 
+                                                    roamId, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+                        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                        {
+                            csrScanResultPurge(pMac, hBSSList);
+                            fCallCallback = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                        }
+                    }//Have scan result
+                    else if(NULL != pProfile)
+                    {
+                        //Check whether it is for start ibss
+                        if(CSR_IS_START_IBSS(pProfile))
+                        {
+                            status = csrRoamIssueConnect(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, NULL, eCsrHddIssued, 
+                                                        roamId, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+                            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                            {
+                                smsLog(pMac, LOGE, "   CSR failed to issue startIBSS command with status = 0x%08X\n", status);
+                                fCallCallback = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            //scan for this SSID
+                            status = csrScanForSSID(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, roamId);
+                            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                            {
+                                fCallCallback = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        fCallCallback = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                    }
+                } while (0);
+                if(NULL != pProfile)
+                {
+                    //we need to free memory for filter if profile exists
+                    csrFreeScanFilter(pMac, pScanFilter);
+                }
+            }//Got the scan filter from profile
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pScanFilter);
+        }//allocated memory for pScanFilter
+    }//No Bsslist coming in
+    //tell the caller if we fail to trigger a join request
+    if( fCallCallback )
+    {
+        csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, NULL, roamId, eCSR_ROAM_FAILED, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FAILURE);
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamReassoc(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile,
+                          tCsrRoamModifyProfileFields modProfileFields,
+                          tANI_U32 *pRoamId)
+   eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   tANI_U32 roamId = 0;
+   tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+   if (NULL == pProfile)
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGP, FL("No profile specified"));
+      return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+   }
+   smsLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("called  BSSType = %d authtype = %d  encryType = %d\n"), pProfile->BSSType, pProfile->AuthType.authType[0], pProfile->EncryptionType.encryptionType[0]);
+   csrRoamCancelRoaming(pMac, sessionId);
+   csrScanRemoveFreshScanCommand(pMac, sessionId);
+   csrScanCancelIdleScan(pMac);
+   csrScanAbortMacScanNotForConnect(pMac);
+   csrRoamRemoveDuplicateCommand(pMac, sessionId, NULL, eCsrHddIssuedReassocToSameAP);
+   if(csrIsConnStateConnected(pMac, sessionId))
+   {
+      if(pProfile)
+      {
+         if(pProfile->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs && 
+            csrIsSsidInList(pMac, &pSession->connectedProfile.SSID, &pProfile->SSIDs))
+         {
+            fCallCallback = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("Not connected to the same SSID asked in the profile\n"));
+         }
+      }
+      else if(!palEqualMemory(pMac->hHdd, &modProfileFields, 
+                              &pSession->connectedProfile.modifyProfileFields, 
+                              sizeof(tCsrRoamModifyProfileFields)))
+      {
+         fCallCallback = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         smsLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("Either the profile is NULL or none of the fields "
+                               "in tCsrRoamModifyProfileFields got modified\n"));
+      }
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("Not connected! No need to reassoc\n"));
+   }
+   if(!fCallCallback)
+   {
+      roamId = GET_NEXT_ROAM_ID(&pMac->roam);
+      if(pRoamId)
+      {
+         *pRoamId = roamId;
+      }
+      status = csrRoamIssueReassoc(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, &modProfileFields, 
+                                   eCsrHddIssuedReassocToSameAP, roamId, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      status = csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, NULL, roamId, 
+                                   eCSR_ROAM_FAILED, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FAILURE);
+   }
+   return status;
+eHalStatus csrRoamJoinLastProfile(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    tScanResultHandle hBSSList = NULL;
+    tCsrScanResultFilter *pScanFilter = NULL;
+    tANI_U32 roamId;
+    tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile = NULL;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    do
+    {
+        if(pSession->pCurRoamProfile)
+        {
+            csrScanCancelIdleScan(pMac);
+            csrScanAbortMacScanNotForConnect(pMac);
+            //We have to make a copy of pCurRoamProfile because it will be free inside csrRoamIssueConnect
+            status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pProfile, sizeof(tCsrRoamProfile));
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                break;
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pProfile, sizeof(tCsrRoamProfile));
+            status = csrRoamCopyProfile(pMac, pProfile, pSession->pCurRoamProfile);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                break;
+            status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pScanFilter, sizeof(tCsrScanResultFilter));
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pScanFilter, sizeof(tCsrScanResultFilter));
+            status = csrRoamPrepareFilterFromProfile(pMac, pProfile, pScanFilter);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            roamId = GET_NEXT_ROAM_ID(&pMac->roam);
+            status = csrScanGetResult(pMac, pScanFilter, &hBSSList);
+            if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                //we want to put the last connected BSS to the very beginning, if possible
+                csrMoveBssToHeadFromBSSID(pMac, &pSession->connectedProfile.bssid, hBSSList);
+                status = csrRoamIssueConnect(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, hBSSList, eCsrHddIssued, 
+                                                roamId, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+                if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                {
+                    csrScanResultPurge(pMac, hBSSList);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                //Do a scan on this profile
+                //scan for this SSID only in case the AP suppresses SSID
+                status = csrScanForSSID(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, roamId);
+                if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }//We have a profile
+        else
+        {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("cannot find a roaming profile\n"));
+            break;
+        }
+    }while(0);
+    if(pScanFilter)
+    {
+        csrFreeScanFilter(pMac, pScanFilter);
+        palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pScanFilter);
+    }
+    if(NULL != pProfile)
+    {
+        csrReleaseProfile(pMac, pProfile);
+        palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pProfile);
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamReconnect(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    if(csrIsConnStateConnected(pMac, sessionId))
+    {
+        status = csrRoamIssueDisassociateCmd(pMac, sessionId, eCSR_DISCONNECT_REASON_UNSPECIFIED);
+        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            status = csrRoamJoinLastProfile(pMac, sessionId);
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamConnectToLastProfile(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("is called\n"));
+    csrRoamCancelRoaming(pMac, sessionId);
+    csrRoamRemoveDuplicateCommand(pMac, sessionId, NULL, eCsrHddIssued);
+    if(csrIsConnStateDisconnected(pMac, sessionId))
+    {
+        status = csrRoamJoinLastProfile(pMac, sessionId);
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamProcessDisassocDeauth( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand, tANI_BOOLEAN fDisassoc, tANI_BOOLEAN fMICFailure )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    eCsrRoamSubState NewSubstate;
+    tANI_U32 sessionId = pCommand->sessionId;
+    // change state to 'Roaming'...
+    csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_JOINING, sessionId );
+    if ( csrIsConnStateIbss( pMac, sessionId ) )
+    {
+        // If we are in an IBSS, then stop the IBSS...
+        status = csrRoamIssueStopBss( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_STOP_BSS_REQ );
+        fComplete = (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status));
+    }
+    else if ( csrIsConnStateInfra( pMac, sessionId ) )
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" restore AC weights (%d-%d-%d-%d)\n"), pMac->roam.ucACWeights[0], pMac->roam.ucACWeights[1],
+            pMac->roam.ucACWeights[2], pMac->roam.ucACWeights[3]);
+        //Restore AC weight in case we change it 
+        WLANTL_SetACWeights(pMac->roam.gVosContext, pMac->roam.ucACWeights);
+        // in Infrasturcture, we need to disassociate from the Infrastructure network...
+        if(eCsrSmeIssuedDisassocForHandoff == pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason)
+        {
+        }
+        if( fDisassoc )
+        {
+            status = csrRoamIssueDisassociate( pMac, sessionId, NewSubstate, fMICFailure );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            status = csrRoamIssueDeauth( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DEAUTH_REQ );
+        }
+        fComplete = (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status));
+    }
+    else if ( csrIsConnStateWds( pMac, sessionId ) )
+    {
+        if( CSR_IS_WDS_AP( &pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].connectedProfile ) )
+        {
+            status = csrRoamIssueStopBss( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_STOP_BSS_REQ );
+            fComplete = (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status));
+        }
+        //This has to be WDS station
+        else  if( csrIsConnStateConnectedWds( pMac, sessionId ) ) //This has to be WDS station
+        {
+            pCommand->u.roamCmd.fStopWds = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+            if( fDisassoc )
+            {
+                status = csrRoamIssueDisassociate( pMac, sessionId, 
+                                eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISCONNECT_CONTINUE_ROAMING, fMICFailure );
+                fComplete = (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status));
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        // we got a dis-assoc request while not connected to any peer
+        // just complete the command
+           fComplete = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+           status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    }
+    if(fComplete)
+    {
+        csrRoamComplete( pMac, eCsrNothingToJoin, NULL );
+    }
+    if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+    {
+        if ( csrIsConnStateInfra( pMac, sessionId ) )
+        {
+            //Set the state to disconnect here 
+            pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_NOT_CONNECTED;
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+/* This is been removed from latest code base */
+static eHalStatus csrRoamProcessStopBss( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand )
+    eHalStatus status;
+    tANI_U32 sessionId = pCommand->sessionId;
+    csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_JOINING );
+    status = csrRoamIssueStopBss( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_STOP_BSS_REQ );
+    return ( status );
+eHalStatus csrRoamIssueDisassociateCmd( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, eCsrRoamDisconnectReason reason )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand;
+        tANI_BOOLEAN fHighPriority = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    do
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("  reason = %d\n"), reason );
+        pCommand = csrGetCommandBuffer( pMac );
+        if ( !pCommand ) 
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to get command buffer\n") );
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+            break;
+        }
+        //Change the substate in case it is wait-for-key
+        if( CSR_IS_WAIT_FOR_KEY( pMac, sessionId ) )
+        {
+            csrRoamStopWaitForKeyTimer( pMac );
+            csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_NONE, sessionId);
+        }
+        pCommand->command = eSmeCommandRoam;
+        pCommand->sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        switch ( reason )
+        {
+            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason = eCsrForcedDisassocMICFailure;
+            break;
+            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason = eCsrForcedDeauth;
+            break;
+            fHighPriority = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason = eCsrSmeIssuedDisassocForHandoff;
+            break;
+            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason = eCsrForcedDisassoc;
+            break;
+            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason = eCsrSmeIssuedIbssJoinFailure;
+            break;
+            pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason = eCsrForcedIbssLeave;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+        status = csrQueueSmeCommand(pMac, pCommand, fHighPriority);
+        if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to send message status = %d\n"), status );
+            csrReleaseCommandRoam( pMac, pCommand );
+        }
+    } while( 0 );
+    return( status );
+eHalStatus csrRoamIssueStopBssCmd( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tANI_BOOLEAN fHighPriority )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand;
+    pCommand = csrGetCommandBuffer( pMac );
+    if ( NULL != pCommand ) 
+    {
+        //Change the substate in case it is wait-for-key
+        if( CSR_IS_WAIT_FOR_KEY( pMac, sessionId) )
+        {
+            csrRoamStopWaitForKeyTimer( pMac );
+            csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_NONE, sessionId);
+        }
+        pCommand->command = eSmeCommandRoam;
+        pCommand->sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason = eCsrStopBss;
+        status = csrQueueSmeCommand(pMac, pCommand, fHighPriority);
+        if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to send message status = %d\n"), status );
+            csrReleaseCommandRoam( pMac, pCommand );
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to get command buffer\n") );
+        status = eHAL_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+    }
+    return ( status );
+eHalStatus csrRoamDisconnectInternal(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, eCsrRoamDisconnectReason reason)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    //Stop te retry
+    pSession->maxRetryCount = 0;
+    csrRoamStopJoinRetryTimer(pMac, sessionId);
+    //Not to call cancel roaming here
+    //Only issue disconnect when necessary
+    if(csrIsConnStateConnected(pMac, sessionId) || csrIsBssTypeIBSS(pSession->connectedProfile.BSSType) 
+                || csrIsBssTypeWDS(pSession->connectedProfile.BSSType) 
+                || csrIsRoamCommandWaitingForSession(pMac, sessionId) )
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOG2, FL("called\n"));
+        status = csrRoamIssueDisassociateCmd(pMac, sessionId, reason);
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamDisconnect(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, eCsrRoamDisconnectReason reason)
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    csrRoamCancelRoaming(pMac, sessionId);
+    pSession->ibss_join_pending = FALSE;
+    csrRoamStopIbssJoinTimer(pMac, sessionId);
+    csrRoamRemoveDuplicateCommand(pMac, sessionId, NULL, eCsrForcedDisassoc);
+    return (csrRoamDisconnectInternal(pMac, sessionId, reason));
+eHalStatus csrRoamSaveConnectedInfomation(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, 
+                                          tSirBssDescription *pSirBssDesc, tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIesTemp = pIes;
+    tANI_U8 index;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    tCsrRoamConnectedProfile *pConnectProfile = &pSession->connectedProfile;
+    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pSession->connectedProfile, sizeof(tCsrRoamConnectedProfile));
+    pConnectProfile->AuthType = pProfile->negotiatedAuthType;
+        pConnectProfile->AuthInfo = pProfile->AuthType;
+    pConnectProfile->CBMode = pProfile->CBMode;  //*** this may not be valid
+    pConnectProfile->EncryptionType = pProfile->negotiatedUCEncryptionType;
+        pConnectProfile->EncryptionInfo = pProfile->EncryptionType;
+    pConnectProfile->mcEncryptionType = pProfile->negotiatedMCEncryptionType;
+        pConnectProfile->mcEncryptionInfo = pProfile->mcEncryptionType;
+    pConnectProfile->BSSType = pProfile->BSSType;
+    pConnectProfile->modifyProfileFields.uapsd_mask = pProfile->uapsd_mask;
+    pConnectProfile->operationChannel = pSirBssDesc->channelId;
+    palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pConnectProfile->Keys, &pProfile->Keys, sizeof(tCsrKeys));
+    //Save bssid
+    csrGetBssIdBssDesc(pMac, pSirBssDesc, &pConnectProfile->bssid);
+    if (pSirBssDesc->mdiePresent)
+    {
+        pConnectProfile->MDID.mdiePresent = 1;
+        pConnectProfile->MDID.mobilityDomain = (pSirBssDesc->mdie[1] << 8) | (pSirBssDesc->mdie[0]);
+    }
+    if ((csrIsProfileCCX(pProfile) || ((pIesTemp->CCXVersion.present) && ((pProfile->negotiatedAuthType == eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_OPEN_SYSTEM) || (pProfile->negotiatedAuthType == eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA)))) && (!(csrIsProfile11r( pProfile ))) && (pMac->roam.configParam.isCcxIniFeatureEnabled))
+    {
+        pConnectProfile->isCCXAssoc = 1;
+    }
+    //save ssid
+    if( NULL == pIesTemp )
+    {
+        status = csrGetParsedBssDescriptionIEs(pMac, pSirBssDesc, &pIesTemp);
+    }
+    if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+    {
+        if(pIesTemp->SSID.present)
+        {
+            pConnectProfile->SSID.length = pIesTemp->SSID.num_ssid;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pConnectProfile->SSID.ssId, 
+                            pIesTemp->SSID.ssid, pIesTemp->SSID.num_ssid);
+        }
+        //Save the bss desc
+        status = csrRoamSaveConnectedBssDesc(pMac, sessionId, pSirBssDesc);
+           if( CSR_IS_QOS_BSS(pIesTemp) )
+           {
+              pConnectProfile->qap = TRUE;
+           }
+           else
+           {
+              pConnectProfile->qap = FALSE;
+           }
+        if ( NULL == pIes )
+        {
+            //Free memory if it allocated locally
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIesTemp);
+        }
+    }
+    //Save Qos connection
+    pConnectProfile->qosConnection = pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].fWMMConnection;
+    if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+    {
+        csrFreeConnectBssDesc(pMac, sessionId);
+    }
+    for(index = 0; index < pProfile->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs; index++)
+    {
+       if((pProfile->SSIDs.SSIDList[index].SSID.length == pConnectProfile->SSID.length) &&
+          palEqualMemory(pMac->hHdd, pProfile->SSIDs.SSIDList[index].SSID.ssId, 
+                         pConnectProfile->SSID.ssId, pConnectProfile->SSID.length))
+       {
+          pConnectProfile->handoffPermitted = pProfile->SSIDs.SSIDList[index].handoffPermitted;
+          break;
+       }
+       pConnectProfile->handoffPermitted = FALSE;
+    }
+    return (status);
+static void csrRoamJoinRspProcessor( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirSmeJoinRsp *pSmeJoinRsp )
+   tListElem *pEntry = NULL;
+   tSmeCmd *pCommand = NULL;
+   //The head of the active list is the request we sent
+   pEntry = csrLLPeekHead(&pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK);
+   if(pEntry)
+   {
+       pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR(pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link);
+   }
+   if ( eSIR_SME_SUCCESS == pSmeJoinRsp->statusCode ) 
+   {
+            if(pCommand && eCsrSmeIssuedAssocToSimilarAP == pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason)
+            {
+               sme_QosCsrEventInd(pMac, pSmeJoinRsp->sessionId, SME_QOS_CSR_HANDOFF_COMPLETE, NULL);
+            }
+            csrRoamComplete( pMac, eCsrJoinSuccess, (void *)pSmeJoinRsp );
+   }
+   else
+   {
+        tANI_U32 roamId = 0;
+        tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, pSmeJoinRsp->sessionId );
+        //The head of the active list is the request we sent
+        //Try to get back the same profile and roam again
+        if(pCommand)
+        {
+            roamId = pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId;
+        }
+        pSession->joinFailStatusCode.statusCode = pSmeJoinRsp->statusCode;
+        pSession->joinFailStatusCode.reasonCode = pSmeJoinRsp->protStatusCode;
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "SmeJoinReq failed with statusCode= 0x%08lX [%d]\n", pSmeJoinRsp->statusCode, pSmeJoinRsp->statusCode );
+        /* If Join fails while Handoff is in progress, indicate disassociated event to supplicant to reconnect */
+        if (csrRoamIsHandoffInProgress(pMac))
+        {
+            csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, pSmeJoinRsp->sessionId, NULL, roamId, eCSR_ROAM_DISASSOCIATED, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FORCED);
+            /* Should indicate neighbor roam algorithm about the connect failure here */
+            csrNeighborRoamIndicateConnect(pMac, pSmeJoinRsp->sessionId, VOS_STATUS_E_FAILURE);
+        }
+        if (pCommand)
+        {
+            if(CSR_IS_WDS_STA( &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile ))
+            {
+              pCommand->u.roamCmd.fStopWds = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+              pSession->connectedProfile.BSSType = eCSR_BSS_TYPE_WDS_STA;
+              csrRoamReissueRoamCommand(pMac);
+            }
+            else if( CSR_IS_WDS( &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile ) )
+            {
+                csrRoamComplete( pMac, eCsrNothingToJoin, NULL );
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                csrRoam(pMac, pCommand);
+            }    
+        }    
+        else
+        {
+           csrRoamComplete( pMac, eCsrNothingToJoin, NULL );
+        }
+    } /*else: ( eSIR_SME_SUCCESS == pSmeJoinRsp->statusCode ) */
+eHalStatus csrRoamIssueJoin( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tSirBssDescription *pSirBssDesc, 
+                             tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes,
+                             tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, tANI_U32 roamId )
+    eHalStatus status;
+    smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "Attempting to Join Bssid= %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x\n", 
+                  pSirBssDesc->bssId[ 0 ],pSirBssDesc->bssId[ 1 ],pSirBssDesc->bssId[ 2 ],
+                  pSirBssDesc->bssId[ 3 ],pSirBssDesc->bssId[ 4 ],pSirBssDesc->bssId[ 5 ] );
+    // Set the roaming substate to 'join attempt'...
+    csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_JOIN_REQ, sessionId);
+    // attempt to Join this BSS...
+    status = csrSendJoinReqMsg( pMac, sessionId, pSirBssDesc, pProfile, pIes );
+    return (status);
+static eHalStatus csrRoamIssueReassociate( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tSirBssDescription *pSirBssDesc, 
+                              tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile)
+    csrRoamStateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAMING_STATE_JOINING, sessionId);
+    // Set the roaming substate to 'join attempt'...
+    csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_REASSOC_REQ, sessionId );
+    smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("  calling csrSendSmeReassocReqMsg\n"));
+    // attempt to Join this BSS...
+    return csrSendSmeReassocReqMsg( pMac, sessionId, pSirBssDesc, pIes, pProfile );
+void csrRoamReissueRoamCommand(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    tListElem *pEntry;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand;
+    tCsrRoamInfo roamInfo;
+    tANI_U32 sessionId;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession;
+    pEntry = csrLLPeekHead(&pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK);
+    if(pEntry)
+    {
+        pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR(pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link);
+        if ( eSmeCommandRoam == pCommand->command )
+        {
+            sessionId = pCommand->sessionId;
+            pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+            if( pCommand->u.roamCmd.fStopWds )
+            {
+                palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo));
+                roamInfo.pBssDesc = pCommand->u.roamCmd.pLastRoamBss;
+                roamInfo.statusCode = pSession->joinFailStatusCode.statusCode;
+                roamInfo.reasonCode = pSession->joinFailStatusCode.reasonCode;
+#ifdef WLAN_SOFTAP_FEATURE              
+                if (CSR_IS_WDS(&pSession->connectedProfile)){
+                pSession->connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_WDS_DISCONNECTED;
+                csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId, 
+                                        eCSR_ROAM_WDS_IND, 
+                                        eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_WDS_DISASSOCIATED);
+                                }else if (CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(&pSession->connectedProfile)){
+                                        pSession->connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_INFRA_DISCONNECTED;
+                                        csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId,
+                                                                                eCSR_ROAM_INFRA_IND,
+                                                                                eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_INFRA_DISASSOCIATED);
+                                }  
+                if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( csrRoamIssueStopBss( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_STOP_BSS_REQ ) ) )
+                {
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGE, " Failed to reissue stop_bss command for WDS after disassociated\n");
+                    csrRoamComplete( pMac, eCsrNothingToJoin, NULL );
+                }
+            }
+            else if(eCsrStopRoaming == csrRoamJoinNextBss(pMac, pCommand, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE))
+            {
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGW, " Failed to reissue join command after disassociated\n");
+                csrRoamComplete( pMac, eCsrNothingToJoin, NULL );
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "  Command is not roaming after disassociated\n");
+        }
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, "   Disassoc rsp cannot continue because no command is available\n");
+    }
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrIsRoamCommandWaitingForSession(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+    tListElem *pEntry;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand = NULL;
+    //alwasy lock active list before locking pending list
+    csrLLLock( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList );
+    pEntry = csrLLPeekHead(&pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK);
+    if(pEntry)
+    {
+        pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR(pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link);
+        if( ( eSmeCommandRoam == pCommand->command ) && ( sessionId == pCommand->sessionId ) )
+        {
+            fRet = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    if(eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE == fRet)
+    {
+        csrLLLock(&pMac->sme.smeCmdPendingList);
+        pEntry = csrLLPeekHead(&pMac->sme.smeCmdPendingList, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK);
+        while(pEntry)
+        {
+            pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR(pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link);
+            if( ( eSmeCommandRoam == pCommand->command ) && ( sessionId == pCommand->sessionId ) )
+            {
+                fRet = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                break;
+            }
+            pEntry = csrLLNext(&pMac->sme.smeCmdPendingList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK);
+        }
+        csrLLUnlock(&pMac->sme.smeCmdPendingList);
+    }
+    csrLLUnlock( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList );
+    return (fRet);
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrIsRoamCommandWaiting(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    tANI_U32 i;
+    for( i = 0; i < CSR_ROAM_SESSION_MAX; i++ )
+    {
+        if( CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID( pMac, i ) && ( fRet = csrIsRoamCommandWaitingForSession( pMac, i ) ) )
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return ( fRet );
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrIsCommandWaiting(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    //alwasy lock active list before locking pending list
+    csrLLLock( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList );
+    fRet = csrLLIsListEmpty(&pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK);
+    if(eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE == fRet)
+    {
+        fRet = csrLLIsListEmpty(&pMac->sme.smeCmdPendingList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK);
+    }
+    csrLLUnlock( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList );
+    return (fRet);
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrIsScanForRoamCommandActive( tpAniSirGlobal pMac )
+    tListElem *pEntry;
+    tCsrCmd *pCommand;
+    //alwasy lock active list before locking pending list
+    csrLLLock( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList );
+    pEntry = csrLLPeekHead(&pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK);
+    if( pEntry )
+    {
+        pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR(pEntry, tCsrCmd, Link);
+        if( ( eCsrRoamCommandScan == pCommand->command ) && 
+            ( ( eCsrScanForSsid == pCommand->u.scanCmd.reason ) || 
+              ( eCsrScanForCapsChange == pCommand->u.scanCmd.reason ) ||
+              ( eCsrScanP2PFindPeer == pCommand->u.scanCmd.reason ) ) )
+        {
+            fRet = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+        }
+    }
+    csrLLUnlock( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList );
+    return (fRet);
+eHalStatus csrRoamIssueReassociateCmd( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand = NULL;
+    tANI_BOOLEAN fHighPriority = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+    tANI_BOOLEAN fRemoveCmd = FALSE;
+    tListElem *pEntry; 
+    // Delete the old assoc command. All is setup for reassoc to be serialized
+    pEntry = csrLLPeekHead( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK );
+    if ( pEntry )
+    {
+        pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link );
+        if ( !pCommand ) 
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to get command buffer\n") );
+            return eHAL_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+        }
+        if ( eSmeCommandRoam == pCommand->command )
+        {
+            if (pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason == eCsrSmeIssuedAssocToSimilarAP)
+            {
+                fRemoveCmd = csrLLRemoveEntry( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_LOCK );
+            }
+            else 
+            {
+                smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" Unexpected active roam command present \n") );
+            }
+            if (fRemoveCmd == FALSE)
+            {
+                // Implies we did not get the serialized assoc command we
+                // were expecting
+                pCommand = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if(NULL == pCommand)
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to get command buffer as expected based on previous connect roam command\n") );
+        return eHAL_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+    }
+    do 
+    {
+        //Change the substate in case it is wait-for-key
+        if( CSR_IS_WAIT_FOR_KEY( pMac, sessionId ) )
+        {
+            csrRoamStopWaitForKeyTimer( pMac );
+            csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_NONE, sessionId );
+        }
+        pCommand->command = eSmeCommandRoam;
+        pCommand->sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason = eCsrSmeIssuedFTReassoc;
+        status = csrQueueSmeCommand(pMac, pCommand, fHighPriority);
+        if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to send message status = %d\n"), status );
+            csrReleaseCommandRoam( pMac, pCommand );
+        }
+    } while( 0 );
+    return( status );
+static void csrRoamingStateConfigCnfProcessor( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 result )
+    tListElem *pEntry = csrLLPeekHead(&pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK);
+    tCsrScanResult *pScanResult = NULL;
+    tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc = NULL;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand = NULL;
+    tANI_U32 sessionId;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession;
+    if(NULL == pEntry)
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "   CFG_CNF with active list empty\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR(pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link);
+    sessionId = pCommand->sessionId;
+    pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if(CSR_IS_ROAMING(pSession) && pSession->fCancelRoaming)
+    {
+        //the roaming is cancelled. Simply complete the command
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("  Roam command cancelled\n"));
+        csrRoamComplete(pMac, eCsrNothingToJoin, NULL); 
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if ( CCM_IS_RESULT_SUCCESS(result) )
+        {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOG2, "Cfg sequence complete\n");
+            // Successfully set the configuration parameters for the new Bss.  Attempt to
+            // join the roaming Bss.
+            if(pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry)
+            {
+                pScanResult = GET_BASE_ADDR(pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry, tCsrScanResult, Link);
+                pBssDesc = &pScanResult->Result.BssDescriptor;
+            }
+            if ( csrIsBssTypeIBSS( pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.BSSType ) ||
+                 CSR_IS_WDS( &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile ) 
+                  || CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(&pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile) 
+            )
+            {
+                if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrRoamIssueStartBss( pMac, sessionId,
+                                        &pSession->bssParams, &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile, 
+                                        pBssDesc, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId )))
+                {
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, " CSR start BSS failed\n");
+                    //We need to complete the command
+                    csrRoamComplete(pMac, eCsrStartBssFailure, NULL);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (!pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry)
+                {
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, " pRoamBssEntry is NULL\n");
+                    //We need to complete the command
+                    csrRoamComplete(pMac, eCsrJoinFailure, NULL);
+                    return;
+                } 
+                // If we are roaming TO an Infrastructure BSS...
+                VOS_ASSERT(pScanResult != NULL); 
+                if ( csrIsInfraBssDesc( pBssDesc ) )
+                {
+                    tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIesLocal = (tDot11fBeaconIEs *)pScanResult->Result.pvIes;
+                    if(pIesLocal || (HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrGetParsedBssDescriptionIEs(pMac, pBssDesc, &pIesLocal))) )
+                    {
+                    // ..and currently in an Infrastructure connection....
+                    if( csrIsConnStateConnectedInfra( pMac, sessionId ) )
+                    {
+                        // ...and the SSIDs are equal, then we Reassoc.
+                        if (  csrIsSsidEqual( pMac, pSession->pConnectBssDesc, pBssDesc, 
+                                                    pIesLocal ) )
+                        // ..and currently in an infrastructure connection
+                        {
+                            // then issue a Reassoc.
+                            pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReassoc = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                                csrRoamIssueReassociate( pMac, sessionId, pBssDesc, pIesLocal,
+                                                        &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile );
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            // otherwise, we have to issue a new Join request to LIM because we disassociated from the
+                            // previously associated AP.
+                            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrRoamIssueJoin( pMac, sessionId, pBssDesc, 
+                                                                                                            pIesLocal, 
+                                                    &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId )))
+                            {
+                                //try something else
+                                csrRoam( pMac, pCommand );
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        eHalStatus  status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+                        /* We need to come with other way to figure out that this is because of HO in BMP
+                           The below API will be only available for Android as it uses a different HO algorithm */
+                        /* Reassoc request will be used only for CCX and 11r handoff whereas other legacy roaming should 
+                         * use join request */
+                        if (csrRoamIsHandoffInProgress(pMac) && 
+                                                csrRoamIs11rAssoc(pMac))
+                        {
+                            status = csrRoamIssueReassociate(pMac, sessionId, pBssDesc, 
+                                    (tDot11fBeaconIEs *)( pScanResult->Result.pvIes ), &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile);
+                        }
+                        else
+                        if (csrRoamIsHandoffInProgress(pMac) && 
+                                                csrRoamIsCCXAssoc(pMac))
+                        {
+                            // Now serialize the reassoc command.
+                            status = csrRoamIssueReassociateCmd(pMac, sessionId);
+                        }
+                        else
+                        // else we are not connected and attempting to Join.  Issue the
+                        // Join request.
+                        {
+                            status = csrRoamIssueJoin( pMac, sessionId, pBssDesc, 
+                                                (tDot11fBeaconIEs *)( pScanResult->Result.pvIes ),
+                                                &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile, pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId );
+                        }
+                        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                        {
+                            //try something else
+                            csrRoam( pMac, pCommand );
+                        }
+                    }
+                        if( !pScanResult->Result.pvIes )
+                        {
+                            //Locally allocated
+                            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIesLocal);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }//if ( csrIsInfraBssDesc( pBssDesc ) )
+                else
+                {
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("  found BSSType mismatching the one in BSS description\n"));
+                }
+            }//else
+        }//if ( WNI_CFG_SUCCESS == result )
+        else
+        {
+            // In the event the configuration failed,  for infra let the roam processor 
+            //attempt to join something else...
+            if( pCommand->u.roamCmd.pRoamBssEntry && CSR_IS_INFRASTRUCTURE( &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile ) )
+            {
+            csrRoam(pMac, pCommand);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                //We need to complete the command
+                if ( csrIsBssTypeIBSS( pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile.BSSType ) )
+                {
+                    csrRoamComplete(pMac, eCsrStartBssFailure, NULL);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    csrRoamComplete( pMac, eCsrNothingToJoin, NULL );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }//we have active entry
+static void csrRoamRoamingStateAuthRspProcessor( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirSmeAuthRsp *pSmeAuthRsp )
+    //No one is sending eWNI_SME_AUTH_REQ to PE.
+    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("is no-op\n"));
+    if ( eSIR_SME_SUCCESS == pSmeAuthRsp->statusCode ) 
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "CSR SmeAuthReq Successful\n" );
+        // Successfully authenticated with a new Bss.  Attempt to stop the current Bss and
+        // join the new one...
+        /***pBssDesc = profGetRoamingBssDesc( pAdapter, &pHddProfile );
+        roamStopNetwork( pAdapter, &pBssDesc->SirBssDescription );***/
+    }
+    else {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "CSR SmeAuthReq failed with statusCode= 0x%08lX [%d]\n", pSmeAuthRsp->statusCode, pSmeAuthRsp->statusCode );
+        /***profHandleLostLinkAfterReset(pAdapter);
+        // In the event the authenticate fails, let the roam processor attempt to join something else...
+        roamRoam( pAdapter );***/
+    }
+static void csrRoamRoamingStateReassocRspProcessor( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tpSirSmeJoinRsp pSmeJoinRsp )
+    eCsrRoamCompleteResult result;
+    tpCsrNeighborRoamControlInfo    pNeighborRoamInfo = &pMac->roam.neighborRoamInfo;
+    tCsrRoamInfo roamInfo;
+    tANI_U32 roamId = 0;
+    if ( eSIR_SME_SUCCESS == pSmeJoinRsp->statusCode ) 
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "CSR SmeReassocReq Successful\n" );
+        result = eCsrReassocSuccess;
+        /* Defeaturize this part later if needed */
+        /* Since the neighbor roam algorithm uses reassoc req for handoff instead of join, 
+         * we need the response contents while processing the result in csrRoamProcessResults() */
+        if (csrRoamIsHandoffInProgress(pMac))
+        {
+            /* Need to dig more on indicating events to SME QoS module */
+            sme_QosCsrEventInd(pMac, pSmeJoinRsp->sessionId, SME_QOS_CSR_HANDOFF_COMPLETE, NULL);
+            csrRoamComplete( pMac, result, pSmeJoinRsp);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            csrRoamComplete( pMac, result, NULL );
+        }
+    }
+    /* Should we handle this similar to handling the join failure? Is it ok
+     * to call csrRoamComplete() with state as CsrJoinFailure */
+    else
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "CSR SmeReassocReq failed with statusCode= 0x%08lX [%d]\n", pSmeJoinRsp->statusCode, pSmeJoinRsp->statusCode );
+        result = eCsrReassocFailure;
+        if ((eSIR_SME_FT_REASSOC_TIMEOUT_FAILURE == pSmeJoinRsp->statusCode) ||
+                        (eSIR_SME_FT_REASSOC_FAILURE == pSmeJoinRsp->statusCode))
+        {
+                // Inform HDD to turn off FT flag in HDD 
+                if (pNeighborRoamInfo)
+                {
+                        vos_mem_zero(&roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo));
+                        csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, pNeighborRoamInfo->csrSessionId,
+                                        &roamInfo, roamId, eCSR_ROAM_FT_REASSOC_FAILED, eSIR_SME_SUCCESS);
+                }
+        }
+        // In the event that the Reassociation fails, then we need to Disassociate the current association and keep
+        // roaming.  Note that we will attempt to Join the AP instead of a Reassoc since we may have attempted a
+        // 'Reassoc to self', which AP's that don't support Reassoc will force a Disassoc.
+        //The disassoc rsp message will remove the command from active list
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrRoamIssueDisassociate( pMac, pSmeJoinRsp->sessionId,
+        {
+            csrRoamComplete( pMac, eCsrJoinFailure, NULL );
+        }
+    }
+static void csrRoamRoamingStateStopBssRspProcessor(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirSmeRsp *pSmeRsp)
+    {
+        vos_log_ibss_pkt_type *pIbssLog;
+        WLAN_VOS_DIAG_LOG_ALLOC(pIbssLog, vos_log_ibss_pkt_type, LOG_WLAN_IBSS_C);
+        if(pIbssLog)
+        {
+            pIbssLog->eventId = WLAN_IBSS_EVENT_STOP_RSP;
+            if(eSIR_SME_SUCCESS != pSmeRsp->statusCode)
+            {
+                pIbssLog->status = WLAN_IBSS_STATUS_FAILURE;
+            }
+            WLAN_VOS_DIAG_LOG_REPORT(pIbssLog);
+        }
+    }
+    pMac->roam.roamSession[pSmeRsp->sessionId].connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_NOT_CONNECTED;
+    if(CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_STOP_BSS_REQ( pMac, pSmeRsp->sessionId))
+    {
+        csrRoamComplete( pMac, eCsrNothingToJoin, NULL );
+    }
+    else if(CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISCONNECT_CONTINUE( pMac, pSmeRsp->sessionId))
+    {
+        csrRoamReissueRoamCommand(pMac);
+    }
+void csrRoamRoamingStateDisassocRspProcessor( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirSmeDisassocRsp *pSmeRsp )
+    tSirResultCodes statusCode;
+    tScanResultHandle hBSSList;
+    tANI_BOOLEAN fCallCallback, fRemoveCmd;
+    eHalStatus status;
+    tCsrRoamInfo roamInfo;
+    tCsrScanResultFilter *pScanFilter = NULL;
+    tANI_U32 roamId = 0;
+    tCsrRoamProfile *pCurRoamProfile = NULL;
+    tListElem *pEntry = NULL;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand = NULL;
+    tANI_U32 sessionId;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession;
+    tSirSmeDisassocRsp SmeDisassocRsp;
+    csrSerDesUnpackDiassocRsp((tANI_U8 *)pSmeRsp, &SmeDisassocRsp);
+    sessionId = SmeDisassocRsp.sessionId;
+    statusCode = SmeDisassocRsp.statusCode;
+    smsLog( pMac, LOG2, "csrRoamRoamingStateDisassocRspProcessor sessionId %d\n", sessionId);
+    if ( csrIsConnStateInfra( pMac, sessionId ) )
+    {
+        pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_NOT_CONNECTED;
+    }
+    pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if ( CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISASSOC_NO_JOIN( pMac, sessionId ) )
+    {
+        csrRoamComplete( pMac, eCsrNothingToJoin, NULL );
+    }
+    else if ( CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISASSOC_FORCED( pMac, sessionId ) ||
+              CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISASSOC_REQ( pMac, sessionId ) )
+    {
+        if ( eSIR_SME_SUCCESS == statusCode )
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG2, "CSR SmeDisassocReq force disassociated Successfully\n" );
+            //A callback to HDD will be issued from csrRoamComplete so no need to do anything here
+        } 
+        csrRoamComplete( pMac, eCsrNothingToJoin, NULL );
+    }
+    else if ( CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISASSOC_HO( pMac, sessionId ) )
+    {
+       smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "CSR SmeDisassocReq due to HO\n" );
+        pEntry = csrLLPeekHead( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK );
+        if ( pEntry )
+        {
+            pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link );
+            // If the head of the queue is Active and it is a ROAM command, remove
+            // and put this on the Free queue.
+            if ( eSmeCommandRoam == pCommand->command )
+            {
+                //we need to process the result first before removing it from active list because state changes 
+                //still happening insides roamQProcessRoamResults so no other roam command should be issued
+                fRemoveCmd = csrLLRemoveEntry( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_LOCK );
+                if(pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReleaseProfile)
+                {
+                    csrReleaseProfile(pMac, &pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamProfile);
+                    pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReleaseProfile = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+                }
+                if( fRemoveCmd )
+                {
+                    csrReleaseCommandRoam( pMac, pCommand );
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "  ********csrRoamRoamingStateDisassocRspProcessor fail to remove cmd reason %d\n",
+                        pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason );
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "CSR: Roam Completion called but ROAM command is not ACTIVE ...\n" );
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "CSR: Roam Completion called but NO commands are ACTIVE ...\n" );
+        }
+        //notify HDD for handoff, providing the BSSID too
+        roamInfo.reasonCode = eCsrRoamReasonBetterAP;
+        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, roamInfo.bssid, pMac->roam.neighborRoamInfo.csrNeighborRoamProfile.BSSIDs.bssid, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+        csrRoamCallCallback(pMac,sessionId, &roamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_ROAMING_START, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE);
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pScanFilter, sizeof(tCsrScanResultFilter));
+        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pScanFilter, sizeof(tCsrScanResultFilter));
+            status = csrRoamPrepareFilterFromProfile(pMac, &pMac->roam.neighborRoamInfo.csrNeighborRoamProfile, pScanFilter);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" csrRoamPrepareFilterFromProfile fail to create scan filter\n"));
+            }
+            status = csrScanGetResult(pMac, pScanFilter, &hBSSList);
+            if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                //copy over the connected profile to apply the same for this connection as well
+                if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pCurRoamProfile, sizeof(tCsrRoamProfile))))
+                {
+                    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pCurRoamProfile, sizeof(tCsrRoamProfile));
+                    csrRoamCopyProfile(pMac, pCurRoamProfile, pSession->pCurRoamProfile);
+                }
+                //make sure to put it at the head of the cmd queue
+                status = csrRoamIssueConnect(pMac, sessionId, pCurRoamProfile, 
+                                             hBSSList, eCsrSmeIssuedAssocToSimilarAP, 
+                                             roamId, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+                if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                {
+                    //msg
+                    fCallCallback = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                }
+                /* Notify sub-modules like QoS etc. that handoff happening         */
+                sme_QosCsrEventInd(pMac, sessionId, SME_QOS_CSR_HANDOFF_ASSOC_REQ, NULL);
+                palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pCurRoamProfile);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                //msg
+                smsLog( pMac, LOGE,"csrRoamRoamingStateDisassocRspProcessor: csrScanGetResult failed");
+                // should have asserted, sending up roam complete instead. Let upper layer
+                // decide what to do next
+                csrCallRoamingCompletionCallback(pMac, pSession, &roamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FAILURE);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to allocate memory for scan filter\n"));
+            csrCallRoamingCompletionCallback(pMac, pSession, &roamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FAILURE);
+        }
+        if( pScanFilter )
+        {
+            csrFreeScanFilter(pMac, pScanFilter);
+            palFreeMemory( pMac->hHdd, pScanFilter );
+        }
+    } //else if ( CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISASSOC_HO( pMac ) )
+    else if ( CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_REASSOC_FAIL( pMac, sessionId ) )
+    {
+        // Disassoc due to Reassoc failure falls into this codepath....
+        csrRoamComplete( pMac, eCsrJoinFailure, NULL );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if ( eSIR_SME_SUCCESS == statusCode )
+        {
+            // Successfully disassociated from the 'old' Bss...
+            //
+            // We get Disassociate response in three conditions.
+            // - First is the case where we are disasociating from an Infra Bss to start an IBSS.
+            // - Second is the when we are disassociating from an Infra Bss to join an IBSS or a new
+            // Infrastructure network.
+            // - Third is where we are doing an Infra to Infra roam between networks with different
+            // SSIDs.  In all cases, we set the new Bss configuration here and attempt to join
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG2, "CSR SmeDisassocReq disassociated Successfully\n" );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "SmeDisassocReq failed with statusCode= 0x%08lX\n", statusCode );
+        }
+        //We are not done yet. Get the data and continue roaming
+        csrRoamReissueRoamCommand(pMac);
+    }
+static void csrRoamRoamingStateDeauthRspProcessor( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirSmeDeauthRsp *pSmeRsp )
+    tSirResultCodes statusCode;
+    //No one is sending eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_REQ to PE.
+    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("is no-op\n"));
+    statusCode = csrGetDeAuthRspStatusCode( pSmeRsp );
+    if ( CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DEAUTH_REQ( pMac, pSmeRsp->sessionId) )
+    {
+        csrRoamComplete( pMac, eCsrNothingToJoin, NULL );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if ( eSIR_SME_SUCCESS == statusCode ) 
+        {
+            // Successfully deauth from the 'old' Bss...
+            //
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG2, "CSR SmeDeauthReq disassociated Successfully\n" );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "SmeDeauthReq failed with statusCode= 0x%08lX\n", statusCode );
+        }
+        //We are not done yet. Get the data and continue roaming
+        csrRoamReissueRoamCommand(pMac);
+    }
+static void csrRoamRoamingStateStartBssRspProcessor( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirSmeStartBssRsp *pSmeStartBssRsp )
+    eCsrRoamCompleteResult result;
+    if ( eSIR_SME_SUCCESS == pSmeStartBssRsp->statusCode ) 
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "SmeStartBssReq Successful\n" );
+        result = eCsrStartBssSuccess;
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "SmeStartBssReq failed with statusCode= 0x%08lX\n", pSmeStartBssRsp->statusCode );
+        //Let csrRoamComplete decide what to do
+        result = eCsrStartBssFailure;
+    }
+    csrRoamComplete( pMac, result, pSmeStartBssRsp);
+    csrRoamComplete( pMac, result, &pSmeStartBssRsp->bssDescription );
+  We need to be careful on whether to cast pMsgBuf (pSmeRsp) to other type of strucutres.
+  It depends on how the message is constructed. If the message is sent by limSendSmeRsp,
+  the pMsgBuf is only a generic response and can only be used as pointer to tSirSmeRsp.
+  For the messages where sender allocates memory for specific structures, then it can be 
+  cast accordingly.
+void csrRoamingStateMsgProcessor( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, void *pMsgBuf )
+    tSirSmeRsp *pSmeRsp;
+    tSmeIbssPeerInd *pIbssPeerInd;
+    tCsrRoamInfo roamInfo;
+        // TODO Session Id need to be acquired in this function
+        tANI_U32 sessionId = 0;
+    pSmeRsp = (tSirSmeRsp *)pMsgBuf;
+    smsLog( pMac, LOG2, "Message %d[0x%04X] received in substate %d\n",
+                pSmeRsp->messageType, pSmeRsp->messageType,
+                pMac->roam.curSubState[pSmeRsp->sessionId] );
+#if defined ANI_PRODUCT_TYPE_AP
+    pSmeRsp->messageType = pal_be16_to_cpu(pSmeRsp->messageType);
+    pSmeRsp->length = pal_be16_to_cpu(pSmeRsp->length);
+    pSmeRsp->statusCode = pal_be32_to_cpu(pSmeRsp->statusCode);
+    pSmeRsp->messageType = (pSmeRsp->messageType);
+    pSmeRsp->length = (pSmeRsp->length);
+    pSmeRsp->statusCode = (pSmeRsp->statusCode);
+    switch (pSmeRsp->messageType) 
+    {
+        case eWNI_SME_JOIN_RSP:      // in Roaming state, process the Join response message...
+            if (CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_JOIN_REQ(pMac, pSmeRsp->sessionId))
+            {
+                //We sent a JOIN_REQ
+                csrRoamJoinRspProcessor( pMac, (tSirSmeJoinRsp *)pSmeRsp );
+            }
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_AUTH_RSP:       // or the Authenticate response message...
+            if (CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_AUTH_REQ( pMac, pSmeRsp->sessionId) ) 
+            {
+                //We sent a AUTH_REQ
+                csrRoamRoamingStateAuthRspProcessor( pMac, (tSirSmeAuthRsp *)pSmeRsp );
+            }
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_REASSOC_RSP:     // or the Reassociation response message...
+            if (CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_REASSOC_REQ( pMac, pSmeRsp->sessionId) ) 
+            {
+                csrRoamRoamingStateReassocRspProcessor( pMac, (tpSirSmeJoinRsp )pSmeRsp );
+            }
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_STOP_BSS_RSP:    // or the Stop Bss response message...
+            {
+                csrRoamRoamingStateStopBssRspProcessor(pMac, pSmeRsp);
+            }
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_RSP:    // or the Disassociate response message...
+            if ( CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISASSOC_REQ( pMac, pSmeRsp->sessionId )      ||
+                 CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISASSOC_NO_JOIN( pMac, pSmeRsp->sessionId )  ||
+                 CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_REASSOC_FAIL( pMac, pSmeRsp->sessionId )      ||
+                 CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISASSOC_FORCED( pMac, pSmeRsp->sessionId )   ||
+                 CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISCONNECT_CONTINUE( pMac, pSmeRsp->sessionId ) ||
+                 CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISASSOC_HO( pMac, pSmeRsp->sessionId )         )
+            {
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_RSP subState = %d\n"), pMac->roam.curSubState[pSmeRsp->sessionId]);
+                csrRoamRoamingStateDisassocRspProcessor( pMac, (tSirSmeDisassocRsp *)pSmeRsp );
+            }
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_RSP:    // or the Deauthentication response message...
+            if ( CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DEAUTH_REQ( pMac, pSmeRsp->sessionId ) ) 
+            {
+                csrRoamRoamingStateDeauthRspProcessor( pMac, (tSirSmeDeauthRsp *)pSmeRsp );
+            }
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_START_BSS_RSP:      // or the Start BSS response message...
+            if (CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_START_BSS_REQ( pMac, pSmeRsp->sessionId ) ) 
+            {
+                csrRoamRoamingStateStartBssRspProcessor( pMac, (tSirSmeStartBssRsp *)pSmeRsp );
+            } 
+            break;
+        case WNI_CFG_SET_CNF:    // process the Config Confirm messages when we are in 'Config' substate...
+            if ( CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_CONFIG( pMac, pSmeRsp->sessionId ) ) 
+            {
+                csrRoamingStateConfigCnfProcessor( pMac, ((tCsrCfgSetRsp *)pSmeRsp)->respStatus );
+            }
+            break;
+        //In case CSR issues STOP_BSS, we need to tell HDD about peer departed becasue PE is removing them
+            pIbssPeerInd = (tSmeIbssPeerInd*)pSmeRsp;
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, "CSR: Peer departed notification from LIM in joining state\n");
+            palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo) );
+                        roamInfo.staId = (tANI_U8)pIbssPeerInd->staId;
+            roamInfo.ucastSig = (tANI_U8)pIbssPeerInd->ucastSig;
+            roamInfo.bcastSig = (tANI_U8)pIbssPeerInd->bcastSig;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo.peerMac, pIbssPeerInd->peerAddr, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+            csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, 0, 
+                                eCSR_ROAM_CONNECT_STATUS_UPDATE, 
+                                eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_IBSS_PEER_DEPARTED);
+            break;
+        default:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "Unexpected message type = %d[0x%X] received in substate %d\n",
+                      pSmeRsp->messageType, pSmeRsp->messageType,
+                      pMac->roam.curSubState[pSmeRsp->sessionId] );
+            //If we are connected, check the link status change 
+                        if(!csrIsConnStateDisconnected(pMac, sessionId))
+                        {
+                                csrRoamCheckForLinkStatusChange( pMac, pSmeRsp );
+                        }
+            break;          
+    }
+void csrRoamJoinedStateMsgProcessor( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, void *pMsgBuf )
+    tSirSmeRsp *pSirMsg = (tSirSmeRsp *)pMsgBuf;
+    switch (pSirMsg->messageType) 
+    {
+          smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("Stats rsp from PE\n"));
+          csrRoamStatsRspProcessor( pMac, pSirMsg );
+          break;
+        {
+            tCsrRoamSession  *pSession;
+            tSirSmeAssocIndToUpperLayerCnf *pUpperLayerAssocCnf;
+            tCsrRoamInfo roamInfo;
+            tCsrRoamInfo *pRoamInfo = NULL;
+            tANI_U32 sessionId;
+            eHalStatus status;
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("ASSOCIATION confirmation can be given to upper layer \n"));
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo));
+            pRoamInfo = &roamInfo;
+            pUpperLayerAssocCnf = (tSirSmeAssocIndToUpperLayerCnf *)pMsgBuf;
+            status = csrRoamGetSessionIdFromBSSID( pMac, (tCsrBssid *)pUpperLayerAssocCnf->bssId, &sessionId );
+            pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION(pMac, sessionId);
+            pRoamInfo->statusCode = eSIR_SME_SUCCESS; //send the status code as Success 
+            pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile = &pSession->connectedProfile;
+            pRoamInfo->staId = (tANI_U8)pUpperLayerAssocCnf->aid;
+            pRoamInfo->rsnIELen = (tANI_U8)pUpperLayerAssocCnf->rsnIE.length;
+            pRoamInfo->prsnIE = pUpperLayerAssocCnf->rsnIE.rsnIEdata;
+            pRoamInfo->addIELen = (tANI_U8)pUpperLayerAssocCnf->addIE.length;
+            pRoamInfo->paddIE = pUpperLayerAssocCnf->addIE.addIEdata;           
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pRoamInfo->peerMac, pUpperLayerAssocCnf->peerMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pRoamInfo->bssid, pUpperLayerAssocCnf->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+            pRoamInfo->wmmEnabledSta = pUpperLayerAssocCnf->wmmEnabledSta;
+            if(CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile) )
+            {
+                pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_INFRA_CONNECTED;
+                pRoamInfo->fReassocReq = pUpperLayerAssocCnf->reassocReq;
+                status = csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, pRoamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_INFRA_IND, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_INFRA_ASSOCIATION_CNF);
+            }
+            if(CSR_IS_WDS_AP( pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile))
+            {
+                vos_sleep( 100 );
+                pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_WDS_CONNECTED;//Sta
+                status = csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, pRoamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_WDS_IND, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_WDS_ASSOCIATION_IND);//Sta
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+       default:
+          csrRoamCheckForLinkStatusChange( pMac, pSirMsg );
+          break;
+    }
+eHalStatus csrRoamIssueSetContextReq( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, eCsrEncryptionType EncryptType, 
+                                     tSirBssDescription *pBssDescription,
+                                tSirMacAddr *bssId, tANI_BOOLEAN addKey,
+                                 tANI_BOOLEAN fUnicast, tAniKeyDirection aniKeyDirection, 
+                                 tANI_U8 keyId, tANI_U16 keyLength, 
+                                 tANI_U8 *pKey, tANI_U8 paeRole )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tAniEdType edType;
+    if(eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_UNKNOWN == EncryptType)
+    {
+        EncryptType = eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_NONE; //***
+    }
+    edType = csrTranslateEncryptTypeToEdType( EncryptType );
+    // Allow 0 keys to be set for the non-WPA encrypt types...  For WPA encrypt types, the num keys must be non-zero
+    // or LIM will reject the set context (assumes the SET_CONTEXT does not occur until the keys are distrubuted).
+    if ( CSR_IS_ENC_TYPE_STATIC( EncryptType ) ||
+           addKey )     
+    {
+        tCsrRoamSetKey setKey;
+        setKey.encType = EncryptType;
+        setKey.keyDirection = aniKeyDirection;    //Tx, Rx or Tx-and-Rx
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, &setKey.peerMac, bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid) );   
+        setKey.paeRole = paeRole;      //0 for supplicant
+        setKey.keyId = keyId;  // Kye index
+        setKey.keyLength = keyLength;  
+        if( keyLength )
+        {
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, setKey.Key, pKey, keyLength );
+        }
+        status = csrRoamIssueSetKeyCommand( pMac, sessionId, &setKey, 0 );
+    }
+    return (status);
+static eHalStatus csrRoamIssueSetKeyCommand( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, 
+                                             tCsrRoamSetKey *pSetKey, tANI_U32 roamId )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand = NULL;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_CCX */
+    do
+    {
+        pCommand = csrGetCommandBuffer(pMac);
+        if(NULL == pCommand)
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to get command buffer\n") );
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+            break;
+        }
+        pCommand->command = eSmeCommandSetKey;
+        pCommand->sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        // validate the key length,  Adjust if too long...
+        // for static WEP the keys are not set thru' SetContextReq
+        if ( ( eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP40 == pSetKey->encType ) || 
+             ( eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP40_STATICKEY == pSetKey->encType ) ) 
+        {
+            //KeyLength maybe 0 for static WEP
+            if( pSetKey->keyLength )
+            {
+                if ( pSetKey->keyLength < CSR_WEP40_KEY_LEN ) 
+                {
+                    smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "Invalid WEP40 keylength [= %d] in SetContext call\n", pSetKey->keyLength );
+                    break;        
+                }
+                pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.keyLength = CSR_WEP40_KEY_LEN;
+                palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.Key, pSetKey->Key, CSR_WEP40_KEY_LEN );
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( ( eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP104 == pSetKey->encType ) || 
+             ( eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP104_STATICKEY == pSetKey->encType ) ) 
+        {
+            //KeyLength maybe 0 for static WEP
+            if( pSetKey->keyLength )
+            {
+                if ( pSetKey->keyLength < CSR_WEP104_KEY_LEN ) 
+                {
+                    smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "Invalid WEP104 keylength [= %d] in SetContext call\n", pSetKey->keyLength );
+                    break;        
+                }
+                pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.keyLength = CSR_WEP104_KEY_LEN;
+                palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.Key, pSetKey->Key, CSR_WEP104_KEY_LEN );
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_TKIP == pSetKey->encType ) 
+        {
+            if ( pSetKey->keyLength < CSR_TKIP_KEY_LEN )
+            {
+                smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "Invalid TKIP keylength [= %d] in SetContext call\n", pSetKey->keyLength );
+                break;
+            }
+            pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.keyLength = CSR_TKIP_KEY_LEN;
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.Key, pSetKey->Key, CSR_TKIP_KEY_LEN );
+        }
+        else if ( eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_AES == pSetKey->encType ) 
+        {
+            if ( pSetKey->keyLength < CSR_AES_KEY_LEN )
+            {
+                smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "Invalid AES/CCMP keylength [= %d] in SetContext call\n", pSetKey->keyLength );
+                break;
+            }
+            pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.keyLength = CSR_AES_KEY_LEN;
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.Key, pSetKey->Key, CSR_AES_KEY_LEN );
+        }
+        else if ( eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WPI == pSetKey->encType ) 
+        {
+            if ( pSetKey->keyLength < CSR_WAPI_KEY_LEN )
+            {
+                smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "Invalid WAPI keylength [= %d] in SetContext call\n", pSetKey->keyLength );
+                break;
+            }
+            pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.keyLength = CSR_WAPI_KEY_LEN;
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.Key, pSetKey->Key, CSR_WAPI_KEY_LEN );
+        }
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+        else if ( eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_KRK == pSetKey->encType ) 
+        {
+            if ( pSetKey->keyLength < CSR_KRK_KEY_LEN )
+            {
+                smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "Invalid KRK keylength [= %d] in SetContext call\n", pSetKey->keyLength );
+                break;
+            }
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pSession->ccxCckmInfo.krk, pSetKey->Key, CSR_KRK_KEY_LEN );
+            pSession->ccxCckmInfo.reassoc_req_num=1;
+            pSession->ccxCckmInfo.krk_plumbed = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+            break;
+        }
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_CCX */
+#ifdef WLAN_FEATURE_11W
+        //Check for 11w BIP
+        else if ( eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_AES_CMAC == pSetKey->encType )
+        {
+            tANI_U16 count = 0;
+            if ( pSetKey->keyLength < CSR_AES_KEY_LEN )
+            {
+                smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "Invalid AES/CCMP keylength [= %d] in SetContext call\n", pSetKey->keyLength );
+                break;
+            }
+            pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.keyLength = CSR_AES_KEY_LEN;
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.Key, pSetKey->Key, CSR_AES_KEY_LEN );
+        }
+        status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+        pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.roamId = roamId;
+        pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.encType = pSetKey->encType;
+        pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.keyDirection = pSetKey->keyDirection;    //Tx, Rx or Tx-and-Rx
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, &pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.peerMac, &pSetKey->peerMac, sizeof(tCsrBssid) );   
+        pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.paeRole = pSetKey->paeRole;      //0 for supplicant
+        pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.keyId = pSetKey->keyId;
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.keyRsc, pSetKey->keyRsc, CSR_MAX_RSC_LEN );
+        //Always put set key to the head of the Q because it is the only thing to get executed in case of WT_KEY state
+        status = csrQueueSmeCommand(pMac, pCommand, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
+        if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to send message status = %d\n"), status );
+        }
+    } while (0);
+    // Free the command if there has been a failure, or it is a 
+    // "local" operation like the set CCX CCKM KRK key.
+    if( (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) && ( NULL != pCommand )) 
+            || ( eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_KRK == pSetKey->encType ) 
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_CCX */
+            )
+    {
+        csrReleaseCommandSetKey( pMac, pCommand );
+    }
+    return( status );
+eHalStatus csrRoamIssueRemoveKeyCommand( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId,
+                                         tCsrRoamRemoveKey *pRemoveKey, tANI_U32 roamId )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand = NULL;
+    do
+    {
+        if( !csrIsSetKeyAllowed(pMac, sessionId) ) 
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL(" wrong state not allowed to set key\n") );
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_CSR_WRONG_STATE;
+            break;
+        }
+        pCommand = csrGetCommandBuffer(pMac);
+        if(NULL == pCommand)
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to get command buffer\n") );
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+            break;
+        }
+        pCommand->command = eSmeCommandRemoveKey;
+        pCommand->sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.roamId = roamId;
+        pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.encType = pRemoveKey->encType;
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, &pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.peerMac, &pRemoveKey->peerMac, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+        pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.keyId = pRemoveKey->keyId;
+        if( CSR_IS_WAIT_FOR_KEY( pMac, sessionId ) )
+        {
+            //in this case, put it to the end of the Q incase there is a set key pending.
+            fImediate = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+        }
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("keyType=%d, keyId=%d, PeerMac=%02x, %02x, %02x, %02x, %02x, %02x\n"),       
+            pRemoveKey->encType, pRemoveKey->keyId,
+            pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.peerMac[0],
+            pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.peerMac[1],
+            pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.peerMac[2], 
+            pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.peerMac[3], 
+            pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.peerMac[4],
+            pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.peerMac[5]);
+        status = csrQueueSmeCommand(pMac, pCommand, fImediate);
+        if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to send message status = %d\n"), status );
+            break;
+        }
+    } while (0);
+    if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) && ( NULL != pCommand ) )
+    {
+        csrReleaseCommandRemoveKey( pMac, pCommand );
+    }
+    return (status );
+eHalStatus csrRoamProcessSetKeyCommand( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand )
+    eHalStatus status;
+    tANI_U8 numKeys = ( pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.keyLength ) ? 1 : 0;
+    tAniEdType edType = csrTranslateEncryptTypeToEdType( pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.encType );
+    tANI_BOOLEAN fUnicast = ( pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.peerMac[0] == 0xFF ) ? eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE : eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+    tANI_U32 sessionId = pCommand->sessionId;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    WLAN_VOS_DIAG_EVENT_DEF(setKeyEvent, vos_event_wlan_security_payload_type);
+    if(eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_NONE != edType)
+    {
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &setKeyEvent, sizeof(vos_event_wlan_security_payload_type));
+        if( *(( tANI_U8 *)&pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.peerMac) & 0x01 )
+        {
+            setKeyEvent.eventId = WLAN_SECURITY_EVENT_SET_GTK_REQ;
+            setKeyEvent.encryptionModeMulticast = (v_U8_t)diagEncTypeFromCSRType(pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.encType);
+            setKeyEvent.encryptionModeUnicast = (v_U8_t)diagEncTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.EncryptionType);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            setKeyEvent.eventId = WLAN_SECURITY_EVENT_SET_PTK_REQ;
+            setKeyEvent.encryptionModeUnicast = (v_U8_t)diagEncTypeFromCSRType(pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.encType);
+            setKeyEvent.encryptionModeMulticast = (v_U8_t)diagEncTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.mcEncryptionType);
+        }
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, setKeyEvent.bssid, pSession->connectedProfile.bssid, 6 );
+        if(CSR_IS_ENC_TYPE_STATIC(edType))
+        {
+            tANI_U32 defKeyId;
+            //It has to be static WEP here
+            if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(ccmCfgGetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_WEP_DEFAULT_KEYID, &defKeyId)))
+            {
+                setKeyEvent.keyId = (v_U8_t)defKeyId;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            setKeyEvent.keyId = pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.keyId;
+        }
+        setKeyEvent.authMode = (v_U8_t)diagAuthTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.AuthType);
+    }
+    if( csrIsSetKeyAllowed(pMac, sessionId) )
+    {
+        status = csrSendMBSetContextReqMsg( pMac, sessionId, 
+                    ( tANI_U8 *)&pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.peerMac, 
+                                            numKeys, edType, fUnicast, pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.keyDirection, 
+                                            pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.keyId, pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.keyLength, 
+                    pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.Key, pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.paeRole, 
+                    pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.keyRsc);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL(" cannot process not connected\n") );
+        //Set this status so the error handling take care of the case.
+        status = eHAL_STATUS_CSR_WRONG_STATE;
+    }
+    if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) )
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("  error status %d\n"), status );
+        csrRoamCallCallback( pMac, sessionId, NULL, pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.roamId, eCSR_ROAM_SET_KEY_COMPLETE, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FAILURE);
+        if(eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_NONE != edType)
+        {
+            if( *(( tANI_U8 *)&pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.peerMac) & 0x01 )
+            {
+                setKeyEvent.eventId = WLAN_SECURITY_EVENT_SET_GTK_RSP;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                setKeyEvent.eventId = WLAN_SECURITY_EVENT_SET_PTK_RSP;
+            }
+            setKeyEvent.status = WLAN_SECURITY_STATUS_FAILURE;
+        }
+    }
+    return ( status );
+eHalStatus csrRoamProcessRemoveKeyCommand( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand )
+    eHalStatus status;
+    tpSirSmeRemoveKeyReq pMsg = NULL;
+    tANI_U16 wMsgLen = sizeof(tSirSmeRemoveKeyReq);
+    tANI_U8 *p;
+    tANI_U32 sessionId = pCommand->sessionId;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    WLAN_VOS_DIAG_EVENT_DEF(removeKeyEvent, vos_event_wlan_security_payload_type);
+    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &removeKeyEvent, sizeof(vos_event_wlan_security_payload_type));
+    removeKeyEvent.eventId = WLAN_SECURITY_EVENT_REMOVE_KEY_REQ;
+    removeKeyEvent.encryptionModeMulticast = (v_U8_t)diagEncTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.mcEncryptionType);
+    removeKeyEvent.encryptionModeUnicast = (v_U8_t)diagEncTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.EncryptionType);
+    palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, removeKeyEvent.bssid, pSession->connectedProfile.bssid, 6 );
+    removeKeyEvent.keyId = pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.keyId;
+    removeKeyEvent.authMode = (v_U8_t)diagAuthTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.AuthType);
+    if( csrIsSetKeyAllowed(pMac, sessionId) )
+    {
+        status = palAllocateMemory( pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, wMsgLen );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL(" wrong state not allowed to set key\n") );
+        //Set the error status so error handling kicks in below
+        status = eHAL_STATUS_CSR_WRONG_STATE;
+    }
+    if( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+    {
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg, wMsgLen);
+        pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_REMOVEKEY_REQ);
+                pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16(wMsgLen);
+        pMsg->sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        pMsg->transactionId = 0;
+        p = (tANI_U8 *)pMsg + sizeof(pMsg->messageType) + sizeof(pMsg->length) +
+            sizeof(pMsg->sessionId) + sizeof(pMsg->transactionId);
+        // bssId - copy from session Info
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, p, &pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].connectedProfile.bssid, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+        p += sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+        // peerMacAddr
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, p, pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.peerMac, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+        p += sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+        // edType
+        *p = (tANI_U8)csrTranslateEncryptTypeToEdType( pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.encType );
+        p++;
+        // weptype
+        if( ( eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP40_STATICKEY == pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.encType ) || 
+            ( eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP104_STATICKEY == pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.encType ) )
+        {
+            *p = (tANI_U8)eSIR_WEP_STATIC;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            *p = (tANI_U8)eSIR_WEP_DYNAMIC;
+        }
+        p++;
+        //keyid
+        *p = pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.keyId;
+        p++;
+        *p = (pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.peerMac[0] == 0xFF ) ? 0 : 1;
+        status = palSendMBMessage(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+    }
+    if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" error status \n"), status );
+        removeKeyEvent.eventId = WLAN_SECURITY_EVENT_REMOVE_KEY_RSP;
+        removeKeyEvent.status = WLAN_SECURITY_STATUS_FAILURE;;
+        csrRoamCallCallback( pMac, sessionId, NULL, pCommand->u.removeKeyCmd.roamId, eCSR_ROAM_REMOVE_KEY_COMPLETE, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FAILURE);
+    }
+    return ( status );
+eHalStatus csrRoamSetKey( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamSetKey *pSetKey, tANI_U32 roamId )
+    eHalStatus status;
+    if( !csrIsSetKeyAllowed(pMac, sessionId) )
+    {
+        status = eHAL_STATUS_CSR_WRONG_STATE;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        status = csrRoamIssueSetKeyCommand( pMac, sessionId, pSetKey, roamId );
+    }
+    return ( status );
+   Prepare a filter base on a profile for parsing the scan results.
+   Upon successful return, caller MUST call csrFreeScanFilter on 
+   pScanFilter when it is done with the filter.
+eHalStatus csrRoamPrepareFilterFromProfile(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, 
+                                           tCsrScanResultFilter *pScanFilter)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tANI_U32 size = 0;
+    tANI_U8  index = 0;
+    do
+    {
+        if(pProfile->BSSIDs.numOfBSSIDs)
+        {
+            size = sizeof(tCsrBssid) * pProfile->BSSIDs.numOfBSSIDs;
+            status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pScanFilter->BSSIDs.bssid, size);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            pScanFilter->BSSIDs.numOfBSSIDs = pProfile->BSSIDs.numOfBSSIDs;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pScanFilter->BSSIDs.bssid, pProfile->BSSIDs.bssid, size);
+        }
+        if(pProfile->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs)
+        {
+            if( !CSR_IS_WDS_STA( pProfile ) )
+            {
+                pScanFilter->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs = pProfile->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                //For WDS station
+                //We always use index 1 for self SSID. Index 0 for peer's SSID that we want to join
+                pScanFilter->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs = 1;
+            }
+            size = sizeof(tCsrSSIDInfo) * pProfile->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs;
+            status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pScanFilter->SSIDs.SSIDList, size);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pScanFilter->SSIDs.SSIDList, pProfile->SSIDs.SSIDList, size);
+        }
+        if(!pProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList || (pProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList[0] == 0) )
+        {
+            pScanFilter->ChannelInfo.numOfChannels = 0;
+            pScanFilter->ChannelInfo.ChannelList = NULL;
+        }
+        else if(pProfile->ChannelInfo.numOfChannels)
+        {
+           status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pScanFilter->ChannelInfo.ChannelList, sizeof(*pScanFilter->ChannelInfo.ChannelList) * pProfile->ChannelInfo.numOfChannels);
+           pScanFilter->ChannelInfo.numOfChannels = 0;
+            if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+              for(index = 0; index < pProfile->ChannelInfo.numOfChannels; index++)
+              {
+                 if(csrRoamIsChannelValid(pMac, pProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList[index]))
+                 {
+                    pScanFilter->ChannelInfo.ChannelList[pScanFilter->ChannelInfo.numOfChannels] 
+                       = pProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList[index];
+                    pScanFilter->ChannelInfo.numOfChannels++;
+                 }
+                 else 
+                 {
+                         smsLog(pMac, LOG1, FL("process a channel (%d) that is invalid\n"), pProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList[index]);
+                 }
+            }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("Channel list empty\n"));
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+            break;
+        }
+        pScanFilter->uapsd_mask = pProfile->uapsd_mask;
+        pScanFilter->authType = pProfile->AuthType;
+        pScanFilter->EncryptionType = pProfile->EncryptionType;
+        pScanFilter->mcEncryptionType = pProfile->mcEncryptionType;
+        pScanFilter->BSSType = pProfile->BSSType;
+        pScanFilter->phyMode = pProfile->phyMode;
+        //check if user asked for WAPI with 11n or auto mode, in that case modify
+        //the phymode to 11g
+        if(csrIsProfileWapi(pProfile))
+        {
+             if(pScanFilter->phyMode & eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11n)
+             {
+                pScanFilter->phyMode &= ~eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11n;
+             }
+             if(pScanFilter->phyMode & eCSR_DOT11_MODE_AUTO)
+             {
+                pScanFilter->phyMode &= ~eCSR_DOT11_MODE_AUTO;
+             }
+             if(!pScanFilter->phyMode)
+             {
+                 pScanFilter->phyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_11g;
+             }
+        }
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+        /*Save the WPS info*/
+        pScanFilter->bWPSAssociation = pProfile->bWPSAssociation;
+        if( pProfile->countryCode[0] )
+        {
+            //This causes the matching function to use countryCode as one of the criteria.
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pScanFilter->countryCode, pProfile->countryCode, 
+                        WNI_CFG_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN );
+        }
+        if (pProfile->MDID.mdiePresent)
+        {
+            pScanFilter->MDID.mdiePresent = 1;
+            pScanFilter->MDID.mobilityDomain = pProfile->MDID.mobilityDomain;
+        }
+    }while(0);
+    if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+    {
+        csrFreeScanFilter(pMac, pScanFilter);
+    }
+    return(status);
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrRoamIssueWmStatusChange( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId,
+                                         eCsrRoamWmStatusChangeTypes Type, tSirSmeRsp *pSmeRsp )
+    tANI_BOOLEAN fCommandQueued = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand;
+    do
+    {
+        // Validate the type is ok...
+        if ( ( eCsrDisassociated != Type ) && ( eCsrDeauthenticated != Type ) ) break;
+        pCommand = csrGetCommandBuffer( pMac );
+        if ( !pCommand )
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to get command buffer\n") );
+            break;
+        }
+        //Change the substate in case it is waiting for key
+        if( CSR_IS_WAIT_FOR_KEY( pMac, sessionId ) )
+        {
+            csrRoamStopWaitForKeyTimer( pMac );
+            csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_NONE, sessionId);
+        }
+        pCommand->command = eSmeCommandWmStatusChange;
+        pCommand->sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        pCommand->u.wmStatusChangeCmd.Type = Type;
+        if ( eCsrDisassociated ==  Type )
+        {
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, &pCommand->u.wmStatusChangeCmd.u.DisassocIndMsg, pSmeRsp, 
+                                sizeof( pCommand->u.wmStatusChangeCmd.u.DisassocIndMsg ) );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, &pCommand->u.wmStatusChangeCmd.u.DeauthIndMsg, pSmeRsp, 
+                            sizeof( pCommand->u.wmStatusChangeCmd.u.DeauthIndMsg ) );
+        }
+        if( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( csrQueueSmeCommand(pMac, pCommand, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE) ) )
+        {
+            fCommandQueued = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to send message \n") );
+            csrReleaseCommandWmStatusChange( pMac, pCommand );
+        }
+        /* AP has issued Dissac/Deauth, Set the operating mode value to configured value */
+        csrSetDefaultDot11Mode( pMac );
+    } while( 0 );
+    return( fCommandQueued );
+static void csrUpdateRssi(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, void* pMsg)
+    v_S7_t  rssi = 0;
+    tAniGetRssiReq *pGetRssiReq = (tAniGetRssiReq*)pMsg;
+    if(pGetRssiReq)
+    {
+        if(NULL != pGetRssiReq->pVosContext)
+        {
+            WLANTL_GetRssi(pGetRssiReq->pVosContext, pGetRssiReq->staId, &rssi);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("pGetRssiReq->pVosContext is NULL\n"));                
+            return;
+        }
+        if(NULL != pGetRssiReq->rssiCallback)
+        {
+            ((tCsrRssiCallback)(pGetRssiReq->rssiCallback))(rssi, pGetRssiReq->staId, pGetRssiReq->pDevContext);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("pGetRssiReq->rssiCallback is NULL\n"));                
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("pGetRssiReq is NULL\n"));    
+    }
+    return;
+void csrRoamCheckForLinkStatusChange( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirSmeRsp *pSirMsg )
+    tSirSmeAssocInd *pAssocInd;
+    tSirSmeDisassocInd *pDisassocInd;
+    tSirSmeDeauthInd *pDeauthInd;
+    tSirSmeWmStatusChangeNtf *pStatusChangeMsg;
+    tSirSmeNewBssInfo *pNewBss;
+    tSmeIbssPeerInd *pIbssPeerInd;
+    tSirMacAddr Broadcastaddr = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
+    tSirSmeApNewCaps *pApNewCaps;
+    eCsrRoamResult result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE;
+    eRoamCmdStatus roamStatus = eCSR_ROAM_FAILED;
+    tCsrRoamInfo *pRoamInfo = NULL;
+    tCsrRoamInfo roamInfo;
+    eHalStatus status;
+    tANI_U32 sessionId = CSR_SESSION_ID_INVALID;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = NULL;
+    tpSirSmeSwitchChannelInd pSwitchChnInd;
+    tSmeMaxAssocInd *pSmeMaxAssocInd;
+#if defined ANI_PRODUCT_TYPE_AP
+    pSirMsg->messageType = pal_be16_to_cpu(pSirMsg->messageType);
+    pSirMsg->length = pal_be16_to_cpu(pSirMsg->length);
+    pSirMsg->statusCode = pal_be32_to_cpu(pSirMsg->statusCode);
+    pSirMsg->messageType = (pSirMsg->messageType);
+    pSirMsg->length = (pSirMsg->length);
+    pSirMsg->statusCode = (pSirMsg->statusCode);
+    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(roamInfo));
+    switch( pSirMsg->messageType ) 
+    {
+        case eWNI_SME_ASSOC_IND:
+            {
+                tCsrRoamSession  *pSession;
+                smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("ASSOCIATION Indication from SME\n"));
+                pAssocInd = (tSirSmeAssocInd *)pSirMsg;
+                status = csrRoamGetSessionIdFromBSSID( pMac, (tCsrBssid *)pAssocInd->bssId, &sessionId );
+                if( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+                {
+                    pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION(pMac, sessionId);
+                pRoamInfo = &roamInfo;
+                // Required for indicating the frames to upper layer
+                pRoamInfo->assocReqLength = pAssocInd->assocReqLength;
+                pRoamInfo->assocReqPtr = pAssocInd->assocReqPtr;
+                pRoamInfo->beaconPtr = pAssocInd->beaconPtr;
+                pRoamInfo->beaconLength = pAssocInd->beaconLength;                
+                pRoamInfo->statusCode = eSIR_SME_SUCCESS; //send the status code as Success 
+                pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile = &pSession->connectedProfile;
+                    pRoamInfo->staId = (tANI_U8)pAssocInd->staId;
+                    pRoamInfo->rsnIELen = (tANI_U8)pAssocInd->rsnIE.length;
+                    pRoamInfo->prsnIE = pAssocInd->rsnIE.rsnIEdata;
+                pRoamInfo->addIELen = (tANI_U8)pAssocInd->addIE.length;
+                pRoamInfo->paddIE =  pAssocInd->addIE.addIEdata;
+                    palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pRoamInfo->peerMac, pAssocInd->peerMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+                    palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pRoamInfo->bssid, pAssocInd->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+                    pRoamInfo->wmmEnabledSta = pAssocInd->wmmEnabledSta;
+                    if(CSR_IS_WDS_AP( pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile))
+                        status = csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, pRoamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_WDS_IND, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_WDS_ASSOCIATION_IND);//Sta
+                    if(CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile))
+                    {
+                        if( CSR_IS_ENC_TYPE_STATIC( pSession->pCurRoamProfile->negotiatedUCEncryptionType ))
+                        {
+                            csrRoamIssueSetContextReq( pMac, sessionId, pSession->pCurRoamProfile->negotiatedUCEncryptionType, 
+                                    pSession->pConnectBssDesc,
+                                    &(pRoamInfo->peerMac),
+                                    FALSE, TRUE, eSIR_TX_RX, 0, 0, NULL, 0 ); // NO keys... these key parameters don't matter.
+                            pRoamInfo->fAuthRequired = FALSE;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            pRoamInfo->fAuthRequired = TRUE;
+                        }
+                        status = csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, pRoamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_INFRA_IND, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_INFRA_ASSOCIATION_IND);
+                        if (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                            pRoamInfo->statusCode = eSIR_SME_ASSOC_REFUSED;// Refused due to Mac filtering 
+                    }
+                    /* Send Association completion message to PE */
+                    status = csrSendAssocCnfMsg( pMac, pAssocInd, status );//Sta
+                    /* send a message to CSR itself just to avoid the EAPOL frames going
+                     * OTA before association response */
+                    if(CSR_IS_WDS_AP( pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile))
+                {
+                    status = csrSendAssocIndToUpperLayerCnfMsg(pMac, pAssocInd, status, sessionId);
+                }
+                else if(CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile) && (pRoamInfo->statusCode != eSIR_SME_ASSOC_REFUSED))
+                {
+                    pRoamInfo->fReassocReq = pAssocInd->reassocReq;
+                    //status = csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, pRoamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_INFRA_IND, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_INFRA_ASSOCIATION_CNF);
+                    status = csrSendAssocIndToUpperLayerCnfMsg(pMac, pAssocInd, status, sessionId);
+                }
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_IND:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("DISASSOCIATION Indication from MAC\n"));
+            // Check if AP dis-associated us because of MIC failure. If so,
+            // then we need to take action immediately and not wait till the
+            // the WmStatusChange requests is pushed and processed
+            pDisassocInd = (tSirSmeDisassocInd *)pSirMsg;
+            status = csrRoamGetSessionIdFromBSSID( pMac, (tCsrBssid *)pDisassocInd->bssId, &sessionId );
+            if( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+            {
+                // If we are in neighbor preauth done state then on receiving
+                // disassoc or deauth we dont roam instead we just disassoc
+                // from current ap and then go to disconnected state 
+                // This happens for CCX and 11r FT connections ONLY.
+                if (csrRoamIs11rAssoc(pMac) && (csrNeighborRoamStatePreauthDone(pMac)))
+                {
+                    csrNeighborRoamTranistionPreauthDoneToDisconnected(pMac);
+                }
+                if (csrRoamIsCCXAssoc(pMac) && (csrNeighborRoamStatePreauthDone(pMac)))
+                {
+                    csrNeighborRoamTranistionPreauthDoneToDisconnected(pMac);
+                }
+                pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+                if ( csrIsConnStateInfra( pMac, sessionId ) )
+                {
+                    pSession->connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_NOT_CONNECTED;
+                }
+                sme_QosCsrEventInd(pMac, (v_U8_t)sessionId, SME_QOS_CSR_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL);
+                csrRoamLinkDown(pMac, sessionId);
+                csrRoamIssueWmStatusChange( pMac, sessionId, eCsrDisassociated, pSirMsg );
+                if(CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(&pSession->connectedProfile))
+                {
+                    pRoamInfo = &roamInfo;
+                    pRoamInfo->statusCode = pDisassocInd->statusCode; 
+                    pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile = &pSession->connectedProfile;
+                    pRoamInfo->staId = (tANI_U8)pDisassocInd->staId;
+                    palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pRoamInfo->peerMac, pDisassocInd->peerMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+                    palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pRoamInfo->bssid, pDisassocInd->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+                    status = csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, pRoamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_INFRA_IND, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_DISASSOC_IND);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_IND:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("DEAUTHENTICATION Indication from MAC\n"));
+            pDeauthInd = (tpSirSmeDeauthInd)pSirMsg;
+            status = csrRoamGetSessionIdFromBSSID( pMac, (tCsrBssid *)pDeauthInd->bssId, &sessionId );
+            if( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+            {
+                // If we are in neighbor preauth done state then on receiving
+                // disassoc or deauth we dont roam instead we just disassoc
+                // from current ap and then go to disconnected state 
+                // This happens for CCX and 11r FT connections ONLY.
+                if (csrRoamIs11rAssoc(pMac) && (csrNeighborRoamStatePreauthDone(pMac)))
+                {
+                    csrNeighborRoamTranistionPreauthDoneToDisconnected(pMac);
+                }
+                if (csrRoamIsCCXAssoc(pMac) && (csrNeighborRoamStatePreauthDone(pMac)))
+                {
+                    csrNeighborRoamTranistionPreauthDoneToDisconnected(pMac);
+                }
+                pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+                if ( csrIsConnStateInfra( pMac, sessionId ) )
+                {
+                    pSession->connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_NOT_CONNECTED;
+                }
+                sme_QosCsrEventInd(pMac, (v_U8_t)sessionId, SME_QOS_CSR_DISCONNECT_IND, NULL);
+                csrRoamLinkDown(pMac, sessionId);
+                csrRoamIssueWmStatusChange( pMac, sessionId, eCsrDeauthenticated, pSirMsg );
+                if(CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(&pSession->connectedProfile))
+                {
+                    pRoamInfo = &roamInfo;
+                    pRoamInfo->statusCode = pDeauthInd->statusCode;
+                    pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile = &pSession->connectedProfile;
+                    pRoamInfo->staId = (tANI_U8)pDeauthInd->staId;
+                    palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pRoamInfo->peerMac, pDeauthInd->peerMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+                    palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pRoamInfo->bssid, pDeauthInd->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+                    status = csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, pRoamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_INFRA_IND, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_DEAUTH_IND);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_SWITCH_CHL_REQ:        // in case of STA, the SWITCH_CHANNEL originates from its AP
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("eWNI_SME_SWITCH_CHL_REQ from SME\n"));
+            pSwitchChnInd = (tpSirSmeSwitchChannelInd)pSirMsg;
+            //Update with the new channel id.
+            //The channel id is hidden in the statusCode.
+            status = csrRoamGetSessionIdFromBSSID( pMac, (tCsrBssid *)pSwitchChnInd->bssId, &sessionId );
+            if( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+            {
+                pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+                pSession->connectedProfile.operationChannel = (tANI_U8)pSwitchChnInd->newChannelId;
+                if(pSession->pConnectBssDesc)
+                {
+                    pSession->pConnectBssDesc->channelId = (tANI_U8)pSwitchChnInd->newChannelId;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_RSP:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_RSP from SME\n"));
+            {
+                tSirSmeDeauthRsp* pDeauthRsp = (tSirSmeDeauthRsp *)pSirMsg;
+                sessionId = pDeauthRsp->sessionId;
+                if( CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID(pMac, sessionId) )
+                {                    
+                    pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION(pMac, sessionId);
+                    if ( CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(&pSession->connectedProfile) )
+                    {
+                        pRoamInfo = &roamInfo;
+                        pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile = &pSession->connectedProfile;
+                        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pRoamInfo->peerMac, pDeauthRsp->peerMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+                        pRoamInfo->reasonCode = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FORCED;
+                        pRoamInfo->statusCode = pDeauthRsp->statusCode;
+                        status = csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, pRoamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_LOSTLINK, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FORCED);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_RSP:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_RSP from SME subState = %d\n"), pMac->roam.curSubState[sessionId]);
+            {
+                tSirSmeDisassocRsp *pDisassocRsp = (tSirSmeDisassocRsp *)pSirMsg;
+                sessionId = pDisassocRsp->sessionId;
+                if( CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID(pMac, sessionId) )
+                {                    
+                    pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION(pMac, sessionId);
+                    if ( CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(&pSession->connectedProfile) )
+                    {
+                        pRoamInfo = &roamInfo;
+                        pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile = &pSession->connectedProfile;
+                        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pRoamInfo->peerMac, pDisassocRsp->peerMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+                        pRoamInfo->reasonCode = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FORCED;
+                        pRoamInfo->statusCode = pDisassocRsp->statusCode;
+                        status = csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, pRoamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_LOSTLINK, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FORCED);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_MIC_FAILURE_IND:
+            {
+                tpSirSmeMicFailureInd pMicInd = (tpSirSmeMicFailureInd)pSirMsg;
+                tCsrRoamInfo roamInfo, *pRoamInfo = NULL;
+                eCsrRoamResult result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_MIC_ERROR_UNICAST;
+                {
+                    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+                    WLAN_VOS_DIAG_EVENT_DEF(secEvent, vos_event_wlan_security_payload_type);
+                    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &secEvent, sizeof(vos_event_wlan_security_payload_type));
+                    secEvent.eventId = WLAN_SECURITY_EVENT_MIC_ERROR;
+                    secEvent.encryptionModeMulticast = 
+                        (v_U8_t)diagEncTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.mcEncryptionType);
+                    secEvent.encryptionModeUnicast = 
+                        (v_U8_t)diagEncTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.EncryptionType);
+                    secEvent.authMode = 
+                        (v_U8_t)diagAuthTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.AuthType);
+                    palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, secEvent.bssid, pSession->connectedProfile.bssid, 6 );
+                    WLAN_VOS_DIAG_EVENT_REPORT(&secEvent, EVENT_WLAN_SECURITY);
+                }
+                status = csrRoamGetSessionIdFromBSSID( pMac, (tCsrBssid *)pMicInd->bssId, &sessionId );
+                if( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+                {
+                    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo));
+                    roamInfo.u.pMICFailureInfo = &pMicInd->info;
+                    pRoamInfo = &roamInfo;
+                    if(pMicInd->info.multicast)
+                    {
+                        result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_MIC_ERROR_GROUP;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_MIC_ERROR_UNICAST;
+                    }
+                    csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, pRoamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_MIC_ERROR_IND, result);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+            {
+                tpSirSmeProbeReqInd pProbeReqInd = (tpSirSmeProbeReqInd)pSirMsg;
+                tCsrRoamInfo roamInfo;
+                smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("WPS PBC Probe request Indication from SME\n"));
+                status = csrRoamGetSessionIdFromBSSID( pMac, (tCsrBssid *)pProbeReqInd->bssId, &sessionId );
+                if( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+                {
+                    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo));
+                    roamInfo.u.pWPSPBCProbeReq = &pProbeReqInd->WPSPBCProbeReq;
+                    csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_WPS_PBC_PROBE_REQ_IND, 
+                        eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_WPS_PBC_PROBE_REQ_IND);
+                }
+            }
+            break;        
+            pStatusChangeMsg = (tSirSmeWmStatusChangeNtf *)pSirMsg;
+            switch( pStatusChangeMsg->statusChangeCode ) 
+            {
+                case eSIR_SME_IBSS_ACTIVE:
+                    sessionId = csrFindIbssSession( pMac );
+                    if( CSR_SESSION_ID_INVALID != sessionId )
+                    {
+                        pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+                        pSession->connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_IBSS_CONNECTED;
+                        if(pSession->pConnectBssDesc)
+                        {
+                            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo.bssid, pSession->pConnectBssDesc->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+                            roamInfo.u.pConnectedProfile = &pSession->connectedProfile;
+                            pRoamInfo = &roamInfo;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, "  CSR eSIR_SME_IBSS_NEW_PEER connected BSS is empty\n");
+                        }
+                        result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_IBSS_CONNECT;
+                        roamStatus = eCSR_ROAM_CONNECT_STATUS_UPDATE;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case eSIR_SME_IBSS_INACTIVE:
+                    sessionId = csrFindIbssSession( pMac );
+                    if( CSR_SESSION_ID_INVALID != sessionId )
+                    {
+                        pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+                        pSession->connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_IBSS_DISCONNECTED;
+                        result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_IBSS_INACTIVE;
+                        roamStatus = eCSR_ROAM_CONNECT_STATUS_UPDATE;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case eSIR_SME_JOINED_NEW_BSS:    // IBSS coalescing.
+                    sessionId = csrFindIbssSession( pMac );
+                    if( CSR_SESSION_ID_INVALID != sessionId )
+                    {
+                        pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+                        // update the connection state information
+                        pNewBss = &pStatusChangeMsg->statusChangeInfo.newBssInfo;
+                        {
+                            vos_log_ibss_pkt_type *pIbssLog;
+                            tANI_U32 bi;
+                            WLAN_VOS_DIAG_LOG_ALLOC(pIbssLog, vos_log_ibss_pkt_type, LOG_WLAN_IBSS_C);
+                            if(pIbssLog)
+                            {
+                                pIbssLog->eventId = WLAN_IBSS_EVENT_COALESCING;
+                                if(pNewBss)
+                                {
+                                    palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIbssLog->bssid, pNewBss->bssId, 6);
+                                    if(pNewBss->ssId.length)
+                                    {
+                                        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIbssLog->ssid, pNewBss->ssId.ssId, pNewBss->ssId.length);
+                                    }
+                                    pIbssLog->operatingChannel = pNewBss->channelNumber;
+                                }
+                                if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(ccmCfgGetInt(pMac, WNI_CFG_BEACON_INTERVAL, &bi)))
+                                {
+                                    //***U8 is not enough for beacon interval
+                                    pIbssLog->beaconInterval = (v_U8_t)bi;
+                                }
+                                WLAN_VOS_DIAG_LOG_REPORT(pIbssLog);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        csrRoamUpdateConnectedProfileFromNewBss( pMac, sessionId, pNewBss );
+                        csrRoamIssueSetContextReq( pMac, sessionId, pSession->connectedProfile.EncryptionType, 
+                                                    pSession->pConnectBssDesc,
+                                                &Broadcastaddr,
+                                                FALSE, FALSE, eSIR_TX_RX, 0, 0, NULL, 0 );
+                        result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_IBSS_COALESCED;
+                        roamStatus = eCSR_ROAM_IBSS_IND;
+                        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo.bssid, &pNewBss->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+                        pRoamInfo = &roamInfo;
+                        //This BSSID is th ereal BSSID, let's save it
+                        if(pSession->pConnectBssDesc)
+                        {
+                            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pConnectBssDesc->bssId, &pNewBss->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+                        }
+                        // Stop the join IBSS timer in case of join, for 
+                        // genuine merge do nothing
+                        if(pSession->ibss_join_pending)
+                        {
+                           pSession->ibss_join_pending = FALSE;
+                           csrRoamStopIbssJoinTimer(pMac, sessionId);
+                           result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_IBSS_JOIN_SUCCESS;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "CSR:  eSIR_SME_JOINED_NEW_BSS received from PE\n");
+                    break;
+                // detection by LIM that the capabilities of the associated AP have changed.
+                case eSIR_SME_AP_CAPS_CHANGED:
+                    pApNewCaps = &pStatusChangeMsg->statusChangeInfo.apNewCaps;
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "CSR handling eSIR_SME_AP_CAPS_CHANGED\n");
+                    status = csrRoamGetSessionIdFromBSSID( pMac, (tCsrBssid *)pApNewCaps->bssId, &sessionId );
+                    if( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+                    {
+                    csrScanForCapabilityChange( pMac, pApNewCaps );
+                    result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_CAP_CHANGED;
+                    roamStatus = eCSR_ROAM_GEN_INFO;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    roamStatus = eCSR_ROAM_FAILED;
+                    result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE;
+                    break;
+            }  // end switch on statusChangeCode
+            if(eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE != result)
+            {
+                csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, pRoamInfo, 0, roamStatus, result);
+            }
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_IBSS_NEW_PEER_IND:
+            pIbssPeerInd = (tSmeIbssPeerInd *)pSirMsg;
+            {
+                vos_log_ibss_pkt_type *pIbssLog;
+                WLAN_VOS_DIAG_LOG_ALLOC(pIbssLog, vos_log_ibss_pkt_type, LOG_WLAN_IBSS_C);
+                if(pIbssLog)
+                {
+                    pIbssLog->eventId = WLAN_IBSS_EVENT_PEER_JOIN;
+                    palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIbssLog->peerMacAddr, &pIbssPeerInd->peerAddr, 6);
+                    WLAN_VOS_DIAG_LOG_REPORT(pIbssLog);
+                }
+            }
+            sessionId = csrFindIbssSession( pMac );
+            if( CSR_SESSION_ID_INVALID != sessionId )
+            {
+                pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+            // Issue the set Context request to LIM to establish the Unicast STA context for the new peer...
+                if(pSession->pConnectBssDesc)
+                {
+                    palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo.peerMac, pIbssPeerInd->peerAddr, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+                    palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo.bssid, pSession->pConnectBssDesc->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+                    if(pIbssPeerInd->mesgLen > sizeof(tSmeIbssPeerInd))
+                    {
+                        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&roamInfo.pbFrames, 
+                                                (pIbssPeerInd->mesgLen - sizeof(tSmeIbssPeerInd)));
+                        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                        {
+                            roamInfo.nBeaconLength = (pIbssPeerInd->mesgLen - sizeof(tSmeIbssPeerInd));
+                            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, roamInfo.pbFrames, ((tANI_U8 *)pIbssPeerInd) + sizeof(tSmeIbssPeerInd),
+                                                roamInfo.nBeaconLength);
+                        }
+                        roamInfo.staId = (tANI_U8)pIbssPeerInd->staId;
+                        roamInfo.ucastSig = (tANI_U8)pIbssPeerInd->ucastSig;
+                        roamInfo.bcastSig = (tANI_U8)pIbssPeerInd->bcastSig;
+                        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&roamInfo.pBssDesc, 
+                                                pSession->pConnectBssDesc->length);
+                        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                        {
+                            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, roamInfo.pBssDesc, pSession->pConnectBssDesc, 
+                                                pSession->pConnectBssDesc->length);
+                        }
+                        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                        {
+                            pRoamInfo = &roamInfo;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            if(roamInfo.pbFrames)
+                            {
+                                palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, roamInfo.pbFrames);
+                            }
+                            if(roamInfo.pBssDesc)
+                            {
+                                palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, roamInfo.pBssDesc);
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        pRoamInfo = &roamInfo;
+                    }
+                        csrRoamIssueSetContextReq( pMac, sessionId, pSession->connectedProfile.EncryptionType, 
+                                            pSession->pConnectBssDesc,
+                                            &(pIbssPeerInd->peerAddr),
+                                            FALSE, TRUE, eSIR_TX_RX, 0, 0, NULL, 0 ); // NO keys... these key parameters don't matter.
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "  CSR eSIR_SME_IBSS_NEW_PEER connected BSS is empty\n");
+                }
+                //send up the sec type for the new peer
+                if (pRoamInfo)
+                {
+                    pRoamInfo->u.pConnectedProfile = &pSession->connectedProfile;
+                }
+                csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, pRoamInfo, 0, 
+                if(pRoamInfo)
+                {
+                    if(roamInfo.pbFrames)
+                    {
+                        palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, roamInfo.pbFrames);
+                    }
+                    if(roamInfo.pBssDesc)
+                    {
+                        palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, roamInfo.pBssDesc);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+            pIbssPeerInd = (tSmeIbssPeerInd*)pSirMsg;
+            sessionId = csrFindIbssSession( pMac );
+            if( CSR_SESSION_ID_INVALID != sessionId )
+            {
+                {
+                    vos_log_ibss_pkt_type *pIbssLog;
+                    WLAN_VOS_DIAG_LOG_ALLOC(pIbssLog, vos_log_ibss_pkt_type, LOG_WLAN_IBSS_C);
+                    if(pIbssLog)
+                    {
+                        pIbssLog->eventId = WLAN_IBSS_EVENT_PEER_LEAVE;
+                        if(pIbssPeerInd)
+                        {
+                            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIbssLog->peerMacAddr, &pIbssPeerInd->peerAddr, 6);
+                        }
+                        WLAN_VOS_DIAG_LOG_REPORT(pIbssLog);
+                    }
+                }
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "CSR: Peer departed notification from LIM\n");
+                roamInfo.staId = (tANI_U8)pIbssPeerInd->staId;
+                roamInfo.ucastSig = (tANI_U8)pIbssPeerInd->ucastSig;
+                roamInfo.bcastSig = (tANI_U8)pIbssPeerInd->bcastSig;
+                palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo.peerMac, pIbssPeerInd->peerAddr, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+                csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, 0, 
+            }
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_SETCONTEXT_RSP:
+            {
+                tSirSmeSetContextRsp *pRsp = (tSirSmeSetContextRsp *)pSirMsg;
+                tListElem *pEntry;
+                tSmeCmd *pCommand;
+                pEntry = csrLLPeekHead( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK );
+                if ( pEntry )
+                {
+                    pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link );
+                    if ( eSmeCommandSetKey == pCommand->command )
+                    {                
+                        sessionId = pCommand->sessionId;        
+                        pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+                        if(eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_NONE != pSession->connectedProfile.EncryptionType)
+                        {
+                            WLAN_VOS_DIAG_EVENT_DEF(setKeyEvent, vos_event_wlan_security_payload_type);
+                            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &setKeyEvent, sizeof(vos_event_wlan_security_payload_type));
+                            if( pRsp->peerMacAddr[0] & 0x01 )
+                            {
+                                setKeyEvent.eventId = WLAN_SECURITY_EVENT_SET_GTK_RSP;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                setKeyEvent.eventId = WLAN_SECURITY_EVENT_SET_PTK_RSP;
+                            }
+                            setKeyEvent.encryptionModeMulticast = 
+                                (v_U8_t)diagEncTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.mcEncryptionType);
+                            setKeyEvent.encryptionModeUnicast = 
+                                (v_U8_t)diagEncTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.EncryptionType);
+                            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, setKeyEvent.bssid, pSession->connectedProfile.bssid, 6 );
+                            setKeyEvent.authMode = 
+                                (v_U8_t)diagAuthTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.AuthType);
+                            if( eSIR_SUCCESS != pRsp->statusCode )
+                            {
+                                setKeyEvent.status = WLAN_SECURITY_STATUS_FAILURE;
+                            }
+                            WLAN_VOS_DIAG_EVENT_REPORT(&setKeyEvent, EVENT_WLAN_SECURITY);
+                        }
+                        if( CSR_IS_WAIT_FOR_KEY( pMac, sessionId) )
+                        {
+                            //We are done with authentication, whethere succeed or not
+                            csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_NONE, sessionId);
+                            csrRoamStopWaitForKeyTimer( pMac );
+                            //We do it here because this linkup function is not called after association 
+                            //when a key needs to be set. 
+                            if( csrIsConnStateConnectedInfra(pMac, sessionId) ) 
+                            {
+                                csrRoamLinkUp(pMac, pSession->connectedProfile.bssid);
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if( eSIR_SUCCESS == pRsp->statusCode )
+                        {
+                            palCopyMemory( pMac, &roamInfo.peerMac, &pRsp->peerMacAddr, sizeof(tCsrBssid) );
+                            //Make sure we install the GTK before indicating to HDD as authenticated
+                            //This is to prevent broadcast packets go out after PTK and before GTK.
+                            if( palEqualMemory( pMac->hHdd, &Broadcastaddr, pRsp->peerMacAddr, 
+                                        sizeof(tSirMacAddr) ) )
+                            {
+                                result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_AUTHENTICATED;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                            result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE;
+                            }
+                            pRoamInfo = &roamInfo;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FAILURE;
+                            smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "CSR: Roam Completion setkey command failed(%d) PeerMac %02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X...\n", 
+                                pRsp->statusCode, pRsp->peerMacAddr[0], pRsp->peerMacAddr[1], pRsp->peerMacAddr[2],
+                                pRsp->peerMacAddr[3], pRsp->peerMacAddr[4], pRsp->peerMacAddr[5] );
+                        }
+                        csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.roamId, 
+                                            eCSR_ROAM_SET_KEY_COMPLETE, result);
+                        // Indicate SME_QOS that the SET_KEY is completed, so that SME_QOS
+                        // can go ahead and initiate the TSPEC if any are pending
+                        sme_QosCsrEventInd(pMac, (v_U8_t)sessionId, SME_QOS_CSR_SET_KEY_SUCCESS_IND, NULL);
+                        //Send Adjacent AP repot to new AP.
+                        if (result == eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_AUTHENTICATED &&
+                            pSession->isPrevApInfoValid && 
+                            pSession->connectedProfile.isCCXAssoc)
+                        {
+                            csrCcxSendAdjacentApRepMsg(pMac, pSession);
+                            pSession->isPrevApInfoValid = FALSE;
+                        }
+                        if( csrLLRemoveEntry( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_LOCK ) )
+                        {
+                            csrReleaseCommandSetKey( pMac, pCommand );
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "CSR: Roam Completion called but setkey command is not ACTIVE ...\n" );
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    smsLog( pMac, LOGE, "CSR: SetKey Completion called but NO commands are ACTIVE ...\n" );
+                }
+                smeProcessPendingQueue( pMac );
+            }
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_REMOVEKEY_RSP:
+            {
+                tSirSmeRemoveKeyRsp *pRsp = (tSirSmeRemoveKeyRsp *)pSirMsg;
+                tListElem *pEntry;
+                tSmeCmd *pCommand;
+                pEntry = csrLLPeekHead( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK );
+                if ( pEntry )
+                {
+                    pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link );
+                    if ( eSmeCommandRemoveKey == pCommand->command )
+                    {                
+                        sessionId = pCommand->sessionId;
+                        pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+                        {
+                            WLAN_VOS_DIAG_EVENT_DEF(removeKeyEvent, vos_event_wlan_security_payload_type);
+                            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &removeKeyEvent, sizeof(vos_event_wlan_security_payload_type));
+                            removeKeyEvent.eventId = WLAN_SECURITY_EVENT_REMOVE_KEY_RSP;
+                            removeKeyEvent.encryptionModeMulticast = 
+                                (v_U8_t)diagEncTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.mcEncryptionType);
+                            removeKeyEvent.encryptionModeUnicast = 
+                                (v_U8_t)diagEncTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.EncryptionType);
+                            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, removeKeyEvent.bssid, pSession->connectedProfile.bssid, 6 );
+                            removeKeyEvent.authMode = 
+                                (v_U8_t)diagAuthTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.AuthType);
+                            if( eSIR_SUCCESS != pRsp->statusCode )
+                            {
+                                removeKeyEvent.status = WLAN_SECURITY_STATUS_FAILURE;
+                            }
+                            WLAN_VOS_DIAG_EVENT_REPORT(&removeKeyEvent, EVENT_WLAN_SECURITY);
+                        }
+                        if( eSIR_SUCCESS == pRsp->statusCode )
+                        {
+                            palCopyMemory( pMac, &roamInfo.peerMac, &pRsp->peerMacAddr, sizeof(tCsrBssid) );
+                            result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE;
+                            pRoamInfo = &roamInfo;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FAILURE;
+                        }
+                        csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, pCommand->u.setKeyCmd.roamId, 
+                                            eCSR_ROAM_REMOVE_KEY_COMPLETE, result);
+                        if( csrLLRemoveEntry( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_LOCK ) )
+                        {
+                            csrReleaseCommandRemoveKey( pMac, pCommand );
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "CSR: Roam Completion called but setkey command is not ACTIVE ...\n" );
+                    }
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "CSR: SetKey Completion called but NO commands are ACTIVE ...\n" );
+                }
+                smeProcessPendingQueue( pMac );
+            }
+            break;
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("Stats rsp from PE\n"));
+            csrRoamStatsRspProcessor( pMac, pSirMsg );
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_GET_RSSI_REQ:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("GetRssiReq from self\n"));
+            csrUpdateRssi( pMac, pSirMsg );
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_FT_PRE_AUTH_RSP:
+            csrRoamFTPreAuthRspProcessor( pMac, (tpSirFTPreAuthRsp)pSirMsg );
+            break;
+            pSmeMaxAssocInd = (tSmeMaxAssocInd*)pSirMsg;
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("send indication that max assoc have been reached and the new peer cannot be accepted\n"));          
+            sessionId = pSmeMaxAssocInd->sessionId;
+            roamInfo.sessionId = sessionId;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo.peerMac, pSmeMaxAssocInd->peerMac, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+            csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, 0, 
+            break;
+        case eWNI_SME_BTAMP_LOG_LINK_IND:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("Establish logical link req from HCI serialized through MC thread\n"));
+            btampEstablishLogLinkHdlr( pSirMsg );
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }  // end switch on message type
+void csrCallRoamingCompletionCallback(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrRoamSession *pSession, 
+                                      tCsrRoamInfo *pRoamInfo, tANI_U32 roamId, eCsrRoamResult roamResult)
+   if(pSession)
+   {
+      if(pSession->bRefAssocStartCnt)
+      {
+         pSession->bRefAssocStartCnt--;
+         VOS_ASSERT( pSession->bRefAssocStartCnt == 0);
+         //Need to call association_completion because there is an assoc_start pending.
+         csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, pSession->sessionId, NULL, roamId, 
+                                               eCSR_ROAM_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION, 
+                                               eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_FAILURE);
+      }
+      csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, pSession->sessionId, pRoamInfo, roamId, eCSR_ROAM_ROAMING_COMPLETION, roamResult);
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("  pSession is NULL"));
+   }
+eHalStatus csrRoamStartRoaming(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, eCsrRoamingReason roamingReason)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    if(CSR_IS_LOSTLINK_ROAMING(roamingReason) && 
+        (eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE == pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].fCancelRoaming))
+    {
+        status = csrScanRequestLostLink1( pMac, sessionId );
+    }
+    return(status);
+//return a boolean to indicate whether roaming completed or continue.
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrRoamCompleteRoaming(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, 
+                                    tANI_BOOLEAN fForce, eCsrRoamResult roamResult)
+    tANI_TIMESTAMP roamTime = (tANI_TIMESTAMP)(pMac->roam.configParam.nRoamingTime * PAL_TICKS_PER_SECOND);
+    tANI_TIMESTAMP curTime = (tANI_TIMESTAMP)palGetTickCount(pMac->hHdd);
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    //Check whether time is up
+    if(pSession->fCancelRoaming || fForce || 
+       ((curTime - pSession->roamingStartTime) > roamTime) ||
+       eCsrReassocRoaming == pSession->roamingReason ||
+       eCsrDynamicRoaming == pSession->roamingReason)
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("  indicates roaming completion\n"));
+        if(pSession->fCancelRoaming && CSR_IS_LOSTLINK_ROAMING(pSession->roamingReason))
+        {
+            //roaming is cancelled, tell HDD to indicate disconnect
+            //Because LIM overload deauth_ind for both deauth frame and missed beacon
+            //we need to use this logic to detinguish it. For missed beacon, LIM set reason
+            //to be eSIR_BEACON_MISSED
+            if(eSIR_BEACON_MISSED == pSession->roamingStatusCode)
+            {
+                roamResult = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_LOSTLINK;
+            }
+            else if(eCsrLostlinkRoamingDisassoc == pSession->roamingReason)
+            {
+                roamResult = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_DISASSOC_IND;
+            }
+            else if(eCsrLostlinkRoamingDeauth == pSession->roamingReason)
+            {
+                roamResult = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_DEAUTH_IND;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                roamResult = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_LOSTLINK;
+            }
+        }
+        csrCallRoamingCompletionCallback(pMac, pSession, NULL, 0, roamResult);
+        pSession->roamingReason = eCsrNotRoaming;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        pSession->roamResult = roamResult;
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrRoamStartRoamingTimer(pMac, sessionId, PAL_TIMER_TO_SEC_UNIT)))
+        {
+            csrCallRoamingCompletionCallback(pMac, pSession, NULL, 0, roamResult);
+            pSession->roamingReason = eCsrNotRoaming;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            fCompleted = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+        }
+    }
+    return(fCompleted);
+void csrRoamCancelRoaming(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if(CSR_IS_ROAMING(pSession))
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "   Cancelling roaming\n");
+        pSession->fCancelRoaming = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+        if(CSR_IS_ROAM_JOINING(pMac, sessionId) && CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_CONFIG(pMac, sessionId))
+        {
+            //No need to do anything in here because the handler takes care of it
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            eCsrRoamResult roamResult = CSR_IS_LOSTLINK_ROAMING(pSession->roamingReason) ? 
+                                                    eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_LOSTLINK : eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE;
+            //Roaming is stopped after here 
+            csrRoamCompleteRoaming(pMac, sessionId, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE, roamResult);
+            //Since CSR may be in lostlink roaming situation, abort all roaming related activities
+            csrScanAbortMacScan(pMac);
+            csrRoamStopRoamingTimer(pMac, sessionId);
+        }
+    }
+void csrRoamRoamingTimerHandler(void *pv)
+    tCsrTimerInfo *pInfo = (tCsrTimerInfo *)pv;
+    tpAniSirGlobal pMac = pInfo->pMac;
+    tANI_U32 sessionId = pInfo->sessionId;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if(eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE == pSession->fCancelRoaming) 
+    {
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrRoamStartRoaming(pMac, sessionId, pSession->roamingReason)))
+        {
+            csrCallRoamingCompletionCallback(pMac, pSession, NULL, 0, pSession->roamResult);
+            pSession->roamingReason = eCsrNotRoaming;
+        }
+    }
+eHalStatus csrRoamStartRoamingTimer(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tANI_U32 interval)
+    eHalStatus status;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    smsLog(pMac, LOG1, " csrScanStartRoamingTimer \n ");
+    pSession->roamingTimerInfo.sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+    status = palTimerStart(pMac->hHdd, pSession->hTimerRoaming, interval, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamStopRoamingTimer(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+    return (palTimerStop(pMac->hHdd, pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].hTimerRoaming));
+void csrRoamWaitForKeyTimeOutHandler(void *pv)
+    tCsrTimerInfo *pInfo = (tCsrTimerInfo *)pv;
+    tpAniSirGlobal pMac = pInfo->pMac;
+    if( CSR_IS_WAIT_FOR_KEY( pMac, pInfo->sessionId ) )
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGW, " SME pre-auth state timeout. \n ");
+        //Change the substate so command queue is unblocked.
+        csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_NONE, pInfo->sessionId);
+    }
+eHalStatus csrRoamStartWaitForKeyTimer(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 interval)
+    eHalStatus status;
+    smsLog(pMac, LOG1, " csrScanStartWaitForKeyTimer \n ");
+    status = palTimerStart(pMac->hHdd, pMac->roam.hTimerWaitForKey, interval, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamStopWaitForKeyTimer(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+    return (palTimerStop(pMac->hHdd, pMac->roam.hTimerWaitForKey));
+void csrRoamIbssJoinTimerHandler(void *pv)
+    tCsrTimerInfo *pInfo = (tCsrTimerInfo *)pv;
+    tpAniSirGlobal pMac = pInfo->pMac;
+    eCsrRoamDisconnectReason reason = eCSR_DISCONNECT_REASON_IBSS_JOIN_FAILURE;
+    tANI_U32 sessionId = pInfo->sessionId;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    pSession->ibss_join_pending = FALSE;
+    // JEZ100225:  As of main/latest "tip", we are no longer doing this. Check on this.
+    //csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, NULL, 0, eCSR_ROAM_IBS_IND, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_IBSS_JOIN_FAILED);
+    // Send an IBSS stop request to PE
+    csrRoamDisconnectInternal(pMac, sessionId, reason);
+eHalStatus csrRoamStartIbssJoinTimer(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tANI_U32 interval)
+    eHalStatus status;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    smsLog(pMac, LOG1, " csrRoamStartIbssJoinTimer \n ");
+    pSession->ibssJoinTimerInfo.sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+    status = palTimerStart(pMac->hHdd, pSession->hTimerIbssJoining, interval, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamStopIbssJoinTimer(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+    return (palTimerStop(pMac->hHdd, pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].hTimerIbssJoining));
+void csrRoamCompletion(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamInfo *pRoamInfo, tSmeCmd *pCommand, 
+                        eCsrRoamResult roamResult, tANI_BOOLEAN fSuccess)
+    eRoamCmdStatus roamStatus = csrGetRoamCompleteStatus(pMac, sessionId);
+    tANI_U32 roamId = 0;
+    if(pCommand)
+    {
+        roamId = pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamId;
+#if defined(VOSS_ENABLED)
+        VOS_ASSERT( sessionId == pCommand->sessionId );
+    }
+    if(eCSR_ROAM_ROAMING_COMPLETION == roamStatus)
+    {
+        //if success, force roaming completion
+        csrRoamCompleteRoaming(pMac, sessionId, fSuccess, roamResult);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        VOS_ASSERT((CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId ))->bRefAssocStartCnt == 0);
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("  indicates association completion. roamResult = %d\n"), roamResult);
+        csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, pRoamInfo, roamId, roamStatus, roamResult);
+    }
+eHalStatus csrRoamLostLink( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tANI_U32 type, tSirSmeRsp *pSirMsg)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSirSmeDeauthInd *pDeauthIndMsg = NULL;
+    tSirSmeDisassocInd *pDisassocIndMsg = NULL;
+    eCsrRoamResult result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_LOSTLINK;
+    tCsrRoamInfo *pRoamInfo = NULL;
+    tCsrRoamInfo roamInfo;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    //Only need to roam for infra station. In this case P2P client will roam as well
+    tANI_BOOLEAN fToRoam = CSR_IS_INFRASTRUCTURE(&pSession->connectedProfile);
+    pSession->fCancelRoaming = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    if ( eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_IND == type )
+    {
+        result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_DISASSOC_IND;
+        pDisassocIndMsg = (tSirSmeDisassocInd *)pSirMsg;
+        pSession->roamingStatusCode = pDisassocIndMsg->statusCode;
+    }
+    else if ( eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_IND == type )
+    {
+        result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_DEAUTH_IND;
+        pDeauthIndMsg = (tSirSmeDeauthInd *)pSirMsg;
+        pSession->roamingStatusCode = pDeauthIndMsg->statusCode;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("gets an unknown type (%d)\n"), type);
+        result = eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE;
+    }
+    // call profile lost link routine here
+    if(!CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(&pSession->connectedProfile))
+    {
+        csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, NULL, 0, eCSR_ROAM_LOSTLINK_DETECTED, result);
+    }
+    if ( eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_IND == type )
+    {
+        status = csrSendMBDisassocCnfMsg(pMac, pDisassocIndMsg);
+    }
+    else if ( eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_IND == type )
+    {
+        status = csrSendMBDeauthCnfMsg(pMac, pDeauthIndMsg);
+    }
+    if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+    {
+       //If fail to send confirmation to PE, not to trigger roaming
+       fToRoam = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    }
+    //tell HDD to disconnect
+    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo));
+    roamInfo.statusCode = (tSirResultCodes)pSession->roamingStatusCode;
+    roamInfo.reasonCode = pSession->joinFailStatusCode.reasonCode;
+    if( eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_IND == type)
+    {
+        //staMacAddr
+        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, roamInfo.peerMac, pDisassocIndMsg->peerMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+        roamInfo.staId = (tANI_U8)pDisassocIndMsg->staId;
+    }
+    else if( eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_IND == type )
+    {
+        //staMacAddr
+        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, roamInfo.peerMac, pDeauthIndMsg->peerMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+        roamInfo.staId = (tANI_U8)pDeauthIndMsg->staId;
+    }
+    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("roamInfo.staId (%d)\n"), roamInfo.staId);
+    csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_LOSTLINK, result);
+    if(fToRoam)
+    {
+        //Only remove the connected BSS in infrastructure mode
+        csrRoamRemoveConnectedBssFromScanCache(pMac, &pSession->connectedProfile);
+        //Not to do anying for lostlink with WDS
+        if( pMac->roam.configParam.nRoamingTime )
+        {
+            if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status = csrRoamStartRoaming(pMac, sessionId,
+                        ( eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_IND == type ) ? 
+                        eCsrLostlinkRoamingDeauth : eCsrLostlinkRoamingDisassoc)))
+            {
+                palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo));
+                //For IBSS, we need to give some more info to HDD
+                if(csrIsBssTypeIBSS(pSession->connectedProfile.BSSType))
+                {
+                    roamInfo.u.pConnectedProfile = &pSession->connectedProfile;
+                    roamInfo.statusCode = (tSirResultCodes)pSession->roamingStatusCode;
+                    roamInfo.reasonCode = pSession->joinFailStatusCode.reasonCode;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                   roamInfo.reasonCode = eCsrRoamReasonSmeIssuedForLostLink;
+                }
+                pRoamInfo = &roamInfo;
+                pSession->roamingReason = ( eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_IND == type ) ? 
+                        eCsrLostlinkRoamingDeauth : eCsrLostlinkRoamingDisassoc;
+                pSession->roamingStartTime = (tANI_TIMESTAMP)palGetTickCount(pMac->hHdd);
+                csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, pRoamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_ROAMING_START, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_LOSTLINK);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGW, " %s Fail to start roaming, status = %d", __FUNCTION__, status);
+                fToRoam = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            //We are told not to roam, indicate lostlink
+            fToRoam = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+        }
+    }
+    if(!fToRoam)
+    {
+       if( eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_IND == type)
+       {
+           //staMacAddr
+           palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, roamInfo.peerMac, pDisassocIndMsg->peerMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+           roamInfo.staId = (tANI_U8)pDisassocIndMsg->staId;
+       }
+       else if( eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_IND == type )
+       {
+           //staMacAddr
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, roamInfo.peerMac, pDeauthIndMsg->peerMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+            roamInfo.staId = (tANI_U8)pDeauthIndMsg->staId;
+        }
+        csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, 0, eCSR_ROAM_LOSTLINK, result);
+        /*No need to start idle scan in case of IBSS/SAP 
+         Still enable idle scan for polling in case concurrent sessions are running */
+        if(CSR_IS_INFRASTRUCTURE(&pSession->connectedProfile))
+        {
+           csrScanStartIdleScan(pMac);
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamLostLinkAfterhandoffFailure( tpAniSirGlobal pMac,tANI_U32 sessionId)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tListElem *pEntry = NULL;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand = NULL;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    pSession->fCancelRoaming =  eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    //Only remove the connected BSS in infrastructure mode
+    csrRoamRemoveConnectedBssFromScanCache(pMac, &pSession->connectedProfile);
+    if(pMac->roam.configParam.nRoamingTime)
+    {
+       if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status = csrRoamStartRoaming(pMac,sessionId, pSession->roamingReason)))
+       {
+          //before starting the lost link logic release the roam command for handoff
+          pEntry = csrLLPeekHead(&pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK);
+          if(pEntry)
+          {
+              pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR(pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link);
+          }
+          if(pCommand)
+          {
+             if (( eSmeCommandRoam == pCommand->command ) &&
+                 ( eCsrSmeIssuedAssocToSimilarAP == pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason))
+             {
+                 if( csrLLRemoveEntry( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_LOCK ) )
+                 {
+                    csrReleaseCommandRoam( pMac, pCommand );
+                 }
+             }
+          }
+          smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "Lost link roaming started ...\n");
+       }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       //We are told not to roam, indicate lostlink
+       status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    }
+    return (status);
+void csrRoamWmStatusChangeComplete( tpAniSirGlobal pMac )
+    tListElem *pEntry;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand;
+    pEntry = csrLLPeekHead( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK );
+    if ( pEntry )
+    {
+        pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link );
+        if ( eSmeCommandWmStatusChange == pCommand->command )
+        {
+            // Nothing to process in a Lost Link completion....  It just kicks off a
+            // roaming sequence.
+            if( csrLLRemoveEntry( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_LOCK ) )
+            {
+                csrReleaseCommandWmStatusChange( pMac, pCommand );            
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                smsLog( pMac, LOGE, " ******csrRoamWmStatusChangeComplete fail to release command\n");
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "CSR: WmStatusChange Completion called but LOST LINK command is not ACTIVE ...\n" );
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGW, "CSR: WmStatusChange Completion called but NO commands are ACTIVE ...\n" );
+    }
+    smeProcessPendingQueue( pMac );
+void csrRoamProcessWmStatusChangeCommand( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    tSirSmeRsp *pSirSmeMsg;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, pCommand->sessionId );
+    switch ( pCommand->u.wmStatusChangeCmd.Type )
+    {
+        case eCsrDisassociated:
+            pSirSmeMsg = (tSirSmeRsp *)&pCommand->u.wmStatusChangeCmd.u.DisassocIndMsg;
+            status = csrRoamLostLink(pMac, pCommand->sessionId, eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_IND, pSirSmeMsg);
+            break;
+        case eCsrDeauthenticated:
+            pSirSmeMsg = (tSirSmeRsp *)&pCommand->u.wmStatusChangeCmd.u.DeauthIndMsg;
+            status = csrRoamLostLink(pMac, pCommand->sessionId, eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_IND, pSirSmeMsg);
+            break;
+        default:
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL("gets an unknown command %d\n"), pCommand->u.wmStatusChangeCmd.Type);
+            break;
+    }
+    //For WDS, we want to stop BSS as well when it is indicated that it is disconnected.
+    if( CSR_IS_CONN_WDS(&pSession->connectedProfile) )
+    {
+        if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrRoamIssueStopBssCmd( pMac, pCommand->sessionId, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE )) )
+        {
+            //This is not good
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("  failed to issue stopBSS command\n"));
+        }
+    }
+    // Lost Link just triggers a roaming sequence.  We can complte the Lost Link
+    // command here since there is nothing else to do.
+    csrRoamWmStatusChangeComplete( pMac );
+//This function returns band and mode information.
+//The only tricky part is that if phyMode is set to 11abg, this function may return eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11B
+//instead of eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11G if everything is set to auto-pick.
+static eCsrCfgDot11Mode csrRoamGetPhyModeBandForBss( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, 
+                                                     tANI_U8 operationChn, eCsrBand *pBand )
+static eCsrCfgDot11Mode csrRoamGetPhyModeBandForBss( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, eCsrPhyMode phyModeIn, 
+                                                     tANI_U8 operationChn, eCsrBand *pBand )
+    eCsrPhyMode phyModeIn = (eCsrPhyMode)pProfile->phyMode;
+    eCsrCfgDot11Mode cfgDot11Mode = csrGetCfgDot11ModeFromCsrPhyMode(pProfile, phyModeIn, 
+                                            pMac->roam.configParam.ProprietaryRatesEnabled);
+    eCsrCfgDot11Mode cfgDot11Mode = csrGetCfgDot11ModeFromCsrPhyMode(phyModeIn, 
+                                            pMac->roam.configParam.ProprietaryRatesEnabled);
+    eCsrBand eBand;
+    //If the global setting for dot11Mode is set to auto/abg, we overwrite the setting in the profile.
+    if( ((!CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(pProfile )&& !CSR_IS_WDS(pProfile )) && 
+         ((eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_AUTO == pMac->roam.configParam.uCfgDot11Mode) ||
+         (eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_ABG == pMac->roam.configParam.uCfgDot11Mode))) ||
+        (eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_AUTO == cfgDot11Mode) || (eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_ABG == cfgDot11Mode) )
+    if( (eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_AUTO == pMac->roam.configParam.uCfgDot11Mode) ||
+        (eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_ABG == pMac->roam.configParam.uCfgDot11Mode) ||
+        (eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_AUTO == cfgDot11Mode) || (eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_ABG == cfgDot11Mode) )
+    {
+        switch( pMac->roam.configParam.uCfgDot11Mode )
+        {
+            case eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11A:
+                cfgDot11Mode = eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11A;
+                eBand = eCSR_BAND_5G;
+                break;
+            case eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11B:
+                cfgDot11Mode = eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11B;
+                eBand = eCSR_BAND_24;
+                break;
+            case eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11G:
+                cfgDot11Mode = eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11G;
+                eBand = eCSR_BAND_24;
+                break;            
+            case eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11N:
+                cfgDot11Mode = eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11N;
+                eBand = eCSR_BAND_24;
+                break;            
+            //case eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_BEST:
+            //    cfgDot11Mode = eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_BEST;
+            //    eBand = eCSR_BAND_24;
+            //    break;            
+            default:
+                // Global dot11 Mode setting is 11a/b/g.
+                // use the channel number to determine the Mode setting.
+                if ( eCSR_OPERATING_CHANNEL_AUTO == operationChn )
+                {
+                    eBand = pMac->roam.configParam.eBand;
+                    if(eCSR_BAND_24 == eBand)
+                    {
+                        //See reason in else if ( CSR_IS_CHANNEL_24GHZ(operationChn) ) to pick 11B
+                        cfgDot11Mode = eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11B;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        //prefer 5GHz
+                        eBand = eCSR_BAND_5G;
+                        cfgDot11Mode = eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11A;
+                    }
+                }
+                else if ( CSR_IS_CHANNEL_24GHZ(operationChn) )
+                {
+                    // channel is a 2.4GHz channel.  Set mode to 11g.
+                    //
+                    // !!LAC - WiFi tests require IBSS networks to start in 11b mode without any change to the
+                    // default parameter settings on the adapter.  We use ACU to start an IBSS through creation
+                    // of a startIBSS profile.   this startIBSS profile has Auto MACProtocol and the 
+                    // adapter property setting for dot11Mode is also AUTO.   So in this case, let's start 
+                    // the IBSS network in 11b mode instead of 11g mode.
+                    //
+                    // so this is for Auto=profile->MacProtocol && Auto=Global.dot11Mode && profile->channel is < 14, 
+                    // then start the IBSS in b mode.
+                    // 
+                    // Note:  we used to have this start as an 11g IBSS for best performance... now to specify that
+                    // the user will have to set the do11Mode in the property page to 11g to force it.
+                    cfgDot11Mode = eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11B;
+                    eBand = eCSR_BAND_24;
+                }
+                else 
+                {   
+                    // else, it's a 5.0GHz channel.  Set mode to 11a.
+                    cfgDot11Mode = eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11A;
+                    eBand = eCSR_BAND_5G;
+                }
+                break;
+        }//switch
+    }//if( eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_ABG == cfgDot11Mode )
+    else
+    {
+            //dot11 mode is set, lets pick the band
+            if ( eCSR_OPERATING_CHANNEL_AUTO == operationChn )
+            {
+                // channel is Auto also. 
+                eBand = pMac->roam.configParam.eBand;
+                if(eCSR_BAND_ALL == eBand)
+                {
+                    //prefer 5GHz
+                    eBand = eCSR_BAND_5G;
+                }
+            }
+            else if ( CSR_IS_CHANNEL_24GHZ(operationChn) )
+            {
+                eBand = eCSR_BAND_24;
+            }
+            else 
+            {   
+                eBand = eCSR_BAND_5G;
+            }
+        }
+    if(pBand)
+    {
+        *pBand = eBand;
+    }
+   if (operationChn == 14){ 
+     smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("  Switching to Dot11B mode \n"));
+     cfgDot11Mode = eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11B;
+   }
+    return( cfgDot11Mode );
+eHalStatus csrRoamIssueStopBss( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, eCsrRoamSubState NewSubstate )
+    eHalStatus status;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    {
+        vos_log_ibss_pkt_type *pIbssLog;
+        WLAN_VOS_DIAG_LOG_ALLOC(pIbssLog, vos_log_ibss_pkt_type, LOG_WLAN_IBSS_C);
+        if(pIbssLog)
+        {
+            pIbssLog->eventId = WLAN_IBSS_EVENT_STOP_REQ;
+            WLAN_VOS_DIAG_LOG_REPORT(pIbssLog);
+        }
+    }
+    pSession->ibss_join_pending = FALSE;
+    csrRoamStopIbssJoinTimer(pMac, sessionId );
+    // Set the roaming substate to 'stop Bss request'...
+    csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, NewSubstate, sessionId );
+    // attempt to stop the Bss (reason code is ignored...)
+    status = csrSendMBStopBssReqMsg( pMac, sessionId );
+    return (status);
+//pNumChan is a caller allocated space with the sizeof pChannels
+eHalStatus csrGetCfgValidChannels(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 *pChannels, tANI_U32 *pNumChan)
+    return (ccmCfgGetStr(pMac, WNI_CFG_VALID_CHANNEL_LIST,
+                  (tANI_U8 *)pChannels,
+                  pNumChan));
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrRoamIsChannelValid( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 channel )
+    tANI_BOOLEAN fValid = FALSE;
+    tANI_U32 idxValidChannels;
+    tANI_U32 len = sizeof(pMac->roam.validChannelList);
+    if (HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrGetCfgValidChannels(pMac, pMac->roam.validChannelList, &len)))
+    {
+        for ( idxValidChannels = 0; ( idxValidChannels < len ); idxValidChannels++ )
+        {
+            if ( channel == pMac->roam.validChannelList[ idxValidChannels ] )
+            {
+                fValid = TRUE;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }    
+    pMac->roam.numValidChannels = len;   
+    return fValid;
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrRoamIsValid40MhzChannel(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 channel)
+    tANI_U8 i;
+    for(i = 0; i < pMac->scan.base40MHzChannels.numChannels; i++)
+    {
+        if(channel == pMac->scan.base40MHzChannels.channelList[i])
+        {
+            fValid = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return (fValid);
+//This function check and validate whether the NIC can do CB (40MHz)
+static tAniCBSecondaryMode csrGetCBModeFromIes(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 primaryChn, tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes)
+    tAniCBSecondaryMode eRet = eANI_CB_SECONDARY_NONE;
+    tANI_U8 centerChn;
+    tANI_U32 ChannelBondingMode;
+    if(CSR_IS_CHANNEL_24GHZ(primaryChn))
+    {
+        ChannelBondingMode = pMac->roam.configParam.channelBondingMode24GHz;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ChannelBondingMode = pMac->roam.configParam.channelBondingMode5GHz;
+    }
+    //Figure what the other side's CB mode
+    {
+        if(pIes->HTCaps.present && (eHT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_40MHZ == pIes->HTCaps.supportedChannelWidthSet))
+        {
+            if(pIes->HTInfo.present)
+            {
+                if(PHY_DOUBLE_CHANNEL_LOW_PRIMARY == pIes->HTInfo.secondaryChannelOffset)
+                {
+                    eRet = eANI_CB_SECONDARY_UP;
+                    centerChn = primaryChn + CSR_CB_CENTER_CHANNEL_OFFSET;
+                }
+                else if(PHY_DOUBLE_CHANNEL_HIGH_PRIMARY == pIes->HTInfo.secondaryChannelOffset)
+                {
+                    eRet = eANI_CB_SECONDARY_DOWN;
+                    centerChn = primaryChn - CSR_CB_CENTER_CHANNEL_OFFSET;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    //PHY_SINGLE_CHANNEL_CENTERED
+                    centerChn = primaryChn;
+                    eRet = eANI_CB_SECONDARY_NONE;
+                }
+                if((eANI_CB_SECONDARY_NONE != eRet) && !csrRoamIsValid40MhzChannel(pMac, centerChn))
+                {
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "  Invalid center channel (%d), disable 40MHz mode\n", centerChn);
+                    eRet = eANI_CB_SECONDARY_NONE;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return eRet;
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrIsEncryptionInList( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrEncryptionList *pCipherList, eCsrEncryptionType encryptionType )
+    tANI_BOOLEAN fFound = FALSE;
+    tANI_U32 idx;
+    for( idx = 0; idx < pCipherList->numEntries; idx++ )
+    {
+        if( pCipherList->encryptionType[idx] == encryptionType )
+        {
+            fFound = TRUE;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return fFound;
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrIsAuthInList( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrAuthList *pAuthList, eCsrAuthType authType )
+    tANI_BOOLEAN fFound = FALSE;
+    tANI_U32 idx;
+    for( idx = 0; idx < pAuthList->numEntries; idx++ )
+    {
+        if( pAuthList->authType[idx] == authType )
+        {
+            fFound = TRUE;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return fFound;
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrIsSameProfile(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrRoamConnectedProfile *pProfile1, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile2)
+    tCsrScanResultFilter *pScanFilter = NULL;
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    if(pProfile1 && pProfile2)
+    {
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pScanFilter, sizeof(tCsrScanResultFilter));
+        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pScanFilter, sizeof(tCsrScanResultFilter));
+            status = csrRoamPrepareFilterFromProfile(pMac, pProfile2, pScanFilter);
+            if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                fCheck = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+                do
+                {
+                    tANI_U32 i;
+                    for(i = 0; i < pScanFilter->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs; i++)
+                    {
+                        fCheck = csrIsSsidMatch( pMac, pScanFilter->SSIDs.SSIDList[i].SSID.ssId, 
+                                                pScanFilter->SSIDs.SSIDList[i].SSID.length,
+                                                pProfile1->SSID.ssId, pProfile1->SSID.length, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE );
+                        if ( fCheck ) break;
+                    }
+                    if(!fCheck)
+                    {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    if( !csrIsAuthInList( pMac, &pProfile2->AuthType, pProfile1->AuthType)
+                        || pProfile2->BSSType != pProfile1->BSSType
+                        || !csrIsEncryptionInList( pMac, &pProfile2->EncryptionType, pProfile1->EncryptionType )
+                        )
+                    {
+                        fCheck = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    if (pProfile1->MDID.mdiePresent || pProfile2->MDID.mdiePresent)
+                    {
+                        if (pProfile1->MDID.mobilityDomain != pProfile2->MDID.mobilityDomain)
+                        {
+                            fCheck = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    //Match found
+                    fCheck = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                }while(0);
+                csrFreeScanFilter(pMac, pScanFilter);
+            }
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pScanFilter);
+        }
+    }
+    return (fCheck);
+tANI_BOOLEAN csrRoamIsSameProfileKeys(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrRoamConnectedProfile *pConnProfile, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile2)
+    int i;
+    do
+    {
+        //Only check for static WEP
+        if(!csrIsEncryptionInList(pMac, &pProfile2->EncryptionType, eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP40_STATICKEY) &&
+            !csrIsEncryptionInList(pMac, &pProfile2->EncryptionType, eCSR_ENCRYPT_TYPE_WEP104_STATICKEY))
+        {
+            fCheck = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+            break;
+        }
+        if(!csrIsEncryptionInList(pMac, &pProfile2->EncryptionType, pConnProfile->EncryptionType)) break;
+        if(pConnProfile->Keys.defaultIndex != pProfile2->Keys.defaultIndex) break;
+        for(i = 0; i < CSR_MAX_NUM_KEY; i++)
+        {
+            if(pConnProfile->Keys.KeyLength[i] != pProfile2->Keys.KeyLength[i]) break;
+            if(!palEqualMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pConnProfile->Keys.KeyMaterial[i], 
+                            &pProfile2->Keys.KeyMaterial[i], pProfile2->Keys.KeyLength[i]))
+            {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        if( i == CSR_MAX_NUM_KEY)
+        {
+            fCheck = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+        }
+    }while(0);
+    return (fCheck);
+tANI_U8 csrRoamGetIbssStartChannelNumber50( tpAniSirGlobal pMac )
+    tANI_U8 channel = 0;     
+    tANI_U32 idx;
+    tANI_U32 idxValidChannels;
+    tANI_BOOLEAN fFound = FALSE;
+    tANI_U32 len = sizeof(pMac->roam.validChannelList);
+    if(eCSR_OPERATING_CHANNEL_ANY != pMac->roam.configParam.AdHocChannel5G)
+    {
+        channel = pMac->roam.configParam.AdHocChannel5G;
+        if(!csrRoamIsChannelValid(pMac, channel))
+        {
+            channel = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    if (0 == channel && HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrGetCfgValidChannels(pMac, (tANI_U8 *)pMac->roam.validChannelList, &len)))
+    {
+        for ( idx = 0; ( idx < CSR_NUM_IBSS_START_CHANNELS_50 ) && !fFound; idx++ ) 
+        {
+            for ( idxValidChannels = 0; ( idxValidChannels < len ) && !fFound; idxValidChannels++ )
+            {
+                if ( csrStartIbssChannels50[ idx ] == pMac->roam.validChannelList[ idxValidChannels ] )
+                {
+                    fFound = TRUE;
+                    channel = csrStartIbssChannels50[ idx ];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // this is rare, but if it does happen, we find anyone in 11a bandwidth and return the first 11a channel found!
+        if (!fFound)    
+        {
+            for ( idxValidChannels = 0; idxValidChannels < len ; idxValidChannels++ )
+            {
+                if ( CSR_IS_CHANNEL_5GHZ(pMac->roam.validChannelList[ idx ]) )   // the max channel# in 11g is 14
+                {
+                    channel = csrStartIbssChannels50[ idx ];
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }//if
+    return( channel );    
+tANI_U8 csrRoamGetIbssStartChannelNumber24( tpAniSirGlobal pMac )
+    tANI_U8 channel = 1;
+    tANI_U32 idx;
+    tANI_U32 idxValidChannels;
+    tANI_BOOLEAN fFound = FALSE;
+    tANI_U32 len = sizeof(pMac->roam.validChannelList);
+    if(eCSR_OPERATING_CHANNEL_ANY != pMac->roam.configParam.AdHocChannel24)
+    {
+        channel = pMac->roam.configParam.AdHocChannel24;
+        if(!csrRoamIsChannelValid(pMac, channel))
+        {
+            channel = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    if (0 == channel && HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrGetCfgValidChannels(pMac, (tANI_U8 *)pMac->roam.validChannelList, &len)))
+    {
+        for ( idx = 0; ( idx < CSR_NUM_IBSS_START_CHANNELS_24 ) && !fFound; idx++ ) 
+        {
+            for ( idxValidChannels = 0; ( idxValidChannels < len ) && !fFound; idxValidChannels++ )
+            {
+                if ( csrStartIbssChannels24[ idx ] == pMac->roam.validChannelList[ idxValidChannels ] )
+                {
+                    fFound = TRUE;
+                    channel = csrStartIbssChannels24[ idx ];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return( channel );    
+static void csrRoamGetBssStartParms( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, 
+                                      tCsrRoamStartBssParams *pParam )
+    eCsrCfgDot11Mode cfgDot11Mode;
+    eCsrBand eBand;
+    tANI_U8 channel = 0;
+    tSirNwType nwType;
+    tANI_U8 operationChannel = 0; 
+    if(pProfile->ChannelInfo.numOfChannels && pProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList)
+    {
+       operationChannel = pProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList[0];
+    }
+    cfgDot11Mode = csrRoamGetPhyModeBandForBss( pMac, pProfile, operationChannel, &eBand );
+    cfgDot11Mode = csrRoamGetPhyModeBandForBss( pMac, (eCsrPhyMode)pProfile->phyMode, operationChannel, &eBand );
+    if( ( (pProfile->csrPersona == VOS_P2P_CLIENT_MODE) ||
+          (pProfile->csrPersona == VOS_P2P_GO_MODE) )
+     && ( cfgDot11Mode == eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11B)
+      )
+    {
+        /* This should never happen */
+              FL("For P2PClient/P2P-GO (persona %d) cfgDot11Mode is 11B\n"), 
+              pProfile->csrPersona);
+        VOS_ASSERT(0);
+    }
+    switch( cfgDot11Mode )
+    {
+        case eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11G:
+            nwType = eSIR_11G_NW_TYPE;
+            break;
+        case eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11B:
+            nwType = eSIR_11B_NW_TYPE;
+            break;   
+        case eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11A:
+            nwType = eSIR_11A_NW_TYPE;
+            break;
+        default:
+        case eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_11N:
+        case eCSR_CFG_DOT11_MODE_TAURUS:
+            //Because LIM only verifies it against 11a, 11b or 11g, set only 11g or 11a here
+            if(eCSR_BAND_24 == eBand)
+            {
+                nwType = eSIR_11G_NW_TYPE;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                nwType = eSIR_11A_NW_TYPE;
+            }
+            break;
+    }   
+    pParam->extendedRateSet.numRates = 0;
+    switch ( nwType )
+    {
+        default:
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("sees an unknown pSirNwType (%d)\n"), nwType);
+        case eSIR_11A_NW_TYPE:
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.numRates = 8;
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[0] = SIR_MAC_RATE_6 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[1] = SIR_MAC_RATE_9;
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[2] = SIR_MAC_RATE_12 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[3] = SIR_MAC_RATE_18;
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[4] = SIR_MAC_RATE_24 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[5] = SIR_MAC_RATE_36;
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[6] = SIR_MAC_RATE_48;
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[7] = SIR_MAC_RATE_54;
+            if ( eCSR_OPERATING_CHANNEL_ANY == operationChannel ) 
+            {
+                channel = csrRoamGetIbssStartChannelNumber50( pMac );
+                if( 0 == channel &&
+                    CSR_IS_PHY_MODE_DUAL_BAND(pProfile->phyMode) && 
+                    CSR_IS_PHY_MODE_DUAL_BAND(pMac->roam.configParam.phyMode) 
+                    )
+                {
+                    //We could not find a 5G channel by auto pick, let's try 2.4G channels
+                    //We only do this here because csrRoamGetPhyModeBandForBss always picks 11a for AUTO
+                    nwType = eSIR_11B_NW_TYPE;
+                    channel = csrRoamGetIbssStartChannelNumber24( pMac );
+                   pParam->operationalRateSet.numRates = 4;
+                   pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[0] = SIR_MAC_RATE_1 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+                   pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[1] = SIR_MAC_RATE_2 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+                   pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[2] = SIR_MAC_RATE_5_5 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+                   pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[3] = SIR_MAC_RATE_11 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+                }
+            }
+            else 
+            {
+                channel = operationChannel;
+            }
+            break;
+        case eSIR_11B_NW_TYPE:
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.numRates = 4;
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[0] = SIR_MAC_RATE_1 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[1] = SIR_MAC_RATE_2 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[2] = SIR_MAC_RATE_5_5 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[3] = SIR_MAC_RATE_11 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+            if ( eCSR_OPERATING_CHANNEL_ANY == operationChannel ) 
+            {
+                channel = csrRoamGetIbssStartChannelNumber24( pMac );
+            }
+            else 
+            {
+                channel = operationChannel;
+            }
+            break;     
+        case eSIR_11G_NW_TYPE:
+            /* For P2P Client and P2P GO, disable 11b rates */ 
+            if( (pProfile->csrPersona == VOS_P2P_CLIENT_MODE) ||
+                (pProfile->csrPersona == VOS_P2P_GO_MODE)
+              )
+            {
+                pParam->operationalRateSet.numRates = 8;
+                pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[0] = SIR_MAC_RATE_6 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+                pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[1] = SIR_MAC_RATE_9;
+                pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[2] = SIR_MAC_RATE_12 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+                pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[3] = SIR_MAC_RATE_18;
+                pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[4] = SIR_MAC_RATE_24 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+                pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[5] = SIR_MAC_RATE_36;
+                pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[6] = SIR_MAC_RATE_48;
+                pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[7] = SIR_MAC_RATE_54;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.numRates = 4;
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[0] = SIR_MAC_RATE_1 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[1] = SIR_MAC_RATE_2 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[2] = SIR_MAC_RATE_5_5 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+            pParam->operationalRateSet.rate[3] = SIR_MAC_RATE_11 | CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK;
+            pParam->extendedRateSet.numRates = 8;
+                        pParam->extendedRateSet.rate[0] = SIR_MAC_RATE_6;
+            pParam->extendedRateSet.rate[1] = SIR_MAC_RATE_9;
+            pParam->extendedRateSet.rate[2] = SIR_MAC_RATE_12;
+            pParam->extendedRateSet.rate[3] = SIR_MAC_RATE_18;
+            pParam->extendedRateSet.rate[4] = SIR_MAC_RATE_24;
+            pParam->extendedRateSet.rate[5] = SIR_MAC_RATE_36;
+            pParam->extendedRateSet.rate[6] = SIR_MAC_RATE_48;
+            pParam->extendedRateSet.rate[7] = SIR_MAC_RATE_54;
+            }
+            if ( eCSR_OPERATING_CHANNEL_ANY == operationChannel ) 
+            {
+                channel = csrRoamGetIbssStartChannelNumber24( pMac );
+            }
+            else 
+            {
+                channel = operationChannel;
+            }
+            break;            
+    }
+    pParam->operationChn = channel;
+    pParam->sirNwType = nwType;
+static void csrRoamGetBssStartParmsFromBssDesc( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc, 
+                                                 tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes, tCsrRoamStartBssParams *pParam )
+    if( pParam )
+    {
+        pParam->sirNwType = pBssDesc->nwType;
+        pParam->cbMode = eANI_CB_SECONDARY_NONE;
+        pParam->operationChn = pBssDesc->channelId;
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, &pParam->bssid, pBssDesc->bssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid) );
+        if( pIes )
+        {
+            if(pIes->SuppRates.present)
+            {
+                pParam->operationalRateSet.numRates = pIes->SuppRates.num_rates;
+                if(pIes->SuppRates.num_rates > SIR_MAC_RATESET_EID_MAX)
+                {
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("num_rates :%d is more than SIR_MAC_RATESET_EID_MAX, resetting to SIR_MAC_RATESET_EID_MAX\n"),
+                      pIes->SuppRates.num_rates);
+                    pIes->SuppRates.num_rates = SIR_MAC_RATESET_EID_MAX;
+                }
+                palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pParam->operationalRateSet.rate, pIes->SuppRates.rates, 
+                    sizeof(*pIes->SuppRates.rates) * pIes->SuppRates.num_rates);
+            }
+            if( pIes->SSID.present )
+            {
+                pParam->ssId.length = pIes->SSID.num_ssid;
+                palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pParam->ssId.ssId, pIes->SSID.ssid, pParam->ssId.length);
+            }
+            pParam->cbMode = csrGetCBModeFromIes(pMac, pParam->operationChn, pIes);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pParam->ssId.length = 0;
+           pParam->operationalRateSet.numRates = 0;
+        }
+    }
+static void csrRoamDetermineMaxRateForAdHoc( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirMacRateSet *pSirRateSet )
+    tANI_U8 MaxRate = 0;
+    tANI_U32 i;
+    tANI_U8 *pRate;    
+    pRate = pSirRateSet->rate;
+    for ( i = 0; i < pSirRateSet->numRates; i++ )
+    {
+        MaxRate = CSR_MAX( MaxRate, ( pRate[ i ] & (~CSR_DOT11_BASIC_RATE_MASK) ) );
+    }
+    // Save the max rate in the connected state information...
+    // modify LastRates variable as well
+    return;
+//this function finds a valid secondary channel for channel bonding with "channel".
+//Param: channel -- primary channel, caller must validate it
+//       cbChoice -- CB directory
+//Return: if 0, no secondary channel is found. Otherwise a valid secondary channel.
+static tANI_U8 csrRoamGetSecondaryChannel(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 channel, eCsrCBChoice cbChoice)
+    tANI_U8 chnUp = 0, chnDown = 0, chnRet = 0;
+    switch (cbChoice)
+    {
+    case eCSR_CB_OFF:
+        chnUp = 0;
+        chnDown = 0;
+        break;
+    case eCSR_CB_DOWN:
+        chnUp = 0;
+        chnDown = channel - CSR_CB_CHANNEL_GAP;
+        break;
+    case eCSR_CB_UP:
+        chnUp = channel + CSR_CB_CHANNEL_GAP;
+        chnDown = 0;
+        break;
+    case eCSR_CB_AUTO:
+    //consider every other value means auto
+    default:
+        chnUp = channel + CSR_CB_CHANNEL_GAP;
+        chnDown = channel - CSR_CB_CHANNEL_GAP;
+        break;
+    }
+    //if CB_UP or auto, try channel up first
+    if(chnUp && CSR_IS_SAME_BAND_CHANNELS(chnUp, channel) && csrRoamIsChannelValid(pMac, chnUp))
+    {
+        //found a valid up channel for channel bonding
+        //check whether the center channel is valid
+        if(csrRoamIsValid40MhzChannel(pMac, channel + CSR_CB_CENTER_CHANNEL_OFFSET))
+        {
+            chnRet = chnUp;
+        }
+    }
+    if(chnRet == 0 && chnDown && CSR_IS_SAME_BAND_CHANNELS(chnDown, channel) && csrRoamIsChannelValid(pMac, chnDown))
+    {
+        //found a valid down channel for channel bonding
+        if(csrRoamIsValid40MhzChannel(pMac, channel - CSR_CB_CENTER_CHANNEL_OFFSET))
+        {
+            chnRet = chnDown;
+        }
+    }
+    return chnRet;
+eHalStatus csrRoamIssueStartBss( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamStartBssParams *pParam, 
+                                 tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc, tANI_U32 roamId )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    eCsrBand eBand;
+    // Set the roaming substate to 'Start BSS attempt'...
+    csrRoamSubstateChange( pMac, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_START_BSS_REQ, sessionId );
+    //Need to figure out whether we need to log WDS???
+    if( CSR_IS_IBSS( pProfile ) )
+    {
+        vos_log_ibss_pkt_type *pIbssLog;
+        WLAN_VOS_DIAG_LOG_ALLOC(pIbssLog, vos_log_ibss_pkt_type, LOG_WLAN_IBSS_C);
+        if(pIbssLog)
+        {
+            if(pBssDesc)
+            {
+                pIbssLog->eventId = WLAN_IBSS_EVENT_JOIN_IBSS_REQ;
+                palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIbssLog->bssid, pBssDesc->bssId, 6);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                pIbssLog->eventId = WLAN_IBSS_EVENT_START_IBSS_REQ;
+            }
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIbssLog->ssid, pParam->ssId.ssId,
+                pParam->ssId.length);
+            if(pProfile->ChannelInfo.numOfChannels == 0)
+            {
+                pIbssLog->channelSetting = AUTO_PICK;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                pIbssLog->channelSetting = SPECIFIED;
+            }
+            pIbssLog->operatingChannel = pParam->operationChn;
+            WLAN_VOS_DIAG_LOG_REPORT(pIbssLog);
+        }
+    }
+    //Put RSN information in for Starting BSS
+    pParam->nRSNIELength = (tANI_U16)pProfile->nRSNReqIELength;
+    pParam->pRSNIE = pProfile->pRSNReqIE;
+    pParam->privacy           = pProfile->privacy;
+    pParam->fwdWPSPBCProbeReq = pProfile->fwdWPSPBCProbeReq;   
+    pParam->authType          = pProfile->csr80211AuthType;
+    pParam->beaconInterval    = pProfile->beaconInterval;
+    pParam->dtimPeriod        = pProfile->dtimPeriod;
+    pParam->ApUapsdEnable     = pProfile->ApUapsdEnable;
+    pParam->ssidHidden        = pProfile->SSIDs.SSIDList[0].ssidHidden;
+    if (CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(pProfile)&& (pParam->operationChn != 0))
+    {
+        if (csrIsValidChannel(pMac, pParam->operationChn) != eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+        {
+            pParam->operationChn = INFRA_AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL;                   
+        }  
+    }
+    pParam->protEnabled     = pProfile->protEnabled;
+    pParam->obssProtEnabled = pProfile->obssProtEnabled;
+    pParam->ht_protection   = pProfile->cfg_protection;
+    pParam->wps_state       = pProfile->wps_state;
+    pParam->uCfgDot11Mode = csrRoamGetPhyModeBandForBss(pMac, pProfile, pParam->operationChn /* pProfile->operationChannel*/, 
+                                        &eBand);
+    pParam->uCfgDot11Mode = csrRoamGetPhyModeBandForBss(pMac, (eCsrPhyMode)pProfile->phyMode, pProfile->operationChannel, 
+                                        &eBand);
+    pParam->bssPersona = pProfile->csrPersona;
+    // When starting an IBSS, start on the channel from the Profile.
+    status = csrSendMBStartBssReqMsg( pMac, sessionId, pProfile->BSSType, pParam, pBssDesc );
+    return (status);
+static void csrRoamPrepareBssParams(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, 
+                                     tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc, tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes)
+    tANI_U8 Channel, SecondChn;
+    tAniCBSecondaryMode cbMode = eANI_CB_SECONDARY_NONE;
+    eCsrCBChoice cbChoice;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if( pBssDesc )
+    {
+        csrRoamGetBssStartParmsFromBssDesc( pMac, pBssDesc, pIes, &pSession->bssParams );
+        //Since csrRoamGetBssStartParmsFromBssDesc fills in the bssid for pSession->bssParams
+        //The following code has to be do after that.
+        //For WDS station, use selfMac as the self BSSID
+        if( CSR_IS_WDS_STA( pProfile ) )
+        {
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pSession->bssParams.bssid, &pSession->selfMacAddr, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        csrRoamGetBssStartParms(pMac, pProfile, &pSession->bssParams);
+        //Use the first SSID
+        if(pProfile->SSIDs.numOfSSIDs)
+        {
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pSession->bssParams.ssId, pProfile->SSIDs.SSIDList, sizeof(tSirMacSSid));
+        }
+        //For WDS station, use selfMac as the self BSSID
+        if( CSR_IS_WDS_STA( pProfile ) )
+        {
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pSession->bssParams.bssid, &pSession->selfMacAddr, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+        }
+        //Use the first BSSID
+        else if( pProfile->BSSIDs.numOfBSSIDs )
+        {
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pSession->bssParams.bssid, pProfile->BSSIDs.bssid, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, &pSession->bssParams.bssid, sizeof(tCsrBssid) );
+        }
+    }
+    Channel = pSession->bssParams.operationChn;
+    //Set operating channel in pProfile which will be used 
+    //in csrRoamSetBssConfigCfg() to determine channel bonding
+    //mode and will be configured in CFG later 
+    pProfile->operationChannel = Channel;
+    if(Channel == 0)
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "   CSR cannot find a channel to start IBSS\n");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        csrRoamDetermineMaxRateForAdHoc( pMac, &pSession->bssParams.operationalRateSet );
+        if( CSR_IS_START_IBSS( pProfile ) )
+        {
+           //TBH: channel bonding is not supported for Libra
+            if( pProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList && eCSR_OPERATING_CHANNEL_AUTO != pProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList[0] )
+            {
+                Channel = pProfile->ChannelInfo.ChannelList[0];
+                cbChoice = pProfile->CBMode;
+            }
+            else {
+                cbChoice = pMac->roam.configParam.cbChoice;
+            }
+            pSession->bssParams.operationChn = Channel;
+            //make sure channel is valid
+            if(!csrRoamIsChannelValid(pMac, Channel))
+            {
+                //set Channel to 0 to let lim know this is invalid
+                //We still send this request down to lim even though we know the channel is wrong because
+                //lim will response with error and hdd's eWNI_SME_START_BSS_RSP handler will roam other profile (if any)
+                Channel = 0;
+                pSession->bssParams.operationChn = 0;
+            }
+            else {
+                tANI_U32 ChannelBondingMode;
+                if(CSR_IS_CHANNEL_24GHZ(Channel))
+                {
+                    ChannelBondingMode = pMac->roam.configParam.channelBondingMode24GHz;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    ChannelBondingMode = pMac->roam.configParam.channelBondingMode5GHz;
+                }
+                //now we have a valid channel
+                if(WNI_CFG_CHANNEL_BONDING_MODE_DISABLE != ChannelBondingMode)
+                {
+                    //let's pick a secondard channel
+                    SecondChn = csrRoamGetSecondaryChannel(pMac, Channel, cbChoice);
+                    if(SecondChn > Channel)
+                    {
+                        cbMode = eANI_CB_SECONDARY_UP;
+                    }
+                    else if(SecondChn && SecondChn < Channel)
+                    {
+                        cbMode =eANI_CB_SECONDARY_DOWN;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        cbMode = eANI_CB_SECONDARY_NONE;
+                    }
+                    pSession->bssParams.cbMode = cbMode;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    pSession->bssParams.cbMode = eANI_CB_SECONDARY_NONE;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+static eHalStatus csrRoamStartIbss( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, 
+                                    tANI_BOOLEAN *pfSameIbss )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tANI_BOOLEAN fSameIbss = FALSE;
+    if ( csrIsConnStateIbss( pMac, sessionId ) ) 
+    { 
+        // Check if any profile parameter has changed ? If any profile parameter
+        // has changed then stop old BSS and start a new one with new parameters
+        if ( csrIsSameProfile( pMac, &pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].connectedProfile, pProfile ) ) 
+        {
+            fSameIbss = TRUE;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            status = csrRoamIssueStopBss( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISCONNECT_CONTINUE_ROAMING );
+        }       
+    }
+    else if ( csrIsConnStateConnectedInfra( pMac, sessionId ) ) 
+    {
+        // Disassociate from the connected Infrastructure network...
+        status = csrRoamIssueDisassociate( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISCONNECT_CONTINUE_ROAMING, FALSE );
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+        tBssConfigParam *pBssConfig;
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pBssConfig, sizeof(tBssConfigParam)); 
+        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pBssConfig, sizeof(tBssConfigParam));
+            // there is no Bss description before we start an IBSS so we need to adopt
+            // all Bss configuration parameters from the Profile.
+            status = csrRoamPrepareBssConfigFromProfile(pMac, pProfile, pBssConfig, NULL);
+            if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                //save dotMode
+                pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].bssParams.uCfgDot11Mode = pBssConfig->uCfgDot11Mode;
+                //Prepare some more parameters for this IBSS
+                csrRoamPrepareBssParams(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, NULL, NULL);
+                status = csrRoamSetBssConfigCfg(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, NULL, pBssConfig, NULL);
+            }
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pBssConfig);
+        }//Allocate memory
+    }
+    if(pfSameIbss)
+    {
+        *pfSameIbss = fSameIbss;
+    }
+    return( status );
+static void csrRoamUpdateConnectedProfileFromNewBss( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, 
+                                                     tSirSmeNewBssInfo *pNewBss )
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if( pNewBss )
+    {
+        // Set the operating channel.
+        pSession->connectedProfile.operationChannel = pNewBss->channelNumber;
+        // move the BSSId from the BSS description into the connected state information.
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, &pSession->connectedProfile.bssid, 
+                      &(pNewBss->bssId), sizeof( tCsrBssid ) );    
+    }
+    return;
+eHalStatus csrRoamSetBKIDCache( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tBkidCacheInfo *pBKIDCache,
+                                 tANI_U32 numItems )
+   eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+   tCsrRoamSession *pSession;
+   if(!CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID( pMac, sessionId ))
+   {
+       smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("  Invalid session ID\n"));
+       return status;
+   }
+   smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamSetBKIDCache called, numItems = %d\n", numItems);
+   pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+   if(numItems <= CSR_MAX_BKID_ALLOWED)
+   {
+       status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+       //numItems may be 0 to clear the cache
+       pSession->NumBkidCache = (tANI_U16)numItems;
+       if(numItems && pBKIDCache)
+       {
+           status = palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pSession->BkidCacheInfo, pBKIDCache,
+                           sizeof(tBkidCacheInfo) * numItems );
+       }
+   }
+   return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamGetBKIDCache(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tANI_U32 *pNum,
+                                tBkidCacheInfo *pBkidCache)
+   eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+   tCsrRoamSession *pSession;
+   if(!CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID( pMac, sessionId ))
+   {
+       smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("  Invalid session ID\n"));
+       return status;
+   }
+   pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+   if(pNum && pBkidCache)
+   {
+       if(pSession->NumBkidCache == 0)
+       {
+           *pNum = 0;
+           status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+       }
+       else if(*pNum >= pSession->NumBkidCache)
+       {
+           if(pSession->NumBkidCache > CSR_MAX_PMKID_ALLOWED)
+           {
+               smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("NumPmkidCache :%d is more than CSR_MAX_PMKID_ALLOWED, resetting to CSR_MAX_PMKID_ALLOWED\n"),
+                 pSession->NumBkidCache);
+               pSession->NumBkidCache = CSR_MAX_PMKID_ALLOWED;
+           }
+           palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBkidCache, pSession->BkidCacheInfo,
+                           sizeof(tBkidCacheInfo) * pSession->NumBkidCache );
+           *pNum = pSession->NumBkidCache;
+           status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+       }
+   }
+   return (status);
+tANI_U32 csrRoamGetNumBKIDCache(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+   return (pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].NumBkidCache);
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+eHalStatus csrRoamSetPMKIDCache( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId,
+                                 tPmkidCacheInfo *pPMKIDCache, tANI_U32 numItems )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamSetPMKIDCache called, numItems = %d\n", numItems);
+    if(numItems <= CSR_MAX_PMKID_ALLOWED)
+    {
+        {
+            WLAN_VOS_DIAG_EVENT_DEF(secEvent, vos_event_wlan_security_payload_type);
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &secEvent, sizeof(vos_event_wlan_security_payload_type));
+            secEvent.eventId = WLAN_SECURITY_EVENT_PMKID_UPDATE;
+            secEvent.encryptionModeMulticast = 
+                (v_U8_t)diagEncTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.mcEncryptionType);
+            secEvent.encryptionModeUnicast = 
+                (v_U8_t)diagEncTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.EncryptionType);
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, secEvent.bssid, pSession->connectedProfile.bssid, 6 );
+            secEvent.authMode = 
+                (v_U8_t)diagAuthTypeFromCSRType(pSession->connectedProfile.AuthType);
+        }
+        status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+        //numItems may be 0 to clear the cache
+        pSession->NumPmkidCache = (tANI_U16)numItems;
+        if(numItems && pPMKIDCache)
+        {
+            status = palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pSession->PmkidCacheInfo, pPMKIDCache,
+                            sizeof(tPmkidCacheInfo) * numItems );
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+tANI_U32 csrRoamGetNumPMKIDCache(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+    return (pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].NumPmkidCache);
+eHalStatus csrRoamGetPMKIDCache(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tANI_U32 *pNum, tPmkidCacheInfo *pPmkidCache)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if(pNum && pPmkidCache)
+    {
+        if(pSession->NumPmkidCache == 0)
+        {
+            *pNum = 0;
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+        }
+        else if(*pNum >= pSession->NumPmkidCache)
+        {
+            if(pSession->NumPmkidCache > CSR_MAX_PMKID_ALLOWED)
+            {
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("NumPmkidCache :%d is more than CSR_MAX_PMKID_ALLOWED, resetting to CSR_MAX_PMKID_ALLOWED\n"),
+                  pSession->NumPmkidCache);
+                pSession->NumPmkidCache = CSR_MAX_PMKID_ALLOWED;
+            }
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pPmkidCache, pSession->PmkidCacheInfo,
+                            sizeof(tPmkidCacheInfo) * pSession->NumPmkidCache );
+            *pNum = pSession->NumPmkidCache;
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamGetWpaRsnReqIE(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tANI_U32 *pLen, tANI_U8 *pBuf)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+    tANI_U32 len;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if(pLen)
+    {
+        len = *pLen;
+        *pLen = pSession->nWpaRsnReqIeLength;
+        if(pBuf)
+        {
+            if(len >= pSession->nWpaRsnReqIeLength)
+            {
+                status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE, pSession->nWpaRsnReqIeLength);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamGetWpaRsnRspIE(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tANI_U32 *pLen, tANI_U8 *pBuf)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+    tANI_U32 len;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if(pLen)
+    {
+        len = *pLen;
+        *pLen = pSession->nWpaRsnRspIeLength;
+        if(pBuf)
+        {
+            if(len >= pSession->nWpaRsnRspIeLength)
+            {
+                status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pSession->pWpaRsnRspIE, pSession->nWpaRsnRspIeLength);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamGetWapiReqIE(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tANI_U32 *pLen, tANI_U8 *pBuf)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+    tANI_U32 len;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if(pLen)
+    {
+        len = *pLen;
+        *pLen = pSession->nWapiReqIeLength;
+        if(pBuf)
+        {
+            if(len >= pSession->nWapiReqIeLength)
+            {
+                status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pSession->pWapiReqIE, pSession->nWapiReqIeLength);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamGetWapiRspIE(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tANI_U32 *pLen, tANI_U8 *pBuf)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+    tANI_U32 len;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if(pLen)
+    {
+        len = *pLen;
+        *pLen = pSession->nWapiRspIeLength;
+        if(pBuf)
+        {
+            if(len >= pSession->nWapiRspIeLength)
+            {
+                status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pSession->pWapiRspIE, pSession->nWapiRspIeLength);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+eRoamCmdStatus csrGetRoamCompleteStatus(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+    eRoamCmdStatus retStatus = eCSR_ROAM_CONNECT_COMPLETION;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if(CSR_IS_ROAMING(pSession))
+    {
+        retStatus = eCSR_ROAM_ROAMING_COMPLETION;
+        pSession->fRoaming = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    }
+    return (retStatus);
+//This function remove the connected BSS from te cached scan result
+eHalStatus csrRoamRemoveConnectedBssFromScanCache(tpAniSirGlobal pMac,
+                                                  tCsrRoamConnectedProfile *pConnProfile)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    tCsrScanResultFilter *pScanFilter = NULL;
+    tListElem *pEntry;
+    tCsrScanResult *pResult;
+        tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes;
+    tANI_BOOLEAN fMatch;
+    if(!(csrIsMacAddressZero(pMac, &pConnProfile->bssid) ||
+            csrIsMacAddressBroadcast(pMac, &pConnProfile->bssid)))
+    {
+        do
+        {
+            //Prepare the filter. Only fill in the necessary fields. Not all fields are needed
+            status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pScanFilter, sizeof(tCsrScanResultFilter));
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) break;
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pScanFilter, sizeof(tCsrScanResultFilter));
+            status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pScanFilter->BSSIDs.bssid, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) break;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pScanFilter->BSSIDs.bssid, &pConnProfile->bssid, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+            pScanFilter->BSSIDs.numOfBSSIDs = 1;
+            if(!csrIsNULLSSID(pConnProfile->SSID.ssId, pConnProfile->SSID.length))
+            {
+                status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pScanFilter->SSIDs.SSIDList, sizeof(tCsrSSIDInfo));
+                if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) break;
+                palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pScanFilter->SSIDs.SSIDList[0].SSID, &pConnProfile->SSID, sizeof(tSirMacSSid));
+            }
+            pScanFilter->authType.numEntries = 1;
+            pScanFilter->authType.authType[0] = pConnProfile->AuthType;
+            pScanFilter->BSSType = pConnProfile->BSSType;
+            pScanFilter->EncryptionType.numEntries = 1;
+            pScanFilter->EncryptionType.encryptionType[0] = pConnProfile->EncryptionType;
+            pScanFilter->mcEncryptionType.numEntries = 1;
+            pScanFilter->mcEncryptionType.encryptionType[0] = pConnProfile->mcEncryptionType;
+            //We ignore the channel for now, BSSID should be enough
+            pScanFilter->ChannelInfo.numOfChannels = 0;
+            //Also ignore the following fields
+            pScanFilter->uapsd_mask = 0;
+            pScanFilter->bWPSAssociation = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+            pScanFilter->countryCode[0] = 0;
+            pScanFilter->phyMode = eCSR_DOT11_MODE_TAURUS;
+            csrLLLock(&pMac->scan.scanResultList);
+            pEntry = csrLLPeekHead( &pMac->scan.scanResultList, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK );
+            while( pEntry ) 
+            {
+                pResult = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tCsrScanResult, Link );
+                                pIes = (tDot11fBeaconIEs *)( pResult->Result.pvIes );
+                fMatch = csrMatchBSS(pMac, &pResult->Result.BssDescriptor, 
+                               pScanFilter, NULL, NULL, NULL, &pIes);
+                //Release the IEs allocated by csrMatchBSS is needed
+                if( !pResult->Result.pvIes )
+                {
+                    //need to free the IEs since it is allocated by csrMatchBSS
+                    palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pIes);
+                }
+                if(fMatch)
+                {
+                    //We found the one
+                    if( csrLLRemoveEntry(&pMac->scan.scanResultList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK) )
+                    {
+                        //Free the memory
+                        csrFreeScanResultEntry( pMac, pResult );
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+                pEntry = csrLLNext(&pMac->scan.scanResultList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK);
+            }//while
+            csrLLUnlock(&pMac->scan.scanResultList);
+        }while(0);
+        if(pScanFilter)
+        {
+            csrFreeScanFilter(pMac, pScanFilter);
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pScanFilter);
+        }
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrIsBTAMPAllowed( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 chnId )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tANI_U32 sessionId;
+    for( sessionId = 0; sessionId < CSR_ROAM_SESSION_MAX; sessionId++ )
+    {
+        if( CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID( pMac, sessionId ) )
+        {
+            if( csrIsConnStateIbss( pMac, sessionId ) || csrIsBTAMP( pMac, sessionId ) )
+            {
+                //co-exist with IBSS or BT-AMP is not supported
+                smsLog( pMac, LOGW, " BTAMP is not allowed due to IBSS/BT-AMP exist in session %d\n", sessionId );
+                status = eHAL_STATUS_CSR_WRONG_STATE;
+                break;
+            }
+            if( csrIsConnStateInfra( pMac, sessionId ) )
+            {
+                if( chnId && 
+                    ( (tANI_U8)chnId != pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].connectedProfile.operationChannel ) )
+                {
+                    smsLog( pMac, LOGW, " BTAMP is not allowed due to channel (%d) diff than infr channel (%d)\n",
+                        chnId, pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].connectedProfile.operationChannel );
+                    status = eHAL_STATUS_CSR_WRONG_STATE;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return ( status );
+static eHalStatus csrRoamStartWds( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    tBssConfigParam bssConfig;
+    if ( csrIsConnStateIbss( pMac, sessionId ) ) 
+    { 
+        status = csrRoamIssueStopBss( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISCONNECT_CONTINUE_ROAMING );
+    }
+    else if ( csrIsConnStateConnectedInfra( pMac, sessionId ) ) 
+    {
+        // Disassociate from the connected Infrastructure network...
+        status = csrRoamIssueDisassociate( pMac, sessionId, eCSR_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISCONNECT_CONTINUE_ROAMING, FALSE );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+#if defined(VOSS_ENABLED)
+        //We don't expect Bt-AMP HDD not to disconnect the last connection first at this time. 
+        //Otherwise we need to add code to handle the
+        //situation just like IBSS. Though for WDS station, we need to send disassoc to PE first then 
+        //send stop_bss to PE, before we can continue.
+        VOS_ASSERT( !csrIsConnStateWds( pMac, sessionId ) );
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &bssConfig, sizeof(tBssConfigParam));
+        /* Assume HDD provide bssid in profile */
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, &pSession->bssParams.bssid, pProfile->BSSIDs.bssid[0], sizeof(tCsrBssid) );
+        // there is no Bss description before we start an WDS so we need
+        // to adopt all Bss configuration parameters from the Profile.
+        status = csrRoamPrepareBssConfigFromProfile(pMac, pProfile, &bssConfig, pBssDesc);
+        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            //Save profile for late use
+            csrFreeRoamProfile( pMac, sessionId );
+            if (HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, 
+                                   (void **)&pSession->pCurRoamProfile,
+                                   sizeof(tCsrRoamProfile))))
+            {
+                palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pCurRoamProfile, sizeof(tCsrRoamProfile));
+                csrRoamCopyProfile(pMac, pSession->pCurRoamProfile, pProfile);
+            }
+            //Prepare some more parameters for this WDS
+            csrRoamPrepareBssParams(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, NULL, NULL);
+            status = csrRoamSetBssConfigCfg(pMac, sessionId, pProfile, NULL, &bssConfig, NULL);
+        }
+    }
+    return( status );
+////////////////////Mail box
+//pBuf is caller allocated memory point to &(tSirSmeJoinReq->rsnIE.rsnIEdata[ 0 ]) + pMsg->rsnIE.length;
+//or &(tSirSmeReassocReq->rsnIE.rsnIEdata[ 0 ]) + pMsg->rsnIE.length;
+static void csrPrepareJoinReassocReqBuffer( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, 
+                                            tSirBssDescription *pBssDescription, 
+                                            tANI_U8 *pBuf, tANI_U8 uapsdMask)
+    tCsrChannelSet channelGroup;
+    tSirMacCapabilityInfo *pAP_capabilityInfo;
+    tAniBool fTmp;
+    tANI_BOOLEAN found = FALSE;
+    tANI_U32 size = 0;
+        tANI_U16 i;
+    // plug in neighborhood occupancy info (i.e. BSSes on primary or secondary channels)
+    *pBuf++ = (tANI_U8)FALSE;  //tAniTitanCBNeighborInfo->cbBssFoundPri
+    *pBuf++ = (tANI_U8)FALSE;  //tAniTitanCBNeighborInfo->cbBssFoundSecDown
+    *pBuf++ = (tANI_U8)FALSE;  //tAniTitanCBNeighborInfo->cbBssFoundSecUp
+    // 802.11h
+    //We can do this because it is in HOST CPU order for now.
+    pAP_capabilityInfo = (tSirMacCapabilityInfo *)&pBssDescription->capabilityInfo;
+        //tell the target AP my 11H capability only if both AP and STA support 11H and the channel being used is 11a
+        if ( csrIs11hSupported( pMac ) && pAP_capabilityInfo->spectrumMgt && eSIR_11A_NW_TYPE == pBssDescription->nwType )   
+        {  
+        fTmp = (tAniBool)pal_cpu_to_be32(1);
+    }
+    else
+        fTmp = (tAniBool)0;
+    // corresponds to --- pMsg->spectrumMgtIndicator = ON;
+    palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, (tANI_U8 *)&fTmp, sizeof(tAniBool) );
+    pBuf += sizeof(tAniBool);
+    *pBuf++ = MIN_STA_PWR_CAP_DBM; // it is for pMsg->powerCap.minTxPower = 0;
+        found = csrSearchChannelListForTxPower(pMac, pBssDescription, &channelGroup);
+    // This is required for 11k test VoWiFi Ent: Test 2.
+    // We need the power capabilities for Assoc Req. 
+    // This macro is provided by the halPhyCfg.h. We pick our
+    // max and min capability by the halPhy provided macros
+    *pBuf++ = MAX_STA_PWR_CAP_DBM;
+    size = sizeof(pMac->roam.validChannelList);
+    if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrGetCfgValidChannels(pMac, (tANI_U8 *)pMac->roam.validChannelList, &size)))
+    { 
+        *pBuf++ = (tANI_U8)size;        //tSirSupChnl->numChnl        
+        for ( i = 0; i < size; i++) 
+        {
+            *pBuf++ = pMac->roam.validChannelList[ i ];   //tSirSupChnl->channelList[ i ]
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("can not find any valid channel\n"));
+        *pBuf++ = 0;  //tSirSupChnl->numChnl
+    }                                                                                                                     
+    //Check whether it is ok to enter UAPSD
+    if( btcIsReadyForUapsd(pMac) )
+    {
+       *pBuf++ = uapsdMask;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" BTC doesn't allow UAPSD for uapsd_mask(0x%X)\n"), uapsdMask);
+        *pBuf++ = 0;
+    }
+    // move the entire BssDescription into the join request.
+    palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pBssDescription, 
+                    pBssDescription->length + sizeof( pBssDescription->length ) );
+    pBuf += pBssDescription->length + sizeof( pBssDescription->length );   // update to new location
+  * The communication between HDD and LIM is thru mailbox (MB).
+  * Both sides will access the data structure "tSirSmeJoinReq".
+  *  The rule is, while the components of "tSirSmeJoinReq" can be accessed in the regular way like tSirSmeJoinReq.assocType, this guideline
+  *  stops at component tSirRSNie; any acces to the components after tSirRSNie is forbidden because the space from tSirRSNie is quueezed
+  *  with the component "tSirBssDescription". And since the size of actual 'tSirBssDescription' varies, the receiving side (which is the routine
+  *  limJoinReqSerDes() of should keep in mind not to access the components DIRECTLY after tSirRSNie.
+  */
+eHalStatus csrSendJoinReqMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tSirBssDescription *pBssDescription, 
+                              tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile, tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSirSmeJoinReq *pMsg;
+    tANI_U8 *pBuf;
+    tANI_U16 msgLen, wTmp, ieLen;
+    tSirMacRateSet OpRateSet;
+    tSirMacRateSet ExRateSet;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    tANI_U32 dwTmp;
+    tANI_U8 wpaRsnIE[DOT11F_IE_RSN_MAX_LEN];    //RSN MAX is bigger than WPA MAX
+    do {
+        pSession->joinFailStatusCode.statusCode = eSIR_SME_SUCCESS;
+        pSession->joinFailStatusCode.reasonCode = 0;
+        // There are a number of variable length fields to consider.  First, the tSirSmeJoinReq
+        // includes a single bssDescription.   bssDescription includes a single tANI_U32 for the 
+        // IE fields, but the length field in the bssDescription needs to be interpreted to 
+        // determine length of the IE fields.
+        //
+        // So, take the size of the JoinReq, subtract the size of the bssDescription and 
+        // add in the length from the bssDescription (then add the size of the 'length' field
+        // itself because that is NOT included in the length field).
+        msgLen = sizeof( tSirSmeJoinReq ) - sizeof( *pBssDescription ) + 
+            pBssDescription->length + sizeof( pBssDescription->length ) +
+            sizeof( tCsrWpaIe ) + sizeof( tCsrWpaAuthIe ) + sizeof( tANI_U16 ); // add in the size of the WPA IE that we may build.
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, msgLen);
+        if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) break;
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg, msgLen);
+        pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_JOIN_REQ);
+        pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16(msgLen);
+        pBuf = &pMsg->sessionId;
+        // sessionId
+        *pBuf = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        pBuf++;
+        // transactionId
+        *pBuf = 0;
+        *( pBuf + 1 ) = 0;
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+        // ssId
+        if( pIes->SSID.present && pIes->SSID.num_ssid )
+        {
+            // ssId len
+            *pBuf = pIes->SSID.num_ssid;
+            pBuf++;
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pIes->SSID.ssid, pIes->SSID.num_ssid );
+            pBuf += pIes->SSID.num_ssid;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            *pBuf = 0;
+            pBuf++;
+        }
+        // selfMacAddr
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, &pSession->selfMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+        // bsstype
+        dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32( csrTranslateBsstypeToMacType( pProfile->BSSType ) );
+        if (dwTmp == eSIR_BTAMP_STA_MODE) dwTmp = eSIR_BTAMP_AP_MODE; // Override BssType for BTAMP
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tSirBssType) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirBssType);
+        // dot11mode
+        *pBuf = (tANI_U8)csrTranslateToWNICfgDot11Mode( pMac, pSession->bssParams.uCfgDot11Mode );
+        pBuf++;
+        //Persona
+        *pBuf = (tANI_U8)pProfile->csrPersona;
+        pBuf++;
+                  FL("CSR PERSONA=%d"), pProfile->csrPersona);
+        // uapsdPerAcBitmask
+        *pBuf = pProfile->uapsd_mask;
+        pBuf++;
+        status = csrGetRateSet(pMac, pProfile, (eCsrPhyMode)pProfile->phyMode, pBssDescription, pIes, &OpRateSet, &ExRateSet);
+        if (HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) 
+        {
+            // OperationalRateSet
+            if (OpRateSet.numRates) {
+                *pBuf++ = OpRateSet.numRates;
+                palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pBuf, OpRateSet.rate, OpRateSet.numRates);
+                pBuf += OpRateSet.numRates;
+            } else *pBuf++ = 0;
+            // ExtendedRateSet
+            if (ExRateSet.numRates) {
+                *pBuf++ = ExRateSet.numRates;
+                palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pBuf, ExRateSet.rate, ExRateSet.numRates);
+                pBuf += ExRateSet.numRates;
+            } else *pBuf++ = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            *pBuf++ = 0;
+            *pBuf++ = 0;
+        }
+        // rsnIE
+        if ( csrIsProfileWpa( pProfile ) )
+        {
+            // Insert the Wpa IE into the join request
+            ieLen = csrRetrieveWpaIe( pMac, pProfile, pBssDescription, pIes,
+                    (tCsrWpaIe *)( wpaRsnIE ) );
+        }
+        else if( csrIsProfileRSN( pProfile ) )
+        {
+            // Insert the RSN IE into the join request
+            ieLen = csrRetrieveRsnIe( pMac, sessionId, pProfile, pBssDescription, pIes,
+                    (tCsrRSNIe *)( wpaRsnIE ) );
+        }
+        else if( csrIsProfileWapi( pProfile ) )
+        {
+            // Insert the WAPI IE into the join request
+            ieLen = csrRetrieveWapiIe( pMac, sessionId, pProfile, pBssDescription, pIes,
+                    (tCsrWapiIe *)( wpaRsnIE ) );
+        }
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+        else
+        {
+            ieLen = 0;
+        }
+        //remember the IE for future use
+        if( ieLen )
+        {
+            if(ieLen > DOT11F_IE_RSN_MAX_LEN)
+            {
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" WPA RSN IE length :%d is more than DOT11F_IE_RSN_MAX_LEN, resetting to %d\n"), ieLen, DOT11F_IE_RSN_MAX_LEN);
+                ieLen = DOT11F_IE_RSN_MAX_LEN;
+            }
+            if( csrIsProfileWapi( pProfile ) )
+            {
+                //Check whether we need to allocate more memory
+                if(ieLen > pSession->nWapiReqIeLength)
+                {
+                    if(pSession->pWapiReqIE && pSession->nWapiReqIeLength)
+                    {
+                        palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pWapiReqIE);
+                    }
+                    status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pSession->pWapiReqIE, ieLen);
+                    if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) break;
+                }
+                pSession->nWapiReqIeLength = ieLen;
+                palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pWapiReqIE, wpaRsnIE, ieLen);
+                wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16( ieLen );
+                palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &wTmp, sizeof(tANI_U16) );
+                pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+                palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, wpaRsnIE, ieLen );
+                pBuf += ieLen;
+            }
+            else//should be WPA/WPA2 otherwise
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+            {
+                //Check whether we need to allocate more memory
+                if(ieLen > pSession->nWpaRsnReqIeLength)
+                {
+                    if(pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE && pSession->nWpaRsnReqIeLength)
+                    {
+                        palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE);
+                    }
+                    status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE, ieLen);
+                    if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) break;
+                }
+                pSession->nWpaRsnReqIeLength = ieLen;
+                palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE, wpaRsnIE, ieLen);
+                wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16( ieLen );
+                palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &wTmp, sizeof(tANI_U16) );
+                pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+                palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, wpaRsnIE, ieLen );
+                pBuf += ieLen;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            //free whatever old info
+            pSession->nWpaRsnReqIeLength = 0;
+            if(pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE)
+            {
+                palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE);
+                pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE = NULL;
+            }
+            pSession->nWapiReqIeLength = 0;
+            if(pSession->pWapiReqIE)
+            {
+                palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pWapiReqIE);
+                pSession->pWapiReqIE = NULL;
+            }
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+            //length is two bytes
+            *pBuf = 0;
+            *(pBuf + 1) = 0;
+            pBuf += 2;
+        }
+        // Never include the cckmIE in an Join Request
+        //length is two bytes
+        *pBuf = 0;
+        *(pBuf + 1) = 0;
+        pBuf += 2;
+        // addIEScan
+        if(pProfile->nAddIEScanLength && pProfile->pAddIEScan)
+        {
+            ieLen = pProfile->nAddIEScanLength;
+            if(ieLen > pSession->nAddIEScanLength)
+            {
+                if(pSession->pAddIEScan && pSession->nAddIEScanLength)
+        {
+                    palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pAddIEScan);
+                }
+                status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, 
+                                 (void **)&pSession->pAddIEScan, ieLen);
+                if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) break;
+            }
+            pSession->nAddIEScanLength = ieLen;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pAddIEScan, 
+                                      pProfile->pAddIEScan, ieLen);
+            wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16( ieLen );
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &wTmp, sizeof(tANI_U16) );
+            pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pProfile->pAddIEScan, ieLen );
+            pBuf += ieLen;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pSession->nAddIEScanLength = 0;
+            if(pSession->pAddIEScan)
+            {
+                palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pAddIEScan);
+                pSession->pAddIEScan = NULL;
+            }
+            *pBuf = 0;
+            *(pBuf + 1) = 0;
+            pBuf += 2;
+        }
+        // addIEAssoc
+        if(pProfile->nAddIEAssocLength && pProfile->pAddIEAssoc)
+        {
+            ieLen = pProfile->nAddIEAssocLength;
+            if(ieLen > pSession->nAddIEAssocLength)
+            {
+                if(pSession->pAddIEAssoc && pSession->nAddIEAssocLength)
+                {
+                    palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pAddIEAssoc);
+                }
+                status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, 
+                                 (void **)&pSession->pAddIEAssoc, ieLen);
+                if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) break;
+            }
+            pSession->nAddIEAssocLength = ieLen;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pAddIEAssoc, 
+                                      pProfile->pAddIEAssoc, ieLen);
+            wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16( ieLen );
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &wTmp, sizeof(tANI_U16) );
+            pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pProfile->pAddIEAssoc, ieLen );
+            pBuf += ieLen;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pSession->nAddIEAssocLength = 0;
+            if(pSession->pAddIEAssoc)
+            {
+                palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pAddIEAssoc);
+                pSession->pAddIEAssoc = NULL;
+            }
+            *pBuf = 0;
+            *(pBuf + 1) = 0;
+            pBuf += 2;
+        }
+        dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32( csrTranslateEncryptTypeToEdType( pProfile->negotiatedUCEncryptionType) );
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tANI_U32) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U32);        
+        dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32( csrTranslateEncryptTypeToEdType( pProfile->negotiatedMCEncryptionType) );
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tANI_U32) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U32);        
+        if (csrIsProfile11r( pProfile ) )
+        {
+            // is11Rconnection;
+            dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32(TRUE); 
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tAniBool) );
+            pBuf += sizeof(tAniBool);        
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // is11Rconnection;
+            dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32(FALSE); 
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tAniBool) );
+            pBuf += sizeof(tAniBool);        
+        }
+        /* A profile can not be both CCX and 11R. But an 802.11R AP
+         * may be advertising support for CCX as well. So if we are 
+         * associating Open or explicitly CCX then we will get CCX.
+         * If we are associating explictly 11R only then we will get
+         * 11R.
+         */
+        if ((csrIsProfileCCX(pProfile) || ((pIes->CCXVersion.present) && ((pProfile->negotiatedAuthType == eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_OPEN_SYSTEM) || (pProfile->negotiatedAuthType == eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA)))) && (!(csrIsProfile11r( pProfile ))) && (pMac->roam.configParam.isCcxIniFeatureEnabled))
+        {
+            // isCCXconnection;
+            dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32(TRUE); 
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tAniBool) );
+            pBuf += sizeof(tAniBool);        
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+            //isCCXconnection;
+            dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32(FALSE); 
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tAniBool) );
+            pBuf += sizeof(tAniBool);        
+        }
+        {
+            tCCXTspecInfo ccxTspec;
+            // CCX-Tspec IEs in the ASSOC request is presently not supported
+            // so nullify the TSPEC parameters
+            palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &ccxTspec, sizeof(tCCXTspecInfo));
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &ccxTspec, sizeof(tCCXTspecInfo));
+            pBuf += sizeof(tCCXTspecInfo);
+        }
+#if defined WLAN_FEATURE_VOWIFI_11R || defined FEATURE_WLAN_CCX
+        // Fill in isFastTransitionEnabled
+        if (pMac->roam.configParam.isFastTransitionEnabled)
+        {
+            dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32(TRUE); 
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tAniBool) );
+            pBuf += sizeof(tAniBool);        
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32(FALSE); 
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tAniBool) );
+            pBuf += sizeof(tAniBool);        
+        }
+        //BssDesc
+        csrPrepareJoinReassocReqBuffer( pMac, pBssDescription, pBuf, 
+                (tANI_U8)pProfile->uapsd_mask);
+        status = palSendMBMessage(pMac->hHdd, pMsg );    
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) 
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+        //Tush-QoS: notify QoS module that join happening
+        else
+        {
+            sme_QosCsrEventInd(pMac, (v_U8_t)sessionId, SME_QOS_CSR_JOIN_REQ, NULL);
+        }
+    } while( 0 );
+    return( status );
+eHalStatus csrSendSmeReassocReqMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tSirBssDescription *pBssDescription, 
+                                    tDot11fBeaconIEs *pIes, tCsrRoamProfile *pProfile )
+    eHalStatus status;
+    tSirSmeReassocReq *pMsg;
+    tANI_U8 *pBuf;
+    v_U8_t acm_mask = 0, uapsd_mask;
+    tANI_U16 msgLen, ieLen, wTmp;
+    tANI_U32 dwTmp;
+    tSirMacRateSet OpRateSet;
+    tSirMacRateSet ExRateSet;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    tANI_U8 wpaRsnIE[DOT11F_IE_RSN_MAX_LEN];    //RSN MAX is bigger than WPA MAX
+    /* To satisfy klockworks */
+    if (pBssDescription == NULL)
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" pBssDescription is NULL\n"));
+        return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    }
+    do {
+        // There are a number of variable length fields to consider.  First, the tSirSmeJoinReq
+        // includes a single bssDescription.   bssDescription includes a single tANI_U32 for the 
+        // IE fields, but the length field in the bssDescription needs to be interpreted to 
+        // determine length of the IE fields.
+        //
+        // So, take the size of the JoinReq, subtract the size of the bssDescription and 
+        // add in the length from the bssDescription (then add the size of the 'length' field
+        // itself because that is NOT included in the length field).
+        msgLen = sizeof( tSirSmeReassocReq ) - sizeof( *pBssDescription ) + 
+                 pBssDescription->length + sizeof( pBssDescription->length ) +
+                 sizeof( tCsrWpaIe ) + sizeof( tCsrWpaAuthIe ) + sizeof( tANI_U16 ); // add in the size of the WPA IE that we may build.
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, msgLen);         
+        if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) break;
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg, msgLen);
+        pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_REASSOC_REQ);
+                pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16(msgLen);
+        pBuf = &pMsg->sessionId;
+        // sessionId
+        *pBuf++ = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        // transactionId
+        *pBuf = 0;
+        *(pBuf + 1) = 0;
+        pBuf += sizeof (tANI_U16);
+        // ssId
+        if( pIes->SSID.present && pIes->SSID.num_ssid )
+        {
+            // ssId len
+            *pBuf++ = pIes->SSID.num_ssid;
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pIes->SSID.ssid, pIes->SSID.num_ssid );
+            pBuf += pIes->SSID.num_ssid;
+        } 
+        else
+        {
+            *pBuf++ = 0;
+        }
+        // selfMacAddr
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, &pSession->selfMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+        // bsstype
+        dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32( csrTranslateBsstypeToMacType( pProfile->BSSType ) );
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tSirBssType) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirBssType);
+        // dot11mode
+        *pBuf = (tANI_U8)csrTranslateToWNICfgDot11Mode( pMac, pSession->bssParams.uCfgDot11Mode );
+        pBuf++;
+        //Persona
+        *pBuf = (tANI_U8)pProfile->csrPersona;
+        pBuf++;
+        // uapsdPerAcBitmask
+        *pBuf = pProfile->uapsd_mask;
+        pBuf++;
+        status = csrGetRateSet(pMac, pProfile, (eCsrPhyMode)pProfile->phyMode, 
+                        pBssDescription, pIes, &OpRateSet, &ExRateSet);
+        if (HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) 
+        {
+            // OperationalRateSet
+            if (OpRateSet.numRates) 
+            {
+                *pBuf++ = OpRateSet.numRates;
+                palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pBuf, OpRateSet.rate, OpRateSet.numRates);
+                pBuf += OpRateSet.numRates;
+            } 
+            else *pBuf++ = 0;
+            // ExtendedRateSet
+            if (ExRateSet.numRates) 
+            {
+                *pBuf++ = ExRateSet.numRates;
+                palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pBuf, ExRateSet.rate, ExRateSet.numRates);
+                pBuf += ExRateSet.numRates;
+            } 
+            else *pBuf++ = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            *pBuf++ = 0;
+            *pBuf++ = 0;
+        }
+                // rsnIE
+        if ( csrIsProfileWpa( pProfile ) )
+                {
+                    // Insert the Wpa IE into the join request
+            ieLen = csrRetrieveWpaIe( pMac, pProfile, pBssDescription, pIes,
+                                                   (tCsrWpaIe *)( wpaRsnIE ) );
+                }
+                else if( csrIsProfileRSN( pProfile ) )
+                {
+                    // Insert the RSN IE into the join request
+            ieLen = csrRetrieveRsnIe( pMac, sessionId, pProfile, pBssDescription, pIes,
+                                                    (tCsrRSNIe *)( wpaRsnIE ) );
+        }
+        else if( csrIsProfileWapi( pProfile ) )
+        {
+            // Insert the WAPI IE into the join request
+            ieLen = csrRetrieveWapiIe( pMac, sessionId, pProfile, pBssDescription, pIes,
+                                                (tCsrWapiIe *)( wpaRsnIE) );
+        }
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+        else
+        {
+            ieLen = 0;
+        }
+        //remember the IE for future use
+        if( ieLen )
+        {
+            if(ieLen > DOT11F_IE_RSN_MAX_LEN)
+             {
+                 smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" WPA RSN IE length :%d is more than DOT11F_IE_RSN_MAX_LEN, resetting to %d\n"), ieLen, DOT11F_IE_RSN_MAX_LEN);
+                 ieLen = DOT11F_IE_RSN_MAX_LEN;
+             }
+            //Check whether we need to allocate more memory
+            if(ieLen > pSession->nWpaRsnReqIeLength)
+            {
+                if(pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE && pSession->nWpaRsnReqIeLength)
+                {
+                    palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE);
+                }
+                status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE, ieLen);
+                if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) break;
+            }
+            pSession->nWpaRsnReqIeLength = ieLen;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE, wpaRsnIE, ieLen);
+            wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16( ieLen );
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &wTmp, sizeof(tANI_U16) );
+            pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, wpaRsnIE, ieLen );
+            pBuf += ieLen;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+            //free whatever old info
+            pSession->nWpaRsnReqIeLength = 0;
+            if(pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE)
+            {
+                palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE);
+                pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE = NULL;
+            }
+            //length is two bytes
+            *pBuf = 0;
+            *(pBuf + 1) = 0;
+            pBuf += 2;
+                }
+        // cckmIE
+        if( csrIsProfileCCX( pProfile ) )
+        {
+            // Insert the CCKM IE into the join request
+            ieLen = csrConstructCcxCckmIe( pMac, 
+                                          pSession, 
+                                          pProfile, 
+                                          pBssDescription, 
+                                          pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE, 
+                                          pSession->nWpaRsnReqIeLength,
+                                          (void *)( wpaRsnIE ) );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ieLen = 0;
+        }
+        //If present, copy the IE into the eWNI_SME_REASSOC_REQ message buffer
+        if( ieLen )
+        {
+            //Copy the CCKM IE over from the temp buffer (wpaRsnIE)
+            wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16( ieLen );
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &wTmp, sizeof(tANI_U16) );
+            pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, wpaRsnIE, ieLen );
+            pBuf += ieLen;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            //Indicate you have no CCKM IE
+            //length is two bytes
+            *pBuf = 0;
+            *(pBuf + 1) = 0;
+            pBuf += 2;
+        }
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_CCX */
+        // addIEScan
+        if(pProfile->nAddIEScanLength && pProfile->pAddIEScan)
+        {
+            ieLen = pProfile->nAddIEScanLength;
+            if(ieLen > pSession->nAddIEScanLength)
+            {
+                if(pSession->pAddIEScan && pSession->nAddIEScanLength)
+                {
+                    palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pAddIEScan);
+                }
+                status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, 
+                                 (void **)&pSession->pAddIEScan, ieLen);
+                if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) break;
+            }
+            pSession->nAddIEScanLength = ieLen;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pAddIEScan, 
+                                      pProfile->pAddIEScan, ieLen);
+            wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16( ieLen );
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &wTmp, sizeof(tANI_U16) );
+            pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pProfile->pAddIEScan, ieLen );
+            pBuf += ieLen;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pSession->nAddIEScanLength = 0;
+            if(pSession->pAddIEScan)
+            {
+                palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pAddIEScan);
+                pSession->pAddIEScan = NULL;
+            }
+            *pBuf = 0;
+            *(pBuf + 1) = 0;
+            pBuf += 2;
+        }
+        // addIEAssoc
+        if(pProfile->nAddIEAssocLength && pProfile->pAddIEAssoc)
+        {
+            ieLen = pProfile->nAddIEAssocLength;
+            if(ieLen > pSession->nAddIEAssocLength)
+            {
+                if(pSession->pAddIEAssoc && pSession->nAddIEAssocLength)
+        {
+                    palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pAddIEAssoc);
+        }
+                status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, 
+                                 (void **)&pSession->pAddIEAssoc, ieLen);
+                if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) break;
+        }
+            pSession->nAddIEAssocLength = ieLen;
+            palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pAddIEAssoc, 
+                                      pProfile->pAddIEAssoc, ieLen);
+            wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16( ieLen );
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &wTmp, sizeof(tANI_U16) );
+            pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pProfile->pAddIEAssoc, ieLen );
+            pBuf += ieLen;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pSession->nAddIEAssocLength = 0;
+            if(pSession->pAddIEAssoc)
+            {
+                palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pAddIEAssoc);
+                pSession->pAddIEAssoc = NULL;
+            }
+            *pBuf = 0;
+            *(pBuf + 1) = 0;
+            pBuf += 2;
+        }
+        //Unmask any AC in reassoc that is ACM-set
+        uapsd_mask = (v_U8_t)pProfile->uapsd_mask;
+        if( uapsd_mask && ( NULL != pBssDescription ) )
+        {
+            if( CSR_IS_QOS_BSS(pIes) && CSR_IS_UAPSD_BSS(pIes) )
+            {
+                acm_mask = sme_QosGetACMMask(pMac, pBssDescription, pIes);
+                uapsd_mask &= ~(acm_mask);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                uapsd_mask = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32( csrTranslateEncryptTypeToEdType( pProfile->negotiatedUCEncryptionType) );
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tANI_U32) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U32);        
+        dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32( csrTranslateEncryptTypeToEdType( pProfile->negotiatedMCEncryptionType) );
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tANI_U32) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U32);        
+        // is11Rconnection;
+        dwTmp = csrIsProfile11r( pProfile )?  pal_cpu_to_be32(TRUE) : 0; 
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tAniBool) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tAniBool);        
+        //isCCXconnection;
+        //CCKM profile, ccxversion ie present, not 11r and ini file has CCX enabled
+        dwTmp = ((csrIsProfileCCX(pProfile) || ((pIes->CCXVersion.present) && ((pProfile->negotiatedAuthType == eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_OPEN_SYSTEM) || (pProfile->negotiatedAuthType == eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA)))) && (!(csrIsProfile11r( pProfile ))) && (pMac->roam.configParam.isCcxIniFeatureEnabled)) ? pal_cpu_to_be32(TRUE) : 0;
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tAniBool) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tAniBool);        
+        if ((csrIsProfileCCX(pProfile) || ((pIes->CCXVersion.present) && ((pProfile->negotiatedAuthType == eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_OPEN_SYSTEM) || (pProfile->negotiatedAuthType == eCSR_AUTH_TYPE_WPA)))) && (!(csrIsProfile11r( pProfile ))) && (pMac->roam.configParam.isCcxIniFeatureEnabled))
+        {
+           tCCXTspecInfo ccxTspec;
+           // CCX Tspec information
+           palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &ccxTspec, sizeof(tCCXTspecInfo));
+           ccxTspec.numTspecs = sme_QosCCxRetrieveTspecInfo(pMac, sessionId, (tTspecInfo *) &ccxTspec.tspec[0]);
+           *pBuf = ccxTspec.numTspecs;
+           pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U8);
+           // Copy the TSPEC information only if present
+           if (ccxTspec.numTspecs) {
+               palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pBuf, (void*)&ccxTspec.tspec[0], (ccxTspec.numTspecs*sizeof(tTspecInfo)));
+           }
+           pBuf += sizeof(ccxTspec.tspec);
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+            {
+                tCCXTspecInfo ccxTspec;
+                // CCX-Tspec IEs in the ASSOC request is presently not supported
+                // so nullify the TSPEC parameters
+                palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &ccxTspec, sizeof(tCCXTspecInfo));
+                palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &ccxTspec, sizeof(tCCXTspecInfo));
+                pBuf += sizeof(tCCXTspecInfo);
+            }
+        }
+#if defined WLAN_FEATURE_VOWIFI_11R || defined FEATURE_WLAN_CCX
+        // Fill in isFastTransitionEnabled
+        if (pMac->roam.configParam.isFastTransitionEnabled)
+        {
+            dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32(TRUE); 
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tAniBool) );
+            pBuf += sizeof(tAniBool);        
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32(FALSE); 
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tAniBool) );
+            pBuf += sizeof(tAniBool);        
+        }
+        csrPrepareJoinReassocReqBuffer( pMac, pBssDescription, pBuf, uapsd_mask);
+        //Tush-QoS: notify QoS module that reassoc happening
+        sme_QosCsrEventInd(pMac, (v_U8_t)sessionId, SME_QOS_CSR_REASSOC_REQ, NULL);
+        status = palSendMBMessage( pMac->hHdd, pMsg );
+    } while( 0 );
+    return( status );
+eHalStatus csrSendMBDisassocReqMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tSirMacAddr bssId, tANI_U16 reasonCode )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSirSmeDisassocReq *pMsg;
+    tANI_U8 *pBuf;
+    tANI_U16 wTmp;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if (!CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID( pMac, sessionId ))
+        return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    do {
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeDisassocReq ));
+        if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) break;
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeDisassocReq ));
+        pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_REQ);
+        pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)sizeof( tSirSmeDisassocReq ));
+        pBuf = &pMsg->sessionId;
+        // sessionId
+        *pBuf++ = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        // transactionId
+        *pBuf = 0;
+        *( pBuf + 1 ) = 0;
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+#ifdef WLAN_SOFTAP_FEATURE        
+        if ( (pSession->pCurRoamProfile != NULL ) && 
+             ( reasonCode == eSIR_MAC_UNSPEC_FAILURE_REASON ) && 
+             ((CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(pSession->pCurRoamProfile)) || (CSR_IS_WDS_AP(pSession->pCurRoamProfile))))
+        {
+            // Set the bssid address before sending the message to LIM
+            status = palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, pSession->selfMacAddr, sizeof( tSirMacAddr ) );
+            pBuf = pBuf + sizeof ( tSirMacAddr );
+            // Set the peer MAC address before sending the message to LIM
+            status = palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, bssId, sizeof( tSirMacAddr ) ); //perMacAddr is passed as bssId for softAP
+            pBuf = pBuf + sizeof ( tSirMacAddr );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // Set the peer MAC address before sending the message to LIM
+            status = palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, bssId, sizeof( tSirMacAddr ) );
+            pBuf = pBuf + sizeof ( tSirMacAddr );
+            status = palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, bssId, sizeof( pMsg->bssId ) );
+            pBuf = pBuf + sizeof ( tSirMacAddr );
+        }
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+            break;
+        }
+        // reasonCode
+        wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16(reasonCode);
+        status = palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &wTmp, sizeof(tANI_U16) );
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+            break;
+        }
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+        /* The state will be DISASSOC_HANDOFF only when we are doing handoff. 
+                    Here we should not send the disassoc over the air to the AP */
+        if ( CSR_IS_ROAM_SUBSTATE_DISASSOC_HO(pMac, sessionId)
+                && csrRoamIs11rAssoc(pMac)
+           )            
+        {
+            *pBuf = CSR_DONT_SEND_DISASSOC_OVER_THE_AIR;  /* Set DoNotSendOverTheAir flag to 1 only for handoff case */
+        }
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U8);
+        status = palSendMBMessage( pMac->hHdd, pMsg );
+    } while( 0 );
+    return( status );
+eHalStatus csrSendMBTkipCounterMeasuresReqMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tANI_BOOLEAN bEnable, tSirMacAddr bssId )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSirSmeTkipCntrMeasReq *pMsg;
+    tANI_U8 *pBuf;
+    do
+    {
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeTkipCntrMeasReq ));
+        if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) break;
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeTkipCntrMeasReq ));
+        pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_TKIP_CNTR_MEAS_REQ);
+        pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)sizeof( tSirSmeTkipCntrMeasReq ));
+        pBuf = &pMsg->sessionId;
+        // sessionId
+        *pBuf++ = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        // transactionId
+        *pBuf = 0;
+        *( pBuf + 1 ) = 0;
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+        // bssid
+        status = palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pMsg->bssId, bssId, sizeof( tSirMacAddr ) );
+        pBuf = pBuf + sizeof ( tSirMacAddr );
+        // bEnable
+        *pBuf = (tANI_BOOLEAN)bEnable;
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+            break;
+        }
+        status = palSendMBMessage( pMac->hHdd, pMsg );
+    } while( 0 );
+    return( status );
+csrSendMBGetAssociatedStasReqMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId,
+                                    VOS_MODULE_ID modId, tSirMacAddr bssId,
+                                    void *pUsrContext, void *pfnSapEventCallback,
+                                    tANI_U8 *pAssocStasBuf )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSirSmeGetAssocSTAsReq *pMsg;
+    tANI_U8 *pBuf = NULL, *wTmpBuf = NULL;
+    tANI_U32 dwTmp;
+    do
+    {
+        status = palAllocateMemory( pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeGetAssocSTAsReq ) );
+        if (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) break;
+        palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeGetAssocSTAsReq ) );
+        pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_GET_ASSOC_STAS_REQ);
+        pBuf = (tANI_U8 *)&pMsg->bssId;
+        wTmpBuf = pBuf;
+        // bssId
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, bssId, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+        // modId 
+        dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)modId);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, (tANI_U8 *)&dwTmp, sizeof(tANI_U16));
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+        // pUsrContext
+        dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32((tANI_U32)pUsrContext);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, (tANI_U8 *)&dwTmp, sizeof(tANI_U32));
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U32);
+        // pfnSapEventCallback
+        dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32((tANI_U32)pfnSapEventCallback);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, (tANI_U8 *)&dwTmp, sizeof(tANI_U32));
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U32);
+        // pAssocStasBuf
+        dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32((tANI_U32)pAssocStasBuf);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, (tANI_U8 *)&dwTmp, sizeof(tANI_U32));
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U32);
+        pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)(sizeof(tANI_U32 ) + (pBuf - wTmpBuf)));//msg_header + msg
+        status = palSendMBMessage( pMac->hHdd, pMsg );
+    } while( 0 );
+    return( status );
+        }
+csrSendMBGetWPSPBCSessions( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId,
+                            tSirMacAddr bssId, void *pUsrContext, void *pfnSapEventCallback,v_MACADDR_t pRemoveMac)
+        {
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSirSmeGetWPSPBCSessionsReq *pMsg;
+    tANI_U8 *pBuf = NULL, *wTmpBuf = NULL;
+    tANI_U32 dwTmp;
+    do
+        {
+        status = palAllocateMemory( pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, sizeof(tSirSmeGetWPSPBCSessionsReq) );
+        if (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) break;
+        palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeGetWPSPBCSessionsReq ) );
+        pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_GET_WPSPBC_SESSION_REQ);
+        pBuf = (tANI_U8 *)&pMsg->pUsrContext;
+        wTmpBuf = pBuf;
+        // pUsrContext
+        dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32((tANI_U32)pUsrContext);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, (tANI_U8 *)&dwTmp, sizeof(tANI_U32));
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U32);
+        // pSapEventCallback
+        dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32((tANI_U32)pfnSapEventCallback);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, (tANI_U8 *)&dwTmp, sizeof(tANI_U32));
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U32);
+        // bssId
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, bssId, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+        // MAC Address of STA in WPS session
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, pRemoveMac.bytes, sizeof(v_MACADDR_t));
+        pBuf += sizeof(v_MACADDR_t);
+        pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)(sizeof(tANI_U32 ) + (pBuf - wTmpBuf)));//msg_header + msg
+        status = palSendMBMessage( pMac->hHdd, pMsg );
+    } while( 0 );
+    return( status );
+eHalStatus csrSendMBDeauthReqMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tSirMacAddr bssId, tANI_U16 reasonCode )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSirSmeDeauthReq *pMsg;
+    tANI_U8 *pBuf;
+    tANI_U16 wTmp;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if (!CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID( pMac, sessionId ))
+        return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    do {
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeDeauthReq ));
+        if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) break;
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeDeauthReq ));
+                pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_REQ);
+                pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)sizeof( tSirSmeDeauthReq ));
+        //sessionId
+        pBuf = &pMsg->sessionId;
+        *pBuf++ = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        //tansactionId
+        *pBuf = 0;
+        *(pBuf + 1 ) = 0;
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+        if ((pSession->pCurRoamProfile != NULL)  && (
+             (CSR_IS_INFRA_AP(pSession->pCurRoamProfile)) || 
+             (CSR_IS_WDS_AP(pSession->pCurRoamProfile)))){ 
+            // Set the BSSID before sending the message to LIM
+            status = palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, pSession->selfMacAddr, sizeof( pMsg->peerMacAddr ) );
+            pBuf =  pBuf + sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // Set the BSSID before sending the message to LIM
+            status = palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, bssId, sizeof( pMsg->peerMacAddr ) );
+            pBuf =  pBuf + sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+        }
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+            break;
+        }     
+                // Set the peer MAC address before sending the message to LIM
+        status = palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *) pBuf, bssId, sizeof( pMsg->peerMacAddr ) );
+        pBuf =  pBuf + sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+            break;
+        }     
+        wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16(reasonCode);
+        status = palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &wTmp,sizeof( tANI_U16 ) );
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+            break;
+        }
+        status = palSendMBMessage( pMac->hHdd, pMsg );
+    } while( 0 );
+    return( status );
+eHalStatus csrSendMBDisassocCnfMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tpSirSmeDisassocInd pDisassocInd )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSirSmeDisassocCnf *pMsg;
+    do {
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeDisassocCnf ));
+        if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) break;
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeDisassocCnf ));
+        pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_DISASSOC_CNF);
+        pMsg->statusCode = (tSirResultCodes)pal_cpu_to_be32(eSIR_SME_SUCCESS);
+        pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)sizeof( tSirSmeDisassocCnf ));
+        status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg->peerMacAddr, pDisassocInd->peerMacAddr, sizeof(pMsg->peerMacAddr)); 
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+            break;
+        }
+//To test reconn        
+        status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg->bssId, pDisassocInd->bssId, sizeof(pMsg->peerMacAddr)); 
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+            break;
+        }
+//To test reconn ends
+        status = palSendMBMessage( pMac->hHdd, pMsg );
+    } while( 0 );
+    return( status );
+eHalStatus csrSendMBDeauthCnfMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tpSirSmeDeauthInd pDeauthInd )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSirSmeDeauthCnf *pMsg;
+    do {
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeDeauthCnf ));
+        if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) break;
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeDeauthCnf ));
+        pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_DEAUTH_CNF);
+        pMsg->statusCode = (tSirResultCodes)pal_cpu_to_be32(eSIR_SME_SUCCESS);
+        pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)sizeof( tSirSmeDeauthCnf ));
+        status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg->bssId, pDeauthInd->bssId, sizeof(pMsg->bssId)); 
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+            break;
+        }
+        status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg->peerMacAddr, pDeauthInd->peerMacAddr, sizeof(pMsg->peerMacAddr)); 
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+            break;
+        }
+        status = palSendMBMessage( pMac->hHdd, pMsg );
+    } while( 0 );
+    return( status );
+eHalStatus csrSendAssocCnfMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tpSirSmeAssocInd pAssocInd, eHalStatus Halstatus )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSirSmeAssocCnf *pMsg;
+    tANI_U8 *pBuf;
+    tSirResultCodes statusCode;
+    tANI_U16 wTmp;
+    do {
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeAssocCnf ));
+        if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) break;
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeAssocCnf ));
+                pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_ASSOC_CNF);
+                pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)sizeof( tSirSmeAssocCnf ));
+        pBuf = (tANI_U8 *)&pMsg->statusCode;
+        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(Halstatus))
+            statusCode = (tSirResultCodes)pal_cpu_to_be32(eSIR_SME_SUCCESS);
+        else
+            statusCode = (tSirResultCodes)pal_cpu_to_be32(eSIR_SME_ASSOC_REFUSED);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &statusCode, sizeof(tSirResultCodes) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirResultCodes);
+        // bssId
+        status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, pAssocInd->bssId, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+        pBuf += sizeof (tSirMacAddr);
+        // peerMacAddr
+        status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, pAssocInd->peerMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)); 
+        pBuf += sizeof (tSirMacAddr);
+        // aid
+        wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16(pAssocInd->aid);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &wTmp, sizeof(tANI_U16) );
+        pBuf += sizeof (tANI_U16);
+        // alternateBssId
+        status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, pAssocInd->bssId, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+        pBuf += sizeof (tSirMacAddr);
+        // alternateChannelId
+        *pBuf = 11;
+        status = palSendMBMessage( pMac->hHdd, pMsg );
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            //pMsg is freed by palSendMBMessage
+            break;
+        }
+    } while( 0 );
+    return( status );
+eHalStatus csrSendAssocIndToUpperLayerCnfMsg(   tpAniSirGlobal pMac, 
+                                                tpSirSmeAssocInd pAssocInd, 
+                                                eHalStatus Halstatus, 
+                                                tANI_U8 sessionId)
+    tSirMsgQ            msgQ;
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSirSmeAssocIndToUpperLayerCnf *pMsg;
+    tANI_U8 *pBuf;
+    tSirResultCodes statusCode;
+    tANI_U16 wTmp;
+    do {
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeAssocIndToUpperLayerCnf ));
+        if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) break;
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeAssocIndToUpperLayerCnf ));
+        pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_UPPER_LAYER_ASSOC_CNF);
+        pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)sizeof( tSirSmeAssocIndToUpperLayerCnf ));
+        pMsg->sessionId = sessionId;
+        pBuf = (tANI_U8 *)&pMsg->statusCode;
+        if(HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(Halstatus))
+            statusCode = (tSirResultCodes)pal_cpu_to_be32(eSIR_SME_SUCCESS);
+        else
+            statusCode = (tSirResultCodes)pal_cpu_to_be32(eSIR_SME_ASSOC_REFUSED);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &statusCode, sizeof(tSirResultCodes) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirResultCodes);
+        // bssId
+        status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, pAssocInd->bssId, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+        pBuf += sizeof (tSirMacAddr);
+        // peerMacAddr
+        status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, pAssocInd->peerMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr)); 
+        pBuf += sizeof (tSirMacAddr);
+        // StaId
+        wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16(pAssocInd->staId);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &wTmp, sizeof(tANI_U16) );
+        pBuf += sizeof (tANI_U16);
+        // alternateBssId
+        status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, pAssocInd->bssId, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+        pBuf += sizeof (tSirMacAddr);
+        // alternateChannelId
+        *pBuf = 11;
+        pBuf += sizeof (tANI_U8);
+        // Instead of copying roam Info, we just copy only WmmEnabled , RsnIE information
+        //Wmm
+        *pBuf = pAssocInd->wmmEnabledSta;
+        pBuf += sizeof (tANI_U8);
+        //RSN IE
+        status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, (tSirRSNie *)pBuf, &pAssocInd->rsnIE, sizeof(tSirRSNie));
+        pBuf += sizeof (tSirRSNie);
+        //Additional IE
+        status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void *)pBuf, &pAssocInd->addIE, sizeof(tSirAddie));
+        pBuf += sizeof (tSirAddie);
+        //reassocReq
+        *pBuf = pAssocInd->reassocReq;
+        pBuf += sizeof (tANI_U8);
+        msgQ.type = eWNI_SME_UPPER_LAYER_ASSOC_CNF;
+        msgQ.bodyptr = pMsg;
+        msgQ.bodyval = 0;
+        SysProcessMmhMsg(pMac, &msgQ);
+    } while( 0 );
+    return( status );
+eHalStatus csrSendMBSetContextReqMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId ,
+            tSirMacAddr peerMacAddr, tANI_U8 numKeys, tAniEdType edType, 
+            tANI_BOOLEAN fUnicast, tAniKeyDirection aniKeyDirection,
+            tANI_U8 keyId, tANI_U8 keyLength, tANI_U8 *pKey, tANI_U8 paeRole, 
+            tANI_U8 *pKeyRsc )
+    tSirSmeSetContextReq *pMsg;
+    tANI_U16 msgLen;
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    tAniEdType tmpEdType;
+    tAniKeyDirection tmpDirection;
+    tANI_U8 *pBuf;
+    tANI_U8 *p;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    do {
+        if( ( 1 != numKeys ) && ( 0 != numKeys ) ) break;
+        // all of these fields appear in every SET_CONTEXT message.  Below we'll add in the size for each 
+        // key set. Since we only support upto one key, we always allocate memory for 1 key
+        msgLen  = sizeof( tANI_U16) + sizeof( tANI_U16 ) + sizeof( tSirMacAddr ) +
+                  sizeof( tSirMacAddr ) + 1 + sizeof(tANI_U16) +
+                  sizeof( pMsg->keyMaterial.length ) + sizeof( pMsg->keyMaterial.edType ) + sizeof( pMsg->keyMaterial.numKeys ) +
+                  ( sizeof( pMsg->keyMaterial.key ) );
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, msgLen);
+        if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) break;
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg, msgLen);
+                pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_SETCONTEXT_REQ);
+                pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16(msgLen);
+        //sessionId
+        pBuf = &pMsg->sessionId;
+        *pBuf = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        pBuf++;
+        // transactionId
+        *pBuf = 0;
+        *(pBuf + 1) = 0;
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+        // peerMacAddr
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, 
+             (tANI_U8 *)peerMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+        // bssId
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, 
+            (tANI_U8 *)&pSession->connectedProfile.bssid, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+        p = pBuf;
+                // Set the pMsg->keyMaterial.length field (this length is defined as all data that follows the edType field
+                // in the tSirKeyMaterial keyMaterial; field).
+                //
+                // !!NOTE:  This keyMaterial.length contains the length of a MAX size key, though the keyLength can be 
+                // shorter than this max size.  Is LIM interpreting this ok ?
+                p = pal_set_U16( p, pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)( sizeof( pMsg->keyMaterial.numKeys ) + ( numKeys * sizeof( pMsg->keyMaterial.key ) ) )) );
+                // set pMsg->keyMaterial.edType
+        tmpEdType = (tAniEdType)pal_cpu_to_be32(edType);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, p, (tANI_U8 *)&tmpEdType, sizeof(tAniEdType) );
+        p += sizeof( pMsg->keyMaterial.edType );
+        // set the pMsg->keyMaterial.numKeys field
+        *p = numKeys;
+        p += sizeof( pMsg->keyMaterial.numKeys );   
+        // set pSirKey->keyId = keyId;
+        *p = keyId;
+        p += sizeof( pMsg->keyMaterial.key[ 0 ].keyId );
+        // set pSirKey->unicast = (tANI_U8)fUnicast;
+        *p = (tANI_U8)fUnicast;
+        p += sizeof( pMsg->keyMaterial.key[ 0 ].unicast );
+                // set pSirKey->keyDirection = aniKeyDirection;
+        tmpDirection = (tAniKeyDirection)pal_cpu_to_be32(aniKeyDirection);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, p, (tANI_U8 *)&tmpDirection, sizeof(tAniKeyDirection) );
+        p += sizeof(tAniKeyDirection);
+        //    pSirKey->keyRsc = ;;
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, p, pKeyRsc, CSR_MAX_RSC_LEN );
+        p += sizeof( pMsg->keyMaterial.key[ 0 ].keyRsc );
+                // set pSirKey->paeRole
+                *p = paeRole;   // 0 is Supplicant
+                p++;
+                // set pSirKey->keyLength = keyLength;
+                p = pal_set_U16( p, pal_cpu_to_be16(keyLength) );
+        if ( keyLength && pKey ) 
+        {   
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, p, pKey, keyLength ); 
+            if(keyLength == 16)
+            {
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGE, "  SME Set keyIdx (%d) encType(%d) key = %02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X\n",
+                keyId, edType, pKey[0], pKey[1], pKey[2], pKey[3], pKey[4],
+                pKey[5], pKey[6], pKey[7], pKey[8],
+                pKey[9], pKey[10], pKey[11], pKey[12], pKey[13], pKey[14], pKey[15]);
+            }
+        }
+        status = palSendMBMessage(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+    } while( 0 );
+    return( status );
+eHalStatus csrSendMBStartBssReqMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, eCsrRoamBssType bssType, 
+                                    tCsrRoamStartBssParams *pParam, tSirBssDescription *pBssDesc )
+    eHalStatus status;
+    tSirSmeStartBssReq *pMsg;
+    tANI_U8 *pBuf = NULL;
+    tANI_U8  *wTmpBuf  = NULL;
+    tANI_U16 msgLen, wTmp;
+    tANI_U32 dwTmp;
+    tSirNwType nwType;
+    tAniCBSecondaryMode cbMode;
+    tANI_U32 authType;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    do {
+        pSession->joinFailStatusCode.statusCode = eSIR_SME_SUCCESS;
+        pSession->joinFailStatusCode.reasonCode = 0;
+        msgLen = sizeof(tSirSmeStartBssReq);
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, msgLen);
+        if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) break;
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg, msgLen);
+        pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_START_BSS_REQ);
+        pBuf = &pMsg->sessionId;
+        wTmpBuf = pBuf;
+        //sessionId
+        *pBuf = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        pBuf++;
+        // transactionId
+        *pBuf = 0;
+        *(pBuf + 1) = 0;
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+        // bssid 
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pParam->bssid, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+        // selfMacAddr
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pSession->selfMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+        // beaconInterval
+        if( pBssDesc && pBssDesc->beaconInterval )
+        {
+            wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16( pBssDesc->beaconInterval );
+        }
+        else if(pParam->beaconInterval)
+        {
+            wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16( pParam->beaconInterval );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16( WNI_CFG_BEACON_INTERVAL_STADEF );
+        }
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &wTmp, sizeof( tANI_U16 ) ); 
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+        // dot11mode
+        *pBuf = (tANI_U8)csrTranslateToWNICfgDot11Mode( pMac, pParam->uCfgDot11Mode );
+        pBuf += 1;
+        // bssType
+        dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32( csrTranslateBsstypeToMacType( bssType ) );
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &dwTmp, sizeof(tSirBssType) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirBssType);
+        // ssId
+        if( pParam->ssId.length )
+        {
+            // ssId len
+            *pBuf = pParam->ssId.length;
+            pBuf++;
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pParam->ssId.ssId, pParam->ssId.length );
+            pBuf += pParam->ssId.length;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            *pBuf = 0;
+            pBuf++;        
+        }
+        // set the channel Id
+        *pBuf = pParam->operationChn;
+        pBuf++;
+        //What should we really do for the cbmode.
+        cbMode = (tAniCBSecondaryMode)pal_cpu_to_be32(pParam->cbMode);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, (tANI_U8 *)&cbMode, sizeof(tAniCBSecondaryMode) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tAniCBSecondaryMode);
+        // Set privacy
+        *pBuf = pParam->privacy;
+        pBuf++;
+        //Set Uapsd 
+        *pBuf = pParam->ApUapsdEnable;
+        pBuf++;
+        //Set SSID hidden
+        *pBuf = pParam->ssidHidden;
+        pBuf++;
+        *pBuf = (tANI_U8)pParam->fwdWPSPBCProbeReq;
+        pBuf++;
+        //Ht protection Enable/Disable
+        *pBuf = (tANI_U8)pParam->protEnabled;
+        pBuf++;
+        //Enable Beacons to Receive for OBSS protection Enable/Disable
+        *pBuf = (tANI_U8)pParam->obssProtEnabled;
+        pBuf++;
+        //set cfg related to protection
+        wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16( pParam->ht_protection );
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &wTmp, sizeof( tANI_U16 ) ); 
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+        // Set Auth type
+        authType = pal_cpu_to_be32(pParam->authType);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, (tANI_U8 *)&authType, sizeof(tANI_U32));
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U32);
+        // Set DTIM
+        dwTmp = pal_cpu_to_be32(pParam->dtimPeriod);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, (tANI_U8 *)&dwTmp, sizeof(tANI_U32));
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U32);
+        // Set wps_state
+        *pBuf = pParam->wps_state;
+        pBuf++;
+        //Persona
+        *pBuf = (tANI_U8)pParam->bssPersona;
+        pBuf++;
+        // set RSN IE 
+        if( pParam->nRSNIELength > sizeof(pMsg->rsnIE.rsnIEdata) )
+        {
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+            palFreeMemory( pMac->hHdd, pMsg );
+            break;
+        }
+        wTmp = pal_cpu_to_be16( pParam->nRSNIELength );
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, &wTmp, sizeof(tANI_U16) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+        if( wTmp )
+        {
+            wTmp = pParam->nRSNIELength;
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pParam->pRSNIE, wTmp );
+            pBuf += wTmp;
+        }
+        nwType = (tSirNwType)pal_cpu_to_be32(pParam->sirNwType);
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, (tANI_U8 *)&nwType, sizeof(tSirNwType) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirNwType);
+        *pBuf = pParam->operationalRateSet.numRates; //tSirMacRateSet->numRates
+        pBuf++;
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pParam->operationalRateSet.rate, pParam->operationalRateSet.numRates );
+        pBuf += pParam->operationalRateSet.numRates ;
+        *pBuf++ = pParam->extendedRateSet.numRates;
+        if(0 != pParam->extendedRateSet.numRates)
+        {
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf, pParam->extendedRateSet.rate, pParam->extendedRateSet.numRates );
+            pBuf += pParam->extendedRateSet.numRates;
+        }
+        msgLen = (tANI_U16)(sizeof(tANI_U32 ) + (pBuf - wTmpBuf)); //msg_header + msg
+        pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16(msgLen);
+        status = palSendMBMessage(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+    } while( 0 );
+  return( status );
+eHalStatus csrSendMBStopBssReqMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    tSirSmeStopBssReq *pMsg;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    tANI_U8 *pBuf;
+    tANI_U16 msgLen;
+    do {
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac, (void **)&pMsg, sizeof(tSirSmeStopBssReq));
+        if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) break;
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeStopBssReq ));
+        pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_STOP_BSS_REQ);
+        pBuf = &pMsg->sessionId;
+        //sessionId
+        *pBuf = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        pBuf++;
+        // transactionId
+        *pBuf = 0;
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+        //reason code
+        *pBuf  = 0;
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirResultCodes);
+        // bssid 
+        // if BSSType is WDS sta, use selfmacAddr as bssid, else use bssid in connectedProfile
+        if( CSR_IS_CONN_WDS_STA(&pSession->connectedProfile) )
+        {
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf,(tANI_U8 *)&pSession->selfMacAddr,  sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );                
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pBuf,(tANI_U8 *)&pSession->connectedProfile.bssid,  sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );              
+        }
+       pBuf += sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+       msgLen = sizeof(tANI_U16) + sizeof(tANI_U16) + 1 + sizeof(tANI_U16) + sizeof(tSirResultCodes) + sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+       pMsg->length =  pal_cpu_to_be16(msgLen);
+       status =  palSendMBMessage( pMac->hHdd, pMsg );
+#if 0            
+        status = palAllocateMemory(pMac, (void **)&pMsg, sizeof(tSirSmeStopBssReq));
+        if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) break;
+        palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg, sizeof( tSirSmeStopBssReq ));
+                pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_STOP_BSS_REQ);
+                pMsg->reasonCode = 0;
+        // bssid
+        // if BSSType is WDS sta, use selfmacAddr as bssid, else use bssid in connectedProfile
+        if( CSR_IS_CONN_WDS_STA(&pSession->connectedProfile) )
+        {
+            pbBssid = (tANI_U8 *)&pSession->selfMacAddr;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pbBssid = (tANI_U8 *)&pSession->connectedProfile.bssid;
+        }
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, &pMsg->bssId, pbBssid, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+        pMsg->transactionId = 0;
+        pMsg->sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+                pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)sizeof( tSirSmeStopBssReq ));
+                status = palSendMBMessage( pMac->hHdd, pMsg );
+        } while( 0 );
+    return( status );
+eHalStatus csrReassoc(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, 
+                      tCsrRoamModifyProfileFields *pModProfileFields,
+                      tANI_U32 *pRoamId, v_BOOL_t fForce)
+   eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+   tANI_U32 roamId = 0;
+   tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+   if((csrIsConnStateConnected(pMac, sessionId)) &&
+      (fForce || (!palEqualMemory(pMac->hHdd, &pModProfileFields, 
+                       &pSession->connectedProfile.modifyProfileFields, 
+                       sizeof(tCsrRoamModifyProfileFields)))) )
+   {
+      roamId = GET_NEXT_ROAM_ID(&pMac->roam);
+      if(pRoamId)
+      {
+         *pRoamId = roamId;
+      }
+      status = csrRoamIssueReassoc(pMac, sessionId, NULL, pModProfileFields, 
+                                   eCsrSmeIssuedReassocToSameAP, roamId, 
+                                   eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+   }
+   return status;
+static eHalStatus csrRoamSessionOpened(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tCsrRoamInfo roamInfo;
+    palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &roamInfo, sizeof(tCsrRoamInfo));
+    status = csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, sessionId, &roamInfo, 0,
+                            eCSR_ROAM_SESSION_OPENED, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE);
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrProcessAddStaSessionRsp( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 *pMsg)
+   eHalStatus                         status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   tListElem                          *pEntry = NULL;
+   tSmeCmd                            *pCommand = NULL;
+   tSirSmeAddStaSelfRsp               *pRsp;
+   do
+   {
+      if(pMsg == NULL)
+      {
+         smsLog(pMac, LOGE, "in %s msg ptr is NULL\n", __FUNCTION__);
+         status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+         break;
+      }
+      pEntry = csrLLPeekHead( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK );
+      if(pEntry)
+      {
+         pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link );
+         if(eSmeCommandAddStaSession == pCommand->command)
+         {
+            pRsp = (tSirSmeAddStaSelfRsp*)pMsg;
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "Add Sta rsp status = %d\n", pRsp->status );
+            //Nothing to be done. May be indicate the self sta addition success by calling session callback (TODO).
+            csrRoamSessionOpened(pMac, pCommand->sessionId);
+            //Remove this command out of the active list
+            if(csrLLRemoveEntry(&pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_LOCK))
+            {
+               //Now put this command back on the avilable command list
+               csrReleaseCommand(pMac, pCommand);
+            }
+            smeProcessPendingQueue( pMac );
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, "in %s eWNI_SME_ADD_STA_SELF_RSP Received but NO Add sta session command are ACTIVE ...\n",
+                  __FUNCTION__);
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         smsLog(pMac, LOGE, "in %s eWNI_SME_ADD_STA_SELF_RSP Received but NO commands are ACTIVE ...\n",
+               __FUNCTION__);
+         status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+         break;
+      }
+   } while(0);
+   return status;
+eHalStatus csrSendMBAddSelfStaReqMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirMacAddr macAddr )
+   tSirSmeAddStaSelfReq *pMsg;
+   tANI_U16 msgLen;
+   eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+   do {
+      msgLen  = sizeof( tANI_U16 ) + sizeof( tANI_U16 ) + sizeof( tSirMacAddr ) /*+
+         sizeof( tSirBssType )*/;
+      status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, msgLen);
+      if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) break;
+      palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg, msgLen);
+      pMsg->mesgType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_ADD_STA_SELF_REQ);
+      pMsg->mesgLen = pal_cpu_to_be16(msgLen);
+      // self station address
+      palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tANI_U8 *)pMsg->selfMacAddr, (tANI_U8 *)macAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("selfMac=%02x, %02x, %02x, %02x, %02x, %02x\n"),       
+            pMsg->selfMacAddr[0],
+            pMsg->selfMacAddr[1],
+            pMsg->selfMacAddr[2],
+            pMsg->selfMacAddr[3],
+            pMsg->selfMacAddr[4],
+            pMsg->selfMacAddr[5]);
+      status = palSendMBMessage(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+   } while( 0 );
+   return( status );
+eHalStatus csrIssueAddStaForSessionReq(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tSirMacAddr sessionMacAddr)
+   eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   tSmeCmd *pCommand;
+   pCommand = csrGetCommandBuffer(pMac);
+   if(NULL == pCommand)
+   {
+      status = eHAL_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      pCommand->command = eSmeCommandAddStaSession;
+      pCommand->sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+      palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pCommand->u.addStaSessionCmd.selfMacAddr, sessionMacAddr, sizeof( tSirMacAddr ) );
+      status = csrQueueSmeCommand(pMac, pCommand, TRUE);
+      if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+      {
+         //Should be panic??
+         smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to send message status = %d\n"), status );
+      }
+   }
+   return (status);
+eHalStatus csrProcessAddStaSessionCommand( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand )
+   return csrSendMBAddSelfStaReqMsg( pMac, 
+         pCommand->u.addStaSessionCmd.selfMacAddr );
+eHalStatus csrRoamOpenSession( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, csrRoamCompleteCallback callback, void *pContext,
+                          tANI_U8 *pSelfMacAddr, tANI_U8 *pbSessionId )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tANI_U32 i;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession;
+    *pbSessionId = CSR_SESSION_ID_INVALID;
+    for( i = 0; i < CSR_ROAM_SESSION_MAX; i++ )
+    {
+        if( !CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID( pMac, i ) )
+        {
+            pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, i );
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+            pSession->sessionActive = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+            pSession->sessionId = (tANI_U8)i;
+                pSession->callback = callback;
+            pSession->pContext = pContext;
+            palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, &pSession->selfMacAddr, pSelfMacAddr, sizeof(tCsrBssid) );
+            *pbSessionId = (tANI_U8)i;
+            status = palTimerAlloc(pMac->hHdd, &pSession->hTimerRoaming, csrRoamRoamingTimerHandler, 
+                                    &pSession->roamingTimerInfo);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("cannot allocate memory for Roaming timer\n"));
+                break;
+            }
+            status = palTimerAlloc(pMac->hHdd, &pSession->hTimerJoinRetry, csrRoamJoinRetryTimerHandler, 
+                                    &pSession->joinRetryTimerInfo);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("cannot allocate memory for joinretry timer\n"));
+                break;
+            }
+            pSession->ibssJoinTimerInfo.pMac = pMac;
+            pSession->ibssJoinTimerInfo.sessionId = CSR_SESSION_ID_INVALID;
+            status = palTimerAlloc(pMac->hHdd, &pSession->hTimerIbssJoining, csrRoamIbssJoinTimerHandler, 
+                                    &pSession->ibssJoinTimerInfo);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+                smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("cannot allocate memory for IbssJoining timer\n"));
+                break;
+            }
+            status = csrIssueAddStaForSessionReq ( pMac, i, pSelfMacAddr );
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if( CSR_ROAM_SESSION_MAX == i )
+    {
+        //No session is available
+        status = eHAL_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+    }
+    return ( status );
+eHalStatus csrProcessDelStaSessionRsp( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U8 *pMsg)
+   eHalStatus                         status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   tListElem                          *pEntry = NULL;
+   tSmeCmd                            *pCommand = NULL;
+   tSirSmeDelStaSelfRsp               *pRsp;
+   do
+   {
+      if(pMsg == NULL)
+      {
+         smsLog(pMac, LOGE, "in %s msg ptr is NULL\n", __FUNCTION__);
+         status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+         break;
+      }
+      pEntry = csrLLPeekHead( &pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK );
+      if(pEntry)
+      {
+         pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link );
+         if(eSmeCommandDelStaSession == pCommand->command)
+         {
+            tANI_U8 sessionId = pCommand->sessionId;
+            pRsp = (tSirSmeDelStaSelfRsp*)pMsg;
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, "Del Sta rsp status = %d\n", pRsp->status );
+            //This session is done.
+            csrCleanupSession(pMac, sessionId);
+            if(pCommand->u.delStaSessionCmd.callback)
+            {
+                status = sme_ReleaseGlobalLock( &pMac->sme );
+                if ( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+                {
+                    pCommand->u.delStaSessionCmd.callback(
+                                      pCommand->u.delStaSessionCmd.pContext);
+                    status = sme_AcquireGlobalLock( &pMac->sme );
+                    if (! HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+                    {
+                        smsLog(pMac, LOGP, "%s: Failed to Acquire Lock\n", __FUNCTION__);
+                        return status;
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    smsLog(pMac, LOGE, "%s: Failed to Release Lock\n", __FUNCTION__);
+                }
+            } 
+            //Remove this command out of the active list
+            if(csrLLRemoveEntry(&pMac->sme.smeCmdActiveList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_LOCK))
+            {
+               //Now put this command back on the avilable command list
+               csrReleaseCommand(pMac, pCommand);
+            }
+            smeProcessPendingQueue( pMac );
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, "in %s eWNI_SME_DEL_STA_SELF_RSP Received but NO Del sta session command are ACTIVE ...\n",
+                  __FUNCTION__);
+            status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         smsLog(pMac, LOGE, "in %s eWNI_SME_DEL_STA_SELF_RSP Received but NO commands are ACTIVE ...\n",
+               __FUNCTION__);
+         status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+         break;
+      }
+   } while(0);
+   return status;
+eHalStatus csrSendMBDelSelfStaReqMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirMacAddr macAddr )
+   tSirSmeDelStaSelfReq *pMsg;
+   tANI_U16 msgLen;
+   eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+   do {
+      msgLen  = sizeof( tANI_U16 ) + sizeof( tANI_U16 ) + sizeof( tSirMacAddr ) /*+
+         sizeof( tSirBssType )*/;
+      status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, msgLen);
+      if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) break;
+      palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, pMsg, msgLen);
+      pMsg->mesgType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_DEL_STA_SELF_REQ);
+      pMsg->mesgLen = pal_cpu_to_be16(msgLen);
+      // self station address
+      palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tANI_U8 *)pMsg->selfMacAddr, (tANI_U8 *)macAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+      status = palSendMBMessage(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+   } while( 0 );
+   return( status );
+eHalStatus csrIssueDelStaForSessionReq(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId,
+                                       tSirMacAddr sessionMacAddr,
+                                       csrRoamSessionCloseCallback callback,
+                                       void *pContext)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   tSmeCmd *pCommand;
+   pCommand = csrGetCommandBuffer(pMac);
+   if(NULL == pCommand)
+   {
+      status = eHAL_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      pCommand->command = eSmeCommandDelStaSession;
+      pCommand->sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+      pCommand->u.delStaSessionCmd.callback = callback;
+      pCommand->u.delStaSessionCmd.pContext = pContext;
+      palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, pCommand->u.delStaSessionCmd.selfMacAddr, sessionMacAddr, sizeof( tSirMacAddr ) );
+      status = csrQueueSmeCommand(pMac, pCommand, TRUE);
+      if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+      {
+         //Should be panic??
+         smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to send message status = %d\n"), status );
+      }
+   }
+   return (status);
+eHalStatus csrProcessDelStaSessionCommand( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand )
+   return csrSendMBDelSelfStaReqMsg( pMac, 
+         pCommand->u.delStaSessionCmd.selfMacAddr );
+static void purgeCsrSessionCmdList(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+    tDblLinkList *pList = &pMac->roam.roamCmdPendingList;
+    tListElem *pEntry, *pNext;
+    tSmeCmd *pCommand;
+    tDblLinkList localList;
+    vos_mem_zero(&localList, sizeof(tDblLinkList));
+    if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrLLOpen(pMac->hHdd, &localList)))
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" failed to open list"));
+        return;
+    }
+    csrLLLock(pList);
+    pEntry = csrLLPeekHead(pList, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK);
+    while(pEntry != NULL)
+    {
+        pNext = csrLLNext(pList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK);
+        pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link );
+        if(pCommand->sessionId == sessionId)
+        {
+            if(csrLLRemoveEntry(pList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK))
+            {
+                csrLLInsertTail(&localList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK);
+            }
+        }
+        pEntry = pNext;
+    }
+    csrLLUnlock(pList);
+    while( (pEntry = csrLLRemoveHead(&localList, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK)) )
+    {
+        pCommand = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tSmeCmd, Link );
+        csrAbortCommand(pMac, pCommand, eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE);
+    }
+    csrLLClose(&localList);
+void csrCleanupSession(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+    if( CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID( pMac, sessionId ) )
+    {
+        tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+        csrRoamStop(pMac, sessionId);
+        csrFreeConnectBssDesc(pMac, sessionId);
+        csrRoamFreeConnectProfile( pMac, &pSession->connectedProfile );
+        csrRoamFreeConnectedInfo ( pMac, &pSession->connectedInfo);
+        palTimerFree(pMac->hHdd, pSession->hTimerRoaming);
+        palTimerFree(pMac->hHdd, pSession->hTimerJoinRetry);
+        palTimerFree(pMac->hHdd, pSession->hTimerIbssJoining);
+        purgeSmeSessionCmdList(pMac, sessionId);
+        purgeCsrSessionCmdList(pMac, sessionId);
+        csrInitSession(pMac, sessionId);
+    }
+eHalStatus csrRoamCloseSession( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId,
+                                tANI_BOOLEAN fSync, 
+                                csrRoamSessionCloseCallback callback,
+                                void *pContext )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    if( CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID( pMac, sessionId ) )
+    {
+        tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+        if(fSync)
+        {
+            csrCleanupSession(pMac, sessionId);
+        }
+        else
+        { 
+            purgeSmeSessionCmdList(pMac, sessionId);
+            purgeCsrSessionCmdList(pMac, sessionId);
+            status = csrIssueDelStaForSessionReq( pMac, sessionId,
+                                        pSession->selfMacAddr, callback, pContext);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+    }
+    return ( status );
+static void csrInitSession( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId )
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    pSession->sessionActive = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    pSession->sessionId = CSR_SESSION_ID_INVALID;
+    pSession->callback = NULL;
+    pSession->pContext = NULL;
+    pSession->ibss_join_pending = FALSE;
+    pSession->connectState = eCSR_ASSOC_STATE_TYPE_NOT_CONNECTED;
+    // TODO : Confirm pMac->roam.fReadyForPowerSave = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    csrFreeRoamProfile( pMac, sessionId );
+    csrRoamFreeConnectProfile(pMac, &pSession->connectedProfile);
+    csrRoamFreeConnectedInfo( pMac, &pSession->connectedInfo );
+    csrFreeConnectBssDesc(pMac, sessionId);
+    csrScanEnable(pMac);
+    palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, &pSession->selfMacAddr, sizeof(tCsrBssid) );
+    if(pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE)
+    {
+        palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE);
+        pSession->pWpaRsnReqIE = NULL;
+    }
+    pSession->nWpaRsnReqIeLength = 0;
+    if(pSession->pWpaRsnRspIE)
+    {
+        palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pWpaRsnRspIE);
+        pSession->pWpaRsnRspIE = NULL;
+    }
+    pSession->nWpaRsnRspIeLength = 0;
+    if(pSession->pWapiReqIE)
+    {
+        palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pWapiReqIE);
+        pSession->pWapiReqIE = NULL;
+    }
+    pSession->nWapiReqIeLength = 0;
+    if(pSession->pWapiRspIE)
+    {
+        palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pWapiRspIE);
+        pSession->pWapiRspIE = NULL;
+    }
+    pSession->nWapiRspIeLength = 0;
+#endif /* FEATURE_WLAN_WAPI */
+    if(pSession->pAddIEScan)
+    {
+        palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pAddIEScan);
+        pSession->pAddIEScan = NULL;
+    }
+    pSession->nAddIEScanLength = 0;
+    if(pSession->pAddIEAssoc)
+    {
+        palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pSession->pAddIEAssoc);
+        pSession->pAddIEAssoc = NULL;
+    pSession->nAddIEAssocLength = 0;
+eHalStatus csrRoamGetSessionIdFromBSSID( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrBssid *bssid, tANI_U32 *pSessionId )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    tANI_U32 i;
+    for( i = 0; i < CSR_ROAM_SESSION_MAX; i++ )
+    {
+        if( CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID( pMac, i ) )
+        {
+            if( csrIsMacAddressEqual( pMac, bssid, &pMac->roam.roamSession[i].connectedProfile.bssid ) )
+            {
+                //Found it
+                status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+                *pSessionId = i;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return( status );
+//This function assumes that we only support one IBSS session. We cannot use BSSID to identify 
+//session because for IBSS, the bssid changes.
+static tANI_U32 csrFindIbssSession( tpAniSirGlobal pMac )
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession;
+    for( i = 0; i < CSR_ROAM_SESSION_MAX; i++ )
+    {
+        if( CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID( pMac, i ) )
+        {
+            pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, i );
+            if( pSession->pCurRoamProfile && ( csrIsBssTypeIBSS( pSession->connectedProfile.BSSType ) ) )
+            {
+                //Found it
+                nRet = i;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return (nRet);
+static void csrRoamLinkUp(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrBssid bssid)
+   /* Update the current BSS info in ho control block based on connected 
+      profile info from pmac global structure                              */
+   smsLog(pMac, LOGW, " csrRoamLinkUp: WLAN link UP with AP= %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x\n", 
+          bssid[ 0 ], bssid[ 1 ], bssid[ 2 ],
+          bssid[ 3 ], bssid[ 4 ], bssid[ 5 ] );
+   /* Check for user misconfig of RSSI trigger threshold                  */
+   pMac->roam.configParam.vccRssiThreshold =
+      ( 0 == pMac->roam.configParam.vccRssiThreshold ) ? 
+      CSR_VCC_RSSI_THRESHOLD : pMac->roam.configParam.vccRssiThreshold;
+   pMac->roam.vccLinkQuality = eCSR_ROAM_LINK_QUAL_POOR_IND;
+    /* Check for user misconfig of UL MAC Loss trigger threshold           */
+   pMac->roam.configParam.vccUlMacLossThreshold =
+      ( 0 == pMac->roam.configParam.vccUlMacLossThreshold ) ? 
+      CSR_VCC_UL_MAC_LOSS_THRESHOLD : pMac->roam.configParam.vccUlMacLossThreshold;
+    {
+        tANI_U32 sessionId = 0;
+        /* Indicate the neighbor roal algorithm about the connect indication */
+        csrRoamGetSessionIdFromBSSID(pMac, (tCsrBssid *)bssid, &sessionId);
+        csrNeighborRoamIndicateConnect(pMac, sessionId, VOS_STATUS_SUCCESS);
+    }
+static void csrRoamLinkDown(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+   tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+   //Only to handle the case for Handover on infra link
+   if( eCSR_BSS_TYPE_INFRASTRUCTURE != pSession->connectedProfile.BSSType )
+   {
+      return;
+   }
+   /* deregister the clients requesting stats from PE/TL & also stop the corresponding timers*/
+   csrRoamDeregStatisticsReq(pMac);
+   pMac->roam.vccLinkQuality = eCSR_ROAM_LINK_QUAL_POOR_IND;
+   /* Indicate the neighbor roal algorithm about the disconnect indication */
+   csrNeighborRoamIndicateDisconnect(pMac, sessionId);
+void csrRoamTlStatsTimerHandler(void *pv)
+   tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( pv );
+   eHalStatus status;
+   pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.timerRunning = FALSE;
+#if 0
+   // TODO Persession .???
+   //req TL for stats
+   if(WLANTL_GetStatistics(pMac->roam.gVosContext, &tlStats, pMac->roam.connectedInfo.staId))
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrRoamTlStatsTimerHandler:couldn't get the stats from TL\n"));
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      //save in SME
+      csrRoamSaveStatsFromTl(pMac, tlStats);
+   }
+   if(!pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.timerRunning)
+   {
+      if(pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.periodicity)
+      {
+         //start timer
+         status = palTimerStart(pMac->hHdd, pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.hTlStatsTimer, 
+                                pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.periodicity * PAL_TIMER_TO_MS_UNIT, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+         if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+         {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrRoamTlStatsTimerHandler:cannot start TlStatsTimer timer\n"));
+            return;
+         }
+         pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.timerRunning = TRUE;
+      }
+   }
+void csrRoamPeStatsTimerHandler(void *pv)
+   tCsrPeStatsReqInfo *pPeStatsReqListEntry = (tCsrPeStatsReqInfo *)pv;
+   eHalStatus status;
+   tpAniSirGlobal pMac = pPeStatsReqListEntry->pMac;
+   VOS_STATUS vosStatus;
+   tPmcPowerState powerState;
+   pPeStatsReqListEntry->timerRunning = FALSE;
+   if( pPeStatsReqListEntry->timerStopFailed == TRUE )
+   {
+      // If we entered here, meaning the timer could not be successfully 
+      // stopped in csrRoamRemoveEntryFromPeStatsReqList(). So do it here.
+      /* Destroy the timer */
+      vosStatus = vos_timer_destroy( &pPeStatsReqListEntry->hPeStatsTimer );
+      if ( !VOS_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS( vosStatus ) )
+      {
+         smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrRoamPeStatsTimerHandler:failed to destroy hPeStatsTimer timer\n"));
+      }
+      // Free the entry
+      palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pPeStatsReqListEntry);
+      pPeStatsReqListEntry = NULL;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      if(!pPeStatsReqListEntry->rspPending)
+      {
+         status = csrSendMBStatsReqMsg(pMac, pPeStatsReqListEntry->statsMask & ~(1 << eCsrGlobalClassDStats), 
+                                       pPeStatsReqListEntry->staId);
+         if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+         {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrRoamPeStatsTimerHandler:failed to send down stats req to PE\n"));
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            pPeStatsReqListEntry->rspPending = TRUE;
+         }
+      }
+      //send down a req
+      if(pPeStatsReqListEntry->periodicity && 
+         (VOS_TIMER_STATE_STOPPED == vos_timer_getCurrentState(&pPeStatsReqListEntry->hPeStatsTimer)))
+      {
+         pmcQueryPowerState(pMac, &powerState, NULL, NULL);
+         if(ePMC_FULL_POWER == powerState)
+         {
+            if(pPeStatsReqListEntry->periodicity < pMac->roam.configParam.statsReqPeriodicity)
+            {
+               pPeStatsReqListEntry->periodicity = pMac->roam.configParam.statsReqPeriodicity;
+            }
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            if(pPeStatsReqListEntry->periodicity < pMac->roam.configParam.statsReqPeriodicityInPS)
+            {
+               pPeStatsReqListEntry->periodicity = pMac->roam.configParam.statsReqPeriodicityInPS;
+            }
+         }
+         //start timer
+         vosStatus = vos_timer_start( &pPeStatsReqListEntry->hPeStatsTimer, pPeStatsReqListEntry->periodicity );
+         if ( !VOS_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS( vosStatus ) ) 
+         {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrRoamPeStatsTimerHandler:cannot start hPeStatsTimer timer\n"));
+            return;
+         }
+         pPeStatsReqListEntry->timerRunning = TRUE;
+      }
+   }
+void csrRoamStatsClientTimerHandler(void *pv)
+   tCsrStatsClientReqInfo *pStaEntry = (tCsrStatsClientReqInfo *)pv;
+   if(VOS_TIMER_STATE_STOPPED == vos_timer_getCurrentState(&pStaEntry->timer))
+   {
+#if 0
+       // TODO Stats fix for multisession
+       //start the timer
+       vosStatus = vos_timer_start( &pStaEntry->timer, pStaEntry->periodicity );
+       if ( !VOS_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS( vosStatus ) ) 
+       {
+          smsLog(pStaEntry->pMac, LOGE, FL("csrGetStatistics:cannot start StatsClient timer\n"));
+       }
+   }
+#if 0
+   //send up the stats report
+   csrRoamReportStatistics(pStaEntry->pMac, pStaEntry->statsMask, pStaEntry->callback, 
+                           pStaEntry->staId, pStaEntry->pContext);
+eHalStatus csrSendMBStatsReqMsg( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 statsMask, tANI_U8 staId)
+   tAniGetPEStatsReq *pMsg;
+   eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, sizeof(tAniGetPEStatsReq));
+   if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) 
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOG1, " csrSendMBStatsReqMsg: failed to allocate mem for stats req \n");
+      return status;
+   }
+   // need to initiate a stats request to PE
+   pMsg->msgType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_GET_STATISTICS_REQ);
+   pMsg->msgLen = (tANI_U16)sizeof(tAniGetPEStatsReq);
+   pMsg->staId = staId;
+   pMsg->statsMask = statsMask;
+   status = palSendMBMessage(pMac->hHdd, pMsg );    
+   if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOG1, " csrSendMBStatsReqMsg: failed to send down the stats req \n");
+   }
+   return status;
+void csrRoamStatsRspProcessor(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSirSmeRsp *pSirMsg)
+   tAniGetPEStatsRsp *pSmeStatsRsp;
+   eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+   tListElem *pEntry = NULL;
+   tCsrStatsClientReqInfo *pTempStaEntry = NULL;
+   tCsrPeStatsReqInfo *pPeStaEntry = NULL;
+   tANI_U32  tempMask = 0;
+   tANI_U8 counter = 0;
+   tANI_U8 *pStats = NULL;
+   tANI_U32   length = 0;
+   v_PVOID_t  pvosGCtx;
+   v_S7_t     rssi = 0;
+   tANI_U32   *pRssi = NULL;
+   pSmeStatsRsp = (tAniGetPEStatsRsp *)pSirMsg;
+   if(pSmeStatsRsp->rc)
+   {
+      smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("csrRoamStatsRspProcessor:stats rsp from PE shows failure\n"));
+      goto post_update;
+   }
+   tempMask = pSmeStatsRsp->statsMask;
+   pStats = ((tANI_U8 *)&pSmeStatsRsp->statsMask) + sizeof(pSmeStatsRsp->statsMask);
+   /* subtract all statistics from this length, and after processing the entire 
+    * 'stat' part of the message, if the length is not zero, then rssi is piggy packed 
+    * in this 'stats' message.
+    */
+   length = pSmeStatsRsp->msgLen - sizeof(tAniGetPEStatsRsp);
+   //new stats info from PE, fill up the stats strucutres in PMAC
+   while(tempMask)
+   {
+      if(tempMask & 1)
+      {
+         switch(counter)
+         {
+         case eCsrSummaryStats:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamStatsRspProcessor:summary stats\n"));
+            status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, (tANI_U8 *)&pMac->roam.summaryStatsInfo, 
+                                   pStats, sizeof(tCsrSummaryStatsInfo));
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+               smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("csrRoamStatsRspProcessor:failed to copy summary stats\n"));
+            }
+            pStats += sizeof(tCsrSummaryStatsInfo);
+            length -= sizeof(tCsrSummaryStatsInfo);
+            break;
+         case eCsrGlobalClassAStats:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamStatsRspProcessor:ClassA stats\n"));
+            status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, (tANI_U8 *)&pMac->roam.classAStatsInfo, 
+                                   pStats, sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassAStatsInfo));
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+               smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("csrRoamStatsRspProcessor:failed to copy ClassA stats\n"));
+            }
+            pStats += sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassAStatsInfo);
+            length -= sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassAStatsInfo);
+            break;
+         case eCsrGlobalClassBStats:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamStatsRspProcessor:ClassB stats\n"));
+            status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, (tANI_U8 *)&pMac->roam.classBStatsInfo, 
+                                   pStats, sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassBStatsInfo));
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+               smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("csrRoamStatsRspProcessor:failed to copy ClassB stats\n"));
+            }
+            pStats += sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassBStatsInfo);
+            length -= sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassBStatsInfo);
+            break;
+         case eCsrGlobalClassCStats:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamStatsRspProcessor:ClassC stats\n"));
+            status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, (tANI_U8 *)&pMac->roam.classCStatsInfo, 
+                                   pStats, sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassCStatsInfo));
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+               smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("csrRoamStatsRspProcessor:failed to copy ClassC stats\n"));
+            }
+            pStats += sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassCStatsInfo);
+            length -= sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassCStatsInfo);
+            break;
+         case eCsrPerStaStats:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamStatsRspProcessor:PerSta stats\n"));
+            if( CSR_MAX_STA > pSmeStatsRsp->staId )
+            {
+               status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, (tANI_U8 *)&pMac->roam.perStaStatsInfo[pSmeStatsRsp->staId], 
+                                      pStats, sizeof(tCsrPerStaStatsInfo));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+               smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("csrRoamStatsRspProcessor:out bound staId:%d\n"), pSmeStatsRsp->staId);
+               VOS_ASSERT( 0 );
+            }
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+               smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("csrRoamStatsRspProcessor:failed to copy PerSta stats\n"));
+            }
+            pStats += sizeof(tCsrPerStaStatsInfo);
+            length -= sizeof(tCsrPerStaStatsInfo);
+            break;
+         default:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOGW, FL("csrRoamStatsRspProcessor:unknown stats type\n"));
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+      tempMask >>=1;
+      counter++;
+   }
+   pvosGCtx = vos_get_global_context(VOS_MODULE_ID_SME, pMac);
+   if (length != 0)
+   {
+       pRssi = (tANI_U32*)pStats;
+       rssi = (v_S7_t)*pRssi;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+       /* If riva is not sending rssi, continue to use the hack */
+       rssi = RSSI_HACK_BMPS;
+   }
+   WDA_UpdateRssiBmps(pvosGCtx, pSmeStatsRsp->staId, rssi);
+   //make sure to update the pe stats req list 
+   pEntry = csrRoamFindInPeStatsReqList(pMac, pSmeStatsRsp->statsMask);
+   if(pEntry)
+      {
+      pPeStaEntry = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tCsrPeStatsReqInfo, link );
+      pPeStaEntry->rspPending = FALSE;
+   }
+   //check the one timer cases
+   pEntry = csrRoamCheckClientReqList(pMac, pSmeStatsRsp->statsMask);
+   if(pEntry)
+   {
+      pTempStaEntry = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tCsrStatsClientReqInfo, link );
+      if(pTempStaEntry->timerExpired)
+      {
+         //send up the stats report
+         csrRoamReportStatistics(pMac, pTempStaEntry->statsMask, pTempStaEntry->callback, 
+                                 pTempStaEntry->staId, pTempStaEntry->pContext);
+         //also remove from the client list
+         csrRoamRemoveStatListEntry(pMac, pEntry);
+         pTempStaEntry = NULL;
+      }
+   }
+tListElem * csrRoamFindInPeStatsReqList(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32  statsMask)
+   tListElem *pEntry = NULL;
+   tCsrPeStatsReqInfo *pTempStaEntry = NULL;
+   pEntry = csrLLPeekHead( &pMac->roam.peStatsReqList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK );
+   if(!pEntry)
+   {
+      //list empty
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamFindInPeStatsReqList: List empty, no request to PE\n");
+      return NULL;
+   }
+   while( pEntry )
+   {
+      pTempStaEntry = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tCsrPeStatsReqInfo, link );
+      if(pTempStaEntry->statsMask == statsMask)
+      {
+         smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamFindInPeStatsReqList: match found\n");
+         break;
+      }
+      pEntry = csrLLNext( &pMac->roam.peStatsReqList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK );
+   }
+   return pEntry;
+tListElem * csrRoamChecknUpdateClientReqList(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrStatsClientReqInfo *pStaEntry,
+                                             tANI_BOOLEAN update)
+   tListElem *pEntry;
+   tCsrStatsClientReqInfo *pTempStaEntry;
+   pEntry = csrLLPeekHead( &pMac->roam.statsClientReqList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK );
+   if(!pEntry)
+   {
+      //list empty
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamChecknUpdateClientReqList: List empty, no request from "
+             "upper layer client(s)\n");
+      return NULL;
+   }
+   while( pEntry )
+   {
+      pTempStaEntry = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tCsrStatsClientReqInfo, link );
+      if((pTempStaEntry->requesterId == pStaEntry->requesterId) && 
+         (pTempStaEntry->statsMask == pStaEntry->statsMask))
+      {
+         smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamChecknUpdateClientReqList: match found\n");
+         if(update)
+         {
+         pTempStaEntry->periodicity = pStaEntry->periodicity;
+         pTempStaEntry->callback = pStaEntry->callback;
+         pTempStaEntry->pContext = pStaEntry->pContext;
+         }
+         break;
+      }
+      pEntry = csrLLNext( &pMac->roam.statsClientReqList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK );
+   }
+   return pEntry;
+tListElem * csrRoamCheckClientReqList(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 statsMask)
+   tListElem *pEntry;
+   tCsrStatsClientReqInfo *pTempStaEntry;
+   pEntry = csrLLPeekHead( &pMac->roam.statsClientReqList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK );
+   if(!pEntry)
+   {
+      //list empty
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamCheckClientReqList: List empty, no request from "
+             "upper layer client(s)\n");
+      return NULL;
+   }
+   while( pEntry )
+   {
+      pTempStaEntry = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tCsrStatsClientReqInfo, link );
+      if((pTempStaEntry->statsMask & ~(1 << eCsrGlobalClassDStats))  == statsMask)
+      {
+         smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamCheckClientReqList: match found\n");
+         break;
+      }
+      pEntry = csrLLNext( &pMac->roam.statsClientReqList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK );
+   }
+   return pEntry;
+eHalStatus csrRoamRegisterLinkQualityIndCallback(tpAniSirGlobal pMac,
+                                                 csrRoamLinkQualityIndCallback   callback,  
+                                                 void                           *pContext)
+   pMac->roam.linkQualityIndInfo.callback = callback;
+   pMac->roam.linkQualityIndInfo.context = pContext;
+   if( NULL == callback )
+   {
+     smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamRegisterLinkQualityIndCallback: indication callback being deregistered");
+   }
+   else
+   {
+     smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamRegisterLinkQualityIndCallback: indication callback being registered");
+     /* do we need to invoke the callback to notify client of initial value ??  */
+   }
+void csrRoamVccTrigger(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+   eCsrRoamLinkQualityInd newVccLinkQuality;
+   tANI_U32 ul_mac_loss = 0;
+   tANI_U32 ul_mac_loss_trigger_threshold;
+ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
+   /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Link quality is currently binary based on OBIWAN recommended triggers
+     Check for a change in link quality and notify client if necessary
+   -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+   ul_mac_loss_trigger_threshold = 
+      pMac->roam.configParam.vccUlMacLossThreshold;
+   VOS_ASSERT( ul_mac_loss_trigger_threshold != 0 );
+   smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamVccTrigger: UL_MAC_LOSS_THRESHOLD is %d\n", 
+          ul_mac_loss_trigger_threshold );
+   if(ul_mac_loss_trigger_threshold < ul_mac_loss)
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamVccTrigger: link quality is POOR \n");
+      newVccLinkQuality = eCSR_ROAM_LINK_QUAL_POOR_IND;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamVccTrigger: link quality is GOOD\n");
+      newVccLinkQuality = eCSR_ROAM_LINK_QUAL_GOOD_IND;
+   }
+   smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamVccTrigger: link qual : *** UL_MAC_LOSS %d *** ",
+          ul_mac_loss);
+   if(newVccLinkQuality != pMac->roam.vccLinkQuality)
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamVccTrigger: link quality changed: trigger necessary\n");
+      if(NULL != pMac->roam.linkQualityIndInfo.callback) 
+      {
+         smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamVccTrigger: link quality indication %d\n",
+                newVccLinkQuality );
+         /* we now invoke the callback once to notify client of initial value   */
+         pMac->roam.linkQualityIndInfo.callback( newVccLinkQuality, 
+                                                 pMac->roam.linkQualityIndInfo.context );
+         //event: EVENT_WLAN_VCC
+      }
+   }
+   pMac->roam.vccLinkQuality = newVccLinkQuality;
+VOS_STATUS csrRoamVccTriggerRssiIndCallback(tHalHandle hHal, 
+                                            v_U8_t  rssiNotification, 
+                                            void * context)
+   tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( context );
+   eCsrRoamLinkQualityInd newVccLinkQuality;
+        // TODO : Session info unavailable
+        tANI_U32 sessionId = 0;
+   /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     Link quality is currently binary based on OBIWAN recommended triggers
+     Check for a change in link quality and notify client if necessary
+   -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+   smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamVccTriggerRssiIndCallback: RSSI trigger threshold is %d\n", 
+          pMac->roam.configParam.vccRssiThreshold);
+   if(!csrIsConnStateConnectedInfra(pMac, sessionId))
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamVccTriggerRssiIndCallback: ignoring the indication as we are not connected\n");
+      return VOS_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   }
+   if(WLANTL_HO_THRESHOLD_DOWN == rssiNotification)
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamVccTriggerRssiIndCallback: link quality is POOR\n");
+      newVccLinkQuality = eCSR_ROAM_LINK_QUAL_POOR_IND;
+   }
+   else if(WLANTL_HO_THRESHOLD_UP == rssiNotification)
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamVccTriggerRssiIndCallback: link quality is GOOD \n");
+      newVccLinkQuality = eCSR_ROAM_LINK_QUAL_GOOD_IND;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamVccTriggerRssiIndCallback: unknown rssi notification %d\n", rssiNotification);
+      //Set to this so the code below won't do anything
+      newVccLinkQuality = pMac->roam.vccLinkQuality;    
+      VOS_ASSERT(0);
+   }
+   if(newVccLinkQuality != pMac->roam.vccLinkQuality)
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamVccTriggerRssiIndCallback: link quality changed: trigger necessary\n");
+      if(NULL != pMac->roam.linkQualityIndInfo.callback) 
+      {
+         smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamVccTriggerRssiIndCallback: link quality indication %d\n",
+                newVccLinkQuality);
+        /* we now invoke the callback once to notify client of initial value   */
+        pMac->roam.linkQualityIndInfo.callback( newVccLinkQuality, 
+                                                pMac->roam.linkQualityIndInfo.context );
+         //event: EVENT_WLAN_VCC
+      }
+   }
+   pMac->roam.vccLinkQuality = newVccLinkQuality;
+   return status;
+tCsrStatsClientReqInfo * csrRoamInsertEntryIntoList( tpAniSirGlobal pMac,
+                                                     tDblLinkList *pStaList,
+                                                     tCsrStatsClientReqInfo *pStaEntry)
+   tCsrStatsClientReqInfo *pNewStaEntry = NULL;
+   eHalStatus  status;
+   //if same entity requested for same set of stats with different periodicity & 
+   // callback update it
+   if(NULL == csrRoamChecknUpdateClientReqList(pMac, pStaEntry, TRUE))
+   {
+      status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pNewStaEntry, sizeof(tCsrStatsClientReqInfo));
+      if (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+      {
+         smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamInsertEntryIntoList: couldn't allocate memory for the "
+                "entry\n");
+         return NULL;
+      }
+      pNewStaEntry->callback = pStaEntry->callback;
+      pNewStaEntry->pContext = pStaEntry->pContext;
+      pNewStaEntry->periodicity = pStaEntry->periodicity;
+      pNewStaEntry->requesterId = pStaEntry->requesterId;
+      pNewStaEntry->statsMask = pStaEntry->statsMask;
+      pNewStaEntry->pPeStaEntry = pStaEntry->pPeStaEntry;
+      pNewStaEntry->pMac = pStaEntry->pMac;
+      pNewStaEntry->staId = pStaEntry->staId;
+      pNewStaEntry->timerExpired = pStaEntry->timerExpired;
+      csrLLInsertTail( pStaList, &pNewStaEntry->link, LL_ACCESS_LOCK  );
+   }
+   return pNewStaEntry;
+tCsrPeStatsReqInfo * csrRoamInsertEntryIntoPeStatsReqList( tpAniSirGlobal pMac,
+                                                           tDblLinkList *pStaList,
+                                                           tCsrPeStatsReqInfo *pStaEntry)
+   tCsrPeStatsReqInfo *pNewStaEntry = NULL;
+   eHalStatus  status;
+   status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pNewStaEntry, sizeof(tCsrPeStatsReqInfo));
+   if (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamInsertEntryIntoPeStatsReqList: couldn't allocate memory for the "
+                  "entry\n");
+      return NULL;
+   }
+   pNewStaEntry->hPeStatsTimer = pStaEntry->hPeStatsTimer;
+   pNewStaEntry->numClient = pStaEntry->numClient;
+   pNewStaEntry->periodicity = pStaEntry->periodicity;
+   pNewStaEntry->statsMask = pStaEntry->statsMask;
+   pNewStaEntry->pMac = pStaEntry->pMac;
+   pNewStaEntry->staId = pStaEntry->staId;
+   pNewStaEntry->timerRunning = pStaEntry->timerRunning;
+   pNewStaEntry->rspPending = pStaEntry->rspPending;
+   csrLLInsertTail( pStaList, &pNewStaEntry->link, LL_ACCESS_LOCK  );
+   return pNewStaEntry;
+eHalStatus csrGetRssi(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, 
+                            tCsrRssiCallback callback, 
+                            tANI_U8 staId, tCsrBssid bssId, void *pContext, void* pVosContext)
+   eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   vos_msg_t  msg;
+   tANI_U32 sessionId;
+   tAniGetRssiReq *pMsg;
+   smsLog(pMac, LOG2, FL("called"));      
+   status = palAllocateMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, sizeof(tAniGetRssiReq));
+   if ( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status) ) 
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGE, " csrGetRssi: failed to allocate mem for req \n");
+      return status;
+   }
+   csrRoamGetSessionIdFromBSSID(pMac, (tCsrBssid *)bssId, &sessionId);
+   pMsg->msgType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_GET_RSSI_REQ);
+   pMsg->msgLen = (tANI_U16)sizeof(tAniGetRssiReq);
+   pMsg->sessionId = sessionId;
+   pMsg->staId = staId;
+   pMsg->rssiCallback = callback;
+   pMsg->pDevContext = pContext;
+   pMsg->pVosContext = pVosContext;
+   msg.type = eWNI_SME_GET_RSSI_REQ;
+   msg.bodyptr = pMsg;
+   msg.reserved = 0;
+   if(VOS_STATUS_SUCCESS != vos_mq_post_message(VOS_MQ_ID_SME, &msg))
+   {
+       smsLog(pMac, LOGE, " csrGetRssi failed to post msg to self \n");   
+       palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void *)pMsg);
+       status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+   }
+   smsLog(pMac, LOG2, FL("returned"));      
+   return status;
+eHalStatus csrGetStatistics(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, eCsrStatsRequesterType requesterId, 
+                            tANI_U32 statsMask, 
+                            tCsrStatsCallback callback, 
+                            tANI_U32 periodicity, tANI_BOOLEAN cache, 
+                            tANI_U8 staId, void *pContext)
+   tCsrStatsClientReqInfo staEntry;
+   tCsrStatsClientReqInfo *pStaEntry = NULL;
+   tCsrPeStatsReqInfo *pPeStaEntry = NULL; 
+   tListElem *pEntry = NULL;
+   tANI_BOOLEAN found = FALSE;
+   eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   tANI_BOOLEAN insertInClientList = FALSE;
+   VOS_STATUS vosStatus;
+   if( csrIsAllSessionDisconnected(pMac) )
+   {
+      //smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrGetStatistics: wrong state curState(%d) not connected\n", pMac->roam.curState);
+      return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+   }
+   if((!statsMask) && (!callback))
+   {
+      //msg
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrGetStatistics: statsMask & callback empty in the request\n");
+      return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+   }
+   //for the search list method for deregister
+   staEntry.requesterId = requesterId;
+   staEntry.statsMask = statsMask;
+   //requester wants to deregister or just an error
+   if((statsMask) && (!callback))
+   {
+      pEntry = csrRoamChecknUpdateClientReqList(pMac, &staEntry, FALSE);
+      if(!pEntry)
+      {
+         //msg
+         smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrGetStatistics: callback is empty in the request & couldn't "
+                "find any existing request in statsClientReqList\n");
+         return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         //clean up & return
+         pStaEntry = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tCsrStatsClientReqInfo, link );
+         pStaEntry->pPeStaEntry->numClient--;
+         //check if we need to delete the entry from peStatsReqList too
+         if(!pStaEntry->pPeStaEntry->numClient)
+         {
+            csrRoamRemoveEntryFromPeStatsReqList(pMac, pStaEntry->pPeStaEntry);
+         }
+         //check if we need to stop the tl stats timer too 
+         pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.numClient--;
+         if(!pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.numClient)
+         {
+            if(pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.timerRunning)
+            {
+               status = palTimerStop(pMac->hHdd, pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.hTlStatsTimer);
+               if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+               {
+                  smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrGetStatistics:cannot stop TlStatsTimer timer\n"));
+                  return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+               }
+            }
+            pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.periodicity = 0;
+            pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.timerRunning = FALSE;
+         }
+         vos_timer_stop( &pStaEntry->timer );
+         // Destroy the vos timer...      
+         vosStatus = vos_timer_destroy( &pStaEntry->timer );
+         if ( !VOS_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS( vosStatus ) )
+         {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrGetStatistics:failed to destroy Client req timer\n"));
+         }
+         csrRoamRemoveStatListEntry(pMac, pEntry);
+         pStaEntry = NULL;
+         return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+      }
+   }
+   if(cache && !periodicity)
+   {
+      //return the cached stats
+      csrRoamReportStatistics(pMac, statsMask, callback, staId, pContext);
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      //add the request in the client req list
+      staEntry.callback = callback;
+      staEntry.pContext = pContext;
+      staEntry.periodicity = periodicity;
+      staEntry.pPeStaEntry = NULL;
+      staEntry.staId = staId;
+      staEntry.pMac = pMac;
+      staEntry.timerExpired = FALSE;
+      //if periodic report requested with non cached result from PE/TL
+      if(periodicity)
+      {
+         //if looking for stats from PE
+         if(statsMask & ~(1 << eCsrGlobalClassDStats))
+         {
+            //check if same request made already & waiting for rsp
+            pPeStaEntry = csrRoamCheckPeStatsReqList(pMac, statsMask & ~(1 << eCsrGlobalClassDStats), 
+                                               periodicity, &found, staId);
+            if(!pPeStaEntry)
+            {
+               //bail out, maxed out on number of req for PE
+               return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               staEntry.pPeStaEntry = pPeStaEntry;
+            }
+         }
+         //request stats from TL rightaway if requested by client, update tlStatsReqInfo if needed
+         if(statsMask & (1 << eCsrGlobalClassDStats))
+         {
+            if(cache && pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.numClient)
+            {
+               smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrGetStatistics:Looking for cached stats from TL\n"));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               //update periodicity
+               if(pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.periodicity)
+               {
+                  pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.periodicity = 
+                     CSR_ROAM_MIN(periodicity, pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.periodicity);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.periodicity = periodicity;
+               }
+               if(pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.periodicity < CSR_MIN_TL_STAT_QUERY_PERIOD)
+               {
+                  pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.periodicity = CSR_MIN_TL_STAT_QUERY_PERIOD;
+               }
+               if(!pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.timerRunning)
+               {
+#if 0
+                                   // TODO Session Specific info connectedInfo
+                  //req TL for class D stats
+                  if(WLANTL_GetStatistics(pMac->roam.gVosContext, &tlStats, pMac->roam.connectedInfo.staId))
+                  {
+                     smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrGetStatistics:couldn't get the stats from TL\n"));
+                  }
+                  else
+                  {
+                     //save in SME
+                     csrRoamSaveStatsFromTl(pMac, tlStats);
+                  }
+                  if(pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.periodicity)
+                  {
+                     //start timer
+                     status = palTimerStart(pMac->hHdd, pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.hTlStatsTimer, 
+                                            pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.periodicity * PAL_TIMER_TO_MS_UNIT, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+                     if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+                     {
+                        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrGetStatistics:cannot start TlStatsTimer timer\n"));
+                        return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+                     }
+                     pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.timerRunning = TRUE;
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+            pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.numClient++;
+         }
+         insertInClientList = TRUE;
+      }
+      //if one time report requested with non cached result from PE/TL
+      else if(!cache && !periodicity)
+      {
+         if(statsMask & ~(1 << eCsrGlobalClassDStats))
+         {
+            //send down a req
+            status = csrSendMBStatsReqMsg(pMac, statsMask & ~(1 << eCsrGlobalClassDStats), staId);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+               smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrGetStatistics:failed to send down stats req to PE\n"));
+            }
+            //so that when the stats rsp comes back from PE we respond to upper layer
+            //right away
+            staEntry.timerExpired = TRUE;
+            insertInClientList = TRUE;
+         }
+         if(statsMask & (1 << eCsrGlobalClassDStats))
+         {
+#if 0
+                         // TODO : Per Session info connectedInfo
+            //req TL for class D stats
+            if(WLANTL_GetStatistics(pMac->roam.gVosContext, &tlStats, pMac->roam.connectedInfo.staId))
+            {
+               smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrGetStatistics:couldn't get the stats from TL\n"));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               //save in SME
+               csrRoamSaveStatsFromTl(pMac, tlStats);
+            }
+         }
+         //if looking for stats from TL only 
+         if(!insertInClientList)
+         {
+            //return the stats
+            csrRoamReportStatistics(pMac, statsMask, callback, staId, pContext);
+         }
+      }
+      if(insertInClientList)
+      {
+         pStaEntry = csrRoamInsertEntryIntoList(pMac, &pMac->roam.statsClientReqList, &staEntry); 
+         if(!pStaEntry)
+         {
+            //msg
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrGetStatistics: Failed to insert req in statsClientReqList\n");
+            return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+         }
+         //Init & start timer if needed
+         if(periodicity)
+         {
+            vosStatus = vos_timer_init( &pStaEntry->timer, VOS_TIMER_TYPE_SW, 
+                                        csrRoamStatsClientTimerHandler, pStaEntry );
+            if ( !VOS_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS( vosStatus ) )
+            {
+               smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrGetStatistics:cannot init StatsClient timer\n"));
+               return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+            }
+            vosStatus = vos_timer_start( &pStaEntry->timer, periodicity );
+            if ( !VOS_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS( vosStatus ) ) 
+            {
+               smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrGetStatistics:cannot start StatsClient timer\n"));
+               return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+tCsrPeStatsReqInfo * csrRoamCheckPeStatsReqList(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32  statsMask, 
+                                                tANI_U32 periodicity, tANI_BOOLEAN *pFound, tANI_U8 staId)
+   tANI_BOOLEAN found = FALSE;
+   eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   tCsrPeStatsReqInfo staEntry;
+   tCsrPeStatsReqInfo *pTempStaEntry = NULL;
+   tListElem *pStaEntry = NULL;
+   VOS_STATUS vosStatus;
+   tPmcPowerState powerState;
+   *pFound = FALSE;
+   pStaEntry = csrRoamFindInPeStatsReqList(pMac, statsMask);
+   if(pStaEntry)
+   {
+      pTempStaEntry = GET_BASE_ADDR( pStaEntry, tCsrPeStatsReqInfo, link );
+      if(pTempStaEntry->periodicity)
+      {
+         pTempStaEntry->periodicity = 
+            CSR_ROAM_MIN(periodicity, pTempStaEntry->periodicity);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         pTempStaEntry->periodicity = periodicity;
+      }
+      pTempStaEntry->numClient++;
+         found = TRUE;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      palZeroMemory(pMac->hHdd, &staEntry, sizeof(tCsrPeStatsReqInfo));
+      staEntry.numClient = 1;
+      staEntry.periodicity = periodicity;
+      staEntry.pMac = pMac;
+      staEntry.rspPending = FALSE;
+      staEntry.staId = staId;
+      staEntry.statsMask = statsMask;
+      staEntry.timerRunning = FALSE;
+      pTempStaEntry = csrRoamInsertEntryIntoPeStatsReqList(pMac, &pMac->roam.peStatsReqList, &staEntry); 
+      if(!pTempStaEntry)
+      {
+         //msg
+         smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamCheckPeStatsReqList: Failed to insert req in peStatsReqList\n");
+         return NULL;
+      }
+   }
+   pmcQueryPowerState(pMac, &powerState, NULL, NULL);
+   if(ePMC_FULL_POWER == powerState)
+   {
+      if(pTempStaEntry->periodicity < pMac->roam.configParam.statsReqPeriodicity)
+      {
+         pTempStaEntry->periodicity = pMac->roam.configParam.statsReqPeriodicity;
+      }
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      if(pTempStaEntry->periodicity < pMac->roam.configParam.statsReqPeriodicityInPS)
+      {
+         pTempStaEntry->periodicity = pMac->roam.configParam.statsReqPeriodicityInPS;
+      }
+   }
+   if(!pTempStaEntry->timerRunning)
+   {
+      //send down a req in case of one time req, for periodic ones wait for timer to expire
+      if(!pTempStaEntry->rspPending && 
+         !pTempStaEntry->periodicity)
+      {
+         status = csrSendMBStatsReqMsg(pMac, statsMask & ~(1 << eCsrGlobalClassDStats), staId);
+         if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+         {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrRoamCheckPeStatsReqList:failed to send down stats req to PE\n"));
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            pTempStaEntry->rspPending = TRUE;
+         }
+      }
+      if(pTempStaEntry->periodicity)
+      {
+         if(!found)
+         {
+            vosStatus = vos_timer_init( &pTempStaEntry->hPeStatsTimer, VOS_TIMER_TYPE_SW, 
+                                        csrRoamPeStatsTimerHandler, pTempStaEntry );
+            if ( !VOS_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS( vosStatus ) )
+            {
+               smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrRoamCheckPeStatsReqList:cannot init hPeStatsTimer timer\n"));
+               return NULL;
+            }
+         }
+         //start timer
+         smsLog(pMac, LOG1, "csrRoamCheckPeStatsReqList:peStatsTimer period %d\n", pTempStaEntry->periodicity);
+         vosStatus = vos_timer_start( &pTempStaEntry->hPeStatsTimer, pTempStaEntry->periodicity );
+         if ( !VOS_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS( vosStatus ) ) 
+         {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrRoamCheckPeStatsReqList:cannot start hPeStatsTimer timer\n"));
+            return NULL;
+         }
+         pTempStaEntry->timerRunning = TRUE;
+      }
+   }
+   *pFound = found;
+   return pTempStaEntry;
+    pStaEntry is no longer invalid upon the return of this function.
+static void csrRoamRemoveStatListEntry(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tListElem *pEntry)
+    if(pEntry)
+    {
+        if(csrLLRemoveEntry(&pMac->roam.statsClientReqList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_LOCK))
+        {
+            palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tCsrStatsClientReqInfo, link ));
+        }
+    }
+void csrRoamRemoveEntryFromPeStatsReqList(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tCsrPeStatsReqInfo *pPeStaEntry)
+   tListElem *pEntry;
+   tCsrPeStatsReqInfo *pTempStaEntry;
+   VOS_STATUS vosStatus;
+   pEntry = csrLLPeekHead( &pMac->roam.peStatsReqList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK );
+   if(!pEntry)
+   {
+      //list empty
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamRemoveEntryFromPeStatsReqList: List empty, no stats req for PE\n");
+      return;
+   }
+   while( pEntry )
+   {
+      pTempStaEntry = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tCsrPeStatsReqInfo, link );
+      if( pTempStaEntry && pTempStaEntry->statsMask == pPeStaEntry->statsMask)
+      {
+         smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamRemoveEntryFromPeStatsReqList: match found\n");
+         if(pTempStaEntry->timerRunning)
+         {
+            vosStatus = vos_timer_stop( &pTempStaEntry->hPeStatsTimer );
+            /* If we are not able to stop the timer here, just remove 
+             * the entry from the linked list. Destroy the timer object 
+             * and free the memory in the timer CB
+             */
+            if( vosStatus == VOS_STATUS_SUCCESS )
+            {
+               /* the timer is successfully stopped */
+               pTempStaEntry->timerRunning = FALSE;
+               /* Destroy the timer */
+               vosStatus = vos_timer_destroy( &pTempStaEntry->hPeStatsTimer );
+               if ( !VOS_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS( vosStatus ) )
+               {
+                  smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrRoamRemoveEntryFromPeStatsReqList:failed to destroy hPeStatsTimer timer\n"));
+               }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               // the timer could not be stopped. Hence destroy and free the 
+               // memory for the PE stat entry in the timer CB.
+               pTempStaEntry->timerStopFailed = TRUE;
+            }
+         }
+         if(csrLLRemoveEntry(&pMac->roam.peStatsReqList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_LOCK))
+         {
+            // Only free the memory if we could stop the timer successfully
+            if(!pTempStaEntry->timerStopFailed)
+            {
+               palFreeMemory(pMac->hHdd, pTempStaEntry);
+               pTempStaEntry = NULL;
+            }
+            break;
+         }
+         pEntry = csrLLNext( &pMac->roam.peStatsReqList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK );
+      }
+   }
+   return;
+void csrRoamSaveStatsFromTl(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, WLANTL_TRANSFER_STA_TYPE tlStats)
+   pMac->roam.classDStatsInfo.num_rx_bytes_crc_ok = tlStats.rxBcntCRCok;
+   pMac->roam.classDStatsInfo.rx_bc_byte_cnt = tlStats.rxBCBcnt;
+   pMac->roam.classDStatsInfo.rx_bc_frm_cnt = tlStats.rxBCFcnt;
+   pMac->roam.classDStatsInfo.rx_byte_cnt = tlStats.rxBcnt;
+   pMac->roam.classDStatsInfo.rx_mc_byte_cnt = tlStats.rxMCBcnt;
+   pMac->roam.classDStatsInfo.rx_mc_frm_cnt = tlStats.rxMCFcnt;
+   pMac->roam.classDStatsInfo.rx_rate = tlStats.rxRate;
+   //?? need per AC
+   pMac->roam.classDStatsInfo.rx_uc_byte_cnt[0] = tlStats.rxUCBcnt;
+   pMac->roam.classDStatsInfo.rx_uc_frm_cnt = tlStats.rxUCFcnt;
+   pMac->roam.classDStatsInfo.tx_bc_byte_cnt = tlStats.txBCBcnt;
+   pMac->roam.classDStatsInfo.tx_bc_frm_cnt = tlStats.txBCFcnt;
+   pMac->roam.classDStatsInfo.tx_mc_byte_cnt = tlStats.txMCBcnt;
+   pMac->roam.classDStatsInfo.tx_mc_frm_cnt = tlStats.txMCFcnt;
+   //?? need per AC
+   pMac->roam.classDStatsInfo.tx_uc_byte_cnt[0] = tlStats.txUCBcnt;
+   pMac->roam.classDStatsInfo.tx_uc_frm_cnt = tlStats.txUCFcnt;
+void csrRoamReportStatistics(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 statsMask, 
+                             tCsrStatsCallback callback, tANI_U8 staId, void *pContext)
+   tANI_U8 stats[500];
+   tANI_U8 *pStats = NULL;
+   tANI_U32 tempMask = 0;
+   tANI_U8 counter = 0;
+   eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+   if(!callback)
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrRoamReportStatistics:cannot report callback NULL\n"));
+      return;
+   }
+   if(!statsMask)
+   {
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrRoamReportStatistics:cannot report statsMask is 0\n"));
+      return;
+   }
+   pStats = stats;
+   tempMask = statsMask;
+   while(tempMask)
+   {
+      if(tempMask & 1)
+      {
+         //new stats info from PE, fill up the stats strucutres in PMAC
+         switch(counter)
+         {
+         case eCsrSummaryStats:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamReportStatistics:summary stats\n"));
+            status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pStats, (tANI_U8 *)&pMac->roam.summaryStatsInfo, 
+                                   sizeof(tCsrSummaryStatsInfo));
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+               smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamReportStatistics:failed to copy summary stats\n"));
+            }
+            pStats += sizeof(tCsrSummaryStatsInfo);
+            break;
+         case eCsrGlobalClassAStats:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamReportStatistics:ClassA stats\n"));
+            status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pStats, (tANI_U8 *)&pMac->roam.classAStatsInfo, 
+                                   sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassAStatsInfo));
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+               smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamReportStatistics:failed to copy ClassA stats\n"));
+            }
+            pStats += sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassAStatsInfo);
+            break;
+         case eCsrGlobalClassBStats:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamReportStatistics:ClassB stats\n"));
+            status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pStats, (tANI_U8 *)&pMac->roam.classBStatsInfo, 
+                                   sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassBStatsInfo));
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+               smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamReportStatistics:failed to copy ClassB stats\n"));
+            }
+            pStats += sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassBStatsInfo);
+            break;
+         case eCsrGlobalClassCStats:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamReportStatistics:ClassC stats\n"));
+            status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pStats, (tANI_U8 *)&pMac->roam.classCStatsInfo, 
+                                   sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassCStatsInfo));
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+               smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamReportStatistics:failed to copy ClassC stats\n"));
+            }
+            pStats += sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassCStatsInfo);
+            break;
+         case eCsrGlobalClassDStats:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamReportStatistics:ClassD stats\n"));
+            status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pStats, (tANI_U8 *)&pMac->roam.classDStatsInfo, 
+                                   sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassDStatsInfo));
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+               smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamReportStatistics:failed to copy ClassD stats\n"));
+            }
+            pStats += sizeof(tCsrGlobalClassDStatsInfo);
+            break;
+         case eCsrPerStaStats:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamReportStatistics:PerSta stats\n"));
+            status = palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pStats, (tANI_U8 *)&pMac->roam.perStaStatsInfo[staId], 
+                                   sizeof(tCsrPerStaStatsInfo));
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+               smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamReportStatistics:failed to copy PerSta stats\n"));
+            }
+            pStats += sizeof(tCsrPerStaStatsInfo);
+            break;
+         default:
+            smsLog( pMac, LOG1, FL("csrRoamReportStatistics:unknown stats type\n"));
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+      tempMask >>=1;
+      counter++;
+   }
+   callback(stats, pContext );
+eHalStatus csrRoamDeregStatisticsReq(tpAniSirGlobal pMac)
+   tListElem *pEntry = NULL;
+   tListElem *pPrevEntry = NULL;
+   tCsrStatsClientReqInfo *pTempStaEntry = NULL;
+   eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+   VOS_STATUS vosStatus;
+   pEntry = csrLLPeekHead( &pMac->roam.statsClientReqList, LL_ACCESS_LOCK );
+   if(!pEntry)
+   {
+      //list empty
+      smsLog(pMac, LOGW, "csrRoamDeregStatisticsReq: List empty, no request from "
+             "upper layer client(s)\n");
+      return status;
+   }
+   while( pEntry )
+   {
+      if(pPrevEntry)
+      {
+         pTempStaEntry = GET_BASE_ADDR( pPrevEntry, tCsrStatsClientReqInfo, link );
+         //send up the stats report
+         csrRoamReportStatistics(pMac, pTempStaEntry->statsMask, pTempStaEntry->callback, 
+                                 pTempStaEntry->staId, pTempStaEntry->pContext);
+         csrRoamRemoveStatListEntry(pMac, pPrevEntry);
+      }
+      pTempStaEntry = GET_BASE_ADDR( pEntry, tCsrStatsClientReqInfo, link );
+      if (pTempStaEntry->pPeStaEntry)  //pPeStaEntry can be NULL
+      {
+      pTempStaEntry->pPeStaEntry->numClient--;
+      //check if we need to delete the entry from peStatsReqList too
+      if(!pTempStaEntry->pPeStaEntry->numClient)
+      {
+         csrRoamRemoveEntryFromPeStatsReqList(pMac, pTempStaEntry->pPeStaEntry);
+      }
+      }
+      //check if we need to stop the tl stats timer too 
+      pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.numClient--;
+      if(!pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.numClient)
+      {
+         if(pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.timerRunning)
+         {
+            status = palTimerStop(pMac->hHdd, pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.hTlStatsTimer);
+            if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+            {
+               smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrRoamDeregStatisticsReq:cannot stop TlStatsTimer timer\n"));
+               //we will continue
+            }
+         }
+         pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.periodicity = 0;
+         pMac->roam.tlStatsReqInfo.timerRunning = FALSE;
+      }
+      if (pTempStaEntry->periodicity)
+      {
+          //While creating StaEntry in csrGetStatistics,
+          //Initializing and starting timer only when periodicity is set. 
+          //So Stop and Destroy timer only when periodicity is set.
+      vos_timer_stop( &pTempStaEntry->timer );
+      // Destroy the vos timer...      
+      vosStatus = vos_timer_destroy( &pTempStaEntry->timer );
+      if ( !VOS_IS_STATUS_SUCCESS( vosStatus ) )
+      {
+         smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("csrRoamDeregStatisticsReq:failed to destroy Client req timer\n"));
+      }
+      }
+      pPrevEntry = pEntry;
+      pEntry = csrLLNext( &pMac->roam.statsClientReqList, pEntry, LL_ACCESS_NOLOCK );
+   }
+   //the last one
+   if(pPrevEntry)
+   {
+      pTempStaEntry = GET_BASE_ADDR( pPrevEntry, tCsrStatsClientReqInfo, link );
+      //send up the stats report
+      csrRoamReportStatistics(pMac, pTempStaEntry->statsMask, pTempStaEntry->callback, 
+                                 pTempStaEntry->staId, pTempStaEntry->pContext);
+      csrRoamRemoveStatListEntry(pMac, pPrevEntry);
+   }
+   return status;
+eHalStatus csrIsFullPowerNeeded( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand, 
+                                   tRequestFullPowerReason *pReason,
+                                   tANI_BOOLEAN *pfNeedPower )
+    tRequestFullPowerReason reason = eSME_REASON_OTHER;
+    tPmcState pmcState;
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+        // TODO : Session info unavailable
+        tANI_U32 sessionId = 0;
+    if( pfNeedPower )
+    {
+        *pfNeedPower = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+    }
+        //We only handle CSR commands
+        if( !(eSmeCsrCommandMask & pCommand->command) )
+        {
+                return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+        }
+    //Check PMC state first
+    pmcState = pmcGetPmcState( pMac );
+    switch( pmcState )
+    {
+    case REQUEST_IMPS:
+    case IMPS:
+        if( eSmeCommandScan == pCommand->command )
+        {
+            switch( pCommand->u.scanCmd.reason )
+            {
+            case eCsrScanGetResult:
+            case eCsrScanBGScanAbort:
+            case eCsrScanBGScanEnable:
+            case eCsrScanGetScanChnInfo:
+                //Internal process, no need for full power
+                fNeedFullPower = eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE;
+                break;
+            default:
+                //Other scans are real scan, ask for power
+                fNeedFullPower = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                break;
+            } //switch
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            //ask for power for roam and status change
+            fNeedFullPower = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+        }
+        break;
+    case REQUEST_BMPS:
+    case BMPS:
+    case UAPSD:
+    //We treat WOWL same as BMPS
+    case WOWL:
+        if( eSmeCommandRoam == pCommand->command )
+        {
+            tScanResultList *pBSSList = (tScanResultList *)pCommand->u.roamCmd.hBSSList;
+            tCsrScanResult *pScanResult;
+            tListElem *pEntry;
+            switch ( pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason )
+            {
+            case eCsrForcedDisassoc:
+            case eCsrForcedDisassocMICFailure:
+                reason = eSME_LINK_DISCONNECTED_BY_HDD;
+                fNeedFullPower = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                break;
+                case eCsrSmeIssuedDisassocForHandoff:
+            case eCsrForcedDeauth:
+            case eCsrHddIssuedReassocToSameAP:
+            case eCsrSmeIssuedReassocToSameAP:
+                fNeedFullPower = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                break;
+            case eCsrCapsChange:
+                fNeedFullPower = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                break;
+            default:
+                //Check whether the profile is already connected. If so, no need for full power
+                //Note: IBSS is ignored for now because we don't support powersave in IBSS
+                if ( csrIsConnStateConnectedInfra(pMac, sessionId) && pBSSList )
+                {
+                    //Only need to check the first one
+                    pEntry = csrLLPeekHead(&pBSSList->List, LL_ACCESS_LOCK);
+                    if( pEntry )
+                    {
+                        pScanResult = GET_BASE_ADDR(pEntry, tCsrScanResult, Link);
+#if 0
+                                                // TODO : Session Specific info pConnectBssDesc
+                        if( csrIsBssIdEqual( pMac, &pScanResult->Result.BssDescriptor, pMac->roam.pConnectBssDesc ) &&
+                            csrIsSsidEqual( pMac, pMac->roam.pConnectBssDesc, 
+                                            &pScanResult->Result.BssDescriptor, (tDot11fBeaconIEs *)( pScanResult->Result.pvIes ) ) )
+                        {
+                            // Check to see if the Auth type has changed in the Profile.  If so, we don't want to Reassociate
+                            // with Authenticating first.  To force this, stop the current association (Disassociate) and 
+                            // then re 'Join' the AP, wihch will force an Authentication (with the new Auth type) followed by 
+                            // a new Association.
+                            if(csrIsSameProfile(pMac, &pMac->roam.connectedProfile, pProfile))
+                            {
+                                if(csrRoamIsSameProfileKeys(pMac, &pMac->roam.connectedProfile, pProfile))
+                                {
+                                    //Done, eventually, the command reaches eCsrReassocToSelfNoCapChange;
+                                    //No need for full power
+                                    //Set the flag so the code later can avoid to do the above
+                                    //check again.
+                                    pCommand->u.roamCmd.fReassocToSelfNoCapChange = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                //If we are here, full power is needed
+                fNeedFullPower = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        else if( eSmeCommandWmStatusChange == pCommand->command )
+        {
+            //need full power for all
+            fNeedFullPower = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+            reason = eSME_LINK_DISCONNECTED_BY_OTHER;
+        }
+        break;
+        if( eSmeCommandRoam == pCommand->command )
+        {
+            fNeedFullPower = eANI_BOOLEAN_TRUE;
+            switch ( pCommand->u.roamCmd.roamReason )
+            {
+                case eCsrForcedDisassoc:
+                case eCsrForcedDisassocMICFailure:
+                    reason = eSME_LINK_DISCONNECTED_BY_HDD;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    break;
+            }
+                }
+        break;
+    case STOPPED:
+    case STANDBY:
+    case LOW_POWER:
+        //We are not supposed to do anything
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL( "  cannot process because PMC is in stopped/standby state %d\n" ), pmcState );
+        status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+        break;
+    case FULL_POWER:
+    default:
+        //No need to ask for full power. This has to be FULL_POWER state
+        break;
+    } //switch
+    if( pReason )
+    {
+        *pReason = reason;
+    }
+    if( pfNeedPower )
+    {
+        *pfNeedPower = fNeedFullPower;
+    }
+    return ( status );
+static eHalStatus csrRequestFullPower( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tRequestFullPowerReason reason = eSME_REASON_OTHER;
+    status = csrIsFullPowerNeeded( pMac, pCommand, &reason, &fNeedFullPower );
+    if( fNeedFullPower && HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+    {
+        status = pmcRequestFullPower(pMac, csrFullPowerCallback, pMac, reason);
+    }
+    return ( status );
+tSmeCmd *csrGetCommandBuffer( tpAniSirGlobal pMac )
+    tSmeCmd *pCmd = smeGetCommandBuffer( pMac );
+    if( pCmd )
+    {
+        pMac->roam.sPendingCommands++;
+    }
+    return ( pCmd );
+void csrReleaseCommand(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand)
+   if (pMac->roam.sPendingCommands > 0)
+   {
+       //All command allocated through csrGetCommandBuffer need to
+       //decrement the pending count when releasing.
+       pMac->roam.sPendingCommands--;
+       smeReleaseCommand( pMac, pCommand );
+   }
+   else
+   {
+       smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL( "no pending commands"));
+       VOS_ASSERT(0);
+   }
+//Return SUCCESS is the command is queued, failed
+eHalStatus csrQueueSmeCommand( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tSmeCmd *pCommand, tANI_BOOLEAN fHighPriority )
+    eHalStatus status;
+    if( (eSmeCommandScan == pCommand->command) && pMac->scan.fDropScanCmd )
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGW, FL(" drop scan (scan reason %d) command"),
+           pCommand->u.scanCmd.reason);
+        return eHAL_STATUS_CSR_WRONG_STATE;
+    }
+    //We can call request full power first before putting the command into pending Q
+    //because we are holding SME lock at this point.
+    status = csrRequestFullPower( pMac, pCommand );
+    if( HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS( status ) )
+    {
+        tANI_BOOLEAN fNoCmdPending;
+        //make sure roamCmdPendingList is not empty first
+        fNoCmdPending = csrLLIsListEmpty( &pMac->roam.roamCmdPendingList, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE );
+        if( fNoCmdPending )
+        {
+            smePushCommand( pMac, pCommand, fHighPriority );
+        }
+        else
+        {
+             //Other commands are waiting for PMC callback, queue the new command to the pending Q
+            //no list lock is needed since SME lock is held
+            if( !fHighPriority )
+            {
+                csrLLInsertTail( &pMac->roam.roamCmdPendingList, &pCommand->Link, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE );
+            }
+            else {
+                csrLLInsertHead( &pMac->roam.roamCmdPendingList, &pCommand->Link, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE );
+            }
+       }
+    }
+    else if( eHAL_STATUS_PMC_PENDING == status )
+    {
+        //no list lock is needed since SME lock is held
+        if( !fHighPriority )
+        {
+            csrLLInsertTail( &pMac->roam.roamCmdPendingList, &pCommand->Link, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE );
+        }
+        else {
+            csrLLInsertHead( &pMac->roam.roamCmdPendingList, &pCommand->Link, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE );
+        }
+        //Let caller know the command is queue
+        status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        //Not to decrease pMac->roam.sPendingCommands here. Caller will decrease it when it 
+        //release the command.
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL( "  cannot queue command %d\n" ), pCommand->command );
+    }
+    return ( status );
+eHalStatus csrRoamUpdateAPWPSIE( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tSirAPWPSIEs* pAPWPSIES )
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSirUpdateAPWPSIEsReq *pMsg;
+    tANI_U8 *pBuf = NULL, *wTmpBuf = NULL;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if (NULL == pSession)
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL( "  Session does not exist for session id %d" ), sessionId);
+        return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    }
+    do
+    {
+        status = palAllocateMemory( pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, sizeof(tSirUpdateAPWPSIEsReq) );
+        if (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) break;
+        palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, pMsg, sizeof(tSirUpdateAPWPSIEsReq) );
+        pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_UPDATE_APWPSIE_REQ);
+        pBuf = (tANI_U8 *)&pMsg->transactionId;
+        wTmpBuf = pBuf;
+        // transactionId
+        *pBuf = 0;
+        *( pBuf + 1 ) = 0;
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+        // bssId
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, &pSession->selfMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+        //sessionId
+        *pBuf++ = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        // APWPSIEs
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tSirAPWPSIEs *)pBuf, pAPWPSIES, sizeof(tSirAPWPSIEs));
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirAPWPSIEs);
+        pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)(sizeof(tANI_U32) + (pBuf - wTmpBuf))); //msg_header + msg
+        status = palSendMBMessage(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+    } while( 0 );
+    return ( status );
+eHalStatus csrRoamUpdateWPARSNIEs( tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tSirRSNie * pAPSirRSNie)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    tSirUpdateAPWPARSNIEsReq *pMsg;
+    tANI_U8 *pBuf = NULL, *wTmpBuf = NULL;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if (NULL == pSession)
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL( "  Session does not exist for session id %d" ), sessionId);
+        return eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    }
+    do
+    {
+        status = palAllocateMemory( pMac->hHdd, (void **)&pMsg, sizeof(tSirUpdateAPWPARSNIEsReq) );
+        if (!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status)) break;
+        palZeroMemory( pMac->hHdd, pMsg, sizeof( tSirUpdateAPWPARSNIEsReq ) );
+        pMsg->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)eWNI_SME_SET_APWPARSNIEs_REQ);
+        pBuf = (tANI_U8 *)&pMsg->transactionId;
+        wTmpBuf = pBuf;
+        // transactionId
+        *pBuf = 0;
+        *( pBuf + 1 ) = 0;
+        pBuf += sizeof(tANI_U16);
+        // bssId
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tSirMacAddr *)pBuf, &pSession->selfMacAddr, sizeof(tSirMacAddr) );
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirMacAddr);
+        // sessionId
+        *pBuf++ = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        // APWPARSNIEs
+        palCopyMemory( pMac->hHdd, (tSirRSNie *)pBuf, pAPSirRSNie, sizeof(tSirRSNie));
+        pBuf += sizeof(tSirRSNie);
+        pMsg->length = pal_cpu_to_be16((tANI_U16)(sizeof(tANI_U32 ) + (pBuf - wTmpBuf))); //msg_header + msg
+    status = palSendMBMessage(pMac->hHdd, pMsg);
+    } while( 0 );
+    return ( status );
+#endif //#ifdef WLAN_SOFTAP_FEATURE
+//eHalStatus csrRoamIssueFTPreauthReq(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 sessionId, tCsrBssid preAuthBssid, tANI_U8 channelId)
+eHalStatus csrRoamIssueFTPreauthReq(tHalHandle hHal, tANI_U32 sessionId, tpSirBssDescription pBssDescription)
+    tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
+    tpSirFTPreAuthReq pftPreAuthReq;
+    tANI_U16 auth_req_len = 0;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    auth_req_len = sizeof(tSirFTPreAuthReq);
+    pftPreAuthReq = (tpSirFTPreAuthReq)vos_mem_malloc(auth_req_len);
+    if (pftPreAuthReq == NULL)
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("Memory allocation for FT Preauth request failed"));
+        return eHAL_STATUS_RESOURCES;
+    }
+    // Save the SME Session ID here. We need it while processing the preauth response
+    pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.smeSessionId = sessionId;
+    vos_mem_zero(pftPreAuthReq, auth_req_len);
+    pftPreAuthReq->pbssDescription = (tpSirBssDescription)vos_mem_malloc(
+            sizeof(pBssDescription->length) + pBssDescription->length);
+    pftPreAuthReq->messageType = pal_cpu_to_be16(eWNI_SME_FT_PRE_AUTH_REQ);
+    pftPreAuthReq->preAuthchannelNum = pBssDescription->channelId;
+    palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void *)&pftPreAuthReq->currbssId, (void *)pSession->connectedProfile.bssid, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));
+    palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void *)&pftPreAuthReq->preAuthbssId, (void *)pBssDescription->bssId, sizeof(tSirMacAddr));  
+    if (csrRoamIs11rAssoc(pMac))
+    {
+        pftPreAuthReq->ft_ies_length = (tANI_U16)pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.auth_ft_ies_length;
+        palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, pftPreAuthReq->ft_ies, pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.auth_ft_ies, 
+                                pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.auth_ft_ies_length);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        pftPreAuthReq->ft_ies_length = 0; 
+    }
+    vos_mem_copy(pftPreAuthReq->pbssDescription, pBssDescription, pBssDescription->length);
+    pftPreAuthReq->length = pal_cpu_to_be16(sizeof(tSirFTPreAuthReq) + sizeof(pBssDescription->length) +
+                                                    pBssDescription->length); 
+    return palSendMBMessage(pMac->hHdd, pftPreAuthReq);
+ * This will receive and process the FT Pre Auth Rsp from the current 
+ * associated ap. 
+ * 
+ * This will invoke the hdd call back. This is so that hdd can now
+ * send the FTIEs from the Auth Rsp (Auth Seq 2) to the supplicant.
+  ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+void csrRoamFTPreAuthRspProcessor( tHalHandle hHal, tpSirFTPreAuthRsp pFTPreAuthRsp )
+    tpAniSirGlobal pMac = PMAC_STRUCT( hHal );
+    eHalStatus  status = eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+    smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL("Preauth response status code %d"), pFTPreAuthRsp->status); 
+    csrNeighborRoamPreauthRspHandler(pMac, (VOS_STATUS)pFTPreAuthRsp->status);
+    /* The below function calls/timers should be invoked only if the pre-auth is successful */
+    if (VOS_STATUS_SUCCESS != (VOS_STATUS)pFTPreAuthRsp->status)
+        return;
+    // Implies a success
+    pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.FTState = eFT_AUTH_COMPLETE;
+    // Indicate SME QoS module the completion of Preauth success. This will trigger the creation of RIC IEs
+    pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.psavedFTPreAuthRsp = pFTPreAuthRsp;
+    sme_QosCsrEventInd(pMac, pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.smeSessionId, SME_QOS_CSR_PREAUTH_SUCCESS_IND, NULL);
+    /* Start the pre-auth reassoc interval timer with a period of 400ms. When this expires, 
+     * actual transition from the current to handoff AP is triggered */
+    status = palTimerStart(pMac->hHdd, pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.preAuthReassocIntvlTimer,
+                                                            60 * PAL_TIMER_TO_MS_UNIT,
+                                                            eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+    if (eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS != status)
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL("Preauth reassoc interval timer start failed to start with status %d\n"), status);
+        return;
+    }
+    // Save the received response
+    palCopyMemory(pMac->hHdd, (void *)&pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.preAuthbssId, (void *)pFTPreAuthRsp->preAuthbssId, sizeof(tCsrBssid));
+    if (csrRoamIs11rAssoc(pMac))
+       csrRoamCallCallback(pMac, pFTPreAuthRsp->smeSessionId, NULL, 0, 
+                        eCSR_ROAM_FT_RESPONSE, eCSR_ROAM_RESULT_NONE);
+    // Currently we dont do anything special for CCX connection.
+    // Done with it, init it.
+    pMac->ft.ftSmeContext.psavedFTPreAuthRsp = NULL;
+void csrRoamJoinRetryTimerHandler(void *pv)
+    tCsrTimerInfo *pInfo = (tCsrTimerInfo *)pv;
+    tpAniSirGlobal pMac = pInfo->pMac;
+    tANI_U32 sessionId = pInfo->sessionId;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession;
+    if( CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID(pMac, sessionId) )
+    {
+        smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL( "  retrying the last roam profile on session %d\n" ), sessionId );
+        pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+        if(pSession->pCurRoamProfile && csrIsConnStateDisconnected(pMac, sessionId))
+        {
+            if( !HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(csrRoamJoinLastProfile(pMac, sessionId)) )
+            {
+               smsLog( pMac, LOGE, FL( "  fail to retry the last roam profile\n" ) );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+eHalStatus csrRoamStartJoinRetryTimer(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId, tANI_U32 interval)
+    eHalStatus status = eHAL_STATUS_FAILURE;
+    tCsrRoamSession *pSession = CSR_GET_SESSION( pMac, sessionId );
+    if(pSession->pCurRoamProfile && pSession->maxRetryCount)
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" call sessionId %d retry count %d left\n "), sessionId, pSession->maxRetryCount);
+        pSession->maxRetryCount--;
+        pSession->joinRetryTimerInfo.pMac = pMac;
+        pSession->joinRetryTimerInfo.sessionId = (tANI_U8)sessionId;
+        status = palTimerStart(pMac->hHdd, pSession->hTimerJoinRetry, interval, eANI_BOOLEAN_FALSE);
+        if(!HAL_STATUS_SUCCESS(status))
+        {
+            smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" fail to start timer status %s \n "), status);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        smsLog(pMac, LOGE, FL(" not to start timer due to no profile or reach mac ret (%d)\n "), 
+               pSession->maxRetryCount);
+    }
+    return (status);
+eHalStatus csrRoamStopJoinRetryTimer(tpAniSirGlobal pMac, tANI_U32 sessionId)
+    smsLog(pMac, LOGE, " csrRoamStopJoinRetryTimer \n ");
+    if( CSR_IS_SESSION_VALID(pMac, sessionId) )
+    {
+        return (palTimerStop(pMac->hHdd, pMac->roam.roamSession[sessionId].hTimerJoinRetry));
+    }
+    return eHAL_STATUS_SUCCESS;
+  pBuf points to the beginning of the message
+  LIM packs disassoc rsp as below,
+      messageType - 2 bytes
+      messageLength - 2 bytes
+      sessionId - 1 byte
+      transactionId - 2 bytes (tANI_U16)
+      reasonCode - 4 bytes (sizeof(tSirResultCodes))
+      peerMacAddr - 6 bytes
+      The rest is conditionally defined of (WNI_POLARIS_FW_PRODUCT == AP) and not used
+static void csrSerDesUnpackDiassocRsp(tANI_U8 *pBuf, tSirSmeDisassocRsp *pRsp)
+   if(pBuf && pRsp)
+   {
+      pBuf += 4; //skip type and length
+      pRsp->sessionId  = *pBuf++;
+      pal_get_U16( pBuf, (tANI_U16 *)&pRsp->transactionId );
+      pBuf += 2;
+      pal_get_U32( pBuf, (tANI_U32 *)&pRsp->statusCode );
+      pBuf += 4;
+      vos_mem_copy(pRsp->peerMacAddr, pBuf, 6);
+   }